HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-11-25, Page 5THURSDAY, , NOVEMiBER'25, 1937
November 2.15ith to .Dec. list
LARGE, plain
PER PKG 19 c
12 oz. 2 TINS 2 d;
2 TINS 21c
size 2s sieve
1 [ andv Ammonia per pkg. Sc•
each l5c
is 39c
• per pkg. 22c
each 27c
pkg...... per pkg. 23c
Bruce's Bird Seed each 15e
1,ifeliuuy Soap (1. pkg, Flinsi:t sultan free with 3. rakes) for 25c
L.ibhv's Purls & Beans, 21 oz. 2 tins 19c
'fender- leaf Tea, -finality assured per pkg. 2tic
Pure Lard lib cartons ,
Bee i1 iv e Corn Syrup ... 2s -18c;
Chips() (Suction Suets) Win a car
\Vheat Berries: 5 it bag
Kellogg's .All Bran, large with sampler
Bleached Sultanas—Finest
Currants, Cleaned
Peel, Citron
Peel, Cut 1' lb. pkg.
Pineapple, Glace, Slices
Dates, Sair Pitted
Shelled Almonds
per lb 19c
2 lbs 27c
Peel, Lemon and
Orange per lb 25c
per ib. 35c
per pkg. 15c
Cherries, Glace %4 lb 13e
• lb 15c
2 lbs 23c
• lb 15c
• lb 1Oc
2 lbs 19a
per tin 10c
Extracts, Lemon and Vanilla 3 btls 25c
4 lbs 25c
Superior Baking Powder 8 oz. each 14c
16 oz. each 23c
Fleichman's Yeast.., Join the Murray go Round each 4c
Shelled Walnuts, Quarters
Cooking Figs
Cardinal Molasses, 1%s
Yellow Sugar
French Creams
Chocolate Drops
Christmas i\ stirs Ciutcolattec., 3 let fancy lies
per 11, frac
per Lb 19c
etch 73c
Ross J. Sproat
Miss N. Pryce
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers furnished
Night or day phone 67
Mrs. Rich. j.nhns who has been in-
disposed during the :past week is ,re-
Mrs. Sant Pyrn spent several days
last week with her daughter. Mrs.
James Kirkland at Lumley.
Mr. Henry 'Johns had the mis-
fortune to fall and crack a rib one
day recently. \Ve are glad to report
that the injury was not serious en-
ough to prevent him ;being around,
Miss Margaret (Johns spent the
w'eelc-end with 'friends at Atwood.
'Pate W. M. S. met for their annual
meeting at the home of Mrs, 'IP.
Murch •on 'Wednesd'ay afternoon last.
The result of the election of officers
was es 'follows; Han. President, Mrs.
Wm. Johns; (President, Mrs. ((Rev.)
Penrose; 1st Vice 'Pres., Mrs, 'R, ID,
Hunter; 'Rec. Secretary, Mrs. Ed.
Johns; Corr. and Press Sec., Mrs. 'Hy.
Ford; Missionary .Monthly Sec.,"Mrs
Sher. 'Brock; Temperance Sec, Mrs
Frank. Brock; Systematic Giving Sec.,
Mrs. Writ. !Elford: 'Sup.ply Sea. KGs.
Newton Clarke: Community 'Friend-
ship ;See. and Associates, Mrs, Alvin
Pym, Mrs. R. Batten, Mrs. Sher
Hunter, Mrs. Wes. Johns Mrs. Wes,
I•Iorne;'Treasurer, Mrs. P. ,Murch;
Organist Mrs, Well, Skinner; Supt.
Mission Band Mrs, Wm. Elford;
Supt. Baby Band, Mrs, Everett
Cudntore•—'Tn Scott 'Memorial T -Eos-
,pital, Seaforbh, on Wednesday-. Nov,
117, 15(317, to Mr. and Mrs. Stetvna•t
Cudnlm•c. Scaufirth a clangiiter.
Cook—Rn iTnekersmith, on Mon-
day, Nov. 22, ,19317, 1R:ohena Boli, wife
of ;Frederick C. Cook, aged 611' ,years.
The funeral will take place front On-
tario Street (Jnited Church, Clinton,
Thursday, INnv. 215, to the 'place •of in-
terntentin Clinton Cemetery.
\I c. and Mrs. James OiReilly held
a patty on Friday night.
John O'Reilly and (Frank 'Doyle
left fur Detroit on Sunday.
Mr. James Atkinson spent the
week end at 'leis home.
Miss ,Rita Stapleton spent the
week end at home.
Miss Clara Eckart spent the week-
end at her hoose.
Miss Esther 'Duffy spent the week
end at her home.
Mr. 'Maurice Dalton is wearing a
smile it's a girl.
The many friends of Mrs. Joseph
O'Connor are glad to see her improv-
ing. She returned to her ,home on
Miss Lucy Burke spent the week
end at her ;home,
1''c are sorry to report the loss of
Mr. Emerson 'J. ;Herr, teller at -the
Dublin hank, who has been moved to
St. Catherines, (He has been replaced
by 'Mr. Roth, formerly of Chesley.
Miss Helen IICrauskopf, R.N., has
accepted a ,position as dental assist-
ant in Yt dentist's office in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Jams 'Hanley and son
Jimmie of Toronto visited his :parents,
Mr, and firs. W. 3. 'Hanley.
Mr. Patrick McConnell, Toronto,
with 'Mr. and Mrs. Dave McConnell.•
Dr. Frank Stapleton of Brantford
ivas a week -end visitor with his par-
ents, \ir, and Mrs. William Stapleton..
.Mui 'Mary 'Gielin, London. with
11 r, and Mrs. fnseph IGivlin.
Mr John Darling and Mr. Bob
JduTray has returned home from the
north where they tcere hunting ::For
the least two wee les, and brou;gist
'hack tin lovely deer.
11r ,Donaldlfteithor has returned to
his 'home in Biggar, Sack., after a
month's visit with .Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Mr.and :Mrs. Robt. Carinochan en-
tertained several friends on 'Tuesday
evening. it being \fr, Carnoc'htttt's
\1r n.r( 1ir> \\'ill Mason of ,Rollet
spent \londay at \:f r..C'eci1 Oke's and.
spent the evening at kfr. John Brock's
Mfr. R. ('arnochaii held a quilting
bee Thursday afternoon.
Send us 'the' names of your visitors
Mr. AV. N. 1Cnenhtel left ou Wed-
nesday- for ;Kitchener where he will
reside in future: 'Mn. Katecitltd, who
has been a highly esteemed resident
of dignioudville for nearly twenty
years, recently disposed of 'his home
to Mr. John Matson of Bnucefield,
who moved in this week.
The Sodality Girls are having a
dance in the II!O.IO;F, hall on Wed-
nesday, Dec. 29.
1'frs, Joe Rckart has returned from
Spanish River after spending a few
shays with her husband, and reports
all is well. The King Construction Co.
are still in operation on the roads,
The Anderson -Finnigan 'wedding,
on page three of this issate, is of in-
terest locally, the brick being a cousin
of lar. W. J, Finnigan of E'gmand-
ville and the groom is a cousin of
Mrs. G. C. 'Dale.
Seaforth and vicinity have a touch
of 'Winter this week, with the groom
covered with snow. .\ heavy snow-
storm was reported along the lake
north front Sarnia, where traffic was
tied up over the week enol, heft there
was notating like that here. However,
icy pavements have made walking and
driving rather uncertain.
11r, and ,\frs. J.'F,!Reid of 'Toronto
spent the week end with friends in
town, -
Mayor W. S. R. Holmes of Clinton
met with an accident near Aria, on
the London ,Road, one evening last
week when his ear coilidcd with a
road grader. The car was badly da-
maged and 11is '\\`orship, together
with his wife and slaughter, all of
ivhont escaped injury, were bro'ug'ht
to Clinton by a Seaforth motorist.
11 rs. L. T. De Lacey leaves Thurs-
day to spend a few clays in Clinton
before going to Toronto for the win-
ter. Mrs. Hableirk and 'Miss Minnie
Hahkirk have taken Mrs, DeTacey';
house during her absence,
\Ir. Jim Scott of Toronto spent the
week end at his. home.
' Mr. and Mrs. J. •R. Dunlop and two
children of!Kincardine spent Sunday
with 1{r. and Mrs. H. W. Hart.
11ns. C. W. •Cnlelonglt, who has
been visiting in Kincardine the utast
two weeks, has returned drone.
11r. !Grant 'Gordon of Sarnia was a
visitor in town daring the week end.
11r. 'George Parke of 'London spent
the week end with his parents, Mr,
rand Mrs. R. 1G. 'I'arke,
Messrs, M. A. (Reid and H. E,
Smith were delegates to the Western
Ontario Hockey Assoc'u annual meet-
ing at Listowel on Tttesclay. Seaforth
will retain its membership in the lea-
gue but decision as to entering the
sahedu•le this year was postponed be-
cause only live players turned out to
a meeting at the rink Tuesday night.
Miss Evelyn McPherson, who re-
cently underwent an operation for
appendicitis inOwen Sound, spent a
few days last week at the house of
Mr. and Mrs, Alex MoNah, before
goingtothe home of her parents,
lir. and .Mrs. Sam Mc'Pherson, east
of Walton.
Mr,. and Mrs. Jason Burchill, of
Mitchell, celebrated their fortieth
wedding 'anniversary This week. Mrs.
BurehilI was formerly Miss Ada Rob-
inson, daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. 'Richard Robinson of Seaford'.
Mr. ('tendon Christie spent the
week end in Toronto,
\?r. William 'E'Icoat is visiting Dr.
anti Mrs, Glanttietd at MVallacetown
before going to Toronto to spend a
few months.
Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Christie and
daughter were visitors Sunday at
'A coupe owinecd by .a Blyth man
was towed into Dunlop's garage
.Wednesday evening from one mile
east of 'Clinton where it 'had slid off
the road and turned upside dawn just
after coining over 'the top of Staple -
ton's hill. The driver w^as unhurt but
the car lost a w=heel and the top and
front badly damaged.
There was a large crowd in Seaforth
on Wednesday afternoon attending
the community auction sale,
Here They Come!
T 4�+qpE r7
N® ♦ e3O
Here's your chance to dance to
one of the Snappiest Old Time
Bands in Western Ontario
General A dniission - 30 cents
THURS., DEC. 2nd
Featuring Sky Baker and His
Wailing Trumpet
One of Ontario's > Foremost Swing
Bands, completed successful summer
engagement at Rahn de Voo Pavilion
Admission $1 couple; extra lady
Tlie November meeting of the
M M.S. was in charge of tete life
members with Mrs. Stevens and Miss
Bowcy as leaders Mrs. Stevens open-
ed the meeting with the call to wor-
ship and hymn. "God reveals IIist
presence" was sung Scripture pas-
sages, John 4: 20344; :Acts 2:;41-47;
Acts 17; :X24,1. and Iiph. 3: 1(4.21 were
read 'by Miss M. :Swan, Mrs, T.
Baird, Mr. W. Brenner and Mrs. T.
Chapman and prayer was offered by
Mrs, C. Brock. The Devotional Leaaf-
let, 'T Worshipping Church", was
read by Mrs. 'Rattt'nbury. After min-
utes, roll call, treasurer's report, busi-
ness and offering were taken hymn,
tions King shall reign victorious"
was sung Mrs -A McQueen read a
piece on Christian stewardship and
the temperance secretary .Mfrs. 'J,
Thompson react. "The Local Option
Mote'", 1)tuutg the study period Miss
Bowcy read `The .people gatin dark-
ness; Mrs. Stevens. The Greathnart
of Angola" and Mfrs, t1-1, Aikenhearl,
"I)r. jean -jaw the beloved :physician"
taken from the second chapter of '•A
new church faces a new world Pray-
er was offered by Miss E. Bowes.. Afs.
ter the t:loein hymn Light of the
lunch pilgrim heart", was sung the
meeting closed with the benediction.
'I'hc' United Farm '\\Soften held
their November tweeting at the home
of Mins M au y '1;It.tm with a rand at-
tendance. After singing. "Coining
through the rye" the tried was re-
peated. Roll tall was answered with
verses on "peace". Letters from head
office were read by Mrs. Hugh Mfr -r
Lachlan. Two excelle•n1 papers 011 the
topic "The value of music in the
house" were given by Mrs, J Snider
and Mrs. J, .C'tttrns, During the social
program the song "Annie Laurie"
was sung. Mrs, Haugh read 11ike
Ma(tegor goes to jail". .1 solo seas
snag 'by airs. Cairns and Mrs. Clif-
ton read :'The chair who is never
licked'. iVe then had a discussion on
the resolutions which come .before the
convention in Toronto this week. .\f -
ter the closing song was sung an ex-
cellent Burch was served by the host-
ess and friends. The i)ecember tutee-
ing .will he a joint meeting of the erten
and women at the home of kir, and.
Mr:. C. Hatigb im the fifteenth.
\l'r: 'ffarry 1)uniop of Sintcoe is
visiting his grandmother, Alts. Rat-
tenbnry. Mr. and Mrs. Dunlop of
Chatsworth visited over the week end
at the home of \lr. and \Il•.. R.
\!r. and .Mrs. •Batt. Allan, Letts
and M;obbv took in the dray tl d air
while visiting in Toronto last week.
They also ttsited'friends in Dumais.
-Mt-. and kers. !Kohn Watson and.fa-
mily moved to their nest home in Eg-
t ondville: on Tuesday. Best wishes of
their neighbors and friends goes with
An enjoyable evening' was ;pent al
the home of NIT. and Mfrs, 1Percy
Cole !u honor of their recent Mar-
riage, on :November '22:ncl, when about
forty relatives gathered there, Mrs,
'1 rank Crich opened the program with
a few words after which the 1 ryce
family of Winthrop gave a musical
number. Mr. David Watson made a
speech and .Miss Illattie Armstrong
recited. The shalom!) family of Wal-
ton gave a selection. Miss 'Olive l'ryee
sang and Mrs. (Ella Carhert gave a
reacting. The P.ryee quartette sang,
after which \Irs, \V. Rogerson rear)
the address and Miss Elsa Price pre-
sented Mr. and Mrs. Cole with a gas
lamp, Mr. Cole very suit'a'ble spoke a
len- words of thanks and The 'evening
closed with games, earcls and hunch,
Death of Mrs. Wm. Pollock—
Mrs. William 1Paltocae, stidow of
the late William ;Pollock, Goshen line,
Stanley, died .very suddenly at her
home on the Bayfield road on Ttics
daty, Nov. 23rd in her"716th year The
funeral will ;be field from Presbyter-
Ian Church at . Bayifeld, nn 'Friday,
November 25, at 2:30.
Mrs. Pollock was a daughter of the
late 'Mr. and Mrs. James .Armstrong
of Stanley and 'vas born on the Bron-
son Line, After her marriage to Mr.
'Pollock .she resided on the Goshen
Line where her son, Mr..Milton Pol-
lock now resides; iFollowing Mr,
'Pollocic's death (fisc years ago, Mrs.
IPtollock went to live with her _sort,
Mr. Ernest Pollock, Bayfield road.
where hc'.r death occurred: Surviving
are two sons and three daughters:
Milton on the homestead, ,Goshen
Line, Stanley; ''Ernest, Bayfield Road,
Stanley; !Florence, at home; :Mae
(Mrs. Copeland), Toronto, and ]Olive
who is married and litting near Owen
Souncl: also three brothers and four
sisters: Dr. 'Janes Armstrong, 'Goy
rie Andrew 0. ;Armstrong, Seaforth;
'Archibald Armstrong, Btteytfield; Mrs,
('Dr,) '\i'aAsh, Tara;: .Miss 'Minnie
Armstrong, ',R/N„, Loudon,. Mrs. E.
Houghton, London, and Mrs. J. W.
'Scott Bly.ttt,•
A gang .of workmen commenced
this week (building the .Hydro line on
Goshen and we expect it 'w'i'll only be
a few weeks till the power will ' be
10 -Day Special in
A Children's Special
5.00 WAVE FOR 225
A Regular 7.50 Wave for $5.95
A Regular 5,00 Wave for .....$3.65
Also a, SPECIALEnd Curl at $1.95
The Ina Gray Beatify
PHONE 229wAbove the Dominion Bank.
Feed For
,A.C. Formula Laying Mash
$2.65 per deet®
11 e it;n e used this feti'tiutla the past 4 years with very good
result;. It has given us GOOD PRODUCTION (several
hens over 300 Egg's) and good health hi the flock with low
Mask Always Fresh Each Week.
Try a Bag and Watch Results.
tinned on. The line on Babylon Which hood attended the funeral on Tuesday
vas built this fall had the power tarn- of thelateMr. Archibald (Reid of
d on two or three weeks ago. Myth, and a former resident of This
Ma. "Geo, Andersnit has; purchased locality,
one nt the sheds from the. Blake ion-
greg.1. n and is having it moved to
ifs faros to use as an impletnettt shecl.
iter. and \lr:.. Thos. \\'estia'ke and
fancily spent 'Friday evening with Mr,
and 11r, Archie Armstrong.
\rr. and kir,. Fred 'I'nrtter - and
Grant visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Campbell on Sunday.
Mars, deo Campbell
Eagie over Sunday-,
' kir, Keith Westlake made a busin-
ess trip to London, St. Marys and St,
Thomas last week,
Mrs, Madge, who has been spend-
ing some weeks at Port E?Igiti and
Goticricat, returned amore on Sunday.
Vibrant sounds from several direr-
tinis break the stillness these days,
and it is not the sound of sleigh hells!
visited Port
The funeral of the late Mrs. Hiram
Fisher was held at the home of her
detghter, Mrs. Thos.. 'Reid of Downs-
view, on \\'ednesday of last week.
The remains' were 'brought for inter-
ment in Ruin.' cemetery in f-Iullett
Towndhi,) She Was in her 86111 year,
hitt had been in tailing 'health for the
past two years. She •nets a d:otrghter
of the tate John \Vat''irt.. having
:pent the early part of her life in
Huron county. She, with her husband
and .family, moved to Work county
some 38 years past where herhusb-
and predeceased her a feet years ago.
A family of three daughters and four
sons survive. The many beautiful
floral tributes testify to the esteem in
which she was held, \\re wish to ex-
tend sincere sympathy to the family
a'ftd friends.
fiutlrtt doses another of her pion-
eers in the person of !Archie Reid,
latterly of Blyth. He was a native .of
Lanarkshire, S•cotiaarl, conning to
Canada when a child %vitt his :parents.
He is the last of a family of ten. The
greater part of his life •was spentt on
the homestead on the dlOth cortt,tsinn
of 'Hullett. He ''as a faithful t"ember
of Burns' 'Presbyterian Church until
his removal to Blyth some nineteen
years ago, He was in his both year
and had enjoyed comparatively' good
health until recently. The funeral was
conducted .by ,Ret Mr, ,Brooke from
his late resictence in B•loth out '.Tues-
day 'afternoon of 'this 'week, interment
in Burns' Cemetery. 'Sincere syn-
paths is extended tet all the friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos, :Reid \Ir, 'and
Mt-. Peter Fi»het, kir; iJamcs J1'isher
and Mr, and Mia Hicks, of bear' To-
ronto visited one clay last seek af`the
home of \Jr. and :Mfrs. Bent 'Allen.
11r. 11elritle Shannon went tri To-
ronto last tveek,
Miss 'Rosamond Appleby spent the
week end and .Sunday at the home =of
her grandma and uncles, Mrs, Jennie,
Ernest and Ward 'Knox.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. ,Appleby and
Marion visited on Sunday at the 'home
of Mr. and 'Mrs. Isaac (Rapson.
Quite a number from this neighbor
Mr. George Connell, accompanied
'ley his.son .Roy, of ITuc'kersmith, at-
tended the Royal Winter Flair and
visited the former's daughter and son-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs, (Gordon iytarks,
Mr. and Mrs. Clatter spent the
week end with- their daughters and
other Friends in London.
Mr. and Mfrs. Grassie have returned
after spending a month with their
daughter, Mrs. ''\M'ilclford of Hay Tp.
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Austin of Sea -
forth spent Sunday in Varna.
Miss Ester, of Minneapolis . is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. A. McCon-
Mr, .and Mrs. Seeley of Clinton
called of Mrs. Austin Sunday.
'On (Friday night the many friends
a'nct kind neighbors of Mr. •anti Mrs.
Ostrom of 'Goderic'h Township met in
the stall .where a miscellaneous show-
er was given to help replace part of
the loss they suffered when their
home and all the contents were dest-
royed by fire.
The Varna Library board met on
Monday night at the librarian's home.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Scott spent
the week end ts'ith friends in Toronto.
Mr. 'Duncan McCowan spent a
weelc with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brough
of IGoderich. •
'We extend our deepest sympathy to
Mrs. Joseph Una in the loss of her
mother, Mrs. Fred Cook, of Clinton,
who passed ass -ay suddenly at her
home on Monday.
Mr, and Mrs. John Bryant and
twins, 1Jack and Jim and Donald and
Ronald of London spent Sunday with
the former's parents, .Mr. and Mrs.
James Bryant.
Mr. and 'Mrs. !Foster Bennett- and
children of Seaforth spent . Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. W€iley Agar,
(Miss Rosamond lAppleby spent the
week end with her grandmother, Mrs.
Knox of Harlock.
Mrs. lGeo. Eaton spent a couple of
clays with her daughter, Mrs. Peter
Egmondville United Church
St, Andrew's Night -Supper at 6 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Knapp of Lon-
don—Scotch Songs in Highland
Mr, James Scott
Miss Margaret Charters
Mrs. Alex Lillico
Mrs. W. A. C. Shepherd, A.T.C.M.,
London, Accompanist
Rev. A. W. Shepherd -Scotland; Ro-
mance, Humor, Pathos and
Admission '50c, Women's ,Association,
Egmottd'vi11e United '0hurcb