HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1953-02-26, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS ORDER YOUR MADE -TO -MEASURE EASTER SUIT NOW . Easter is early this year - - so,don't be one of the disappointed ones order now Choose from hundreds of fine English worsteds, pick & picks, gaberdines, tweeds a n d . novelty weaves in this big Spring showing. Tailored to your own individual measures and the style of your choice with fit and workrnan- ship guaranteed by us. - Let us show you this big spring range now, while the choice is at its best - - - TIP TOP TAILORS W. R. JOHNSTON CLOTHES CAMBRIDGE CLOTHES WARREN K, COOK CLOTHES 46.95 to 65.00 55.00 to 68.50 59.50 to 79.50 79.50 to 95.00 Q�PILb^�i415W VOR101S NEW BILTMORE HATS for spring Pick out your new . .�i solving hat from this •>o alar range of high Key px quality fur felt hats New colors, new shapes :• t � and clever new corded and two-tone bands. • Sizes 634 to 71/2 in stock 8 w �r `a at--- STEWART BROS. KIPPEN. Speeial serviees will be held in St. Andrew's United Chilrelt • cal Sunday at 11 a,m. and 710 p,ln. to nark the reopening following ex- tensive decorating and the laying of new carpet. Rev. McLeod will speak at 'both services. Special music will be furnished by the choir assisted in the morning lay the Male Quar- tette of Cromarty. In the evening a male chorus from Zurich will assist under the direction of Mrs. Milton Oeseh, On Monday evening a Play "Look Out Lizzie", will be presented in the church - by the Woodham Young People, Everyone is invited to at- tend these services, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Fair4tairn celebrated their 50th wedding anni- versary at the home 'of their daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love on 'Tuesday. Guests in- eluded several who had attended the wedding 50 years ago. Mrs. Fairbairn, whose maiden name was Mary Ellen Robertson was the daughter of the late Alm McGregor and Thomas Robertson,of Tuckersmith, Walter Patterson Fairbairn was the son of the late Mary Hahkirk and Elliott Fairbairn of near Hensall. The ner'emony was performed at the home of the' bride's parents on the 2nd con. of Tucker - smith, near ICippen, on Feb, 24, 1903, by the Rev. J, MaLennon. Their attendants were Mrs. John Shaever, now of Aylmer, niece of the bride. The late Wm. Fairbairn was groomsman. The flower girl was Mrs. Harry Tennerf now of Winnipeg. Following their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Fairbairn took up farming on the Town Line, Stanley twp._ west of Kippen. Thirteen years ago they retired to Hensall and are now residing with their daughter Love, Kippen. They have one daugh- and son-in-law, M'r. and Mrs. Ross ter (Grace) Mrs, Ross Love; two sons Elliot and William died in in- fancy. They have three grandchild- ren. A turkey dinner was served in their honor on Sunday at the home of their daughter to 17 guests. The diningroom was decorated with spring flowers in the traditional col- ours. The table was centred with a three-tier weddin4 cake with gold tapers and daffodils at each side. The waiters were Mrs. Ken McKay, a granddaughter, and Miss Ann Tate a niece. A toast was proposed URSPAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1853 The Annual Board Meeting of the Board Of Trustees of SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Seaforth Will be held. on Friday, February 27th In the Town Hall at 8 P.M. Good Used Cars Trucks, Tractors 50 FORD COACH with Overdrive and Radio 50 CHEV COACH 46 49 FORD TUDOR 46 48 MERCURY 42 47 MERCURY COACH 40 37 DODGE Yo TON TRUCK 1946 Cockshutt 30 Tractor 1947 Ford Tractor - 2 1949 Ford Tractor with 1/2 tracks and loader FORD COACH MONARCH DODGE SEDAN PONTIAC COACH Daly Motors Ford Monarch Dealers Seaforth Clearing Auction Sale 011 FARM STOOK, IMPLEMENTS & Household Effects. At Lot 12, Con. 7, Tuck- ersmith Twp,, 31K south of .Seaforth and 1/2 alta went. on 'rhutsdny, March 12 at 1 p.m. HORSES --1 gelding 8 years old : 1 gelding 11 seat's old ; set breeching harness and Ilenecollars, CATTLE - Hereford heifer first calf duo April 37 ; Holstein cow 4 years old, due April 9; Holstein cow 5 years old, due March 26 ; Durham cow 6 years old, due March 10; Dim- ham a,f;Du CW '4 years o11 witcI4 at Durham cow 7 Years old, due March 11; Durham cow 7 years old due March 17 ; Hereford cow '7 years old due March 21 ; Durham cow 4 years old due March 1st; Durham cow 9 years old due April 18. 14 -months -old steer calf, 9 lost opting enlves weighing. 500 lbs, P300-6 clunks over 100 lis, POULTRY - 200 last Year pullets, IMPLEMENTS -Model D Oaso tractor with live power takeoff,. new July 1952. MaCm'm- lok Deering stiff tooth cultivator 814 foot (like new) • fertilizer' sower 6 ft. (like new) I rake has luny loader; 0 ft. Massey 3000118 mower; 3 furrow balder plough; wagon & rook. Set bob sleighs, horse sautfler, atone boat; 100 ft, snow fence, 16 rod chicken wire, 20 iron posts, bah wire, 12 ft. wire gate, gravel box, car & hay fork rope, hay fork, Massey -Harris boom puller, wheel bar- row, 2 scoop shovels, horse blanket, fire ex- tinguisher, logging chain. bag truck, 100 feed sacks ; single furrow riding plow ; 36 ft ex- tension ladder. Viking oreem separator. Col- ony house 10x12, 3 shelters, hen troughs, chicken feeder's & fountains; 2 colony house stoves, fattening crate; 2 steel barrels. Grafi,-460 bus. mixed grain suitable for aced; corn on .cob. Hay -12 ton baled -hay; clover seed: 3 Inn second cut alfalfa. Household Effects -Dresser, bed & springs; mattress; 2 easy chairs; 1 tapestry rug; 4 - burner white enamel electric stave (Ilent Wave) ; rocking chair; drop leaf table; 0 chairs; lamps. dishes, gas stove, 3 burner with oven; couch, 1 long table, t:f, hp. motor. Other articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash. No farm JOHN McLACHLAN,r Proprieterald. I'Iaroldl Jackson, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk Clearing Auction Sale CARD OF THANKS • The family of the fete Mrs. Janes Morris wish to thunk their friends and neighbors for the maty kindnesses shown to them during theirmother's illness and death, Thanks for the many spiritual offerings, and those who kindly loaned cars or assisted in any way. CARD OF THANKS LIVDs'rocIC-& MACHINERY, cte. .\I Lot 9, Con, 18. Grey Tvvp., 2 miles east of Wal- ton, on Wednesday, Mach 11th et 12,30 p.m. t'ATPLP Black cow 9 yeu•a; okl, bred in July; blakk cow 8 .veers old, .bred in July Mark cow 6 years old. bred in July ; red COW oyer, old, bred in Jame; red cow 0 years old, bred in June: 2 Holstein eowa 5 years i1. p',sta•e bred, Black registered cow. 5 to the bride and groom of 50 years years old. bred; black registered caw 4 year. by a grandson Robert Love, of Tor- old, bred ; blue cow 3 years ale, posture ),roil; Lig belfera years old, Pasture bred: onto. Mrs. Hugh McGregor respond- block heifers 2 ;cars old, to f'esba1 in Amit. ed, Mrs. Harry Faber proposed a 4 steers rising 1 year ofd 1 4 heifers ,icing 1 toast to the Queen, and the Nation- Year old. Poultry -70 white Rock hens MACHINERY -70 Coeksbutt standard tt'ac- al Anthem was sung. tor on rubber: 3a-52 Mildmay grain senora. tor 8 plate Cncksbutt one way disc; Vniver- BOX ui ural ori tri AMBULANCE Prompt and Oareful Attentlon Hospital l3ed Flowers tor all occasions Phones: •Day 45 Night 595W This is to extend sincere appreciation fpr tributo expressed at St. Patrick's Church. Dublin, on Thursday last week, by all tekini part inthe servicealso the many young and old friends attending, to show their respects for my slater, Mrs, Bragg, who recently an- swered the call, "Come unto me and lest", Thanks everyone. Thomas Aldington, Sea - forth . CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my thanks and appreci- ation for all kindness shown me during my illness in Scott Memorial Hospital by the nurses, and also to Dr. Gorwill and Rev. H, Brook and those who sent me flowers and lovely ortds. MRS. FRED HOEGY CARD OF THANKS Ml•, Russell Dallas wishes to thank the Rev. Mr. Maines and the Women's Associ- ation of Brucefleld United Church and to all others who so kindly called on him during his recent illness. : Mr, and Mrs. Fairbairn received sal milker angio vnita ; Mnasey II,trns na several bouquets and potted plants longer; 7'ft, roaring binder; tnlOno ;11111' of Spring flowers and many greet- wog n.'; nay nark; la inch Bisset grinder; 15- ing cards. boo disc Cockshutt .grain drill ; 3 furrow trot - Guests were present from Toron- tar' triol 7 ft. I»ter,lntimlal W.!"o• ,nnwel•; 1 Mneory Harris side rake; -o McCormick to, Dodsville, Sasl.,, Clinton, Sea- cultivntar, mann faudnlr mill, motor pulley. forth, Hensall, Bayfield .and Kippen. 12.5 et. 0" drive belt 4 ply, set harrows, buggy cutter. 7" electric bench saw, heavy day. ,�i Several" relatives and friends call- motor, bench emery, ft. a" 4 -sly dere ed on Tuesday to extend congratu- belt; 12 ft, robin trailer (like newt, travels 4. Grain & Hay -Quantity cut mixed hay. 150 Rageis lations to the happy bride and groom iof 50 years, Mrs. Ducharme and daughter of i Dashwood, visited recently with the ' fornier's mother, _Mrs. McClymont. Miss Alice Pfaff of Exeter spent the weekend with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Elgie. The W.M.S. of St. Andrew's Un- ited Church held their regular meet- ing and also observed the World's Day of Prayer in the church. Mrs. Robert MacGregor and Mrs. Archie Parsons were hostesses. The presi- dent, .Mrs. J. Sinclair, opened the meeting with words of welcome. 28 members answered the roll call and there were 12 visitors. Mrs. Ken McKay favored with a piano instru- mental, "The Robins Return." Mrs. John Anderson reported she and Mrs. R. McAllister had called on five shut-ins, namely Mrs. G. E. Thom- son, Mrs. Wan. Workman, Mrs. S. Workman, Mrs. Stephenson and l'Irs. Walter Fairbairn. There will be no committee for the remainder of the month. It was moved by Mrs. Sinclair and seconded by Mrs, H. Caldwell that we pack a bale. Dona- tions to be brought to the next meeting to be held at Mrs, Norman Dickert's March 4th at 2 p.m, The World's Day of Prayer leaflet was then followed with Mrs. Sinclair leading: Prayer for Queen Elizabeth was given by Mrs. Winston 'Work- man homes and fannies, Mts. Allan Johnson; increased private and fam- ily prayer, Mrs. J. McLellan; fol- lowers of. Christ around the world, Mrs. E. Kyle; non-Christians every- where, Mrs. John L. Henderson, peace, Mrs. E. McBride. A brief address was given by Mrs. H. Cald- well Mrs, J. Love and Mrs. Harold Jones favored with a duet, accom- panied at the piano by Miss Edith Love. The offering was then taken by Mrs. Carl McClinchey and Mrs. A. Parsons. Mrs. J. Sinclair pro- nounced the benediction. A deli- cious lunch was served by Circle 1. The Hensall fire brigade were called to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Caldwell on Sunday afternoon when a chimney fire got out of con- trol. The heat was so intense at a time it was. feared they would be unable to save the house but by breaking the chimney from the in- side the chemicals were successful in extinguishing the flames. Three rooms were damaged by smoke and water. Mr. and Mrs. Carl 'McClinchey and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gaekstetter visited on Sunday with Mrs. Alberta Simmons in Victoria .Hospital, Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold 'Gaekstetter visited the former's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, A. Foster in Egmond- ville on Saturday' evening. Mr. and Mrs, Foster celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary on Monday. Mr, Robt, Thompson ,returned to Floor Sanding and Refinishing We are now in full swing Call for estimates Anything for the floor Guaranteed installations Inlaid Linoleum Congoleum Rubber Tile Marboleum Tile Congo Wall Plastic Tile BOX FURNITURE STORE Funeral and Ambulance Service Phone Day 43 Night 595W hue. mixed grain. Rio..._....._ ... Majestic refrigerator, 7t, cubic foot (Ike new) ; Maxwell electric washer (good) ; Mof- fat combination range, Quebec heater. 8 pc. oak dimngmom suite, studio Bench & m00018- (510 chair; kitchen table, buffet & 6 refuel, oecnsionol chairs & small tables; t lamp. electric lames, Alladln lamp, .1500 watt Sunshine hot plate. singer sewing machine, photograph, 3 piecemaple bedroom suite; 2 bedroom suites complete; iron single bed, springs & mattress; ball rack, drapes, kitchen utensils, antique china dishes, 2 rugs. nuance hooked mats, electric kitchen clock, other articles. Terms cosh. Farm sold - CHARLES WILLIAMSON. Proprietor Herold Jackson, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk HOUSE TO RENT Equipped with Available let. PhoneHARRY NORRIS, 668rSeaforth VETERINARY' SURGEON J, 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M„ V.S. W. R, BRYANS, D,V,M., V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E; LONGSTAFF Optometrist. Phone 791., Main St., Seaforth Hours 9 am - 6 pm. Wed. 9 - 12,30 Sat. 9 am to 9 pm FOR SALE PIGS --Good York chunks: Apply fel Cordon People, phone 330r13 Seaforth TO RENT Modern 8 romp opt. private bath, on high- way 10 minutes drive east from Seaforth, rent reasonable. Apply Seaforth News office CATTLE WANTED Wanted. cattle to feed. Been, wheat, cat 091133 Comfortable RICHARD charge. hROBINSON, Zurich, Ont. FOR SALE 8 suckers trod In chunks. Phone 831r3. PERCY DALTON HOUSE TO RENT 3 -room brick house, all modern conveni- ences, 914. west of Seoforth. Phone 89203 Clinton his home in the village after spend- ing several months with his daught- er and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Schneider in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dowson visit- ed on Thursday last with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kerr of Winthrop. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Dickert and Mrs. Dickert of Clifford visited on Thursday last with the latter's son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert. Mr. and Mrs. Orville McClinchey and Donna of Varna and 1'Ir. and Mrs. Egbert Heideman of Zurich visited on Thursday evening it Mrs. McClymont. INCOME TAX RETURNS Income Tax Returns made up 1952 Forms on hand Phone for appointment Thos. D. Wren, Cromarty R. Hensall 688;10, Dublin 14o'12 MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seafortb, JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. .Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforph SEAFORTH CLINIC 11. A. McMaster, B.A.,M.D., Internist P, L. Brady, M.D„ Surgeon Office Hour's, 1 pin to 5 pm, daily. except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only, 7-9 pm Appointments made in advance are desirable, HELP WANTED A girl or lady to do genetral housework and help core for small child. All modern cenforth, phone 6461 con - ,:2 veniences, close to WANTED—FOR HURON COUNTY Young married man. 21-28, who wishess to better iia reset positron, Mas have ear, be alert, clean-cut and aggressive. For Personal interview write Box 12,, Seaforth News. All replies strictly contidontinl, FOR SALE 20, pigs, around 100 lbs. Apply to Ward Knox or Russell B4'irows, 342r25 Seaforth. FOR SALE Two young Holstein cows due in Mach. Also a good team of horses. ARNOLD KEYES, Varna WOOD FOR SALE Clean CLARtrREGE, Dublin bush. ord i ENCELI;6409 SALESMAN WANTED Man wanted for Rawleigh business. Sell to 1620 families. Good profits for hustlers, Write today. Rawleigh's Dept, 13-364-9, Montreal FARM FOR SALE 100 acres on paved highway, 46 fall plowd. Red brick house, 7 rooms, floodefurnace. Barn G0x44 hip roof, 19 stanchions, water bowls, pressure sys- tem, hydro, 1/, mi. to school, church, niiil and gen. store. $6000 can remain on first mortgage. This is a good farm and best of location. W. C. Montgom- ery, RR 4, Walton, Ont. FOR SALE Good 87% acre grass farm, on 6th concession, McKillop, pts. lots 27 and 23, drilled well and windmill, large water tank. Most of said farm newly seeded down and a good catch. Apply to Wln. G. McSpadden, Seaforth RR 1 TENDERS. TUCKERSMITH The Tuckersmith Ladies' Club will meet at the home of Mrs. horriis Sillery on Wednesday, 4. Roll call is to name an Irish Song. 1 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTII, ONT. Officers -.-President, John L. Malone, Sea - forth ; Vice -Pres., John H. McEwing, Blyth; Manager & Sec.--Treas., M, A. Reid, Senfarth, Directors -3. L. Malone Seaforth ; J. H. !flawing, Blyth; W. S. Alexander, 'Walton; E. 3, Trewartlm, Clinton ; 3. E. Pepper, Brucefiold; 0. W. Leonhardt, Bornholm; H. Diller, Gotlerich ; 12. Archibald, Seaforth; S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth. Agents -Wm. Leiper Jr., Londesboro; J;'T Praetor, Bmdhagen; -Selwyn Bokor, Braools1 Eric Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to etleot insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the Above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST„ SEAFORTH ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies "The World's Finest Anthracite" WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 363-J Res. 192-M Township of McKillop Tenders for spraying cattle by the head for Warble Fly Control, in the Township of McKillop. The same to be in Clerk's office Feb. 28, 1963. A marked cheque of 5100.00 to accom- pany tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. M. PTCI{ERT, Seaforth 11.1, Clerk, MCKillop Twp. FOR SALE Cob corn, delivered. Phone 221'4' Dublin. L. O'Sullivan FOR SALE Allis-Chalmers combine complete with flax rolls, scour has straw shredder, cleans and screens, knives and guards never used. Apply to The News Office. FOR SALE 1951 Ford tractor, plow & stiff -tootle cultivator; 11 disc Cockshutt fertilizer drill; 2 pc chesterfield, electric refrig- erator, I. O'Leary, Seaforth, 561r22 HELP WANTED Boy or Girl to work in pleasant surroundings, with good opportunity' for advancement Apply to The Canadian Bank of Commerce Seaforth, Ont. TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tax Prepayment Receipts for 1953 THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH WILL PAY 4 PER CENT PER ANNUM UP TO AUGUST 31, 1953, ON ALL PREPAID 1953 TAXES Certificates andfull particulars inay be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office in the Town Hall D. H. WILSON TREASURER RADIO REPAIRS Quick, Inexpensive and guaranteed radio remain to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 347R. Seaforth COAL We are well stocked with —Stove . —Alberta —Nut —Buckwheat -Stoker Coal -Pocahontas -Briquettes WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318 w Genuine OLGA Pocahantos Car of Alberta coal on track Car of Reacting Trade Marked Red Hard Coal. "We deliver" KRAUSKOPF BROS. Phone 36 r 13 DUBLIN INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability etc. Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Successor to E. C. Chamberlain MAIN ST: SEA/FORTH Phone 334 Res. 222R HORSES WANTED Disabled or useful work horses. Apply to W. 0. GOVENLOCIC, Dick douse, Seaforth PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed Postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 250; 24 samples $1.00. Mail - Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Public Notice Take notice that I have discontinued thb employment and stoney of Alvin J. Kellerman of Dashwood. He is now no longer empowered to act for or on my behalf. Signed, W. E. Reid, Chatham, On FIDELITY LODGE No. 55 I. 0.0. F. - Instituted March 8111, 1870 Meets lst & 3rd Wed. Evenings Sunday, March 1, 2.30, Practise for third degree Monday, March 2nd—Candidates re- ceive first degree at Huron Lodge, Goderoh. Regular Meeting March 4 Third degree conferred by Fidelity Lodge 55, Seaforth, Hensall' Lodge visits Seaforth with candidates, "A11 Odd 'Fellows welcome" Noble Grand Recording Sectyt VICTOR L1312 HARRY McL15OD