HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-11-18, Page 4PAIGE FOUR
Snowdon Bros„ Publisher.
Funeral of Late Archie Clarke -
The loneral of \ire :Archie Clarke
took t1 Luc from his honeon the
111111 concessions of McKillop, cast sot
Walton, on Friday afternoon, Nov, 112,
to Brussels cemetery. Mr. Clarke died
ta'st Wednesday foltlntwing 3 weeks
of illness. He was horn 7': years ages
son t,f the late 11•r. and Mrs. eic,rgc
Clarke of Grey township, \bier, he
lived until manhood As a votptg nem
he settled ,nt lot 11'0, eon, 14, MrKi'-
lot,, where he farmed for 47
fist -gas highly respectedand 1(now
is ,t if neighbor and fiend. Sur-
viving are his wife. formerly NIass
Isai,e1 Coulter. and four rlati ht`'"
and , ns' on,. \It. Richard Kell,
l l:lilt,heVvati: \Its. \\alt S,tratt.nt.
British Columbia \1r,, Armour Dun-
das. London; 1Ir.. john Coutts, Sea -
forth, :ut1 \1r, :\lhrri Clarke ,1: the
home place, who have the derpc-t
sympathy cit the community in the
loss of a loving and kindly husband
and father, *Iso surviving are six
brinier. and two sisters, :'1es-r'
Rnlaert, John :1111 \\'ill Clarke, all pf
Brusels; Mr. 1-farry Clarke, Walton.
Mr. Edward Clarke, h,towel, \Ir.•
io-' 1t Clarke, in Saskatchewan: Mrs,
Jolla \\'iiliautson, \'[c'Kiiiop. and Mrs,
;hike Zeigler, Carey twp. Two broth-
er- and two sisters predeceased hint.
Th„s, and Enoch Clarke Nits. Metz,
New Hamburg. and \lrs, L. William -
:son, Walton. The funeral servlet 00
Friday was' conducted by his pastor.
Rev. Chas. Clowning, of Buff's Unit-
ed Church. Walton, of which he was
a tnetober. The pallbearers were
\fessrs. '1'itomas \Villianison, Jinn's
(-outts. ,1 atm s ,1:cMirhael, Thomas
H:tckac•11. lanais !HttckW lt, 'Georgeil
Fl ne oy,
\I ,skin Hanel of Dud's Unit-
ed ( ,titre -1 held their regular monthly
meeting on Sunday morning at hl o'-
clock. Earl C.otttts 'prodded and meet-
ing opened with the Call to Worship
frau the study hook and thy, response.
Hymn, "Tell ante thy st »its of 1e ,n,•,
teas s,m:c and Willie 1 ,_ratio.;: road
the Scripture, I's. 111::;i;-111. after'
.winced prayer was offered by tltr Ieatl-
•er followed isy the Lord's prayer in
ttnisle] Thirty-one members -respond-
ed to the roll call, Minutes , f hast
meeting were read ;ltd attnptrd laud a
realist was given that all Write boxes
Irr n of in to the 1)tccirtber meet-
:\ ::tory avis readIty :he Ise :d'.1•.
entitled "Laidnet into tempta-
,tion." The itat111 tower mews va:.
brought lhz tit .,Heralds. Cana da.
Kathleen harinht,rson; India. Ilelen
Tnrnbul'; A, it•a. Mary Mr 13011.1111;
China, Car! limits, Javan , Frank
.parsing' After singing "Jesus loves
ate,' lasses were rdirn,ed for the
*tudt period. The meeting was closed,
by -bight.; 'Jesus wilds us shine;' and
tiny e to int ritual of the study book.
Our congran1atious art extended
to Mary \leDoualcd, 'T-abtl \lcCaP.,
Ronald Ilennett and 'Ross I;e_nnrtt for
hay: buts n;tlainecl the certificate- pre-
sented for proficiency in timidity
School examinations.
\fr'.. T. \IclIicliael of Clinton is
with her daughter. Mrs. H. B.
Kirkby for a few days,
Mr \\'t... -,mitis of the village has
been ,erionslc i!; with pneumonia anal
hconflit,s. o. \V4 -fine -day i- }
Scott -Hamilton-
The rnarriisue was gnietty soletmis
zed at the United Church !t parsonage
tt Brussels. with Rev, 11. :1 Mahoney
)flier tttttg, of \lexan (t t Nlargart.t.
tnly daughter of Mrs. I1,t»ifton and
he Late :A, \l, 11:uutlton, of i orris'•.
o jaiues 'Archibald Scott. son of \Ir.
and Jln,. j, \\', Scott, of 1.lytlt \lass
Beatrice Beecroft, of Ilelgrave, and
llects 1l;uuiiton, of Gorri,:, brother
if the bride, were the attendant-. \i-
ter as short wedding trip, \Ir. and
\frs. Scott ttIlI resi,l, , 1 tlu•dr firm
near Lhlyth,
\ir, \\-. 'llaydon of NIalton visited
311, and \Ids, Simon 1111.1 cr1 the
past w eek.
\Ir', Lorne Sorin, 't t
t isitor tt i,tlt her sons \1,r -
ray at Tillsonbnt„
{a. and Mr Trionta raylor ho
we•rc ,,11 an auto trip to the -? t B ,-
iting relatite. sit ronte. retatincd
hone I•rvlay.
Fowl Supper-
•:'\ mn.t suet; slit; foe, 1 .nipper 111:
,onccrt was -Itch! on fintrsdap „n•n-
int;, Nov. filth itt Alemoriai Hall 1111- tractor.
der the inspires o'f ter \Cntutut's \s- Nurse h:vtlt':een llearnm is at pre.-
snri.ttinn ot the alined Ghttrch. Over rot mtr;in;; in Clinton 'Hospital.
61)0 ptrsous were server. •plies pro• 31r. Leslie Ile:utie is Jaunt• it 11
;'rant included an address by the
chitirtuai,. Iter R. \ Brooke: male iedrIting. Ili called on his fren', \Ir.
quartette, G. 1). Leith, ,f filen liechnie. T I ra Bcacmti, on Monday.
Irvine Wallace. 'llarold \Vdghtnunt: Quite. a nntither from Bairns,
reading:. \lrs. 1. W. stills: pituto dart, t:•hnreh attended ani fer-nit service
Miss F Mills and '1 ilea Kec•hnde; sol,,, in l.dutiic•itur,i chord'',
Stanley :Sidih.,rpe; n,uhtte \lis; Eva \lis, L,tu•a \lanitina of Kitchener
StackIt tt r•, Briteettic111; cornet alar- :isited over the week enol and heeiu-
tette, Dr, C. E. 'fill, Ray Dolihyt„'11114 01 the week at tin home of 11r.
Ifamest Robinson. .laird,' Sint,: piano and Mrs. Clifford Shobhrtiok, Mr, and
solo, Jean 1 itillips. Greetings front Mrs, Herb Manning :tad 11r, and
\\lata., Bver, brought by Rev,from,
'Mr. 1,11 \Ids: Tho.. Appleby, R.1,-
atr sndl 111111 \larion. sprat Sunday at
ahs hinny, :if \1rs. Jennie Knox.
XII:. and Mrs. \\'nt 1 c;,per and Vert
of near [lruce:ticld .pmts Sunday ;11
• home ,
the 1 w ,..'
\fr. and Mn.° .\, R', \!.•-
Ewing.it .ofd Nies. [sane Rastrou ;spent
i'o sloy afternoon at the hone cif Mr.
and \ars. \\':wren Gibbing, near Clin-
\Ir. \ndrey Enos. \lr, 1. lie.J2eid,
Mr, Cote and NI-. sic -erg, 1 , te`epen
in Toronto.
\fis• T.at:ra \Lnuting retnrnedl to
i....ip-Ilrncr after sl,eotlint .5 few Ihyn
5\Ir. and \Ir,. It. \fanning.. .\fr.
:.11,1 Mr-, Clifford Si1.t',`,r,,r,k auul'111.
,•e1 'Mrs. .\n,lrcy lin. x.
1Ir, and ilr 1-a,c It'ansoas :,dont
;t x l: n,.on ,1 ilii' home of 111,
Mr: and Mrs. c, Goes' hate moved
into 11r. -Tito ,soles' for the
11r. and Mr-. Clutreitward and far -
bit it of L,.nrlon s:x•nt Sunday in alt,
Mr. and \I1 Niel -lett t f :l102 llt:nt
seem) Sundt:, with :Mrs. Mallet', mo-
del-, Mr-. 1. 1)atid.on.
;.Jia Marion I11,vid-on wa- taken to
0rott Memorial Hospital, Seaf•srth,
rat 'i tc•sclay last and her many friends
ar*. 't ntsed to kurew 'lie is re; nye•ring
her severe lours..
D'rouiu and 11i.,. '"I'urnett ttf
Del. oat ::-pent Sunday at their cottage.
at flanfiehi:
\rr. Lea 1- Thompson has returned
from an extended trip thr ll4h alae•
Caniilian West and Sonthcrn States,
Mr. \\, ioaett 'left ti Friday for
i'lgririn 31rs. G Kcncda,i .'so retinal -
ed io liar Bunte in Eltttr, aitcr a few
week; visit with her .par,nits. Mr.
and Mrs. \\'. !.aunt.
Miss \Irdrt° Taylor „ spending the
tinter with friend, near k i,p!tcn.
1f1,, 'Lucy kV, id, fan returned
from a vluit to Windsor,
lfiss 11:argaret Ferguson of 'fecum-
s, 11 :spent the week end with bar. and
Airs. W. Ferguson:
Congratala'tions to Mr, and Mrs. N.
Sturgeon on the birth of a daughter
in Clinton :Hospital ;Satn•day, Nov. 14,
bar. and Mrs. Geo. E'iliott and 11ilt
spent Armistice Day in London.
Mr. A. E. Erwin and Mn, iFran'k
Keegan spent hoe day last week
Want and .For Sale act,, 1 week; 251
thi 1 r!' the farmers have .sot done .
tt t 1 lair 1.irk. The weather was 1
e ry o et at antes,
\t r, and \ir,- \\'r l -iter or r1 -114 -
art n wc•'e Sunday visitor with \Ir.
and Mrs. Charles RC =eve.
Word wa sassed around this week
o, the passing of Mrs, John Mogi,.
She load 'kern ailing for same time and
gradually failing till the end carni'.
Loa tel the Chief Inspector r.;
tier Canada Co. spent a day with
their agent. Mr. Charles 'Ri•gele. soIl-
me land in Loan, \IeKillolt and Mit-
chell. with shine cues',.,, for they are
selling all their property in Canada at
bar_aaiu prices.
One daughter ,r \Ir. and sirs. J.
Eekart harottri,e0..home from
Se.: forth h..: weer' site muler-
we.lt an d rayon ,or appendicitis-
ppendicitisand ,s loin_ well, ('te outer one is tit
hospital yet with a sire le„
\1r. 1=-i tt I. i c'r had tile 11'i:fortune
to break his arm Brhile crattki g a
10.011 tie, itvl )'lure Ire h t Bre'n
Cumming.. Mixed gatartyltte. Ilelen
Shaw, Jessie Richmond, }1 tr ld
\\ igle:ma t, filen d elinie: piano solo,
l,tnyd \\'canto , guitar rinet, \It - s
Irene and Jean \Is' Calittut, saxophone
solo Glen Kecltnic. \ one: act 1:1Iy.
Uncle 'George hops In, was gtta.t by
11iF. i1itntiltott..Stanlcy Sidth„rna
\lrs, Rnaell Shaw, Annie Phillips.
E. 'Ross and Jamie Sines. \ir-. J. W.
Mills. president of the \V.unto'• \ -
sociation. extended at vote of thank,
Trinity Church ha lies' Guild W'1'
foul a \111: eve and it '2111 :rad
Lazaar in Myth \ien,oriai (iat,
December 3nf.
\ir. and Mr-. .\loin Collin -on an I
little dean ulnen• Noma spout Stta,Lti
with air. \\'ill anti Marr C'ol!iuson.
3fr. Ed Silli'h spent a Eery ldc •
with Brantford frieend, 111.1
Mr, ;url \Ir,. Henry K.,,•i,l r ha,e
returned Inoue from their ci.11 to
their two daughters in ti eslctte hew ;n
anti report it looks '1'1
for the farmer', had no Cu'os, .f"
kind, not even garden -torr.
Mre and 1Irs. Charles Rege!c ae-
con}taufioel lay 11 r. and Ms Timmy
1 last we,': ,t t' home , : mr.:and.
Britz, tool: a stator trip to 'Palmer-
ston to visit some friends,
Rafter 'all the wet weather we had Want and For 0 :e al=, 3 aks, 511:
',!<•. :.r'. A1:.A\ _n: Ke ._ ,dol 'au1-
Me. R •ere Fe -r,..“ and \Ir, -and
.\ratur. sol
\'t, l,f ,<.ytt .i utlty nf , - ;tin-
, .: an•l. :t'urv'es '' a• +ter Ito:ti :of -31r,
and Plus. :\lhert Vodien.
\1•'. and \lr !f \\ at,. t 'ti fa -
„1 urn \\'a!+ a, s ,rpt nr rcen-
\111., \n,h•cy linos',
On the Level
In recent discussions concerning. thhe nett sidewalk on
Main street one often hear,: the terns "levels" ur "levelling."
and sr, when The News cameraman came across the above
picture taken clawing the preliminary work for the new side-
walk, he began ani in\estigatit,tt into the mysteries of taking
level';. The levelling instrument consists of a telescope bear-
ing a level and unmitted on 0 frame. Cross hairs4are engraved
on the glass on witicit the invige is formed. Ti, obtain the
- difference of level Itetween ttrdl poitrts. the levelling instru-
ment is planted at rt suital,le place between the points; the
heights al which the line rel sight is cut off by a graduated
levelling staff held at each point are read off and thediffei.- er-
ence gives the difference i -f lever between the two points,
Chrysler Plymouth and Fargo Dealer
Come in and see the new Plymouth car and Faro Truck
We also have 1 Service Truck -if you have car trouble,
phone 179 and we will come promptly
PHONE -.179,
Al' Repairs Strictly` Cash.
'sVe Aint To Please
31r. and Mrs. Gladwin \\isttake
teat the week end with friend. at
St. 1'homtt''.
\ire and Mrs. Rtt .ell Grainger vie..
ed with 'friends at Alviston o.tr tlt.
week end.
31r, Ve•x t'itesetec viited with
fiend- on the P.rons,n"1-int, one est
ening lately.
The Young d" op'e of the Viiited
Clnrrb, P-ayfield. are putting on a
talking ,oivtnre called 1)llrer Twist in
the town Mali, Rayfield, on Nov. 23
at. `1 -pent, 'Adults rid and children Pk.
Mr, and Mrs. J. A. (•arnie hair
been spending a few days with
friends at 'Hyde 'Park.
11r. anti \era Glad win \Vesti:Ike
spent ;t fcnr days over the week end
with friends in London, St. Th,nnar
air! vicinity.
31r. and .1rs, 1)onalti "Turner dv1
Loudon ,,sunt the week end with the
latter', parents, Mr. and \Ins. R. N,
Dc n las o1 B•lake.
Ret-. and Mrs.Kerr and Anna May
lointst s of Ilagersville called on 'the
liner', grandparents. \Ir. and \Irs.
lohuston of ter town line, on
Armistice Day, as they motored
through on their way t, 'Paisley,
Doucette -Mason Wedding-
wedding of uttteh interest took
place nn 'I'hur.day. Noteurber 1'1,
when .oke t':interine Mason, daugh-
ter of Air. William 'Gladstone Matson,
of : Beaver -He. Sask„ became the
mode 111 Earl R Doucette, son of 3!r,
and \Ir.. lac t't .1)nncctte, \\'ind-
thorst. Sask. The wecdeling was per-
formed at '1'1 o'clock at the parsonage
at Lonls' horn, Rev, Mr. Gardiner
Officiating. They awry :mended bit
Miss Phyllis Medal, of [Julien and
\6r. \ 'lien \pilin, who is tnm1
the W,--1. F„Il„•ti11," the ceremony
the we -hint:: party returned , 3dr.
James \ledd',, where a wedding g :up-
:,: r was served, with .11 friend- pres-
en:. lirand \Irs. Doucette ttll„ ars'
Iled`,'nnna•, ted 1)nt(Irin front the
\Vest. ,wail ,,,isle on the 7 -8th Bite,
of Ilttllett. Fio t haw„ tet• best wishes
of tilt community.
\fi:, t'hylti, Med.1 spent a few
,Bays last week with friends in Exeter
Misses Ethel and Viola -Dexter
spent Sunday with their -friend, Adds:
Fifth Stewart of Clinton.
\lisses Ilelen and Edith Britton
;mit the week end with their sister,
Mrs. Reekie and 'lir. 'Reekie, in Lon-
\!r. anei \irs. Charles Dexter spent
Tae -,lay with \fr. and Mrs. :Guy
Cunningham of Auburn,
\ir. and Mfrs. A\rafter Brnaclfont of
near \Vaitott visited 11r. and Mrs. ills
Britton on Sunday.
\ir. and Mrs. Marcus Lane of
Stratford are visiting. \fr, and Mrs.
Morris, Durham.
Tbs. Misses Ethel and Viola Dex-
1-pent the week end with their
-nsitt \ata Edith Stewart of Clinton.
31r. and Mrs. [.urn, \i0Nattghtou
and Mr. and Mrs. \Wa'Itc•r \lc'Nir„l
ltd sou were Sunday visitors with
\(r, and Mrs. Fred 1I'at'bnrn.
31r, and Mrs 'Rohl, Griutoisiliy
spent Sunday tvitlt Mr, and Mrs. John'
Mann o'f near Clinton,
\fish Blanche Armstrong slic•ma tit•
week end with friends in Clinton.
311. and Mrs. doe 'Riley spent Sun-
day with Mr. and 311•.. John Rth'y
Miss. [).lite Grdmtolrlltyof tieaforthy
spent the week end at her hunte here.
31 1,, Helen Davidson. of Mathe-
son near Kirkland-Lalee, 0I10 is ,at-
tending Stratford (Normal this term,
was a week -end guest of Miss Clar-
issa Dale,
rrry' pleasant social evening utas
.lte•ttt in the school roost of the
•Towel, , :Friday evening, 'Nov, ,112,
under the ttnspires of the (Golden
Links Mission sion Banr1. The Howell iyas
beautifully decorated with flags and
red wkite and blue streamers. Those
doing' the decorating nerc Mrs,
Frank IRilty and Miss Edith Britton,
Miss Jean Anderson, rice president,
opened - the meeting by singing 11.)
Canada, after which the Lords inlay-
er was repeated in unison, 'The min-
ntes of the previous meeting were
read •1y 010 secretary, 'Maxine Iles
Brien. The :Scrlptttre lesson, the 213rd
Psalm, was read by 'Jieat Anderson,
Trt•o verses of 'God :Save. Our 1NatiVe
Taod were sung. The guest speaker
.For t'he evening •was Mrs, DelWitt
Cosens of Clinton who gave a very
Life Begins in College
Bette Davis Tony Martin
A Musical Comedy
Mon, Tues, Wed„ Nov. 22-23-24
'Operation of the 131,1 Agc i'en;ir,ns
and Mothers Allowance :Acts in this
cottuty w is under tine at Tuesday af-
tern,nn s session of Hpre,n 1 tit sty
t'Itat res• were made that pensioners
living; in Detrtit were ill receipt of
tnott'th1' checks while ,drtwine, tonal
from properties ties in Huron county, all,
that many not eligible were receit int
pensions. It also was said Huron was
the only coturty in Ontario where
joint old ageand mothers allowances
board as required It a now act. had
not 'been awaited, while a mothers al-
lowance hoard, appointed under the
old act, w<ts permitted to function.
41 ant indignant about tlti said
Rove Livermore of Clinton. "'l'hc•
secretary of the mothers aliotrtutce
board, which has not held a ua'eliug
in nearly tun )cars actually held up
ti widno's chrdt with- sliiclt ted pads
.tore accounts. I stir he had an right
to do It: 1 .succeeded in getting 113 for
her for fuel, hut so far as the mothers
allowance hoard and food wts con-
cerned she and her children could
irttcrc,tin1 and iniure,sive address 0n
"Lowe," Ree. Mn,Gardiner
tate audience with two readings. The
orchestra. composed of Mrs. Jack
'Ferguson. Mrs, I.eo Stephen -on, Led;
Stephen :uta 'Eight Nott, gave two
tnttsicalnumbers which were tnnctt
enjoyed, Mrs, Robert c; rint,tldiby sang
a h,:uttifnl solo, Miss •Icy Sitn'n,tn-
ioi,1 a story of thefriendship err two
la ss s ter 11.010 1 -cap tl L in:taner.
\1i„i0n R unl leader, \1;-s Don -
Oda Adams, on behalf of the Innis
tttnvesl a Oslo of thanks to Mr..
r•ns. and t,
prn_�r.uu or who in at n' •.v ,y '!111' ,!
to mat.- the t'vstlti. so successful.
'1 his .,a- re-w,n...1 1., ;,t heart} np-
•plau,e•. 3ocial half hour was ,pent
and luncheon served 'by the airy,
Mr.-, Al: Reil visited with her sister
\Ir-. Fee. of !-c aortia,
'1'lte mean} friends of Mr. I. T. \lc-
\sh will be 1,ha-ed to kiwis he ]das
reco-cord frena his r,eutt
31; , ites.ie (•inter ha- returned
from L:ntrlolt.
The lantern slide: put ou by Rerr,
\ir. Peters in the 1'nitc;d Chtu•eh Fri
day night in aid of the \Ve.t'ru ,ler.
'21' prover( very interesting.
\lis, Logan ha• returned after vis-
iting friends its Clinton,
\1'r. Mossop, 31r. Watson and \It•.
Ben Ratllwel; were in London'rues-
•lac in r„nn1•01,14 With fit' \'aria
Mr. and Mrs. Savage. of Elmira,
New York, in company with Mr.
\1'isgta „f [ndtura, spent a few data
with the latter'. sister. \irs. Snaith.
Rcr. Aire limit of -l'riv.itt MI1110ri:0
Church. 1!veter, will conduct morning
,service at ilii a.m. in 5t. John's Church
nest Snttsil s -
\Ir, Jauueson 01 Hamiiton visited
\If-. Smith last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. McQuaid entertain.
ed some friends to progressive euchre
sot Sunday- evening-.
11r. and Mrs, Mike \Tm•rat spent
Sunday with \Ir. and \des, Pat Flan-
agan. \1r. and \drs. Nicholas Krattskopf
:mole n hnsincss trip to Stratford on
\les Anna 'Flanagan spent Sunday
afternoon at the home of her si,der.
Mrs. Frank Maloney.
\Ir, and Mrs. Gilbert \fitrrat anti
family visited frient(1s in T)tthlin on
3\.,.are pleased to learn `that \ft,
Fred T-loegy has been able to return
home from ,Scott\I cntrn'iad Hospital.
Srafortit• notch improved in health,
3D, Thomas Purcell is .1111 :bogy,
Nutting the McKillop urn: her.
The many 'friends of \1rs. Joe 3Tc-
Louv;hlin arc pleased to 'know- that
she and her baby girl have returned
from tate ,hospital it S:eafortlt.
The many friends .of '\'[r, and Mrs.
Jdhn A. Erlau t are pleased 10 learn
that their daughter 'Rita has been able
tmreturn home from the hospital after
convalescing a uutn.th but is still
nalde.r the doctor's care.
M'rs 'Joe Eckart of 'E•.Gnnronrl'eibi,
was called last Trri'day to Swinish
River. where her hit b„•lied is working
Varsity Show
Fred Waring and His Orchestra
Rosemary Lane, Priscilla Lane
Come and cheer college life in the
Next Thur. Fri. Sat,. Nov: 25-26-27
The Life of the Party
Victor Moore Helen Broderick
A Complete Cast of Comedy Stars
shift ts best they could."
Reeve Bowman, Brussels, ex -ward-
en, said tate p' iou Iniarrl no longer
unsevered his letters, itt he had quit
writing in disgust.
"The present system is nit far as
good as the former, and 1 ant satis-
fteld many not eligible are receiving
pensions," he said,
Warden Eckert said that so far
council had been nnablc to -get action
nit tate appointment of it new hoard.
it was-tttueetcd that Board
member.' remuneration he held up
received, until a report tt r t •ecet L it w
nounced that the-ecretary had been
asitedl ,'or a rr"ort hot as yet it was
not forthcoming. -
\Chat's the holdup'" asked Reeve
"I don't 1,114.1\," -itis! thi• ,Hideo.
got evtrurnt Letter sat- 1,, carry
on the -•Wit we are.
\itbnugh the Comity of ldnroa this
year reduced it- taxation $24.0nu anei
spoil( :1-It;.IPtit ad=lui,ol41 ,:1 its roads,
tln• uttnticinaliu will ',n•al•. even nt
the year, Warden J. \I Fckcrt t01,1
t0:11 lit his 01k:1111sg .ul Idea. "['Ire
p ,,•.rut dndelttceh:-- 1 S. 15, -2,,l". he
sate', 6:,, a, ttrd -,'. 'dairy' low.
ittn \1':o•de11 I.1lent '111 ,101 411%0+
, 1'.o-
radti• further redo, :' ,n in rite tats rate.
Rather dirt he i:taor de spending of
',nth -Mated addition •xri'tO, on ,minty
road, as 0 111 t cr of sottod eronntns,
and the keening tet the tax rate ;it its
present lead,
P•r:in.t to
titfirst that Huron
monis coldl nty .e,,nir) bank interest
ilea, year, pending the receipt n; taxes
from utamicfp•tlities iu January, and
iio,.erntnent sob -!dies next April, the
15 ;Ink') :ulv,s' ted :1 system of quart•
elle tax payments in all tntuticipaiities
which woold hr asked to 1.0 county
rates ,tet the -allot. basis.
Thu a sib uttrti sum could he
sated the taxpayers, s
"Why not e;n-rc oar own intriletu?'
he asked, cis .res-inq the opinion brit
many fanners owing to chanted con-
ditions were now in a'1 aitbsn to pay
quarterly taxes,
"I Juppe cotmril will tackle this
question Ibis year and if not thisyens,
Thankin;g the rcete•, for their splen-
did co-operation, the ,warden said
that $4.090 had been .pant this year
,capital account at the county
home, r\n ornamental stet'( arch dcs-
ignating the holm, had been erected
at the Laurance on ldghruay No, 4.
just smith of Clinton, a uuw' water
pressure system installed and other
improvements made.
:Indorsttion cif a resoluticm is
sought by Halton county s(Pposim a.
resohttdon of P•eterhoro county coun-
cil ,ne•gesfitt•g that Childr(n': '.\dd Sci-
cictie- be pttt miler control of ci,utttp
i'ete•rboro also ask support of a
resolution seeking an amendment to
the NInniripal Act prohibiting the
council of any municipality Errant
passing any bylaw or resolution
charging standard time to d'aylitghi
:aria a. time. '1t. was 'pointed out that
tandard time has beet) adopted as of -
(kill !inn' in the Dominion and that
11111,0evit'ience 'arid . confusion result
from hack of uniformity.
Welland council seeks the -abolition
111 fixed assessments for equalization,
stating that fixed assessments result
in the loss of large assessments to
1) 0 t1lripalitieS, -
Wentworth county asps sup -port of
a resolution for the granting of in
creased :subsidies for work on county
and suburban roads, claiming that
traffic }las doubled in the last tett
The deipartmeut-o'f public welfare
wrote ,c'ottifirtnitlg the ap'p'ointment :of
,f. kf. Roberts as secretary of the Mo-
fhci•s' t1wances avid iOild Age Pen-
sinn: R'oa19ord,