The Seaforth News, 1937-12-02, Page 3THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1937 THE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE THREE. Stephen Cartwright To Speak from New York •I'Unit- ed commentaries trir , n l ni i eco States affair, as they affect lana ria will he broadcast, oyer the national network of the CBC, 845 to t/.(9) pint, EST, beginning December 3. The Ihroadcaets, which will originate !n New York, will be by Stephen Cart- wright, a Canadian who is now man- aging editor of "Ciirrent I11istory." will interpret political, economic anti social developnit'nts, and will deal .with 'hath domestic and foreign Poll - cies. Cartwright, before going to New York, was editor of ""I'h•e Canadian Forum." and previous to than was mi. vale secretary to lion. IViatcent Mas - say, Canadian High Conunissioner to Lond•0n and former minister to the United States. He is a graduate of the Clniyersities of ".Toronto and Oxford. 'reef commentaries, to be known as 'The United Mmes," also will he broadcast a,. a CBC. international ex- change feature over stations of the Mutual Broadcasting System. Hawaiian Nights :Another thirty minutes of popular Hawaiian melodies will be presented to the CRC, mirleaat and w'eUern net- works by lack 'Riddell and his Hawai- ian !Orchestra on December 7 at 1111 .30 p.m. •ESI'. The !Hada fox trot. "I Like Yon"; "The Image of Yon": "Rock :V 1e In a .Cradle. of. "Kana," and 'Jungle Love Song" will he instru- mental offerings, Mary Baron, Edith Stt ith.nn and Helen Chance, •ha•rm- are in the 'et1's, and "The Fable of the 'Goat and (Other Poems," a new volume by E. 1. Pratt, School Pals Re -united ' Two school pais, parted since 01910, were brought together again by the CBC' special Remembrance;Day broadcast. it tette revealed in 'Van- couver, where the program origin- ated, Hngh Smith, of Vancouver, and Archie Paterson, a t atien't at Shaitgh- noesy Military (Hospital, renewed a friendship started thirty years ago, when both attended the same school at Bannockburn, Scotland. Smith, seated in his home, heard lPatersoo during a pickup from the hospital. He recognized his voice and name, The result ways that a meeting was arranged and old days were dis- cussed, Both •expressed appreciation to 'C130 for bringing them together. Corporation Features Day By Day 111 '1'intes Eastern Standard I li rsday, December 2): 11(2.310 p, m. "National Irarm and ilumne 1lou•r." With special cov- erage of International Livestock Exhibition at Chicago, From Ch icago. cl pant, -"Streamline" 'Orchestra di- rectit•n of ferny Faith with solo- ist. Froin 'Toronto. Friday. December (l.: 2 p.n1.'N11(' Music Appreciation Hoar, Conducted by \Valtbr I/atirost•le llrronn •New• York. 7 pan. "Ki,hmntil Castle." Celtic folk -lore and song from Inver- ony trio, will sing "Blue Hawaii," uesn, Cape Breton, under direc- "tia Moine" "Pratt .Rnselani," and "To tion Kenneth Leslie, Frcint do - Von Sweetineart. Aloha." verness, "Night Shift" from Calgary Saturday, 'December 4: 3 pins "I„ondon ('tiling," Re- throa•dCast of Empire transmis- sion, From BBC, $ pen. "'Bite Indian Speaks," 'Palk by !Rev. !Peter Kelly. tHaida Tribe). From Vancouver. Sunday, December 5: 6.30 pent. 13)3. Stewart Review, the !News. 'Front ;Halifax. +8 p.m. "Columbia VVor.kshop," Dramatization. From New York. 0 p,m"Within I'he,e \Valls.,, Dramatization, T'roti, Toronto. Monday, !Decent'ber 6: 8,3!1 pen. "'Pietnrrs, in Music." \lttsictl sketches with 'ok,ists: Allan Red', organist, and tete •:\r. eaten Concert •Orchestra muter the direction Marjorie Payne. From 1Talif:tx, 0. 30 pen. •'Half`rHour-With '01101 - here," '''losts and archeetra. Trout Montreal. Tuesday. December 7: 3 p.0) ""The Happy (lang," Var- iety program. Prom 'Toronto. 4) p,01, "Bonjour, Paris, Bonsoir." IFrench cabaret scepe direction of Andre I)urieux with iHeuri Le- tondal, toaster of ceremonies. From 'Montreal. Wednesday; !December \S: '5.16 pen. '1)ot1 Winslow of the ae,S, Navy. Dramatic .serial. 'Front The 1nstitnt1 of Technology and (Fine Art, t ogary, e hich is operated by the':\lbertt governneut and which is said to be unique among the educa- tional institutions of Canada, *will be -described for national network listen - eors of the Ctltfdtan Broadcasting Cor- lunation on l)ccemhnr .i, front 0,30 to. '10.(10 -p.tn, EST. The Corporation commentator-e'quipped with a port- able microphone will visit many points of intcreet in the institute and, be- sides giving a description of the vari- ons nr,gt' to on which the students weak, will arrange for direct sound pitluaps Dui interview's with officials of the• "llIff. The Book Review Pour vuhmies by Canadian writers witl he reviewed by ,Prof. J. 'h, 11ae- dun;,ld during the "Book 43evicw" broadra,t from Toronto over the na- tional netwmdc •December 4 at 7.311 p.m 1' s 1 . The • works will he '• lfani- tob t Essay ." compiled in honor of the• Meth anniversary of the ,fonuding of llanitoha university: Hector Char- lesworth's 'I'm Telling 'Yon,' in w'hieh the author of earlier candid chronicles continues his reminiscen- ce Life's Waking 'Part," an autobi- ography by Jaynes brazier Smith, who weal to 0111115 as a medical mission - SEED GRAIN SUGGESTIONS JONESY'S DOLL courteously as his Latin companion. FOR SPRING OF 1938 loue,v jingled the gold coin. in Jonesy Was suspicious of Mexicans, hi- pocket. It was pay 'lay, and the tool (11011 experience, but from lack )From Dent. er Agriculture, Match.) little trumpeter of Troop X had sign- of it., But the stranger bore tui arm, The Ontario 'Liepa'rtnettt of Agri ,,i hi mule three fines and reccivi,1 and yeas friendly in mariner. They culture has just Completed a careful from Uncle Sarin one large and two rude on together, and the genial eon] survey of the seed' situation for the small gull pieces in payment for his of the young tri, trpeter expanded to sprint; seeding of 119318. This survey ntnnth s work, the other's advances, indicates that there is now ,utficient '.Troop X together with some de- 'They were more than halfway to oats and barley in the province to 'tachanc•nts from New England had the 1)toucan ranch when they came look after the 111131)) seed requirements lately arrived in (Arizona to overawe to a fork of the trails. !One road led Provided, of course, that every farm- the nneasy ncighhor 10 the south. 0p the valley to the ranch and the er villi immediately have the best of 'Now, pus'ted in this village of a doz_ other, 'ttarning at right angles. rldnt•it- his grain cleaned and set aside for en adobe houses occupied mostly by ed the mountains beyond which lay his seed. Many fanners appear to -Mexicans, the troop watched its al- Mexico. By 1-h'at time the two were brink that fiecause their grain this lotted stretch of border, Nor was that in the midst of a warm but friendly, year is off colour and a little ander all the troop was assigned to guard, argument relative to the merits of the standard in weight that it will not The big general store that supplied revolver and the automatic pistol. La- nrake .suitable seed, but tests already the country for miles around wan ter when Jonesy reflected on the e.v- made show that when this off-colour- sitnateri here, and the .;tock T carried en) Ile rent •sir c • t at red t here 1 that it was the ed and under -weight grain has •heels was tempting 'bait to raiders. But \lcxican that had 'broached the sub- thoroughly cleaned up to a ` rte% cut things had quieted down. The ;,ever lees. in some instances, good seed was se- al store profited greatly by the pres- "It's just as accurate and shoots cured which germinated as high as enee of a hundred men who had n, faster. It hasn't gcrt the ';lump' of a 90%.. If this work is done now the other place in wiiicli to spend their revolver and sights quicker," declar- cl'eaned ant grain can be nsed for money. ed Jonesy of the antcitnagic. The Mex - feed. And it was to the More that Jonesy lean politely shrugged his shoulder.,. With this in view the Department wee hound. He had some .;mall thing: "For ate, u: ,evolve," he said, 'feels that if .Ontario farmers follow to gest of course, such as cantly and a "Rift then," he added, 'I nevaire otic some such 'policy there will he no handkerchief or two, hot they hail shoot 0 automatick."' great shortage of seed next spring. little place in his thoughts. His mind "Niel"' shot unel You don't know They will hive .seed of known variety wan set on just one thing 00105 all what you've missed," declared Jonesy and 0110,1n and yvill not 'l ' oblige(' the many tltings the stare contained, ent;tusicistically, when spring comes to 'buy unknown 1t wa, a creature with red cheeks Hie eyes fell on a -discarded him can seed; probably at very itiglt prices or and midden locks, pearl!- teeth and beside the trail. In boyish bravado he use weedy ungerminated feed grain. arched brows, line raiment and silken Strew his pistol, levelled it quickly 'Many farmers have a funding mill slippers, 11 was a I1'n•is doll and 'tired, 'l'he can jumped from the of some description, which with a lit- l•on•sy had• frequently visited the sand and had •scarcely settled before ropair and an extra screen 00 two, 9)011111n ranch. There in a one-etorey another shot I no-1a'd it en.I tn'er end, will clean grains. The correct screens, 'thole ranch honer lived the hard "Bravo," exclaimed the elew!t•ae, of course, are important, and shenld working lather and mother and. the with admiration on every feature. any farmer be in doubt, the 'Depart= little fairy Alicia, queens o3 the horse- "Ver' tine, 1 dull nevair. do it as mem t will be Tad to furnish this its- hold. i3etteeen the live -year old amt well." formation on request. Where farmers Jonesy had sprung up a friendship "Try it!" said the youngster cordi- tine within driving, and trucking tis- that amounted almost to adoration ep ally and passed the pistol to his corn - lance of power cleaning plants that the part of both. Jonesy did not re- pinion. have scourer, and carter disc masts- ;'rel spending half his ,uontlt's par "How you use it -r" ctaced the 11'exi- lnes. it will pity thetas to have their fur the gorgeous creature front Paris can guilelessly. cleaning clone at one of these plant,. cos a gift for his young friend. .1ottcsy explained how to poll :back \Vhat is most important i, that the He w0'. concerned, however, fest he the slide for the thief shot and how fainters start now 50 that the clean_ be caeght in the act, for on pity day, thereafter al! that was necessary was ing and gmin;ctbe done the• store wa"fall ui ttuop,rs, But to release the safety. properly andcrnotng leacanve it unt21 it rtfn•r con,iderahle intnt1e))rut:g tun- ":1.11," said the Mexican. ":1n how spring resit develops. tGerntinatimt e''y' got the ,proj>rietor aside and ex- many shot left?" test: acv sInv and r,iten marc Chan hlained Itis tants. "'11Wive." ltnewered Ionesy, "bIrf one test i, necessary for satisfactory ''1Do it up well and don't tell any- shoot away, Inc'got plenty more in results. one,'' he cautioned the storekeeper. lute To make a germination tee! in youn ,The Old Man has given Isle :he at ".\'h," Itttn•nutred the \Iesican ag- home, pert a piece of blotting paper ternoan off, and I11 be bade for it in 'Sin, ile sighted and :fired, And again on a plate with just cnott,gh water to a little while," the: can jumped. eelgood," said the keep it damp. Spread a definite nuns- ?\n hour later Jonesy rude ap to trumpeter . generously, although he lel• of seeds, .say 113). 0,1 fee top of the store an old Prince. \ gout boot was a hit chagrined- 10 :see his shot, Ike blotting paper. alert cover with was slung from his saddle, but it wee attached s0 easily. another piece of blotting paper, Put c•ntpte of ite rifle. The lilt;! trump -t_ .\ ver' line gem," remarked. the this in a fairly waren place, 1ahn111 er hurried into the store 10 get itis Mexican easily. "I like her so well 1 roan temperature (70 degrees Ftth.1, dell. • -t'in1 1 ,keep her." keeping the hillg paper moist - Murphy had it ready for hila. It Ile was still emiling% but there wee ihrot,ghotit the 1„..t. ,A) the end 0f cfx sett, door tip in a long shapeless brann0 mirth in his eyes, 1ti place there to frit days. if it oats. harlev ot. 4-)) that stilted •k,nesy's purposes. It Was noMellting very near hatred. Ile Wheat, count the healthy n truest fitted as enngly into the gam boot as touched his mount with a ,pur• 1(112 sprouts 11101 just everything that Could be desired, dlsappt'm'iug in its swung away- from the trooper. Jonesy sprouts attd from this calculate the 'lep•ths so that there tea, no sign of unit h1'111,'f looking rlotin the bar - percentage germination it. ,lonely rode aw:ev over the trail t, rel of his own pistol. The 3feeicar Should you desire to have this ger- the' ranch, nodded toward the mountain trail ruination made 'hy the 'Dominion Seed 'Ili,. was pasting; ,,,beriy along a "Yon go this way, gringo. Yon be- 1)ep:n•unent then it will be necessarythe trot whenthe sound of gallopin_ have 1 no kill yot1.' 10 send a one pound sample of your hoofs behind hint m,•ttic hint turn his "Of ali the mean,, contemptible arid. :ern!" exclaimed the indignant troop- "311•te pronto!" snapped the 11oxi- ':mt liup!ng riff the safety with .Itis thunti. Joite y reined Prince up the moun- tain trail: the 3Ieeiteit fell in behind hint, Ali the afternoon the captive and the cantor 3,.}1.,wed well -hidden trail. ever the mountains. At sunset they ane out ,m a-o•rthent ,lope. Be- . r them spread a great barren des - alley , e.s- alley, heyoud which more moan- :Ili- loomed, Jonesy. -hail given him- , :r, to g.:oout. .le had no chenee escape. The 3lexiran haul .1:100 1„ '11 , o,el• 111:,11 at brother. From time tine he lied bantered the young trooper anon) his race and calling, Int!. lone r had hehl his wngae. Nae the \I exn en ;poke again, "33 e no through the Canon of the and then--elexi10," voltin- ie,-t' ,l. 'Ton know rvlty site call Can- al of Death -r' be queried tauntingly. 'Chu, , time we tied many gringoes-- )nen, women-. ye:, an' child'eit. 1.1I1 rem all. \\'wnen cry ch.ild'e,, cry. R"e (Ton' car. Fill tent all. •\V'hy not? tiring'oes kill us all ton." .Ionesy had :heard of that massacre. Ile had heard of the Canon of the 1)ead, lie could not repress a. shedder. Ile wished he might have seen it in aleasant er r(nittr 115ta,1 nes, "You 'frail," the Mexican taunted. 'Perhaps you hear spirits call?" • "•Att, shut up!" said Jonesy suilcn- �y "Nal Nal" the Mexicans chided hien. "Von be good, perhaps i let you all: hack home. I?enlraps • I change mind. \Vc see. '5„!" So ,Innes} descended into the Cann- on of the 1llcad. The :stip wept abrupt,- the gloom of night. fell, The wail's of the narrow canon grew in `knight. The horses p!i•lcea their way 'ovensea txnilder-strewn trail tvliere id the rainy sea ,n a torrent must have nim lone t g,ave Prince hi, lead, for in the nurcasnng dulness he coi.tld Ito lunger sae what lay in front of diem. The -_1n-,in ,1f the '11aee was aj,uti1-. lug. Jonesy thought of the vutocents who had perished there and hated his captor with a new fervor. The the trail dr,ioped steeply away seed Properly labelled, addressed to bead, :\ "pained" Polly was overtak- ing - 3)nminiut Seed Branch, 196. Collier film, and Jonesy saw that it bore s U•cet Toronto, for all samples from a Mexican. The .man was not of the :smith -western Ontario. type that Jonesy knew. The rider wa- more Spaniard than Indian, a ,lender yuan with at olive skin He rode np New York. beside ,Iciest with a eourteone linen 5,31 pan, "National Sing Song." 0, dia.. Senor, and Jonesy nodded 1 S' Community singing under the di- salutation. "Pott no mind I ride teevth rection of 413' rge Young. Front you:" asked the Mexican. Ottawa, ' '.o1 et till," answered Jonesy as t r ook • We zIr3 Selling Quality Books Books are Well Made, Carbon is Clean and Copies Readily. All styles, Carbon Leaf and Black Back, Prices as Low as You Can Get Anywhere, Get our Quotation on Your Next Order. The ieaforth SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, IT m MEL CANADA'I93d IMPERIAL TOBACCO'S " 1 INSPIRING PROGRAM FRIDAY - STATIONS CRGT-Cf PL 10 P.M. EST and Jonesy closed hie legs round old 'Prince to keep in his saddle. More startling than the crash of a gun in that awesome place canine the weird plaintive cry of a •child, seetuilegly front underfoot, ",lanai" it called. and then the silence was heavier titan ever. A .Spanish oath came front the lips of the Mexican. As for Jonesy he was for the moment as startled as the other. The Mexican reined furiously abreast of him, "Von do tltatt" the Mexican ang- rily accused hint. Jones; felt the muz- zle of the pistol against his ribs. 'I? flow could 1 do it?" Ire de- manded. ('hen he pressed the gun boot with Iii, knee. • \-ramal" carie the cry seemingly from the ground beneath them again, "Mother of 'God," cried the 1lexi- can, terrified, The pistol dropped to tine canon floor: In the. gloom a hard fist with weight behind it shot out, and the Mexican followed the pistol to the bed of the canon. ,By the time the Mexican had re- covered from .the blow Jonesy had )dismounted and regained his pistol. - 1-1e had also been through the fellow's clothes and discovered a evicked-look- ing knife, which he took. The Mexi- can got to his feet at Joneey's com- mand. "Now mount and go back the way we camel Jonesy ordered, 'If you behave yourself," he repeated the other's words mockingly, "I no kill y-ou.'. At daylight the two weary riders periled up before the door of the ,Dun- '. can ranch, •:\t Jonesy's call father and mother and little ,Alicia appeared in the doorway: 'T'hey looked on iia 0indernten1 as the little trumpeter drew a package from his g'tto boot and removed the wrappings. "There's a little present' I brought you, Alicia,' said Jonesy offering her the doll. -For a moment the child hesitated. Then with a rapturous 'cry she .gath- ered the doll to iter breast, "Mantel" it cried plaintively: jone,sy's captive straightened in his saddle. His 'bewilderment changed to anger, la1neey stet his glances with a grin, "Tine spirits of the Canon of the 1)easl," he explained. TESTED RECIPES Apple Salads Whether fresh, dried, evaporated or ,canned the apple i, a wholesome food, easily prepared, attractive and palate able at all 'times, There is no waste in a good apple. Due to the large am- ount of pectin contained 111 apple sluice, it may be used in other fruits to give a consdste•ncy to jams and marmalades. and even the paring, and the cores of apples may be utilized r iellr.. The following recipes are tJ:cn front the "Canadian ,Groom .en - pies," issued by the ,Dominion De- em:ment ,1f \grictlture, This budle- 'in iuct he obtained 'frosts the:Public- ity and lixtcnsinn Branch of the De - 'element at Otto .tat free on request. Baked Apple Salad Bake Canadian -el -own applets until tender, Stuff the centres with nuts and raisins and serve with ,salad dre sting' or. whipped creant. Apple Salad tet in dice •half 11 pound of cold veal or pond, turd two large Canadian - grown _apples. :\def two chopped pickles, one tablespoon of olive ail, one tablespoon of 'vinegar, salt and pepper lo taste, and mix with mayon- naise dressing. Red Apple 'Salad Scoop out the centres of bright red Canadian -grown applies so as 'to make them into cu:ps..Put their into water cnn'taining a little lemon -juice ualtil ready to be filled. 31ix equal 'parts of the apple pulp with celery, grape- fruit, and ocream dressing: Fill the. apple cups, !Garnish and serve out litt tucc lea'res, Brazilian Salad Reumce skiers and seeds dro+ti trhite 11301 11 and 0)11 in 1ialee.s lengthw-ise, 3r)d.. an equal ctttamtity of Canadian - grown apples pared, -cored anti cut in small pieces: also add shredded fresh pinapple and.celery tett to small nieces. 'Then add '/ of quantity of Br Cil tints, broken ,111 Metes. Mix thoroughly and season ,with lemon Mice. 31] listen with cream or mrayon- nai,c dressing. Send us the names of your visitors.