HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-12-16, Page 4PAGE FOUR
sno\vnon Bros., Publishers
\Ir•, and Urs. Tee Nicholson .ere
holidaying with hi. aunt, Ur. \\an.
1 ood s, on return from their w ddiug
tow, after being delayed for some
days by the snow storm.
The 1.:11. L. hall has been bargained
for by the community for a hall and
shares itarrc Brea signed for for it
con. iderrhle amount The cork ni
an wntg and remodelling will coin -
weave as soon is weather permits.
Pleased ot state Iles. Roy Bennett
is doing t kelt after returning front
the Seaforth (Hospital tvltere she un -
dr rteutan operation.
\7r 'George I-Lue', t is confined to
bed at hi: home. east boundary, rsitlt
typhoid fever and is getting on as
well as can he expected at present.
'Mr. Grover -Gill returned 'home this
week after spending the past week
with her daughter, ?1r -a- Ken .Fe;;.
Mr. \Vnt. M•IclCravht is ^not very well
and friends hope for has recovery
dr. and Mrs. John McKenzie and
family are back from Saskatchewan
They brought their stock and house-
h'old. goods. They were in the dried -
out area. They have got had a crop for
seven years.•
Mr. john Munn is laid up with a
-bad dose of 'quitt'sy,
Mr. William Boyd who has been
laid up with a bad cold is able to be
tap and out again.
M. 1Gardon Murray of Walton
spent week end at Porter Dennis's,
Mr. George Kistner is still visiting
his : daughter, Mr. and Mrs. 'J'oseplt
Miss (Elsie 'Dennis is •able to he
around again after being laid up for
a week.
Misses Jessie and Tena 'Dennis
spent 'Sunday afternoon with Mr. and
Ades, Mee Dennis on the 1113th.
Mr, and Mrs.. William Dennis spent
Sunday with Mr. John Dennis, their
Bethel young people are preparing
a good. 'long programme to ,be presen-
ed soon.
Mrs ' Colctough of Blyth has re-
ceived the following letters; "Dear
Friend: I am in receipt of a bundle ai
nt d clothing from the Huron Pres-
byterial Which I have the privilege of
distributing to some needy families in
this area, Will you 'kindly extend to
the said 'IPresbyteria'! our hearty
'thanks for the sante. This clothing is
a great help to many who have been
finding life somewhat discouraging
and it is particularly so as we face the
rigor of another Saskatchewan will.
ter. On behalf,' attd in the name of
Him who said Nil ;as much as ye have
done it
unto one f the least , , , f these
ye have
done iti
unto mt", I extend
our hearty thanks. Very sincerely,
E. C. Sewell, Minister of Ba'lcarres
United Church." "Dear " Mrs. Col -
dough: This will acknowledge with
much appreciation a shipment of thir-
try -one bates which came' to handa
few days ago and from which already
we have sent out consignments to
some •of the Fields. The shipment is
an unusually .generous one and ten felt
a special letter a L
ter of thanks should go to
you for your interest and support of
,our relief work in the north. 'We are
informing the ministers who will dis-
tribute the clothing the source from
which it came and ask them to give
more detailed infornnation concerning
its distribution. T know it ie always
interesting to donors to know of ape-
,cific gases which have been, helped .by
their generosity and since it is impos-
sible for me to supply these details I
ask the various ministers to do it. I
hope that you will have some interest-
ing stories from the generous con-
signment which was sent. Once ntt re'
thanking you and with kindest re-
gards, I remain, yours sincerely.j. C.
Woman's Association—
The annual meeting and election of
officers of the Woman's Association
of the United ,Church was held on
Tuesday, Dec. '8th with the. president,
Mrs, J W. Mills presiding. Slp'lenciid
reports were given by the secretary
and treasurer.. ,Receipts an hand, $1/96.
It was decided to hand over tothe of-
ficial board of the church $1150. also to
donate $5,,00' to the cmmntunity
Christmas tree to be used for hampers
for the needy, Mrs, Harold Phillips
favored with a solo. The pastor, Rev.
R. 1,1, Brook, was present and the of-
ficers for 1119318 were ,elected by .acciam-
atian:.IPresident. Mrs. J. W. Mills;
l.st:vice ores.,Mrs. G. D Leith; sec-
retary, Mrs. Harold Phillips; 'assist-
ant secretary, -Mfrs. G. 'D. Leith; treas-
trer, :Mrs,
F.IFall man; Press score-
Mrs. A, M. Coiclough; pianist,
Mrs. H. Mrr• lr t • manse committee.
Mrs. r'Mills,
D food • Mrs. W.
Miss M. I ochie, Mrs. S. White and
Mrs. Chas, Bell; flower committee,
Mrs. Chas, ,Graeby, Mrs, L. Hilburn
Mrs, Wm. Logan; representative to
official hoard of the church, Mrs. J
W, 'Mills.
Mrs. Sadie 1'u cin: , %rho has been
on the stet: list, i, ino.rovitto
Mllss 'Kathleen Logan. t arse-uttra. trig at Cowl:tit, was n tt,u,r with
her parents. \da•. and Mrs. 1\`:u. 1 ,
Mrs. \ Ii, Tierney- is on alt
tended visit to her daughter, Mrs,
Joseph \rnstein at Toronto.
W. A.-
1 Ile
.—file 1\'„rus0'. -\ txi'iary tact at tit
(tome of Mess Annie Jarrett on'\\ed-
nesday afternoon, Deeentlier 8, 11117,
with the president Miss Edna Coch-
rane, oresithng. Theme for the. year,
"Che Church in my life., all Ice, all
lauds,” Theme for Decentber, "Fel-
1,,t% ship in the Church," '['he meeting
opened with singing hynui'47, The re-
sponsive reading front the hyuntary
747, 1"lte Devotional Leaflet was tak-
en by Miss Rena 'Stephenson. The
secretary and treasurer reports were
read and .adopted. The roll call was
answered by 18 paints for Mrs. \11,
Turner's ;group and 115 points Inc An -
ole l•Tarrott's group. Mrs, Turner's
group winning by 16 points during the
year. The election of officers Inc '1193'3
is the following; Honorary president,
Mrs. R. '1\rdAdt]ster; president, Miss
E. Cochrane. bst vier pres„ Mrs. R.
McAllister: 2ncl vice press Mrs. R.
Love; treasurer, Z[rs, W. Turner;
secretary, Miss A. 'Jarrott; supply sere-
retary, Mrs. C. Stephenson; messen-
ger sec's., Mrs. R. Love; temperance
secretary, Mrs. IR, 'Consitt; strangers
secretary, Mrs. •H. Turner; assistant
strangers secretary, Miss Rena Steph-
enson; press secretary, Miss IA. Jar -
rot: organist, tllss :Irene Turner; as-
sistant organist, (Jeanette McAllister;
Baby Band Supervisor, :Mrs. elute'
Turner, assistant 'Iiss tjeanette Mc-
Allister. Meetings in :homes for first
six months of '119318 are: January, Mrs.
R. Stephenson: February, Mrs, R.
Love: March, s[es. R. Consitt; April
Mrs, W. Turner;'May, ,\lis: ;E, Coch-
rane; June, Mrs. R Mt/Allister; Utile,
vacant; August; 'vacant; September,
Baby Band in church; 'Octoher, vac-
ant; .November, 'vacant; .December.
Miss A. Jarrott, The playette in the
3lissiouaty llcssenge.r was taken in
parts by Mrs. IR. McAllister, Mrs. R.
Consitt, tEdna Cochrane, :\Ira, W.
Turner, \, J'arrott. The otfering and
a topic on "World Pewee" was taken
by .q. •farrott. !hymn 3151„ and the
president closed the meeting with
prayer, The W. e\ meet.; at the hotnt
Mrs, rs, R. Stephenson in January un
thy 2nd \V'ednesdat. at .,'I) p.m., the
president. Miss E. Cochrane. ne in
11r. Janie, \lorri, is wearing a
;toile these clic,; a baby girl arrived
during. the week at the hospital of
Urs, R. Paterson, 1len.alh
:Mr-. -AItnt Lo.x'e was alle l h, Kip-
ap_ptit Saturday morning ovung it, the
illness 2
e her :sister-in-law, tt \I r.
l ari' t
n t. 'Her want friends In this
community wish her a speed.) recov-
Mss 'Anna •[arrttt called on oda-
tire, in 1-itn-ttfl taw day during the
w -eek,.
Bueelleriitg is now the order of the
day in the community.
\Ir, Chas. Robinson attended the
funeral of a relative at Alio-hell ttur.
ing the week end. ills wife,,Mrs. Rob.
e I1 15
i few-. weeks .with
her ,is ter, Airs,, Dodds, and Young sots
in London.
Mr. a \\'an
Reichert cr
t ha, loam called
to the bedside or his mother \irs,
John Reichert of Zurich, wham many
can recall in this 'community, owing
to a wt,aknese at :her actt-anced age.
Word was received of the death of
lfiss Mary Matheson, R.iN„ formerly
of Clinton but .now of the. West. She
was a classmate of Mise. Dolly Hag_
an R'\„ tit the time of 'her training
at the Clinton 'Hospital,
&S.. No, 7, Stanley, are holding the
concert for Christmas on Wednesday
evening. December 32, :11,77 A1! are
cordially .welcome.
Born -,At Mrs. R. 1 aterson 11,--
pital at Iliensall nn'December '11,'1)17,
to Mr. and Mrs, Morris, a daughter,
Melva Joan.
The local fishermen are busy these
days int' ting out their boat.,, and lay-
ing up their nets, for the winter.
The lint ,•torn of the winter t'r'ek
Roy h, ld last %cock stn; t unl tr a h our
.t tin when the mallwa, not ably to
get throtrghi
Messrs'. G. \tl irrton and 1 . Weston',
spent last week to 'Detroit.
Afa A. E. Erwin 1 confined to the
house through rlltness attd under the
doctor's care.
Mats.- - . .
s"F, Kendale of ;Elmira was in
the % il,age. on Friday'.'
'The many.'friends of Mrs. '1. A.
mans\ Ineetiug of the \ trna
11 11 met in the church un .Dec. 2.
The n cti opened' tyitit hymn 58
nd 71
AIrs.- Soarr,ov led in prayer. Mrs.
11". Johnston read the Bible Reading
'reels Ps. oil. Violet 11'e llyutont read
inn ,extract front the utterly t1 't:. The
G,t,ir xs taken shy tars, Fred ,Reid.
•Fourteen '',embers answered mold dell,
Text word for ,January to he 'T3 is,'
Rev. \1r, tPetcrs took chayrge of meet-
ing for election of officers which rt-
tukett ,c follow Pres., Bertha Diehl:
hit vice, \Ir.s. Steltk; 2211d tier, Iles.
1. \le( unell; and vice,'Mrs. 13,IRath-
trell; ret sere Mlrs. \S', Stephenson;
core : et„ Mrs. G. 3h 05 Inc: treas.,
Mrs. Geo, Reid; stranger's sec„ \'1r,
S. Jeyes; liter, supply, Alia. Lee \fc-
Contttll; associate helpers, Mrs, Fred
(Reid, 'Mss, 'IV. 'John•s'ton, temp: sec.,
71 re. MIc'Clyntont; missionary month-
ly, \'Ire. \fcC•}ynt0nt; Cthris'tian Stew-
ardship, Mrs, 'Peters; Baby Sand,
Mabel Rath%ecll, Mr, teeters closed
the meeting :with prayer.
\1r. turd Mrs, 'Robert Moore and
family of Densall spent Sunday at the
home of Mr, and Mrs, !Fred Reid,
Mr, Charlie IRathweli has returned
to dJcttdon after spending several
weeks around Varna.
'17te United Church S.S. are 'hold-
ing their Christmas entertainment on
Thursday evening, Dec. 2,3. ,A good.
program is being .prepared.
7'[r, and Mrs. Walter Appleby of
Ingersoll are visiting at the hone• of
Mr, and Mrs. IF -red Appleby.
Miss !lean Reid has been on the
sick listthis past week,
Miss Catherine 'Peters has returned
home after visiting friends in Chat-
The .merchants ,of the ,village will
keep open e,yery 'evening' from now
until after Christmas.
A miscellaneous shower was ,given
in the hal} Tuesday night to .\ir. and
;firs. haul: 11cClinehey,
The Varna chopping mill is kept
quite busy tlicse days.
AUBURN\dr, and Mrs, Edgar Lawson' and
Bernice anent Sunday with friend;. in
-Ir, and Mrs. I.loyd Ferguson of
'Clinton spent the week earl at the
bonne o1 the lat•ter's parents. ,\fr, and
Mrs. John Mr- ight.
bit's. /Fled Rota, 'spent Monday with
friends in .Dungat sen,
Mrs, A 1 Ferguson is visiting her
daughter, Miss Margaret. at T'arkhill,
Miss Doris Wagner is visiting
friends in the States,
Cl.wing 'to the severe storm,: there
was no .:cltn,il in S.S. iNo, .lt6 East
\\swan,,;h la --t Thursday and Friday,
There will be a Carol Service in the
Forester- Hall Snndav evening at set --
en -thirty. :12et: it\, J1. Moyle of the
Presb%ttaiatn L'hnrclt will give a
('hri,tma, message, The choirs of tine
dtt f re.
nt churches tcht
wrll lead in the
urging of the carols.
'\ nutitbtr from here attended the
funeral of tht, date N. F. \\'heard of
Dungannon on Monday.
'rltt• dance tinder the auspices of the
Public Library which was to have
been held last Friday- night will he
held this !Friday night. Der, 1117th, in
the Foresters 'Hall,
The Baptist Church Sunday School
held their Christmas dnneert int the
basement of the cintrch Saturday af-
ternoon. Rev. G. \V. Sherman was
chairman. The program teas opened
by singing a hynnt and strayer,
Guitar and month organ music by
Marjorie anti Lloyd Johnston, recita-
tions by Marie Raitirby-, Shirley Rob-
ertson, Gordon Reit hby, 'Robbie Mc-
Neil, Evelyn Ra:ithby, Stanley \ic
Nall and, Jean Fnngblu1, solos by
Donald ,Ross, (Doris and Jackie Afc-
Night. duets by Shirley and :Emma
Robertson, Royce and Arnold IPlhil-
• ips and Haratc[ Reid; speeches by ,El-
tier Robertson: ;Jas, 'Raithby, Geo,
2aithby, Al!.q:s'quith and John .Yung-
ilttt• accompanists were )irs, R, J.
1'1tilips, \irs 'Elmer ;Robertson and
\Ir„ 'Earl Uc!Night. Santa .Claus then
appeared with candies, oranges and
gifts for the children, The Bible 'Class
presented Rev. dr. W. and Mrs. Sher-
man with a fowl, Lunch sots served
by the ladies.
The regular monthly meeting of the
I omen's institute was held in the
Foresters Hall on l ee,day afternoon
with the Vresiden'1, MIs., Lawson, {WC -
siding. the afisutee of 'the secre-
tary. .Iles. rites acted as secretary,
The meeting was opened by singing
the"Ode" .followed by the Lord's
prayer led by Mrs. Mognricl:ge Com-
munity carol singing was led by -Mrs,
Pbi19[ps The secretary's, report was
read .and adopted, Letters of apprecia-
tion for cards sent were read from
,\hiss Helen IFergiison and Mrs, Bl-
ot [,Dougal, It was decided to help
needy family that had been burned
it •recently. Itwas droved and see-
ded that the 'Institute give $y 00 to -
the Community Christmas tree.
rs, Woods read a :paper on Peace"
etch had been prepared 'by Miss
all, Mn,s11"red Ross gave a reacting
"Christmas Joys". The 'roll call
s answered by ecsottange: of 'Christ -
gifts. The singing of a carol and
Ferguson'tvibl••be pleased to learn she al
is snfflcien'tiy recovered from her re -
cent nt aperatioit,•tn leave the hospital. oft
Thearblic school of C.`hri;tattats con- wa
cert is to be held in the To Wit Half Al
Tuesday evening, 'Dec. 21st. I w1.
Mr. R M{dDonl and \1. 1):avirl,on Strt
our meal hunters shot a red Ioy ntea, se
ung re feet long, tba
Want and (For S'a'te ads, 3 'wtks, Elle ma
iBER 19, 1937
�. ,E'S GA+': AGE
Chrysler Plymouth and Fargo Dealer
Coote in and rice the neer' Plymouth. car and :lt'argo Truck
We also have a Service Truck—if you have car trouble.
phone 179 and we 1v111 eotne prutuptic
PHONE 179.
Ail Repairs Strictly Cash,
' bV''e Aim To Please
the National l.gn;theut :brought the
meeting to a close after which a dainty
lunch was 'served !by the hostesses
Mrs, R. j, Q.'hilli•ps, Mrs, Edgar Law-
son and Mfrs Sadie Cuter.
Don't forget the Community Christ-
mas Tree which is to be held Satur-
day afternoon. Santa Claus is expect-
ed to be present with candies and or-
anges for. thechildren,
The annual banquet of the ,Kipper
(East \V, 1. was held 'at the house of
N1r, and Ma's, IG'teit \'[c.Leatt on Mons
day evening. Despite the cold and :the
unfavorable condition •0f the roads the
members were all 'present except two,
Between forty+fit'e attd fifty 'guests
sat down to we'l'l -laden tabes and
when a rid had done .full (justice to the
goo(( things provided the toast to the
king was ;proposed by Miss :q. Din -
nen and .responded to by all singing
-Gall Save the Zing. 1A toast to ,Our
Catmtry was proposed ,by 'Mrs, IRat'h-.
burn and the Maple 'Leaf was sung ,in
response, 4['rs, 'harry Caldwell then
gave "Our IMenttbers" and Mrs, 10.
71oLeatt responded. The fallowing
program was then opened by the sing-
ing of several Christmas carols, Then
Miss df, Mekay ;gave a short talk on
the"'Origin of the Christmas Tree."
The rode raid was responded to by a
silver collection to be sent to the
children's shelter. 'A 'very interesting
bit' Barrett and dined near the S•oo.
for fifteen years irs, 1kt atutin they re-
sided a number of years in iHarpttrhey
before going to Toronto where Mr,
Bzrrredt', death occurred two years
ago. She is survived by one 8011, Rus-
sell, 11113 Auburn ,Ave„ Toronto, also
by a sister, Mrs. ,\Arm, Clarke, Rio -
burn, and a 'brother, G. 1F. Coates,
New York City, hath of whomr ex-
pect to attend their :sister's funeral
which ,took place iron] the 'M'a.Dotvg-
ally and Brown Chapel, Toronto, at
t guts, Wednesday, Dec. 1a, to
the Mount ,Pleasant Cemetery there.
. Mrs. 'Joseph Yunlg+hltrtt of Lnndes-
iboro spent last week with her sister,
Mrs, Austin Dexter,
4Ir. I.Frecl Illarbttro, Mr, -Bernard.
Riley and Mr. (Harold Glazier, being\
caught in the 'heavy snow- storm of
last tt•cek, had to leave their cars alt
't'he highway and begin the ,weary
march* hone on shank's ponies.
Mrs. Jack Ferguson is spending a
fete days with her mother, ,Mrs. ,John
Carter, who has 'been .in poor health
We arc sorry to hear that .Mr.
':\'IclGreg t' is not enjoying ,the
of health.
Mr. 1.co Stephenson drove Mrs.
b\ {'larks and her daughter, Mrs,
Howard Armstrong, to Toronto on
Wednesday rho ' t - kh
rntng to. Atte td e
funeral of her sister. firs. Borrett.
story of the 'Alcl.ran Family tea.: given rite sympathy of a I:acge circle of
friends goes out to Mrs. Clarke in her
by Nile,. G. IlleLcan, :\•irs, Broarifoot bereave/neat,
gave a reading taken from tDickeas' i ?Fire destroyed the horse of Mr.Christmas Carol. 'Mrs. Robert Sinp- Richard •\}orrison and his son who
son demonstrated the wrapping f
Iri g oIter on coot, 7, tT-Tul'lett, several miles.
Christmas ,presents anti then called cul west of .Con:
:Mrs. Stoneman who read an address itante, lack. ItTMor-
t() adtcmt 11:3T7 o'clock. 1 -Ir, :1[or_
to \irs IG, 1irLean aid Mrs, ,Rath-1.rison and his son were wake
burn while firs. Simpson presented 1 teed by
each with a merle 1 rappetl •l'hrist- air mise of the fi'e'sta had to inak.
tuns ,gift from the members, a quick escape into the cold ni�liIs
Phe pros- • Mr. Morrison
emotion of d'an'k abnoks to Tommy' iswinter
fortunately was able
Kyle, Baby Bell and Baby. ,Kyte• was a' gat cd Mr. L coat hitt 'little rhe
W118 saved, Mr. Lloyd \Ic'dd. a nci�glt_
trade by Mrs, tRvithlbttrn. Mrs. Clark, bor, happened to see the Inc'sats
Mrs, 0111ing and 7!t•s. 'I'ragiair then about the time the Morrison's just
sang the Beautiful snug, "Stan• ni the titem-
East" and Mrs. J. Sinclair favored selves were aor thea. hbo Medd
seat .in a cold .for etre neighbors 'but
with a piano solo. Santa Claus their the fire had tun great 'a start to save
Cann• abut:;* and all received ,1 gift nil' anything. 'J'ht• sympathy a'
the Christmas tree, sirs, ;T, \In:(ireg- 1 t the rison
or moved a hearty 'vote of thanks to mumbo is extended to Air. Morrison
ani '
our •
an hostess •,
. s auri the meetidt= the deep .naw :hlnckcei most of
was oyer. Our January meeting to :he the roads,
held at this Bunte of Mrs. .Robert Work on opening out tete county
road through I1<inburn to X. 8 high -
'lite Sunday School con'cer't at St, way to stake it passable for ,cars was
Andrew's Church will he held on expected to be done the nridde of this
Thursday, D;cretnber 2tird.
week. The storm presented the teach-
Death of Mrs, F. G. Barrett..
\fres William Clarke received word
on 1 -
\lrnttda. I
Monday, Dec. 13th, of the death
early that morning of her sister, Mrs.
F. IG. Barrett, which occurred at
tern .Hospital, Toronto. Mfrs.
Barrett had been in failing 'health
since last sutmmer. 'Formerly Rose
Alice Coates, she was born in Hallett
in 1869, a daughter of the late Rob-
ert Coates, 6th concession, and spent
The Great O'Malley
Fust of pathos and rollicking Comedy
Mon, 'Tues. Wed„ Dec, 20-21-22
The Great Garbin'
John Trent Genevieve Tobin
Next Thur. Fri. 'Sat,, Dec, 23-24-25
Angels Holiday
Big Business
• With an all star cast
Vogues of 1938
graded basis. Weekly marketings are
running around 314 to 2 tons of •dre'ss-
ed patt'Itry for each Association. Fav-
ourable conditions for fall •plowing in
Leeds county resulted in a greater
acreage than usual, a great contrast
to last year when Tittle fall plowing
w'as done. ''Prices of dressed poultry
are going 'up in 'Prescott and Russell.
Send ats tits 'tames of your visitors,
The 'Library Board met on Tuesday
evening and .passed the following ac-
counts, A. W. E. Hemphill, 711c Wen-
dell 'Holmes ,Lid., books, $42.14; Rev.
W. A. Young, car expense, V; J..A.
'Paterson, salary, $10, 'Total --4454.81.1:.
The natter of purchasing books was
laid over until next meeting. Librar-
ian's report for 'November, .\dolt fic-
tion 515,1; Ijuveniie, 1153; adult non fic-
tion, len juvenile non !fiction. 111: Total
71515, Motion, that all 'books be call-
ed in on or Before \Dec, 23 for the
purpose of checking over and that the
Library be closed franc Dec.23 to
Tan, 4 and regular fine's to trrly,--- ti
James A. !Paterson. secretary.
'Mrs, Lorne Elliott Passes—
The death occurred on Wednesday
night, Dee, Il;hh, of \lit -y 'Emily
Barron. belated alio of \tl'. Lorre:
Elliott, hof Mled.:Mo t, 'Funeral ital arra,,.
Ment, had not lava .70111:ti,btett at time
of writing. She is a ,-laughter o. Mrs.
Elizabeth Barron. $',sort',.
Each car has 1938 markers and
Heater and Defroster installed,
See these cars before you buy.
ers. lit: s 'Gladys •Coleman and \dins 11 A1937re Ford 1V8owned Coach
Doneldu Adams, from reaching • their 1 1937 Terraplane Sedan
homes .over the week end. 1 1937 Plymouth Coach
1 1937 Dodge Sedan
Current Reports~ 1 1937 Dodge Coach
1 1936
e\ate•1f county
Cetortc that eat-
1 1935 Dodge Coupe, R.S.
tie have gone into barns in good cart- 1 1934 Plymouth Sedan
ditiom. Down in Hastings County the 1 1933 Dodge Coach
Ford r
Model A Coach
annu,l cheese exhibition was held at 1928
Belleville. Of the five 'hundred "boxes 1 1932 2 Ton D dgee Truckn
of cheese auctioned at the close, ]t? stake rack g
boxes of Stiltons sold at 35C lb. Col•. Your car taken iii trade- Easy terms
oared cheese sold at (117c and white at for the balance
her early days at the 'home of W. N. ''Bc db. ,P'h.e,Egg and 'Poultry ICo•,oper-
Cresswell, Tuckersmith, noted Canad- atives in Carleton 'County are holding
fan artist. where she lived Inc Ano
years. tweekly dressed '1?outte3- days when
In 1901 she was
DODGE to their .product is graded and sold an a AND DESOTO SALES
Phone 695, Goderfch. Ont,
Don't Fail to Make Your Selection Early
Open Every Evening until Christmas
Our New Show Room Is Filled with
Christmas Gifts for Everyone
Besides our regular stock of High .Class Chester-
fields, Diningroom Suites, Bedroom and 'Kitchen
Furniture, which we will sell for Christmas Furn-
ishings at the very Lowest Price. we have specials
suitable«for every Home Gift -Studio Couches,
Occasional Chairs, Cedar Chests, 'Tables .for every
use. Mag. Racks, Fancy Mirrors, Pictures, Rag
Mats, Cushions, Smokers, Ash Trays, fancy china
galore, for Parlor, Coffee,
Cocktail, Jet End '
Tables es and Trays.
Card Tables, odd and in sets,
They are so different from the usual styles shown
Our Mirrors, Pictures, Book Ends, and loads'
of small Gifts for every one. Chairs, Sewing Cab-
Dinner Carts,
We have many New Things in BEDDING_
� Seaforth, Ont.
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