HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-11-25, Page 7THURSDAY, NOVE,11/P13ER 25, 1937
leamokatimmtsoomarampamouramosittmaralearavanowasamoall R4101,114 'be necessary to remove a "Ohild
front his home.
With Reeve Cardiff in the chair,
council concurred with the resolution
of Halton Comity that two nienthers
of the county council should be ap-
pointed to the floaril of the Children's
Aid Society; also with the re:m.10Mo
from •Peterbortagli County Council to
amend tin. Chiliiren's Act so its
to give the chitty council and .the
council or any city or separated town
within the comity contributing- to the
rtinds of the soeiety. power to appoint
the Inenibers constituting the- govern-
ing board of the society,
No action t, taken on itresolu-
tion Ir 01 Potertioriattedi a,king. the
I)ntitrio ai t,i pas, fin
anietplutetit to the Ntimicipal .1c, pro-
hibiting. Cm faittneil r kw!, it,ont,i.),0-
ity from :Lily bylaw or resolu-
tion Iiitjn1 tandard time to light satita
Tii,• :t (aro... -If
pe,c,itif• tt•alit eaft tio, they'll get up."
said. •
aettim was taken "it the resoltt.
tt from Wiito,lrft foamy nr.dmi•
th..• zot,•roluem ..fraitt ineriet•cil
ot1 road:.
T1 It.. rr.port was
feloptid wit!, Ret.v, Davidson presid-
ing., as follow,:
'Miss hormily \'\' 'iont foie
7)for two for
Miss Proits, tlie to i.2,-Istritof,
IT P1.11S11111, Oi0111of
bin rminicipal I1 vier, ordered
paid Cirey .01.1
\it ti.s. it
WIMely e,tate accounts a, they hail
already 'nom
The :um i 1I47I) will It paid for
:Ire frateimr atm sketch of the
Lite Dr. r),10i,,.
1..1111v l',0(1.,..11
State t ent
We eau sate y..11 money on Bill ani
Cliarga. Fivrtiis. stan•lard
ledger4 itbit,t or
• 1 t will pay 37.1.,1
hest. quality Met
an 1 lade-
fc7 aforik' NewA
P 110 ne 84
COUNTY COUNCIL ‘.11 1111%11,1 11 111 l'f,
from Page Two't Sitelier, a ...till ,ii 14 an t olits
.!-11, 11111,11'01. I'ht io 1.,111.,.111:4 1,1 age Mom t 111to:cars:
iiirmation aos git.tit
itt a report sent also a leiby air' of aim mottle. ivl.i,It
by T, Coopt.r, 111 require a great deal ,..i
\,,onatte.• Ito,ird. the 0,1 \t„,
toivetiill, of e, huna, held Jim... r, child proteetion;
00,-0 2t 1,,iittn 11,1,
110 01,1,1, or, granted. .1.1•Irtit-
t•,,u_te (rout .140 t $45 a 1114.11th,
drtmeci ,Inrinit the
for various teasi.s. report was
sent to 11.1' tilte titililti 111.
The reitt of the Shel-
ter eommitt., was nre..ented 11
Reeve Itryains. chairman.
The the'ilrief. \iil society was "Ile
nitr,, important organiniti‘tus
font a .4n.it lal w as ix% lug to it for
it, Wort, for underprivileged childrett.
i.iimpliiPerit was paid to Super-
intendent fn. Edward, fir Ills rare
11 itt liteettin.s tintilies together, and
to \Irs. Oliver. the inatrcm, ..010 it
wa- r,11 could not take a greater in-
terest in the children 11 their nitre her childrin shottlil itt removed at °nee.
It is only when alt plans -fail that it
Engineer's Report
Tli. report
it ;0-bard:nice
unmarried parents, :tail 07 .a1 child 11,0, i„ „„tie thio ,oat.
. .
r -are. Cases ntnit.r invi•stigittnin arc, ventatitib.. :Old ill tilt. con-triti•tiont
117 or child tirotection, till of ntimar- roti'.
ried par. itt" ti7 .ttses littler child \\"i. 'bat Ilti CI) :/1141 ti Ilalf miles
••:tri. and legal adoption 0, of nee, Itimminous surfaces to
alt for work rot the under- feet in nidth, ,ind a half miles
chihl 1 growinghe piiiitt- ii( reinforcing- or partially' completed
editt itt it or,Ivr 1 ule,.t tnr twacti, this y.t-ar, bits -
iambi ad' lie tnacesstry bir t1 o nt itir past experietices. has
elety to launch testensive iltica- to tiring ti'' .)11 road ti1 t ere,-
tional program in t1t ctitttv in Orrit'r section a ;it treat with a print, eoat
that the Par)TIC fully nntlerstand tar. On ilti laced
ittnature ,,i the wort; ,,i the yards of •gratioll gravel which is mixed
rot', Soeiet and will co-,tperate. Itt iaci. with a liberal quantity ofItt
Iror the most ;tart the. people consider amen. and the tuts iread uniformly
tit,: society a sort fti Policeman. 11 1, mer the roto!. tiiitt' i ilrfacit of
far trout titat. They feel that milia a about three incites. We !hid that in
eomplaint ttittlt ft he society the rtmstructing these Nuria.ces to the
innosnal tNidtit-. np to tweitly-six feet,
aloirg the edges is elitnitiat-
// .
What could be more complete than a combina-
tion offer that gives you a choice of your favourite
magazines—Sends you your local newspaper—
and gives yourself and family enjoyment and
entertainment throughout the whole year — Why
not take advantage of this remarkable offer that
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This Offer Fully Guaranteed—
All Renewals Will Be Extended
'Of Please clip list of IllUgazines after checking Pubtications
desired. Fill out coupon carefulllt.
Gentlemen: I enclose $ Please send me the
three magazines checked with a year's subscription to your
TOWN AND PROVINCE .. , ..... , „
/ .• • ,e4
0 Maclean's (24 issues) 1 r.
Chatelaine 1 yr.
0 National Home Monthly 1 yr.
0 Canadian Magazine - 1 yr.
El Rod and Gun - - 1 yr.
Pictorial Review Combined
With Delineator • - 1r.
0 American Boy - • - 6 ino.
0 Can. Horticulture and
Home Magazine - • 1 yi.
0 Parents' Magazine - 6 mo.
Silver Screen - - • - 1 yr.
0 Open Road for Boys - 16mo.
01 American Fruit Grower 1r.
ed, as well as providing a much safer
surface 'for the traffic. 'The results of
our 'bituminous work this year have
.heen very good, and it is expected
that the maintenance costs will not ihe
very high. The cost of about $3,t?ln4
per mile is somewhat higher titan t110t.
Of other yieirs due to the Use of in-
creased quantititi. toul the iticreaseii
price of bitumen.
It i, rather sitr..mlar that in tio .tth-
er part of the country have satisfact-
iiry results .licrai obtained by. con-
strnetina surfaccs as W, 40 here. I
believe that the old ho_foy .hi'''t
halt .tttit,i,'t: tiiIthio, ha, holm r—
ed f.thers am' induced ti.eti. to use
low ;co-cent:v.4e of tiitii' it„eat,.
avoid this possibility. Secii praetit,.
itt'iiroditce sections o'
bonded .11O0regine
‘Ve ha“. 114t1 mly dior,
bit 0 tr,111)1,2 from ptt"ittlliil
.6% cause may ri 'it
How road vughty-r- ...la....
tart- are keing ;tt! the
yield'', ;leo are being 1*.
tliat :uci: work i 11
mit m• -iii.
big. ...a, completed. this year. the reel
front t arliet to Nili iamtpleibie
1.tieltibia Ral. tep
ie.. awl it only lic th. la -t 301/
of this 1:iml to. sii undertaken Iv
r •
111,11 ii 01 operate so mach lower
• that thi. ibi,t (or tient ..York is
too highit t11:0 ttt nifortimati.
that '111111 ,rJ titi Mit
l” the farmers it the future, btu fi.
rulers have to pay for niitel. or it
manual labor is
Iii.iny farm, rs :lento,- their
(arms to bet, t„
that Me iii.entieintiti•- and the
extra co -t 11101't. than 01,1,
,oltain,- of the .3 thi.b
offered sonic farnr- :111 o,tporl-Ittit
(or lueolec.
'11 1,..nght ,t 111
iloSiiritt4 hate been ratim, 1.1
• 1,01,,, e.;St. Tilt.. Moir. itement
triwks during Ow past lets beer,. 10.-
.11a rk a 111V.
V1111,' 0 tiOlitltltttitti V:1., under
taketi tills year, it was oil a..count
the press of other work, tont not rlt
the importance of thi- worl; lifts bit
overlooked. ,ir has ftimeartet
ed. Special imithintent needed (or
tbe prhielt.at of
tile he...1 f,irin, and standard, pricti
1 1110111I111.,
• Tile Mite will \ IWO
I O.
sen 1111-4111:‘. lt,tit 0 1' 11,1 11,1
0 01' 00 itt
141,.0! Mau. -I0' trtttc
occurred Col- year a about any
cause .tr itt, imrva..e
MaIIOL tlo•,e
1.,'‘it.11101, itt itt' ilitttti tir'.s,'
in traffic accidents indicates rho an
e jaeatimini eampaiitie 11,IV
• ini.,,..r0tiVt•,
itt t,i-i.,rf all ,,,,r,;w1* and
min; th,.. careless anti reckless ilrivs.r
eati be Iliad, to understand that any-
rie takina chance, with :t t ve-
hicle is a public ttt,tt,' tif is point-
ed ,to as a fool. a uroper attittut, 111.
tot lie ;1,mm-el.
\fatly el-lam:es in pritetice and in
stand.ards of road construction anti
maicrtenance M.. taken olio... itt
lost itt-
0 3't'i"' 111 t,ttiu wa,tt•
ill, been 1114 restitt or a failure to alt.
the demands f the
Nearly all the chatig.", ltt ,tandard,
Road No, ale. Seirfortli to fIelniiire;
IRoad Nt> 215., Dunlop to liflyth; Road
No. .147, Idielmow to Carlow; Road!
No, 4, the Croditon Road.; Rod.] Ni.
the St. 7.1Iart•s Road; Rotor No. .1,
Bay field to 1.ign.om It ill..., Ni,
,i15, Clinton to (1110 11111,
‘,'e I tirther ffittiwild that a acr. I r
tttitt mother .,1 our roads be so
al each year
Re roa1 s.attli rc-
kitie,tc(1 a, a County Road, your 10) itt Itas efattiiiid the road. itt w,
recommend that action lie defe.i....1
limit farther ....men...ions to tilt. t omit
.R 'ad System :bay 1 111,111.
The eierl.: laimoro that t , •iii to I 1It• requir-
re-t•titatite- •
\ti l the 11 11 of
t,., tl,statioi• telepholii• C,11IS ViraA
,c,11, -titin agencies oir t,1!.(f,
c,,,r tiling of the"ii,
pholo. coinumnit.s. inasmuch .ah itt dvr
1 11 1111 presett ai.t unpaid long distanite
accinitts were 1i,id ittfahist the pro -
pert:L. 1:11,e11 1411 1:1?
itt t t:1' "n"
,tas 0i4 eu a minion
.teItt 111 1iri.1 r t Reece, J. .11i. Staitt and
1i1,. Br.,,,,,, Cimttty it Tittrott
Ball of
1 1<. 1,
it totter from the comity clerk,
• TiFe s'itt 1 t 1 1 1 i 111'0 it. Of the fact that the CO
• I 4. :..;',10"'" ENI'r "'i Itlft reimbursed Andrea ;:liepherd
\\1"tili""t . 00tct the extent or (114)11 for the loss of
Re-ve •I'li,'har.1 a 11 -1,taitie1 :allot tit' stas
it 11' rt" (ideating Sall front seriotts
\\-t- IR clities on eounty highway. Council
Re,•ce Sanders suppor' .ff wit;1 the unanimous ripiniim that
motion declared. drimkett (iritang 0 me, hill should pay lir. Sliepinsril at
ot 'is,. t., re 1 lie... I, ,",•11 i1 1 it ;tit
01 It t
notion and 1.1 ri-inthttrse in Fall for. the loss
dim of iiaitioit.
‘3fgani :telt;
sFo Teae'lers Conventhitts of
1;1 tl
11111 A'i't,'.:.;'''',.:1,...li:Ikr.t11'ai.$111.,Yeaartr'
lIui alai -mitt.; tin:Yeast autoini.hili benetir to the junior ttincllers.
111,110.5 0 in ttt1 The local nlernber, James Ballan-
v, lit, a1 aiTaik' 1 11 1 1 1 1t-te awl .\. Rol)ert,..•tm., will be
creases the -pei,1 limit. asked to take the necessary action to
1 na,st4.1 tt 1,• Itt itt II10111 f10e. ha.e a e,intpetent and active Old Age
-uved Ittt1t 1klttr N.1,,the,s,' Allowance
T.., at 31 ntiliis an hour and sent it to t10101000 county,
tlie government for ratification. Thet Teaelters' Institutes .of East
,•,•0.1; they wovl,i 1,110 no iv -viol,.
that t'. -re ,30..in;fe--.0$-1).,1r limit 0,1.111 '01 otii laud 4\'.t Huron were given a grant
• 1,..eee "It
,,,v-roto,mi named to get \\".o•der. Eck.tri will join thettI 41
• or 110 T10{ 1 ti 1 Ottawa tt, t;dreesreinItt
f1 ' 1 11ttroti
Itt.,11-'tor improeetnent plans pro-
sa,). tVss,tti,tied posed hy the tow tt council.
with art -stun citmlitions, that i- all we R. 1. Deachman, 11.P., attdreAsad
are ast.ittg." tity afternoon session.
\ Viirdett h,bit 1 tt oul.ln't tttk Tl,t saiti that he con...ithireat the Pro-
mairs lii','tt,t ti:ty 1101/1 hint tie,- legislation that is to come •In•-
litantainly. The itt. 11,11 1 too drastic. :
mie onr men hay,. !Melt 11,re :It its next 00010011
respecting: new tariffs between the
100i"r111 ti e 3" ..\11..rto...,Mxon groin, of nations is the
pads 1 111'' ilia didn't see tt•Ity ite ;nost immYrtant to come before
parliament shave the turn of 1170400-
ot nitakin/ a tury.
Rtoui lirt'atts Ill Me tt--on
;Itctttitii 1t,til1 ceotiontically, Mt will go a Iona sent
I.'" 0111'"' i•!°` 11"'1.."'• \\lie" toward p,•act. to this trouhl-
matt ttt114t' it pritilege ite should be 101 tveir1.1 and ia Ttaiiitaitting. and Is -
driving is site...pit.; tlie
" '1""TiC ..ttring it.
Conncr. telionritetl mem the thirt
Ret'l t' 11 tit-I.:lilt., 1 O ttttttt 1e11.:1., liwoli, i„ i,y
alety gets drank abil ilidtes a ear .11- 'National
ter tin- lesson tanglit teenshould tall L. I
s'ar.preseiltt,A witit
pr...1.art..: 11e, :..,o!d•licadvd ctutand addre.. at
11.1 ,o17y of tit, eotiiicil and county iiftirials.
'banquet in Hotel Iledromi at (littler; .b
01 10 t
Recta. flow 1,1:{IL :1111, at 1vhich etttertairiet1 the me -utters
speed -crazy yotttlis art.
one compared with drank
itiOltintroduced ;pi aitteildniett. Chat Guelph Winter Fair Entries
IN I:. tile council Ifinain, encourage Pouring In
the provincial -tovertmient to take indications point M a re -
the traffic niore string.ent.“ cord entry list for the thitario Pro -
This protliietal some cor161,1.,1I, viticial '1Vinter lair anti Fat Stock
R',‘ Show. itwtt, 1.. 1.(.. •secretary -
amendment. said he could not con- treasurer tif the fair. \Ir. IVNeill at('
tusly tote "yea" on the motitm, other officials were highly delighted
Some itienib,r, tylvjet.tecl to the pro- with prospects for a sliecess•itil show
codure, stating, the issue was trot and tn,,re than pleased with Vile 0.11111 -
clear. They felt they should vote for her of exhibitors showlitt.r, at IC,1101911
both the autentlitient and the motion, for the -first tittle. (il'he fair imen, on
Council voted unanimously oit divi- Tuesday. INo\ . 30 011 De.C.
Sint! in itt % or of the aniemlinen 1 and 211(1. There will be tot exceptictrially
the motion Otto antimiatteally lost. ,fitw light horse show each night of
'Flit, Executive Ceninnittee. Will: the fair in the judging arena
'Reeve Sartutler, in the chairasked to The „steer ,market eta -Rs is always a
have llie 'Mothers' f\ llowatice ile.erd feature at .(litiel,p11. There are five
report discussed in opeti cotmcil. One classes with eight prizes in ,each class
trieeting 11011 been held in .1.11ne. Clerk ranging from $2,5 to :41411. An 'auction
\l. 'Rolterts ,aid he was chairman sale of cattle will he held Thursday
last year. not this. Various nit -tubers tuornirtg. 'flet...2m1. with 1)ityer,1 pres-
complained they could not get replies ent from all Oed 0 'It:Arlo. Tills sale
has ht t he past netted exhibiitors
to letters.
s'l'inerlel)ittilrilf7;i:. has 111003, been
that council had overstepped the mark considered a tfarMter,' ,hotv and. tigIt-
Itt ree,,ntinelidatiou.,: of ap ly so. trip to tlttelpli ctui be consiel-
pointments to the 'hoard to the gov. et -ed as a pre -Chi -i.011111 gift to yruir-
ert11(11„1,nt.. 11‘0:\,. art ,ottdtt 11 ku,,,,v self stud fautily, Nil% Pannier. 'Erlciett-
A111,1 ihnit (ht. CT1t1111 Hotta' fca tures will include ati huprt-
soil -testing demonstration by
01 1 111 1
tiarecil to PaY the astntaff of the ilintarto Agricultural. id -
0.1 111,-tt 1,1101,1, (i. '11Ithnl.ze Clieniktry
lege. Every farmer see di•_• wits :nern,er. of
tt“.. „,,,,,,i„, mon,tration and 1101110 arrattgenivn!,
a oompetent and active ()1,1 for te01 011 li. 10011 ftiritt itt 01•••
,1,1,1 itt t der Chat he ntay rahilt nitre intelligeni.
anti pr.vtitaltly in the years in .1 itirou county.
The 14111101 was exprei.ised that c°111e. There efill 81'"te il ntarket
Ili e Mother,' Allowance Aoaril gave the1ltlloibt,t 4PX0w0rs
honest individu'd action ;but lack oe.. that will he well worth seeing.
0, H, McInnes
ir opr actor
iF.!eetrt, Therapist — lvtassage
Ofticn — Commercial Hotel
Hour,..—M.m. and Thurs. after
norrs and by appointment
by tmetiPtliation—$tut-ray treat -
Ph011e 227
may trtcett 1,1 Ihe development or
the motor ear, and much 01 t to the
ht,f.reased ,'peed ti 00 hich vehicles Boa
merate. During the pa11 years.
114.vever. there has been 11ttle tend-
ency to 'Mild cars for operation 01
higher. so .it would almear that pres-
ent day standards for horimmtal
vi.rtical curves 'iI1 endure for a long
'Ptfhlic demands from roads have
been increasing from year to year. and
during the .7.301 a minimum amount of
improvements. have .been made in or-
der to 'keep expenditure, at a mini-
mum. There are now 385 miles on our
County (Road System. and the Dv-
partment 00 I-Iighways is assuming
thirty mites of road in the south. On a
great many roach: 11,111.111V(1 1)Y the
county, little permanent VI- k has
heen done, although an effort has been
made to provide improved mainten-
ance. tout the requirements of these
roads. cannot 4)e. postponed indefin-
The County .Roteds Commission
port was adopted as folltrws:
"The work of the year has been car
left closely in accordance with the
though work on new road,
and unexpected requirements have ne-
ces,itattA some changes. 0 expect.
ed that the expenditure, and receints
of the year will halatco.
"An insurance policy cot erht4
worktnett's compenoation wa;
NI for a premium of $1.251.20. Two
accidents. hate oi:ctIrred that were
cot ereci by this policy.
-ft is the intention to carry on
.1itt .front tile malI as iti
the past. In view of the increasing
number of accidents .on the roarl,, we
recommend that stop signs be erected
next Spring ort the following roads: