HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1953-03-05, Page 2TNECaIAlCrf SPORTS COLUMN
0 It seems to this observer that .one of
the greatest Worts dramas of 1952, which
had quite a number of these, was crowded
into the last day but one of the year,
when little Tony Despirito won a des
perste battle against the most relentless
opponents of all, Old Fattier Time.
Tony Despit'Itn is n jockey. He hadn't been heard of when
1952 dawned, he uuiy never again slit the heavy type. But
December 30, 18;1`„ was his moment of glory, the elitTlax de a
play that ,P.ipped the imagination of sports folk all over this
vont inert.
On the morning Of lh't•eluber 30, Tony had ridden 385
race whiners. So that every one of the y'ear's closing clays wmald
count, he flew to Havana -to ride in the Sunday races there,
then flew back to Floridn to resume his attack on the old mark '
of :851 Winners in 0 single year. So, siith one day to go, he
tleodtd four winners to break the record, and tiro that day, he
rode the four winners, became the new champion, He haat
one day to go, which is drawing it as close as any camera
i3ltish could be.
The undersized son of a textile mill-twork'er, at Lawrance,
Mass„ was so small that other youngsters called him "The
[Lunt" and shooed him away from their games, lest some big-
ger lad should trample hint. So he wandered the eight miles
to Lou Smith's Rockingham Park, and began to hang around
the hares. IUnclly 1lorsenien let him earn 0 buelc by walking
"hots"—that is, cooling out horses after a race.
Ile rode horses for training in the morning and finally, he
got a mount, but ho didn't get close to the pay-off line in fact,
he rode so poorly that the ste\warts instructed that Tony wasn't
to have any more mounts until he developed skill and timing.
So it was back to the exercise gallops in the mornings for the
kid front Layvt'tnee. -
ht ,Tanuary 111522, at Florida's Sunshine Park, be got an-
other ehanee. He rode Great Shuffle and won. Even then, suc-
cess didn't blaze a sudden easy trail. For stewards at Sunshine
shooed hits away, told hint to quit riding before he killed
himself, or somebody else. "You'll never be a jockey," they
But the kid didn't heed the advice. We presume he felt,
as have a lot of other kids in a great malty other sports, that
he had the stuff i1' given any kind of a break. He went back to
New England, and on the lesser tracks there, he began to ride
at a rate slightly more than sensational. One day he had six
winners, is now the eighth jockey in 57 years to ride more than
300 winners in a year. And despite a lO-day suspension which
seemed to wreck his chances late in the year, he rode coura-
geously, rode well, until, on Deeember 30, with the end of the
year just over 04 hours away, he piloted home four winners,
became holder of the new riding record, A sporting and
dramatic feat indeed,
Your comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed
by Elmer Ferguson, c o Calvert House, 431 Yonge St., Toronto.
at t1 - t 1'i10:ht'r -O a out -
heater -.-1/'t anything new in
tyasebal:. Th: c';assic example
turas, of : c: 1 t Uncle Ed. Bar-
Yew's- making -over Bribe Huth---
'st•ho might have been one of
the me greatest lefthanded
'Ili ni;rl s—into what was un-
doubtedly the most fta:'SJme
1=g—distance lari•uper and. in-
aidentaliy, the most potent hex-
ewtfice attraction of all time.
N R u
But ftaP 41 character to start eiY
50 a heaver, then become a sue-
rt'ssful outfielder, and then
again go back to the mound is,
as at least, something new,
And although the Pittsburgh
.pirates are not, as a rule, a team
demanding very much of the
d attcrtk,n , there will be a
:tot of 'rarest in hew they fare
this coming season. and espetial-
ewlmt sort of fate lies in store
Tata-Lcoking Topper. Tee Na•
itonnl AssC .. li Rete"
E oth.erx aria F. ', shhe: s sprang
=moiling new of their c ''t'ol
r,to'.enlia,t w•!'er the', hod pretty
Fomela Dov'ss made! MCP s af-
ier-dirti•:e•. formai rash;ors, The
Homb, a will have a hord 1ir,4e
7,ep1e:erg the topper; especially
18 it s 4.a : b', cols fits Pamela.
for the tinange-about player re-
, ferred to. one Johnny Lindell.
s a e
Big Lindy's whole story is a
rather strange one. Back in 1941,
when the Yankees brought hint
up from the farm, he was a 23 -
game winner for Newark. But
manager Joe McCarthy- just
couldn't see hint as a pitcher,
even with a re,'ord like that, The
kid stood six feet four inches,
weighed two hundred and fif-
teen, he was fast, could throw
and was a better -than -average
ball -hawk, Best of all he could
hit that ball a mile. So Lindell
was told to forget all about pitch-
ing and concentrate on becoming
an outfielder,
a a a
His main trouble, though, was
that he didn't have enough con-
centration and lacked the spark
to become the truly great play-
er he might have been. Johnny
liked to laugh and get some fun
out of life. He never did settle
down and give the game the 100
per rent attention it demands.
There were dashes, though,
when he showed what he might
have been. In the 1993 ,world
serisi for iItc aver, he came
tl- .ring recklessly into third
:3 .g: ally jarred. Whitey
Ii:•sinvski Larse fr on: his eye -
:esti -a Whites e his
sea. e. his hat tied canacieeimess,
iZes piay ssf the seises •
tsa :assn.
1 t::
4i•: a
Cay rE- ..,G- a:,;; icy
eeve 'sass issii• ',mess in the silts
by was s n< that :ohn-
:, ...-. ..t
•I:y le Xt. tidy.:1 .n
:ors., teesii sly a
was ens t I.,, :e
.:C •,14. . u11.
Beauty and the -- Outstanding and prize dogs from all parts
of Ontario, including this Shetland Collie "Qvarrie Brae,", shown
here with Peggy Rose, will be on display at the two dog shows
which will be held in conjunction with the Canadian National
Sportsmen's Show in the Coliseum, Toronto. The Sportsmen's
Show will be held for eight days commencing March 13. The
Dog Shows will be held for the benefit of the Toronto Humane
Society on March 18-19, 20-21.
"Because I wanted to win the
blankety-blank ball game," he
bellowed, "And what are you
going to do about it?"
Lindeli's jaw jutted out pug-
naciously. So MacPhail decided
to do nothing about it,
5 e „
But that was virtually John-
ny's last flash, On the momen-
tum from his world series feats
he carried through to his best
average, .317, during 1948 and
then he began to fade fast. The
Yankees sold hint to the Cardin-
als, Who desperately needed a
right-handed outfield slugger.
But the big fellow couldn't hold
on. o ,y a•
One afternoon three or four
years ago, according to Arthur
Daley of The New York Times,
Lindell was warming up in
front of the Yankee dugout,
playing •catch with Yogi Berra,
The Yank catcher casually reach-
ed out his glove for one toss only
to have the ball unexpectedly
dance away and hit him on the
shin. The Yogi man yowled.
"Wilatcha throwin', John"" be
"It's my super-duper knuckler,
sonny bol-," laughed Lindell.
"Gimme another," said Yog.
Lindell gave him another and
another. Soon a couple of curi-
ous Yankee players stood open-
mouthed behind Lindell, watch-
ing the big outfielder float in his
new dipsy-do pitch,
"Thatsa good pitch, John,"
said Yogi, a note of respect in
his voice. "I'll betcha you could
win with it in this league."
"I know," laughed Lindell. "If
I had had it when i fust canoe
up Ind be a pitcher today instead
of an outfielder."
5 5 5
"At least I'll be the best rest
ed pitcher you ever had," quip
ped Lindell. Not only was h
rested hut. he also had the nets
knuckler which he had develop -
When the St. Louis Cards final-
ly let the big outfielder go, he
drifted out to the Pacific Coast
where Fred Haney met him with
the surprising announcement:
"Welcome 'To our pitching staff."
a a
ed in those warm-up sessions be-
fore every game.
e 0
It was a fully-ee•ntrelled pitch
last year tt:td Lindell wasa24-
game winner for Hollywoud.X,'w
1 , c .tin sears after he
pitched his 1041 Lane in the Big
Time, the 38 -rear -old ex -out-
fielder ia lack ler another track
at it, it: ^ e., ed 4:y 311e fast that
he was vet ed 11a`st V a iimene
Player in the Pectus Coe.
Lc -,.r .t „sC" the•,ts-
-.n I''::,..t, have t
...c. ..
10 ivalth jest ,'.1:...
h- ..,.. , ow
(Shiver \\I t n'se, nt, to-
.. :! orisy:.,., - this
tgat t1I. s! "'',',r
laitnee .. w,x:.. ,.ti i
itasgs ,..,. .,',t ,.a.,.... i0
"Why ds3 yssi' =F +.r tet a cwox37a
t'tr. (i
end eass-somg Lindell o'EAA HAVE YOU HEARD
raise. He p,4iatdSaes
Mai:Thei.'s este and .tt his ABOUT iT?
rase it. Vtiskomerisgellifinieltr
which he lives at present is be-
coming quite dilapidated. It is
tottering upon its foundations.
Time and the seasons have near+ -•
ly destroyed it. Its roof is pretty
well worn out. Its walls are much
shattered, and it trembles with
every wind. The old tenement
is becoming almost uninhabit-
able, and I think Oliver Wendell
Holmes will have to move out
of it soon. But he himself is
quite well, quite well,"
we # AND'
424 rhe CA'1ADIAN a 4?YQ,aVA
MINN13 thru
2, 1953
P i OTNE:�" FEATUati It t t5 and �C0urs
Tho 4 Phllllpe The VI"
r��lpo e
BrautifU5ul elauTHESEde Villdi Wily Ree o e14,SHARKEY---
find oiIo, Woke role Sutenllo A„,,,
76e Holland,f ,rt Sikh THE SEAL
et;,, Chosslot ' Sawlnq ' Roliing. ' Canoe
*v\, ,^ Caslinp and 5ptmlinp ><5k
'tilts*A11:01, 1
Canadlon Notional Sparhm•n', 44,o,.
The Coli,eta, Totaoto
Poor Sire
Mow ,end ma eat Sea, noon on on Rte Matinee tlo,aanta 0. the Araar.
Bon Seal Main,bee P•
tar -Yf
(o.4 (Rod (aee,.t„ f r .,. e.l.}
Enclosed pleat• find my m",hequedar for T !n payment tot thew Ikkei:t
el... pH}
PRICES: 5venlnp, and Saturday tdafneet—Ali hail Reamed
Box Serail $2,00—Reserved Seats 31.50
Week Day Matinee—Rewrved Box Seale $i 30
Other tante rush—Adult, $1 00—Children 50,
15'00 '41 V0000
9014018 R A\1'6n RECONDITIONED rebuilt Electric Motors, PATENTS
all types and sizee. Specify voltage and
cieles. Guaranteed lowest prices, Piper
Electrical Eoulpment, 270 Spr(ngliold Ave.,
Newark 8, New Jersey.
PAINTS and tarnishes. ole trl,'ol motors,
electrical appliances. Hobbgaltop Machinery.
Dealers wanted, write: Warco Grease and
Oil Limited. Toronto.
DEALERS wanted to bell baby chicks and
turkey molts for one of eana4511 oldest
established and largest hatcheries. Liberal
commiaslona paid. Feed dealers, farmers.
Implement dealers. agents for nutaerlec,
cream truck drivers, end other dealers
make excellent agents. gond for full
detat's Bos No. 07. 121 F: i'e01'b Sl.,
New Taranto, Ott
1040148 IELIA C'IR('IZS -
- NELLw hcf bed chi% f.r li,ob,Ot' and
high prodarlen. Hatches twi'e weekly trent
fully apProved and p04i1 m free breeders.
All the popular, b,eeds 004 crows for
meat or egg production. Day cid or started.
Con ,1:p anywhere. Write today fpr Price
Ist. 15e113's Hatcher.. Ltn ee- , Ont.
WHAT is it you need—for your own mar -
Oslo? Pa ta--t'1•kerels :';oeel — Nelda
mole breeds crossed. And a Ilmllea main-
-dry started. Prompt ship -own:. For Aprli
delivery, order now 5100. ora:' H:.!,-':ery,
120 John N., Hamilton.
FAR maximum seg pram -lien purchase
White Lesl:orns. Rhode Island Bela or
Red creases. For broilers New I ampsh'res
cr Hamrat:1ra crosses, \"lien buying for
maximum egg production bus chicks with
lora of R.O.P. breeding back of them,
Send for 2012 cataleigno It tette .3511 all
about the broods of of tcks to buy for the
011000e y -Gu want them aro which will
makeyou the most money, Alen Turkey
paths. . Older Put:Ms.
CAN:AD:A\ - APPROVED ehhk, at rock
bottom prices, non•seied chicks as kW
so 115.43 res hundred, non -s0004 pe3113
as kw as 10,', :end for 1315 pr:.e list
aro catalogue.
1080113 OXTARI'1
1)4151250 AND CLEANING
HAVE you sny14 '.n5 needs d1eaf:a ar Clean.
r cw; e t. 70 for information. We
are glad to answer your nue:Wor0 De.
15001101' R 0:1Ser's the 1wcr.s
91 Tnnae er ,,-„n,,.,
CRESS- TORN 1\LTF same rc'lrt,
\ 1,0 : 0 ;IS '.y_
ir .,1 F •:tk A1,, 1, NP+ Rumet9
' s ,• aced rr'n-a 0 -de-.
1i I
:.LP t 1', ,:. all
, ,.. .r70.
e LG
5: al
is inn
t 01-,.111. _
USNIVERSAL Electric Portable Sewing
htechtne„ all desirable features, attach-
ments. regular price 4109,50. Special
159.001 Guaranteed, Trautner Salva Co.,
P.O. Boz 52, Duluth, Minnesota
4CED1GA 1.
A TRIAL—Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains
or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy.
335 Elgin Ottawa
51.25 Express Prepaid
rsPe1\ VBA15. p:nn,.rme, canna serious
mseezes:. 1'11u&4 be your troubles thou,
evade nelhed. tree literature describes
condition end remedy Write blulveney'e
Rerledtaa Ll,r-t.'d Dep, 0 A, Toronto,
One mean 1(11, another, Take 0 101100
"01.M11NES” to help alleviate pain, Mee
tress and nery080 tenalo,, associated with
mnnrhly 0011000.
02.410 Postpaid to plain wrapper
aANn4R the torrent of dry eczema rashes
and 0_eeptng skin troubles Post's Eczema
Eaive will not disappoint Fort.
itching, sealins, burning eczema, acne,
ringworm, pimples end foot eczema, will
respond readliy to the etainlesa odorless
ointment, regardless or her at1bbern or
hopeless they seem.
PRTQF. 5250 PFI11 4A11
Sent Pest Free on 0000l,t of Price
159 Queen St. E Corner of Lsrap,
Now Asthma Relief e
10 r:mutea or your money back
4011 your Druggist for so
Asthmanefrin Set
t•ncendttlora:!y guaranteed ,
rnoTECT Younsu01' ,
DRtN3 three 00101,','months mons th
•Ce' bodes
resistance to 00111men 0lrtla Infections is
at its Lowest. Make sure you aro receiving
nor daily 0115 5'n requirements by taking
b;dellts'a Multiple Vitamin capsules con-
tainIng vitamins A, 11.1 (Thlaminel, 11-2
(Rfboflavir,l, 0, 0, Niacin. Dottie of 100
eap0nlee far 5:.00. Pideln7'o Wheat Germ
01 C'.apaulao are 51 to for borne of 102,
or 140 for 02.00,
t111ELITt• 1'ILtR51A(.L'1"1'ICAL CO.
008 5lntn Et, W. • Ilamiltott, Ontario
t1PPORTt NITiE9 rtta
4181 AND II°O 11
.1111\ c :A\ AD,A'S i Y1i11Vt, 5(1111/11
- 51 (In110119 1r.;11,
T..4 Itet.s11g
P F 11 d50 tilled 07,; -,,coon. 4, 0,4 , 00
RI.S.T,ORS.W, Mioncl t ,Aare
.4 f51,•rl.'a'P l;l'•111 ,+ t'Pt P,P
fit Ir.t ,":
10' fe , :,q
!,7 A1711.41. 41 Ali llllh'S-110 "'h,n,l,F
'20 11,1, 41
f4 h l,,55 , !l.i,„.1h,t1
Rideau 'a, . 1A:r as
41.1,11 1 1 1 F t ,l u 11.1 r.
11 .1 - f 11 14 r f V. y'he
..r o1 L i,,,..., .\v tbn
71-`.1 ;5 -
W,`,Nr :45 TA. A i( 1\ lis 1II ,t yrs,
}cit Ilk, Vt.?1 '1,: ,.r h, rfu i,ral,Irte nt
• - FR, ,.7 ,In , 111' wine
in. riot4' 1, 50itietinr..
AN OPFER to every Inventor—:.:to at tn-
ventlone and full Information sent tree
The Ramsay Co., Registered P. -'On' Attar.
nays. 273 Bank Street, Gang::
tont Solicitors. Betel:dhoe; ;vet, 810
Bay Street, Toronto nnoFlot cf tr Parma•
tion on request.
51.00 TRIAL otter. T,ventl.'-'0 40505
Personal rodulrro,ents. 1.ates' :traingue.
Included. The Medico
'terminal A. Toronto. Ontario,.
easily as thousands of others hr a Rae
a seven day vcteni150 tref 1,,Ain that
quickly eliminates all craving mhneco.
Far free booklet write C 0 fel-,r Phan -
Placa] Ltd., Box 078. London. ,.....:0.
Club Introduce you to lonely rt,;,!, dean..
Eng early marriage Many tr -,ens,
widows tont: farms or rA, pr,a a, t'itt'
and country glrle. 51o:there 'sass. coast to
coast. Proven results since Ipra -r,-v ran,
tlmlara In plain sealed envelop, •..
(:lab. Box 125 'otomy,
LETTERS Remn(led (oat, -,acres'
Playground, 501•, P Jot Beach : o.oth:ar1,
Ten beautiful Florida rosd•srar +--tan Dol-
lar, postpaid, carver, 125
:calm Beach, i:larldu.
NEW rues made from your old rugs and
woollens. Write for catalogue rad Prue
List. Dominion Rug Weeving em0any.
2477 nundas Street West. Tn,-roto. oat
Fur c a itch Nea[iylCt "
Very first nee oI soothing, co0141, 1iquld
D. D. D. Prescription positively relieves
raw red itch --ensued 6y eczema, rashes,
ecalpirritation,chafing--otherird t l,Ll(s.
Greaseless, etainle,4, 430 trial bottle roust
satisfy or money back. Don't fuha. Ask
your druggist tor D.D.D.P1(ESCREPI'ION
ISSUE 10 — 1853