HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-11-25, Page 13 LI FEBUOY req.RINSO/ rI$. O'Jere's to the hearth, the hill at:nd ter heather. 'The •bonnet. the plablic, the kilt :end the feather,. 1 -ire's to the heroes that cotlami can boast: "May their names never rhe," that's a b,ighlanclnian's tiiast. WHOLE SERIES, VOL, 59, No, 47. HURON C011NTY'S orthN LEADING NEWSPAPER ;id theme remember t+e w;oats ni, defenders, heart, are as trues las the brave 'les of yore, :antes +c will cherish, 'till ',11 V:1 perish, • ae•'ll let the toast ring ','rant the hill to the shore. The Highlander's .Trios¢. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVE7VIEER 25, 1937 Phone 84. l'ayear, Yippee!!! t,r INS° 11 SALE' O This loll) ;roup sere having a a wonderful ante on Saturday morn- ing ng t„iio„main, at the (hilly.. just cast of Se north. a favorite spot With tIle 1lilllic's :h(4n there -is lots of Shalt :N at present. LASSIES -Molasses and Corn Syrup, 2 lb. tin 190 CAMPBELL'S SPAGHETTI 2 Tins 19c SRISH STEW, 2 tins 25c MINUTE TAPIOCA with sher- bert and plate for 29c SLICED PI'N'EAPPLE ..,, 10c Tin OUR OWN BAKING POWDER min with bottle Vanilla 25c 'i.ARLY BREAKFAST COFFEE Freshly ground 29e PREPARED MUSTARD - 24 oz. jar 15c each CALUMET DOUBLE ACTING BAKING POWDER, 1 lb. tin 25c NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL Good for all kinds of stock, $1.10 gal. TENDER LEAF TEA, Rich in Flavor. Satisfactorily priced pkg. 28c FLE1CHMAN'S YEAST -Save the labels. Join the Murray -go - Round per cake 4c C. t'k: S. DATED COFFEE -The Date is your Guarantee ...lb, 37c u , . Roled e t a a Phone 166 -AL QUALITY SERVICE E. L.. BCO X �43 St. Thomas' Church Services For 1+;vent i, today. November 11tl.. the (1 :desiastaeal Nese Year. Sandi.* Selto tl and llihle (lass 10 (1.1)1.' l4oPiting service, till a. m., sermon tonic. "Called, and 'Helped." Evening service, 7 pmt., "Called to tireatne:ss." All welcome. Canon 1+., Appleyard, M.A., Rector. W.O.H.A. MEETS 1. C. 1!cllon:tid of Chesley was elected President of the 'Western On- tario 1lockey .Association at the an- nual meeting on Tuesday at Listowel, its successor to the late Mayor A. U. Sutherland of Seaforth. I. M. 11urtlork of Dlrha11 is lot vita president: I). A. Rano, i1russels 2nd rice president: ;Harvey Luca., li:ourver, sec.-treas. Elected to the ex- ecutive teore Stan Shantz. Kitchener: \ R. Donald, 'Walkerton; Tont ret g, Kincardine 1 C. (Dale. T-Iar ristnn. N \V clubs represented at the meeting were T-larriston, Kincardine, Drayton and 'Goderich, During discussion an echo of the Tuan Rennie ease was heard schen del - rates front the Seaforth club referred briefly t:0 a protest in which they had been involved last season. The argu- ment of the Seaforth club wis that • junior 'ft' 0. H. A. gang' in et;deb Rennie played in Stratford last sea- son had reverted to an exhibition ~ante after oflicial.s of the Stratford club had c.hallcnged d(ennie's eligibil- ity. Seafnrth's agreement with Strat- ford, the Seaf firth delegates said, NI IN that the :gams• SS fluid be an exhibition came it it were found later that a certificate could not be obtained for Bennie. I lure t Iti4 11itTtctt1ty over Rennie', eertifieate, clue to the fact than Jr: '',drill never had been rogist- •rcd. so the ;tame became an eshihi- on affair, 1111 11 never ,y IN ro',1aycrl tcr;t''t' tet• Stratford Minors stere of interested, Iffier hip 1V'•1).11. \, ert;r^t. that the game had stood nn the 0.1 i record, a, a .chef tied- game, Ind lila. Renoir, thrrei,,re eta; ittelit t(.nn( blued `i11 Page Four1 Northside United Church Iter. 1. \. Carmichael, •11inister, 111 :cis:. Subject. "Isaiah', Vision." Int: nit; set\ Itr tcithtl law 11 on ac - vivant of :\unite -sort nem:es in Irirs' iresbytt•riatt e'linrc1.. S.S. at lit/ a.m. Egmondville United Church Rev. A. 1V. Shepherd, Minister. 11) arm -Sunday School. 1,1 a.m.-The Minister. 7 1t.nl.---The 'Minister. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES �ICES First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth AY NOVEMBER5 , 28 11 A. M., GUEST MINISTER Rev. WM. ALLAN Of Dovercourt Road Presbyterian Church, TORONTO 7 P.M., GUEST MINISTER - Major the Rev. D. J. LANE Of Knox Church, GODERICH SPECIAL h1LS1(' ] 1' THE., CIit)1R assisted by Arnold Allan, Toronto, at the Morning service 2. R. Rennie Rev. 22. C. Feast Choir Leader Minister Mrs. M. R Rennie Organist CONSERVATIVES TO MEET I'he annual meeting of the Conser- vative Association of Seaforth will he hell in the public Library on \douday :,vetting. Nov, 20th :it 1 n'Clnek, It is 'xnectetl 1)r. R. 13obits 'Taylor will address the meeting. APPRECIATION 11r. jack Stevens of town reeeirerl rhe otbt.+itr, it nn N•ttonia, Sask.: lust a line to thank you for your kindly support. That car of donations certainly brightened many a home, 'ht 'cast the ehililrcn are able to get their 'reit as we had apples shipped in be- fore tet• the tiuvcrriment, 1 t11 til. :t try fancily is unite alright and 'c ttrythntt, etwell 1oo 1 t I oftet as there tt, a special cnmntittee tn- 1010tcd. and i am -ore they did thcit• hest to please every eine. :\ga.in ittay 1 say hearty thaotks to yon and tel' the ntoide that :nude this xplendid donation. May Clod's 'blessing be with nu all. Sincerely, Nirs, (t orgc 1)` 1)afoe. 1105 74, 'Ealonia, Sask. TEMPERANCE FEDERATION The annual convention of the !Fur- or' Coe 11ly" "Temperance 'l'ederatind ,till be he1c1 in the school room of \\ ecley \\'illis t'nitcd Church, Clin- ton, on 1 ttrsclt\ November ,+lith tt` isle -thirty in the afternoon. .Dr. fie:, A. Little or Toronto wi•1i be the spe- cial speaker. ani! 'Dr. A. 1. Irwin. _en'rt1 secretary, will also be !lees= nt. ()finer for the year will be 'crud .111 friends of teutperaltee' are trgt:d to he present, - - REBEKAH EUCHRE 1,:d,1.v i -s `Rebekah Lodge held '1 +.nt ri•:. iatl euchre in the 1.().U.1:. 1i`tl on \\'ttbv•dar evening. Tin 'rice winners were: Ladies'. first n• Mr-. 11. 'E. Clark, :• rents. Vilfred Coleman alio ct't Inc eta first true aids Janus h, Scat; -:m;• hands, '1Ir (conµ tIlai li who ,t the trent with 11iss Rtitlt Bordon; t':;'.trey prize, -Orel 'Nichol, lucky ,nnhcr prize, John Beattie: consola- tion, ladies, \Ir.. N. !It. 1)w•rance; ;ants. .1 Ilan Reid, wile' wnu the til' Lith 1. ff. Ke;tling and ;Jahn'iClgic. CURLERS ELECT Seaforth curlers held their annual meeting lloudity evening in the enrl- ers' roomatthe rink, with a good at- tendance of members. The following officers were elected: Hon. members, 22 Kerslake, 'Robert !mild; nal. rims, fico, A, Sills, William Atnent, Charles Stewart and R. E. lack „n; pre,a., 1 110. D. drergnson: -vice. pre... J• (1, Mins; bonspiel sec., Chas. Ho:- mesi executive, R. J. Sproat, 11'01,- Southgate. \V. 1.:Duncan, J. i. Keat- ing, Chas, P,arber, M. A. Reid; midi - tor, Chas. Stewart, • 1'1it curler, aim to have a :ne.nll,.r- sltip this year of fifty. The :slap,ov ;l: bmtspiels will he held again scasnn, - - FIURON mmCOUNTY - JR. ASSOC'N 1 very successful year : ;'te. roil County junior :lasoriation ata brought tri a close ;cite 1 111:viilil! Party at which about 15 Come* Dm -- (mites nerc present. '1'Itr 'latter start i the evening took the form ei a meetin r at tvi icit the art , ",r :•n:a- tite t't-ntuniltce.:for -1;1131 .t:r ted. as f,d:oaso Seaforth,- •.hilts Sutherland \rclti`baId, :\Ittrray Sitvanue. hofs eta__\I r., Lloyd tm„st, Wes- ley 11tCntcheon, \\ utghvn 'Helen Fields. 11;u• 1'inhts.. Chante 'Nesse•. \\'ri,xtter and t;aerie .- 31laat:he Irwin. Gorlerirb- Doris 1i1'.!. Grace Stir! Ing, 11 ike Sanderstm. Exeter - - Kenneth . Rtanb'try. (;rant Coilin'gwood. l lou ell ---22111 ,Rollins. - Londe\'bora--• Bob tl.eiper. Clinton -• :\one. Crittenden, Bike Cook' and Fred '1(11011. rhe' teprestvttatinc committee held :t meeting at the Route of Mr. and Mrs. Feta 'Elliott and the -following ft'^.ie, McKILLO:P :W,M.S. I'ht regular monthly ~meeting of tile 11ehillop branch cif the 1V. 11. S. of the'.Presbyterian Church, was held at 'he haute of Mrs. Thos. a)itkson, Gode•riclt Sl., Tttesrlay, afternoon. \nr, altttll. The president occupier! 'he chair tutu the meeting opened tvitlt ac inn (fah. :Ares, James 1<err -read the. criohnc i-esson, taken front the 91st followed shy prayer by Mrs. 3eil, \Liss Jean Scutt gate a very in- teresting reading e'n'titled "lludding fit~ God," followed by the Glad I id - cgs prayer by Mrs.13elen Mclfilt n. Urs. Lindsay from Constance favored ,rich a solo, '"T love to tell thestory, which was much enjoyed shy all. ter the ,tffering, the meeting closed Aid' hymn 152)4 and till repeating the Lord's prayer in unison. 'Tile hostess then served a clelirio'tis lunch and a social half baste was spent. HILLSGREEN Junto Cochrane of - -Toronto visited at the home of his brother and sister during the week. Mr. an 1 yfrs. 'Hugh T.ove ;sere in Toronto during the tveek. Butchering is now the order of the day. \tr, and \des. W. Davidson visited her fniks at Dorking during the week. isennt'th l', Sttmrhtiry, fu merle n; Exeter, 'alio has been elected ('resident- of the 111irnn C'ouity ,intnrr Assnriaitieat fur the cortin;; year. nen oftirers tvi'rc elected: President. 1<ettut•th C. Stanhitry; First Viet, Pres'id'ent, \\resley 11 c1':1chcon; Scc retnrv. Dori- 1-1111: . \s.istantt- trt a 1111.'0 Stirling; Tre.t-tnc'n chant n toad I thliritt• Committee. Mitie 11•ittenrkn. 11,41 ..e ,,. .1111 Lr' Robins. ' It hti. been very ten o r t il, t„ the committee to have received sucd,. splendid e o-oper'tiinn front :ill forme - limonites unite s and dee new committee is planning am even better year for 10'.i1, .111 the young people residing in Toronto 111, were former residents of Flacon, or %tltetse tare:ts tcere former resident; of the (-minty are eligible for membership in the •.\soeitttinn. IMPROVE LIGHTING The Public School Board" is bunny the lighting. -totem in the ciaass- roonts improved to . eliminate ,glare from the blackboards., lfiss Turn - bull's room was recently equipped as ;ut experiment tyith indirect lighiine and it prated so .o:cceasdttl .that. all the classrooms will he similarly light- ed in the next' fewwceks. The ;tete chandeliers will he installed in .the same part of the rooms as the }frescos (11011 lights but pr oeitling indirect lighting will allow propos at the hack of the roans t0 see the. blackboard:- clearly and without' the present„ltire THIS LOOKS LIKE A, RECORD The Six Hand 'Euchre Trali c011t- plctt'd their >ecnntl- in:tivt'rsary g:unes on Monday at the home of Mr, . Con Erikatt when they played their 9411 evening, The total games for till t15,1 vcar here 10114, as cninp aced etn) 491 games the previous year. WINTHROP Mr. and Mrs. AAd'am Dodds of Lis- towel spent Sunday with Mrs. Robert Campbell and Miss 'Rets Campbell. -hir. and Mrs, Tim Eaton spent Sunday 'with \sir. and Mrs.. Alonzo Spading of 'Wroxeter. THE GIFT OF'A LIFETIME! )C7NU7.a l7',etrtla: ciivoct ?I th6111 SHOP AT SAVAUGES IT PAYS Phone 194 Res. 10 a VARNA Sir.. and Mrs. F.. Clutter and 11r. and \sirs. Waller \Icliritic ,pentthe week end in l.otulnn. \la 'Eller or lfinntapolis t visit- �ing her sister. :Mrs. A. McConnell. Mr. A, Horner, W. Stephenson, and G. J"hn ton spent a lett days at Royal Whiter ilrair. Master iInt kyle spent a few days at his grandparents, 11 r: and Mrs, George 11cClinelley s, - 1 - A benefit shower Lias ' held last \\'ednesdat night in the town hall for 1Ir. and 1frs. ,jun Ulstrent. 1 Elliott -Ferguson Wedding - 4t noon on Sat.ntday,"Nov. 2(ltlt,l in 1.loly 'I'riuity ferrels chapel, To- ronto, by - Rev. 111. Jacicsrnt, Jl.uricl Lorraine Elliott, congest daughter 1Tor a F 11 r- urn6 Nies, tttet Elliott. 1 it. 1'arna. da ranted in marriage to John 11. iFerguson, Kingston. son of Mr. and Mrs. \V'nt. I eta;uon, flay ficial. Tbey ,till reside in Kingston.' I BAYFIELD - UIts Jane Reid, one of liaytlleld's best knots and highly esteemed resi- dents, passed away at her home on Thursday, Nate, ISO. Miss Reid was the eldest daughter of the late John 'Reid and etas 'born in Stanley town- ship. She is Iiurvived by five sisters and two brothers Mrs. (E. :Mercier of Stanley township, Miss M. and miss L. Reid of Bayfield, Miss E. Reid, of Toronto, and Mrs. Webster of Luck - now. Mr. R. Reid of Stanley and John of Dasln+'ond. •Fiuneral service: were held at her late home Saturday afternoon. 1 -ler pastor; Rev, Mr. Gale, conducted the service. The pallbear- ers allbearers Were A. E. Erwin, 5'f. Torts, E. Featherstone, Geo. Castle, 'Geo. E1- lintt and E. Mni(wan. leer. and Mrs. N. Torts anti Sir. and Mrs. H. \Weston of Detroit spent the week end with • less J. Tants and Mr, R. \V 'eston's. Miss Jean Woods and Mr,. Bassett are spending a few- days with Toron- to friends. - n- Mr. ',Las. Reit! is confined to the house these days through illness. I'CIPPEN 1 1,trt;e number from the village attended the Institute euchre and dance in persalt recently and all n• - port a gond time. Mr. Earl Sproat ,has returned hon:• afar rt pleasant visit with friends in Toronto and also look in the ;tinter fair. Nft•s. 1.ong eti the tillage is improv- ing; nicely after her recent severe illness. - 71r. \\-nt. Tvison has gone to To- ronto where he expects to spend the winter: Mrs, T. '5'. McLean is visiting with friends in 1. odor for a few days. 1Ir. John :1. 5fnCtegor is improv- ing slowly and his many friends hope it see him aronncl- soon. .. ,\1r. Jame: \lustard 'Jr. and 14r, Frank Wright spent the week end in Toronto. and attender] the Royal 'Fair. Nle. George /Glenn visited friends. in Toronto during the' week and ,attend- ed the \\inter (Fair. MANLEY The township' crusher has -: