The Seaforth News, 1937-12-02, Page 5THURSDAY,. DECEMBER 2, 1937 t 1f itr ri sTO THE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE FIVE 1)ur prices Dec. 2nd to Dec. 11111 JAMS, Raspberry or Strawberry .32 oz. St. Williams MAPLE LEAP SALMON Red Sockeye %s PER JAR24 g' PER TI'N: 16c GOLDEN MIXED NUTS All New, 5 Varieties 2 LBS. 39c PRUNES, Santa Clara. 40 x 50 size 2 LBS. 23c BISCUITS MAN!N•ING'S COCOANUT FINGER. per lb. 17c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 2 TINS 19c Pie Cherries, Aylmer Solid Pack per tin 15c 5 tins 25c Peameal Back Bacon, in piece or sliced per lb. 30c Derby Cheese /s per pkg. 15c Carnation Evaporated Milk, small., each 5c Tall each 10c Asparagus Cuttings, Tasty Cut, Aylmer per tin 15c Brunswick 'Sardines Cut Mixed Peel, L.O'C New Pitted Hallowi Dates New Unpitted Hallowi Dates New Pitted Sair Dates Schneider's Smoked Cottage Rolls Fresh •Picnic ' Ham Dog Foods in tins 1s Luncheon Tongue, is 'Oranges, good size and juicy Grapefruit, Texas Seedless per 'lb. 23c 2 lbs. 29c 2 lbs. 19c 2 lbs,..23c lb. 23c lb 15c each 12e each 25c doz. 21c 6 for 25c BAKING NEEDS New Currants Sultana Raisins, new Raisins, Lexia with seeds 2 tbs 25c Seeded Raisins 2 tbs 29c Pineapple, Glace Ring's �4 1'b 15c I/ .lb ]3c per tb 25c per ib 35c '34 th 15c per pkg. 1Ot' 2 th,t 19c 2 abs, he 2 rtes 27c 2 tbs 25c Glace Cherries—red or green Peel, Lemon or Orange Peel, Citron Shelled Almonds Table Fig's, i oz. Cello pkg. ('oohing Dig's icing Sugar Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce PHONE 3 PHONE 7 Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night orday phone 67 DUBLIN We are very sorry to 'hear that Mr. 'Pat 'Morris is on the sick list. Miss Marion !1)1'1.1 is visiting rela- tives in. Detroit. Messrs. Joseph and Clayton Looby returned 10 Alliston this week. Mr. James Shea is 'visiting friends in Chicago. Afr. '511(1 Mrs. John Brennan were Sunday visitors in 'Dublin. Mr. and \lr, John Me(ratda spent last week visiting friends in 'Toronto, Mr, 'Michael 'Coyne attended the Royal Winter VP:a r last week. Mr. and \![,rs. Philip 'Hartman visit- ed Mrs. Pat Ryan last Suntday. The young people of yids vicinity are eagerly .looking forward to the annual Christmas dance to he held on C'hristntas night at Loohy.'s Hall from eight to twelve o'clock and also the 'New Years 'Eve parity to dance the 'Old Year trot and the New Year in. '.\ smart !band has ;been obtained for these two occasions and a singer will accompany the 'band. 31 les "menet. Smith entertained the 'Young People ,recently. Misses 'Dorothy and Veronica ll'v,l- yttea'u,e spent the week enl with re- latives at Dasliwood. \•Ir. 'Charles Penn intends to leave this week `for ' his Monte in Toronto. Mystery of "The Murder Without A Motive fAn article in the !A'merica, Weekly, with the !i)ecem'ber 13 issue of The Detroit Sunday Times, reporting the strange story of the search for a "grey main" who killed a young ,girl in a lonely lovers i.ane- ;rind iso ,nine can even 'guess the reason why. SEAFORTH MARKETS Wheat, per bus 940 Buckwheat, per bus .''56c KIPPEN The Kippcn 'East W.I. met at the home of Mrs. Harry " Caldwell on Wednesday evening, Nov. 24th with a good attendance. The president op- ened the meeting, all joining in sing- ing the Opening Ode. The bible tead- ing ,was given by Miss Sarah Sinclair. Miss Gertie Martin played a piano scilo and Mrs..Broadfoct had a splen- did report of the, Institute conven- tion held in Loudon a few weeks ago. Nearly every one had the name of a pioneer character for the roll call and !'Irs, Cole gave a short sketch on the Buyutanship course that she attended few- week, ago. The .president then introduced 31r. W. IH. Golding, and he gave a very interesting talk. describing "the work of a mcmtber of parliament, and the parliament build- ings, The meeting was closed 'b,,. the singing 01 the national anthem. The laches then gathered round the tablesr where the men had been enjoying a good game of euchre. :Lunch Was served during which everyone took part in ar very interesting and amus- ing contest. •Otr members will hold their annual banquet at the home of Mars. 'G. Me - Lea Oil .Friday evening, Dec. 11Oth. Roll wall to he .responded to 1t.y a gift for the Children's 'Shelter. kin John C. Dole. of .Detroit ac- companied by his friends, 31 r, Wayne Parkinson 1,1.1 1.. and Mrs. Parkinson, also of Detroit, .:ancl little slaughter Patricia were week end guests of the former's mother and sister. \7r.!Andrew - Bell has treated him - soli t0 a new Dodge - ear which he en. joys tory inuch. MANLEY Thr road west of here Iunown as, Jim ',pith's hill, has been repaired and , ur .mail carrier rier is pleased as he had considerable trouble climhin,g the detotir on the ntnrldy' hill. 'rho crush- 'er which had.been set most of ,the season to lower the hill, is note set in Tin Sentt'•spit near Seaforth and will operate there 'if fine •w"ea tiler Continues as the roads are in _good conditio'n since they froze up.: TOWN TOPICS \I t . Margaret Stewart of :Red Dee, !Alta., arrived this w'eck i+) tend the winter nits 31a Alex Steuart, Side .ire •I. Miss jean Stewart of Toronto stent he wcc!c curl with hf•r ,sister, Mrs, 11 'i2, 'Plant, lits .Annie [Hutt of Ingersoll is ,u riding a •couple of days with Mr. and His. lances .Re *olds. Mrs. Russell Sproat is visiting friend, in F'e'gt,s. Afr. Evart Ree hie •nf Toronto 'spent tile week end with his 'parents., Mr, ativl \', 31 12'Renals, lir.Mrsand \irs.. Harry Charlesworth of Clinton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. \V., C. (,iweulock E,gmonchdle, 1.V.e are pleased to hear that Miss Juliann l(nuny, who fell several weeks ago and injured her band, is progress- ing nicely. She is making her 110015 with her site, Mrs. C. F_ckart, .lir. Elmer Shade returned 'home for the winter from the Raynor's Construction Company, having: spent the summer at Toronto, [P'owassan and 'Galt. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hartman and Mr. and Mrs. Allipon'se Debits of :Zurich visited Mr. and Mrs. John Hartman on. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Theodore .lfi'ttel'holtz of Zunc'h visited "their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. 'John 'Hartman, Sunday, 3Lrs, Sant Townsend spent a pleas- ant week end in Toronto visiting friends. Large congregations attended the the anniversary services in 'First Presbyterian Church on Sunday. 'Tire rink has been -flooded and if the cold weather .keeps up, skatin'g will be in full swing this week. FIND CAR nA car owned !by H. O'berly, Tees - water, and believed to have 'been used. by Norval. Bell lie 'gds escape from Walkerton jail, was found on Tuesday at the 'Seaforth fair grounds. Mr. 'Leslie 'MrCI'ure notified police 'that. 'he 'had noticed the car near the main 'huild•ing for some time. 'I't had probably 'been there since Bell's es- cape about November 9th. The car still conitai.ncd some painting equip- ment of IO:herly. CONSTANCE \I r. Bernard ,Notl commenced his chopping otterations on 'Tuesday of this week for (Ile winter months, Mtr, William Clarke is at present cotChned to his bed. His ninny friends ltltttc for a speed!' recovery, lir. and Mrs. ,George Layton of 'Exeter visited at the 'home of Mr. and'Mrs. fame; Nterld on F1'iday. \'lis. 'Medd rc.ttirned. home w•itli them for a few Clays' visit. \I r. and 31rs, fNc,blt' of lhlr'tlt and tlteir son of Westfield visited at the home of Mr. :and Mrs. John 'Fergttsnu recently. Miss Hulett Britton spent \Vedn'es- day night at the home. of Mr, and Pias, Walter Brondfont of near Walton. .\frs. \V. Thompson returned 'ltotne from. Toronto on Monday. Air, and firs. John I-Ines•ton of Corrie and Mrs, Denman of 13 -russet's 'visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Britton on \Wednesday. The \\', 7LS. held their 'Chankrtffer- ing meeting in the hone of Mr. and Mrs, \Vass Britton on Thursday. The nteeti•n.g ripened with the president, \irs. Britton presiding. After singing a hymn and prayer -by Mrs. Lindsay the business was discussed. Miss Try Simmons .gave the closing chapters of the Study Book on "Men and Wo- oten of Far Horizons:' in her Pleas- ing manner. Rev, Mr. ;Gardiner ,gave a short ,missionary address takers from Jonah 41:2, .w Bich was much appreciat- ed. Doris Lawson read the 'devotional leaflet, "The Christian 'Fellowship nl the C.11Itrelt," after which a number of the women 'told what the fellowship of the climich had meant to :thcna. Closed with a hymn and prayer by 'Alis. Gardiner, Lunch w -as 'served. DANCE! Auspice- !if Young Ladies' Sodality AT DUBLIN ON Friday Dec. eC.3 Featuring KEN FERGUSON And His Aristos Orchestra ,.\-3)3,ad 215c DON'T FORGET THE 8TH ANNUAL Christmas Nite DANCE AIND New Year's Eve FROLIC At Dublin BRUCEFIELD Miss :Irene Snyder of London spent the week end with her parent Mr. and Mrs. john Snyder. i, and Mrs. I h ('0111sh and family spent Sunday at Elinvdlle. 311. and Urs, C. Halstead and Floyd of Stratford spent Sunday with Mr, and 23 re. T. Th Wheeler. Miss Ellen Scott of London silent the week end at her home here. Mrs. Alice H'ohner spent Sunday in i;xeter, Miss M. E. Swan is visiting in Handl ton. Messrs. 'Frank Layton and S. Lobb ref Clinton Tailed an C. 1). Simpsoni"rkiay, Mr, and sirs. J. Kaiser .of I3en,a11 and son .Tack of Detroit called on friends an the Bill ge •ou Sanrday, Mr. and Mrs, W Haugh and Allan, Miss !Ann and James MI cNaughtou visited Mr. 'a;nrl Mrs. 1.'fdNntglrton of Bothwell. ' Amiss Kathleen Elliott is at present nursing) her uncle, Mr. Jas, Reid of Rayfield, who is 111 with 'typhoid fev- er. !'frs. Wm. VRattenbu'ry is confined to 'her bed with 'lum'bago. IHer many friends hope for a sP,eedy recavicey. Several from here attended the. Presbyterian anniversary services in Seaforth on Sunday last. 'Mr. Jac. McrNaugh'ton, Miss Anne McNaughton, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Haugh and Allan spent the week- end with '3Ir. and Mrs. Webster MdNau- ghton of Bothwell. .lir. and Mrs. Wiliialnson of Wal- ton, visited at' the ihotne of Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Sbu'ter. Mrs, 3M. Stevens' spent a rely days with her daughter, Mrs. Esley , at Mount Forest. Mrs. J. A, Manson of 131ake visited with Mr, and Mrs. 'Harry Zapfe on Monday night. 'Mrs. Alec Broadfoot of the Mill road left last Friday for Hearst. Mrs. Broadfoot will be greatly missed in her neighlrorhootl. \ir. and -Mrs. . ffas, Walker and dau- ghter, Mrs. 7'iutry Brown, have got nicely settled in their new home in Clinton. They have dived so long in the community they will be much missed 'by their friends and neighbors. Several hones on 'Highway No. 4 in this vicinity were invaded Eby rob- bers on Saturday evening. Money and jewellery was taken. BAYFIELD Miss Jessie Metcalf of -Detroit and \dr. \Vit Metcalf of Pittsburg' ;pent the American Thanksgiving ni'th their mother, Mrs. W. Metcalf, Ur. \I 7Iern'er arrived home last weds •haring spent dee summer with a road eons'truction company up in l'ar. ry Sound district, ]ir, and. Mrs. Atkinson of Detroit spent the week end at their cottage here. \lr. and Mrs. 1'. Davidson of De- troit were visiting the forincr's moth- er. \'Irs. J. Davidson, last week. \'irs. Lewis of Toronto is t guest of Mrs. \\ N. Woods. Mr. Jas, tReid and \Taster Donnie \ic•Leod are still on the sic]- list. Their many friends hope for -a speedy- re Cal ery. Mr. L. 1 *wile 5 London pend Snnday with his ,sisters, the \lasses Fow^lie. Mrs. Davidson of Woodstock spent. the week end with her parents, lir. unci Mrs. M. Ross. Moran-Houston.— !On \Monday, Nov. :Nth, Knox Pres- byterian Church, 11ayfie!d, was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding schen 'Miss Ruth Houston of London, only daughter of Mr. and \Ira. S. if-oilston of Bayfield, .became the pride of \1r. \\'nt, Moran of. London, Rev. G. Peddie performed the cere- mony in the presence of the immed- iate family. NI. r. and Mrs. Moran : will reside in London where the god wishes of a 'host. of friends go with theta. Mr. D•iekie of Ottawa, one of the It tn•c•rnment erotineere, has been in the village all 'week in connection With the IPu'Llie AWorks-De'partment. McKILLOP The sympathy of the community. is extended to Dir. 'Feed Cook of Clinton' and i\frs.' J. T. Hingill of 'Me- '1Killop in the loss of a ,devoted wife and mother who passed away nn .\fn- vember 132nd. 'Previous to Sur death. Mrs. Conk hail 'leen in 'the Clinton Hospital and. on :hen' return home suffered a weak spell 'from which she was unable to rally, Of a quiet, kind- ly nature she possessed those quali- ties of .charm which endeared her to a large circle of -friends who mourn her pasine 'l'hc only child of Thomas \\. Bell and the late 'Grace 'f uri:on,- lRt hcita Pell leas born in (loth:rich Township. Thirty ty year• ago she was _wonted in marriage to !Fred C. 'Cool: and had been a highly esteemed resident :of Tuckerstnfth fir the past twenty years, ;F3-ont *this union there were two daughters, Mrs. 5 T. ifl'wgdi, MOKillop,' and Mrs. Fergus. Wright, Muncey.,dlMts. Cook's 10 -Day Special in PERMANENT WAVES STARTING DEC, 1ST TO DEC. 10TH A Children's Special 5.00 WAVE FOR 2,25 A Regular 7.50 Wave for $5.95 A Regular 5.00 'Wave for $3.65 Also a SPECIAL End Curl at $1.95 The Ina Gray Beauty Shoie PHONE 229w - Above the Dominion Bank Feed For PROFITABLE EGG PRODUCTION O.A.L. Formula 'Laying Mash 442.05 per cwt. \Are have used this formula the past 4 years with very good results. It has given us GOOD PRODUCTION (several hens over 300 Eggs) and good health in the flock with low. mortality. • Mash Always Fresh Each Week. Try a Bag and. Watch Results. SCOTT'S POULTRY FARM PHONE 251 - 32. SEAFORTH, ONT. father alto survives, and is at present residing in Hamilton. The funeral service was held iast Thursday after - 100! ' in 'Ontario. St. iUnited :.:Ohurch, Clinton, and was conducted by her pastor, Rev. G. 'G, Burton, The pall- bearers were Messrs. 'Fred 'Pepper, 'Gifford Crich, frank 'Gies', Will Perdue, John Blair incl 'Albert `I'Iar- rison. Ittterntent in Clinton cemtery.. Six little girls .acted ac •flois+er !bearers Joyce lln4ill, Lois Harrison, 'Eleanor Gew. 1 1,1, s Becker. Nfarie 1Hallaiad, Jean Elliott. _Nutting those from a clis- t:0u•c• k% ere \i r. and it r'. Will Powell, _Mao)); Airs Bell of .Hamilton; !NIT. and Mrs. IFrnnl 'Hewitt, me. and Mrs. 'Haney Hewitt, Mrs. Otto Hen- derson, of Stratford; 31rs. J. \V. 'Wil- son, \tr. ;and \lrs..\ruastrong \Wilson and \Ir. and \fr.. Korman Wilson, of 'l.ncknow: \Ir. and 71rs. J. W. 31 '('onnclt. \\'eodstock; Mr. Will Becker, Afr, and Mrs. Arnold Becker, Miss Taurine Becker ofDashwood; Mr. and Mrs,. tJames 'Harrison, \1r. and \Irs, 1-lefth !Harrison, Mfr. and Airs, Cecil Hari'isoti, all of il:irkton. During the service Mr. !Tames T. Scott sang "The Old 'Rugged Cross." Send us the names of your visitors. BRODHAGEN. hfr, and Mrs, 'H'arold (Grave and son, 'Harold, of (Detroit, with her par- ents. Mr, and 'Mrs, L. G. !Reek. M'r, and Mrs. Harry 'S'che2bu'berger of Clinton with :Mar. and Mrs, Rus- sel Sholdice, Mr. and Mrs. 'Herman Bauer of De- troit with her parents, Mr. send Mrs. Johan Jacob, Miss Ruth 'Klein -of Detroit with Mfr. and Mrs. ,End Smith. Mr. and Mrs.'Edwin •Querengesser and family of Kitchener and 'Mr. and \frs. Knock .of Stratford and Mr. and .Airs. Roy Collins .and sou of Strat- ford with Mr. and ` Mrs. Harold iD'degel. ll.r. and Mfrs. Leslie Wieterson and family of 'Detroit with her parents„ Mr. and Mrs, Aug. Hillebrecht. 1-r. and Mr§. John Diegel have re- turned home after spending a few weeks in Stratford. Messrs. Albert 'Heinz, \l'na. Benne- wies, !Frank Da'utzer and 'George Dirkineir motored to 'Detroit to spend the w'ee'k end. Mrs. George Deigel returned hone after being confined to the Seaforth hospital -for the past six weeks. Select Your GIFT BAGGAGE Now while Selections are Varied and .Choice' Why not drop in and see out Christmas stock of fine McBrine Baggage .. , and select your Christmas pieces while you're here.,. A small deposit will hold any article until Christmas . it's a simple time -saving way to do your mote important Christmas shopping early , , -..no rush, no confusion or forced choice from depleted selections. Do come in , .. the McBrine dine of Baggage for this season is simply full of wonderful gift items for all the family. A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY ARTICLE UNTIL CHRISTMAS Smith's Shoe Store, Seaforth