The Seaforth News, 1953-03-12, Page 7I,M HIECatVert SPORTS COLUMN Eeofeit ?e, yoadoe • Thele: al'e those sports .followers who believe That, in matters of sport, the Cana- dian colleges have withdrawn too latch within themselves, by limiting, plainly, their athletic competition to inter -college play. Some critics even go so far as to in- timate that there should be, in Canadian college football, a "bowl" game between east and west, played annually, This writer is not in agreement with such theories. We • believe Canadian colleges have struck a very sound perspective in their survey of sports, by making study the paramount thing. We think it will be a sorry day indeed when the only standard we have for collegiate superiority is the ability to win at foot- ball; hockey, or other games, Sports can be justified as sport in our eclueational system only when played primarily for the student body and by the boys who are enrolled through normal channels. These boys should desire to play as a normal phase of their collegiate life. We don't believe the day will ever come in Canada when, !even in ratio, collegiate sport will reach the highly com- mer('btlized status achieved by the American football teams In the myriad "bowl" games played on New Year's Day. There were at least 12 of these in the United States, ranging from the J'eltnut Bowl in Georgia to the gigantic Bose Bowl show in I"asailena, Over two million dollars was netted, and turned over to the competing schools and Conferences and associated rpstitutlons that shared in the cuts. 7'hut's all very nice. 13ut if you happen to reflect on the situation, and get beneath the money, the roses, and the glamour, and the printer's ink so profusely spilled, It may suddenly dawn on you that these things have no educational value, that it may be an insult to the educational process to turn college boys into a trained act to be trotted out before the clamoring throng, 1314 the golden ladle is there and the appeal is apparently hard to resist. So credit is due to those American schools which rejected this last act of mass entertainment and told their players to go back to their studies. This year's bowl extravanganzas were bigger and louder than ever, but each year the available cast grows more limited, as one smaller school after another, and some of the larger schools, too, abandon an enterprise which places the emphasis on physical power, So we should be a little proud of the fact that Canadian colleges permit no such commercialization of the students. Studies are the paramount thing, sport a pleasant side -line, relegated to its proper place. Your comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Yonge St., Toronto, Calvert DISTILLERS LIMITED AMHERS1BURG, ONTARIO P,ORT A SLXBITC In the course of a long career xa) a sideline onlooker — both baud and paying—.at athletic pas- times, we have seen various cit- ies, towns and communities go what you might call fairly goofy ever a variety of sports. In fact when we consider some of the doings -oh we have witnessed when, for instance, a bunch of erofessional athletes gathered from all over the continent wear- :tltg Winnipeg uniforms engage :in a game of football with a Wailer bunch wearing Argonaut Jai:dorms, we have sometimes 'ken inclined to think that the Lrlttmate height of goofiness had Seen reached. * e e But, apparently, such a con - elusion would have been consid- eably astray. Compared to the rosy American basketball fans )Melte their favorite sport, we Ca- nadians who bust a gusset over hockey or football are cold, aloof end without enthusiasm. As wit- nees the following quotes from lG a New York Times article writ- ten by Kenneth S. Davis, who lives in Manhattan, Kansas, deep in the heart of the United States basketball belt. Take it away, Mr. Davis! 0 0 a A student of that peculiarly American phenomenon "sports fever" could not do better, right now, than visit this Kansas col- lege town where everybody is• "nuts about basketball." The scene here is typical of hundreds of other communities over the country, though there are few perhaps where the mania is more highly concentrated upon a sin- gle sport. The symptoms of lun- acy may be slightly more ob- trusive this year- than usual as Kansas State has been consist- ently rated among the "top ten" college teams in weekly national polls. a e 4 At 8 o'clock on a basketball night the huge $2,500,000 field - house, completed two years ago fiYfo Nicks Please—Well aware that a deep 'scratch would scrape off a lot of .valuable metal, gold -bar counters and weighers at1ieck government-owned gold carefully. The 24 -carat bricks are balanced delicately as the gold Is assayed. A truckload of bars already assayed can be seen at lower right. Where's The Ball?—Looking like people playing a game of blind man's buff, these three basketball players seek and reach In every direction for the ball which seems to be floating off at far right. (one of the five largest college structures in America), is packed by 11,500 to 12,000 people, though Manhattan's population, includ- ing 5,000 K -State students, is barely 17,000, The main lights go down. Only the court remains brilliantly focused, and two spots beam upon a huge American flag hanging above the court's center. Out of loudspeakers above the hushed throng used to come a mellifluous voice saying ° (until recently, when the administra- tion called for a slight change of script): "Welcome to big -tine basketball as played in Kansas State's new fieldhouse." The starting players are introduced individually, each of them drib- bling a basketball out onto the court and passing back to the next in line as the crowd roars its applause. Then officials and coaches are introduced, the K - State coach, Jack Gardner, in- variably receiving a standing ovation. By this time the crowd is welded by a single excitement which maintains itself through tremendous peaks and slight valleys until the game ends. I've personally seen and felt nothing like this save, perhaps, during two or three minutes of a bull- fight, once in Mexico City. a o e To partake of this intoxication people 300 miles away buy sea- son tickets, often driving to Man- hattan for a Saturday -night game, returning home that same night, then driving over and back again for a Monday -night game, A Colorado Alumnus of K -State last year arranged his return from a South American vacation so that he'd be in the fieldhouse for a game which he'd heard might decide Big Seven standings. s a a Pregnant women in these parts have been known to insist upon a radio in the delivery room on game nights—a request the doc- tor, being as delirious as his pa- tients, does not deny. Few civic clubs, or church organizations, or women's clubs are so foolish as to schedule meetings on basket- ball nights. Rare is the .hostess who dares to give a dinner party on a night when the team is playing out of town. without an- nouncing that "our radio will be on." a Even the fine arts here reflect basketball fever. The public li- brary has been exhibiting paint- ings by Hobart Hays, instructor in fine arts at K -State, and his show has been the most popular the library has had in a long time. It features oil paintings of Jesse Prisock and Bob Roussy, key membersof this years five, in action on the court. 5 i e There was a lot of faculty com- ment when fans gave a 32,000 silver service and a 'Chevrolet. sedan to coach Gardner two years ago. "Jack doubtless de- serves the adulation of the fans,' President James A. McClain de- clared. "But it's regrettable that comparable recognition isn't giv- en such other members of our :daft, as the scientists who de- veloped now wheat varieties which; last summer, brought. our farmers well over $100 mil- lion of extra income."y a a * To which we can only add— with a bow of thanks in the di- rection of Mr. Davis and the N.Y. Times --• that, so far as sports goofiness is concerned, we in Canada "ain't seen nothin' yet" and have a long way to go, Still, we're a comparatively o young nation yet, so, as the late Dr, Munyon used to say, "There 1s still hope!" Modern Etiquette Q. Should the mother of it bride -elect or the mother of her fiance give a shower for Iter? A. Neither one of these per- sons should give a shower, as this would be in the nature of in- viting gift donations. Properly, only close friends of the bride should give showers for her. Q. is it necessary to mail out engraved invitations to an open house one is holding in one's new home? A. No; this is an informal type of entertainment, and invitations may be extended either personal- ly or over the telephone. Q. Is it all right to pick up a chop bone with the fingers, when eating at the table? A. Never. If you are not able to extract all the meat with the knife and fork, then you should sacrifice it. Q. Shouldn't a man remove his topcoat before starting down the aisle of a church or theater? A. Yes. He should never go down the aisle disrobing. He should remove the coat and place it across his aria before starting down the aisle. Should he forget to do so, then he should wait until he reaches his row of seats. Q. Is it all right to mail out handwritten wedding invitations? A. Yes, if the guests are just a select few. However, if the guest Iist is sizable, I should think it would be easier and better to mail out the engraved type of invita- tion. Q. What is the proper thing to say when you have f. ailed to understand or Hear what some- one else has said? A. Either "Please?" or, "I beg your pardon?" is accepted form. Q. If someone asks you a ques- tion at the dinner table just at the moment you have put food into your • mouth, what should you do? A. Be sure to wait until you have swallowed the food before you at t e m p t an answer. You know only too well what it sounds and looks like when one tries to talk with food in the mouth. Q. when an engagement has been broken, Is the girl entitled to Consider the gifts and engage- ment ring the man has given to her as belonging to her? A. No; she should return all these. • Q. When the folded napkin is placed on the left side of the dinner plate, should the open edge be toward the plate or away from it? A. The open edge should be toward the plate. IT R EL IE VED IN A JIFFY or money back Very first ase of soothing, cooling, liquid Proscription positively relieves raw red itch—muted by eczema, rashes. scalp irritation, chafing—other itch troubles. Grease- .ess, stainless. 4..3c trial bottle must satisfy or money back. Ask your druggist for D.D.D PRESCRIPTION. For overnight relief of KIDDIES' NEI ALIO WISE •00THEA5 SWEAR RT CHEST s 11 is a Snow-white highly -medicated ost instanb t eeasingiofpstuffed-up11nose�ght chest and cough -irritated throat. Ass; your druggist for BUCICLEY'S Stake less WHITE RUB, Only See, I9REE , , If you ere ut *11 ikoptltul o4 its emoting merit vend'd 40 stamp for trial ler to Deportment •uft' . W. K. audtIty Limited, 559 Collage st., Toronto, ()Mork. ISSUE Lf. — 1053 ..Classified Atli)t'rb WANTED mm OILS, GREASES, TIRES PAINTS and varnishes, electrical mon mleet*9eat appliances. Hobbs -slang I50tltlt'c, neatens wanted. Wrlto: -Warn; Grease Dll Llr„lted, Toronto. HART CII1Cni* LIAISE RETAIN 01110nS chieks tor ilvabilitY and high batched produttlon.Hatchet* twice weekly tram Suitt, unproved and butterem tree !invites. Aa the popular breed's and crosses for Cant or Rhin ganywProhere. Write today alpi started. list. Ite11y's Hatchery-, Lindsay, Out, PROMPT shipment an ehlois-- mixed .,,. pullets, ccokerels, wide range. Limited quantity started. For April delivery, order now, All Chink*, Canadian Approved. :trey Hatchery. 120 John N., Hamilton, TOP NOTCH Canadian Approved obickm and turkey poultn at reek bottom 5rlosa. Non -sexed chicks an low as 418.95 per hundred, pullets 019.90, turkeYe 095. dead for complete Prleolkt and Catalogue, TOP NOTCH CHICIS SALES euelph Ontario L' AsnovsEw SUSSEX X RBD High Egg Production, very little broodiness. Idarrh and April Pullets still avallebie. Write for price on other breeds and berm cot. I.Aiit•7VIF,w ILATCIXERY LTD, Exeter Ontario 170 PULLETS 17o We have bookings on cox and can supply Pullets in Assorted Henvlea at above prises, 4 pure Breeds 7 Crosses available. .01* Breeders Bioodtested, 5e Super Red Cox tic fiTIRONDALE HATCHERY London Ontario EGGS aro up and are going Weller. Don't delay place your order today and buy the breeds for the maximum 1n egg pro. duction, We recommend our 11.0.5, Sired White Leghorn and Rhode Ieland Red, also White Leghorn X Red, Red X Harrell Rock. Send for catalogue ft tolls which breeds to buy for eggs, meat or dual Purpose. Alto Turkey remits, • MEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES I.TD, Fergus Ontario DM•$ING AND CLEANING KAVP•, you anything needs dyeing or clean- ing? Wrne 00 us for information. We ere glad to answer your tweet -lona. De. nartmenr 12. Parker'. Dye Worsts Limited. ls1 Comm Ft, Toronto. 1'Oa SALE CRESS CORN SALVE—For aura relief. Your Drumlin sella CRESS. DION thresher ?2 x 28 run only 90 days, In perfect ahem, Also 40 HP Rumely engine on air tires In good running order. WIll eel* together or will 0eparate them. Elwood WIldnn, Campbeilville, R,R. L. LIVESTOCK SHIPPERS Yes, we can help you to secure top market Talus for your livestock shipments. Our organization, with its sk111ed staff of welghmen and assistants w111 get your stock in best weighing condition, Our salesmen because of their daily con. tact with all buyers, large and email, be. cause they know each busmen requlate- mentt end know who will pay the most for the, class of aleck 10* have to offer. can make more you receive r.11 your live. stock Is worth. Consign your Ilveatodt shipments to Mc- Curdy k McCurdy Limited, Ontario Stock Yards, Toronto. CURLING Rock0 t FINEST NEW Rennie So0ttlah; also limited quantity need Curling Roche. Prompt shipment. Write Crohn Equipment Company Limited, 1011 Bleury Street, Montreal 1, Que. CANARIES Beautiful Songsters, Baby Budgies, Talking Instructions Free, Safe arrival guaranteed, Bert Janes, 55 Pearl 05., Brantford, Ont, WATERLOO 33-48 en steel Thresher, com- plete with Drive Belt, Grain Weigher, and Ruiter Bearingn, Never used for custom work. Also 10 et. Power Binder, all new enn000. Excellent remiltlon, Perry Do Kay, Hyde Park, N5100 a Bible? Get it now. Dandy Pernik' Bible with many belga, good binding. 94.50 postpaid, Many others, Eenlmans Bonk k Bible Hnnse, Milani., Minnesota, s1EDICAI. Have you heard about Dixon's Neuritis and Rheumatic Pain Remedy? it gives goad results. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin Ottawa S1,25 Express Prepaid rA Pldtvl IRM:#. pinworms, cause :serious diseases: could be your troubles thou. sande helped. Free literature describe; rnndltlnn and rernedy Write Mulroney's Rene() len rdmund **0,, W R, Toronto, Ontario Q PEMINEX R' Oneamnia] Calle another, Take. superior FEMINEX" to help alleviate pain, die - trees and nervous ten0len aae0rlated with mem hly periods. 50.00 Postpaid in plain wrapper POST'S CHEMICALS WE QUEEN. ST. FAST FORGET() POST'S ECZEMA SALVE eAN1SH the torment of dry eczema rashes andweeping skin troubles Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint ynu. ftehing. sealing, burning eczema, acne, ringworm, pimpled and toot eczema. will reepnnd readily to the etalnless nd0rlese ointment, regardless ethew stubborn or bop:deem they mem. PRICE 90.50 014R JAR POST'S REMEDIES Sent Poet Proe on Receipt of Prim *55 Queen St. -E. Corner Or Lagan. Toronto Advertising.. ASTHMA Now Asthma Relief 11 1atnnten Or your 05(470:, os+ r Ask your Drums, Asthmaneirin Set 'JIaeorldltlOn„ Liv 01.1 o ,•„er,! -~- PROTECT rou/tse:id , DURING time winter months vino body's Ses1,&0n5e to r01nm011 virus 1nte5Cons 1pp at Its lowest. Make sure you are receit'ing 4,0020 daffy vitamin re0ulromonto by tal**ns Fidel/Ira bfuftlple Vitamin Cagoules r00' tOlnlOg vitamin's A, B41 (Tlaamlao), Eh9 (Riboflavin). 0, D, Niacin. Bouts of 100 capsules 110` 48.00. Pidellty'e wheat Germ 011 Capsules are 41,40 for i3Ot,,'e of 100, sr 310 tar 42.00, Ince TY OIHAINADEITICAL. t'0. 550 Blain 15t, W. . Ilnmllton, Ontario OPPOR'rUNI'r'IES roe STEN AND WOMEN RE A HAIRDRESSER 008010 CANADA'S LEAVING S('nOol. Gnat Opportunity Le,,o. IFairdreestug ib3tsoanz. dttmIAed profession, 5444 ,cans. 5118435d5 of cucecoetul Marv} eronnatee Amorlca'o Greateot 04Otein Misruled Catalogne rr. e Write or Call MARVEL IIAIRDR14S51Nr CistUl-r 858 Blear St, W„ To -r la Branches: 50 Ring St., narme.oa 30 Rideau St., Ottaw, WANT LOVELY SI5IN, kll0terin, ea ea Iron Scrims? Purchase Berta Tahle,e 9' Mar drug or department en., e, as write P.O. Bog 471. Winnipeg, PATENTS AN OFFER to every Inventor --hut or 1a- veatone and full 1nformatloa sent free. 118. Ramsay Co„ Registered Tit ;Moe - berm, 171 Bank Street, Often,. IFEA.THESTON$AUGB 0 Canine ay Pa- tent 'Solid torn, Estmbilobed 1880. t*n Stay Street. Toronto Rennie! 4* ,pt,rres. :tan en ntquemt. PERSONAL 41,00 TRIAL offer. Twenty -,.c daluxr Personal regolremente. Loses, +ateloaua Meludcd. The 8fedleo Agenc,•, - sant, 174, Terminal A, Tornntn, Onte,=,. LONELY? LET t'ANADA'e, ctn.:ATE:1 Club Introduce you to lonely e.ode detlr- lag early. marriage. Many with means. widows with farms or city mot.,r. "Iia and country glrin. Members from ,o.•••, to coast. Proren results since 1524. Fr.,; ,nr. ticulars la plain awned envthws - C: Club, Box 128 Calgary, filberts. QUIT CIGARETTES south, as thousands of others hrvo don, With the aid of TOBACCO ELIMINATOR A 7 daY scientific treatment coverr,f r• a$oney-baek guarantee to quickly ellminat+ 00 ;raving for any farm of tohacro. F'0. Erne booklet, unite C. Emu Phornt,lea: Corp. Ltd.. Box 078. London., Ort, RUGS NEW Yuan made from stout old suss am Vreollaas. Write for catalogue end oriel Het. Dominion Rug Weaving f:ompany 5477 Dundas Street West, To:ons, Ont LOGY, LISTLESS, OUT E LOVE WITH LIFE? titan Crake up our liver bile ... jump out of bed rarin' to so Llfo not worth living? It may be the ilverl Bee a fact! If your liver bile is hot flowing freely your good may not digest ... gar bloats up your stomach - , , you feel con. otipated and all the fun and sparlde go out of life. 'That's when you need mild, gentle Carters Little Liver hills, You see Carter. help stimulate your liver bile till once again kis pouring out at a rate of up to two pinta a day into your digestive tract. Tbis should fix you right op, make you feel that happy days are here again. So don't etay Gunk, get Carton Little laver Pills. Always have them RAC hand. Only alio Prom any druggist ACKACHE Maybe arning Backache In often caused by lazy kidney action. When kidneys gel out el order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest or Llai tired -out and heavy -headed feeling may soon Follow That's the time to take Dodd', Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better..sleep better—work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. 51 Pile Sufferers Get Quick Relief 11 hen the ,Irh. num and vein of piles keeps you awake et night, :Mites you. almost frantic by dlu —go to an, aeon store and met a parklike Of ),en Clint. See bow fake tide 0now•white, antleeptle ointment roots the fiery burning, relieves Itching, soothes oaln. Von get relief in one minute by the wateb. One noullcatlon rives hoes of eanfort, Get Lerniltnt right now at any drug 'tore, 0n0n5b to keen rat hawk several weeks eels 50o. DEALERS WANTED FAST SELLING LINE Local dealer wanted to handle nationally advertised alumi- num Combination Door. This product can show a dealer a nice profit with little capital required. Apply: BOX 98, New Toronto, 14, Ontario