HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1953-03-05, Page 1The Seaforth News HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 76 CON The Counc Mond preset) pointe is to powde 12c a Vic was a at 8c• Con award of Wr work, and st Gra Farris for er Cou diture Distric recomt nasiu classro erecta equal The e ing op school. St. met in a goo preside Thome Cor. 1 the M pr'ayer, Lord's Holme this ye Glory" will re meetin the pa send t the A nual m April will be Preside special The forth day, M home Rev. S speaker swered origin'. sandwi McLac 1VIrs. Abo the W. nets o McGre Pepper man. hands, Wayne Mrs. PIL "The outstan in hat by the side U 27th. produc of Jes Lenten Easter, indeed Stinson ions e for ye EXCH On at the happy ministe United ario St make a will pr MINI The forth a elation March Seafart Peter N Rev. 10 a. Bible 11 a Quest". Toddler 7 p Eagle ton On Choir. Rev, 10 a. 11 a. 7 p, Thur 10 awn, 7:30 p.; 2.30 3 p. Fir Rev. 10 a. School. 11 a. ing". Junio "Fie v Welcom 8:15 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, INTARCH 5, 1958 Snowdon Brns., 1'ulilirhers Authct'ized Bs ..9veau4 UlAns Maul. I;ust 1lI to 1,f., Cp ktAW TRACT LET FOR ROXBORO BRIDGE March meeting of Mel{illap i1 was held in Seaforth on ay with Reeve Dan Deuerman ing, Allan Campbell was aP- d warble fly inspector and he charge 80c Ib: For warble fly r for brushing, and to charge Bead for power spray. for Hargreaves of Brucefield wailed the warble fly spraying' per head .per spray, tract fRoxboro 'bridge was or ed to G, A. Gibson and Sons •oxeter, for $24,387, fox the township to supply cement eel. • rel contract was awarded to 1 Bros,, Listowel, at 62e Yd ushin and .delivering, heel approved proposed Depen. of $126'000 for Seaforth t High .School extorsion, with nendation that resent gym- p rn be converted into three ems, and a new building be d adjoining present school in area to three classrooms, ouneil went on record as be- d' arch s pr'il for; Gent's W. tmal nited This tion us xperience ars ANGE Sunday each Renner Class. of FIRST APPROVAL GIVEN TO $125.000 ADDITION FOR SEAFORT}i DISTRICT H. S. Tentative a p p r ov a 1 has been g r 8 n t e d by all municipalities concerned, far an expenditure of $125,000 for a three-room aide- tion to •Seaforth District High School; the board learned at their regular meeting on Tuesday night. Definite used for more aecotmno- dation was seen by Members of the councils of Hibbert, Grey, Huilett and Morris last Thursday afternoon and by Tuckersmith ani McKillop councils •otr Monday, when they vis- ited the DistrictHigh •Schaoi. The next step will be for Seaforth council to seek approval for the ex- p enditure from the Ontario M'un)ci- pal Board, If this is obtained, per- mission can be asked from the De- paament of Education to engage an architect to draw up plans:Y At present there is serious over- Czowding in the school, malting net- essary holding one class in the school basement, to which strenuous objection is raised by the inspector. RED CROSS CAMPAIGN • STARTS THIS WEEK The annual Red__ Cross campaign got under way here this week, and volunteer canvassers are now visit- ing all homes in the town and the distxid, 'The following persons are acting as chairmen in their respective di:s- treats; MKin- Lorne Lawson in in- 'burn; Mr. Wes, Uackwell, in Wal- tot; Father McCowan at St. Colum- ban, Mr. Robt, McMillan in McKil- lop and Rev, A. W, Gardiner in Tuckersmith. In town the following men are acting: Mr. E. C. Boswell, in the south-west part, Mr, Wm, Hart in the south-east part, M. Ross Savauge in the north-west, and Dr. Harburn in the north-east. Mi. Ted Southgate is looking after Main Street and Mr, John McCloy, EgContributions ma also be left at •the local branch .of the Dominion Batik. This district has an allocation of $20'00this year. Your support is needed. "The work of mercy never ends ANNUAL MEETING OF HOSPITAL BOARD The annual meeting of the board of Scott Memorial Hospital was held in the town hall on Friday night, Chairman M. McKellar presided and Miss Jean Flynn was secretary. Re- ports were given by committee chairmen, finance, M. A. Reid; pro- party, C. P, Sills; personnel, Mrs. ,Sillery for Mrs, Wilson, chairman. The finance report showed revers- ue for the year of $78,494,82; ex- penditures, $84,132.35; net loss, $4,738,43 after depreciation in the amount of $4,011.39 was allowed for, Four directors, James lis Scott, C. P, Sills, Mrs, A. W. Sillery and Mrs. D. H. Wilson, were re -appoint- ed as members of the Board, The report of Dr. E. A. Mclias- ter was as follows; 29.76 ' BUYS A 94 �y DINNERC. � ' AT Savauget s March Dinnerware Sale This is a real special, values up to 49,75, and 8 patterns from which you can make your selection 411,,,1,41141+,U11,4,1.,,114111,1111 KIM 441PI,IIIU„tlll,lll„1,1„11",”1e„IUO„Ru,.4,.,,,,41.,1.141,4414„O,P4 Clearance of ROYAL English Bone China n WINDSOR Pattern Cups & Saucers A good selection of values n1. + at 33 1, 3?o Discount $1,75 from regular price•' SALE PRICE vac Reg, Pricer. Sale Price i "As chairman of medical staff of Scott Memorial Hospital, I beg to report for 1952-53. We have Cup ez Sarum , .ho 40c Cups & Saucers Other prices reduc•ea 1(1 01dint lY ' Everyday cups & satuers at tle low SALE PRICE or 29c year enjoyed a very successful and hap- py year. Our chief difficulties have been lack of space. The supply of nurses has been on short side, However they have SILVER PLATED BUGAR, CREAM & TRAY SET Billfolds English :Nolncco Sillt.Ads. broac ROGERS SLLVE.RWARE or h!a<•k. Pr g ; A rok4 special at 3,93 tia 1 11.E PRICE 2.-5 posed to tearingdown resent p I An enrolment of upwards of 350 pupils i forecast for the school in five years, from a survey compiled TENDERS LET BY TUCKERSMITH COUNCIL made up for this in increased effic- iency. They have given the medical staff excellent co-operation and have have always been willing and happy to work under difficulties, suchas having up to four or five Pa- dents in the halls. The superintendent, Miss Drope, Rebuilt Watches Good Ever da Silverware Y Y trio metol woiches• including M1,"Court" or "Lafayette” design •hall, Billova, Eh o tt c stlh ld m! 11th, r t' pr Sit r i:. rell-knmrn makes. Lc lic.< .n+d "a 1-"' 1".s':' g•atts. 1 11twe only Sale Price 9,75 Forks "nly Table & Din. Spoon, . _.,/• ST. THOMAS W. A. Thomas' branch of the W.A. the vestry on March 3rd with attendance. Mrs. McC:avin nt,'opened the meeting. Mrs son read. the scripture lesson :chap 13. Mrs. McCowen read litany and golden jubilee followed by members' and P r a e r in unison. Miss Y from elementary schools in the high school area, There are three Grade 9 classes this year, two Grade 10 s and two Grade 11 s. hiss Rena Fennell has been granted a year's leave of absence, and applications were considered for• a temporary French teacher to take her place. Hiring of a substi- tate was laid over to Saturday — Tuckersmith council met in the town Sveaforth, on Monday, March 2 at p.m. All members were present and Reeve Moffat pre. sided. Tenders for crushing and hauling gravel were opened and were as follows: Geo. F. Elliott 73e cu. yd., Levis Contracting Co., 78c cu, yd• The tender of Lavis con- trading Co. was accepted at tender has been most co-operative. She never refuses an emergency patient, always finding a corner somewhere Clearance of Gents Brush Sets in Zipper1 ,,tit : t. , es ,t HALF PRICE for an extra bed. Our equipment at the hospital is excellent. Every patient can expect 107, Qis,+um1 1n nil ',pen efocl dormant ti • or t.:n ,r , ni i 11 j,•a•1 ; ,t e•„t,.h , oe., fins/ is nor f,:11112'1.11 : J :p. -,'p, I reviewed chapter one of ar's study book, "Thine is the Mrs.. W. E. Southgate Sr. • g view chapter two at the April FANTASTIC REPORTS .+ OF MINOR ACCIDENT rice subject to the approval of the Dept. of1Highways of Ontario. Tenders for spraying cattle for from Victor to receive treatment almost equal to that given M hospitals in metro - centres. I ant happy -to report no maternal deaths during the year. And deaths of babies under two weeks of age have only been four in 159 deliver. SAVAUGES J' nreliel•y' (lifts 1' 111(• Chinn Seaforth g. The members and ladies of nsh are reminded to 'bring or heir annual thankoffering to 7th meeting, for the an- eeting to be held in London, 11, 22, 23. The spring deanery held in Exeter, date later. nt closed the meeting with a prayer. Sensational headlines in some of the daily papers concerning' a minor accident to one of the Seaforth Dis- trict High School buses on Monday evening alarmed some of the par- ents of pupils. The matter was discussed at the regular meeting of the District High School Board on Tuesday night. The facts that this is the first warble fly were opened Hargreaves at 9c per head per spray and Fred Harburn at 10c per head per spray, The tender of Victor Har- greaves was accepted. Arthur Nich- olson was appointed as Warble Fly Inspector.. Other applications were received from Walter Tepper and Wm. R. Dougall• Council authorized the purchase les. Most of our overcrowding has JUNIOR FARMERS ELECT member and attendant of the United been due to the large number ofChurch and an active member of the older people occupying beds for J. McGREGOR PRESIDENT W.M.S. and W.A. In the church and long intervals. The erection of a Annual meeting of the Seaforth in the community Mro. Houston will hospital section to the county home Junior Farmers was held in the high be very much missed, but especially should help to relieve this condition,scevenw My only hope is that the county following Tatedof officers elected.E much efelt. 7e Surnaitinglbesides cher will build a large enough hospital Pres., Jim McGrefar; 1st vire husband ars •son Grant, ttt•c, dau- to successfully take care of the ell- pies„ Earl M Spadcr •• 2nd vice ghters, Mrs. Ree'inald (Helen) Allen, erly incapacitated population.essec of Tuckersmith• and Mrs. Lionel The operating room and Obstet- press se7c,nJBt1Chapman11treaseI�en (Isabelle) Roy of Saskatchewan, and icai room and X-ray dept. service Campbell. . two grandchildren. Two brothers, has been excellent. The staff of Directors: Grew and .Morris—Mac Leslie and William Bell and three these three most important rooms ofp sisters, lira. Geo. Greenwood, Mrs, the hospital need hlgh comntenda- Francis e, Hicknell, MurrayHullDae; Fred Smithery and Mrs. Lorene Weir tion. The equipment in these Tuckersmith—Stuart Wilson, Bob all of Detroit. rooms is most complete. Parrots, The service was conducted at the Superintendent's Report Auditors: Earl McSpadden, Jim Whitney funeral home on Tuesday lyIiss Drope, hospital superinten_ P at 2 m. by Rev. A. W. Gardiner. Cha ratan,P• dent, reported: County Delegates: Jin1 McGregor, having been delayed one day so that Following is nny report for the Jim Chapman. her daughter could arrive from the Year 1952 which happens to be the The boys need interest and co- SVest by plane. The pallbearers 24th annual report of the Scott operation to make this club success- were John McLachlan, Sidney Gem - Memorial Hospital. ful. Your attendance once a month melt, Harvey Moore, John McKay, Admissions 1291, births 157, 10 should prove beneficial and interest- Arthur Routledge and W. D. Smith. of which were caesarean; surgical ing. • W. I. TO MEET regular meeting of the Sea- V, rnonatTues- 10 ateoheld P the of Mrs. Lorne Carter. Mrs. tinson will be the guest • and the roll call will be an- by Your farm name and its The lunch committee is: :hes, Mrs. J. Doig, Mrs, R. danDoug. Wallace.lrrs R. hiller, rt 25 tables were in play at I. 'ere: uchre Ladieseb. 27. first Mrs. Jno. lone hands, Mrs. Wm: • consolation, Mrs. W Cole- first, Alex Muir; lone Robt. Campbell; consolation, Chappel. Lucky lunch ticket, Coleman. are, accident during eight years the Seaforth high school buses have keen contractorrostated t at the bus in the accident was a 1952 Reo bus fitted with safetyglass and all safe- ty devices. These buses are made so strongly thattheyare capable of rolling completely over without crushing in, sidenight and the total bus o, On er o t Monday damage$125,000. did not amount to 350 according to the Thereinsurance was noadjuster. "flying glass” as y g reported in the press and no "con- fusion". The pupils walked out one at a time. Mr. Habku'k said that his buses are the safest that money can buy, and far 'safer than some of the homemade buses in use el 105 gals. of weed spray from Canadian Industries Ltd. Compensation Insurance Policy with the General Accwed thtuAssur- once Co. was renewed through fh ag- 147.80 was paid; and premium of :Council went on record as being in favor of High School boar•tiSaadinoh add do nal istrict class rooms to the Seaforth High School at a cost of approximately Grants were made to the uron Central Agric. Society $40; Bruce- field Fire Dept. 5200; Scott Memor- ial Hospital $25• Clinton Legion $25. Wages of Allan Nicholson, grader operator, were increased to $1.10 per hour for a 55 -hour week with a guarantee of a 44 hour week' Nominal charge of $2.00 will be MINTAGE PLAY COMING Pilgrimage Play", America's ding religious drama, finned color, Will be sponsored Northside W. A. in North- Church on Friday, Mar. is a full-length feature or the life and teachings of Nazareth. "During this season, and as we approach this effort by the W. A. is commendable", Rev. John stated. The film is a relig- you will remember to come. plywood at some other schools. Josephine Morris of Dublin was the only one to receive injury, her upper arm being broken when two girls across the aisle fell on her as the bus went on its side. She was taken to Seaforth Hospital for treat- ment and later released. Scott Habkirk went out with. an- other bus and took the other pupils hone. There were twenty- one pupils in the bus at the time of the accident. On Tuesday morning the Sea- forth P.U.C. truck was used to pull the bus it back made for grader work under one- half hour. Payment will be called on the Watson and Moore drains by May 15, 1953. Complaints were received that a nuisance was being created in the vicinity of Brucefield bv the burn- ing of rubbish, etc., and the clerk was instructed to notify the offend- er to cease such nuisance. Accounts included: Roads 51062. 4 grants 5290.00,hospitalization, $5, travelling expeses 535, salary and .allowances $175, registering births and deaths 1952, 55,25; sun- dry $8• operations 379; X-rays 523. Joint Meeting We are very appreciative of the Final plans for the banquet were PRESENTATION TO MRS. work accomplished and donations drawn up. The date is to be March JAMES HOGG BY FRIENDS received from various organizations 'llth, and the guest speaker to he during the year. Prof. Jas. Scott. A•variety show and ---- Weare grateful to the Woman's dance are scheduled for the remain- Mrs. James Hogg was pleasantly Auxiliary for constant interest and der of tle evening. The highlight of surprised Wednesday evening last continued assistance. In the past the meeting was Leona Johnston's when the staff of floe •produce divi- year one of the highlights was the Picturesque and enchanting deserhp- Sion of Seaforth Co-operative and re -decorating of the nurses' resid- tion of her trip to Chicago Winter friends assembled at the home of once, also needed equipment put in- Fair as an Ontario delegate. In •her Mrs. A. Lillico, North Main St., to to the hospital. The personal efforts description Leona took us along honor her before her departure to of your members, I assure you, are with her on the trip and benefited Collingwood. a great source of strength to the us with her experience. A program of music was furnish- hospital. ed by Ena and Marian Lillico An- OF MINISTERS AND CHOIRS upright and get on the road, It missed oil one tri Persons looking for the bus which Council adjourned to meet April 6th at 2 p, rn.—E. P. Chesney, Clerk To the medical staff' we are ,rate- derson Scott, and a Scotch reading ful for the high standard of medical PRESBYTERIAN LADIES' AID by Mrs. Roy Voddeu. Progressive care maintained in the treatment of The Ladies' Aid of First Presby- euchre was played with the winners patients. terian Church met on Tuesday aft- as follows: ladies, first, Mrs. C. Fel. To the Ministerial Association, ernoon. Mrs, H. E. Smith presided. ken ; consolation, Miss Lois Hogg: we "a"n",,, ever grateful for the inter- Opened with a poem by Mrs. J. men, first, Bedford Dungey: lone est helpful assistance of this Cardno, "Stretchin' ". The treasur- hands, Roy Hodgert: lucky chair, C. organization. Re 'ular visits have el•'s and •sem•etary's •reports were Reith; lucky cup, Mies Thelma Dol- g Head, There were twopiano duets, mage. hto forganort iz tionsanY paa rdtienour bv Mrs. J. Cardno'and rs. J. Mc- Mrs. Alex Wright read an acl- hors Gregor which were very much en- dress composed byherself, and ]ins. y friends for theft never -failing p interest, encouragement and gener- joyed. The speaker, Mrs. Harold Hogg was presented with a salad ons support, without which it would Nicholson, was introduced by 34rs. bowl and matching plate by Thelma be quite impossible for the hos real McGregor. Mrs. Nicholson spoke on Dohmage and Beth Hodgert. to serve its •teal •purpose in the oto- the translation of the 23rd Psalm To Elva Hogg: On the occasion of nunity, by Ferando D'Alfonso. During a so- her leaving the office of the Co - To our chairman of the Board, tial half hour lunch was served by operative Egg -grading station, Sea - vice chairman and chairmen • o • all the co mittee. forth. . committees, and to all Board mem-"When we heard that to Coiling - evening next, Mar. 8, 7 p.m. service hour, a very event will occur, when the rs and choir of Northside Church •Seaforth and Ont- United Church, Clinton, will inallort e. side Churchev. Glen afle had been in the accident could not identify it from the others at the Habl.irlc garage Tuesday afternoon and had to ask which one. Only a few slight marks on the roof could be seen. Hiphasizle thatol boar Seaforah isfflfortunate in having the very highest standard C. W. L. The monthly meeting of the Catholic Women's League was held on Tuesday evening. The president, Mrs. Leo h e lea opened the meet- ing with the league prayer said in unison by the member, Mrs. Igna- tius O'Leary, sec„ read to minutes STERIAL ASSOCIATION 'March meeting of the Sea- nd District Ministerial Asso- will be held on Tuesday, 10, in St. Thomas' Church, h. The speaker will be Rev. of Bayfield, of motor equipment in use by the o eralor and the buses are definite- 1 p better than man or school roes in other places. y The accident was so minor, it would not have required reporting to the department Provincial Con- stable Snell stated, except for the stable of previous meeting. The press gave , an outline of the treasurers se- port, dos to the absence of the treasurer, Mrs. James Slattery. A report on the card party held mine school recently, shoved it was a de- aided success. A donation .of $35. will 'be even to the Sisters for use !I school equipment. As usual the bars, I would like to express my personal thanks for the wisdom and EGMONDViLLE Dui g guidance brought to bear in the Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Murray o complex problems o£ hosppital policy. London spent the week end with the your interest, your understanding, letter's sister, Mrs. Risby Dundas.. and your support keeps the doors f On Saturday they attended the fun- this hospital open today, tomorrow eral of their aunt, Mrs. Warren Hut- and always. chisot of Staffa, In closing this report I desire to On Saturday the community was record deep fueling of gratitude saddened on learning of the suddenthink and .personalAndrew Houston. appreaiatiol for the passing interest, loyalty, faithfulness and Much mpathY is etended to the efficiency of the nursing, office and bereaved husband and family. domestic staff of this hospital. Miss Eleanor Hudson of Toronto P wood town you would go, the whole ,orthside -egg establishment wilted with woe: Evelyn, Thelma Mary,Beth and Anderson, Li] ,two Rys, Mr Stu - V art and Clare Reith; (the latter now settled across the Main Street, still wears a wide smile the egg people to Igreet). Says one, with a wail, "Oh, boy, how we'll miss her! Do you she would stay •if I offered to diss ' Another said, "No, it ouldn'twokou, she would prob ably hit you a hang of a clout." The hest thing to do is to just throw a Party, with fun, games and cheer United Church John Stinson, Minister. m., Sunday School and Adult girl's arm having been broken. It occurred a mile and a quarter east of Hensall. • eggs for St. Joseph's Orphanage will be collected at Easter time. Plans are under way for the annual m., "Peace, the age -long Junior Congregation and r' Group. .m„ Preacher, Rev:. Glen Clinton, by Olin- SPORT SHORTS Junior hockey play-offs have been at a standstill for :Seaforth. With London and Sarnia tying in London Tuesday it found three meeting to be held in the form of a potluck supper on Thursday, April 16th. Arrangements are being made for a guest speaker at this meeting, Meeting closed with prayer. assisted taria Street United Church on night all clubs tied with six points.Seaforth three games lefLondontw, Sarnia Seaf wins MEETING ATTEND W. 1 Southgate and M. Reid attended a meeting of the Huron St. Thomas Anglican W. A. Zones, Rector m., Sunday School m,, Morning Prayer In. Evening Prayer ;day — Holy Communion at and one. over Sarnia on .Saturday night it will ih leave London and -Seaforth in the finals. Luck has been running freely for London lately, so to -night's game should be a real duel, From the 5-2 win over Winthrop Monday the Merchants County Insurance Agents Assoeia- tion in Clinton on Thursday, Febru- wry 26th. Agency matters and gen- exon business were. discussed. $25,0'0 was also voted to the Huron County European Flood Relief. was a week end finest with Rev. A, W. and Mrs. Gardiner at the manse. LEGION HOCKEY Mr. .Stuart N. Keyes of Orillia Saturday, Feb. 28th. spent a fete days with his mother, Bruins 7—(L, Scott 2, D. Scott 2, )lis. Nelson Keyes. D. Elliot 3), Canadians 3—(P, Dat ;yin. and Mrs. Dan McKenzie of 2, McClinchey 1). Cranbroolc visited recently with the Rovers 7—(11, ,Scoins 2, Carter 3, fonner's mother, Mrs. Hugh &1c- Broome 2). Black Hawks 3--03. Lachlan and hr, McLachlan. Flannigan 2, McMichael 1.), passing of Mrs. Andrew Houston Red Wings 7 ---(Murray 3, R; The word that Mrs. A, Houston, Knox 1, Duppee 2, McClure 1). Mat- 56, had passed away of Saturday, and a luncheon , most hearty: and then at the end bring you up to the front, (I assure you it's only a so - viable stunt) and hand you this gift right off the bat, and you men- tint Bill with the black felt hat!" Among those present were Mr. W. J. Stuart, manager, and firs, Stu - art; Mr. Clare Reith, former mana- ger, and Mrs. Reith. Mid -week Lenten Service at n, St, Marys, Dublin ppm., Sunday School m„ Holy Communion on night, en- ter the I.H.L. for the 1952-53 chant- pionship. The big battle starts this Monday night. In the second game of the double header, the Seaforth Bantams were RED CROSS NOTES low The Red Cross rooms will be open Friday afternoon, March Gth to give out sewing' and wool for knitting. The Red Cross needs this work corn- st Presbyterian Church D. G. Campbell, Minister. in., Bible Class and Sunday clouted 10-3 by Wingham in the W. 0. A, A. finals, This win gives Wingham the championship, pleted speedily. We urgently re- quire knitters for mens socks. Executive meeting hasbeen can- celled. oona 8—(Watson 3). cams as a shock to the community, - - Pee Wee as she was in her usual health and Rangers 1, (P, Brugger). Maple had attended service at the church 1, •(D, Wright). on Friday evening, She was the for - Games March 7.her Myrtle Anna Bell and was born 9 8.01., sharp, Rovers vs Red in Usborne township, She was unit- Wings. 10 a m, sharp, Black Hawks ed in marriage to Andrew Houston vs Bruins. 11 aims, sharp, Canadians of Tuckersmith in 1919, where they vs Maroons, 12 noon, sharp, Pee resided till 1945, when they came to Wee. Eamondville, She was a • srithfol 65TH ANNIVERSARY OF.MR, AND MRS. M. ARMSTRONG Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Armstrong of Huron Street, Seaforth, will cel- ebrate their 65th wedding anniver- nary on Monday, March 9th, and will be at hone to their friends af- ill.,,,, nt, hurl ,..,n„i.,I. - " �r • m,, earth m Life Everlast-Leafs r C'ongregation. m, A film will be shown, .pon the Earth", Everyone e. ban.. Y.P.S. Fireside, HOSPITAL AUXILIARY The regular meeting of the Hoa- pital Auxiliary to Scott Memorial Hospital will be held in the Nurses Residence, Tuesday night, March 10 at 8:15 p.m. New 'members are wel- come. CONSTANCE Mr, Leslie Lawson, who under- went an operation on Monday morn- ing at Victoria Hospital, London, is at time of writing as well as can be exuectedc