HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-11-18, Page 1B•eteaved of wrings and song, the skies
are gray,
And bleak the wo'odUands where
• from branch and bough
• Marauding northern winds have town
The leafy screens :so ,wantonly" that
evt•ry eye .are :shamelessly betrayed
f'he 4on'e1y, secret 'homesteads, late
the care
(7t those sheet_ tenant -architect, .who
Coir sunuuer jubilant.
--Nests bt Winter
Phone 84-
$l a vcar,
Sandwich Cakes
2 LBS.
25 c
5c Note Book, all for 25c
NEW CHEESE 19c 113,
PRUNES, Choke and Meaty -
3 ib, 25c
CORNED BEEF, 2 this 29c
'TAPIOCA, 3 1b. • 25c
LEXIA RAISINS with seeds in—
o 2 lbs. 25e
2 lb. 29c
!BULK DATES, 2 lb, 15c
'CURRANTS, 2 ib . . . ........... 25c
Orange 25c lb.
CITRON PEEL @ 35c lb,
2 Tins .,.. • ,_.......... 25c
Give the little pigs a start by feeding
Master Pig Starter $2.60 cwt,
Phone 166
E. L. BOX P43
Northside United Church
'Ree. T. A. Carmichael, Minister.
Sunday, Nov. dlst, 1a' a.nt., Subject,
"Mending the Nets."
7 p, m. Subject, "Toiling in the
R.S. at 10 amt.
St. Thomas' Church Services
For Sunday. November 'CLst. San -
day School and Bible ,C la's tin a.m.
Morning service I1 a.m. The 'Rev,
Leonard "Manley, ALA., of 'Epiphany
Church, 'London, !Ont., and Field Sec-
retary of Ilnrt.n College, will assist
-Canon :\.ppleyard with the niut•ning
'V envict• and preach.
Evening service, 7 p.m. 'i'he Rector
w'%tl preach. All welcome. Canon ,E.
Annleyartl, M.A., ''Rector.
Egmondville United Church
• Rev. A. W. Shep'hcrd, Minister.
10 a.m.--,Sunday School
111 am,—The Minister.
i ,p.m.- -The Minister.
.\ story of hide and seek, nr rather
cons and robber, is told •of Norval
Beth escaped convict“ from Walkerton
jail. Norval is About 1l4 his father
was killed overseas in the Great \\'at'.
About 7 o'clock 'Wedne'sday thorn-
log last Chief ,Snel'l received ,phone
calls telling of the escape, and not
long afterwards this. district was thor-
oughly combed by (Provincial officers
searching -for the missing man.
The police had the right idea- but
were a few hours too soon.
On Wednesday " night when John
Nash of 'i'1a-rmrhey, neighbor of
Pell'. home, returned he noticed the
kitchen door open. Striking a' match
he .looked out and saw the shed floor
was closed, l -Ie went hack and light-
ed a lamp and :returned to the .shed;
by this time the shed door -wag open.
13.11, if it were he, must have ',ren
hiding in the octal Mn when lir. ,Nash
first carte hums'.
N•I r. tNag]i notified the police.
1n the meantime, "Mike" dlatwkins
walking front his home on .East Wil-
liam street to C'lark's Service Station,
was passing Crick's staple, .corner of
Ord and William streets, when Pell
stepped oat from the shadow's and
asked if he were driving the transport
truck to Toronto and if he could ac-
aompa ny him,. - --
iIn,skilts, unaware Bell was sought
by the police. readily agreed Ioftake
hint. BrHI scents to have waited near
the service station while Hawkins
caws down to the frays livery barn
on Market street and got the truck,
Bell getting on as the truck left Sea-
Turing the night Chief Snell made
a thorough check of the stores to 'be
certain 13 ell had not entered any.
In Toronto Bell parted from f-Iaw-
kins at the corner of Ilfuron and Du-
pont streets, 'Mike" :proceeding to
the boarding house on i'{uron st.
where the truck drivers stay, and
where his 'brother Roytlen Hawkins
stays, making local deliveries,
Chief Snell does teen say how he
found out. but about six o'clock nett
horning he knew- 13ell had made the
trip and sent word to IGodertch and
IMt seems that in no. tinge the
'Toronto hoarding 'house was swarm-
ing witli detectives and cops who
walked in:unannounced. The first
roan they enconntererl etas -a Scotch-
ntan recently out from the Old l ono --
try, and leaving no clear description
-oi the wanted roan, they (,minced 00
hits. "Mike appeared and was grab-
bed and when the detectives heard
there was still another than they soon
had the taller Hawkins brother. it
:trs only after the landlady -rattle to
the rescue that the detectives were.
filmlly satisfied. they hadn't got Bell.
\Vhrther Bell has gone ',North or is
still in Thrown, no it -tier (rata., has
VARNA been found of '!tint..
"H must have had horseshoe.:
'R(.ntenihrance 1)tt'. eta. "It treed hanging all over him this Chief
tw rine,'
last Thursday. The parade was ;oral -
Snell remarked:
ed at the township hall and proceed- i
ed to the monument where a short ST. COLUMBAN
The socia' evening under the tr=ts-
pices of the ('.\\'.1.. last Friday night
Was a real steres+. '('bey intend hold-
ing another Iles. 27.
31;o1 friends friends of I tt't'sa Atkinson
Mr. and Mrs. \Vaster :3rstleha- of are glad to see her at church- Sunday
after the recent operation.
Miss tieraldine Eckert .,f Seafonth
is visiting' with \les. 'lou,
Hiss Lucy i''nrke spent the west:
end at her hone,
31rs. 'Planners Pnirni .spent the week
enol with Mrs. Doyle.
aerrice Aas held and the Last Post
sounded by Serg.-Maj. Fred Appleby,
afterwards the service was held in the
hall the arldro,,s i,eittr ,given by Rin-.
R. Peters
Targersold, spent the holiday at the
home of 71 r, and .lir;, Fred Appirhv.
:\ bale of clothing; is being ci,llected.
for the western relief.
and 7'frs, ,(leo. Pilgrim of For-
est, spent a day last week at the home
of \1r. C. C. Pilgrim.
First. Presbyterian Church, Sealorth
Of. Dovercourt Road Presbyterian Church, TORONTO
Major the. Rev. D. J. LANE
Of Knox Church,.GODERICH
SI'I:CL\L AIL SIC EV THE CH( )IR assisted 1» .Arnold
Allan, "rot -onto, at the Morning. service'
M. R. Rennie ,Rev. H. C. Feast
Choir Leader Minister.
Mrs. M. R Rennie.
Comntemor'atting, Armisbice Day,
and in honor of Coronation Year, a
flag, the gift of •Mr. Andrew Lit't'le,
was unfurled for the first time on No-
vember 1111, at it •quit ceremony on
the Scott Memorial Hospital grnuutls,
The pole w''h!ch was donated by
Mr, ,)Arm, •1 ergueon, Bayfield, was
erected by Mr. Rohl. Portenfield and
Air. Frank Lamont.
The H'os'pital Board 'wishes to ex-
press its appreciation to those 'wbo
contributed this elle addition to the
,New books recently added tit the
Seafnrth jPrnblic i.tbrary, - -_
Name ,if i3•nolc - - Author
lane's .Parlour - Douglas
The Years ,,,,. Woolf
Three C,,,ntradrs : Rentarque
And So Victoria , , , , , ...... \Wilkins
'Northwest Passage .,... ..... Roberts
Heather of- the 'High 'Hatted..Stringer
You Can't. Have •Es'erv'thinq'„Aorris
Worth \Vile \\'r.»
The Pattern, '!41tt'rhart
Bing of the Brush ' 113aine
Daphne •l)ettn - 1Mi1:1
The Hand to the Glove Stmt;
The Ace of Knaves Chnrtsris
Jahn ................... Baird
The liridge •Stuart
Below the Salt , . , ..... lu'arcl
\Vest of the ,Pecos - Grey
Tree of 'Death 13echdolt
d't's Hell to be a. Ranger._ Cameron
Strange Murder in Bermuda—Holding.
en *e
I t, Sapper
Coming Sir \f'trlowe
1.tt Mr Dee Tuesday \filler
Island 1tagie ('onrge
Non -Fiction
Speeches and Toasts Stomp
New tEtiquetty Wilson
On The Air - hMaherly
\Miracle of linglaud... :... ., llattrois
Aly Country and My :1'enplc
More diot,e' for Your Money
Lit -(Fires and Laughter
Orden! in England I(;iltbs,
Diesel Engine ('instruction .. Iiratttt
Scottish Chiefs 1'orteti'
English Quilting 4)10 and New
The regular inottt'hly meeting of
the \V.1LS, of Northside ltttitetl
Chinch was held .on November 141,
in the basement of the church. 'Pile
ileum. 'Tar and Near:' Was sung.
Then prayer was offered 1ty Mrs.
Lain11 the .president, The secretary's
and trea'surer''.s reports were read and
adopted. 1lrs, .Archibald, the Christ-
ian Stewardship secretary, gave some
interesting polite on "Money," what
it is. airs. 'Griew, the Supply scent•.
1rp. reported more eluthiug ready.to
send to the needy in the \Vest. The
roll call was taken. Dtu•ing the thttsi-
nes, :part of t'he tie -ming it was (Mehl -
ed t,, have the social shower merlin:
on Thursday: Nov, 25,
( isle 5, with Mr-. Reid as captain,
then took charge of the ant-otinnal
part tet the ntt•eting, Th.: t'hetne was,
" 3 \Vorshippin:g Church." The first
two verses of "O \V'onnliip the King.
all Glorious above," were sting,
\Irs. Dale read the Scripture lesson
Old \Mrs. Laing, the devotional leaflet.
Short prayers were offered by Miss
1.atrrence and Airs. Williams, Af!ss
\A'allace gave an interesting, reading
about ;the missionary, Dr, John !I1 -ed -
die. '(rhe second chapter, l'nto the
[netts ,,f the Earth, of the -Indy hoot:,
\ New C'h'urch Faces a New- \Vorld,
was taken charge of by \Rios Law
,encs. Targe printed cards, showing
what the •United Church of Canada
had done in establishing stations, and
sending out missionaries to the differ-
ent -foreign fields, were dis'p'layed by
several members of Circle 5,
The last two verses of IleItnt 3.0
were sunt; and the meeting was clos-
ed by all repealing the i\fzpah bene-
diction. '
The death 'of Mrs. William \.1•c-
Naug'hton, highly respected and life-
long res!cletit of this district. occurred
in her baith year- on Sunday anoarni,r_
at the home of her son-in-law and
daughter, \Ir. 'and Urs, john Shold-
icc of Tnckersntith.
Mrs, INIcNaughton had 'been in fail-
ing health for some tinte and two
weeks ago became seriously ill. For
the past year she had ;been residing
With her daughter, Mrs. Shoklice.
Formerly Mary 'Ferguson, guson, daughter
of the late \Mr, and airs. David Fer-
guson, she was born - on. .the ninth
conccsslon, 'llickersinith, rFotlaw'•ing
her marriage she lived on the seventh
concession, where Air. 31e\aughton
died in 10414. Sixteen years ago Mrs.
\loNanig°htna titovecf to Seafirth and
a year ago went to live with her dau-
ghter. A stet and two daughters -.aer-
ttice: . fohn 53. 31eNaughtmt, 'ftn•ker-
smith; \Irs, ',John Shold!ce, Tucker -
smith, and 1Irs. 1\'. J. Morphv, Tad -
more, ..-,1,1s.; adso one-istcr, \irs, Jas.
'Morrison. hincard'ine, and .four grand-
children. Tle- 'fttueral, nrhie!1 was
largely attended, was held on 'f'ne'ilay
aitcretaie front the rt+Yitlenee o: her
van -in-law, 3]r. John Sholdiee, eon -
cession '4, Tuckersutit'h. The services
were conducted by .Rev, 3. \\ Slits..
herd of 1 gnrondtille trilled Churn,
'The pallbearers were !Robert Doic,
dton'tgotnery (Patrick, W. V. jell(
son, '1V.-\Vdblace, d). Leitch and \Vii-
1latit \Morrison. interment took pniact.
in 7!aftlancl Bank cemetery. Allton_
those from it distinct attending, fro•
funeral were her it mglittr, \!r \A J.
\loipht, 1 (Amore tial.; her sister.
Nies. James Morrison, Einem-dine:
also all's F.. Sparling and Leslie, t'
fRtmrardine, \Irs. Ilam, \tato(l; \Ir.
and lies James C au nuchae 1 istow el;
Mrs, \V4.411, .Ethel; 'Mrs, S. SW an,
He'nstdl;}aIle, 'Alex, Smith, ;He•nsall,
I`he •nn,n•thly meeting of the
tnotidville United Church \1'.\I,S, was
held at the nuutse with the rice presi-
glen{„ \ti's. \1, •Franey' ill the chair, giv-
ing the call to worship after which a
:hvtun aa, sung. The Scripture lesion
7tas read by \i'r Jets. ,Allan. after
the reading of the devotional ieallct
"The \Vtrshipping Church," •hy \lis-
\faiiel t .tutrrou, Mrs, Shepherd pce.
sided durittg'eite business period whet'
the iollnw'ittg were appointed the itis
ttlitiatin;g committee: Nits. Shepherd
\]r., 1\'. 11c7lillau, Mrs. Ilan. 11ro,vu.
\Ve are sorry to re'port that our se
retary, 11rs. ,! Ito. Forrest, has n„
been a'h!t' to he with ns. lIrs, \I. 11n
icy look tin' study honk and 4ave -t
sketch of the coming of the early
('hnrt'h to Canaria. The meeting was
closod withprayer by 3!r., Shepherd.
.\11 old turd highly respected resid
ettt of Seaf„riI has -eel :ncay ,m
Wednesday- in t'he person of 11rs.
Robert 11a,tvthorite Mn herr Stn.! rr
Mrs. Hawthorne bad been nisiting
her sol,1,1 4iotlertch last ,v eek; 'titer
tetirnhtg home on Satttrd It.. -h'. ' t
cant. Mil with pneumonia at her home
on North Main street. 1'Iie deceased
whose maiden name was Mary Rank-
in, had lived in this vicinity sitter
.even yt'ari of age, having come at
that time with her parentis f't 1
Glasgow, 'Scotland, and settled. TIC t-
onsq,nce, .Vier her marriage \Ir-
lawthwrne lured at i., vl,oro , I
thin 'n E'gntundville for tease,-seve1.
year., and in Seaiorth. \Ir. 'Haw-
thorne predeceased her twenty-one
years. ago, She is sacci red ill• one son.
\\'alter, of {loderich, and one brother.
Tames 'Rankin, of Sea6m'th. Two
sons predeceased her.
The funeral will take ,place on Fri-
day front her late residence to \sat.
land Battle Cemetery, Rev. C. C. -Kahle
officiating owing. to The illness nt Re
. -
IL C. Feast. The pallbearers will tt
Messrs, John Cdtfl S. Carter, 'l. \I
(covenlock, 1:1r Scott, E. Mole, Thos.
People need a Ionic these ldull No-
vember days and whatbetter 'bracer'
can you have than a good Scotch :an-
t er :and concert 'To see and heat n
'innitie couple dressed i,1 "the kill”
singing '''Viten ye gatut - aka' Jam ie.'
nr to listen' to "the march of thy Ca-
meron hien" or "Loch Lmtiitnd"—on
top of. Haggis and a gond Rgninnd-
tville sn,pper---aril] he an event to he
long remettnbered.:The whole evening
will he one of sociability, humour, in-
spiration and entertainment. Remem-
ber; Tuesday, Nov. 30th at Eganand
The annual lmeeting of the Huron
RoyAssociation.- Toronto, will
be held on Thursday evening, Nov-
-nailer 215th, at the Y:M.C,IA., 9311
College St. Carols and refresthnrents
fol'low'ing the election of officers. All
former residents of • Huron - county
naw- resident in 'Toronto are invited to
,fund. Please notify your friends of
n, gathering,
do 5
t jQ WIT H
R <
This complete ensemble is offered at the very low price of
while the present supply lasts, This is a real bargain and
is possible only because we were fortunate in getting
our order in before the last sharp advance in dinnerware
prices. The Maddocks Dinnerware is English, of course.
Phone, 194 Res. 10
The Seaforth Branch of the Can-
adian legion No. d1(6 takes this op-
portunity of: thanking the citizen; of
Seafnrth, Dahlia and Walton for their
generous support in helping .to make
the sale of poppies a success. 'Pita:
receipt $120,39, \\'e have -.pent the
sunt of '$11100,715 on - relief to members
of the branch this. year. -J, E. Keating
Ms ,President, anti R. B. •FTtrinien ;Ys
Secretary, -
The weekly meeting of elle [Titian
V.P.S. _was hell on 'I'ttadty evening
in the lh•eshyteria 1 t -larch with the
uresidant, John \101x, presiding. Miss
Luella Kaine had charge of tete' meet-
ing which was of special interest.' Af-
ter rhe business part df the ' evening
the meeting was brought to a close.
,cit},- the -singing of a' hymn and re:
(eating of the \lirpah benediction,.
Mrs. .\ndrew Calder Sr., one of
St-uiorth's oldest residents, pas•etl
-twos on Tuesday .at the home• of her
son. AIF. Andrew Calder. James st,
Calder has in her trill, vetr.
She had lived here since eight year ,f
age and could vividly- recall the e.: -
citing days of the genian Raid when
volunteers went through 1.gntnnd-
vi'le to -a gathering ,,Dint :it Brn•e-
tit ld. Unfit recent months 11115 grand
:alt was very ;olive and alnuos;.
.'try a5- a yawn 0 person.. She rt'.
;ail,. d e\ct•liettt eyesight, being able
last tc utter to wt's':e a rug carpet as
iierft'rtly as over and la _t spring pot-
tedplants in the .garden as -usual, For-
merly Christy Ann Sutherland, she
tvas born at 'l'ictnu, \ova Scotia. At
thee age of five she canty to the Gore
])tun(*, near Stratford, ,with her
parent.,. the late Mr, attd 'Mrs. Chas.
Sntherlan<l. trim three rears later
mover) to lF_ntondville, Seventy year;
ago she: itis united in marriage to the
ih .\nrlrrtc C'adei of Scninrtlt, pitn-
t Ora:pit er, and had kited here yvcr
nice. Of a family of six :on: and
three dat,ghter-, there sorvive tw'1,
:ons a n 0 three daughters \Irs, Ca-
therine McDonald, -Toronto,- Mrs El-
len Hind, Chico, California: \frs.''T.
IT. Alifter, Saskatoon; :tudrew• C. Jr.,
Seniority, Robert, of Chaumont. N.
Y. 'There are 21 grandchildren and 10
great grandchilden. The fotti. ons
who wird: C h.irles, Atlanta; Ga.;
James, Winnipeg, Mao,; .Douglas,
killed overseas: 'Andy, died in infancy,
Her husband passer! array in ltlnd;
Tie had preti u!.ly sold his ei:Mess
to 1George frit t'.
'fleeTr. funeral wild take ,place
day afternoon at p.m., 1Rev, :C.ThnC.
IKaine o'f'ficiating, interment fn ltfait-
a •',' R•:9 is :'cin of ten .
The animal meeting of the Sea -
forth Lawn Bowling Chth m'as held
on Tuesday night when the following
officers were elected:
President, J. ;J. puff; Vice Pres.,
M. A. ,Reid; Secretary, IR. E. Bright;
Treasurer, W. J. Duncan.
Executive committee, R. J. Sproat,
C. 'P. Sills, 'Thos, )ahnston, Hy. Ste-
wart, \TTm. Hart, R. tJ, Winter. Tour-
nament convener, J. E. Willis. C'ltas,
Holmes was named a referee in the
pin game competition for next season.
Harry (Jeffry won for lone hands,
Messrs, Duncan, Mcihellar, Beattie
and Jeffrey played off for the game
,prize; which Beatty and Jeffrey won,
A bridge luncheon early in Decem-
ntil'l. be given for •the ladies by the
men's ebb,
Norval Bell,, who escaped from
Walkerton jail on Tuesday night of
last to -eek, stilt elides the dragnet of
police searching for his whereabouts
in Toronto and Western Ontario.
Last clue to his movements as re-
ported by police is that he is hiding
in Toronto. 'Police throughout - the
province and the international korner
have been notified to be on the look-
out for the fugitive. 'Reports from
various points statedthat a man of
Bell's deserip•tion had pakserl through
these 1tdaces, but close invc•st!gatitvt
hays' found these to be anfonnded- - -
Bell, who was sentenced to fete
years in Kingston a few hoursbefore
his successful getaway from the jail
at Walkerton, has so well covered up
his hacks and eluded the police ' that
officials cling to the theory that he no
doubt is keeping ,under cover in the
home of some friends, possibly in 'To-
ronto,- -
Jail officials concluded Ball must
have used a key to open the door to
his cell. He went down to the kitch-
en, piled boxes in a corner and got
through a ventilator window to the
roof. He stepped 'across to the jail
wail and dropped 'fifteen feet to the
ground outside. - (Relieving Turnkey
C. T. Ross said he discovered Bell
was trussing at 0,30 a.m, when he --
made his regular 'Inorning round,
The Hoene of .;ATT.. john Scott and
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Scott and
family at Roxboro, was badly dant
aged by 'fire 'an Saturday night while
the occ'upan'ts were in Seaforth. The
,fere, thought to have started from an
overheated sttove, had not 'burst into
open flange 'when discovered ;by the
family on arriving home. Pt was ex-
tinguished with the help of neighbors
and txtlters who gsatltered,'Con'sil'erable
repairs will be necessary on Iattth
floors on the east side 'he'fore the
lout tvMC ht• 'read
v i'lle. •
y in necupy again,