The Seaforth News, 1953-02-19, Page 7{
f tlf aLvert SPORTS COLUMN
ev Eloper eT9Cedag
s This is the first of two articles con-
cerning the life and hockey works of one
of hockey's greatest figures, the fc4mous
veteran Captam James T. Sutherland,
founder of the hockey Bail of Fame at
Kingston, hockey's Grand Old Man.
Great oaks, says an old adage, from little
acorns grow, and this might aptly be applied to the develop-
ment of hockey from the embryo stage to its present position
among the most attractive Sports ,in the world. The tiny seed
was planted In Kingston a long time ago and just as the tree
that grew was hearing its first fruit, a stalwart Kingston
athlete and sportsman, James T. Sutherland, became its first
ambassador of goodwill, and, being a natural salesman he
spread its gospel far and wide. If hockey's Grand Old Man
didn't plant the original seed, he certainly aided in the growth
to mighty proportions.
Away back in 1888 Captain Jim was one of the shining
stars in behalf of the Athletics, who operated in the Kingston
League on an out -door rink a stone's throw from the house in
which Mr, Sutherland has resided these many years.
It has been claimed that the 'Kingston League of 64 years
ago was the first in history, but, be that as it may, it is factual.
that there was such a League, and that it was composed of
Queen's University, the Athletics, Royal Military College and
the Kingstons. Queen's won the championship when in the
final game they defeated Athletics by 3 to 0. And clefeneeman
Jim Sutherland did a bit of robust checking in a lost cause.
Mr. Sutherland, founder of the International Hockey Hall
of Fame, past president of the Canadian and Ontario Hockey
Associations and Lffe 1Vfember of both organizations, is now in
his 83rd year, but still as devoted to the hockey cause as when
he skated with the stars in 1888. He has lived to see that seed
grow into the "Spreading Hockey Tree" that is now green in
most countries of the world.
Mr. Sutherland recently told this column: • "In what was
the first organized league of which we have any authentic
record, we played on an open rink with side -boards rising not
more than 30 inches above the ice surface. That old Dix Rink
presented many hazards both to the players and spectators.
"Only after the storms came and the snow was piled high
around the low fences, were the spectators able to view pro-
ceedings from lofty heights and without being endangered.
Among the notables who saw us in spirited competition were
Principal Grant of Queen's University; Rev. Mr. Carson and
many of Kingston's most prominent residents.
"Following that outdoor venture Queen's University erect-
ed an adequate indoor arena which was made to order for
skating and hockey and met with popular approval. Carnivals
and other attractions were staged at regular intervals, and
drew large and enthusiastic crowds. This was one of Canada's
first indoor rinks."
The second of this series on the founder of the Hockey
Hall of Fame appears next week.
Your comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed
by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calrert House, 431 Yonge St., Toronto.
About the only outstanding
Mature of the hockey season, so
-mar, seems to be the way that not
(only the fans, but the sports
writers as well, are frying the
moguls over too much hooking,
tripping and totally unnecessary
roughness. A certain proportion
of the customers -the ones who
know something about the .game
-have long been vocal in this re-
gard; but it is something new for
the sports scribes and sports-
casters, who generally treated
the game, especially in its upper
reaches, with as great reverence
as Hindus observe toward a Holy
Cow. 'Just why they have re-
cently summoned the nerve to
actually criticize the sacred sport
we cannot say, although we have
Cur suspicions.
* * ,
As to the cure for this hook-
ing, tripping, etc., in our opinion
It is a very simple matter. So
simple, some think, as to be al-
most idiotic. What we would do
Is pass a rule cutting from nine
inches to a foot from the length
allowable in a hockey stick. Do
that, and you would see some
real stick -handling, clever pass-
ing plays and - to sum it up
briefly, REAL HOCKEY.
a a a
With that off our reputed mind,
let's turn to a real Champion of
Champions -one who doesn't get
too much publicity on this side
of the water but, nevertheless, a
man who, in his own line, de-
serves to be rated along with
Willie Hoppe in billiards, Ty Cobb
and Babe Ruth in baseball, and
any other of the sporting greats
you care to mention. We refer
to Mr. Joe Davis, master of all
he surveys in therealln of snook-
er pool. Leaning crutch -like on
an article by Sydney Skilton,
English correspondent of The
Christian Science Monitor, we'll
give you a till -in on the doughty
* • * *
This maestro of the cue from
Chesterfield reigned as world
champion from 1927 to 1946 dur-
Ing which time he was never
beaten. Then he resigned the title
to give younger players a chance.
Today he is performing with
greater skill than at any time he
was official world champion. And
almost any day now up on the
scoreboard is likely to go his
500th three -figure break.
Olympic Preview -Getting a glimpse of Melbourne's Stadium-
ito-be for the 1956 Olympic Games which will be held in Australia,
are, at left, Arthur W. Coles, chairman of the Games Control
Committee, and W. S. Kent Hughes, Australian Federal Minister
for the Interior. Designed by Frank Heath and a small group
if associates, the stadium will seat 125,000 spectators. Two years
will be needed to complete it.
Pile 0' People - Nine skilled
acrobats climb up to form a
human pyramid supported by
One man at the Bertram Mills
Circus in London. Known as the
Wazzan Rif-Kabylen group, they
performed for hundreds of
London kids.
The magnitude of that accom-
plishment will be appreciated all
the more when it is explained
that no other exponent of this
extremely popular game that has
ousted billiards from the tables
has anywhere near approached
that total. Nor is there anybody
on the horizon that looks like
doing so. The closest tally in any
part of the world to Joe's 498
are the 144 by his younger brother
Fred who succeeded to the world
title and the 143 by Londoner
Sidney Smith.
Joe, who has been a profes-
sional cueist for more than 30
years, has the advantage of more
than a decade over his younger
and closest rivals. But if they are
to get on terms with the grand
old master they will have to
treble their rate of century scor-
ing. And even so Old Joe, 52 years
of age on April 15, is likely to
make their target a much snore
inaccessible proposition before he
finally packs away the favorite
cue he purchased more than a
quarter of a century- ago for a
mere seven shillings and sixpence.
4 e o
That purchase was made at a
second-hand store on the advice
of his father who althot,gh no
billiards player himself could see
that young Joe was really set on
the game. Joe was a member of
the local church, institute which
boasted a billiards table. Every
spare minute he had was devoted
to the study on it of mathema-
tical exactitude in the applica-
tion of dynamics. He was never
satisfied with less than six hours
practice a day and his first suc-
cessful venture into the profes-
sional game was to win the na-
tional junior championship.
* o *
At the age of 20 years he went
to London for the senior title.
He came up against the reiging
champion, Tom Newman, and
went home after a very severe
chastening. After four more years
Of practice, practice and more
practice, Joe was back again in
the final of the senior champion-
ship. Again he received a lesson
from Newman. But it was a les-
son well learned because in 1927
the deficit against the big -chinned
Londoner was reduced to only
1,200 points. The following year
Davis had his just reward and
became champion. He retained the
title until defeated by the Austra-
lian, Walter Lindrunn., in 1933.
* *
Meantime snooker, or Snooker's
pool to give it its full and proper
name, was gaining rapidly in fa-
vor. It was said originally to have
been invented by British Army
officers stationed in India.
A Devonshire Regiment, sta '
tioned in Juppuipore is given the
credit for it. In 1.13375 members of
the mess tried the addition of
extra colored balls on the table
as a variation from the normal
three -ball billiards game that
helped pass the rainy season.
Young cadets from Woolwich
Academy at that thne were call-
alled "Snookers" and as one of the
subalterns missed aro easy pot
somebody called out "You're a
regular snooker." Thus was born
Snooker's pool"
* 4
It failed to gain any sort of
interest in Victorian and Edward-
ian England but following the
end of World War I and the re-
moval of the cathedral -like at-
mosphere from the billiards halls
snooker was tried as a filler -iii to
tsfeNTle 8 V" 1't 1)
..._„,.,..,.....•^.. _FOIL ... _.,..»....,. •.............-,,...-,„,. X'ATIONTS
PA IN'nai and va1'nlahes, eke:l'teal motive,
eleintleal appllan es, Helibsehap Macldne,'Y.
I1r'lAers wanted. Write; Nepro grease and
oil Limited, Tomato,
Hula canons
DPIAI.Ntta wanted 10 eell baby chfoko and
turkey patina (or ono of. Cmada'e oldest
eetebliebed and largest hateberiee. Liberal
commie,,One pard. Feed doalero, termer*,
implement dealers, agents (or nureerleo,
cream week drivers, and other dealers
make excellent agonto. Send for Lull
dotnlls ilex No. 07, 123 Eighteenth 85.,
New Toronto, Ont.
"O701'01(D" Canadian Approved Chiang,
Live, lay and pay. They are the results
of twenty -live yetu'u of careful selection and
breeding. They have to be good, because
we went the very beet kind of Obleks for
our own 0oelte-b1g, vlgo'ooe, and early
maturing.. We *trees egg sloe and unlform-
tty. Barred Rocas, White Legborno,
:Mama. White Rock, Columbia Rock, New
flnmpshh'a Mama x Rock Cro00br0d,,
Reek x Leghorn Crnnsbrede. New name
x Simms Crosabreda, Write for free folder,
'Pito Oxford Wormers' (co-operative Pro-
duce Company, Limped. 484 Mein Street,
Woodstoelt. Ontario.
ORDER those Patina embr0tt'fed chick,
from G1lmore's Pully guarantee 0,
euall00 cbldta from it real breeding pro.
gramme. Attractive tarty Pullet Pelees,
Write for 111'lees and catalogue "Which
('an10 Flt'et." Gilmo1'e's Paull es Breeding.
Warm, Barrie, Onl aria.
CANADIAN Approved Chicks. Barred
heel[,,, New nampsldreo, New nampohlre
F )tarred Reek, Calumbin Reek % Now
Hampshire, 'Three week old Mirka. nh 07,,
available, heavy day old Pickerel!! 10.00
Per 100. Write for prlce list and folder.
L)neol, chick ilatrhery, 2 Race Street, St,
1'atltarinen, Old aria,
DRAY skirl:o for any market -broilers.
oaten, heavier meal, but the beat market,
aw1t Vehruary-March chicks, They should
be ordered now, Dray iletohme', 120 Sohn
N.. Itamliton,
We can sell sou ordinary statics from
Canadian Approved 01000,0 at $13.45 per
hundred, but If you want chicks with
genuine broodingbuck of them, try
'rtve0dle thinks with lots of 11.0.P, breed.
.Ing mark of thou), at a 'come of pennies
more 000' chlok,. Then you'll got Letter
egg production and mare more profit per
bird. We have special chicks far broilers,
loyr,w. or roasters. Also turkey points.
Send for 1953 catalogue, Suet oft the pries,
Vere,e Ontario
In the oldest days, we had no way of
telling What a hen would lay or what a
cow would produce. Now with R.O.P.
titecord of Performance) we know 008001e.
is what breeding the offspring are from.
Try Ton Notch chicks with R.O.P. breed-
ing back of them, Also turkey points. Our
combination of low Prices and high n11nlity
will please ,you,
Gudnh Ontario
HAVE you anything needs dyeing or clean-
1ng7 Write to us for Information, We
are glad to answer your questions. De.
pnrt010nr H. Parker's Dye Worke Limited,
7791 Yonne St. Toronto.
IDEAL farm 206 area, 200 acres eultivot-
able d acres bush, water front and rear,
d to 12 Inrhea of exceptionally high yield-
ing top soil, clay loam, Very comfortable
two storied ten room solid .red bitch house,
hydro, modern conveniences, hot air heat-
ing, Ineulnted and well decorated. Large
born 72' x 60' also entailer one 00' x 28'1
chicken house or lag pen, 15' x 40'; delving
shed and garage 40' x 25'. Loented three
miles from Arthur, Ontario, Road open
Year round, Known as one of the beet
farms In the district. Pelee 520,000,00
but owner will nett with stook and full line
of e'llIpmenf Moot sell owing to poor
health. Donald 'Yoleb, R.R. No, 4 .Arthur,
the end of the season. Its bright-
ness and breeziness in contrast
to the marked precision and of-
ten irksome billiards gained fa-
vor with the younger generation.
And billiards proceeded to go
0.1C, SO FAR
Dr. Pullman, the socialite den-
tist, was happily yanking teeth
in his office on the seventeenth
floor of a Madison Avenue sky-
scraper with his comely nurse,
Ruth Gordon, in attendance, when
a sharp cry gave them a start.
Rushing to the window, they
saw a good friend who had an
office some floors above them go
hurtling past,
A couple of moments later, an-
other friend burst into the office.
"Did you hear about Johnny
Jones?" he gasped. "He jumped
or fell thirty floors. He's lying
down there on Madison Avenue,
and he looks terrible." "I can't
understand that," said Miss Gor-
don. "When we saw him go by
just a minute ago, he looked
A sentimental woman was
married to an unromantic man.
One evening she said to him
with a sigh: "Would you mourn
for me if I were to die?"
"Oh, yes," he mumbled, "of
course I would."
"And would you visit the ceme-
tery often?"
"Certainly," he said, with a
little more animation. "1 pass it
on the way to the tavern, any-
,hJUi ea , 1 Was
ew Nearly Crazy
Very first use of aonthil g, cooling 1id,id
U. D. D. Preecriptiot positively relieves
raw red itch -caused by eczema, ,rashes,
scalp irritation, chafing -other itch troubles,
Greaseless, OloinIcae. 43c trial bottle must
satisfy or money back. Don't suffer. Asst
your drugglatforD.D.D,PRiISCR.IP'i'ION
Good Advice if You
Suffer with Piles
Moo plan idle, ash and imp! 40 on
rnn'I. alt.. walls Or stand without cnuslatnl
dlseend'nrt yen should Ilse Leu-IIlot, Lha
relief that thousands hero Omni so Rood
And so quids, See how fast Lru-tlihl takes
but the arc, relieves Kehler; and soothes
pain. Why In doss, no time at nil you
0org01 about your piles, One npnilention
glias hours of comfort, Don't sn0'er
ne'uI1eo,I "-gn gni M right new.
Only 50o at ail th'na Melees.
CRI0SS CORN SAI.V32-471or our* re/1e0
Tour Druggist sells OILESS.
GROW quickly Indoors, sell, dwarfed
IHingtreea -- citrus, evergr001t0, anything
Secret 51.00. Cassell, 70 Reverlel', Toronto.
DION thresher 51 a 30 run only 00 days.
In perfect shape. Also 40 BP Rumoly
engine on air tires In good running order.
Will *ell together or will separate them.
Elwood Wilson, Campbelivitle, R.R. 1.
NEED A Bible? Get it now. Dandy Pamlly
BOA *with many bolus, good binding,
54.00 0000011d. Many ethers. Nordmann
Boort Al mile Time, Wines, Minnesota.
T0011t Moll Artier Business Ready Now I
Advertisement only expense. Guaranteed
Pro(Ite or money refunded. Bend $3.00 tot
001000001 Supply Corapany, Dorman
Pike, Tipton, Indiana.
Novelty Patterns 51. Lawn chair p0,001,ne
S for SI. Catalogue free. 0loebre Pattern0,
44,4V Melo', Mlo,te . Toronto 14, Ontario.
Heavy Homemade Work Socks
Pure wool mitt nylon work aocka. Will give
menthe of bale free wear. 11,80 pair Post-
paid, home Ifnit 00001,. Box 30, Wood -
stork, Ontario.
"Aberdeen-Anhmo are acknowledged, all
around the world, to be the beet crooning
Beef Bulls, leaving uniform progeny of
modern beef' type, uniformly black, horn.
lees feat -maturing, with top fleshing
A'Orty-Oe0e0 lingua bulls (the World's best
dehorneral w111 be offered at the Ontario
Bull Sale, Coliseum, Exhibition Grounds,
Toronto, Morels 1101., 1063.
Remember the Ontario Government payO
a, bonus of twenty percent of the price up
to one hundred and ally dollar, each.
Ontario Aberdeen -Angus Ao0oclntion,"
Yee, we eau bolp you to 0eeure top market
value for your livestock ointment* Our
°reanimation, with its skilled state of
Welshmen and asalatants will set sour
stock in beat weig111ng condition.
Our salesmen becnuoo of their daily con-
tact with all buyers, large and email, be -
canoe they know each buyer's remll.fe-
menta and know who will pay the gloat
for the class of stock you have to otter,
can make sure you receive all your live-
stock la worth.
Consign your livestock eblpmenta to Mc-
Curdy A McCurdy Limited, Ontario Stock
Yards, Toronto.
Good Advice 1 Every sufferer of Rheumatic
• Pains or Neuritis should fry Dixon's
335 Elgin Ottawa
$1.25 Express Prepaid
TAPEWORMS, pinworms, cause serious
diseases; could be Your troublel t11ou-
*ands helped. Free literature deeeriboa
condition and remedy. write 51u10eney's
Remedies Limitd. Dom w S , Toronto,
® PEMiNEX o"
One woman tells another. Take superior
1*E01N10x" to help alleviate pain, dis-
tress and nervous tension associated with
monthly periods.
50.00 Postpaid 10 pilon 0Tnn0e1'
BANISH the torment of dry memo rashes
and weeping akin troubles Post's Eczema
Salve will not disappoint you.
Itching, sealing, burning eczema, sane,
ringworm, pimples and foot eczema, ,0111
resp0ad readily to the etalnlees odorless
ointment, regardless of haw stubborn or
honelese they aeon.
Sent Post Proe on Recelpt of Price
000 Queen St. E. Corner of Lagan,
"PEP IIP." Try C.C. k B. Tonic Tab/eta
for low vitality and general debility. At
Druggists one dollar or TEASEL AGENCY.
11124 - 62 Avenue. EDMONTON, ALTA,.
Now Asthma Relief
in minutes or your money back
Ask your Druggist for an
Asthmanefrin Set
Unconditionally guaranteed
Great Opportunity Learn
Pleasant, dignified profession, good wages,
Tbevaands of successful Marvel graduates
America's Great00t System
Illustrated Catalogue Free
Write or Call
358 BIoer St, tY„ Toronto
04 Kiln St., Hamilton
72 Rideau St.. Ottawa
WOOD by mall. Plans.,. Finishing mater-
lals. Write for price List. Dept. W., The
Pine Shop Ltd:, 2220 Benny Ave.. Mon-
treal 28.
CASII for Poetry. 340,00 per poem com-
mon. Book I10tlnk 127 poetry markets,
$0 song markets, !natruetlon. Information,
tips, etc,. 230, bfidtveatcrn Distributor('
Cranbrook, n.0.
e If you suffer from acid Indigestion, due,
heartburn, scientists say baking soda can add
to your upset, destroy vitamins, eanae
el)relosis, acid rebound.
After meals 1 had indigestion and gee
pains, and 1 practically lived on baking
rade," Bayo Peter George: Lethbridge, Alta
"Then I started taking Dr. Pierce', Golden
Medical Discovery au13 the pains wont away
and I could eat and enjoy my meals again. I
gained 80 pounds and felt much better."
Thousands who suffered such distress, due
to no organic causes, tried Dr. Piorco's
Golden Medical Discovery with amazing
malts. Over 90,000,000 bottles of this great
non-alcoholic medicine, with its wonderful
etomanhfn tonin action, have been dold to
date. And no wonder. First, taken regularly,
it promotes moo normal stomach activity,
flus helping to digest food better go you
won't have gas, heartburn, sour stomach.
Second, with stomach nativity improved, you
can eat the foods you Uke without fear et
Discoveryp nt your
1 ierce'0 !;olden Modiwl
druggist, r0dayl
ISSUE 8 -- 1952
1 AST OFFER to oYery Inventor+-*L1st of 1s-
1 reactions and RIR tnforinatfot pent trek.
1 The Bermes 00., Registered Patent Otto,' -
1 *0711. 218 Dank Street, Ottawa,
L1AT1I34NTONliAUt0II 4, 'Cottpany Pee
int Solleltore. Established 1890, 5011
Bas Street, Toroatonooklea. o4 Intormo-
Con R.4 req.linft.
03.00 8I001,I. oder. Tw0107-five dciuxa
Personal requirements. Latest Catalogue
itoeluded. The Medico Agency, Box 114.
terminal A. Taranto, Ontarl".
sash, ys t0onennd0 00 others brave done Ilse
A seven day .0ientltte trdatlnent that
0101,1017 elln,inoten all craving for tobacco.
For free booklet tr,'(te C. ti'. Ring Phar.
Mosul Ltd., pox 070. Lender-, Ontarlu,
OWN Your own Tinniness. Emit 02.00 In-
vested, brings 510.00 Room. tiomilote
Patents 11,00, Tyndall, 207 75. ;train Street.
Brittle!, Conn.
A,votd dangerous falls, wear Ire Creeper
Straps trader any footwear, 11.00 Poo( -
paid. JMaterial,Shawbridge. Onebes.
NEW rugs made from your old rugs .and
woollens, Write for catalogue and price
lips. Dominion Rom Weaving 00mpany,
0077 Dundee Street West, Toronto, tint.
RUGS -Sharply reduced prlces, 0' x 12'-
570,00 delivered; 131' x 61'-147.10 de-
livered, Blade o0 tine rayon moot ytu'na
1g. oxoulglto . oriental patterns, on wine
and red background. W011 ship C.O•D.
Refund if not need, Prosody Textiles
(Rtg'd1, 0007 Dundee w'„ '10700to.
10,000 different stamps one cent Barb.
Better grade Brhlsh colonies halt
catalogue. SUMMERS. 42 Daly, got sue,
THEN WANTED in warp, mild Texas.
Complete Job Information; living costa
lnoluded. Men of all trndea wonted. 53.00,
Don Murray, 809 Pecos, Lorkhorl, Texan.
wake rip your liver bile ...
jump out of bed resin' 1c go
0,300 not worth living? It may bo the livers
10',, a fact! If your liver bile is 1100 flowing
freely your food may not digest ... goa
Mosta up your stomach , . . you feel con-
pUp�eted and all the fun and sparkle go out
of life. That's when you peed gentle
Craters Little Liver Pills. You see Carters
1elp stimulate your liver bile Silence again
9t As pouring out at a rate of up to two pintas
day into your digestive tract. This should
lila you right up, make you feel that happy
Jaye aro Mete again. So don't stay sunk get
Carters Little Lover Pills. Always have them
one band. Only 35c from any droggint.
Eczema -Skin Troubles
Give your akin a real chance to ort wall. Go.
Ab day good drug atom and get an original bottle,
g.O I1OONE'S EMERALD OIL -it lasts many
,lb o boaluoe it is highly concentrated.
The itching of Emerson -Salt Rhemn-Aachen
-'cwacked toes and feet and many other :skip
1tr0ablce - is quickly stopped. Pimples - ;an
e-nspdons drup and scale elfin a very few dais,
3'tfoone'a Emerald Oil is a dean, po erfall
psaetmtigg Antiseptic Oil that dries right in.-
Moln3trs. Yon must he satisfied or money bark.
31 you have trouble with plates
abet slip, rock and cause sore gums
-try Brimme Piastl-Liner. One
aPPllwtioa makes plates tit amok
without powder or paste, because
Erlmms Plaetl-Liner hardens per-
manently to your plate. It rename and teats loons
plates in s way no powder or poste eon do. Even
on old rubber plates you get good results eft
months to a year or longer. YOU CAN EAT
BNy701NG1 Simply lay eott strip 01 Plastf-Lmee
on troublesome upper or lower. Bite and 11,
molds perfectly. Easy Jo cue, tssteieee, odorless,
hermlere to you and your plates. Removable as
directed. Plate cleaner Molina d. Money bark 12
not completely sotls0ed. If not available at yon
drug More, sand 11.30 for rclacr for 1 plate.
;' 3054Pt1AM1ISetn p
Local dealer wanted to handle nationally advertised aiumi.
num Combination Door,
This product can show a dealer a trice profit with little capital
Apply; BOX 98, New Toronto, 14, Ontario