HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1953-02-26, Page 7Little -Known Places
Aground Old London
I take old suburbs that have
grown from country places. They
stand ten miles from London and
ten miles from a countryside that
is still unspoilt because the train
service is so bad. The railway
station is of the Swiss chalet pat-
tern and has a wooden lace
canopy over the platforms. it once
took a prize for the beauty of its
Bawer beds....
In the straight streets planted
with trees and fringed with graes
plots stand the modern houses
where the families live. These
houses have quite different sorts
of names from the old houses.
The modern names are written en
the garden gates or slung in fret-
work over the porch: The Cedars,
Cumfy, Dunromin, the more or-
iginal D u n s e k i n, Trottalong.
There is the house that is called
Home Rails (a happy investment,
fortune - founding? 1 There is
Deo Data for the learned, Villa
Roma for the travelled, Portar-
lington Lodge for the socially am-
mitious, Ella, Basil and Ronald
live at Elbasron. There is also
Elasrofton which is "not for sale'
written backwards.
The place names on the way
to the city where the fathers
go daily to earn their living are
countrified -the mysterious Cock -
fosters, Green Lanes, Wood
Green, Turnpike Lane, Coming
nearer to the city there is Man-
or Park. And what is that curi-
ous building, an exact copy of
Stirling Castle, that stands to the
left of the bus route? It is that
In the high -lying outer north-
ern suburb the wind blows fresh
and keen, the clouds drive swiftly
before it, the pink almond blos-
som blows away, When the sun
is going down in stormy red
clouds the whole suburb is pink,
the light is a pink light; the high
brick walls that are still left
deep Rain Away With These
lAINCOAT time is just around the corner for Malty
J -L of us. In a few paras of the country it's a year 'round
thilig but in most places annual Spring showers are coming.
For the very young miss, the oilskin slicker has returned,
Women who wore it when they were flappers in the
"Twenties" will view it with nostalgia. Their daughters
will take to it on campus, job, or just on the go.
The new slickers are in colors that range from pink
cloud to blue sky. There are vivid colors, too. tried
geranium, blue sapphire, yellow, and nut brown, The oil-
skin itself has been treated' to render it completely water-
proof rattler than water-repellent.
These slickers are styled along the classic lines made
famous and popular fly New England fishermen' in the
1800's, Fax' comfort and softness, a corduroy -lined collar
bas been added.
Otic design features this collar in stripes, just for fun.
There's a matching hat too, .with corduroy motif in stripes
carried out on underbrini.
In addition to the head -hugging cloche, there's the tradi-
tional fisherman's "sou'we6ter" to wear with the slicker.
*-The traditionally flamboyant
oilskin slicker is toned down to
a beautiful shade of nut brown
for those who lean toward She
conservative In Color. It is high-
lighted by a striped corduroy
lined collar.
In keeping with Ibis season's-+
sloping -shoulder silhouette, the
well -loved oilskin slicker Rakes
to raglan sleeves. A natural -
colored collar ashy be worn Tan
or dower. Tho cloche is for pro-
tection and glamor,
ay Stickers
standing where once the old es-
tates were held the pink light
and throw it back. The laburnum
flowers on the pavement trees
are yellow, so there is this pink
and yellow color, and the blue -
gray of the roadway, .that are
special to this suburb. The slim
stems of the garden trees make
a dark line against the delicate
colors. There is also the mauve
and white lilac, -From "Flower
of Cities: A Book of London Stu-
dies and Sketches by twenty-two
Lean, meat -type hogs have
been raised as fast and as econo-
mically as fat - types in Iowa
State College tests. And with
strong consumer preference for
lean cuts, you'll be ahead with
the type carrying more meat and
less fat. Record on 144 litters
showed pigs of intermediate
length were fastest growers and
those of more than average
length were most economical in
feed requirements. Short, fat
hogs failed to lead on any of the
economy counts,
4 4 4
Comparisons were made be-
tween Chester White, Duroc, Po-
land China and Landrace pure-
bred crosslines and with cross-
bred hogs developed especially
for their lean meaty carcasses,
The crosses included: Land -
race -Poland ChinaDuroc-Poland-
Landrace and Montana No, 1-
0 4 4
Peed per 100 lbs. of gain was
higher for the fat -type Chester
White and Poland China cross -
lines, averaging 353 and 352 abs.
Meat -type Landrace made the
most economical gain with 326
lbs. of feed for 100 lbs, gain. The
Montana No, 1-Duroc-Poland-
Landrace cross did -very well,
requiring 329 lbs. of feed per 100
lbs, They averaged 205 lbs, at 5
mos. with 47.8% lean cuts.
High percentage of lean cuts
means greater demand at the re-
tail counter. Poland China and
Landrace crosslines and the 4
crossbreds averaged from 5 to
9.6% more lean cuts. There was
little difference in dressing per-
4 4 4
You can expect just as good
returns from spreading nitrogen
early in the year ahead of plant-
ing as from applying it to a grow-
ing crop, researchers at the Pied-
mont Research Center, Virginia,
The early spreading saves labor
and time because the nitrogen can
be put out with other fertilizers
instead -'of separately. Spring ap-
plications also have -paid 'off in
Nebraska wheat fields.
4 4 4
Working on a tight soil, George
D. Jones, agronomist, got a 2 -yr,
average of 100,3 bu, of corn an
acre where he spread 100 lbs,
of nitrogen on Feb. 15; nitrogen
applied when the corn was plant-
ed made 105,3 bu. an acre and
nitrogen side -dressed when the
corn was knee-high helped make
101.2 bu, All the corn in those
3 plots got 800 lbs. of 0-12-12 fer-
tilizer per acre. Yield from a
plot that received only the 0-12-
12 was 77.5 bu. an acre and an
unfertilized plot made 68.6 bu,
e 4 .8
Moisture was lower in the
grain which got early nitrogen,
but that was the only difference
Jones could find, according to a
writer in "The Country Gentle- _
He did discover that nitrogen
residue will carry over in the
•soil. He grew wheat on the plots
where he had grown the corn
and got a 2 -yr. average of 22.7
$. Remnants of
4. Reclines
10. Poker stake
11. Repose
17. Property
14 Detract
ACROSS 3 Approach 222. headpiece
I. Countenance 4. Corrected 23, Plop on the
1 1`hilinpine 1, 'Drive 29. Souge nd or
native 8. Covered with Pattie
Y2 Particle Winglike thick black 11. Purpose
1R, Anrep Mould 87. Tncialah
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01 Lound root
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14 Bushy Ousts
15 Obtained
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90. Fire
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02 Lamb's pet.
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20, Clear wont
29. Pronoun
81, Stta
33, P1.11e•i'ee
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33.. Dot., shelter.
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43 Source* of
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43 Am, .na41 151,4 •
40. Sewed tolnt
45. r3,v birth
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ee Elsewhere oil This rage
bu, an acre where the nitrogen
had been plowed in before plant-
ing; 24.8 bu. of wheat where the
nitrogen went on at planting
time; 25.9 bu. on the side -dressed
plot; 16.4 bu, for the 0-12-12 only
plot; and 15.7 bu, from the un-
fertilized plot.
4 4
Wheat grower's also can snake
better use of nitrogen by apply-
ing it in early spring. From the
standpoint of total nitrogren re-
covery and added protein • con-
tent in grain, spring applications
have shown a distinct advantage
in Nebraska tests.
¢i 4 .4
Good seedbed practices usually
mean enough available nitrates
in the soil to support favorable
fall growth when wheat produces
around 1/15 of its total weight.
But when growth is resumed in
spring, the plant develops very
rapidly. Adequate nitrogren sup-
plies are needed particularly from
April 5 to June 6 in Nebraska.
In this 60 -clay period before
heading, the basic substance of
the plant is practically all made
and little nitrogen is needed as
it ripens. This explains wily the
most efficient use of nitrogen takes
place after April or May appli-
A, 4 .+
Yield tests in 11 Nebraska 10 -
cations over a 5 -year period
showed 40 lbs. of nitrogen in the
fall caused wheat to yield an
extra 11 bu. over unfertilized
seedings. A like amount in the
spring brought 12 bu, more. Split
applications of 10 lbs- in the fall
plus 30 lbs, in spring gave an
1.1 bu. increase.
In all tests, nitrogen was sup-
plemented with 30 lbs, of phos-
phorus. This increased yield 3
bu. per acre, compared with 6
bu, for nitrogen alone and 12
bu. for the combination. Wheat
made no response to potassium.
e '
Chief advantage of spring treat-
ment is that need for .nitrogen
supplement can be mad-e:.aceur-
ately estimated according to''de-
ftciency symptoms and Coif inois-
ture supply after the crop has
commenced growth in the spring.
On soil of very low fertility, a
split application helps, since it
stimulates early growth and til-
4 4 4
Annnoniuni nitrate and urea
have been more effective as a
spring top -dressing for wheat
than ammonium sulphate. On the
basis of nitrogen contained, these
3 nitrogen carriers are essenti-
ally equal when soil is moist
at time of application. Anhy-
drous ammonia applied 4 to 6"
deep before planting or in eaely
spring has been as effective es
ernmenium nitrate.
A popular theory promulgated
by critics of Hollywood is that
movies are successful because
a large percentage of the audi-
ence are children who are easily
pleased. According to a survey
the odds are 12
to 1 against any-
one in the audience being a child,
In metropolitan New York the
odds are 110 to :1.
Cockle -Women Scared Napoleon's
Troops Away!
The common cockle is found
all round the British coast line
111 the vicinity of estuaries, where
it buries itself its the sand or
meld. This bivalve is good to eat
all the year round and makes an
appetising and succulent dish in
these days of unvaried diet.
Cockles are especially nutritive
when boiled in milk, and there
is no doubt that the Romans used
this easily obtainable food as a
ration for their soldiers. At many
old camp sites huge heaps of
eockle shells have been unearth-
In England the most import-
ant centres of the cockle industry
are the Wash, the Thames Estu-
ary and Morecambe Bay, but
. probably the oldest 'beds' are in
Wales. The cockles from the
neighbourhood of Burry Estuary
near Swansea are renowned for
their size, quality and flavour.
Sven in the present day the wo-
men who gather cockles at low
tide, and load them into donkey -
panniers, wear distinctive head-
dresses and shawls, Indeed, the
pieturesctue dress of Welsh cockle
women has an interesting histori-
cal association for, when Napol-
eon thought of invading England
and landing at Fishguard, his
ships were frightened off when
the captains saw what they took
to be red -jacketed British sol-
diers on the sand -dunes. The
'troops' were really cockle -yeo-
men in their traditional dress,
who had seen the French ships
tying off the coast and had col -
Meted in force to parade around
tike infantrymen; the ruse, of
course, was entirely successful.
The technique of gathering
cockles varies in different locali-
ties, In Wales they are raked out
from under the sand with a hook
while in Cornwall a metal spoon
is used for the same purpose, In
some places gatherers simply
stamp with bare feet on the
sands and the cockles else to the
surface under the pressure. On
parts of the Lancashire coast a
base board, known as a 'jumbo'
is nailed to a frame and pressed
down on the sand.
Cockle colonies have a habit of
shifting their locality and huge
beds covering several square
miles have been known to van-
ish in a night owing to a sudden
shift in the sea's current or a
change of temperature in the
water. These bivalves live on sea-
water and not on sand as is gen-
erally believed, and, owing to the
fickle nature of cockles, establish-
ed beds are carefully protected.
All cockles are graded through
a wire screen before marketing,
the size of the mesh being gov-
erned by a local by-law, and the
small specimens are returned to
the beck to grow and mature,
When the cockles have been
taken inland above high water
mark, they are sometimes putt in
huge cauldrons of boiling water,
where they open, become free of
the shell, and are sold in local
markets as 'live cockles.'
There is no poisonous 'beard'
to extract from cockles as there
is in mussels, but they have a
'foot' by which they delve in the
sand, The Red -nose has a =lm -
son foot 4 inches long and by
using it as a kind of catapult it
is able to leap right over the gun-
wale of a boat.
Paignton fish -wives, by the
way, have their own method of
cooking cockles. They are clean-
ed for a few hours in a tub of
cold spring water where they
spew up the sand inside them;
then they are fried in a batter of
breadcrumbs. The majority of the
people living by the sea simply
stew cockles and eat them in ple-
beian fashion, but a great deal
can be achieved with a little in-
genuity in the kitchen and when
serving at the table, After the
cockles have been cleaned, cook-
ed and seasoned with salt and
pepper, more substance and fla-
vour can be given the dish by
stirring in a spoonful of flour
and simmering over a slow fire.
Before serving, add a large
spoonful of essence of anchovy
and one of mushroom ketchup.
The Bretons cook cockles in
various appetising ways, some-
times frying them with ham;
they also put them in pies, chop-
ped with chives, after a layer
of bacon has been put at the bot-
tom of the dish. The Belgians,
who are very fond of cockles,
flavopr with chives and fry with
oatmeal. For convalescing inval-
ids a good strengthening soup can
be made of cockles, though it is
sometimes found to be indigesti-
bel. On the Italian coast where
`cocciola' abound, they are usually
eaten raw or cooked in oil after
seasoning with herbs. The Spa-
nish consider cockles cooked in
oil a great delicacy.
In the past, the cockle has been
looked upon as the poor man's
oyster, but now it is regarded as
a general and democratic dish.
in many parts of Great Britain
For in these days the gourmet
is hard put to it to find tasty'
dishes at reasonable cost to en-
liven his palate and 'warm the
cochlea of the heart!'
And, incidentally, while that
strongest man is unable to opens
a cockle with his hands, the star-
fish straddles the bivalve anal
opens it with the greatest o4
Jesus Condemns False
Matthew 31:1-12, 37-29
Memory Selection: Whosoever
shall exalt himself shall be aim-
ed; and he that shall buwbte
himself shall be exalted. Matthew
Who is more despicable than a
hypocrite unless it be a persoax
who is small enough to try te
hide behind one? I{e excusee
himself from being a Christian
because there are hypocrites. The
religious leaders, Scribes and
Pharisees were hypocrites. Jesuit
said so, repeatedly, and illustra-
ted his charge by specific instate..
ces. These Inc:: pretended to be
virtuous but were wicked at
heart. Jesus did not speak this
tirade against them out of a feel-
ing of personal reeentrnent but
with a view of warning the
nation against their false leaders.
It is well that the lesson in•
celudes our Lord's lament ovele
the coming destruction of Serbs.-
Salem. It demonstrates the bur-
urden that was on his heart. He
loved his people. Even when her
rebuked, it was in love.
The eyes of the world are on
the new president of the United
States. What kind of a leader
will he be. When he took his
oath of office the George Wash-
ington Bible was opened at Ps.
127:1. "Except the LORD build
the house, they labour in vain
that build it: except the LORD
keep the 0153', the watchman
waketh but in vain," U.S.A. is
the greatest producer in the
world. She may well be consider-
ed the watchrnan:of the free peo-
ple's of the world. But whether
building or alerting for danger
she needs God. The Bible his
mother gave him at his gradu-
ation was opened at 2 Chr. 7:14.
If the nations would accept thin
challenge war and the fear of
wars would cease. Shame on that
two large U.S, dailies who repri-
manded him for asking for that
privilege of offering his own pri-
vate prayer.
A mixture of orange and pine-
apple juices was the drink at the
evening festivities, This pointed.
out President Eisenhower's desire
for sobriety. Would that all our
leaders from municipal councils
up, would have the courage to
thus reprove drunkenness. God.
bless our leaders and may they
be true are rot false.
(Upside down to pi event peeling),
Busy Champion -With his mind definitely on his work, Duke,
champion Doberman Pinscher, seems entirely unaware of pretty
Iris Maxwell's blonde charms. In training for dog shows, Duke
works out on the beach, using iris for a hurdle.
W!='VE BEON 5001NG G1.1oSTS1
HIDDEN 84ER0'/-i•4tile,
BUT tr''S sticp A NICF-ONG. '
By Arthur Pointer