HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-12-16, Page 5THURSDAY, DECE1VIBER 6, 937 THE SEAFORTH NEWS 1 aceuseoureounesammeciarcermecommemerneumi 4 4 WITOW-01kWaVii2ViraWkX9WFU Dec, 16th to 1)ec, 22 SINGAPORE SLICED PINEAPPLE 9c PER TIN DEL MATZ NIBLET CORN 11C PER TIN. - AUNT JEMIly1A PANCAKE FLOUR PER PKG. LIBBY'S P01221KO;c BEANS 19 2 TINS c is EACH 39c ROYAL YORK COFFEE CANDY, French Creams or Chocolate Drops 19c PER LB 15c W.'Wq1M4r.W.NO;qtr.q.A4PAO-i-MAA SBuy Now for Christmas Baking S9MS 23c • New Pitted Dates, Sar New Currants 2 lbs 27e (' Sultanas New Raisins 2 lbs 25e Lexia Seeded Raisins, 12 oz. per pkg. 14c Lexia Raisins with Seeds 2 tbs. 25c S; Bleached Sultan q per tb 19c Sp . Peels, Lemonion or Orange per th 25c Citron Peel per tb 35c Glace Pineapple Rings A tb' 15c Glace Cherries A- tb 13c Shelled Walnuts, gs A lb 1.0C , S Shelled Almonds A lb 15c Cherries in Maraschino Red or Green, 3 oz.., per btl. 12c ' McLaren's Olives, Stuffed 8 oz. Queen 11 oz. each 25e Mince Meat, homemade style 2 lbs. 25c Superior Baking Powder, Boz. -14c; ' . 16 oz. 23c 4 lbs. 25c Icing Sugar 2 lbs. 19c 0 Yellow Sugar 04 Wal-04.7-0W-04WWskaOriMet0VOW:tt Candy, Nuts, Cluster Raisins Golden Mixed Nuts, 5 varieties, all new 2 lbs 39c Paper Shell PCCallS, extra large per tb 25c Household Mixed Candy, a fine assortment per 11) 10e Moirs Christmas Box Chocolates assorted 3 lb 73c Crother's Peppermint Wafers, I lb box- each 20c Moray, 1 tb box Cluster Raisins each 35c Maraschino Choc. Cherries in fancy box each 25c Humbugs, new and bright per lb. 15c Christmas Wrapped Kisses 2 lbs. 25c Christmas Hard Mixture Candy 2 lbs, 25c Peanuts, fresh roasted per Ib. 10c Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce PHONE 8 PHONE 77 Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING -and- EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 SEAFORTH MARKETS iHogs, per cwt. Wheat, per bus 65c-9Sc Buckwheat, iper bus 90e Oats, per bus ...' 4101c Barley, per thus. "' 55c WINTHROP Don't forget the Sunday School Christmas concert to be held in the church Wednesday evening,, 'Decem- ber 22aul. The snowplows are busy opening up the roads after -the Ilea vY snow storm. We are pleased to bear John McClure is on the mend after a sev- ere illness. Mrs. Bullard went to London •Mon- day morning to spend a week with her mother who is '111. Mr. Roger McClure of Belgrave is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. john McClure, Mr. and Mrs. Tim Eaton have re- turned home after spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs, Alonzo Sipariing •of Wroxeter. Dont forge t tlte Ch Pis tmas ,c on et, r t at No. '6 school on Monday evening,. What Did The Saviour Look Like? An atticle in The !American Week- ly, with the Deeember 1119 issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. will point out that 52 exlibition of 111,000 paint- % . ings by artists ;of litany nations shows a wide difference in their ideal's -but evidence :bus ;been found that a real iiikenegs of the 'Divine features b -ase -d on a sketch by St. 'Peter in the Cata- comilis has inspired tile Christ por- traits of all ages. PAGE FIVE TOWN TOPICS • Ills, Sarah iMeCloy, Emniondville. hail the misfortune to break her right ankle on Sunday night when she slip- ped on Main street. Airs. A. ID. Sfillitirland returned home on Monday after an extended visit in Toronto. Miss Broadfoot who has been visa- ing Miss .DaVidS011 for some time has returned to Po -rt Nelson. Miss Millie Duggan of Detroit is visiting with Nir. and Mrs. L. Bolton. wirtiam Boit.' and daughter 1Di:rattly of Ilioehester, N. V., are spending a couple of weeks over Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. L. P,olton, Nir. and Mrs. ;I, A. Case are visiting in Detroit. Mr, 'I,Co ijoyca of the School of Pharmacy at Toronto, is spending his holidays at his inane 'here. TOWN COUNCIL (Continued from Page 1) csg. pro., $116.10; 'John H. Earle, $11l6; Thos. 'Purcell, :$2; fjnclge T. ,M. Cos- telto, court of revision, $9180; j. Cardno, $40; County of Huron, $2111; County Office Supply Co., $3,1217; Pro- vintiiaI insulin, $3.33: County of Huron, indigents, etc., $916.215g Etipe, $3.30; W. R. 'Smith, $3.3i3; E.C..Chain:bent:tin, $116; lEire Brigade, grant and assessed mem., $31312.; 11 j. 13ox, fire iebief, 197'5; L. Box, $7.7131; $1.:60; ilpitablic 'Utility Com., $412,59; If>. Hattburn ,$.3.130; S. Al- len, 105; 12. J. Burrows, MOM., 1$1217.- 23; D. H. Wilson, exps., $117.1315; D. Wilson, cash relief, 41107.13G; 1Public Utility Coin., W.W. .dept, imp. levy, $130195.74; Public Utility Com., .(elec. dept) ,2318; Seaforth INews, $9.410; Huron Enpositor, $1.141.:67; !Public Ut- ility Corn., (elec. •clept.), $1118.86; Reeves, 50e; /3. IKehn, $3; H. O'Dell, 411!.2,5; Hays A: Meir, $159.75.; Sills & Sons, $214.314; Wm. Montgom- ery, $39J.513. Total -19111,41484,19. MAE LANE AUX. (Continued from Page 1) Wood; pres., Mrs. Close; let vice, Mrs. 'Wm. Bather; 211d vice, Miss R. Fennell; ,31rd vice, Mrs. Rechely; rec, secy., Mrs, 1Vesrcost; cor. secy., Miss A. MdNey; treas., -Mrs. Russel:1; Christian Stewardship Secy., Mrs. Ross Savauge; temperance, Mrs. Mof- fatt; missionary monthly, Miss S. Wood; balby band secy., Mrs, E. C. Chambeilitin; Miss 11. Crich; asst. press secy., Miss W. Seip; literature secy.. Mrs. H. Snell; Rimer secy., 'Miss M. Barber; Pianist, Miss M. Barber and Mrs. Hoggarth; social corn Mrs. MoGavin, ,Iirs. Christie (conveners), Mrs. Gallop, Miss M. Carter; strangers' sou., Mrs. J. II, Reid, Mrs. 3, Currie; simply com„ Mrs. T.,. Dale, con. BRODHAGEN WEST Mr. Gordon )lueggy, Cha-rlie Reg- ele's hired man, is in •Seisforth Hospi- tal where he bad to undergo an °per- atiOn. But glad to report -ht' is getting along -very veil under conditions and we hope he will Soon be restored to his visual health. 'We had a very stormy week last week so that the roads were nearly impassable. :Our mail courier gat ;tuck in several plates and could not get in his full route 00 account of the deep drifts. . . Mr. and 11 r.. Henry 'Koehler spent last week with friends in •Steatford but returned home -on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. goehler spent Sunday ,with Mr. .and :Mrs. 'Change' Eggert. - Carman Mogh, east Of the village. WQS taken to Seaforth hospital with a leg !broken above the knee. when he fell on the iec last week. DUBLIN • Mr. .Toseph Nagle returned home from Stratford where he attended the county council. Misses Dorothy and Veronica Molyneaux spent the week end at Zurich where they teach. The pupils of the high and separ- ate schools are holding the Christmas play in the 'Parish Hall on Monday evening, Dec. 20. Mrs. Frank Smith entertained . few friends on Monday night. Charles Berm is :visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.P. F. Beim, 'fo- vonto. iss ittory 'Manage n returned home from Toronto after spending. a 1 fecc montlls there, .\Me are sorry to hear that Nit-. 'James Shea is on she sick list. We wish bin: a speedy recovery. and Mrs. ,Michael Nagle visited wall friends on Sunday. NVe are pleased to hear that Mr. Patrick Morris is enjoying; better health lately. The annutil Christmas concert of the Continuation and Separate Schools or Dublin 'will he held io the church on Monday ,night, De- cember 138t -h. Send us the names of yottr visitors. MET AT CLINTON The Huron Presbytery .of the Pres- byterian Church stet Tuesday in Clinton il'reMqterian Church. Rev. W. IA, Young of 'Hensall, moderator of the Presbyter, presided. The out- standing feature of the morning ses- sion following the devotional period was the acceptance with regret of the .resignation of Rev. T-1. C. 'Feast of :First Presbyterian ;Church, Seaforth, and the appointment of Rev. G. A. Peddie. Clinton, ult interim moderator who will declare the pulpit vacant. Mr. Feast has beep quite shl and is 110A^ ill hospital. !Following the ac- ceptance of his resignation a motion' of sympathy for him in his illness was passed. The afternoon session was devoted mainly to the financial budget In this connection allocations for general maintenance funds were Placed, the excess over -last year's total raittirements being 411400. Rev. D. C. IHili, !Exeter, Presbytery secre- tary, has that matter in hand. Ow- ing to the blockaded -condition of ail roads except the highways, the at- teociance was not. as good as on form- er occasions. Lay delegates -were pre- sent from IGoderich, Seaforth,HEster Hensall, Blyth, Loadesboro. DANCE! LYNN SPENCE and His Orchestra I.O.O.F. HALL, 'SEAFORTH OPortnerly Wed., Dec. 29 'lo .be held ,under auspices of- The Young Ladies' Sodality of St. Jetties' Church Admission - - - 414 gilt 8 to 12' CHRISTMAS NIGHT PARTY AT DUBLIN Dance the Old Year out and the New Year in at NEW YEAR'S EVE FROLIC . 4.VOQWW474VrItnWe'41W-WW4.e-OQVW-ge4TQW.Q.e.tn.W4Ven.W4 6 5) eR iA LARGE SELECTION OF GIFTS IN LEATHER GOODS, MILITARY BRUSH sa 0 SETS, DRESSER SETS, IN ALL COLORS. CUT CRYSTALS, NOVELTIES, ETC . S4 5 Open Evenings 3. A.WESTCOTT reserves any Am sall deposit ... Until article until , Christni as JEWELLER, SEAFORTH Christmas S Jewelery Store Suggests; Master Craftsmen designed this modern ring. A large selection in white or natural gold Solitaire Rings 12.50 up Three Stone Rings 15.00 up Fine selection OE Ladies' and Gen -t' Wrist Watches Bulova, Lorie, LaSalle and other High Grade Watches All moderately Priced and Fully Guaranteed 9.95 up For the Home 3 pc, Tea: Service $7.50 to $40.00 Salt and Peppers Candlesticks 1.00 up 0 Rings Emblem, Signet, Stone and Birthday S Rings 0 4r4VrallOra,04W-VOMettiO-MORM- UtratIOAii-neV.iiA4 UP-tX BRUCEFIELD The Women's Missionary Society held their monthly meeting. on Wed- nesday, Dec. Rh. 'rile meeting open- ed with the call to worship, Johiv13: 35, After responsive reading 747 from the Hyninary, hymn -All hail the power of :ie.:us nam2'. was 51010. Scripture reading Rom..1 2 %%as read by Mrs. 011an and NIrs. Haugh led in prayer. The Devotional 'Leaflet, "The chtirch in my life. all life. all land" ,Vas read by Mrs. -Jas. -rhoon,,o. Readings were then given by the Christian Stewardship and finance secretary and the tempeeance secre- tary. After secretary's reportroll call, treasurer's report, offering and busi- ness, hymn, "1303- to the world" was sung, Mrs. R. Scott then took the chair for the study period, Mrs. .Nik- cniteatt led in prayer. The third chap- ter of the Study Book teas taken by Mrs, A, McQueen, Mrs. Stevens and Mrs, IR. Scott. Hymn, "Silent night, holy night" was sung and prayer was offered by Mrs. Scott. The president then took the chair for the election of officers. The following were elect- ed: II -Ion. 'Presidents, MN. 1,1. -Burdge; :President. 01 rs. . Hazel wood : 1 st Vice Pres., -Mrs. AV. Bremner; 2ntl. \ince Pres., Mrs, gas. -NI tiOneen; 3'rd Vice IPres., Mrs, .R. lAllan; Treasurer, Mrs. C. Brack; expense 'fund treas- urer. Mrs. A. T. Scott; the following secretaries, recordinyr, Miss 11. Row- ey; corresponding, itt's 3. B. Must- ard; community friendship ers'), Mrs. T. Baird; Christian stew- ardship and !finance, Mrs. IH. Aiken - head; supply, -Mrs. L. 1l0)rria4; litera- ture. Miss M. Swan; missionary mon- thly. 'Mrs. T. Can associate helpers, Mrs. A. ;McQueen: .assistant associate helpers, Mrs. jas. Moody; temper- ance, :1;frs. JAS. Thompson; Press. Miss !M, McIntosh; assistant ipress, :kfrs. !A. -Mustard; !baby hand ,superin- tendent, Mrs. R. Scott; organist, Mrs. J. Cairns; assistant organist Mrs. Forrest; mission hand superintend- ent, Mis .E. %trey; assktant, 13, stmt., Miss E. Bremner. Mr. 'Drew Swan was CcIllfined,-to his bed last week with a very had cold. Mr. Will Hill has also been -b-ed-fast with a severe cold. 'Miss L. .Stell of Londesboro has been visiting her sister. Mrs.. Fred Boyce who has not teen well for the past two weeks. Mr. A. 'Brandon and farnity moved to the Scott house on Monday. The Sunday School will 'hold their annual Christmas tree entertainment on Thursday evening, Mee. 12131rd. Ev- eryone welcome. 'On 'Sluinday the 1.91th„ the white gifts wilt Ibe lbrought to the dhurch to be sent to the needy; Horns, ,Confetti, Hats and novelties Otto Henderson and hit 9 -piece Band with lady singer. Adtn. 50c the •1/0)'S UM' girls tt ill also receive, their diplomas and cmals at this ser- vice. 11r. Alex Sonter spent • a few days visiting friends near \N.:thou. Owing to the riiads being blocked the schools were closed the latter part of last week. ST. COLUMBAN The C.NV.1.held their tnontlrly meeting on SclInClay. December 12. A letter was read by the president, Mrs. O'Reilly, from Rt. Rev. A. J. 'Janssen, Regina, thanking the League for • all the clothing that was sent them this winter and saying hot% ;it was needed now as rntlrl weather had set 1111, decided to send treats to all the older members of the League and the shut-ins for elillstmas. They in -tend holclitie• their Christmas social on De- centber '2171h ; 01 nnday night. :Many friends of \I n. Joseph Burke are glad to hear he is improving after his recent operation in Scott Menlo -r-, Miss Lucy Burke spent the week end with her brother, 'Joe. Seaforth hospital. 1,biss Molly Morris entertained her Friends to a social evening, one night last week-. .All spent a very enjoyable evening. -- Frank Morris has gone to De -I ng. Iroit for ttie winter, 7,\Ir. Ernest ;Allen and Michael hp it have. returned from a recent visit in Toronto, 'Mr, Harry lien ver of Ottawa is spending two weeks with his parents, :\ir. and .11.s. William -Niel ver, ELIMVILLE The Nlission Circle met at the church on Friday night and elected their officers for 191318. Results are as follows; -Advisory 'President : Mrs. .A4 - yin Pym; president, Mary 'johns; vice presideet, Laura Ford; rec. secretary, Hazel ijohits; tsfectsurer, 1Eitia . Herd- man; corr. seereVary, ;Eva .1Penrose: temp. secretary, Gladys !Johns; supply,. secretary,. Mari ot Miners; pia n kttd,re,)^aSgt. Heralds-Ifnclia, Marga'ret nets: Slcinner; 'japan. D ordthy ij oi n s .1K 0 rea , '11 essie johns; Canada, Doris III1ford; Vries, Ethel - e n e johns; 'it tntd'td rdetie Johns Miss Margaret ljblins visited last week with her aunt, Mrs. A. .Gars; diner at ,Farquhar. Mrs, Thos. Bell was, im the sick list last week. Want and For Sage Ads., 1 week, 25'c, MANLEY Mr. and -Mrs. .Fergus ,Horan and family; made a business trip to Strat- ford last week and were marooned seca.-ral times on account of the sev- ere snow storm but managed -to get home after a severe experience. Mr. ,Peter lEckart has purchased the old number 18 school grounds adjoin- ing his farm which belong to the es- tate 'of the late 1Philip ,Enright. The old school that stood there was built in 11804 and gran the first school at- tended by many of our older citizens. The weather man made a mistake when he predicted an open winter but it is a relief since it is moderating and has -made traffic possible. McKILLOP The follovting 'is the report for S. S. No. 4, 'MdKillop., for -the Christmas examinations: • Sr. IV --,Beth Catnnbell 7.1%; Lois Henderson 712, John Henderson 71, MaXine..LaWreisce Jr. Henderson 76. Second Glass-Stewiart .Hentierson 712. Junior IFirslt=faetty Cox, good. -Primer - Mabel Campbell, good; Patricia Cox, fair. IDlorothy 'Driscoll, Tearlier. The annual •Chtistmas goncert of S.S. No, 4, will he held ln the sehoul on Wednesday et'. Dec. 212 Bethel Christmas tree, Thursday eve., Dec. 23. Vegetable Growers Meet The annual convention of thg On- tario Vegetable GrowersAssociation is ,being held Tuesday and 'Wedtte-. day. January ,1)1tand 11210 at the King -Edward Hotel, Toronto, start - at 9..a13 each morning. FARMERS ATTENTION "COLD WEATHER FUEL" "First Class Pennsylvania Coal" Our Co -Operative Co., is sending us 2 Cars next week. save Extra Hand- ling and Storage Charges( by buying direct from cars, Stove or Nut Size, off oars, - Farmers $12.40 per ton 'Delivered in 'Seaforth or Close to town $13.00 per ton No. 1 Alberta Lump Coal - Farmers $10.20 per ton Town Deliveries $10.80 per ton First Class Hamilton Coke - Farmers $1.1.20 per ton Town Deliveries :112.00 per ton All !Prices Cash. The Seaforth Farmers Club Phone 336 J. H. Scott, Secretary