HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1953-01-29, Page 7111IIECahltrt SPORTS COLUMN Eakel T90460 It was a dark, muggy sort of morning, the way Boston gets when fog rolls in from the sea on March days and nights. But it didn't seem possible it could be time to gat up, and still be this dark, when the knock sounded on my hotel -room door. Drowsily arising, andbrushing sleet) out Of my (•yes, 1 olicncd up. •l'it're stood 11owie Morenz, fully dressed. 1 saiti: "Howie, don't you think it's a little early to be getting up? It's still dark. Where art' you going:" "I'm not getting up" said 1Ion ie. "1 baveu't been to bed yet. I've been out walking around the streets, thinking about that play I missed. I (crit the game for the teles, and the e's no u,, going to bed, because 1 won't slop." And Howie dropped into a chair, bttriul his fare in hi; Bards, slroulders shook, because' lie was crying like a little bol•. The night before, Canadiens had battled a grim overtime play- off game with the Bruins. Both clubs had powerful teams, there was little to choose between them in playing strength, and nothing to choose, either, in the ba'ance of that particular game, There had been a face-off, and Cooney Weiland, a great little centre -ice payer who et one time held the scoring championship of the National League, faced Morenz. The puck shot into the air as the sticks clashed. Weiland jumped swiftly, batted it down with his hand, pounced on it like lightning and blasted off the shot that won the genie, all done more quickly then you can write, or even read, the words describing the play. Morenz was heart -broken. lie Telt that he alone was respon- sible for the defeat of the team, because that's the kind of player, that's the kind of man he happened to be. In all the history of hockey, there never was a more sincere competitor. Nights of an important game, indeed, on the night of any gams, Morenz woulrj be at the rink at least an hour before game time, restlessly pacing around the long promenade, as high-strlulg as a thoroughbred that is being readied for a rare. Howie Morenz died as he would have %canted it, itt the harness of the game ite loved. At least, he sustained in hockey the in- jury which led to his death, hurtling in on an opposing goal, he tripped, fell, caromed skates -first into boards, shattered a leg. r\ great competitor, even when his blazing speed was losing glittering fire. He Iived for speed, livetl by speed, and for speed, he died. The hockey world still recalls Moreno, but few know he came into big league hockey against his will, over his own tears, in fact. But that's another story, and some day it will be written, right in this Calvert column. Your comments and suggestions for this column will be wekomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/a Calvert House, 431 Yonne St., Toronto. bed DISTILLERS LIMITED AAtHERSTSURG, ONTARIO 84. Twenty-five years ago anybody predicting that a human being would some day run a mile in 4 minutes or less would have been told to go and have his head erxemined. But today that "un - Attainable" 4 -minute pinnacle is getting slightly wobbly. In fact before 1953 has run its course, :somebody will have done the trick, and that somebody—in ail probability—will be an Austral- ian University student named John Landy. 5 a 5 Landy has already conte with- in seven -tenths of a second of equalling the present world rec- ord of 4 minutes, one and four- f3fths second, set by the Speedy /Swede, Gunder Haag back in 1045, And already this year the Aussie has been showing such >n lot of luck that it looks as though "it won't be long now." And what follows is a play-by- play description of his latest ap- pearance, in which he took all the worst of it in the way of weather, track conditions and tack of competition. 9 a e Although Landy would have preferred it cooler than the day's temperature of 71.2, a blustering wind did not help matters. But chief deterrent was the condition of the crushed scoria stone -sur- faced track. A soaking on the previous day would have con- llolldated the loose particles, and a rolling would have completed the job. The student -runner said in Europe It takes severs' men two or three days to prepare the tracks for record attempts. Aus- tralian athletes have to tackle their tasks the hard way! t. a a Physically the runner himself was not 100 per cent, Other spe- cific points worthy of note were the several, incidents in the race itself in which the 22 -year-old champion had very little assist- ance from pace -makers, except in the early stages. Les Perry, Australian three-mile champion, was in the field and carried Lan- dy along from the quarter to the half, but thereafter the only "as- sistance" the runner received was from the urging of the ex- cited onlookers. With the inside running, Lan- dy surprisingly took up the run- ning in the first lap, and his fast long -striding pace told the rest of the runners he meant busi- ness. He Ied at the quarter in the slick time of 58,4, which was .8s. better than the first lap of his record run, then Perry shot past Landy to "pace" the recond lap. Approaching the turn into the hone -stretch Landy went ahead again and covered the half -mile in 1.50.4 (in the record run his time was 2m. Is, at the half). Strike-Bound—Automobiles are parked across the out -of -use trolley tracks in Philadelphia where a transportation system strike paralyzed thy transit. More than 2,500,000 people in the city and suburbs had to solve the iravel problem for themselves, Fabulous Tcy Tree of Ccvoeas—Tom Seidman, above, never saw Ci Iree that bloomed with toys back home but he isn't dreaming. The only person who is dreaming is the toy vendor, He's for- saken his toy stand on a street in Caracas, Venezuela, to enjoy South America's cherished siesta period. Since almost everyone else is snoozing, there's not much danger of the "blossoms" being plucked by passersby. Landy had to run the last hall on his own and quickly ran to a lead of 100 yards, At the end of the third lap his time for thrce- gt.arters of a mile was 3.1— probably the fastest ever to that stage in a mile race—and the excited crowd cheered every stride as Landy entered the final lap. Along the back, with the breeze behind him, his long strides appeared the salve, and he passed the 1500 -meter mark in 3.44.4-8s. faster than Joself Barthel's (Luxembourg) Olym- pia record—but the tiring run- ner had to face the hind in the home stretch, so it took him 18.4s, to run 110 yards 2 feet— from the 1500 -meter mark (1640 yds. 1ft.) to the tape. a n „ In his record run on Dee. 13, Landy finished much fresher and ran the final lap in 59.1, against the more recent last lap of 61.8. Some overseas cables have been received in Australia gl.estioning the tines created by John Landy, but the 'Doubt- ing Thomases" will have their answer by this repeat perform- ance. e a o Bettering the Olympi' record for the 1500 meters during his run, John Landy achieved great distinction, and no doubt could have bettered this time had that been the specific distance record he was after. In the Olympic race, moreover, two runners fought a titantic battle to the line, as R. McMillan (USA), sec- ond, was credited with the same time as the winner, J. Barthel. Had Landy the runners to pace it with hire, one wonders just what time he would have made. a a u Maybe it will be different when the next attempt is made: the track will be watered and rolled, loose patches ironed out, the atmospheric conditions ideal for the test, the race competitors capable of extending Landy, and the champion physically and psychologically ready to do him- self justice. Been Baptized 3,000 Times Did your great -great-grand- father have eight wives? Do you know that the chances are he's now a recognized Mormon? With- out your permission -- and cer- tainly without great -great -grand pa's—he's probably been baptiz- ed by proxy in the Mormon Temple at Salt Lake City. Maybe you've forgotten who your great- great-grandfather was, yet the Mormons have him taped with a micro -film record of his name, birthplace and date of birth. Teams of genealogists are busy in Scotland right now searching for more potential Mormons, tracing ancestors through 3,500 volumes of Scot- tish parish registers. Names are checked against a master index in Salt Lake City. This strange situation has arisen from the Mormon tenet that one day they'll gleet their ancestors in a better world—and it's just aa well to have then of the same faith to avoid squabbles. Day by day in the old-fashion- ed little rooms of the Mormon Temple, scores of men and wo- olen act as stand-ins Inc the bap- tism of ancestors. A carpenter in ordinary life, one man hasbeen baptized for 3,000 forebears -- and the queue at the font already extends back to the year 1320. t RE1IEVE'FJ iNJ .4 JIFFY or money back Very first use of soothing, cooling, liquid D,O,D. Prescription positively relieves raw red Itch—caused by eczema, rashes, scalp Irritation, cheting--other itch troubles. Grease- Moneyystainless. Ask trial your� druggist tersatisfy D.D.D. rlssaaII:rION. Booster Shot—It takes a second look to see that Tom Hunt is not giving his oponent Bob Harbert - son a boost toward the basket. "ONE TOOT AND Maestro Toscanini is not one for reticent behavior when a musician plays a wrong note. The NBC orchestra,, however, remem- bers one such occasion when words actually failed the tem- pestuous conductor. It was during a broadcast of Beethoven's Leonore Overture, All was going well until the cue came for the off-stage trumpet call. No sound came from the wings. Then, three measures late, a shrill, spluttering noise blared forth. The maestro braced him- self; the orchestra men sat rigid. Again the cue cane up. And again, first nothing—and then the off -beat splutter. At the first break in the program, Toscanini. charged backstage for the kill. There was his trumpeter, beat- ing vainly against the armlock of a burly night porter. "I tell you you can't blow that damn horn here," the watchman kept insist- ing. "There's a broadcast going on." For Quick Cough Meller Mix This Syrup le Yo.ir Haeme Thousands of Canadian house- wives have turned to this well- known recipe for relieving coughs due to colds. It's easy to prepare, and gives you four times as much for your money. Your usual drug counter can Supply you with a 2t,e ounce bottle n# PINEX CONCENTRATE. Pour this into a 16 ounce bottle and fill up with granulated sugar syrup, or honey or maple syrup. To make the sugar syrup, simply mix 2 cups of sugar with ano cup of water ... no cooking' needed, and it takes but a minute, Now you'll have an ample supply of fast acting, effective cough syrup for the whale faintly, so pleasant tasting the children will like It. PINEX — a concentrated blend of proven ingredients—must help or your money refunded. Get a bottle today! PINEX POR COUGHS—EASY— ECONCMICAL TSSCDE 5 •— 1953 ,r. �; v+,r;, •::..cars ,-,«......u,: «:r^:artormozr« mteres=r y tent7tr- ::: tR,t, n,r Classified AG3;1NTIs WAWA) ROPIEST, reliable agents to sell ehloha ter e.troll ostabllohed hatchery, 008,0 commlectoe. meet Farm Hatchery. At. Jacobs, Ontario. NA115 CHICKS "OXFORD" Canadian APptevice Chlekn. Live, lay and Pay. Tito, ars the renaita et twenty-av0 .'Dare of Careful selection and breeding. They balm to he good, because ire went the Tor beat land of Chicks far our own flocke—big, vigorous. and Dark. maturing. We stress esg size and uniform. ttr, Sewed Rocks, White Leihorne, 5055ox, White Rock, Columbia Rocic, time Hampshire. Ramp z Rock Orenshreds, Rork. x Leghorn Croeeblede, Now lump x Sussex Croenbrede, Write for free folder. The uxfard Ferment' (Ao-uperative Pro- datw Contpuny, Limited, 431 Mo,h Street Womb:took, Ontario. 01101itf those Purinaerebryo•fed ,2tticka Worn tGilmore's, folly g 11 5, 5' 0 52 54,0 d, sooll,y adeno from a real breeding Pro. gramme. Attractive early pullet prices:. Wrl„ 500 prices and catalogue "Whkh canoe Peet." (lllmore'e POotry Breeding Parra, Bartle. Ontario. 0 01.1.ra'S, Ceekorel0, Limited number amend chicks. Dreeda for layers, broil. ere. 41001 10515000, Prompt ohlpmeat. Aslt far vorttculare, price, nr01' Hatchery. 120 John N„ Ilamilton er Fait bank Peed. 1180 Dun.'rin 8t„ Toronto. DYEING ANI) CLEANING 11A)•1: sou anything needs dicing or clean - ma? %liras 10 as for 10tormntloa, it's are Glad to answer 55000 questions. De. Parthwei il, Parker's bye Works Madrid, '011 Dante tit, Toronto. 1'Olt SALE Shot] 811(5115. All sizes ami styles. Bates' 1I1:MANE Snowshoe Harness Mar.) No more bllsterctl toes 1 Folder. "Snowshoe. Ing to Comfort," on realwot. SATES' SNOWSHOES. Dept, W.. 6letalama. Ont. PREMIER Strawberry Plants 82.00 per 000: inn Blooming Firs Gladiolus bulbs 81.20: 15,0 [.int, tt', .1. 0I11105. Elora, Datum. IF You WANT the maximum in egg aro- durtion try our R.U.P. sired Rhode Inland ]ted or Rash) Island Red x Barred Reek, White Leghorn x Rhode Island Red, i.lghl Sussex x Rhoda briny! Roil. 'rw12P11L14 c1Lii•12 tIATO1412R1018 LTD. Fergus Ontario CANADIAN' Approved 'turkeys at price, that will save you Revere' dollars Der hundred. Alt popular breeds. Nan -sexed 501110100 as low as. 813.20 per. trundred. Turkeys an low as 67lc. And all uualtty stuck, t'atalogue. TOP NOTCH 0111(712 5.51.168 Gueleh Ontario sIIRE1'1VF.D 05,011 Rubner Red Pillows. Larne else. 2-xie, unarox, 6" [hick. Pre- paid ,lireet from manufacturer, 12.80. earls. Lacey 00„ Hog 721, Akron, Ohio, U.5. A, MOTOR 010, 8e nee gallon. You can re. olalm used motor oil. Secret Protest] One Dollar. Ray Porter. 766 Brady Avenue, Los Angeles 22. California. F.S.A. CRESS CALLOUS SALVE,—Now get relief. Your Druggist sells CRESS. MEDICAL Reed thio—Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin Ottawa 51.25 Express Prepaid I•'RES ....HOME DOCTOR DOOR Limited edition. Helpful Information, horeecolee, Medics.1 facts. dreams, plus effective treatments for common allmente Regular price 60 cents. Regain health and Youthful vigor. Write t0 -day for 'tree My", Beek of Health, Dant. 10 Health Products. Eelemna. R,l:. TAPEWORMS. pinworms. cause 0erlous dineasest en0ld be your treable1 thow sands helped. Free literature describes condition and remedy. Write Mulveney's Remedies tim+ted. Deur N s., Toronto, Ontario "PEP UP." Try C.C. a B. Tonle Tablets for low vitality and general debility. At Drugglote one dollar or PEA 01E0 AGEN- CY. 11124 • 02 Avenue, EDMONTON. A.LRERTA. • FEMINEX One 00mun tells another. Take superior "T15MINEx" to help alleviate natn, dis- tress and nervous tension eesoctated with monthly periods. 01.00 Postpaid In plain wrapper POST'S CHEMICALS 880 01.1£EN ST. T• -AST TORONTO • POST'S ECZEMA SALVE n5NISn the torment of dry cereals rashes and weeping akin troubles Posta Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, sealing, burning eeze1nn, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema. will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment, regardless of holy stubborn or hopeless they stens. PRICE 02.10 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES , Sent Post free on Receipt of Pelee RIO Gowen St, E. Corner of Leman, Toronto Pile Sufferers Get Quick Relief %Vireo the itch, 0110)5 marl pain of ones keeps fon awake at night, Mit es you almost frantic by des—a0 to tins drug store and get a Dockage of Lon-nh,l. Ken hew eget this snow.tvhlte, antiseptlr ointment enols the dery horning, 1.1t1nl41, Itching, soothes Pahl. 1'00 get relief m one minute by the war'h, one 031,104• Pah gives hours of eomfort. llrt Len. Olnt tight 0050 al ms drug store. blemish 10 keel) too banns "nsnrol works. Dols 0RO. ARTHRITIC PAIN Don't suffer night and day—with dull, wearisome aches—or sharp, stabbing pains. Lead an active life again. Take Templeton's T -R -C's, Canada's largest- selling proprietary medicine specially made tobrtn,longed-forrelief to eulTorcrs from arthritic or rheumatic pain. T -84l 65c. $1.3STEMPLETON'S T -R -C's dvertising.. (L0utgTLIN8010s 30010 MEN Alr1) WOM'N'h� OE A HAIRt7RESSER 408 f.ANADA'N 1.14A1)INti 8(.01[001. W,'oat onp,n•tuntly r•': ;,t Hnirdressinul Pleasant, Alunsuc soul 0fon, good 108500. 7i oat]anda 0f successful Marvel graduate0 AmeMea'e (005000001tSyotonl ttiustretod Catalogue Free Write or Call 11A•RI1007. 11IsIRD1lESttINC k�GHO01,`' 066 Moor tat, 0., 'Damao Macias: 44 King tit.. Hamilton 9 R1dtt n -E i., Othaw HAZE 000005 feet; Pictures or H. 50. Queen ECznbeth lowly pt—ked ear quick sale. blvd. 10100 kuy's n0, ';end tor. tRusuvti1055. 1,10-0. I 'ni3O.1 . '!'aroma ATTENTION Cigarette samkere. Get your. "'rue CAP,v of Flow Harmful .510 Oiearettes." Send 9'oday, (Any Donatioa APPI•oeletad). P.O. Bon 41146. Youth 35d- Meatvn Alberta, PATI SITS AY' OFI''ER 50 evar: Itventor-'LIet of tu• 10101080 and 51011 (n(ormatlon sent free. 'rho Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attor- avye. 378 Bank Street, Ottawa. F'a'ATHESTONHATJGII k Coroneny Pa- tent Solleltorn. Established 5600. 060 Bay Street, Tnt.01.0 5) 511 -1 r," informs, 111011 on reams., ASTHMA Now Asthma Relief 10 (540000 or sour 11...11[9 burl. Ask your Druggist fi,r r.n Asthmanefrin Set 1'mood il.l.mnlls• ,^,rt',r r•�rr.d PERSONAL 91ANDW-RITINQ amrtytio. 050" 5059 „halo- abler reading. Send twenty lines In Ink, unlined Paper. Enclnuo 01.uo• 11,010 .Iotro- atone, 40 11n0ernmme Ara., Winton. 8500' 831(0511001 NO 011.1.18. 81.00 AMONET 1:5032 Bre itAS't'E10 t G. llamas, 3:99 phone. ,'0,1011, Texas. QUIT t}igarettes easily an i hnu0andh 0t others have done, Use Tobacco 1411,0,10- stor, a 00fen-icy scientific tl•nntment that outekIy eliminates all craving for tnbnecn. F'or free booklet write C. tv King Yhar- maenl Ltd.. Box 073, London. OnMnr1o. RCSI\ESS I'0RSO'NAI.0 sum ON THE ICE? Avoid dang75000 falls, wear Ire Crooner Straps under any footwear. 61,00 Pas'. Pam. Material. Shnwhridge, Quebec. 155700 P7E0 rugs made from sour old rugs and woollens, Write for ,'niulonue and price 51ut. Dominion Rug 000001ng Company, 1411 Dundee Street West, Toronto, Ont. RUGS ---Sharply reduce.] priers 0' x 12'-- II71.60 delivered: 61' x OI' -847.66 de. livered. Made of fine rayon carpet Ferns. In exqulsite oriental patterns. on \v'Ine and red Workaround. will sill, C.o 0, Refund if not need. Fromly 5051111ete (Regal. 2067 Dundee 0.. Toronto. STAMPS 001 DIFFERENT stamps, Booklet Stamp Collecting. 126 Hinges nod perforation gauge, 10e- to approval auctiranta, 51. Emery. R.R. 1, Victoria, . R.C. POSTAGE: STAMPS FOR SALE 10,000 different etamns one rent ,'art). Better geode RrWsb P,hmfes half catalogue. St'M15Mts. t? Cock', Ottawa, Ontario. WANTED WANTED! "Currier b. ICES" O,hogrspile. Good et'lces promptly paid. tlspecialllr want large folio Winter, Ralll•ond. Dors.. Raring, Hunting and Sailing Shin acmes. A11 correspondence answered Otters made. A, R. Davison. East Aurott, New 1'014.. TAILORING SA0115)1EN Sell Park • Pletcher tailored -to -measure clothes. Earn more mon07, 55)510 Personal clothes free. FUJI or snare time. High oommisston, popular priers. tremendous choice of Cloth samples. Write immediately for free eomp10 outfit. lnstruetlons and exclusive teed tory, Perk -Fletcher t".lo,l,ee, Dept. W 1' " nuc 102 - .,51n11 N., F-Snnlre:it. FREE AT LAST OF BAKING SODA HABIT e "Nothing 1 ate agreed with me, and though nothing was orgonitolly wrong—my stomach would blow up with gas after almost every meal," says Mrs. Georgina Plias, 081 Craw. Mrd St., Toronto. Ont. "I practinally lived mat bakingsoda,wldchIhadtotekemorenad more." "Then a friend told me about Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. 13y tatting thin wonderful medicine I soon had a real desire for food, and my system would take care edit. Pretty soon 1 forgot ell about the soda. and I now feel better than in years." Thousands of people who suffered from gep pains, heartburn, stomach distress, due to no organic cause, have trioti Dr, Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery with amazing results. And no wonder. 'Chis great medicine has a wonder. fid stomachic tonic action, first, taken rem. larly it promote.. more normal stomach activity, tiros helping to digest food batter eef Yen won't have gas, heartburn, acid stomach] Sorondly, with stomach activity improvedl you can cat the foods you like without fear al after -distress. Generous Supply PERttt You can pro's$ what this medicine will d0 without risking. nae 00003'. Por a Largo 0I.11 package, mailed free --send your name and addrea8 to Pierce's Proprietaries, Ino„ 010 Contra Are., Port Erie S., Ont. ClIAC)f. E ybeWaritemei Backache is often caused 03 lazy kidney ection When kidneys get out of order, egress acids and wastes remain In the system. Then backache. disturbed rest 95 that tired -out and heavy -headed feeling may soon follow That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action Then you feet better—sleep better—work better, Get Dodd's Kidney ('ills now. 51 ROLL YOUR OWN SETTiR CICARlw7TES WITH 150