HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-11-04, Page 1When at run home and light is
.And dew is cold ran the ground,
And the lar -off :stream is dunab,
'An(1 the whoring sail goes round,
And ills, whirring sail gots round;
(Alone and warming his live wits,
The white owl in the belfry sits.
The ,merry milkmaids click the hitch,
tilJ'.'OL E SERIES, VOL, 59, No. 44
'Ind rarely smells the stew -.mown
4nd the cock hath sn.n•g ;beneath the
Twice .or thrice ,itis roundelay,
7 wive or thrice his roundelay;
Alone and 'waaaning his .T)•ve wits,
•I -b(' white owl in the Belfry sits.
Alfred 'Tennyson.
Phone 84.
`11.1 a vear.
1-H'alIowe'en Visitors
'rills pail' of I I;t,lu\\'t''(v 1t'itell es 1'ielirIl Seaford) un Saturday
night, arousing much interest and of tin I'll Free istil, It nrfgre to
t\rralt the: lx'nl<11. 'firs ynntt,g' lollies front a lleighl1 ring' township
are lluuttht to lee 1111' handsome crnlpl(•.
King Edward
0 10c lb.
GINGER SNAPS @ 10c ib,
CLARK SOUP, Vegetable or
or Tomato 4 cans 25c
1 Kellogg's All Bran with sample
pack all for 23c
•eURRANTS, goad quality,. 2 lb. 25
12 oz. size 2 for 25c
2 lbs. 25c
METAL SPONGE --Will not scratch
or rust 10c each
CASTILE WAX 1 lb. tin 25c
15c tin
10c tin
Artic Rubber Dubbin for all Leather
l5c tin
$1.10 gal.
Phone 166
E. L. B O X . P43
Northside United Church
Ree, '.I.'. A. Carmichael, 1Tinister,
Snulday. Nov. 7th, 1111 nom. 'Rey. 113..
W. Craw of, \,Iel<ilh,p will preach.
7 p.m.; 'Me ;Pastor. Subject, "Thr
(Diweller in the Secret Place."
S.S. at 110 a.m.
Kindly remember the t,iltited
Church ,missionary broadcast, on
Tiosday, Nov. (Yah from 8 to 8:30 p,m.
when, Rev. Dr, lPeter Bryce, Dr, Jesse
1Arnup and Dr. R. 13. Cochrane 0119
speak on CRIC•I' and CIFIPL.
St. Thomas' Church Services
'For November 7t11. Sunday ;$chonl
and ,13i•h l e Class .10 ant..
'Morning service, 1(1 a.m. Sermon
Iby, the Rector, Topic ."The ,\V'el of
Evening 'service 7 pan. Sermon by,
the IRet:tor. All w*elcomc,'Canon 15.
,Appleyard, Rector.
EgmondvilIe United Church
43ev, A. W. Shepherd, Minister.
;110 x.111, Snarday. Schnnl.,
1.1+ a.nt. The Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper.
7 p..m. Tavening :service,
Thursday night at S pan„ pre-Coii1-
minion. service. Rev. Chas. _ Cumming
of Walton will preach
Thursday :nfhest week, November
1lllith, will he observed .as a public
• holiday in Seafnrth. The usual parade
Wand service at the memorial in Vic-
ki :Park will be carried oat at Id
The marriage ` of Dorofht :May •Ri-
chard., daughter of \ir, L., H Rirh-
(1'd., Sarnia, and the bete 313ts gRich-
trds, to John Le Roy 'Fres;; .on of
\lr. and t1rs. Rcn'beu 'Frost, Seaforth.
took place quietly of 7 p.m. S ttir.
clay, `Oct. 3Oth. The c1rcuumy 01(0
performer) in the drawing room of
the home of the bride, 21114 i'alfourd
St., Sarnia, ,by Rev. Mr. \\'illitun., of
Vint' Street finked Church, 5801111,
The bride was becomingly dressed in
white satin with a coronet of orange
'11lossonrs and 0011 and carried her
grandmother's prayer -honk. 11 is. Ed-
na Richards, of Sarnia, situ' of the
bride, teas bridesmaid, and was prett-
ily attired
I 10 in white brocaded silk with
citesause of crimson roses. I he groom
was attended by 1)r, Russell Bristow.
of ;I)otroit. Only immediate r01a11i1es
were present atixntg whom were \1r..
Richards, Sr„ ,grandmother of the
bride: 31r. and Mrs. R. !frost, . Sea -
forth, parent; of the groom, ',Hiss i13.1 -
chards of Sarnia, and Mrs. l0h•tIlip , of
Port bitgin, aunts of the bride. 'tidy
bride was the reeipie•Int of many beau-
tiful pilus; She was in the employ of
the Imperial Oil Co, as bookkeeper at
Sarnia, and the pact tu•o years at '1'0.
t'ontn. The ;500 011''. gift In the .bride
was a d',irhle swring of pearls which
were '1 '.0 by the bride; the gift to
the bridesmaid !nits a leather purse
and to the groomsman it solid leather
billfold. "1`Is' bride and groom took a
honeymoon trip to 1.ondtsl. \90. and
Mrs. Frost will reside for the present
at 3114 'I'alfonrd St., Sarnia.
•11r, and \I r.. 1. I:. !hilltop, former
popular Seaforth young c,ntple, mov-
ed on \hondas. front Stratford where
he has 'been employed with Perth
Motors, to their new home at l<in
cnrcline where Mr. Dunlop has a posi-
tion with the 313dT'herson Garage.
c\buutt fifty friends gathered at the
li.onle of 11r, and 1frs, Jas, `Dunlop
the ntlier evening at Stratford In she
fornf of a surprise party. •lir, and 3lrs
Dunlop were presented with a lovely
bridge 1;1111)1, the presc'll(a14,11 'heiup
malty 1,y 'George Sntallacombe, The
address was read by Tom Scarfe..
1.011011 wa.a sereed by Mrs. 4i. Smail-
80(111160, \Trs, Sillifant anti Mrs. Elm-
er Reid. The remainder of the even-
ing was spent in .games and dancing
the 111/1110 being supplied by \l1', J.
13011, '\Ir. Calvent and 11 r, Scarfs,
Mr. James De'lrraty, of 6;ildiert
Plains, Man., in writing to The News,
says ' in paid: ;"Gilbert Plains and
community a•r0 enjoying ideal weath-
er. no frost, plenty of sunshine,suf-
ficient moisture to ensure pastures.
and facilitate plowing, Sumner fal-
Io1ss are in splendid condition, and
stock in splendid order 'for winter
feeding. Wheat is selling- on the local
marl(e't for $11l.1201 to $1.3G per bushel,
hogs .`137,1510, cattle at varying prices
from $3,153) to 136 according to quality.
Their have been numerous auction
sales (luting :(1etoher, acrd in general
good prices paid for all kinds of farm
stork and implements. We enjoy
reading The News. T notice that Sea -
forth is deciding on (building an ad-
dition to the Cidlc.:iate. It is inter-
esting to 111e stn see the plans suggest-
ed, as 'T was a s'tadent of that old Col-
legiate in the eighties and' have fond
memories of times -spent there, the
early tea chers and 000el1ent students
who have graduated from 5, C. I. 'n
the past 50 yearn`,"
'Tile lady members of the Seaforth
fawn Bowliitg'Clulb pie,' 111 the 110010
of the president, 1110, E. Close, on
Tuesday evening to make plans for
their 'winter activities, The .hridge par-
ties will he ••continued this winter dwith
tlhe 1(1;'30 membership included fiat
the bridges. Mrs. 2. Smith has offer-
ed her home for the first One on
11 onlay, Nov, 11(13) at 8 o'clock. The
treasurer's report showed an appreci
able balance, After the busbies, the
ladies'enjoyed bridge, 11r.. Shanahan
being prize winner. The 04'0310(1 0i
outliers will be held in the Spring,
The ,Alert \lissinu Hand field tG
regular meeting in the ch-nreit on No0-
2118. The meeting' was opened by.
singing ity)nrl •147. 1'1x' I.i,rd'; stray-
er 114. ('('(tited i❑ nn.i.oil followed
by business discussion and the call to
ao1•,11ip, 'file 3lrnlory Vers teas
0en by Mrs, Barber, 'Ronald Savaliste
read the Scripture which •'vas
by 11y111 11y111(1 3138, Miss 1 er,glisott t"lef.
11 eery interesting story entitled the
i.and ,(1 I-Tmmming'hird. A closing
hymn was followed by the 1)11(1ie-
tion, _ .
The following i. "font the i.a,1 ,Lf
Thursday, Ort. 14, of the 51(013on
1'roncss, of Sheldon, Rans,nn co..
\:D•: "\latirice Rife, 87, dial Friday
October 8, at this home of his son
Randall. Ili. death 1i:u attributed to
old age. iTr' had little iuilic,86010 of
i. 3((('00, NIT. Rift, le110 horn at .11avinit.
Ont., Feb. '35, 1(430, lin 14574 he mar-
ried 17,41010b0th ;Tone Troyer, of iliilln-
green, Ont. 111' was. one of the early
settlers of Highland Township, tiling
on tt homestead in 11580 and 311'tught
his family out to reside here the next
year. In 119131. he moved into Sheldon
where 11tRife
the following.
year. '111M -teen children were bort t
Mr. and Mrs. 14nfe, live of whom have
passed away: John T.Grne, Laura.
Pearl, Mrs. Fatima .\'nrlerson and
Mrs. -\lice \nulerenn, The eight naw
living arc. :\lire(' of Bemidji, Mimi -
Herbert and Nies. Mabel livelier ,.f.
.\nainnose, N. 1)ak., \Irs. Annie( tl^'
Clifford and 'Randall of Sheld-
on, Blnery of 31raplr ['reel:, Sask..
an.1 1)a'irl of Pontiac, Stich. .One sF.-
tor. '111'0. Lovina Jones of Johannes -
lung, \13011., 41) grandchildren and 2'3
great grandchildren, Funeral service,
were held from the 1letthe':1i.1
('11n -ch Monday afternoon with Rev,
1 F trry \1'alrnnd of the Presbyterian
C l•cnrctl officiating, hnrial was made
hi the Sheldon Cemetery. Among
those 'from out of toil's who attended
the funeral were: .1 Fred '12ife of L'e-
1111(1ii, hiss., ''Florence Rife, Fargo.'
\,1).; and \Ir. and \ire. 1114. Becker,
1011111,, e N. 1)ak,"
The Tine \taurice Riir was s Lrot11-
1'r of the late Mrs. Mary Dignan of
130nsall who passed on 1n 1),•t,i1)tr,
and the late 311 r.. Sarah \\,an-
ltss in' Seaforth who passed on in No-
vember, 103'5.
\ 'ver)' successful a1(li,m .ate was
110111 lit the farm of \ir, George \Ic-
Ka'e on 'Thursday cif last a eek. flood
mice. 0(1' realized. 12 rowsand a 2 -
year -old heifer ibroneht all average. of
;71,00, The highest price was $87,00.
'1'10o-vear-old averaged around $350
,and this year's, calves, $27.00. The
stock was all of excellent quality its
11r. 1IdJZ•ee had built up a fine herd,
with good sires. Mr. 'Geo. H, Elliott
wielded the hamster.
he Junior Women's Ins( kith, will
meet \\'eclnesday, 'Nov. 10 at 3:141 p.11.
int the horse of Mrs. David McIntosh.
roll 'call will 110 "11y favorite pas-
time and why."
The Junior 'Farmers' Hockey Lea-
gue will hold their annual meeting in
the library, Seaford), on'Monday ec•-
eling, 3.3 v. 8th at 820 o'clock. .("erg.
Billiard is president and Percy Little,
sec rebury- treasurer.
We are
s ord
Serle Agents
N.ClUff Sons
Rev. Canon Ap'pleyard
to Retire This Month
Departing Rector and Family Honor-
ed at Farewell Gathering of Con-
gregation Monday Night.
Announcement 01- 00130 this 11 eeh
by Bishop C . :\, Seager 'at 1.011.10:1
that 'Rex. ''anon E. \.pnleyard, rector
of St. Thomas' 111 Bean Church,
Se:r"ordh. mill retire 1,1 the end of till.
month on .nperamlatticat.
Callon 31p)lleyard. tcllo ba0 been in.
("barge .11 Seaforth ince 1(131:, was
formerly rector of the Church of the
Ase n.ion at \\'incisor, and before
.that 1011. at Woodstock, Ile has tt
tbtgttished ;(11' record amt is the holtl-
(r of a ' 11111ary Cross,
('anon) and Mrs. .\ppleyt(rd att,1
-hiss Gertrude .\p111esard 'sill 111,11:,
:their home in Tlami3ton, to which city
they have moved this week.
Canon \4rpleyard wi•'1 .rontimu' his
Julies at tit. Thomas' Church until
the end of the month.
.\ social farewell gathering of the
tungregarioo was held in the parish
hall of St, Thomas' Church on Mon-
day evening. Euclu•c bridge and
:agues for the ('11ildrenl were played.
.Then \lr. R ,(;. d'arlce, Pc,p10''.
:httrrh,ricrdenr called those preen to
order and i0 a few- short words slat-
ed the nature of 'the !business for the
evening. Ile then called the guests or
honor, Canon -1ppley ;nal, Sirs \'p.
pleyard and their daughter \lis. Ger-
trude '.\ppleyard, 3„ the ,platform. (31
bchn f of like congregation \tr. Parke
repel the following: address:
Seaforth. Nov. l,.t.
Dear Reverend J'ator, 11 is nidi
mixed feelings of sincere regret, deep
gratitude and ja.titiab1e pride, that we
are gathered here to -night to hid you
and your family farewell. Time in its
relentless starch is a•bant to terminate
your active service and labors 311 this
Parish and. to reanove front our Din-
cc's0 one of l(iod'S ministers to whom
the Church has already given titled
recognition. While we (L;eply regret
your retirement. realizing a.. the 1'b,
the great Puss it means not only to
this Parish, but to the diocese and to
the 1nglican faith. we rejoice and are
proud that at the end of your minist-
erial road you can sincerely say.hla•
St. Paul of olds "'The time of my de-
parture is at hand. 1 have fought the
good light. I' have finiIted my course.
T have kept the faith." While We in
sincerity may canfldenlly continue
the rtftotation .praying ,that, "Hence-
forth there will be laid alp for you a
crown of righteousness, with which
the Lord the just 1Jaul;ge, will one da
rcw'arrl yon." 'Nor have Poor 000110es
'hi..cn parochial only. Ever since you
'(Continued on Pegg Feet)
tin \Verlilesday _evening. 1),I),G,\1.
Bro. \\ Carlisle and suite of lien all
visited I"fidelity Lodge No. 3515 Sea -
forth, and conducted the installation
of officers a,
1 hi•ntm11 \` 1 ., Pae,. J
Qua' R. Seely, \. \\'e tc out If. Sec.,
;R, Smith; Treas., 1V. \\alhtns; \Mar-
len Ed. Mole; Con„ .Dr. If.lTTartiarn•
'13 .S. N G., J. Docherty. I S-N.(is M.
McKellar; R.S.V.IG., Ray'Cartwright;
,5 V 1'1., E. (Goodie 15.5,S., Alex
Rotee: )..,5.`, Geo. 'Carter TUG., D.
After t
McLean; Ch
•1) R.
11cL 1
Feature the Greatest
BULOVA .Values
Ever Offered!
Phone 194
A smart, dependable, 17 -Jewel
BULOVA can now be yours -for
only $29.751 Never before have
we been able to offer a group of
such fine timepieces by BULOVA
in the very newest of styles, at se
low a price! ..
Streamlined, sturdy! 17 jewels,
yellow . . 529,75
-17 jewels; yellow . 529.75
-17 jewels, yellow. Black dial.
jewels, yellow case set with 2
diamonds . . . . . .. $42,50
Res. 10
Council Minutes -
The members ni the -Council were
all present at Pile .meeting in town
hall, Seaforth, on Saturday, (Oct. 3(1111.
Minutes of +previous aneetings (Vete
adopted. ;No important :business was
before the Council cxcep,t the pay
merit of accounts as. follows W. R.
\t r Ifibald, Ian. A. dIa ' and D, l Me-.
•Ilrtgt,r, each $4 for selecting juror.;;
0. I. 11.rGregnr, printing tax hills
and receipts, 8111; Howard Crich, val-
uing sheep $110 1P. Curtin. on account
Adams !I)rain, 15.1131; R. (Kennedy,
weed inspecting, $14 (. 13. Aherltart,
$3.75; )R. Dalrymple, pay lists, 15. 4Yi
and W, $114113.179; E. L. " 13ox, coal on
relief, :1.118.18; IE. B. 1008)e, tnil'k .on
relief, .$1111; County of Huron patient
in 'hospital, $2.00: 15..P. Chesney.
postage, tgr $3 1). F. 311dC regor, postage
533. 1). F. \tc Gregor, Clerk.
The Young d'copk's Societies 1',
Curtin Presbytery held a well attend-
ed rally in Pira Presh_t•terittn ('hnrmh
Seaforth an \londay evening. Ire'
1i. t'. 'hint presided. The 0huir .ca
composed of the young' nc,q,'le of ,11'•
local union society. John 1l ills, presi-
dent of the society, acting as organist.
The program i•ucluded a solo by 1).a -
yid Stewart and a quartette by Misses
Bitty Smith .:Vfcrle I(eating, Ardstfh
Sproule and 3lynlle I"ra;c1'. Rcv, W.
1:\. Young of 1lensali led in the (levo -
lions and gave it short address. Re, -
The reitiains of Roy Beaton, eldest
son of \1r, and Mrs.,Ma'tcolm Beaton
of 'Eginonclvitle, whose death occur-
red on 'October 26 15 his home in De-
troit after an illness extending over a
year, were 'brought 'to Seaforth for
interment in the :V.laitland Sauk Cem-
etery. T'he ,funeral took place from
the '11ome of his parents on Friday
afternoon, Rev, .4. VV. Shepherd of
E5momlville Linked Church officiat-
ed. 'Phe pihtbcarers were fico \1clDon-
aid, \\', D. Snaith. A. C. Routledge,
'George Coleman, W. N. Ktteehtel, T.
T. Webster.
lir. Beaton, who was 44 years of
age, was 11001 i0 Luc'know, 1 -le was
married eighteen years ago next.Feb-
ruary to. Miss Thelma Hill of Ottawa.
He resided in \loose ;law, Sask,, for
a number of years before going to
Detroit. shout sixteen years 3150.
where he w•as in the employ of the -
Ward Baking Co, Surviving besides
Id, lvidow are two daughters and a
son, Annie, Roy and Wilma; also his
parents, and four 'brothers and a sis-
ter, Carman, 'Detroit; B'e'verley, Sea -
font; ,\firm, Detroit; 'Harry, Detroit,
and %11rs. L. IG, Merrill, Detroit,
Among those from a distance at-
tending the funeralwere, besides the
immediate relatives: M.r. 'Hill, Ot-
tawa; 'Mr. alid14rs, Win. Hill, Ot-
tawa; Mrs. Cuthbert, (Ottawa : Mr,
and ,M.ss. W. R. Bailey, 'Detroit; T.
Burn:, Lucknow.
Ciorilon \, '1't• )8ie of Clinton, ,gave an The members .of the Heil Shaw
address on "What 'Mouth Call Bring Auxiliary of 'Eigmondville United
to the ('hurc11, Church were •(1he ,gtuests of Mies (Rena
1It._113enzie on ,Saturday evening alt 5
delightful IHallawe'en tea, •giiven in
honor of Mrs. iGarnet 'Wattles's, to
plca.ant feature of the Ilea was the
.gift of a life membership in the W.M.
S., to Miss Rena MacKenzie. VLrs.
311111110ss gave a ;bort address and
Miss 'Hazel liel,achlan nmaele Phe pre-
sentation, iNfent'bers of the Society ex-
pressed their regret that -Mrs. \Van-
le:ss is l'catintg our community. Al
leader of dile ('r(101,T,, president of the
live. Plans weir made for a presby_ Y.P,.A. and .Neil !Shaw 'Auxiliary a'nil
',Tial picnic 00x) mleenner (11 1311050M, member of oar choir, Mrs. Wanless
las been one of !our most popular
ANNUAL INSPECTION !executives and an inspiration in all
annual inspection of radio 1;_ . branches -of church activity. Talented
nose. is in progr.ea. in Seaforth this • in elocution ,vt'ie have her to thank for
week.. causing the cuslonlary scramble many suoces'slful Plays. 'Mrs Wanless
t0 ppre'ha,.c. T f ,eon got emir 1'ice1101'' 1.be greatly missed ,from our ac-
Ihs ago yew will he t1l,cr 4o hunt ]tope that she w.i11 have Continued sue-
I ,tcetitls.s and 'hent .visltes for a
; pec'rl3 recovery were sent frutl1 (9ic
meeting to the 11801 president,
\Lary Reid, who is art present in Tly-,
r„n 5aniut•iiim, London.
The [idiot ing ofIieet•s were elected
for the ensuing year:iPrc.ident, Frank
Clark Goderich: vice liresi(lent, John
\.I,tlle, 511(100111 secret ary-•treasurer.
Miss 1'fa(1, Hensa11. • The nen:soxecu-
live is to '.0(111') a representative front
each ('1111 111 for the preshy'
installation a sasciall hour was spent re111(1 11 10:less in her new home
i . n; or,tlas nisi and s a 1301.E
and lune) iyas served. n \ Irrrinoa, \\ lcronst0.