HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-11-25, Page 3THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1937
. ..tn. www C.c.
Half Hour With Debussy
sA half hour programme of music
'by the eminent French composer,
,Claude :\shape oel000ty, twill be
tbrnadcas•t over the national network
of the Canadian Broadcasting Corpor-
ation on \I on day, November 29, at
9.30 p,m, Ricci. The programme,
,which will originate in the Montreal'
studios, will feature 'jean \Marie •l?'eatI-
det, •C13IC programme director •for the
province of ,Qttebec, ivbo will aondn'ct
tate orchestra in a ,perfdrmance of the
'Petite Suite',' and in some extraots
•of ° i 1:f?nfau't Prndigus".
Debussy wrote his operatic setting
•of the parable of '',1 19nfant P'rodi-
gue" in 11994. This cantata obtained
far .him the highest honour of the
Conservatoire de Paris and the Grand
Prix ale Rome. 'I''he 1 •Petite Suite" is
.composed of: 1, 'En Bateau; 2. Cor-
tege; 3, )fenuet, and 4. Ballet,
The soloists for the broadcast will
be Jeanne Desjardins, soprano, 'Faan..
coil Brunet, tenor, and Gerald ("clin-
es, bass.
Hawaiian Nights
'A varied programme of music will
he presented by an orchestra and trio
on the Nivember. 30 presentation of
"11•awaiiau Nights" a CRC broadcast
Featsre from Winnipeg to the mid -
east and aysstere networks, .Auntg
the songs to be heard will• be "h•luc.
•Lagoon" "Tiaehour ,Lights", "T34, n
Southern *ea" and "('hent of the
1Juntgle". This programme Fill he.
broadcast at 13.90 p.m. EST.
This English
!Qnilations front Shakespeare and
the Bible, which will illustrate the ex-
traordinary influenee of these writings
on tht 'English language, will be giv-
en by Campbell )fclnnes, when he
presents the tenth broadcast in the
CB'C. series, "This English", on Tues-
day, INuventhtr 30, at 8:00 p.m, EST.
"Title talk on correct speech will
clean also with the i11troduetion of the
,printing press by Caxton and its of -,11 .
feet upon the language. Farther ref-
erences will be made to interesting
examples or dialect's, to their variety
and richness ac •distinct from the
sonnets of literary 'Ett_gli'-h,
Acadian Serenade
.Scottish mucic for St, .Andrew's
Day will be thy feaso.re of ":Acadian
Serenade', CRC programme to be
'broadcast November 30, 11.30 to 9.00
p.m. EST, twin the national uetw-ork
from Halifax.
"Ye Bank„ and Pries o' Ronny
Hoon", "1a1ow- Gently Sweet :\iton",
and the lovely traditional "Eriskey
,Loewy toil •will he sung by Frances
Gardiner. Edward Matheson, and Col-
in Ashdown, respectively.
Among the many favourite Scottish program. ,From Windsor.
AB airs to be played by the Acadian Com.:Wednesday. December lc
oert Orchestra are:: "A ,l Parry • f:aucl- a;20 p.m. "Canadian Capers." 'Nov-
er )Medley"; "Songs of the ;Ie'bride ", elty orchestra direction Percy Paster -
from Kennedy -,Eraser's famous col- flak. From Toronto.
lection; "The Wee MacGregor", by 0:30 p.m, "National Sing Song,"
Miters: "Lassie O'\{Lieu", by Lee, and Community singing under leadership
e13rnmie Scotland", by Catlin. of George Young. Front. Ottawa.
Canadian Portraits
Elienne 1 rule, a relatively 5m -
known evp4oler who dticsvcred the.
site of Toronto. will be the subject
of a talk in the CSC _' Canadian 'Por-
traits:" aeries on Decent,hcr 9. 'from
‘11O,t:I0 to 10.45 p.m, E'S'd'. from Tor-
onto, by 'Graham Spry. .\ monument
Fn 1 rule Was erected recently beside
the 1 -lumber,' near 'Toronto. Very lit-
tle has been written ii'hout this ex-
olorsr but during some recent re-
search in the National Archives of
Canada Mr. Spry hias managed to dis-
cover some illuminating information
about his life and career,
Corporation Features Day By Day
(:\11 'Time., Eastern Standard')
'I'hurulaiy. November '20:
9,011 pas, ."'Democracy fit \Work".
Trills by Ij)'Arcy \M'ars'h, Frons Tor-
8,341 p.m. Tudor String c)uartet—
with :\nna ::\losicricff Hovey, pianist:
'Front 'Winnipeg.
Friday, November 06:
3.415 p.m. "T-ife's Lilco That". Talk
on psychrsingy by 'Dr, Ti, C, \Vobster,
From \ Lon treat
9.00 p.n1. 111clsstage" \'ari'ety pre_
scntartion with \\'nndhnusc and Ilatt-
•;ins, orchestra direction Isaac \{am-
.,tt, vocal ensemble and ;,hoists. From
Saturday, \ovcnitber 29:
7.30 pont. "Book 'Review:' by l'ro-
fe,'or 1. '0. Macdonald, :From Tor-
5.30 p.111. "''Reflections". The 1.vnir
ilio. i•hoir and orchestra direction.
\Ilan McIver. iFrtnt Montreal,
Sunday, ,Noventher 38: •
9,01 p.m. Within These \\'albs". '\
series of historical Canadian dramas.
l'rodttced by Rupert 1.siras. From To-
1f1,0,9 p.m. "The ' Constitution-.
Treaty -staking powers cliseussed by
the Kelsey Club. iFront \\':innilieg. cal and ,li.eharged several passengers,
111,30 p.nt, The h.ieder Sin g e r—Miss then the .plane Ilew away without
';tiles -Allen, soprano, .vitlt Len Poi i'lepburn getting out. No dnnht he
' forin, pianist, From Montreal. scammed the harbor where a mew weeks
\fondaiy, \oventher gal: before his plane hall sa^h a narrow.
0.10 p.m. "Fanfare". Soloists :old . ca!te front being rrn.hrd by a huge
orchestra, direction Bruce Holder. freight boat \viten he ,poky at little
From Saint John. Current just before the last prosin-
nmo "\l.elodic' String," - three- Sial election.
lion :\lexauder Chuhald0. From Tit- Naturally shell a large party ue,'acl.
ronto. 10 he well fed, so in order to provide
9,311 loom. Half Hour \Vitli Debussy. rilenty of the proper elotek a conk and
Je;tsne Desjardins. soprano; Francois a cook's helper fry the venison steaks
11runet, tenor; Gerard Celina:. bass: unci when the ssnss'ks rim low•, bacon
orchestra direction J. 'Al. Beandst. and eggs. Appetites are large at
Front \lMitreal.
Tuesday, Nloventbsr
7.30 p.m, "Thr Children's :Allium"--- it has been in the rain.
presenting The Story Poole Lady. Soon, when the sport pales, this
CB(' -lEBS international t'sehan.cr camp deltas 55 ill quietly fold up and
\ianitatliu h nuositor) 11iy \\ '}I. Johnston ai 5 1 tit, I t
1l alfway betwet Killarney and Free c I u -.1
rtlith37, 111 ht a thriving village has \len of Dens utast e.slmt-
ben peas taloe of ony of the finest warriors ttn .ea sod land oat liven
I nt t4 area, in the liari:t---a di, -the subject; of song'ani 10 5,t Cor
tris.1. where the red deer roam and the n 1Iie "tet 5511h a 0555 ,,,rt
oad wolrc, h el, 'I he wolveswarrant 5ncen they crenae out tom may %,,a5v1 hitt nos one Fecal.; theca, they homes in t"sitonte Township. 1'n
1n'.t don't carry weight :ir3ind 0151i• tool; for attack were different, gond
threat., ,:111 1, hatety and cuntcntntent their 51't'$, for the most part. were
aslant new to ,hent, but the tatsk they faced
)litchy1) Ir. Hepburn and putt' are called for lite aid Devon spirit that
en'joyilrga deer hent. We believe they had carried their forbears through
re ,tri.:tly observing the law Inc alt
its reeruirements and having, a most
Measurable time in the wilds of that
The village c,mt•prises of about 12
or lit, tents securely and snuggly set
on wooden 'platforms and boarded sip
to provide wincl shelters.
There are also four nurses, The
nurses arc not there in case sof emer-
gency should -at Monter .,hoot:,another
Molter, no dnnlbt it should be very
handy to 'ha.re thein should this 'mo-
lten; 5511515111 w'e lui;pe will not. 'I"h'e
highly efficient- nurses are present to
care for a member of the party wlui
needs their services regularly.
'1'o make stere members of Ills :party
obtain a deer there .are seven guidc's.
attached to the t'aunp, These fciisns.
mostly from the district know their
• ; hunting the elusive. deer,
\\'File they may not ..hoot the wdsite
fiat bouncing. through the tvonrls,
they ,do the ne•et•ssary operation, to
have the meat hrtm:ght in. Butchering,
ding and :milt like. ,\1101i1er iuipni't-
ant function being It sec that all
members of the patty lied their Fed,
each night wil'hin the suety of the
camp lire. No lonely rock pinnacle or
mossy log _ must be the pillow of the
guestor guests .silo - might stray
awls• in 1115, wilds -and hose their way. was being built. hater, having pnr-
Being in an isolated district a :pilot chased a 50 -acre farni of 'bttslhland
and airplane are also part of the near \\'inehelsea, he settled down ie
camp equipment. The pilot keeps itis earnest to make a permanenthonte,
'liana' handy for transportation pur- 1I is 51) acre, Were soon bound to be.
poses to carry members of the party too small for 00 ;growing fancily, and
to I.ittle Current where- they tele- he added at 'intervals enough 1„ in-
phsottc•, -end wires sr mail their letters create` ibe'acrnag•e. to 2S41, T1111, 1110
to carry on iurp,u•tant businsss w•bile iannily woos ct'rtaia of three things.
on their vacation. Premier 1ienhurss ',,,,d, clothing. and work, and they asp,
was its Little Current on i'riday for geared to enjoy. to Ili. 1,111 all direr.
a new moments while the plane land. The clic'st :an, 1\'itliant, nntyed in
\I:utitoha; while live son,, Henry
Philip, James. Thomas and •,Inhn took
to, famine in CC'siorne, where at th,
pnresent. Mutt they or their descend
suits o\in 11,45') acre. of land. Anotthe•e
son, 'George, is a .urre..fill f;n'suer i.
T)laushlu•d and Fred live, in Soast•
ateliewan. Of all the e saris, ooh
John •anti Fred circ living.
Naturally. the cmery au'ise,t "ll tit
did ibis tonsil" .ssrcecd so well?" The
grandchildren are pleased t,-, exsdain
that, in ,cilditioe to their thrift, in'ttt
try, honesty and nosh, their prs,ber•
nut, 'ht• largely attrihnte l to re
hunting ramps, when hunters tramp Bohm; inflitetwes than entity into the
a • woods in the frosty air, recently' lives,
tight .corners. These tasks they met
with ,good cheer.
Thyy were a5 ems•killed in the use
of the axe as any .pioneer 'front the
older countries, and the axe vas the
common weapon ILg71111si the faret.t.
d'f was said that some of these Dev-
on men chopped ail around a tree, as
a beaver night go a'hout felling. one,
hut in time, and with much labor,
they learned how to getthe most sill
of their work.
Tlicir cheeriness was exemplified in
the morning salutation-: "'pw he
ye?" and the reply, "1 be •hi'adish.
Ow he ye to w•lticli the tarsi re-
sponded "I !be bravi h, too." It waa
\ Vit 11 rnn,tantt bra ce hearts these :non
and women 'noted tint' their homes in
T-latron,, the result of which today may
be seen in spt'ud01 homestead,.
Its 143512' came a moldier of these
Devonshire people. arming them
Thousass hers and his ‘cite, whose
maiden name wa • lslix:Meth :\fanning,
with their surviving child, \Viliirun.
d'ivo little girl, had been buried at
sea. For generations, po'ssi'bly centur-
ies, members of the Horn family had
lived in Devonshire,
Money was scarce and \Ir. 'fern.
with -onto other neighbtr,, went i„
London to 11, -k on the railroad that,
slier away, leaving nothing hist the
remain; of the camp scattered about,
but the' happy day, will he loin; re-
membered and no doubt many of the
trophies will grace libraries and deli,
as evidence of the deer 'lint its Kil-
larney district in 1937 season.
\Vs' hope all got their deer,
tc 1 -vas r r ai
t'• , 1`;[i ' l•-1 Sets.. i5 th
'''s0(1',, an \ t,_io- \n ori. an trash
.sact. 1 widely In Irl view. ,, ex s s-
1 , tie 1lsnehesttr Guardian, 1.
that the agreement will be the best
to Fuer to the 5'o.ed economies of the
totalitarian slates and will serve 1••
strengthen the ties of sentiment and
common interest that hind the free
countries together.
Specific sschedales of British goods
on which reductions in American tar-
iff, are h'opecl for are under discus-
sion in the chief commercial organiza-
'The overseas dominions will be
kept aecproainted by the British Gov-
ernment of each stage in the negotia-
tions, But in the official view in 'Eng -
leech some of the difficulties may be
easiest met by direct exchanges be-
tween the United' States and the Do-
minions. The announcement by
Priam NI -Mister \'t', L, \lackenzie
King of Canada of parallel Ottaws-
\Vashingtou talks is therefore •aei-
:stint. of the chief problems are
presented by \nstralian trade, though
Prime \lini'ter Joseph A. 1.ymn,, who
has just obtained three years' rens• a
eel tenure in \ustralia, 1, sv ,rl:iu:
tvholeheartedly for the treaty, 'Tariff
change, on wheat and lumber might
not be tt very serious matter ' for .\tts-
tralia if cro„Intc'red by freer trade its
wool. it is pointed sats but that
doesn't apply to dried fruit, where the
preference rtmw• accorded is the Brit-
ash market snakes ant enortuous differ-
ence in the budget of the Australi ss
interests of the automobile tr;ul:
asset of Ilse fautners in ,Great Britain
also present as serious a problem a,
they have done in Canadian -American
negotiations of the past. Nevertheles-
there is sit much good will on all
side.; that a confident feeling prevails
there, coupled with knowledge till
such thins;: require time,
ter sof Thomas iHeril, is s'ice-presiticn•
of the Mutts) !li reshyt•erial of th,
\1', 1i, S. hi the Chiles.' ('Iittrch, %Oils
;mottos' grandclaugluer, 11rs. Tier
mast kyle, is pve,idcnt of the \\',\f,:
in •)antes S United Church, I?se
In the educational w'ordd, the 1.5155.
ill Is renro.t'ated by ttvo great(raud
,ons of Thome. Ifern. The:e are \Cal
ter :lotto, tete:bine' in 1\'ater!oo Col
lege, ,and brant Herss, ,ciente teaches,'
at'tte•1lniversi55 of "Toronto.
Two ;gran(1, ms made the suorem
sa'cri'fice 111 the treat \\'ar.
In l'sltorne, 'Phomas Vern
to hisihl Zion ['towel', smith of \\'ia
Chelsea, and sa' ;duly. a de ,lei
member there, as many of his des:en
darts are today. The old Bible tints"
Tan spirit and practice are -till r:id
est in the euinntnnily. Much of this
is clue to the active and helpful worts
of the f -fern family and otlu'rs in 110
Mrs. Charles iolsus, 'i ;;rhnAd ax_.l
heck Books
We Pkre Selling Quality Books
Books are Well Made, Carbon is Clean and Copies Readily. All styles,
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Seaforth News
CV 4 v
.CANADA -1,y.
Letter of Appreciation
Mrs, George \V, (4arter, t,ondes-
boro, attaelied her mum to jars of '.
fruit sent .in t'he 'relief .car front Sea -
forth. 'The following is the letter re-
ceived in reply)
Fatonia Union iidns.p sal, Eatonia,
Sask. dear ;Mrs. Carter—Ln answer
to your note enclosed in relief sup
plies 'whic'h were delivered tat !Glidden,
the next station on the railway to
Batt -mai. "1''his car was divided among
300 families, the btu ober of each fanc-
ily being Rept in view. We first Make
a list of all the •fantilieO to be supplied,
writing the number of Members of
eachfamily opposite each name: ' On
arrival, tate goods are unloaded into a
vacant Ibnilding which is' kept heated
in case of fruit, etc„ 'being in the car.:'
\ full inventory is made, scales are
provided and the anictntnt for each
family weighed out, All this w'nrk i,
done by a local Relief Committee vol- .
ttnta'ri•ly: 'All ministers are on this
committee. There is widespread satis-
faction with the distribution this
year. :This is partly clue to the wide-
spread crop-faibtu-e which levels ev-
eryone clown to t•he same state of
want. We feel you who have given to •
us so liberally, can never he fully:
thanked and we shall always feel''
kindly to the districts like yours,
which we know` have sent us supplies.
I ant writing several letters to -day in
answer to 'little notes, some
tiutes only
the name and address- of some donor
of your excellent preserves, etc. lOur
hospital was finding it bard to con-
tinue this year. owing to the complete
inability of the, municipalities to ,pay '
for their: patients,- and we are practi-
cally reduced 10 the government grant
of $1,1215 per day. However, Glidden,
Eatonia and LaPorte all sent stippiies
front ears distributed at these •points
and this is joss aS good as cash to us.
So we, on 'behalf of the patients and
staff of our hospital, wish all who 40 -
Dipping Sheep
ricks and other external parasites
of sheep are scrimp, enough at - aut.
time and cause more direct boss tha'
is generally sail/posed, bill during tis
Period when the ;heel) are in win'e
quarters it f' even more important t
rid them of all source. ye. irritation
It is especially desirable that the ITor1•
be cleans before and during Iasmhina
otherwise the infestation is sure to ht
passed along to thie,lanrhs which wit'
thus receive a very :emits- set-haef
at the most important period of thein
lire s
Properly dipped in the tuttnunn.
,,itis• warm day abet .the tice,•e. .5 i"
y out ,tesicklp. file ttiwle duck ,r'
rsan tin clean thrtaughoin the \\inter
Ink s•, of course, "tiler a tdinncil an;
r tl- inc- hrsiught to the faro;.
'Married At Dungannon --
I he
ungannon—The var:.mage of Ihm:•outo" t'*r.
d ['hshrey wits. the .erns of 's Buie
a! irettt dung S itirLit s.l'r
r1 ' n -,then
Re‘. 5 '1', h 1 truyr. iter.
1„r:n, d the , t•t•nlsny tituhn_ 115 mar
"114) \lis.: \lary Erma !Milligan, Reg.
N.. second daughter of \I r. and Mrs
lame, l'innigan, of 'Dungannon, and
'Harvey ()arid .\udcrs,is. oldest sign
Li \Ir. and NIrs. l'ltomas Anderson,
concession 7, \ stilield 'Township. 1 -Ter
sister, 31i,s cora Finnigan, and Mr.
Thomas ,\ndersont, brother of the
nated to know how- substantially they
have contributed to the efficient fnnc-
Cionirtg of our 'hospital (luring this
Winter. 1 have not heard of any
articles of clothing having come in
the cats this year, and as 1 know
there is need of this kind of relief
from what 1 learnt from our Hospital
Stmt., anything that can be sent to us
of left oil' clothing or blankets will be
very acceptable. Should any of the
w"Omen's. organizations near ,you or
elsewhere care to do anything of this
Lcind, :parcels ; shottid he sent to the
Chairman of the Relief Committee,
Eatonia: Sask., or to the same` offic-
ial at Glidden or LaPorte. ,I am chair-
man at Eatonia. in closing 1 -wish on
behalf of all recipients of your bounty
and of the three committees at the
above ,Points to with to you and al'
donor, mach snece,s and happiness
in y'ottr life and work. Yours very
sincerely, TI.\1T'ES BiEWS, Sec. treas.,
\ second letter received 'lay Sirs.
George tarter from Mia, Lona' V.
Lsnk of Kindersley, Saslc., expressed
great appreciation and lliani:I:Mines,
for the donations from the relief cars -
,Their 'sonny of ttsnee member, re -
,i r1, l a bac; 'esi notatoes, a hag •-nf
t n tins, a hot_ of apples, a small gnan-
tity of beans and same' amount of
onion., 1 hie pumpkin, Mottle 01
pickles, jar of grape juice and a gem
of fruit. They had also received 'vege-
table.. and apples from other ears in
past year. She believed the ear was
very fairly divided and thanked alit
bridegroom, were witnesses to the
ceremony, 11 r. and -\tis. A'nderssin
left after the ceremony for a honey -
ninon trip by motor, which will in -
chide Guelph. 'Toronto and other
points. 1) s their return they \kill re-
side on the sbridegroom''s farm, ' con-
cession 0, ,\s,bfiekl.
Goderich Couple Die Within
Ten Days--
ays-Closely^ following the death cif 'hi
wife• ten days 15151119155 ;.Albert E.
Neil curd at 'Goderich 015 Spnday in
hi- _Nth veal 1\ Ir. and Mrs, Neil were
-can ashy ill with imeurncniia.
Neil ,passing it say first, Two year, ago
they went. to •1 cderich-to live with an
adopted daughter, Mrs, 1.1a'e31 • Seer,
They had lived in Exeter. "I`he fun-
eral I ok place in 1.'iter. on Inc day..
1 e hIc
of I ,brute:--I'he youngster
w 1 -going to a party.
",Vow,dear,” ,airi' the mot her
"what' are you going to do when
had cnotl'•h to eat?''.
Re*yFled the ,Dante -ter:
,.ins !hello.':
NIT. and )Mrs. George Carter, ,Beryl
and Glen, also Miss. Win, garter,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Donald MadKenzie of Lttcknow, Tir.
Wm. Carter is 0 Toronto this reek
judging at the .Royal.
Tlie mother was getting her small
son ready for school when she noticed
a lump on 110 head,,
"Freddy!" she said sternly. "(Have
you been fighting again?"
"Fiohtin'," he echoed, "not nae."
"P>ut sonheb0dy ;track you?" said
his mother,
"'Nobody struck me," he answered
stoutly; 1 wasn't sfightin' at all. It
was an accident," '
',1n accident?'
"Yes," he replied; "1 was sitting on
'I'oinnty ;Jones, ami 4 forgot to hold
f= .frit. - -
\\':sat Ind 1 :or Sale ads, 1 week, 2l5c