HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1953-02-12, Page 4P L I' 0.F
THURSAAY, '1"E13RUARY 12, 1953
-- 9 P.M. --
— AT —
Seaforth is blit in front with a win over London, in London.
This one will be a humdinger
Adults 50c Children 25c
Miss Iva Fraser of Stratford with
her parents, Mr, and Mrs, M, Frase
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Johnston in
Kitchener, visiting with Mr, Silas
Johnston, who is a patient in the
Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital.
Miss Marilyn Johnston has re-
turned home from the Sick Child-
ren's Hospital, Toronto, and is much
improved, but will be absent from
school for several weeks,
Miss Leona Johnston is visiting
with friends in Guelph.-
The February meeting, of the Wal-
ton C,G,LT. was held on Feb. 7 at
the home of June and Audrey Hack -
well. The meeting opened with the
call to worship followed by hymn
358. This was followed by a short
story by June Hackwell. The scrip-
ture was read by Verde Watson, fol-
lowed by Barbara Patterson reading
a prayer. The purpose was repeated
together. Hymn 637 was sung and
followed by the minutes of the last
meeting by Doris Johnston, The
business was discussed, Doreen sug-
gested that the C.G.LT. sell assorted
cards. -We planned to have a skating
party at Seaforth on Feb. 17. We
decided to have a pageant on Good
Friday night in the church. The
March meeting is to be held at
Rose Marie liolger's, We sang hymn
606 which was followed by the
topic which was given by Doreen
McCreath. We closed the meeting
with the benediction. The rest of
the meeting was spent with games
and lunch.
The W.M.S. of Walton United
Church held its regular meeting itt
the basement of the church with
Sirs. Jack McDonald .presiding,
Hymn 169 was sung.' Installing of
officers for the coming year was
performed by Rev. Thomas, The
scripture from Mark 14: 12-26; Mrs.
Jim McDonald read from John 13:
1-17. Mrs. Alvin McDonald then led
us in prayer, The roll call was an-
swered and the minutes of the last
meeting were read. Thankyou cards
were read from shutins, The World's
Day of Prayer was set for Feb. 20 in
our church. The treasurer's report
was then given. The 17th of Bound-
ary Group had the topic, "The Af-
rica Church" was read by Mrs, Bu-
chanan, Mrs. .Ritchie, Mrs. Hamil-
ton, Hymn 334 was sung. The meet-
ing closed with the Benediction,
On Feb. 9th the Fireside Farm
Forum met at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Dalton with 22 adults pre -
:sent to listen to the broadcast, read
: the guide, and discuss the topic,
'Full understanding between farm
and city". We believe there is fairly
gond understanding and friendly re-
lations between the farmers and the
;people in our neighboring towns
'and villages. We are not close to a
;large city. Many of the residents of
:our towns and villages are retired
farmers or relatives of farmers and
their families, The people inter-
mingle at many social functions.
The methods which help improve
understanding in our area between
farmers and town people; the Joint
committees in High school area
boards, church organizations, wo-
men's institutes, legion gatherings,
lion's farmer night, Agricultural
Board, etc; Our local newspapers
and radio give us time and space
for reports of farm meetings and
forums. One member wished the
forum news might sometime have
space on the front page of the
newspaper; We believe there should G
be more farm women active mem- 1
bers of the Canadian Association of PConsumers;Consners; People from both rural 1
and urban districts should be more G
open minded, trying to understand
the advantages as well as the disad-
vantages of the other person's way
of life; to understand their prob-'
lems and cost of living, The school
buses, taking so many rural children, S
to town schools are a factor in good
relationship: An exchange of speak -
Continued from page 1
ing the bylaw would have to be ap-
proved by the Dept. of :Municipal
Affairs. The 'payments proposed are
3120 for each councillor and ;+200
for the mayor, to be made in Dee -
ember. There was some discussion
about the amount .to be deducted
from the payment if members were
absent from a meeting, This deduc-
tion was set at a.7. Couuditors. will
not be paid extra for special meet-
.Councillor Close asked if the old
tire truck, almost 30 years old, could
be removed from the fire hall.
Councillor illCs lose wished to remind
citizens n It to feet transients at
their hone Send them to rhe town
b a't where 0 ince.!, will be provided.
C oun ilior trick :aid they were us -
ala given a howl of sett!), coffee,
perhaps sandw.eh, cost up to 50e,
Council arranged to have a deed
executed e overhir the sale of a for-
mer playground property to Orval
Oke and George Miller, adjacent
property owners, This property is
near the Shell gas station, and lir.
Oke recently purchased his property
under V.L.A. The new deeds were
necessary to clear the title for the
Water in Cellars
Water in the cellars, the head-
ache that has plagued councils in
past years, was again the subject of
all-out discussion, Mayor McMaster
said water had ruined new heating
equipment in his Cooper estate
apartments on John street. Coun-
cillor Crich said a North Main street
householder had shown hint a cellar
with horse manure from the street
floating around. Councillor Scott
said he knew of a case where the
owner had to buy a sump pump,
Reeve Scoins said a lot of pumps
could be used in the south part of
town. Councillor Christie said that
a neighbor, after the town had cut
his drain on the street while doing
other work, at his own expense had
provided a new drain. Councillor
Leslie said he was surprised to
learn that the town does not provide
cellar drainage. Councillors ex-
plained that the town provides sur-
face drainage, to which' householders
may connect at their own risk.
A grant of 3200 was made to the
overseas relief fund, through the
newly formed county organization,
The report of the Finance Com-
mittee is as follows:
Seaforth Public School, $3,000.00;
A. Miller, 349.30; W. E. Southgate,
$206.40; D. H. Wilson, $203.33; H.
Maloney, $174.99; A. Bushie, 3133.-
33; Treas. of Ontario, 5601.54; The
Municipal World, $20.26; Receiver
eneral of Canada, $10.00; Relief,
X133.50; County of Huron, 312.00;
rovincial Treasurer, 31.95; M. Ma-
oney, $7.00; Stewart Bros., $2.00;
eo. A. Sills & Sons,$643.20; Ball-
Maeaulay, 31.80; C. N. Ry„ $16.59;
urnbull-Bryans, 83.00; Seaforth
Lumber Ltd., $6.74: Baldwin Hard-
ware, 813.19; N. C. Bels, 333.27: H.
;faioney, 414.00; A. Miller, $5,10; _
:aifen'., 373.35; Wright & Ley -
'urn, 39.B0 MI E. Clarke, 57.36;
undries, 42.30.
ers between farm and urban or-
ganizations helps, but shared work BRODHAGEN
and amusements create a more
friendly feeling.
Winners in progressive euchre:
Most games_, Mrs, Wesley Hoggart,
Bert Hoggart: lone hands, Mrs, Bert
Hoggart, Wesley Hoggart: consola-
tion, Mrs. Joe Babcock, Don Buch-
anan, Mrs. Mansel Cook invited the
group to her home for next week.
Wednesday, Feb, 18
AT 8.30 P.M.
at the
The entire proceeds to go
to the relief of English and
European Flood Victims
Skating open to Adults and
High School Students Only
Larger Donations will be gratefully accepted
for this worthy Fund - - -
Monday, Feb. 16th - - Two Gaines
Seaforth Community Arena
s . A hockey tame took place on the
*oral rink on Monday evening bet-
ween Rostock school and our school,
sthe scare being 6-5 for Rostock.
Master Paul Priestap, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Priestap, has been
confined to Stratford Hospital for
treatment on his knee. He fell at
the school, cutting it badly.
Mr. Lorne Wolfe, who has been
working in Sarnia this past two
weeks, spent the week end at his
Mr, Ray Beuermann of Kitchener
spent Sunday with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Manuel Beuerman,
Rev. and Mrs. Becker spent a few
days in Kitchener last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mogk, Bar-
ry.and Debbie, of London, with Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Fischer.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Deigel, Mc-
Killop; Mrs. John C. Deigel of Strat-
ford, with Mr. and Mrs. Henry L.
Deigel on Sunday.
Mrs. Wm. Miller and Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Miller and Linda visit-
ed Mr. and Mrs. Milton Miller, Wat-
erloo, on Sunday.
Rev, Paul Eidt, of Ellice was in
charge of the service in St. Peter's
Lutheran Church here on Sunday in
the absence of Rev. W. Becker.
The Luther League are sponsor-
ing a variety 'program on Thursday
evening in the church. Everyone is
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice,
Warren, Roger and Beverley visit-
ed with Mr. and Mrs. David S�lioldice
at Walton •on Sunday.
Mr. George Jarmuth and Mr, and
Mrs. Gordon Boyd 'of Galt attended
the funeral of Mr. Otto Jarmuth in
Chicago last week.
Mr. Ed Jarmuth has been confined
to his home through illness.
The Ladies' Aid meet in the church
basement on Wednesday afternoon.
Meeting opened with a hymn and
Psalm 23 by Mrs. John Vock, Mrs.
R. Sholdice read the prayer. Rev, W.
Becker bad as his topic the Apostle's
Creed. Mrs. R. Buuck, the president,
took over for the business. The min-
utes and treasurer's report were
read and the various committees
were appointed. There was discus-
sion on the drapes for the base-
ment, with more samples to be at
the March .meeting. Prices 'were also
set for wedding dinners to be serv-
ed by the Ladies' Aid, Cold meat
plate 31.00; hot meat plate $1.25;
fowl $1.,50, and if food is supplied
by the wedding party, the price for
serving is 25e_ a plate. Envelopes
are to be sent out to the ladies of
the congregation for donations dur-
ing' lent for the Women's Auxiliary
Waterloo College. Mrs, Buuck read
a letter of .appreciation from the
Rose family thanking the ladies for
serving lunch at the late Mrs, Ed,
Rose's funeral, A. donation was also.
received. Birthdays were reported
by Mrs, Aug, Bauer, Mrs. Albert
Bauer and Mrs, Philip Rock,
Mr. Lorne Wolfe, Mr, Ralph
Seherbarth, Gerald Bock, Rose Sie-
111ou; l lsie and Jean Sienlon attend-
ed a double feature program at St,
:Matthew's parish lutll, Kitchener, on
Sunday, The features were L.L. of
America convention at Miami U.,
Oxford, Ohio, and a equip rally for
the Couchtching Camp this summer.
31r, Alex Gardiner lies. gene on a
trip to the Southern States,
1r. and Mrs. Donald Wallace and
family, Carlingford visited on Sun-
day with :lir, and firs. George Wal -
!Reeve Frank Allen and Council-
lor l6arl Dick are attending the
Good Roads Convention in Toz•onto.
Mr, and Mrs. Reg. Stagg', Bright,
and Mr, Len Houghton, Wingitam,
visited recently with stirs. Houghton,
Quite a number of the young peo-
ple of this community attended the
Burns-Decharme wedding reception
in the Zurich arena on Saturday
Miss Olive Speare accompanied
her sister, Mrs, E. McDonald to
Winghani where she will visit for a
couple of weeks,
Mrs. A. Robertson is spending .a
few days with her daughter, Mrs.
Margaret Chittick, St, Marys,
The members of the Women's
Missionary Society and Ladies' Aid
enjoyed a sumptuous fowl dinner,
which was provided and served by
the losing side in the penny contest
at the home of Mrs. Houghton on
Thursday, `The regular meetings of
both societies followed. Mrs. :Sors-
dahl .presided for the W.M.S. and
also conducted the devotions. Mrs.
Calder McKaig gave a splendid dis-
course on the second chapter of the
study book, "Africa, Yesterday and
today". Mrs. Houghton read the
Glad Tidings prayer, Mrs. John Wal-
lace read a story of Miss Hazel Mc-
Donald's work in Formosa. Inter-
esting current events were given by
Mrs. H. Moore. The closing .prayer
was taken by Mrs. T. L. Scott. Mrs.
Houghton had charge of the Ladies'
Aid meeting and the roll call was
answered with a suggestion on how
best to make use of looney on hand.
A donation was voted to the choir
for music and also to the library
committee for new books, It was
also agreed to help buy a projector
for use in the Sunday School, The
meeting closed with God save the
Mrs, R. Luxton of Clinton visited
recently with her mother, Mrs. R.
M. Kirby.
Miss Shirley Chapman, nurse -in -
training at Victoria Hospital, Lon-
don, is spending a week with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chap-
Miss Eleanor Cook, nurse -in -train-
ing at Victoria Hospital, London,
visited during the past week with
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. N. E. Coo]:
Mr. and Mrs. Wn1. J. Harding and
Bruce of London, visited recently
with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Corbett.
Miss Kay Bell of London spent
the weekend at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Van Horn and
family attended the 40th wedding
anniversary of Mrs. Van Horn's
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Layton at
their home in Clinton on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock of Exet-
er were weekend visitors with the
former's mother, Mrs. F. Brock and
Mr. and Mrs. A. Townsend.
.Mrs. Hilliard Lawrence is enjoy-
ing a pleasant holiday in Florida.
Miss Elaine Beer of London spent
the weekend at the home of her par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Beer.
BORN—In South Huron Hospital,
Exeter, on Saturday, Feb, 7, to Mr,
and Mrs. William MacLean, Exeter,
a son, a brother for Brian.
Mrs, J. Perdue and son left last
week for Edmonton where they will
join Mr. Perdue who is stationed
The Rev. H. J. Snell of Exeter of-
ficiated at the marriage of Lillian
Kathleen Miller, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles W. Miller, Exeter, and
David C. B. Blackwell, son of Mrs.
Sarah Blackwell, Hensall, and . the
late William Blackwell at the home
of the bride's brother, Edwin Miller.
Mrs. Malcolm Dougall .played the
wedding music.
Given in marriage by her father,
the bride wore grey and rose silly
with pale pink accessories. Mrs.
Charles Buckley of Toronto was
matron of honor in navy crepe with
white accessories. Stewart Black-
well, Hensall, 'brother of the groom
was best man and Edwin Miller ush-
At Monetta Minards the bride's
mother received in .black crepe with
velvet triini and black accessories.
The .groom's mother assisted wear-
ing a two-piece blue silk taffetta
dress with black accessories. The
bride changed to a blue nylon dress
grey coat with Persian trim, red and
black accessories for a wedding trip
to Florida. They will reside on the
groom's farm west of Hensall. -
Mrs. Charles Eyre returned to
her horse last week from Scott
Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, where
she has been a patient.
Word has been received in the
village that Mr, Robert Thomson,
who is convalescing at the home of
his daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne
Schneider, in 'Stratford, is some-
what improved in health. ,r
Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter, Gail
Ann and Lynn visited on Sunday
with Mr,• and Mrs. Elmer Gackstet-
ter near Exeter.
Mr, Jonah Green spent Friday in
Mr, Norman Diekert and Mx. Bob
McGregor are spending a few days
in Toronto.
Mr, Robert Jarrott of London is
spending a few days with his sister-
ih-law, Mrs, Catherine Jarrott.
Mr, and Mrs. Ed Little, Marcia
and Sheryl visited on Sunday with
Mn and Mrs. Norman Long.
Mr, Morley Cooper and'Mr, 3'. W.
See Uncle Sam's air borne Ace fighters battle forest Ilanles with heroic
daring, The smoke junipers, Ric! and Wldmarh and Constance Snaith, are
pitted against nature's savage fu y in the Technicolor Birt
Next Mon. Tues. Wed.
Phis is a dramatic movie filled with suspense. Van Johnson Sand Dorothy
McGuire make a bargain iu love which pays life -time dividends ]u the
Next Thugs, Fri, Sat,
A historical novel, in flaming Technicolor, of the early uprisings in U,S,
Adventure, romance and excitement aro brought to you by Dale Robertson
and Ann 'Francis in LYDIA BAILEY
c .t
Old Reason
The Same
The Little Store with the "Big Values"
McLean left last week to spend
some time in Florida.
Miss Cassia Dougal visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James
Bengough in Hensall.
Sympathy of the district is ex-
tended to Mr. Norman Long in the
passing of his brother, Mr. Harry
Long on Saturday last in Vancouver,
B.C. The late Mr. Long was for
twenty-five years foreman of the
Bridge Builders of the C.N.R. in
that District and only last year was
superannuated. He leaves to mourn
his passing his wife and a brother,
Mr. Norman Long of Kippen.
CARTER—At Scott Memorial Hospi-
tal on Feb. Gth, to Mr, and Mrs.
Ken Carter, Egmonch'ille, a son
OLDFIELD—At Scott Memorial Hos-
pital, on Feb. 10, to Mr. and Mrs.
John Oldfield, RR4 Seaforth, a son
Pl0THTCh—At Sdott Memorial Hospi-
osp:tal, on Feb, 11th, to Mr. and Mrs,
Harry Pethiek, a daughter
vassarmaff Noir
See the future Juniors
Clinton Bantams
Seaforth Bantams
Saturday, Feb. 14
7 PM.
Euchre Party
St. James' Separate
School Hall
Friday, Feb. 13
At 8.30 P.M.
Under auspices of the Catholic
Women's League
Lunch. Admission 40c
For February
Seaforth Motors
Ft-t&t 4u
9'1,44 401,
The Canadian Bank
of Commerce