HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-11-04, Page 8A EIGHT
The regular meeting. of the Village
Council was held Monday evening.
INov. 1 in the council chamber at 8 p.
cir wr:h all members toresent.\I mu cs�
of the ,previous meeting ,very adopted,
I, G. Bont'hroil reported the tax col-
lections as being $600 ahead of last
year et the •sante time. E (;. Lon:tli
Ton also appeared as a delegate from
the 'Canadian I.e gion re 'Remem'b•
ranee Day arrangements. 'Reeve Shad -
click reported re he provincial o rcath.
Brock and Twitchell, That we ow -ch-
ase .a "$s wreath for armistice da\
'front the Legion. wn. s'onxii iieations
were read from Dept. of ;Public VVei-
fare re old age pension, Mrs, \\. Lie
hold. Dept pi \Municipal .\tTair, Fh•-t-
!hroelt Monteith Co, 'Cotmty Engin-
eer, Municipal Officers' School.ssne
filed. the Traffic Bvlaw No. 8 s
read and adopted. Bills and accounts•
dere passed. O. •R .we riffe relief milk.
:5311 T. I. )Drummond. relief'-s:teat, 82.-
615; T. U \\ren relief rr cerin
75: 14. 5inalr, f t p i •pari. rink, :$?v:-:
Wolff. do, 81 (d L. Rand,. do. 85:
~lied 1 ,k: do, 812; ti. Johnson. do.
113; .\ Hildebrand, do $3.8.0: 1. Vrr-
be nt, T. Rt u, 1-o1) 1c ::14:
iaont i io S. \fc-
A,,i,;Er 9a 20 \ tiark. catch
84u: -trot & 1 e;y d t c repairs
¢.rise fail. $14.7.81; \\', Sproat. tile
..rev:s :2:4; 11'o al' Hydro, hall alai
1. Passmore.
1. I er,.. xt)c
s, _ ,, ;rlo A. S.18.15; \. Dick.
.51); It , ti. l,olih n.
1,1r, ,:11' 50" R. 1`,. Shaddick. d..
, o; f \ :'a'u .on, d, $1.51t, 1' :a
5,15:1 r p.
Clerk epos teal r. t.7
, e .led lion for municipal
-:1cers it:o" n. Council adjourn -
'noel on Nov. 115th: ;Fames 1
\ 'r y. 10a110,1
e e in \\ eelnes-
a t \-li ttft#s and se+1t pct
v: :v: ' a- ..r relief purposes in
tint '1 1 t t\ '1", sent in care of 1...
,11, N111 see o the proper
dish -11)11110n .r the. ante. The commit-
tee in charge or the loading of the
car a_an to thank all 't'it.,se who don-
ated goods or looney. They received
S35.:5 in a.sh donation ,\ ince: was
used to purchase potatoes. . The ear
was tilled to the roof and contained
fo loa ing good , 430 bag, of p0-.
1 at,', 4e, -lags of Means, 08 bags of
ve•re::d,lcs. lel' )sial of turnips, 60
hoNes ,•f canned Obits. 30 boxes or
bag, of 11911es, 200 lb.. of honey, 330
lbs. ..1 racked wheat. 'Wills. of wheat
berries, 175 fits. of done, 711 ,h, of
corncrus, 160 pumpkins. 810 citrons
and one •hale of clothing, Atwater,
Sask., 'has a populaticin of about .160
and there have been no crop, in ,hat
district for several ye.ar..
Mrs. English is spending a few
days in Lxeter •this (seek v,sitin.z re-
\Ir. and %Mrs. Harold Hilliard are
nicely .settled in their 'neat lime at
the corner of Son1h Richmond and
Anent fats.
A rally day service was held in the
:United Church in S inday morning,
The Sunday Sc11,101 meeting. united
with the morning secriee. 1Dr. Iran
Smillie, superintendent 0f the Sunday
school presiding ..\iter the opining
hymn was sun,., the scripture lesson
was read' by Edison Forrest. Miss
Jennie Murray +,tar a ta11 on "'i'hc
Sunday School ,s1 Yesterday." \ trio
was sung •by three little girls: Ruth
hese, \la'ble Fairburn and Shirley
Redden. 11r. Elgin Row -cliff,: gave a
talk on the Sunday School of today
after which ,va, a solo by Joyce Brod-
erick. Rev, Arthur Sinclair and 1)r.
niitlieboth gave -v cry interesting ad-
dresses on ' the Sunday School of to-
morrow. 'The Service r1 i' . I with a
hymn and the benediction. -There was
a splendid- .qutendtince and the service
was greatly enjoyed 1)y all present.
\Ir. Ro'bt. Higgins returned home
in: Saturday altar visiting for a eon-
ple of Creeks- act the home of his
daughter. Mrs. Orval (leaversof Far-
crib• members of the legion .here
have arranged for a poppy day to be
held in the near future. On Remem-
brance Day a union envice will be
held in the United Church.
Mr. Lloyd Cook speiut the week
end in 'Toronto.
Mr. L. (Raiz 01 Mitchell has taken
a position as plumber and tinsmith
wi.tit Eonthron and Drysdale.
Miss 1la.vis Spencer is visiting With
friends in Toronto this week.
The sale of homemade cooking
sponsored by tite Mission (circle of
the Carmel Presbyterian Church w.as
held on ..Saturday aftertu3 01 and was
very successful.
Quite a number of the meni'bers of
Carmel Presbyterian Church 'attended
the meeting of the young people of
the 'Huron' 'Presbyterial held at Sea -
forth on 'Monday evening.
Hallowe'en night was celebrated
here on Saturday night, gangs of
children in alt kinds of comic cost-
umes, were out on the streets and had
lots of fent but did no serious .damage.
The firm .of Manns & Farquhar,
who have carried on business here
for over 20 years, conducting a bar-
ber shop and tobacco hn iness, have
dissolved partnership. \Ir. (Farquhar
has rented the .hop in the Davis hloc'k
recently occupied by line Flynn, and
will continue in the barbering 'busin-
ess there. He ninved its on Monday
send t .pen for bilsines.-. 1\r t'clive
Mr. Nlatms will remain in the saute
.business at ,the old stand.
The 1Tcnsall Legion 111) I hold a
.Poppy :Day, here on Saturday., Nov,.
(1111. 011 .Rrnu•n1brance Day a lotion
service will be hold in the United
Church at a quarter to three in the
l-Iensall's municipal edcetioll will he
held on Monday, Dec. 6th. 'A nomina-
tion meeting will he. held 011 'Monday
evening Nov:. 24th, in she (town hall
to nominate . candidates for the posi-
tions of reeve. 4 councillors, 3 school.:
trustees and one hydro commissioner.
A 'Hallowe'en social 'uncl'er the aus-
pices of tl:e YIP,$.` of 'the 'United
Church was held in the school room
of the church on Monday evening,
Nov, 115 1. There was a large crowd
and a splendid program T1he •pastor,
Rev. AntMur Sinclair, was chairman.
Helen en 11109. Lord's prayer in nnnson.
Violin solo by Mr, +George .Grant.
ZOfi,a s
10.00 for 7.50
7.50 for 5.00
Paris Swirl
Permanent 4.50
Charm All.
Permanent 3.50
PHONE 50 or 18.
Beauty Salon
Favorite 5.00 for 2.95
Wavola 2.95
SPECIAL Permanent
} '
School Girls' Wave
t or End Curls 1.50
.011 Pelrinaneilts include sham -
poo, hair cut and f. wave.
Main St., Seaforth
Spin Betty' 11ick'c. Selection, Hyde
1110 :r . tthano instrumental, Miss
tthitlys Lnkrl'. 1 very interesting, and
s:n•opriatte reading' by.
itar selection. \lies Kathryn,.,Drys-
.1:,1e; duct, All is,..., Pella 8analc and
Minnie Sac ".lt). Soo, Alr. AV. 1.1.
Seleuune, Hyde orchestra;
uio . instrumental, Alies .91orn 1cc
\'el.l, solo, \lr. ('laude 1;10,1 es. ;se-.
ection. 'Ruth nal llohb\ Hess. Solo,
at Broderick. 1 \ to singing the
',ti, n,tl ,cn11111 •spurn a'ntl ctutcls
ere 1l154 and a dnne'ih sea act.
the pieulid lt'.,'atl 11 as arranged
by \lies' 1,iadvs (shier and Miss
;slathryne Dry Ido.
l'h1.11111'.hytery meeting o) the' dis-
trict \vas held 011 Mun,Lay afteeu oon
It the linnet' of Rev. \\-. .1. Young.
11, 51t 1,4 minister from the district
were present and a very 111tete ting
,'cull. ya' bell.
tial t y school rally- day service. was
roll ,n e a rmrl Presbyterian t-lnirch
on S•nuhry morning the Sunday
511100 meeting with the rhlvell ser \-
ice. IDe pastor, (Rev. \\'. A. Yonug,
%la, hi charge- 1:1iter the „penin_
hymn the scripture les.son len :scare
•sas taken by all the hogs arid \Hr.
lloung reading alternately. ecoid.
mart the girls reading' alternately.
thirst all reading 1ltern•ucly- Mr. Pet-
er 11,sir. the smserintentien, the
S:u1(1,ty school, .,aye a 'very interest-
ing talk on the responsibility of par -
'1 in,cotuiection .,ith sending Ali.
children to Sunday School, -1 trial,
tette He 'Keep. \•1e Singh... by four
girls, Lois and 11a1io1 11 el.areu, Rio-
iac 11 .skin, and Margaret Dougal.
\Ir. Young spoke ou peace, .1 quart-
ette by .meimiers of the choir, \tins
Irene Hoggalth Miss \label Work-
man, \ire, \\'..1, 11cLaren, and Mrs.
E. K. 1Tutf.5m
11 r. and lire, ,1 oho Rohm] spent
the week end at the home of 1)r. and
\Ir . i. 1. Spellman, Pandora aVe,
4001] mer, prior to their leavin ' for
drinrida, where they have ',pent the.
:.;i -t two winters in the interest of
\ir, Bolton's health,
1.1).012. (}rated 11a -ter \1b"rt
'Ruthvee i- to s•,cal: in 'Hansell soon
time 111 Not collar.
The Not ember 'meeting of the
South 1•inron Ministerial ' \-sociati%en
was 110111 al 1110 home of Rev. \\','.1.
Vole's on \londay afternoon Nov.
i;t when 't: was reported (hat 11d110
Carloads 01 foodstuffs bad been ship.
'it'd to the \\'est Chis year 'from the
area served by (11110(1(4 of the as-
.o0iation, The Address of the after -
nth its
uter-noon was given by Rev. 9 B, Moore
..i Grand (;end. who spoke regarding
his recent trip •in the 11 01Y 141nd, il-
lustrating hi, teulalk, by a set of col-
ored slides. It was arranged tohold
the 1)erenlber nieelitt;: at •Elinlrille.
,M, . IR, 111, Coate. iter and :bro-
ther, 53)5)1 to thank their 'friends and
n'iglt'bors for the kind expressions of
syl'upathy during the illness and death
(1 Meir mother, the .late lire.. \V'iI,lisun
\l e \l.i,diael.
Of Stock and Implements. At Lot
216 Con. 13 McKillop, north gravel
road 1% miles south of Walton, an
Wednesday, Nov. 1116 at Ib ip,tn.
Horscs--A'ged horse; grey 'horse,- 4
years old.
Cattle•--tGratde Hereford, cow, (bred
June 1111 grade Hereford cow, 'bred
July 23; red 'Durham ,cow, bred 311.1111
21 ; !Holstein'c•ow, 'bred 'Slane '6; lfar-
row cow; :thonou(g(hlbred IH•ereford 'bails
3 years; 6 grade 'Hereford calves.
Implements -Massey Harris bind-
er, '6 ft. out; Massey (Han is mower,
Harris ft. cut; Massey drill, '12 hoe;
Maxwell hay loader, steel hay rake,
set harrows, disc, wak'king plow, snif-
fler,Ibkiggy, cutter, set 'sleighs, wagon,
gravel boxand stock rack; set scales
Mr. 'NI, Beattie and gamily wish to
express their appreciation 4.0 their
friends for sympathy during their re-
cent berotuvement. .\leo those who
sent flower,IN MEMORIAM
In 'loving n1emory o1'John L. laul,-
ley who passed away six' years ago.
()ember ...111..t.
11r. and Mrs.Joist: Herdman et e-
brated their thirtieth wedding aunf-
v'rsary on Saturday-' evening last.
Their family presented 'them with an
bladdnt lamp.
1\11 s Margaret john. visited - with
friends in Clinton on Sunday,
The Young :People's Union paid a
visit 1., the James St,. Young. :People
in :Exeter on Thursday evening o
last '.reek and sere 'quite royally en-
\1r, and Mrs. 17arry John, have
been 1,1(1 11 ,to hod with colds,
Huse. Ethelene and Ellen:, 101111s
entertained a number : of friends to a
H'allowe'en -Party on Saturday night.
Mr, and 3Irs.
near Varna were
day evening with
\Ve are .Miry 1
'fe•8dy .Johns was
i(019i1a1, London,
Mg of last week.
Mr. and 31re..A
Enos -'I-foot ban of.
visitors on 'I'hnrs-
\Ir. and ides. 1\'m.
n report that 21r.
taken to Victoria
on Friday morn-
. C. 'Whitlock of St,
ihcir from us tact leaving memories
.1e.,th can aver take aaay,
\leulorie, that will always linger
while novel this earth tee stay.
-diver rententehered by \lother.
Sister and Brothers,
1 ) I'al'lll 81i,ck 7111(1 1111p1en1e ilt..- be-
1,n1,)1n11: 10 Robert Hinsdale at 1.ot 1.
(' un.e siOIl '. Stanley Twp., I1..1 miles
west 0 klippen oil Saunrclay. Nov.
tithit at It:i(i
11orus._1 .'prin5 colt.
Cattle - 1' Shorthorn cow n Nears
o1) not.ose•d to be in calf; 1 Short-
horn rots 4 years old. due in May; 1
Shorthorn heifer clue in May; 1 red
glade row 4 years old, freshens in
31ay: 1 black cow G years old, rile in
\larch; 1 red grade he -iffy breed Spt.
,lel :VII these ,1, are milking.
11 yearling -leer: 5 sting ekes: 1
calf n aeric. old.
Ng. '20 eltu'nks 01 91)2'.1 1 stew dile
about \oc, 12011.
'Implements--4l)oerin:g hinder 7 ft.
int; 1 Deering snow 11 8) ft, cin: 1
Pro,t e& \Void 1.2-1ix' cultivator.
spring 1, 0)4: 1 set 4 '''tion diamond
liarr„,v'.; 11 steel drum land roller:
bran ecn(Tlrr and puller combined:
hay rake: seed drill, 112 hoe; 1 faro
wagon; .11 iron axle wagon: 1 hay
rack; set hob sleighs; 11 entter: 1
sculllcr, 2 hall:in plows: .Yord0on
plow; 1 Clinton fanning mill with
full set of ..rice: including elov-
er: scales, 221810 lbs.; 't; -font ladder:
bag truck, 2 wooden gates: 1• set
double team harness; 1 .et '411141e 1111r-
1Ilot•se r011ar.: halters; 3 -,:(s
dotal Mree.s and ne,k yokes; eras
-ceder; block .am! tackle; several I g-
gillg chain.; .aw•A, grindstone, cistern..
vamp; 8 -barrel .. ab,vanized sap tank;
1 large sap jinn; '1 iron sugar kettle:
1'5(1 sap pails with .piles: 5 gal. syrup
ea, a ml neverul 1 gal. cans; 60 ,direct
.arks: ,1 hay fork: 1)0 bush, nli.ed
feat: about 100'btt, yellow initernied-
ialy nlailgels; forks. :shovels, pail's
wooden barrel and numerous .mint
I tome Comfort ranee: 1 large cher-
ry table; 1 Con,goleunl rig.
Everything will be sold without re-
serve, 'Perms -cash,
tier, 14, Elliott, "\vrtinneer: Rob-
ert Din -dale, Praprieta,
Thomas. were 11.10( 115 in this vicinity
on Sunday.
Mr. an' Mr-. John lCerdnlan were
Sunday visitors with .\dr. all() Mrs.
Rolland Squires.
\fr. \!ee Latta had the ntisforttrne
a:n have the ligaments in iii: right arm.
badly twisted when it caught in the
belt on ,the township crusher on Fri-
day ntornin1 of 'last week,
lire. Robert Dennisnr' of London
and Miss Florence tIinger of 311111-,
toba ...1sited recently at the home of
\Ir. and Mrs, B. \\'illiants.
1'Ile fowl supper, which 1,5111S held in
(lit• church las; Tuesday evening,
proved very .ucces,fu'1, Over, four
hundred people wrye feel.'A it'ery i,igh
class 1rngram was provided by five
irt!sts from Centennial .Church, Lon-
don. .lbont ;2,30 tVaS cleared .from the
Sunday services and the fowl supper.
For Seaforth Pi bile School second
hand 1;rantopltone, table model. Must
be in good repair. 11. McKellar,
Ser'y, S.IP,S, Rd.
We 'have a splendid selection of
Winter Fuel for you.
Hy -Grade "Alberta Lump" Coal
at $$10.20 per torp
Hamilton Coke, No. 1 quality
$11.20 per ton
"Pennsylvania Anthracite"
,stove or nut size, $12.20 per ton
These• prices apply to all cobweb
ers hauling their own
"Hard Coal prices will be higher
in December"
All Prices Cash
T. H. Scott, Secretary.
)000 1!b,; •fan'ning mill 4 wheel 'trailer,
set of double harness, set single bar-
ness, chains, forksshovels and other
articles too n•nmeroos to mention.
Moffat range, cream separator.
Terms of sale, cash.
• \'o reserve as proprietor has sold
his Marin.
Geo. 11. 1i'Iliott, Auctioneer; 2V. 0.
Clark, 1hmprietor,
(41 Ravin Stock and Implements.
0t Lot 34, lease Line, one and ,» to
hall miles north of Clinton, on 'roes -
day. November 'tth at 11:30 sharp,
5 young (;ti ern e\ 1.13 3 title to
freshen in IJaunmry and lrehruary; ,i
1ernssy heifer.; td) year-old Le:g
horn lien,; (Horses, harems, land
packer; Do Laval ('ream Separator;
baggy, cotter; Ford Coach, 31odel 1';
furniture and other cuticles.
\Vile also offer good. wind Mill now
at farm of \fat 11, :Clc'Deruwt, can ie
nlI)er,:ed previous to sale,
N., reserve as proprietor as giving
p farming..
Terms oasis.
E. Rozelh `Proprietor.
o;. II. Elliott, Auctioneer,
0f Choirs; Cows, Young. Cattle and
] e •.. -\t \\ all or's Sale Barn. Bruce -
field, Prid ly, NOV.5th at 1 9.111.
Cattle Roan caw, 5 years old, due•
tine_ot ,,tile; blue cow, '5 years old,
due time of sale; blue cow, ti year,
• ld, dile tittle of sale: brindle cow, ti
years 01,1 due time of sale; 'Hereford
cow, 0 years old, due in December;
11croiord ('(-. 0 year: •old, yvftll calf
at toot: '.Hereford cow '5 years old,
with calf at stmt; avow, 8 year: old,
milking, doe in Mardi; 1 fat cow: 4:5
choice •tr'o-year and yearling Here-
fords; •'°3 'cakes, Yi months' s' old; :i
spring galec's; 4 Durham heifers, cis-
1'igs `r \'irk pigs, 7 weeks old: 9
York pigs, 5 neck, old; a number o.
sheet.; 4 year-old . New-11ampshire
hefts; !,et ',lop sleighs.
E.verything h, he snlcl,
Tereus C:t'h.
1;vo, H Elliott .'\netinneer; Mrs.
\V .3. (toss, Proprietress.
Big 50 Poultry Concentrate
per cwt 4,00
Sure -Gain Hog Concentrate
per cwt 3,00
Prairie Rose Flour
per cwt 3,75
King Edward Flour
per cwt 3.49
Rolled 'Wheat Berries
5 lb. bag .25c
Rolled Oats 80 1b. bag -3.49
, 3,49
Red Rose Tea, lb, 55c
Lipton's Tea, Ib. 60c
Blue Ribbon Tea, lb. 50c
6 bars Pearl White Soap
1 pkge, Ammonia '29c
3 cakes Lifebuoy 23c
5 cakes Castile 24c
Men's Rubber Boots
per pair 2,90
Men's Laced Rubber Boots
per pair 1,85
.J •
2 LB'S. 27c
Who next meeting of the intron
County' Council (111 he held in the
Council ('llal111101''. a loder)1111, cnnt-
menrittg 'Tuesday. November loth,
1937, at '2 p, to. '.111 accounts, notitts
of deputation., applieatinns and ten-
ders should be in the hand of the
Clerk by 'November (1,,i•th, 1937.
J. \i. .Iv01-1L.RTS,
County i'lerk. Yiode'rirh.
\•nthitious: actfne, trustworthy, pre-
ferably with CHI', erperieure 11111•phd
1)11t' not essential, to distribute house-
hold, farm. medicinal and alimentary
products in reserved territories, Ces1i
Terms. Fair 'Profits, No Risk. Splen-
did 'business opportunities for willing
workers. Complete information. \k';rdte
F-\bI11UE.N •PIRIOlD111C"d.q C'0., 91701
St. Clement St., Motntreal,
14) York pigs, .7.weeks old; for sale.
,lint LAinIlb'orou:glh, phone 115.0 r 116,
Seaforth. yet.
Successor to John H, Best
Seaforth, Ontario
.111 parties who have rut weeds on
the roads of '1'urkersulith, (luring year
111937. must have their a¢ Dunt 'for the
work clone. in the hands of the 'Road
Supt., R. 11)(1)) 01111 Kippen No, 3,
'by November fila, if they wish pay-
ment the're'for,
4151 1), Ir \Ie.abl!EGiOR, (aerk
.1 desirable ,property on Main St..
1igm0udvillr, cou.isting of seven
room irate house with hard and soft
water and hydro, half an acre of land,
and stable alid lien house. Po$sessi,nl
Nov, 21)111, Corner Lit. Apply at '1'he
News office,
1 hlacl.'-haired robe, 11 walnut table,
1 wicker table, 1 ordinary table: 11° re-
versible rug 354: 11 oayest.ry rug 3xl•
3 chiffoniers, 1 dressing table. Ciel 110
sten any time. at \lrs,.lamcs. Sproacs
1:'gnlnndville, ;Phone (114I8 r 4,
Notice is hereby given ,pursuant to
the statutes in that 'behalf that all
persons having claims against Cath-
erine Knansko'p.f, w'jFe of. [Peter•
T1rauskopf, of the Township of
Hibbert, in the County of .Perth,
Fainter, who clied on ,the thirtieth
clay of Sep'tem'ber, 10,31, are re-
quired to send to the undersigned
Solicitors for the Administrator, full.
particulars in writing and verified !by
affidavit, of their claims and Ithe nat-
ure of the securities, if any, held by
them on or :before the 6th clay of No-
vember, 19137, after 'which • date the
Administrator will proceed to distrib
cite the assets of the said deceased,
having regard only to the claims- of
which he then shat) have had notice.
Dated at 'Seaforth, Ontario, this,
With day of October, 19137,
Seitfor'th and Hensall
Solicitors for the Administrator
The Seaforth 'Euchre 1'111)1 are
:holden, ,t Stag 'Euchre on "I'hursdan
evening. Nov. 4311 in the euchre clue,
roomsin taken : sa:nlple 41001(1.
s\ number of cattle for Minter 'feed
1)181 hits of feed and water. Would
engage help to attend to them, :\p-
oly (}3 ring 4 lien all ventral.
Spy apples for sale. (Phone 032-24,
Fred '3)e('lrmont, Varna.
Strayed on to _Lot di). Con. 5, )11-
l<Mop, two weeks. ago, a York sow.
()atter may have sante by praying
property a)td .paying expenses. Heim
F. Beuermann, R.R. it :Dublin. 45
A gentleman's fur lined coat, about
42 or 914, good condition, Apply at
The News office,
T am haying grain and beans i,r
11r. 'I'hnntp.on of 1{en.sall. For prices
call 11911 r 4. Sam Chesney, Seaforth,
agent for Pennsylvania nils .and
Five choice York pigs ready do
wean registered York hog, 1 year
old, "\1'ildwood"; , 1 good year bid
I'erriteron colt; '1 year old Holstein
heifer. diarokl''Penitale, Bayfield, ('Int
Nine room 'house on Victoria Street,
arage, 10-0 lots, hen house. Phone
3'20-J or \visite 'I':O. Box 402.
E. C. Chamberlain
The purchase of the insurance 'busi-
ness of Hays and Meir and the ad-
dition of their companies to our )rev -
ions facilities enable; us to give you
unexcelled services in all lines.
Seaforth, Ont,
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth, Office hours: -
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,
1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7:30 p.m. to 9 p,m
IT'wo grass farms. 75 acres, Sy lot
10, cosi. lib,. 2 et:ill;n; and 50 acre..
S'f' 'lot 19, con. 2; II''thhert, always
plenty of water. The, late Charles and
Margaret Hol'bein Estate. Apply to
Mrs, 'Richards, opposite .Seaforth Col-
Second hand lumber and 2x4 moun-
ting and hardwooel flooring. Harry
Kiehne, R.R. No, .1( 'Bornholm. Ont;
Phone 52 r '2'.3, 'Dublin.
Will make Cider and Apple Butter
on Tuesday, 13 0411es'day, 'Thursday,
Friday of Catch week during 'October
and ,November. Cider •Milt loea.ted on
the street. leading to the Golf Course,
'West Ward, Mitchell'. Fred Hennick.
Proprietor. 'Terns cash.
Consisting of 1000' acres of good
farm land being lot U16, Con. 111 Stan-
ley 'Township. !Farm is equipped with
g'aod bank iharn, franc 1lonsc and
other 'buildings. Well Fenced, some
bosh, water in house and 'barn. For
further particulars apply to proprie-
tor, David Stephenson Jr., Varna aP,10,
Committed Murder While Walking in
His Sleep
Ant article •clisclo:sial;g• hoes 1 crack
cletective discovered that , a killer's
footprints left on a beach were his
.own -and that •tho deadly bullets had
come from 1,is OW11 goal -and so he
arrested bitnhelf inthestrangest sleep
walking case .river reported, is one .of
the. many human interest tfeatt•unes in.
The 'American Weekly, the 'great
wee'laly magazine. with the INov. 7
issue of The 'Detroit Sunday Times,
France botrse, S rooms, cement fotut-
dation, electric lights, barn and six
lots, adapted for market gardening..
Charles Holbein Estate. Apply t.
Mrs. Richards, opposite (collegiate.
Beware of... .
Been the best of beauty treat-
ments cannot restore the ravages
of "washday weariness" . . .
Long hours of scrubbing and
beck -breaking toil wear out your
health . sap the vigor and
vitality of true beauty! Guard
your health as well as your beauty.
Remember that Westinghouse
Cushioned Action takes the work
out of washday . .. eliminates
hand rubbing ... gets clothes
cleaner ... in less time! Only
Westinghouse can offer you the
exclusive advantages of "cushion-
ed" washing. COMB IN FOR
Main St. Phone 17