The Seaforth News, 1937-12-02, Page 2PAGE TWO. THE SEAFORTH NEWS HURON NEWS 94 And Still Active -- Dr. J. \V. 1 rbwn of l xeter cele- brated his '14'th birthday on 'Nov lay. He was at his office all day and re- ceived . Many caller: who dropped in to extend congratulations The doctor was also presented with Owers and ntinlerotus post cards. In spite of his advanced age he is rent•erk;ihly ;tell. Council —Oliver J. Jervis, /Herbert C. Cox, Henry Corey. Ren Rathwel'1 acct F. Powell and \\'. H, Lobb, former members of the council, and Robert L. Smith, a new matt, there also nom- inated, but withdrew. Turnberry Township— Reerc—Reland Gram ;aceta Council—Richard \i ;on, 'Harold Moffatt, Roy Porter. James Brecken- felt, t'tcc1,1' Goderich To Have Election— first lection—fir t time in thehistory of floloricit, WOriltkil will he a candi- date for .municipal Jur is in the elec. dons an Dec. 0. 1%11-. Jeal Hethering- ton ett rut - t t will atter the cot t . as a : auri- cle; or councilor. or. Two c indidat', 1111'0;11,A for the de - put rteveslt l e. ., n 1 ,r E. D. kr iw.n, chairman of the 1 'nam'e com- mittee of the 11,!.1 c; mut' will con- test the sett with J. E. I'^-tckiiis, the present oecu ant- .\ deal of in- terest is likely to be taken in this contest. All the 103i 01%11161 %fieri. Mayor H. J A. Stacy want and'terve R. E. Turner were given acclama- tions. There are seven e andidat; in the field for councilor. beside. Mrs. Hetherin:_tn, David Sproul is a new candidate, though a former councilor. /All the others. 'Ii. L. Salkeld, C. 11. 'Humbert !1, W. Craigie, W. J. Baker and F. 'Is. Bingham art seeking re- election. Six are to be elected. Dr. Wr rias re-elected by acclamation to the PmhHr Utilities Commission for two years. J. M. Roberts and 'William Bisset are new members of the Public School I.1Ciard and will represent Si. Andrew's ansi St. Patrick's wards, re- spectively. Other members re-elected were J. A. Snider and W. H. Black - Stone. Two Women Hurt In Collision— Narrow Escape— Al< r Leonard l'oters and Harold Ciro,luo k had ;ut unpk t am exptn- encce recently while drawing s: tt )rout Caulinnrt gravel ,,it. 1h.> were motoring with a load of ;,ravel SRA eral feet hark from the top of the pit when .the earth which had hcett unclerntinetl beneath gave way and the back of the truck started to c a e in. Mr. Peters, who was on the leak k of the load, jumped from the truck with difficulty as the „ravel slid :,tf the truck. One side of the back of the truck went .into a bole and the truck was so twisted that Mr Broderick. who was driving the truck. was int- prisuned in, the cab being unable to open The door and not 'knowing what second truck and all ntig'ht fall into the pit. It was necessary to ase a crowbar to open the door. Fortunate- ly :little damage was done. --Exeter Times -Advocate. Zurich Cyclist ,Struck by Ear— An 'unfortunate ar—\ti'unfortttnat•e accident hatihened to ,Mir. 1llenry Flaxhard of Zurich one even ng, 'i ust as he was coating out on the pavement from the IKalbfeisch Planing Mills en his 'bicycle. he was •knocked over' by an auto driven by Mr, .Gordon Bloch, also of Zurich, who did not notice S4r, ,Flaxbard till it was ton late to stop. The cyclist sustained several 'bruises. Bedard-McClinchey— An interesting ;matrimonial event was celebrated in St. Peter's R. C. Church. Drysdale, on Monday. No- vember 114nd, when Rey. ltatlter '1,. Sfardtaned united in holy wedlock Miss Alva .\icClinehey, of Stanley Township, and daughter of the tate Me. and Mrs. ,I -leery SicClinritey,. to Mr, Gordan Bedard. sots ,tI Mr. and Aires. I:\tbcrt Bedard. of the - Bhat. Water Highway. Friends join in ex ten din congratulations. — Zttrielt Her:cd. D. Cantelon's 90th Birthday.— To irthday—To be active in ;lysiness at thy:. itg of `)t) years is the remarkable extrri- elnce of 'David Cantelon, of Clinton and that his. line of nosiness calls fat t'very.. day activities in buying and shipping live stock lends additiona emphasis. 11)t ,November )7th Air Camelot; - celebrated the 9ttth anniver sary of his birth which occurred in ,Ggrlerich township. The volume of 'business' dome by him this year to date exceeds i'Sft,000 and will prod :Ibis reach or exceed :10i)0,000 by th end of the year. Formerly engager] it - the apple 'business he was known a. the Canadian apple king. He Wrath and lost fortunes .in that line. Ht -stated that on more than one occasion he went dat 'broke. Tie never stayct broke, however. but with courage and determination went at it main. For the past number of years he has de voted all his time to the, buying' and shipping of hogs and laths. Mr. Can- - has spent the '.ereater portion of 'bis' life in Clinton. He lost two softs in the war. has one son living in Wes- tern Canada and two daughter, Mrs. S. AWethermax of Orillia aatl SII.. !Dolly, his 'business assistant and cha- telaine of Sligo Castle, as their fine residence on 3Raglan street. Clinton, is sometimes -called. W. Wawanosh 'Nominations— FUTURE OF NEW ZEALAND 1 The Prriti<h Dominion of New Zealand. larger than England, Scot- land and Wales together, with an id- eal climate, a fertile soil and a small population, i barely '11)51) years old in terms of white settlement, but al- ready enjoys a high standard of liv- ing. This is because New Zealand has hitherto been able to sell her characteristic products—frozen treat, batter, Ghee -, wool and fruit—at c•oud price- to Great Britain, which has imported more and more food- stuffs as her people have tttrned their attention increasingly to manaufac- turing. The population of .New Zealand is jut eater l u),1)0, therefore the Do- minion has std to rely upon overseas cannttries. mainly treat Britain. for capital to develop her lands, and for manttfactur rod. During last year New Ze-il t d esnarteei produce worth which more than 141) per cent- t.to Great Britain. She imported mdaufactured goods worth £41011(01 and her net profit of ,C11,4,t'llt.1'5 -las used to pay theint t rest on her public debt that anuiunts to £111,,748,d44} -annually It will therefore he seen that this Dominion is in a curious position of economic tutelage. As a producing unit she is fortunate to possess one customer who keeps her supplied with cash, credit and capital goods, and who take.: the greater part of her surplus production in return; but she is dependent on that customer, 11 lase pnosperits. or the reverse, is the automatic treasure of her own, ]'mill recently, there seemed no limit to the British market for her produce. New Zealand's total exports mounted front 007.3111,862 in 18d5 to £26i2513,- 105 in )t))).,- and in 14)14) were Fast; 9()7.7t5. But in 11031 New Zealand's all-im- portant export, declined to $31 -1,950. - WS, and the country's finances were thrown into ton fusion. Salaries, rents. interest rates and imports had to be cent 1''att agricultural bankruptcy stalked the land; the currency suffer- ed deprcriatiettt. Although prices for extaort product/ eventually improved. it became evident that the -British market had 'ieiinite limit,. When the home ti„cerionent finally. announced it i ,itld have to restrict import- of Dominion prod are, New ZeaLotder- realdr, ti that I -,tit' !,;•rind of .altrilere,i economic progress was at an. end. In the light of these farts, New Keehn]', industrial and an•iv111tUtr:r1 ,rolMmi is simply ;tater(. 1'n main taitlher !lith standard o ,It ,Iiq, File must continue to sell au incises•ine vooenct „ printary Irrduct• e:err e,r. \\It,'re can she ;,-'.1 it It 'cord- is ;rent: that the demand for foo] -!att, tr„nt ocrt•:.ra• viii coflthtni to i'' an•i notch longer. ;heat Britain ;oche ewl+,roti;! ;o increase Inc• n vre•:tnction of i..l udfs. All th, idetice ;or, to .tett that tier peo. µ1p of Great Britain are not rating s: much emir;•;! 'i,,,.,d.tuft; as they use,] V,. the -:amt time. foreign ,'1111- • tics •u, .is i-tcntnai•1;, the Xi. tiler - itr.. James Chit"en, Cliut•.u. and \t ss Vera \\iso, Baytielii. are in Clin- ton 'hospital, the forttier suffering a irnluut nose and forehead laceration, and the latter ankle and low injuries received in an ;uttnmtrhile aerietettt Friday night on N,;. 4 1Ii 1,wnv foto utiles north of Clinton in which three, cars were invoiced. The,‘ were in ,set• tn•oct•eiiinn mwth, dt^ren by l:tine, C'itow•en, ;.Tinto;, in alt)'), w,'c t•'•owcu ext the front -eat stud Kelso Siri•ta, Clinton. ,and Alis, Vera l\'iso, 1laytic1t1. rear seat passengers. The itttpact threw Air... t.'11.In n forward against the , iustrnment board and windshield and \liss Wise a:;ain<t the forward rat, The nieu were nn- ini.,.tre,l except for a .,-ton• 11'6714. \ I three c u, w re• tr is%tyi, Trying Out With Windsor— Mr. Drank Alvis; ran 'err ••, T' ie -- -day morning for 1\inti-;,r. •,',;t',. ?u will try out aid, the iu suonsoced by the ).:).rt -' \l, for Corporation, f that city. ,v111,11 team, we understand, is an intr.nt ht eat Alichigan Ontario l.eagite. If Frank makes the•ride with the team xe understand Le is tit.receive <t sitaut, tt itlt tiie cmtttnttty. ' 1'immn• ha, been ta- %net a valuable and popnlar member of the faumnur ('limey; L'olts ever ,ince he started !,'ern., ❑:,,t..: and hen always been considered one of their best utett. H,• started velum it mere kill with tate Clinton initis». and schen In: becatt, old for int is,r company .Ole) :i lilac„ -t : nine: for hint wit'; the C„its. — r li re„t 1:1 ts-Record. Wingham Mayor Has Acclamation— J. 11'. it -Tampa was re-elected \I+yor \\'ittghant by acclamation on Mon - dap 'Itigli1 then two other nominees. 1)•r. R. 1. Redmond and I. H, Craw- ford. withdrew. Other nominations: Inr 'Reeve -T. R. Bennett, F. L. Reeve -\V. J. Steuart (acct.), ':Davidson. - Council— .Albert Gammie, Cairns Connnissutuet•-IA. J. •\\"alk,„, ace. kI. Aitcheson, Thomas Webster, 'Por Connell :i.,fs to be electe(1)— Brown Smyth facet), ;H. T. Thomson, 'k. S. Etherington, Others nominated, bit who with- Walter \'anwyck, Elmer \Villtinsot, drew; For 'Reeve: 'AUit"t't Johnston, 'R, (H. Lloyd. J. H, Crawford, Harry John McQuillan, Albert 'Ganitnie, (5. Brown, "Phomas V. Snaith, - Gordon Vf, Aitchesun, Brown Snaith, Thomas Machan, Roy-\1.int fly, Joseph Evans, Webster for council, Harold Gaunt, I'ut+,tic School l;oterd tali returned J. Johnston, 1Vnt. Mole, H. l.eishutatt. lay arclaniationt-..\Vert) 1, Rev. J. F. .Anderson: \Farr] Norman - 'Fry-: Wart! .3. 011ie Hahkirk; \\'ttrrl '4, Dr. A. 3, 'Irwin. - Ashfield Nominations— Reeve—Richard iJohnston (acct,) Depnty-Rceve—It-al'iiert Frayne, acc. Council—Lnrtte (Johnston, Arthur Culbert, .Alex 'McD'onald '(acct.) East Wawanosh ,Nomination Rettve—IPeter W. Scott lace].) Council --+R. IR. ,Redmond, L. 'Rud- dy, J. D. I3eecruft,10. Black -facet) Goderich Township Nomination— Reeve—Wilmot Haacke' (ace') ALBERT MA:TTHEWS OF TO- RONTO NEW LTEU,.:GOV. Albin \Iatthi'r s. member of a To- , -onto brokerage age :lira; bearing his name and Metier:if ,Hon. R. C. \lat. flaws, Alive tet of National 1Re•ventie in Ole Bennett 'Government, has been tri tnyd T-,ieutcnant,Givet'nor of On- tario. He succeeds Hen. .Dr. IT. .\• Bruce, \vita announce/I his resignation. The appointment was effective - No- viother34t1 \Tt. \lattb ws, who is 04,' will, be the first holder o; this office since 1,114 who ha- not moved into the pal- atial C bci•rnment House in Ro tad:le'. C,. honey IYar 'hili' '1d,001lpfb'Ot) l't(,ute Iof heutentutt gtoertors will'ti' ;',sed, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1937 TELEPHONE TALKS IN THE WATSON FAMILY Dad,,, it e S st his turn nn Friday night's a special lni plft$ b's with o the 't at8°n8 tthenig weekly long distance cell, Prompt- ly yell at eight the telephone tinkles and I3oh's Hearty voice comes "booming over the wise then Muriel s aria the youngsters' - who are allowed to stay up specially to say "]dello', too. ]keeps us young” "Long Distance arents. It's the say thou hratdP cheapest pleasure we know of.” Like the Watson. family, you too ill Pad Long pistance the touch with ideal c- t't o keeping in t outs tray j mends out- of-town relatives rise you! low cost will surprise s"a '1) 9def",sii.i55 Low Night Rates begin every evening at seven, and apply ALL DAY SUNDAY! M. J. HABKIRK Manager • tilxti,m Will become stationary within a' .e,t decades. What this mutt;ny 11,1,Tl; ;inti that; tltytltiu.,; i, au ills :sty r,i ttcw IrettilhT, rnttil such tint„ a. it •;m, ,nr int w t.il as :it indeprnd- enl. e,um,tltii i'ltlil t. It in-p,,,.ilrlt• 111 .0 great Britaitt herself Limy bt un - 'ands and t4, \'"-""'1;11''' an,l "1 1'1' j,t,llhtt iu tin matt,• to sett her own Brit+ -h 1 m ni„n, such a, \n -'t rub•' ,m, :nil ,,alittlitir, 1„ .is,ist Now mt•i t atr,,l c. .n•c Increasing asing tit h nr,e tcalanI inn„ nationhood. but titer„ ,(ti.a onoi6 t:. i) that New Zeit- ,uses desirable northern Biro r '' lino :and ,o11•., ,they .a«, fighting ;t . 1 pile, .t,,et.,. thfat conlil- ea -fly >up1Ay the 'n the Lon market. necessary utigr:utas. \' tun t m+ it was tin' t •let •: , t 1 ortittlatcly. the Du: utnlon possess- ' t I),nnnti r,a ;you,” 111,,1%i •I ,est -h pn• it]nett- ,creat ntitt•raai wtaltlt, abunmlant vr, .,n he^ ,urns•- s m ,ttt1•r poster, ca+I open peers tha lint ut.1,„., mt lao.lto Chiu,:,, huli:e :and the East Iu• - antaft-iltt•tt it :tit(' a i•lintate that !7 tcl. slut-retlt sit- the northern h:,nerliean type .,f Lal;. 1oa litu. AT ,ri nt et•, ,ettli•r ti ell. ,loetuae e,i econoinie a ani„nal- r,nt has also permeated Eastern \,'w Zealand inday' has to bear the omttries, anti New Zealand could ” urdeu of a itravv national eight. Iter Brei sew,peoit,, _ tin: fens -seeing vionecr- borrowed ling,c•ne , rt en it ,hc haI r. .ams ,xi nlnin•y in order to promote girt too,], t„ h„.the mutt- I F"el; .,d 1tn,;,', h:nrope am,l the oth- pmlilie wool:,, such it. 1% railways, ls iotninion,. ant we61 aoek,,d itlntinistrativr buil+fin.,, bridges and with home -Crown protlta.- lty'dro-electric enterprises, that they 1)nr way of solriu - believed would eventually he used by nnrblent ineoh'e•, 111,- expansion it large population. 1s that popuaa- i,f tit• Dominion's own population. no rim has not eventuated, the present that a lar r haute market may he ,mall norther of Net grarluallc derchrpcd. tint only to ab- 'Z'alanderi have to pay the interest orb Inr agrirultnral and pastoral charges on frozen as.ets that they produce at present e••ported ower- cannot develop to the full. An influx -ens, but al,n• t i prut.de a market of population into the.. I)amuillion „r luval In•tu:riticttn•,•11 ¢ood :\1 ,could malar ibed+• , enterprises pay, ,rrsen). as has.. seen :hoist,, New• and ,wttti1) greatly reduce the. per ',ittill bras a poliulaliun inn 'chaff r'tpita debt htn•tictt, - 'o use more titan a - fraction of lye„ dl is difficult to get New Zea.land- arut nrodnetion, Economists have ers to fliNel•ss intmfgratfmt wi$houf roved that the land is capable of -argtttttt'lt1. It is said that every 1111- :arrsitu at least 110 title, its Present migrant would deprive an Mold inhabi- tnpulatinn. - -last of his job; that in a shaking if the population of the Dominion world there is no scope for what may cert• itlertased by 1)) times its -pros- be an exceedingly dangerous ex4eri- ,tnit anlottut, the farmers wna(d sell trent. Bail this is, to say the least, de - heir meat, butter, wool and fruit to htItat,lc. There is not a nation in ,heir own fellow countrymen, who in Europe that has the natural adyan- t irn wrntld be eimpi iv'11 lay great tagt. s of New- Zealand. while every yew nttt'unfacltrittt industries, the nation in Europe is overcrowded. rrodncts of winch woould be readily ft nrist- be added that the views in ,b,orbed within the country, .\a pre, - 'chis article circ long -range -one.;; ex. 111, there arc ices factories in the pressing the individual viewpoint of Dominion, and their exi-tcure is de- alt Englishman who has lived in the oder; on the maintenance Of high Dominion for several year., and who .'Pili batrie•rs, has at heart not only the interests nt lmuttigt itdon ismentioned for the the it c,11111 11'Y and the British t nlptrt, 1114 rc nun tlmt New Zealand' nriit rate, like that of syr many West - •r: n un:tries, is declining. It ha. wen predicted that if the - present zrn;l eontitue., the Dominion's pop - hot also those of the httm to race. Iiis conviction is that the interests of all can only be served by long-sighted planning to Blake the: 'tit/Most use of the advantages of all, BOOK COVERS OF CRETONNE hook; tier, tire:. tri • nr-'tall Get out some of those cret„tut'llittches are i' u:1 t. to , the r l •. ,,i strati. rntt'vebeen wondering what the cover •r'1 r',nal. yens _o1114 do with a1,1 make some l itindttt;g is 1,11. t t!ky t t tont use ;immitis cote•;•: tar lite ami'.c I,o,d:- ti thin silk t>vulur I:, t 0'1 t-,afes a Ii. ,t,•:, and !it'll ite ,t,r:,t'i-e't at -.iii-laet't'e t,'n,. I1 o,' !'. you 1,nev etl't•rt!c' they :u•i t;e-••l ', y„,i 'i tt ±u!tl half s f u„e`+t., cant •ell then!. .\i fret -t., must„:-:,.- v ,:1 utah.ti,r, .,t'.. emit:,- r,r, three.. can. Vol they make _ .. •t1' , ••i.'lith-.. inrii ',n: n,- ._..a , ,-i tion, to haxattr •ini -y IIT ey ami .lr w i n. 1 •o '1• ,h- :old , , . •-i at , Ai tett y„lir own hook, and '1' , -ul, . ' each .,r•:. '. t . .n 'rn,l. ,-N en :i trk•,,b,nn , -.:i. �- , ,Is- ,,„Dunt 111, 1'.,1 ' a,els• rheerini with ,nen a cover. The )'h,• -c c,lyer. rat ,e;•,: til :.t and tete, ,tilt -papa• 1,,,e% ,Ay.. "Do,t'1 -„it Itttmdu'rd e••aPy•- ntt•!' The ttv hnec•. unnr .Derr 11, 1 .i, ' 11,' .ay., "t'„ti• 'rail 11,..).' r hens. ,' cue e tr,,,, ty! t or ',� 'mk eomr-, n,, r,nr •.carat. 1,, r,•n:1 0,,• 1ri„. .,n 11l1' cion ,tad lir•.' Uu• phone bunk. tot, acid bolt .n est,, ra 'EV ,isles. There- are tato 'cry eels) way_ of Sias}; the ibrii: a,. tr-,1..i•.•; of the nta•kitt these rretrnux' )a tket-. hir.1 Back. hiudiny. Next. c,t:_ ., liagoral i, the Docket type. C'nl :t :tri;, of ere- fold :m each corner, .0 111:4 the zily.is tonne (placing the motif, if the•rr 1s of top and bottottt Itiu,t the ed.,.., e of one. ill the centre of the front cover) the side. Turn in ;iv- i,ls's,t,- corners ahont ci;tltt inches for whatever is the dia outtlly, and hind! nr Ri'e bent ail width of nue cover) leamver and two rnttnd the rax t!'14',. 'i'nrn ie, the inches wider than this hook to be env- sla,±brd section art !bee 'hack, cutting Bred. 'Turn tutee eit�htli.-inch Item, allteff surplus t:tateriat, and hem ,lowt. round and "taste them. 'Hent the short That method does not allow the :over ends. lay` the 'haul: nn the strip and to be opened up.- Stiff paper covers fold the end. up meet tit• c i ,,., foil. are ];smelly made tit:tt way and' tltc itlg etitrdly for front and back coy- fouls pasted down. It is. a ,,;ood plan ens. The material should ettt-er ahont to allow- less material for the envelope h;tlf the inside of the ]fool: -covers, flap., as to, steep tlaps make it rliffi- forutimg poctect, into which the stip' cull 1n sip the'bunk in and out. covers are to be sipped. Secure these, Bookmarks are easy- to shake anti taint, out the boolc and overcast _ the to.,,,,, ew to Ehe Yup. of tltr 'back of the edges to make the sides of the pock- jacket. •Bdstrungord that ets. Blear the turned material at top is r1•nch'fedean.i slip stitchesnttac;nay the and bottom hetwcen pockets: it is not worked into a chain, to one -i'nc'h strip nerto hm for ene iettyeth of of self -material, :;ranted, turned and clic Ioncessay ,side.,e'int if youtirw'i.h to do gathered at the Meyer end stay be at - it it must be done when the short 'tacked instead, To make the tassel, sides art• hentntcd, before the Doc,ko, wiled :No. 30 cotton twenty-five tittles are turners up, round a two -inert piece of cardboard, The ,'"incl 1cpe of cover :s the en., tie through loop; at the top, ,;lip off velope. :\flow three inches of mater—ial all round outside the huasurerttettts arty) trim loops. at the h.mtti„n. of the hook.) ntt the top and bottom„ Cream Dressing edges to apoint. the side, to angles that meet the{', that of 2 eggs ulcs of the points. ii i, impossible to '1 tablespoon stege„ give. tier.;pameasure- bottom teaspoon ,alt meat, oF- tit' honk, Cut the ttoo ;mid edges to a !,,,int. the ,i4es to 1 teaspoon mustard angles,that freest the lies of the, 1epper atbjcspuons vinegar Point,It is imps ;.idle G ye exact2 tablespoons /butter nteasnlcnients because they it (Oh .. Cayenne the. size of the :book.. and sometime: it is advisable to allow even ttmote pn1 crisp cream, 'whipper' ittttil' thick than that „sire inches eat egg's, add vinegar slowly, sig - tor sides and ars butter and seasoning. Cook over Dint especially tchal7 you are env- hot water, stirring constantly, until crit large barks. dor noyc!-size thick and smooth, Cool,