HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-11-25, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE SEAFORTH NEWS soownon ures„ -Pubusberk WALTON r.Nloody Holland, irge sav, Bill Brownlee and R. W. Roy motored to retrtmto for the week east. Roils, to NIr. anal NIrs. R. Wilson, west bouudary, on 'friday. Nov. 19. a daughter. r. and Mrs; Will Lacoath .4 De- troit spent the week end Nvith her mother, Mrs. Chas. Drager. Mr. and Nits. Chas. N,ilffe and Otitis "Itironto, spent the ss eek end with her mother. i rs. R, Livingston. • The W. M. S. of Duff's United • Church met as usual. "A Worship. ping Chinch," was the theme for No- vember. Question, regarding worship were ,deed iota ,tn•w eyed. 1 Went y - four ladies were present. \n invita- tion uas received to attend the thank offering meeting at Mons -def. ilii Rnok told the study chapter mid Mrs, Tnrnhull related the life of Dr, Jean Dow..A nominating committee was appointed to elect officers for 1938: Mrs. Cumming, L. S. Johnston. Mrs. Shaw and Mrs. Bryans, Mrs. Rid of tfullett has returned home after visiting her sister. Mrs, Watson. Nfrs. Thos. Young spent last week with her daughter, Mrs, Win. 'Dun- das in McKillop. Mrs. 11, Watson has gone to spend a few weeks with her daughters near Blyth. Tice• funeral of Nits William AL Smith, beloved resident of Walton for many years, was held in St. 'Gorge'. Anglican Church, Walton, on Satnr- day adernonn, The rector, Rev. j. Grahani, of „Brussels. officiated. Inter- ment took place in Brussels cemetery, the nallbearers 'being IlIarvey Hoover fListowen. and five nephews: David Sholdiett, Wm. Sholdice and Nfeasrs. Smith CArwood1. .Mrs. Smith was for- merly Susan Sholdice, second daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Sholdice of Tuckers:midi. in which township she was hewn on concession 3, lot. 4. When she was a young girl the family moved to Nforris 'rown- ship. two and a half miles west of Walton nn concessioa P. She was married to Harry F. Button, who ,,vas in the carpentering hu•siness j'o1-. His His death occurred two years after their marriage. Later she returneri to Morris Tp, and about thirty it letter of appreciation for hales sent years ago was married to Mr. William R. kegina' Sask. NE smith who „.as they, general M rs. J. Maines closed the meeting: merchant in 'Walton. Her 'husband "45 praYer' A 1" rem 'vas Al." iat„, retired „nd twenty years ago his ed by the group in charge, Mrs. Chas. death occurred. Nfrs. Smith continued 'Gras.b.:" \Vnt. 11 11 to reside in AValton where her pass- Flumb.' mts. lid`'onan 11 itt ing will be keenly felt. :Mrs. Smith lIlelt,,Mrs J. rafrsvrvicc' Was an active and devoted membGarrett.er of , St. George's Church, Walton, and she )dl.. Ada Stackhonse of Ridgeway spared neither time nor energy ia is at her home here. ing good work, Her death occurred Mr. E. ellowan of Fenelon Falls last week from an attack of pnett- •isirtt..til his paretits. Mr. toul NIrs Alex monia. TWO 'brothers and three sisters '''''‘'n111111. of Nirs. qtevive. or a family (it. \ despatch front Braceirridge says Mat Thomas Colson .of BI.,%th killed eleven: Adam Sholdice, near Walion: W. showee, sealoeth; rr, twi, bears while waiting for •deer. A ander Smith ,(Annie). Saskatoon: third 'hear "care"I.r. t!''1'4111 "a - Mrs. Wm. Christopher •ILney'l, sas. hunting at Pine lake with Thomas oaf", "I heard our dogs barking," he katoon, and Mrs, Fred Scarlett n (xismdc).. Mrs. said, "Suddenly three hears broke out from the edge of the 1 fired Wilson of Windsor, predeceased her at the one in the :cud and it fell. Then last year. iAmong those from a dis- tance attending the funeral were: Nfr. 1t shot the cub. The on,. I shot at • lit -.t tst Was standing up on its hind feet and Mrs. Bowen, Toronto 'idle latter • as if to attack. 1 had only wounded being a niece): Russell Sholdice, Brodhagen: •Nir. W. H. Sholdice, Sea- • forth: .Mrs. William Strong, Afr. Leonard S'trong, Mr. Ijohn Sholdice, Mr. William Oldlield. "sir. and Nfrs. McCartney, Mts, Thomas Beattie, Seaford:if Mr. and Mrs. Coulter and :Miss Smith of 1Newriet Messrs. Smith of Alma Tp.. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hoover, .Listowel, The November meeting of the United 'Farm Women was held at the home of Mrs. Andrew Turnbuil with 2,ti ladies present. The meeting open- ed as usual. Roll call was answered by "The job I dislike doing the most." The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. It Was unanimously agreed to hold the 'January meeting ort the evening Of • the third Wednesday in January and have a social evening, 'Piano solos THE SEAFORTH NEWS BLYTH Reception— A reeeption aas held in Ntentorial Hall on Friday evening, Nov. 119th, when about 211.0 met in honor of Mr. and mrs, 1 'A. Scott who .w•ere re- cotttl mareied. There were three or- chestras present. Craig's, •Watt's and Kelly's. and diuteing was enjoyed for 501115 time. .N.fter :1 ttailit?, hutch an appropriate address Was read by James Laiillaav while 11 Mir Rich- mond made the presentation 11, fol- lows: Dear Archie and 11 r•. Scott. \\'e, your friends and neighbors. have tttet to estpress to you our very best wishe: for your future healt1t. and happiness. To Nies, Scott we eetend .1 very cordial welcome. nin only 1,, our community but to oer eirele of NVit hope sou will 4,.• a• one of us. and like your litishatel will he welcome in one homes at all times. Ta ,Areltie, we are pleased that 3a0i have ek; ted to remain hi tsr neigh orhood. 'We look iirs3 aril to a 5' 11111- 11111111' etir and 11,.,;eitt- (ion. We will tisk you t.s tiecept hip, lig uod. as Inc text Luke 1ln-2. Miss Josetthine Weir favored with a solo. Miss M4ry Asquith of *Fergus spent he week cud with her parents. Mr. And Mrs. Chas, Asquith. Mrs. Jas. Carter and Miss Sadie lave returned home following. a visit with friends in Clinton. Nlessrs, Peter Jefferson and Thos. 1..linst•sn store in London one day last meek, \(r, Win. Wallace of Wilkie, Sask., it Ito has been visiting his grandpar- ent:, lir, and Mrs. joint Symington, ha: gone to Brantford. Miss Mae 'Ferguson and Mrs. iHar, r3 tiovier visiteit with friends its Clinton on Friday. Mrs. R. J. 'Phillips and Miss 'Sagan- na Blair were confined to bed last week suffering, front severe colds, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor and Minion and Keith .Artlitir were in London last week. Rev. R. NI, Weeks. new13 -appointed rector of St. Nfark's Anglican Ohurch, who conducted his first service here attrse of money from ns as a token, on Suntlay, gave a very inspiring tiles - Signed on behalf of your neighbors sage on "Three Ways t,t preach the and friends." The rest of the evening f;ost,et,",,peateate• front St. Matthews was spent in dancing To the commit- 40-7. tee in charge we t'X'tVint 1,11r congrat- \les, Flunking etas retti.rited Can - illations for :1 most enjoahie evenine. itt after visiting. with lNirs. C. A. W,M,S. Thankoffering— The Thank-offs•ring meeting of the Mr. \\nt, Rolsison has purehaseil a \V. 11.5. 01 the United l'inirrh ‘‘ nett I 1,alge 'sedan car, held at the home of \Ir., Chas. G•ras- Re, G. W, Sherman eintiltteted the hY with about '5t) in attt•nattnee. The service in the Baptist Church on president, Mrs, R, A., Brook, presid- Stinday and spoke on "The Nlysteri- ed. Nleeting opened hy ,,im.ong hymn int, Tres" ion" estel a, his text 14:xiiiI- 1206 and repeating the Lord's prayer no in anison. The theme. the 1Varshot- The W.N1.5. of Knox iFlresbyteri- ping Church. A nominating commit- an Church held their it'llankoffering tee was appointed to bring in a slate Meeting itt the basement of the of officers for 11030 at the December c.litirell cm Thursday. Nov. 18th with meeting, as follows: 11rs. WM, Laid- the president. Mrs. Lawson. ita the is Mrs. Chas. Bell. Mrs. .1. W. ;hair. A letter was read from Mary Peas Mrs. E. Pollard. A reteling, Dottie thanking titsladies for. their Don't Quit, was given Mrs, J. W. basket of gifts 4t '111 to her mother. inn .54S3 was sung. Mrs. A. Th, program included poems read by 11. Colchstigh offered prayer. NIrs, mr,t, John wikon, Niro. \V, T. 1Rohj. Hilburn gave 'the report of the mis- sou, Mrs. F. Russ, NIrs. Jas, \Vooil• sion band. 'rhe thank offering was ;op" me,. Toil of then taken up. The Scripture lessou itlyth gave a tery- itittire,ting talk on was led 113 the president from .1ct• hit' Health, 1 Mr Country. Church 4:1210-34: Mrs. tPetis, Acts 2:41-44; and Schools," Folltie.ing this 11 i. El - Nies. Roht. Ijohlistom Eftlfesiails .31"1. eaten. Wilson "attired with :t ,olo. The first chapter of the study. A New Doris-hWagner Olive a reading-. .\ Church Fates a Ness NV...rid. was ably hearty vote of thank, was deea to taken by Mrs. NItirs.hall, tn 1198, Nliss far her splendid talk. Lunch first and fourth, Airs. Colettii.gli read ea• served by the hostesses. 1)e - retailer meeting, will be held at the home of Mrs. Etlzar Law son. Friday evening, Nov. 119th, in the Forester's flail, the 1/3.2 held its annual at home with guests present from Illyth*and lamile,boro. The first part of the evening wa, spent in playing nrogre',sive Priziis were awarded to Nies. \Vets. l'anian of Myth and Mrs. Ernest Pat- terson of Auburn, while consolation 'vizl.. were anarded to Miss Elsie Snell et' .Atiliurn and NIr. Lorne Snell 1,11 tle,horo. The remainder of the evening Was spent in dancintr, the me - sic being supplied by Mr. and NIrs. Gordon NI eClineli ey, Gordon and Chas. Robinson. Limelt 55 served by- members of Auburn Lodge. A very pleasant time was stient in the .Forester's Tilt 11 on Nlitinlay. Nov. 213ncl wthen k shower was held for Mr. and its Kalmer Dawson, into .were recently married. .\ large crowd was present aitd th.c first part of the eveaing was spent in dancing. 11 r. and Nfrs. Dawson were then called to the platform, A, And- rew read •an address and Gordon DO - hie presented N1r. and ,AIris. Dawson with a purse of money. Mr. .Dawson in a few vell chosen words thanked the friends for their generou. gifts, Lunch was. then served after Which dancing sit'. resanued. The music was supplied hy and Nfrs. ;Gordon &lc- Clinchey and Ted 'Robinson, Amos Andren was floor manager and Geo. Cowannaml Russel! Good called olT. 'Master Ifolin Raithby, youngest son of Me. and If rs. 'Prattle iRaitliby, who has sheen seriously ill, is improving. Nfrs. 1.,Ioyd Ferguson is in 1Goder- ich to he with her daughter 'Edelen who is in tbe hospital. :Nils. Mabel iFoster 'leis resumed her duties as teacher after being laid up a couple of days .()11 timidity evetiing the Baptist Young People held their monthly meeting with a large number present. NIr. and Airs. 1,103-(1 Raithby wore in charity. Nfr. Raithby took the clevo- iional part and Harold Rcid presitled at the piano. ,15 reading was given by Mrs. 'Earl Raithhe and the Scripture ies,em ilenesis 20:11i-20 was read ity ItL Raithbv. itIrs i.ioyil Raithby gave a very impressive talk on " Wrliat Religion Really Means to You and Nle." 'Two contests were enjoyed, one conducted 'by Lloyd Raithlby on Books of the Bible and one by Earl Raithby on Titles ,N.ttributable to Christ. Frank Raitliby closed the meeting with prayer. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25,'1937 It so turned and fired a couple more shots, dropping it. While I w a, pay- ing attention to the first two the third one turned back into the swamp, and although I followed its tracks until dark f was unable to catch up with it." AUBURN Among those who attended the Royal Winter Fair in :Corrado were Mr. and Mrs. Olvas. 1Rohinson, Mrs, George Naylor and Gordon, Mrs El- win Killough and Mrs. John Nfills. itilis Josephine %Vs*. lir,. \A'nt. •Reecl and Ruth and Chas. Robertson. visited Southampton friend, last Thursday. Mr. and 'Mrs. \Vie. A nelereon. Mr. and \Ire. \Vilfred Smith end Nfrs. Nellie \Vales of \N'ilsoneille. Ont., visited with Rev. 11-1. C. Wilson and \ ilson on Saturday, were given 'by Mrs, Harvey (Johnston The service in Knox 'United Church and Miss Bessie 'Davidson, Mrs, r,t.rt itt 'Mitchay was conducted by the 11110' 'Johnston gave a paper on Decorating tor, 'Rev. H. C. Wilson. .who gave a and )Furnishing the !Farm Home, ,..plentlid message on "Alakingt Ex - which was very helpful and •appreciat- cases" using as his text I-nke 114-18, ed by all, The meeting closed with Her many trtends will •be sorry to the national anthem. Lunch was then hear that Helve •Vergtson had to nu - served. dergo an oper.ation,for appendicitis at Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull and Miss Croderich on ,Ftiday, Nov. 19. Latest Dorothy spent a few days in Toronto reports state that her condition is last week. quite favorable. e me niberts of St. Af a rk's A n gli- nt Church met last Wednesday ev- ening' regarding installittg hydro in the" chtirch. A vote of the members ,sill be talceu at a later date. Mr. and Nin, Edgar ',unison and Bernice spent Sunday in Seaford% the guests of Mrs Will. Sclater. r-tartt—On Saturday. 1Nos-, 2fith, WINTHROP The Ladies' Aid and W. AT. 5, of Cavell Church will hold their annual meeting at two o'clock On Wednesday afternoon, Dec. Illst at the home of Mrs. ,Gillies. The mite boxes are to be handed in at this meeting. NORTH McICILLOP Mr. and idns Elmer McDougall. a Mr, VVrn. Boyd attended the Com- son. munity sale in Seaforth and. reports The service, in Knox Presbyterian good prices, church were conducted by the Pa -- tor. Ret. A. NI. Boyle, ti ho 'ery impressive message on Stew are Mrs, Wm. Boyd, accompanied by Miss Mary McLaughlin, visited her sister, Mrs, John ,Boy(1, (Combined from Page 1) 1,1,. for 111t,10.14.A. coinpany becatise If having *Yeti an 10.14.A. Rattle. '4reretary 1",tteas adill itted, hoWevet., that he had overlooked sending a tele - tram to the Seaforeh .club to warn hem against using an 0,H,A, player. GALLOP'S G72tRAGE SEAFORTH Chrysler Plymouth and Fargo Dealer Come in and §ec the new Plymouth car and Fargo Truck We also have a Service Truck—if you have car trouble, phone 179 and we will come proMptly PHONE 179. All Repairs Strictly Cash SEAFORTH We Aim To Pleage MENNE LONDESEORO Tit, regular meeting of the Wo- man's Institute will he held in Com- munity liar oil Thursday. Dee. 2nd, l'.rogrant expected: "Community .\ c- tivities and Relief", Mrs, R. Fairser- vire: Christmas Carols convener, 1! 10 Geo. NleVittie: "Education", Mrs. (Rev.) thirdiner: roll call. "Suggest- ion- fat Christmas Gifts". Ila•tesses: Mrs. R. \Veils. Miss .N1„ Shaddick, NIrs..1,. Little, Mrs. Gardiner. Nies. I,. (It lltl15,ti. \15, .Camphell, who a feW 3&eeks ago suffered a severe injury to his eye, has returned from the Strat- f.ard hospital much improved. 511r..1rank Tamblyn has had the hy- dro installed in his home:. Mr. Thuel of Myth, doing the wiring. Nit'. and 'Airs. Gilltillan have moved into the rooms' with Mrs. J. Taylor. Mrs, 'Earl Guant, near Lueknow. is Visiting With her Mother, Nies, di, Lyon, and other friends. Mrs. Rctttt, Townsend. Nliss D. Lit- tle, Mrs. A. \Veils and Mr,. I". I.ittle spent the week end at Torontn, Mr. and Nits. James 1141511y. who for several weeks have been visiting at the home of their daughter, ides. 51111 - ton Hooper, near St. Nlarys. have re- turned home, Nis'. Win, Ly it huts been s i,iting friends in Torontii for several day, and also attended the Royal \\Inter Fair. Mr. Clarence t'rawfurd purchased the farm of 1511 wee, forimgrly (wen - pied by Nle, Iloward Shobbrook. 'Mr. and Nit's. Mac McCool 'have moved to 'Flint. Michigan. having rented their farm to Mt-. Lloyd l'ipe, who has taken possession. Mr., and Mrs, Prank 'fall are spend- ing part of the %sinter at tile borne of their son at Almsburg. They will also visit with their daughter at Toronto before returning, NI is,. Phy.flis Was the guest of her friend, Miss Fanny Lays is, Clinton. over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. 11"in, loon of the r.XJR., Myth, spent a short time with his mother, Mrs. 'Elizabeth T.yoll, on Sunday. Reeve and NIrs. H. Nfogridge were the gnests of Mrs. Nlargaret Nfaiming, Mr. ifiarold Sprung stunt Satiirday with friends in London. Nlrs. James XIct"nol and Phyllis MeCool spent Saturday With Clinton friends. The neighbors and friends of Mir, and NIT,. Arinand islcCooi gathered at lbeir home on Tuesday evening last and presented them will a beautiful floor lamp prior to their departure frotil this ccminunity. The many friends of Mr. Glen Fairse.rvice will be Pleased to tear Ile is improving. Nfrs. IR, Townsend and Nliss Dor- othy tittle, Mrs. Frank Little and NIrs. A. Wells spent Saturday and Sunday at the Roval Winter 1Fair, Mr, Charles Lee and family 'have waved into their .house in the village. On Sunday, Nov. 31, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ITU, Yunghlut, a 'birth- day dinner was served in honour of Mrs. Annie Brown of Clinton on her 75th anniversary. •NIrs, Brown was presented with many gifts by her daughters, CONSTANCE Nfr. and Mrs. •Fred Lawsou and family and Mrs. IA.. •Lass•son, all of Toramo, visited their sister, Mrs. Jas. Medd and Nfr. )2edd on Sunday. Miss Alma Leitch is spending a few clays with relatives in ISItraltford. Mr. and Mrs jack Davidson and son Bobby of near Pirticefield vi,ited 'Mr. and NTT:4. Earl Lawson on Sunday +INfirs. Peter Lindsay spent the week end with Mrs. 'George Whe.atley of Clinton. Nfrs. Roe, NleGregor's father. Ili, Ferguson, spent 'Ph ursclay with 11 is (laughter on his way home to Clifford. 'Mr. Ferguson has 'been in St. ,Pos- eph's loap ital, London, for the past Four or five 'weeks, Mr. and tMrs, ,Aiviti Dale and Mr. Milton Nfoore and Mn, Bill Dalvisit- ed the Royal IN'inter 'Fair in Toronto for a few days. 'Mr. aid Airs. Jack ;Ferguson went to Toronto on Friday and visited Nfrs. MONah of Fergus and spent a eIs' days with and Mrs. ,Rred Elliott in Torouto. Mr. Leo Step'henson and Mr. David tent to London Wednesday. \ OM! Iis spe.,t 0 few dayS With Mr, an." Mrs. \\*Bikini Britton. Mr. 11'arruington autl bride of Derg.tis, were sveek-end guests at the oine of Mr, and Nit... Orville Dale. Mr. and Mrs. -Alvin Dale, N1r, Mil- ton Nloore and Mrs. \\ ti. Dale, also 'Mrs. NVin. Carnochan spent the week etiii itt Toronto attending the Royal Vs'inter 52 n. Charles Nlillson of Seaforth, visited with Ili, brother. X1r, 1/ave Nliiison, over the week end. • 5,1 r, and Mrs. 'Fred Nlillson. have coved to .Ntwood for the winter. Mr, Fred limbitrn and Mrs. Roht. (Irina -di -thy left on Sunday to spend the nee': in Toronto. NIr. Crimoldby is visiting. relatives in lVeston while NI it, Harburn defends his title of champion of Canada in the horseshoe murnantents at the Royal Motet. Fair. 111.r. 1.0gan of Myth, has been busy this week wrecking the !muse he bought from _\i t', Adarn Nicholson and moving it to Myth. REG ENT THEATRE SEAFORTE NOW PLAYING 3031 PENNER, GENE RAYMOND The Life of the Party with Parkyakarkus Victor Moore A real feast of fun and laughter Mon, Tues. Wed. Sylvia Sydney Henry Fonda. —in— "YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE" Yott only live once—make the beet of it. Sheep -Raising Opportunity 'ProspertiVe sheep raisers in east- ern Ontario will have an excellent op- portunity this fall to get into the Omen business with a small cash out- lay. Thousands of farms 'in 1. -?.astern Canada It.t this season of the year have ample roughage in the form of pasture, stubble tields and in hay- field. to feed a sizable flock of breed- ing ,'n t'.. With the advent of the elec- trified strand \sire fence, the fencing problem for sheep is likely to 'he sim- plified as to cost and type of fence. \\laity the •quality of hay on many farms this year may not Int as good as in other years for fattening live stock, it will, howers•r, he goad en- ough for breeding env,. Nlost sheep rancher, in Western Cenacla have from dial to 500 ewes ranging in age from yearlings to five-yearsolds. These ewe, are avail- able for sale because they missed 151 :breeding time, dile to adverse n ember conditions, or because of the loss of iambs at lambing. A11 flocks of dry ewes should be sorted For had nelders and broken months. The advantage of shipping dry ewe, to Eastern l'anada is that they can be bred early. in fact almost at ally thile now; Whereas range etres that lla‘re raised lambs could not he bred for two months after the lambs were weaned, and a 'long train journey would ranee additional interference .with the possibilities of successful breeding until late in November or early Decentber. Royal Winter Fair 'The Royal Winter Fair, held in 'I'o- rooto on November 16 to 214., inclu- sive, merits the attention of all inter- ested in agriculture. The cream of the herds and flocks front the different provinces of the lThminion •with a few entries from across the line will he in competition. The grain and seed show win exceed, anything previously at- tempted at the 'Royal: the prize list has been enlatged. and prizes in every division are generous, Then there is the light horse feature to the evening performance. There will I,e it fox and mink show and the exhibit of poultry, fruit, flowers and honey will be on a scale even •greater and more attractive thau .th•at of •the past. There are many thing, of interest to all who attend this great agricultural show. Egg -Laying Contest Winners A pen of Id Rhode 'Island Red liens. owned by C'. J, TTendrich, Waterloo, Out, Won the 1181th Canadian egg lay- ing con•test, producing 9,605 'eggs in 365 clays and compiling a total of 29115.0 poi 0 ts. It was also announced a pen oc 13'arrcci Rucks, tmnnd by W. S. 'Hall, of Dalcville, Out., took .first place in the 117cth Ontario egg laying contest, producing 2„399 eggs and compiling a total of 24519,6,11 points. Second place in the Canadian con- test went tO ft ,pen of 'White 1..eghortts, owned by Hall, which laid 2,1182 eggs and had a total of 2496.3 points. A pen of White Legborns, ow -ted by the experimen tal farm, lOtta tva, was third with 2944 eggs alit! 2,4149.'5 poiets. .A pen of Barred :Rocks. otyncrl I y !Roth & Sons, of New Hamburg, Ont., took second ,place ii the tOntar- io con test, laying 2,2215 eggs and hav- ing 2.473.2 points, Third Place sr 951 is. \5,talter Broarifoot of near Next Thur, Fri, Sat, Dec. 2-3-4 Tex Ritter Eleanor Stewart "HEADING FOR THE RIO GRANDE" 9. Western Sheriff ending a gang .tf Illustlers Coming— "WIFE DOCTOR NURSE" "WOMAN CHASES MAN" Nita., Sat. and Holidays by W, J. Chouinard, of Trenton, oitt.. srltinh laid 24113 eggs and had 2.438.4 1501010, Both contests. held at the _Ottawa experimen•tal farm, were the laect ever held. It was the first time Rhode Is- land Reds took the Canadian champ- ionship. In the Canadian contests. 1411 birds .qualified for registration while in Ontario, 170 qualified. Guelph Winter Fair ()Uncials of the i_luelph 'N'inter Fair are smiling !broadly these days as a check on entries for (hie oFilest of all winter Flit, in Ontario shows the heaviest entry list in the past ten years. "rills is trite in all elasses rn fact. Live Stoelc Stmerintendent Wm. 1Vatson, and his assistant, Dick Gra- ham. are wonderingl. just where they will place all the cattle tap.' horse en- tries which are away above those of last year. There are o‘er heavy horse en- tries and '145 11911 lior,es, with 217 cattle listed—the heaviest itt several years, Swine entries total dul in all w.hile the sheep show totals 3114 animals. Seed exhibits are 011a par with other years with 3"10 entries. Secretary L. E. O'Neill states there will be the best Clyde stallions. eight threed --'can eleven tan. year-olds and thirteen yearlings.. The mare classe, are equally well tilled with 21 yearling fillies also entered. It is of interest to note that J. E. Fat - colter, well-known Clyde breeder. for- merly of Western Canada :old now resident tit" Laniliton County, is exhib_ iting at the IGuelph show for tett first time. The I ening horse shawf promises again to he up to a very high stand- ard, with many prominent stabies be- ing. represented, including horses from Toronto. London. St. Catharines, Simcoe and 'Galt. It is a feature that is becoming increasingly prominent and draws horse lovers from all over the Pail -Mee. !Don't forget that there are cheap rates on all railways. So make up your mind to attend, Mr. !Farmer, and bring your family too. Ridgetown Farm School Hon. P. M. Dcwan, Ontario Min- ister of Agziculture, has announced that special facilities will he provided for the training of farmers' sons for farm work at the Ridgetown EXperi- mental Farm, The course Inc young men of years and over, who intend to take up farming as a vocation, wit provide them with the practical train- ing they will need under conditions that exist ons the modern farm, It is recognized that farming .problents are becoming more .ditlficult; soil deficien- cies are cropping up in sections hith- erto believed to be ideal for crops and will gradually become a problem in all !parts of the .province; plant dis- eases and insects are exacting large tolls annually: animal diseases are in- separably linked up with crop and m soil probles; marketing is much more complex and difficult than for- merly ,and the introduction of power upon the farms through the gas en- gine and electricity has opened up a field absolutely unknown to the farm- er of former days. The ability to he a good worktnan is no longer the great deciding factor in agriculture but the proper combin- ation of hand ancl head has been 'forc- ed upon the practical farmer and he must adapt himself to the conditions and changes if 'he wishes to be reas- onably successful. The agricultural school, at Ridge - town, will offer a course planned to meet the requirements of the prated - cal farmer; science will ,be emphasiz- ed nilly as it is required; mechanics, field crops and animal problems 'tvibl be given a proper share of the time. ;During 116 weeks for two winter sea- sons, a student will have sUffiCient time and opportunity. to gather con- sielerable lanciwleclge of .,fartn practice nd theory combined. , to 0 pen of White Leghorw n., owned a