The Seaforth News, 1937-12-30, Page 4PAGE FOUR moTHE S
... <.pe.mar«.. y.m w «. �� THURSDAY, DECEMBER 33, 19 37
F r I � lt'
,. au mdm
Bros.. Put,lisbeta to t
Happy New Year
We extend to you sineer- 6
est Good Wishes that ,[
Happiness and Good
Sp Fortune abide with you at
this season and all
Of through the coming ' Year
lit. lilt.,Dundas of Toronto i,
spending' the Christmas holidays wrttt
her parent., lir. and 1i t s. George
n ale
Ilundas in 1[uliiLop.
Itessrs. Cosby 'lemic and Billie
lions from near ( ratrtott' spent
Christmas week end with the form-
er's parents. Air. and 11rs. Fred
11i s. \\', S. I or ix•s spent Christ-
lt-tmas with Mr. and Mrs. T.A\illiant-
sau on the .boundary,
Our Greeting !
I o You and Yours in our Community, May
The New Year hold promise of
Prosperity and Happiness
Christie. Meat Market
treastirer, 11 rs. Leslie Ililbot a
treas., Shirley Wallace; world friends
ser„ Katie Barrett; t, t Mrs, Wm.
Hamm and !Hilda !Nc. hitt.
(3u Thursday at .1.31) p.nt. Santa
Claus came to town 1t' way of north
highway. !He was met by the citizens
band and the children of public and
continuation schools of the ccmmmun-
ity..\ contort waS presented in mem-
orial hall at 2.30, The hretmu .pon-
soted a relief fund and •di ttihntecl
Christmas etieer itt the form of cloth-
ing, 'baskets of food, .together with a
bar of candy to each child. ,
ke.g, Argent .if \\'i:llind is
•pttul? holida.s with ht; par-
euL,^Alis; tont 11rs. Fred Argent.
AI r, and *11rs, Hurray Cole and
daughter. 'I lizabetlt, of Toronto. Acre
visitors with thila.tter's mother, 11re.
Milne., and .t.ter, '1fitis ldary 11 -blue.
Miss Lois IRabinson of Welland vis-
ited her parents. lir. and 1trs. R, 1-1,
\Irn. S. Taylor visited her mother
Mrs. tic\'ithe at Auburn, over Christ•
nt as,
Mrs. A. 11. Colclough spent over
the 'holiday with her tttughter, Mrs.
L. \, Miller at IGoderich.
Miss Zelda Scott of Toronto is
spending nding Iter holidays with her Fath
er, Richard Scott,
Mrs, g. IH, Brown of Toronto is vis-
iting her sisters...Mra Jas. 'Logan and
Mrs. T. Sloan,
The United Church at Blyth was
recently re -opened for public worship
after being closed .for needed repairs
for six weeks: The auditorium had
'been under repair and +re-docoratiou.
The ceiling and walls halve 'been cov-
ered with ten -test which is an insula-
ting wall board. create in color. The
pattern used on the,ceiling is a regu-
lar one employing a slightly raised
panel made up in squares 116 incites in
size. The heavy.. woollen 'beams run-
ning across the church make the ef-
fect :very pleasing. The pattern on the
walk le called ";Zouche" pattern. This
;is a •andom design 'built upon a unit
block 51/: inches square. Blocks of
three different height,, are employed
throughout the pattern. 'I'hc largest
block bs 11111 inches Allure. The pat-
tern needs a total of, 21513 units to com-
plete or 151tt block, of rariou5 sizes..
These -'blocks -. are glued to the wall
with a special glue and securely nail-
ed. This work was superintended by
David Plainly. The heath, and trim-
ming 10 gallery and windows have
been .painted brown and extra electric
lights have been installed to eliminate
shadows and provide a perfect .light-
ing effect. The heating system has al-
so'been renovated and a large fan has
been 'installed for circulating and con-
ditioning the•,ac. The audititriunt has
been equipped with six large cold air
ducts placed under the windows
which conduct the cold air trout the
auditorium immediately to "furnace by
means of a centrifugal fan and
clean dustless humidified 'air forced
under gentle pressure to all parts of
the building. The ladies of the emigre,
gation have supplied new doors lead-
ing- into anditoriu'tn and have had..p.111:.
Pit furniture 're -upholstered and.' a,n•
nein carpet placed on the platform; .
The services were conducted by the';
minister, 'Ret-. T. IA. Brook, morning„
subject The '\'''ondrotas. Meaning of
the incarnation" and in the evenin e
"The tragedy of a C'hristles- Christ -1
mus.". The choir ultder the directions 1
of A. E. Cook provided inspiring
Christmas music for the splendid con-.
gregations asssemlbled both morning
and evening. The minister, to all who
had assisted in rbringing the program
of the church improvement to such a
successful conclusion ;gave the sin-
cere thanks of the trustees atI the
Church and commended the work
atone by various tnkttes, 'flhte floral 'de
cnratidns for this 're-opetting service
were indeedbeau lithe:
Mr. Mervin Manley is helping Mr.
Louis -Diary cut wood. The boys are
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McLoughlin'
and clary spent Christmas with Mr.
and Mrs, Joe McLoughlin.
Mr. and Mrs, Joe McLoughlin en-
tertained the Delaney family and their
friends on Sunday evening,
Mr, 'Steven Manley and lady friend
attended the Christmas concert at
S. S. No.•d6 last Tuesday evening.
Mr. Dan Manley, who o sp
en the
past year working for 'Peter Eckert,
is home forthe winter.
Mr, and Mrs. , Joe. (Ryan of Walton
and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Williams of
Hibbert spent Christmas with Mr: and
Mrs.' !Joseph Johnson.
Miss .Mary Murray of 'London spent
Christmas ;with her .parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Thomas Murray.
'Miss IeItary Dempsey is spending
her Christmas 'vacation with her fath-
er, 'Frank Dempsey,
Mrs. Robert Biller and son, Stuart,
Mrs: and Mrs. Wm. Biller and family
of Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. 'John Boyd
and daughter :Margaret; and -Mrs.
Boyd, Sr.. spent Christmas with lfr.
and Mrs, 'Wni, 'Boyd,
•Mr. and Mrs. John Leeming spent
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Mr. Thomas Leeming and 1$r. John.
Boyd phare purchased fifty acres from
\+fr, Dan Shanahan.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gibbs of De-
troit spent the Cittt'tmas ~reel: end
wit Mr. and \Irs Ibatrt•ey \IclGre.
Mrs. s Jas fllow art and Mrs. Geo.
11,watt 'have gone to 'reside with Mr.
and Mrs. Percy NI:i ming of Loucks -
Intro, for the nutter.
Miss Dorothy 'Craig, of Stratford
pent the stuta 0eek-e t l with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Craig:
lir and Mrs. Wan. Thompson attd
tit spent tluitntt' Kirit their dail-
e;itter Mrs. \Ink. Armstrong and \Ir.
tia tug of 1Fast \\ awanoIi
Mr. Thomas Riddell spent Christ -
Inas with llr. and Ills, 'Walter Ila -t
Gill—of. Myth.
V,i,sitors itttlt Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
I rtilup uml 11rs t` has. Howson on
Christmas were 11r. and \Irs. Jot
Scott of Toronto.
11 r, • and 11 re, Iota lewell of Si
veldt and Ni r. and 11rs. 1Ic1 J.ew`ell
and family of Colborne,
11iss'lean I11uston ,tf Northern On-
tario and Miss Mary •Huston of 'Lon-
deeiioro are spending• the Christmas
holidays with their parents. Mr. and
firs. John Huston,
11rs. Flurry IGot•ier is spending a
fear weeks with her granddaughter,
Mrs. Wni, Sellery and Mr. 'Sellery, of
11r. and Mrs. IA. 'Rollinson and fam-
ily, Mr, and Mrs Russell King and
family, \Ir. and Mrs. -Albert K•ilhntgh
and family, all spent Clu•atinas with
Mr. and Tors, Albert King sof 'Glide-
`Wishing All Our Customers
A Happy and Prosperous New Year
A Happy and Prosperous New
Year to all,
Mfr. and firs. \\r: Davidson are vis-
iting friends at'Dorking and Stratford
this week for a' few days.
Hiss Mary " Hagan of London silent
Christmas with her sister and brother.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Purd:' and family
and Mr. and Mrs. C. Dalrymple and.
family spent Christmas with 11 r. and
firs. Ward (Forrest.
Mr. and firs. George Stephenson
and son of Walkerton spent a couple
of days with his parents; Mr, and Mrs.
R. St'ephena'on and family.
Mrs. Lorne 'Eisler and children are
spending a few days at the house of
iter sister and brother.
Mr. and Mrs. Ment Steckle, :Jr., and
fancily spent the Christmas holiday at
West Montrose.
Mr. and Mrs. !T. I.A.:Carnic and Hiss
Bean and Mr. and Mrs. Gladwin .West-
lake attended the family re --union held
itt the Thome of Mr. and Mrs. IG. S.
Howard of Exeter. .
Mrs. E. Ifusselnran spent Christ-
mas with her son, IIilhert, of Ei!naira.
Ms, and Mrs. Noah iGingerich are
attending the wedding of : the former's
sister iti'Waterloo County.
'Mr, and tiles, •Will Carnie visited
Mrs. Tough of Daylight on Tuesday
of this week.
Miss Vary Ellett (Dempsey of the
teaching staf in Guelph is spending
'her +Christanas 'holiciayswith her 'fa-
ther, Mr, IFrank tDempaey.
IOIur teacher, 'M'iss Anna Beer, dray
deft far her +Chmistmas vacation wilth
her parents in I1tut 11 nton' twit),
There were many' retin'rons
in our 'burg for •01rrigtinas as the
roads and weather were ideal.
Mr. and Mrs. !Joe lEckart and fancily
spent Sunday at ,the Thome of',Mn. and
Mrs. W. Manley.
The annual meeting and election of
officers of Mission Baird of (United
Chttrch Was held at the 'nonce of the
superintendent, Mrs. tL. :Efilborn. 'rhe
election of officers resulted as follows:
President, "logy Fairservice; vice
pres., Doris Moocly; secretary, Tran-
ces Johnston; ass'd •sec„ rJan'et Hamm;
Hearty Greetings
\\'e take this opportunity of thanking our many
Introns for the ,generous support tendered us this
year. Accept our sincere w-isit that your Nev Year
1-e a Happy One.
Sydney Dungey
oHONE 227
The Great Garrick
with .Edward Everett Horton
A drama of comedy and romance.
1VIon, Tues, Wed„ Jan, 3.4-5
The Hit Parade
Al Pearce and His Gang
3 big orchestras, including Eddie
Dachin, Duke Ellington
Next Thur. Fri. Sat., Jan. 6-7-8
Melody Trail
Radio's singing cowboy in a roundup
of melody
.Rev, C. 'i sem 1R•ttt'h r,utd Tkrltn both of Ttn•onto. spent Christmas
[ 1. \\ 1
spent Ctn'tnmc with IRio', and Mrs. 'wide their parents, 11r. and Mrs. J.
1. I'. Reycraft of Stratford. C. Stoltz.
11i.,s Alma Atmtch of Toronto is Master 'Harold l-Iibhert of IGoder-
visiting her norther, APt's Jas. 'Muto'h. reit is visiting' with 'M and Mfrs. Har -
Miss Beryl Wilson of Stratford ry Sandy and Mrs. Gro. Sturdy.
Normal and Miss Dorothy Wilson of 1tr. and 11u. Chas. McNeil of To-
Sheppardtoo are spending the Mali- Tonto spent the week end with Mr.
clays with their itarent's, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Chas. !Asquith.
.lir. Leon IDed'udry spent the week
Air. Art Yungbini of Detroit is vis- end with Mr, and Mrs. .Norman
btia!g his parents, lir. and Mrs. Geo. T-Iamilton.
\'•ungbittt. lir. and Mrs. Wm. Reid and Ruth
hiss, R. Amens of Parkhill is visiting and Mr, Chas, Robertson, \{IL.A., of
her sister, Mrs. Thos, H. Wilson and Colborne spent Christmas with Dr.
1(r. Wilson, B. C R'eir and family.
Mr. IF/don and Miss Effie Stoltz, .\tis Wm. 'Robertson and Miss E.
Fllciti, are visiting, Alt -and Mts. Wil-
fred Donaldson of Goderieh,
11r, and \Irs. John Turner of Clin-
ton spent Christmas with 11r. and
11rs, :Archin Robinson.
tSr. and Mrs. S. J. 'Ferguson and
family spent Christmas with friends
in 11 inghtun,
Mrs. 'Geo. !Hamilton spent the week
end with her. mother: Mrs. Wilson of
Mdse Bertha Wagner of Toronto
spent the week end with her parents,
Mr. and 11'rs, _Jacob Wagner
We are pleased to report ,that Mr.
Wallace (King is much unproved
from his serious illness.
'• Mr. '1 ugou+e••Dohle-,oaf Ottawa is
e etarlin'gthe 'Christnrals holidays with
,liis3pacen,ts, Mr, and .Mrs. Wm, 'Dobie.
1tr i2,eg. IAsc1ivith'•of Kingston Uni-
versity, and Ulss' Mary IAs'quith of
Fergus are' spending- the Christmas
'season with : their parents. 1Ir. and
Mrs. Chao 'lsqubth, '
Mr. and 1;rrsx Edgar -Lawson' ' and
Bernice spent Christmas week -end
with relatives in Seafnrth.
Muss Isfang'aret Il er:,„ttson of ifark-
hill is spending the holidays with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs.. A, J. Fcrgitsnn,
'Miss lfargaret Dobie of Tor inti
spent, the week end at lier home here.
Mr. ane] 11rs, '\I'ntI :i.bin.•n,t spent
Christmas wish the tatter's sister
TIi,s. N, P. (Garrett and NTT. .Garret'
of Blyth,
vont, offers two new cars for 1938 — the
1' Standard Ford V-8 and the De Luxe
Ford V-8. They are different in appear-
ance — but built to the same standard of
mechanical excellence — on the same 112 -
inch wheelbase.
Because people liked our 1937 car so.
well, they bought more than of any ,other
make. They liken its -'looks, its smooth
performance, and the way it handled. We
have improved on that car in the newly
styled Standard Ford V•8.
But some folks wanted still more size
and style, with the same fundamental Ford
advantages. For them, we have designed
a new De Luxe line.
The De Luxe Ford V- 8 Sedans are longer
with more room, larger luggage space,
and finer appointments. De Luxe cars
are equipped with the 85 -horsepower
Ford V-8 engine. They provide more
motoring satisfaction at low Ford prices.
The Standard is even lower priced than
the De Luxe. It is a brilliant, modern car.
It has graceful new lines and well -tailored
interiors. It gives you the same basic ad-
vantages of the 85; horsepower Ford V-8
Before Ford made V- type 8-cylinderen-
gines available to every one, they were
used only in expensive cars. Since theta,
four million Ford owners have learned the
genuine enjoyment of driving an 8 -cylin-
der car with all-round economy. The low
prices of the De Luxe and Standard cars
make it easy for you to step into the
V-8 class.
With two distinct designs, two body sizes
and two price granges, you'll find a 1938
Ford car to fit your• personal needs exactly.
Whatever one you choose, you get time -
proved Ford V-8 performance. Whatever
price you pay, you get a car built soundly
to serve you well.... That's. the Ford way.
De Luxe Ford V-8 models are Coupe, Tudor
Sedan, Fordor Sedan, Convertible Coupe, Club
Coupe, Convertible Club Coupe, Phaeton and
Convertible Sedan.
Standard Ford V-8 is available in three mod-
els: Coupe, Tudor Sedan and Fordor Sedan.
Ford sells' a fully equipped car at the lowest
possible price. The prices on De Luxe models
include twin tail lights, two windshield wipers,
two sun visors, twin electric horns, cigar
lighter, de luxe steering wheel, glove compart-
ment clock and lock, chrome wheel bands, in
addition to front and rear bumpers and guards,
spare wheel and tire and tube, tire lock, and
headlight beam indicator.
Prices on Standard models include front and
rear bumpers and guards, spare Wheel and tire
and tube, tire lock, one taillight, one wind-
shield wiper, one sun visor, cigar lighter,
headlight beam indicator, and two home.