HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1953-01-08, Page 4Junior ` 1104 EY
at Seaforth
Adults 50c Children 25e
You won't see better Hoekey - ANYWHERE
WALTON Saskatoon, Sask., were guests on
Mr. Edwin C. Hiller has returned Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. George
hone to Lethbridge, Alberta, after I.eiti.
spending the Christmas holidays lir. and Mrs, Jack Medd spent
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Lay-
ton Exeter.
H. Miller. The Young People of Cavan
Mr. and Mrs, John C. McDonald Church, Winthrop, will present a
and Miss and
Ltu raft Mole lvspentin c Che st- ald play, "Abigail Goes Haywire" in
utas in Toronto, the guests of Mr.
Constance L:nited Church on Friday
and lite. Pat McGale, . night, Jan 9th. This is under the
The Mission !laud of Puff's !'nit- auspices of Constance Young People.
ed Church met Sunday morning in
the basement of the church, Doris HULLETT
Johnston presided and Elizabeth The Fireside Farre Forum met on
ticGavin was pianist. The election _Monday evening at the home of Mr,
of officers for the coming year was and Mrs. Bert Hoggart with 19 ad -
held. They are as follows: ults present to discuss retail food
Pres., Jerry Ae1wlles; Vies Pres.; prices in comparison with the farm -
Reid Haekwell; Sec., Neil McGavin; ers' prices. It may surprise people
Treas., Fred Walters; Press Report- to know that the farmers' prices are
er, Ruth Ann Ennis; :. Pianist for less than half the retail 'prices. In
Jan„ Claire Hackwell. , the case of steers only 48 per cent
Rev, Gordon Hazlewood, Mrs. of the live weight is sold across the
Hazlewood, Lane and Linda of Mt. counter. Farmers do not object to
Forest, spent New Year's with Mr. retail stores having considerable
and Mrs. Percy Holman. • profit on perishable food but see no -
31r. Jerry Dresell of Toronto with necessity for the wide spread be -
Mrs, F. Ennis, tween farmers and consumer s'
Mr. Frank Kirkby in Victoria prices for eggs. 14 cents to 16 cents
Hospital. London for an operation. a dozen is too much. If the farmers
Me, W. C. Bennett of Clinton. can furnish choice well -finished pro -
called on friends here. : ducts for less, suitably wrapped or
Mr. Lorne Dennis of Regina, Sa- in suitable containers and eliminate
skatchewan, with his brothers and some of the middlemen, the farmer
sister, Ethel, Wilfred and Elmer. and consumer would profit.
Mr, Rollie Achilles, Trenton, is The president, Oliver Anderson,
:pending the winter months at his who is a member of the Seaforth
home with his wife and family, District High School Board, gave
Linda Travis, daughter of Mr. valuable information regarding ex -
and Mrs. Ralph Travis is quite ill penses. We believe that a rural pop -
with the flu and is under the Doct- ulation is taxed too n much in com
or's care, parison with the urban.
ID'. and Mrs. Wm. Jewitt invited
CONSTANCE the forum to their new home for the
Mr. and Mrs. R. W, Jewitt are at next meeting. Progressive euchre
present ,visiting relatives and, was played. The winners were:
friends at Ferest,most games, Mrs. Harvey Taylor,
Mr. and Forest.
Warren and Ben Riley, Lone hands, Mrs. George
daughter Lynda E.
F. of London,; Hoggart, Bill •Dolmage. Consolation,
Mrs.Wesley Hoggart, Mrs, Harry
were guests with the lady's parents,'Tibbet.
Mr, and Mrs. Earl Lawson, during i
the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. K. T. Adams and! McKILLOP
son Gerald, of Centralia, spent a,' Bethel Sunday School held their
few days at Christmas with the Christmas concert with Rev. H. E.
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ern- Livingstone as chairman. The pro -
est Adams. I gram was as follows:
.lir. and Mrs. Dave Catcher of ; "0 Canada"; "The Queen"; "0
• Toronto were guests with Mr. and' Come All Ye Faithful' ; Greetings,
Mrs. Bill Jewitt during the Christ-; Geraldine Dennis. Three songs,
• mac holidays. - "Red Cheeks and White Whiskers",
Christmas gatherings were held at "Thirty -Two Feet and Eight Little
the homes of Mr. and Mrs, Jack Tails", "Sweet Bells of Christmas",
Medd, Mr. .and Mrs. Elwood Clarke, . Recitation, •"Growing Up" byMur-
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jewitt, Mr. and ray Neabel; Recitation, "honing
Mrs. Verne Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Al- Santa" by Phyllis McNichol, Read
Fred Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.'ing, "Ready for Christmas", Olene
Hoggart, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence' Godkin. Songs by. Margaret and
Montgomery, and Mr. and Mrs. 1 Jean and "I saw Mommy Kissing
Ernest Adams, - , Santa", " 'Twas the Night Before
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Taylor en- Christmas"; Christmas- Bells, Prim-
tertained a number of relatives at ary Children: Recitation, "Christ -
their home on •Saturday, Dec. 27th. I mac for Dad" by Bert Dennis; Reci-
Guests included Mr. and Mrs, Wan. 1 tation, "What Counts"by Merle
Webster, St. Helens, and Mr. and Godkin; "The CandyKids", Printery
Mrs. Jack Dodds, London. I Class: Solo, Charlie Boyd. Dialogue,
Mr, Kenneth Buchanan of Minden, • "Harry's Pockets"; Recitation, Mr.
is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tailor Santa" by Donnie Halley;
Alf Buchanan. ' Solo "Christmas Cavalcade" by Bert
Miss Donelda Adams has resumed,Dennis; Recitation, "Stockings 'bY
her duties as supervisor of the Kin -the Fireplace" by Margaret Hillen,'
dergarten of the McCurdy School, I Dialogue, "Farewell to Uncle John";
RCAF Station, Centralia. 4 Monologue, "Too late for the Train"
Mr. anti Mrs. Bill Dale and family byy Jean Hillen. Playlet, The Xmas
spent- Christmas with her parents,1 Child. Presentation •of Diplomas. Di -
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. McMichael, Au-1alogue, "Buddy Answers an Ad".
burn, Accordian Selection by Beth Boyd;
Mrs. J. c and
Joseph Babcock has returned "Is„
Reading, thereSanta !arts
home from Clinton Hospital. Her by MrMills; Solo,a"Walking in a
many friends wish her a speedy re- 'Winter Wonderland", by Mary Den-
nis, followed by Jingle Bells and
"Here Comes Santa"
The following pupils of Bethel
Sunday School were presented with
seals m recognition of their perfect
attendance during the past year.
2nd year, Geraldine Dennis; 4th
year, Margaret Hillen, 5th year,
Jean Hillen and Bert Dennis: 7th
year, Mary Dennis; 11th year, Bar-
bara Boyd, 12th year, Ruth and Beth
eov cry.
Mr. Miller Adams, who spent the
holidays with his daughter, Miss
Verna Adams, Welland, has returned
3Ir. and Mrs. John Davidson and
salt Andrew of Huron Road. West,
Mr. and Mrs. Warren and daughter,
Landon were guests for New Year's
with Mi•. and Mrs. Earl Lawson.
The Friendly Few Farm Forum
was held on Monday night at the
home at Mr. and Mrs. Borden
Ilrown with 18 present. The comp-
any was divided into groups to dis-
cuss the topic, "Cost of Marketing".
Winners for the progressive euchre
were Grace Riley. Bill Jewitt; con-
solation, Muriel Dale, Earl Lawson,
Mr, and Mrs. William Jewitt have
invited the group to their home for
the meeting on Jan, 12th.
irlaDhz,ur fredhhlfrie
Sincere sympathy is extended to
the immediate family, relatives and
friends of the late James McFarlane
who passed away on Wednesday,
Dec. 24th in Noranda, Que. He is
survived by his wife, the former
Edith Riley and two daughters. His
mother lives in Stanley twp, He had
lived at Noranda for quite a number
of years, but had been in failing
health for some time.
New Year's guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, Kelso Adams, Central-
ia, included Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams
and Miss Donelda Adams.
Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Medd and Mr,
and Mrs. Bill Livingston and family,
Seaforth, and Mr, Alex Riddell, of
k ,.'4•
Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Beattie and
family of Wingham spent New
Year's with Mrs. Robert McBride.
Mr. and Mrs, Henry Green of
Grand Bend and Mr. and Mts. Wes-
ley Green of Mitchell were Sunday
visitors with. Mt'. Jonah Green,
Miss Anna Patterson spent a few
days last week with her sister and
brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. A. Ra-
veile of Grand Bend.
Mr. Robt. Cooper left on Tuesday
to spend the winter months in Flor-
Mr. Alec McGregor and Mr, Al
Hoggarth spent last week at the
OAC in Guelph.
Mrs. J. McClymont has returned
home after spending a few weeks
with her daughters, Mrs. 3, Schilbe
in Exeter, and Mrs, Alice Cook it
Mr. Gordon Love and ]Vie. Robert
MacGregor spent a day at the OAC
in Guelph last week.
Mr, Robb, Thonipson returned
from London Hospital on Sunday Christmas holidays with her aunt and
and at present is visiting his daub: antole Mt'. and Mrs. Carman Moglc.
ter and sots-iu-law, Mr. and Mrs. Mr, Milton Brodhagen of Gadshill
Lorne Schneider• an Stratford. with Mr, .and Mrs. Harold Mogk.
I Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Workman and Mrs. 401111 13rodiuigon of. Mitchell
!Mr. and fir's, Lloyd Bannerman of spout a few tIctYS at the salvehnmo,
Listowel spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Carman 'dlogk'nf St.
' Mrs, Workman's sister, Mrs, Patter- Thomas with Mr. end Mrs, Geo. and
son, in Toronto, Harold Mogk on Sunday,
I Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs.Miss Ann Gillespie of Kitchener
Bert Thompson were Mr. and Mrs. Mr, Don Ahrens of Waterloo, with
B. Stoke and son of London, Mr. air. and Mrs, Chas, A1u•ens,
and Mrs. Lorne Schneider and Judy Masts'. Eugene liiuz 01' 8t. Thum"
j of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs, Cornish spent the Christmas ,holidays with his
'surd family of Goderiell, stunt and uncle, Nil. anti Mrs I uverne
Chicken pox is visiting the dist-1' elle'
- Mrs, It m, Mueller spent t hrtstma
riot. 1 with Mr. and Mas. l.d 1 iseher, Bea -
Now Year visitors with Mr. and forth and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Beller.
Mrs. John L. Henderson were Mr, 111,11, Mcl'lillop,
and Mrs. Clarence McLean of Lon-
don, Dr, and Mrs. Wm, Sproat of Debcrali, of Atwood, Miss Gwen
Detroit, Mrs, Earl Sproat of Hellas!! Ruck, Kitchener, with Me, and Mrs,
and Miss Rose Marion McLean of, 19doiu Rock.
Exeter,Mr. an
re W. L. QUereugesscr'.
We are pleased to report Mr, An- Mr• turd Mrs, Russell Sholdice, Gary,
drew Bell is able to be home follow- Warren, Roger and Beverley, with Mr.
ing a recent operation. We hope he and Mr's. Howard Quet'ongesser, Wat-
will soon be able to be about again, erloo. ou New Year's day,
Mr, and Dirs. Edgar ' Smith of
Guelph were recent visitors with the
latter's parents,, Mr. and Mrs, John
Mrs. A. Gackstetter, Gail Ann and
Lynn spent New Years with Mr. and
Mrs, Wni. Homey in Exeter.
Mr. and Mi's. Elmore McBride and
family of Exeter visited recently
.with Mrs, R, McBride,
Mr, and Mrs, Grant Love of Caro,
Mich„ were recent visitors with rel-
atives in this district.
Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Pfeifer, Mr.
and Mrs, Art Francis, of Logan, Mr.
Lloyd Pfeifer of Stratford, with Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Pfeifer for Cht'istinas,
Mrs, Esther Baskin and Mr. and
Mrs, Mack Paul of Toronto, with Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Eieicmeir and lIlr. and
Mrs. Albert Hinz,
Farm Forum met at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, Norman Bennewies on
Monday evening. Tire topic was
"The cost of Marketing". Unneces-
sary costs exist in food distribution
Miss Carolyn Gackstetter and by the 'overlapping of services, This
brothers, Gerald, Lorne and Earl, could be eliminated by ailoting a
territory to each •distributor. Lower
costs would be an advantage, The
lower the cost to the consumer, the
greater the consumption.
Progressive euchre was played,
prizes going to Mrs. Manuel Beuer-
man and Wilfred Drager (high),
Mrs, Dalton Hinz and Harold Mogk
(low), The next meeting to be held
at the home of Mr. and Mrs, George
and Harold Mogk.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hinz of St.
Thomas with Mr. and Mrs, Laverne
Wolfe on Sunday.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, George
Eickmeir foe New Year's Day were:
Mr, and Mrs. Henry Eickmier of
Zurich, Mr. Bruce Eickmeir of Tor-
onto, Mrs. Fred Ahrens, Dr. and
Mrs. Keith McGill, Janice and Bob
of Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Querengesser
and Mr. and Mrs. John Arbuckle and
family with Mr. and Mrs. Don
Stanek in Kitchener.
Mrs. Norman Bode, Logan, enter-
tained relatives •on Wednesday on
the occasion of the 79th birthday of
her mother, Mrs. Louise Hinz.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eisler of Sea -
forth, and Miss Vickie Chessell of
Mitchell, with Mr. and Mrs. Manuel
The School concert was held.. in
the school on Wed. Dec. 17 with a
large crowd in attendance, under
the direction of the teacher. Mr.
Glenn Brickman, and the music
teacher, Miss Joy McNaughton. Rev.
W. Becker was the chairman and
the program was as follows:
Welcome Song by all the school
children; Recitation, Dianne Rock;
"What do we have at Christmas,
Look, Look Girls and Boys", Junior
Chorus; Dad's Quiet Evenin, Play;
Christmas Wishes, Paul Priestap,
Gary Copling, Roger Sholdice, Ken-
neth Ahrens, •Shirley Trentowsky,
Bob Ahrens, Richard Leonhardt,
Joan French; Hear the Bells, Senior
Chorus; Christmas Disappointment,
Play; Guitar solo, Larry Muegge;
Rose Drill; Father's Present, recita-
tion, Bobby Ahrens; Vocal solo,
Carol Rose accompanied by Marlene
Priestap; A Good Impression, Play;
Gymnastics; Vocal Duet, Winnifred
Hinz and Darlene French; Draw for
prizes on tickets which were sold by
the children. Solo, I saw Mamma
Kissing Santa Claus, Warren •Shold-
ice; Selections by the Band, .Clare
French, Jimmy Arbuckle, Warren
Sholdice, Wayne Bellerman and
Gary Hinz; The Christmas Story:
Closing recitation, Dorothy Becker;
The First Nowell; Here Comes Santa
Claus; Visit of Santa Claus and ex-
change of gifts and candy. God Save
the Queen.
The teacher was presented with
an initialled leather billfold from
BRODHAGEN tate pupils. The address was read'by
The annual school meeting of S.S. 4 Marlene Priestap and the presenta-
Logan, Brodhagen School, was held on tion made by Wayne Beuerman. The
Wednesday afternoon, Norman Ben- prizes for the draw went to Ralph
newies was elected school trustee, Scherbarth, wool blanket; Ed Dill,.
Russell Sholdice being the retired bed lamp; Gottlieb .Mueller, Tree
trustee. The board consists of Herm- Light; feature prize, George Wicke
g g
toyorgan grinder).
o a
Mr. Glenn Brickman left for Flor-
ida by bar on Friday morning for
the Christmas holidays.
The •Stewards of the Christian
Home (married couples group) of
St. Peter's Lutheran Church, held
their Xmas party in the church
basement on Thursday evening. The
evening was spent in singing of pop-
ular Ghristmas songs, games, read-
ings, carol singing. Tables were de-
corated with evergreens, Belted can-
dles and Christmas decorations.
Lunch was served and partaken in
the candle light and the singing of
carols. and the Christmas story was
Flowers adorned the altar of the
Church at the Sunday morning ser-
vice in memory of the late Mrs.
Ferdinand Querengesser who passed
of near Exeter, spent New Years
Eve with their aunt and 'uncle, Mr.
and Mrs. A. Gackstetter,
New Years visitors with Mr. and
Mrs, Harold Jones were Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Westlake and family,
Bayfield, Mrs. Pearl Love and fam-
ily of near Varna.
It being the first Sunday of the
New Year Sacrament of the Lord's
•Supper was observed in St. And-
rew's Church here. A very inspiring
sermon was delivered by the minis-
ter, Rev. Norman McLeod, B.A.,
B.D. The choir rendered an anthem'
under the leadership of Miss Jean
Ivison. Miss Geeta Benindyke and
Mr. Hank Benindyke sang a duet.
We are sorry to report Mrs, N.
McLeod is ill, We hope for a speedy
The annual Xmas entertainment
was held in the Church on Tuesday
evening last. The Church was filled
for the event. The chairman for the
evening was Rev, Norman McLeod.
The program was as follows: Wel-
come by Joanne Sinclair; a chorus
by the entire school "Blessed Christ-
mas Story" and "Snowy White
Snow". The chairman gave a short
address. Recitations were given by
Diana Faber, Bob Cooper, Gwen
Jones, Billie Workman, • Margaret
Elgie, Norma Young', Robert Turn-
er, and Gerald Johnson. Piano duet,
Ann and Marie Sinclair; song by
the Primary girls and boys "I'm a
Little Tea Pot". The Juniors en-
acted the meaning of Merry Christ-
mas, Bob Benindyk and Nelson Mc-
Clinchey then sang a duet; a read-
ing, The Definition of a Boy, was
given by Ronnie Anderson and Har-
old Parsons. The Primary girls and
boys sang and enacted, I'm Going to
make a Cake. Joanie, Ann, and
Marie Sinclair then sang. A dill by
the Juniors followed; Bonnie Dal-
ryrrple and Joanie Sinclair sang,
"The Teddy Bear Song", with their
Teddy Bears. A pantomime "Silent
Night" by the Senior girls with
Geeta Benindyk taking the solos;
Nelson McClinchey, a piano solo.
The audience then sang "Hark the
Herald Angels Sing". Radio Station
K.U.C. then appeared on the plat-
form with Gerald Parsons as an-
nouncer and it featured the Kippen
Minstrels and Chorusters who had
songs, instrumentals and jokes. So-
los were taken by Dan Bell, Don
Kyle; duets by Don Kyle and Edi-
son McLean, and Gerta and Hank
Benindyke. Thanks was extended
to all who made the entertainment
so anueh a success, with special
thanks to Mrs. Ross-Broadfoot who
accompanied at the piano for all the
vocal numbers. Santa then appeared
with gifts for all,
an Leonhardt Harold Rock, Mr. Ben-
newies, Mr. Wm. Vock is secretary
treasurer. Favorable or able 1 epor is were
read from the school inspector and
the financial report showed a surplus
of $700 on !land. Insurance is now in
effect covering school accidents and a
guard fence Is to be erected as extra
precaution. The school movie project-
or may now be used free of charge by
the church providing an experienced
operator is in charge. Mr. Fred Her-
leris he caretaker,
o t a
Visitor's: Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Su-
ehring, Gloria and Patricia, 0f Bel),
Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Brun-
ner and John, and Mrs. Ile Brunner of
Seebach's Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Smyth, Mitchell, with Mr. and Mrs,
Wm. Diegel New Year's Day.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Querengesser,
Mrs, Henry L, Diegel, Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Diegel with Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Kressler„ Stratford, on Friday, the oe- away 33 years ago, Dec. 21st., they
Casio» of the 30th wedding anniver- were placed there by her family.
sary of Mr, and Mrs. Kressler, Mrs. Two baskets of flowers were placed
Kressler was former Martha Diegel, in the Church in ,memory of the late
Mr, and Mrs, Harry Beuerman, Mr. John Riehl whose funeral took place
and Mrs. Lonie 'Hillehrecht and Edgar on Friday from Seaforth, with bur -
with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Beuerman ial in Brodhagen Cemetery.
in Seaforth, New Year's day. The following joined 'St. Peter's
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Sweetman (Do. Lutheran Church by confirmation:
ris Scherbarth), John, Paul, Philip Mrs, Alvin Elligson, Mrs. Glenn
and Carol of Marysville, near Brock. Mogk Mrs. Fred Jung, Mrs. Edward
ville, with Mr. and Mrs, Aug, Scher• Seherberth Jr., yra. Carol Vock,
berth and other relatives. !Mrs, Harvey Ahrene.
Me, and Mrs, Wilfred Drager have Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Diegel, Calvin,
moved into the new house erected on Marlene and Arthur, Mr, George
the farm of Mr, Aug, Scherbarth, Diegel, Mr. •and Mrs. Joe Smith end
Miss Pearl Berry of Hamilton, Mr. Donna with Mr, and Mrs. George
Lorraine Rose of Sarnia with Mr. anti Young in Stratford on ,Sunday.
Mrs. Ross Leonhard t, 1 Mr, and Mrs, Ray Hart of Lon-
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rose of Sarnia don, Mr. and Mrs. George Wheatley
with Me, and Mrs, C. W. Leonhardt of McKillop with Mr, and Mrs. L,
for Christmas, G. Rook.
Miss Nancy Mogk spent some of the Me. and Mrs. Gordon Miller and
4*'tS1's i,T. iEA,
It TB.
Now Pliyin nt-7PL0 AGAINST O'HARA :*iuncer'l'racy, Diana Lynn
See Sp hirer 1 ra y 111 a v.11i511 strnsrg e to ih"e an hinoeeut i un. 11'c tilled
with eh no itl 1 a wr1s1 l aetion. Don't miss it.
Nat $lbn Pin.. T1 d SCA RANIOUCH G tvctwicnlul —
r'irst Show starts at , P.M.
Ste rat t °ranter • Janet Leigh Dashing Slow:A 1 Crane,''1 nr ti ,•:, love to
fiery Mervin, Parker and demur !aunt L,'i' It, It is , thrilling, romantic
story tilntcit in a Paris background
Next. Thugs. 1,l. segs. HAS ANYBODY SEEN MY GAL '1'.',,luiieobi,r
.,Piper Laurie - Charles Coburn. 'Fink run'•'dy proves that money isn't
everything, It's sparkling with E,ui, frolic and romance
All childyr,,eeni ma
under sixteen st 110 tic•enmp c lied by ou adult
Yoi'-'+J+Y milha 14•%",KL-gl V ,ifSISSESSI M1'w�13'.Z7DIMS'-'-
You Don't
When you buy your Footwear at
this store -
The Little Stole with the ":Big Values"
Hockey - Sat., Jan. 10th Wallaceburg at Seaforth
Meet me there
Linda, and Mts. Wm, Miller visited
Mr. Milton Miller in Kitchener On
Mr, Fred Flollatz of near Monk
ton with his sister Mrs. -Wm. Miller. '
Mr, and Mrs, Michael Connolly,
Roselle, Ruthann and Ronald of Se-
bringville, Mr, and Mrs. Sam Wolfe, 1
Orval, Gwenyth, Grant and Roy;
Beuerman of Logan and Miss Der-
oen Wolfe and 1VIiss Joan Weber of
Exeter, with Mr. and Mrs, Lavern
History was made in this little
village at the boundary of Perth and
Huron counties on Monday when
ratepayers, for the first time in the
life of the Separate School Area,
elected trustees by ballot;
The election by ballot, replacing
the old-fashloned method of election
by a show of ]rands, was the result
of a protest by two ratepayers who'
attended the annual meeting of the
School Trustee Area ,Board at the
close of 1952.
The Separate School Area in-
cludes four school sections, Union
Separate School Section No. 1, Mc-
Killop twp,, and School Sections
Nos. 2, 3, and 4, Hibbert twp.
The two protesting' trustees who
insisted upon an election by ballot
were upheld by legal advisers. They
contended that it was quite con-
ceivable that anyone wishing to
"pack” the public meeting could
bring a few score friends whose
show of bands would outnumber the
They said a vote by show of hands
not necessarily a true concensus of
the eligible voter's, many of whom
did not or could not attend the
Several Dublin Village residents,
Monday, found themselves having to
vote twice—at Dublin Separate
School for the school trustees, and
again in McKillop twp. for township
Three candidate were in the field
for one school area trusteeship,
Martin Feeney and Edward MeladY,
of Hibbert Twp., and William Ryan,
of McKillop twp. Other trustees have
not yet completed their terns.
A few days ago Dublin's police
village trustees, the body which ad-
ministers the village municipal life,
was elected by acclamation. The vil-
lage "council" comprises Gerald
Holland, Charles Friend and Patrick
Enjoy The Best Years Of Your Life
Twenty years have been added to
human life, extra years to enjoy in
leisure if you prepare for them now.
•See articles compiled from Marie
Beynon Ray's forthcoming book,
"The Best Years of Your Life". Ar-
ticles start in this Sunday's '(Jan`
11) issue of The American Weekly,
exclusively with Detroit Sunday
Weary -eyed spectacles were the
words to describe S.D.II.S. students
as they struggled to the school doors
on Monday morning'. Most of the stu-
dents returned the first day but
there were a few didn't recuperate
until the second, Overall most claim-
ed a very enjoyable two weeks and
commented, 'too bad it wasn't long-
er'. Cheer up gang, it will be Easter
in four months, time for another
little rest.
Basketball has caught the spotlight
in the early year activity with the
school entering three teams in
H.S.S.A. It is hoped Seaforth can
produce one winning squad from
their three entries.
Question of the week: What is
this new game they call courting?
L.O.B.A. Lodge are holding a
Euchre Party in the L. 0. L.
Lodge Room
Friday, Jan. 9th
Games start at 8.30
Admission 40c. Lunch
, Play
"Abigail Goes Haywire" will
be presented by the Y. P. U.
of Cavan Church, Winthrop,
in Walton Community Hall,
under the auspices of Bound-
ary and 17th Group
Tuesday, Jan. 13
At 8 P.M.
For Mr. and Mrs. Eric Ander-
son at Seaforth Community
Wednesday, Jan. 14
Western Five Orchestra
Everybody Welcome
Clearance Sale
Off All—
Bunting Bags, with or without legs $4.95
Ski Pajama Suits, all sizes 4-6X ' r $2.98
Flannelette Crib Sheets, size 36 • $1.98
Leather Ski Mitts $1.89
Wool Gloves 69c White Fur Mitts . $1.50
Wool Mitts •.. , , . , . , 49c Leather Gloves $1.75
Flannelette Crib Sheets, size 30