The Seaforth News, 1937-12-02, Page 1Where you rnll1e down at morning,
Before the head of .the day,
Troop your n'uplars on the hillside
To idle an hour away,
And trhen the dater wxs silvers
0l1 11,1131111' and pier,
i'he market -folk would whisper
"Look! wonder is here1"
You would drift 'fowl the tangle
And colour of the booth;;
Yleur-glance vv ii d leap and linger
fin 1hc• °beton:c, that art. troth;,
"111 take the tremulous trifle
\t td( of moonlit (leo
i It nat. in_v least of fancies
:Made from the love of you.).
—+ITuncail C":unlibell Scutt.
Phone 84,
$1 a year.
\ i•repa1Ity crowd attended the St, Andre\\•'.. supper zinc] e(1ni•ert at I?.;;nnn(lw(ili1 1Tliit-
tri t hutch in Tuesday evening', 'the tutggis carried in by the four lassie, is seen in the
abelwe picture taken by The News. Piper Ke meth .\lac•I.t'ni led the time-honored march.
menu left to right are Misses Dorothy (1enlntell, Laura Stewart: \1 ugaret I;rutul1,0,1 and
lleth iFe,11('t. Seated at the held table are: Rev. :\, \\', Shepherd, Mi. W. H. Golding,
\I,I'„ Airs, \V. \. Shepherd, Mr. \1'..\, Shepherd (London), \1a'I-1. A; W. Shepherd. Mrs.
t;,n•r1uu 1\ua111 i. at the extreme left. Others at this table were Mr, Gordon Knapp, Mrs.
Lillie", Mr. and Dir,, George II. Coleman.
Laundry Soap
lir CAUSTIC SODA.—Loose, lb. ..103
2 tins 9c
Tin 25c
32 oz. jar 25c
DATES. -2 lbs, 25c
PITTED DATES. -2 lbs. 23c
PRUNES. -3 lbs, 25c
SEEDED RAISINS. -2 lbs. 29c
FRUIT SUGAR. -3 lbs. 25c
PORK and BEANS.—Small size
4 tins 25c
SODA BISCUITS. -2 lbs. ' 25c
FLUSHO.—Cleans toilet bowls.
tV per can 19c
GLAUBER SALTS. -6 lbs. 25c
SULPHUR. -6 lbs. for ...,.....,25c
MASTER'S FEEDS have few equals
and no superiors—try them and
be convinced.
/dent you Ary
%I 1 LARGE 1 611.
Phone 166
St. :\tulrt\\'s night wraa celebrated
In I:gtnond villi t'liited ,Clitirrh un
I' (1 ening \w•itlt a large at-
tendance an the supper and concert.
\\', 11. 1Gohling, \I,1'-, acted a,
chairman The pastor, Rec. A \\
hrplutd \ ho for .a number of year,
Int, been actitt in the Si.\at,Ir w
Society, an interesting aildtt.
•pealcut0 to the 1Laggis in :LIT original
1) .1 i a =,.;is of fond lleni,,ries dear
1n diem indvine ewe find you here.
.w 111 er imolai in many lands,
.\t Burn, :uttl St. Andrew'. .1:e
t\l• \vrlcoli(e }e
i t anyone ••.Ililtl. if 1" their I0 0(".
Anti r inn t tall ye frac ilia 1,1oo.e
1 t', 11., oo'r fault
\c' grdi a 110'1• te. l t lei ,ntor, clear
a sae glad tet ser yc Here.'
\Ir. Shepherd explained that ha8-;1s
- :pale of o0ttn(:,1., liver, heart :inti
Mon,: ,roma• i, (1 81' lust can 17ei11s
an 111 ett
iS Saila \',1.411'e 11t0,11t,' \Ir
She•,he 1 .aid. -It i, to one night
111 the (i' ,i hc,ta d t , 1t '!1anil'1
patrol m;. Through s , t t,.litw n
:nor and fun. a make friendship 1
c2' ,•1 mrd (trudge, and realize
Iii lturh.ond of \Ian.
R.t.firring to Scotland 11(1(1 Sroltioh
•'1. a -d :tl,v-tt (.,,cit 1.11111„11,1 11111
+se 1(0(0. of 0 place. tint the
1.' of1 't•nt mint 1170 -lir., ill
.1,1,•,t ',wt. are 1 ,(1 5 111 t.\ int\
I ;r tt is the i (tit"u1I e• i e :1 mot .11-
: I 1 an . t +' met 1
111e r nth 8st a close told thritlr
:ate: there. are _three l:iutl, of -mon-
-Patrimony. \lan'i-
.a, 'I i'ar-,iri,,,ii 11, '('wl0wcd
1'. life and character, also
I tp( t;i 111. \ 11,11,,,1111('
nat.t•,l 111 Cll. ',\i( r h,rn'door NS i
I -h( ,itith \nnnal Meeting of the
ifiwon Uhl ! ys' .b,.oclation f'I'o-
t•oo 116 hcI(I s 'c, 9
Id.tnt'..\,(1on 'l'itur•(111Iaytitarm\\ingt lastvul, the
2518 Int a tl, the liresirlult, Ali \\.
lint ban i 1 1n the choir and 11
4ttoti attendance of ntemin•r, rc pl e-
,opting every t,ertion of the old
',nutty. sty. 'i'hc re., 'rt., of the Secret tr1
and "Treasurer .hulced the :\.,oci•tti,m
ite 111 :I 'n 'e'1"(nt, cond,tion.
l'ha trt.t ars the orlieers
elected tor the \ear }Ionnr'Iry 1
lenh, Ilan, J.
bliss, 1, 1. \ \Irl.;nut. .1. o'
i -.2'.i re..ieh•nt- -Mrs, IT 1.-iTTndgius,
Mr,. 11. •T1 \Ictirettilt, \Ir,. 1 lin
\I tip NIT,. t o E. I ergu.on 31 vs.
1), I) \Ail 2'n plea. I. 3d. atingle,
\lr, \\'. ,\,-onnbell, \I r.. \\'. :\,
Buell imam
Note.: Tn.. Huron 1)1.11 Ito(. !o"i
•s de, 1 r \lrler,n un. honor, in
\\sod t Th w are \1c r,. X, (tuner -
a nn •ly of 11 lo kir h, mil :-Alin
Human, trater'.
R,•c. R. 1 3I 1)ertuid .uol I. :1.
11,1 •Ircn h., 11
iia 111 - mil 111 114 eta... r(•il't
a•, V,, ...multi ,t' tk
')t (t It. Bolden, alae net\ T'ie'i4'
Cot 1, formerly il•"'tn 1•ettfo'11l and
latterly Clinton, Ili• i, t ,nr4('on item-
1t;1!t It large city -practice. Tie is a
(ranttnnett 1)n rag. Nur.)
I :Iolio '!:.1.nut i'\ R. 31 , , 11.
,• a:u'l, \rt \irho.!,,.,ti° \till again
elan tut the nit:' 1<','• \La+ f.e:nI
ci•,1 t
i, un I tt I 1 Fmnotit1011,iia malt
l .ito.wlig 111 •rt t c2' n n11hr
1113 \I: \1;11 In 112' 1.-nir time,. .3 num
ed to isccl,w t hi t\w,tr• ',ter - tof new \2'r: lt.awe been ildeel
\-11,', 11, l:u t- ti - told tile• -prat--
1 ,'.. 101(.(0 n, r h r, Acre taken i the team th„ year.
„\•i 'null the 01'0,1.11' R1141 11111101 up
W.M.S. t' e tloor. btrrin, of The' .oci-1 meeting of the \\'.31.S.
1 t 110,1 \irl gt-(1 thread to
, 1 i;? v -m,1',1 al m ",scar the. Aor-th,;ili> 1Rnit,e1 t'hnn•3 ':w•0, hold
r, true 111(11' ,peed.” ;,n "I'hnrdav, N.V.Noe_21 In (lir 'lase.
1 t St't'' n(.4lected, l'11 I lin• :aid- ,11+•111 -iif the a•hrn•,"11. Lt t,.,,, the form
in tn.- t2' cls. „n the burn, 0f the
t, ,c, t i `m eat 11 built, :end lei „I
:1 -twit., t' ., 11 1111;1111-' 1111 -]II Iii :'t'i
orntomie. lom.r curl .11c w..old rout to main', ,•luihing. ancd (herr `d a• a llh-
t11e door of the 41111ty. party.. a' l11,' ' rto the aupe'l made for
"Did Ye 11Y pc yntu' ,l +(kin;;,, .1 these 10':111 articles. The dievmime! 1
Scottish sword for rolling )lack the
•o:url m" on,prm:;rant 11 1, in 2'`h am2' 111
-docking to the toe prating ating it
\l2'..6.,,,,,... T10nw ui las ,nn,„and
'Ta bathe in ,1,-,, i, to defy ill -leak, 'ioffered rityer pas oereel'hy \tt , Lawrence.
•:u ire'I, nItiful for one year and it 3 frs. Ilartier read the Scripture Ic„on
costs nothing, \\inter gas' often called from I'.ltini 111113, .\Ir,, intoe •1 re a
Northside United Church upon as a '\fitness to ,,eal o Isar utl ..,,.,dint; ,mitis 1 ".1'3e Influence
The llicls or 'I1ccl'r made .Ile ti
R;ew. I'. A. Canutchac, \Tin!s;ter• from •heather hell,; the secret of hen- I.itilr 'T'hiogs.'' '1'11 is teat mach en. VARNA
Sunday, Dec. - i'--.11 a.m. Snb•.ieet;cher ole prri:hed with th:lt race, 'j111r1 1lyn\n 811, tea'. sung and \lis, Beginning next .Sunday the ttnite(I.
"The T.not Inspiration.” .\ Ir. Shepherd tol'd htltnorow; 'iter- mousy read ab„alt "0 iia llerl ,'rays- Church School trill rnnl-
7 p.m, r' China and liver IGencralt', les of Scottish judges and law era, i•2'.” "Then \li;: i.a'wrence (.CH1(111cted 111(1100 111 31 ip.111. Service at 4 pm1, for
si1110 Chiang 'Kai-shek.” S.S. has 'been one or which was oT a 181)111 whose a qucstinnaaire on the l'ii 1 glia ltcr the trintcr months.
genie i1 1ea, to coni tlolilise t\ titan 1
chant ed 10 2:30 p.m• ached h:i m; "'i beer's :I1 illall threatens ill th1'aud) hook, '1'111, pr,ccd titter-' '1'110 United Chnrrh S.S. will ho111
me—he saes he'll pull my nose every c'aihq and instinctive, 'fits, fining their annual Christmas tree on 'pilon.
tins he sees pie. \lrdtat'11 I do?" then tool: charge of fie business part 1)(•c. 0)2. i•n the lowns11i11 11a11,
"11,1(•0 morning soap \1r nose,'of the program.During this p(rinrl it \liss lean Reid i 1! 111ng in Td nm
to4he annual 11111lilt"il I'hc the minSci:,r,litt ush,;nSod,utid eId(
ay,i,,wcthr(e I:id1c-
9c ,,,a, ilacided to 1 Id 1110 reg•ulal• inert- Ilton and Toronto for a few' 111:(•k;•
,crihlrl referring I:0 the pro foiled in- it; „_, f thy( \\ \T S, at 2:3k0during' Ithe4" .4 6.i( \\:::A.
itacne; lwi111 the people. n-ihter months, also to hold the an- of St, -1°11 11'. Church trill be held in
\ new ver -ii on of ehe story of young 11tlal sleeting at the regular meetingthe church NIonday, 'Docs nth. ;:\t the
1•ochnn 1 whit an une•\pected end1114'' of the \A'.\f.S. It: leas also decided to close of the meeting'1 hale for wecl-
1cal, 1((3100 by 'ft- Shr,p.her(1' ,t.nrl the bale cont,tohtR' the (lootingern Canada 11111 111' packed. The concert c 1nsisle 1 of solos byh
On November 131O,th, 119137, ihy the
IRev, 'D1, Larkin, 31i nlie Warren,
yoaol,1•es1. daughter of the late 'Mr. and
\ars. John Campbell \la'ekaty of :Sea -
forth, to T. 03, 'Gra'nt (Gordon, sent of
the late \1:r, and Mrs. Thomas Gordon
of Strat hr051,
.A Londe -Intro team was recch.ed
in'ta the 1J unit Ilfarnmrs' Hockey Lea-
gue at 1111 CXCC1.1.t100 meeting in Sea -
forth on Monday night, bringing the
total (ditt'ie's to ;even teams, 1(0 4'0111-
5are11 to .is 'last year.
Entine, were Made by all ix team,
which played last year: 1)arhlin,
um101011le, 1\ iutbr+,p, Iiippen, Wit.
C01111111).111 anti :l\iulatott. The 111.4 en-
try mi 1,01111e.1)44'.1 11.'111/4 acrditetl. .
\ motion was passed barring all
player, who 1,1115 intermediate hoolcey
10 0.1!..-1. or \Vester11 (0,1-1..1, :111
!dap-. in neighboring- towns are. nitio
barred, which include, Clinton:, Pau, -
.0,1,, Mitchell. Blyth 0.111 Scafortlt:
The lensing loll have inn 111 nus
week to play at the rink. to
111(• 11.01(111 (00 80111(•, ',in Saito -Oat
night, arrangements have been male
to have the rink for paid-",e(•ek gams'
(Tuesday or Thtir itty7 111/4 .101'1
Saturday. Only .eu11 011110' will be
played each night, :All te:u11, were
well represented :at the meeting. The
schedule will he drawn tip later,
'Prize vwinners at the amateur con
ltst on Friday evening ,n ere:
Senior 'Gr,nw'I,, over 16, Sint, Keith
Sharpe and .\rtlntr 'i inlay,on 'errand.
10gntondvitl(t Iillhillies ui.rltitlitt'*'
tiler( t'otmrh,,' iJaines \tech -vizor.
Kcnnetla ':\da111. and C. 1I. \(l:i.n;
thud prize, Jean and 111+ nld 1 (1 1
r \1 tint
of i'twth; fourth mini. .,rear tra ITa--
nld, 1.orue and Gm(Iou Snider .)n.1
Ray 11'alt(r, of \\ illnwgrove.
Jnninr Groep- ;First prize, Dori -
and Jeanette "fuck, of 1! 'aline tot: t
ittmd twize, I)nrothr t;allow, hir,l.
Edna t 1311,111fottrlit print 1 +that
11<hc1Lu. \I,Irg'aret Deal(' anti' 1'w„11,11'
\lo re,
\Tt \Il•L'aret 1 thee. 'Egmont'
1nard,d the .eet•il n z2'
ton,(, 1 11\ 13'. '1I, (inhibit:, 31,5„ icor
the ht',1 looking girl in the 11311. 'i'he
nrio, tut• ttln.t Jute, rt'e•eive'd by en -
tram living -within lice 11113'o n' SP7-
11, trent to the 'Kg -month -illy 1P1'
0.11..:.\. troop :No. 'C) .;f 1,1Irr•u” 1
-i ties I
Series include, \e ,\- 113(11
li n I:IVI tot•l Clinton. n ties Orth and
•ingersoil. Comelier, H. t, Seltzer. of
I0 Junior 3\",ttlil,1, i'i,t 11 th.\1
!i, 1 .n"'2' a 1at' 1,1 ,d 3!11 i' ,,i 1•;.•
t:2',' home : Airs" 1' 'lith:•-
31 +;o Dec. ;$ :.1 3.311 .ai, 11,„
roll "811 oin .11,,ot fed
Chi -tion. ❑.(-1 "1 I'3ea
I,,ok. 01• !13:1111
i 2'i• re4 1Ln• nu'+ in, of tie ,\
ntui • 11:,. uti(1 111
the du.;,ital ,,n Tour -iia ; t,• • 2. Ir
3,30 p.111.
\' 4In.1 Ill +....'.otelit -d
n irh
at the Court of Re.-,i,m ilii lite
,cu of Seai,i'tlt 1111d 011 'I"hurl:1•.
rrcuinly in 1)10• V011111'1 rh:niilll,r.,. five
Opeals were heard includiltg oil conj-
nnttes with '(n•ie, stations hen'.
These were adjourned 'or forther
:1111011:1 1(1 a 181er date to allow Von -
,111t3 111111 pith 11(1111 . Of !leo, of the
'Mr. told \1r,• .'Albert Cronin silent
Smntlay 1,00ning lwitl1 :\Lr. 1111(1 Mrs,
James NIeQ.uaid.
\Miss Teresa \\'a 1,h of i eaforth
si1e111 the week end at her home here
31r. and ides. J T Smith of ICenil-
wortlt 1rited 18it11 Mr, olid -\Tis, Inc \fr, hole, T. Scott, Scotch ,onus by to Regina. Sask. "Mrs, llinchl1, was he \\',,:3 m11 11 the Mm
ie of 'Fr'
Fla 9atian on Smiley. Mr.tnrl .\
r. 1inrclon,.1011155 , 'Lon- appointed r0nvetrcr if thon1inatinr 1,1 11(8110 on Thftr,day:
\l r. and Ales. foe Atkinsrnt spent don; 111 \Icy 1 illicn • t1t1 Scotch conrmitfea 151,11,1 (1110 era, The many friends of P,illt Austin
lin oo mus r(o(InLa( \Its, Mai"q[ref m snit
Sunday 11) the bona mf her .n1m19t e'' Cherie r, rc:l)11,14 111 T.ord's player 10)11 bit in ern i.nit, will ate ,1(18 11 1rn11 (1 11 is in tiel-
Mrs, James 'Evans, \o -lutanist.. 1\ ere \fen. Rennie, `\ . delicious linnclt was ',erred 33 forth .'hospital.
\ir, T01111 Flanagan of Toronto vis 'lies. \\. :3: She+(herd• Lnn(li1n. Circle 1'w•ith \11.1. ,f'nr1eous as '(8;111 Ari•; S111i(h 1188 1111181(1 to the t':inn»
ited with his -mother; Mrs. T. Plana- ll'I ia1110s 1,0 cc and '1r1 John loin ,end all njrriabl1 afle•rnnn,1 was boll fat01 an(1 Ili Tack Snaith lies
Coltman n)nvcd .1 .vole of :thanks 111 111111 11 to a clow. ''Waited 111e \Pant farm.
gait this week. those tahinu' Fart.
t•••••'30.4 3.,,:
Phone 194
Res, 10
The nt tri lase nook place on Mon..
\occauhu 2f)ilf, of 11111 \I tbcl 1(011-
ncr, dalu„111er of 31r.. ' M+ryitre,t. ,1.
11.11110er and the late [atm IT.,hner, of
Sta11k'y, to \fr, I'r11110 \ 11C'h 1chcy
son .of 31r, R,:,ht. \lrt'lineliey and thc
late '311'.. \leClinc•hay. of Stanley. The
ceremony ww •u 5erforincd by Rev. I':.
1, 'Pnrt:h'r of Ilrntwn,cille. The newly"
teal: took 11 honeymoon trip to 1Vilid
4or and 1)etrnit and. on their return
they o reside (111 the (;rooms farm
on t13,,11en line, Stanley, with the Iu''1
q.(1 es or 0 lima 11 rimed,.
On 3fnnda4 evenn)4, Nov. 21)411, 11.
1.111(hen Voting :People's Society, 'oc
invitation of rhe Brucefichl y1nn
people, sent to 1 11100'lielil t htlrcll 211'
put 011 the program, sifter 1/111011 "tier••
were entertained 11y the l,a a, even,',
Society, ,3 very pleasant e) ening w'2'.
enjoyed by alt.
\Ir,, Frank 11„n el of St. I''ionr
al•�rtll a few tity, .111:3.. .1'e els '.\ '1'
‘1-. 1 i 1 \I r,. \l 11 ,.. i. 1. r ,o+•'•
I , 1 't then ,1;1110,1,.r. 3I•',. 1
1 i-, '.,,11 ,r Scofo,tli.
1!,, nn1110 friend. ,ii' \Ps, \'+r.,
1.3""t1 ,w .:,rry t 1,• t2' er az,-'
i a . , 7 ridar evening and I1 e
1 1:, r 1 i.' oat 'hrnl:en:
\1r. and Airs, 'Cho:. \\oeatlahe of
the illite 'Water iTiohway, accompan-
ied by 11 1,,511111 D,ichert, motored
to tit dera•11 2'm \londav,
The time ,r vice "and of Smithy
-chord of 1 1 eke nitwit Church 118.
Air. R. E. thoddick, who has
h1en elected 'n acclamation to 1
sect' it term as Reeve of 11(811.-a1 .
t(•rtainntent \ie lnr.ttav- evening*, ih•r”
212nri at a o'clock.
\Ir. Jarry i)eorr i 11111y coffin,: tip
Ohl(' ,'tamp, 311 11,e' ,'aan;p anti
.,(1112' ;non r11.4114,'11 10. help 11ia11...
11r. Charlie 1,4;gert I1pn4ht 'lot 53,
c0nce„ion'13, Levan, from the Can-
ada d'o., which he got for a reasonable
price as they going to sell all their•
property in :Canada.
31r, Ed S ttarbarth 'bought the Farm
;wen re n l auged, the service ” begin that \fr. J+,lin Britton used to have
fling at 1 n c1oel: 1.111, and the Sunday on the '11111 concession, Logan,
school at three.
\Ir. 8101 \ars. \Viii Cathie visited
the tormer's sister, Mrs. J. \L Toagh
0f T;ay.lield, on Tuesday of last week,
Alessi,. \\'alter Rohner and Logan
lir, Frank tForcster has hired with
Mr. Jerry 'Oecrr for a year.
lir. and \les. Charlie Eggert were
in Stratford last week on business in
connection with rite .farm that he ,
Cleave are busy cutting wood at 'bought.
present. By all appearances we are going to
Cohen School. ,tis,` No: 5; Stanley, 'have a long winter to feed the stook.
will hold tiiei'r Christmas tree and en- as all the stock is stabled already.
FRIDAY`,.. DECEMBER 3rd, 1937
Cl113(10-•Kali Seaf,rth
t cneral .-1111111.,1011 310 Tickets lilt} be reserved at :\llerhart's Diu
Store fording extra' on and after Friday, November 26111. Gallery 25c.
\ diction n children in evening.
311111m(. FT day afternoon at 2:15 p.111. Achnission 10cint children
and 25o f,n ululrs.