HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-10-28, Page 3'T2j'11RSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1g37
Hunting in the Fall
'!'hose interested in the hunting of
wild urine in the autumu will d'ri've
ouch valuable information frill) the
lal'k entitled. "our Came Simply",.
whirl' is to be given by \Vr.
Rowan. 'Professor of Zoology, Cilia-
aersily of .11'hrrd:e, in a broadcast over
fhe national.network of 'the CIIC: on
it ri lar, October 2i fat llb,,a0 pan. ES'1'.
Dr, Row'an's talk will embrace oat -
ural fhtetai tion, in the tante mond:,
with special reference to ducks.
t>'ron e and the imported Hungarian
paadridge. -Lar. Rowan has done con-
)ial:".•able research on these subject:
in Canada and this slimmer .coyntinau"i
bi- -'search in great Britain. 1Vbile
in 1 i -land he ;raw' tall'.- for the 11 P, C.
.Senator Riley in "I Remember"
'lion. 1,. E. Riley, one of Ilse orifi-
bed ranciters in the foothills of the
R ',kits, will the speaker in the Cl1C
:11 itenteuther" s't'ies on November
!). scn:,te,r Riley. who resides near
11 aver, \ahem t will recall all the
hi,tor. di the early ranching day, in
the west. when cattle roamed the
plains ,and tite -tall ta'n's urc•(chrd
tlnhrnkea everywhere. .I 1c will speak
r1v r the' national network of the
na+.iian li•roadcasting (.corporation at
11191..10 p.m. iS'I' from Calgary,
"A Half Hottr with Gounod"
Music by the great toaster. (io110Yd,
will be heard over the national net-
work of the Canadian Broadcasting
Corporation nn Nowt—tither 11, at 1) 3(3
p.m. EST .when the Corporation pre-
sent- from its 1l•trntreal shtddos 1111-
mther in the programme series "A
'Half Hour \Vith.,.." The orchestra
will be tuuler the direction of Henri
1?elecllier and the vocalists will he
1Fabiola !Poirier, soprano, and tierard
•Gefinai, bass. This all-Gounod pro-
gramme will by as follows:
tOrdiestara: "Marche et t-ortetre,
from the 'Qtu'en ..f Sheba."
31r, GeIiu'a . "Serenade of \•Iephi.-
Miss 1'uit•ier "Romance,"
1p tOrcheara: 'Funeral March of a
bi arion eta e"
Miss Poirier: "'Air from Queen of
Mr. Golinas: "Capaltt. Aria."
Orchestra: (Finale -,front iPanst "Bal-
Blues Singer
Louise Bang, popular singer, will
be heard in a programme of specially
arranged ;cogs on :Monday, Novem-
ber 1•. at 8.1'5 p.m. HST over the na-
tional ' network of the GEC. Miss
:King will 'sing two favourities of Jer-
ome Kern. "Caul '1 Forget You" and
"hill". The lilting melody, "'All Over
Nothing At M1", by !jack Lawrence,
and "Sc, a Many \fennories", by (tarry
4Vor ds, also will 'be featured.
Night Shift
A word picture of ltow a police
force •a;nards the .public and its prop-
erty will he portrayed by the DBC on
its 'Night Shift" broadcast to be pre-
sented from Winnipeg on Friday,
October 39, at 9.30 p.m. BST to the
Thr lialh
annual convention of the
Blast 1 T1•ctcinr Institute was
Sea -
held in St, Thomas' t>iarlsh hall, Sea
frth, u.n il0riday, with trio• president,
Miss Helen ::1,i ent of myth --in the
::hair coot a' enrolment of 1.111 teach -
national aetwvork. Wilford !1' v'rlsnn, ern, Rev. Canon E. Ap'p1w' rd
C'1 L' comnu•attatnr, flit'
1 (platten' the opening e:erci=es, after.
wilt- awdnu'
Canadian listener on a tour i f the
\\'innineg police station and will de-
cribe many .phases of police work
which go on, night anti day.
commentator, among other things.
will describe the Siemens -Ina -lake po-
lice si•,nal telegraph system on which
arc recorded the reports made by po-
licemen on their reglar heats. In 011'
11(1 the constable can' order.' a
police wagon, report a lire. or in case
,i aerident, call the anthttl:tce,..
Piano Recital
Hortense 1.,,rd. .prominent Mont
real concert pianist, alio now
;raring in a series of fifteen-mintt:r
piano recitals ,o, the CI1C, ,will I„
heard over line national network Suit
lay afternoon at 112.11 pan. EST Oc-
tober 31". E1rrprogramme for that
dale will feainre 'the tdrst movement
irony lieeth,:,ccn's Sonata, (tans ,31
Na, 1"; "Fanta,ie.tuals \c. r, 6)
Schen:ann. and "llr) ons" .from "The
['cast of the Bohemian (fent-:eat.",
Corporation Features Day by Day
1.:111 Times tl,i,ern Standard)
1'htirs'lay, ,October 19
8.110 1'.111. "Democracy at \\cork."
Talk i,y 1)'Arcy Marsh. From Icor-
41(1.tit) (111. "Canadian Concert iTall
(,1 clic Air," Direction Dr. J. 1. Ireg-
uier. 'Frost Montreal.
Friday. C ember 20
2,00 p.m. SPS(' Music .\.pprcciation
d'lour." (conducted 'by Dr. .\\'alter
1)ionsaisc'h. Prom (N1\\ York.
0.3i0 p,n1 "Night Shift." 6\et'n:t ity
'broadcast from Winnipeg.
Satnrrlav, 'October .311: -
8.3'0 p,111. '•'11' )'tion." The Lyric
Trio, choir and orchc.trit, From
),3(t Rau. 11;111: \1It.sic Ball. Re..
hroath ast of 013 C' F-11 [pile '1`rftus1nis-
.iau, hoot Ottawa. -
Sunday, tO.ctober 31:
1'2,1)11 noon. l)r. Charles Conrhain,
organist. Prom New York. -
.1,(11) p,nt, New York Philharmonic
Symphony Orchestra, 1,1111111 1larbirol
lin conductor. From •New York.
Monday. November
•(.Olt p.nt. "Phe Happy Gang." From
f orsnt to.
8.311 p.m. 'Germany Salutes l'an-
ada." Rebroadcast of overseas tran.s-
nnis•sion from 'Germany !lilrn1tt .Ottawa.
10.09 p.m, "Sam Slid.'." lroni 1(1.
Tuesday, 'November -
8.00 p.m. "'!'his •Entlisl ," Talk 011
correct ,peech by J. Campbell Nit: -
Illness. (Brom Tornmo.
(13(3 p.m. "The O'hrien Murder
Case." !)roma baser[ on adventures of
R. C. 11. P. From' Toronto.
\\'ec[nesday, November 3:
4.30 p.m, "The 1Hnundinger,," No-
velty quartet. From Toronto,
9.1310 p.m. "Spotlight Parade." From
winch thief 1n'•pe('tor \'. K. 'tireer,
of 'Toronto, spoke ' on '"The New -
Course of. Study and Hon, to Adjust
Themselves to 'It:"
The afternoon 1( .ion opened with
m address 'hy The president. follower)
by ra'inaa•les by inspector Hartley, of
Clinton. and a repot: of the Tot'''ting
of the O,E.A. held in Toronto ,by the
rlc•Icetrtr', Miss-\lberta 'Richmond, di
'1 1111 it let':, were anpoln te(1 an it
+inner. for 11938 elected as follows:
"resident. 'P. R. Moffatt, Seaforth,
Vice - ['resident, Miss E. Jamieson.
Secretary - treasurer. it;.. 1-1. Jetfer.•
son. t'1111ton,
E 'enure, \\ in; limn staff, (ieor_c
\\'•heeler and \iiss Proctor, 'Auditors,
Miss AJertl). :Arutslroina and Vfirs
Luella Johnstone, ClintonRepresent-
ative to 'l )!f?.:1., 'Kenneth ':Ashton,
iIrits et,: Librarian. t\lis: Ifclen
.\ntent Yl;eth.
1"went} minute addresses on :elect
i eel crduratirn 1)1 101aics \Vere iVeit 1 )
1111' 4,ll1\vi1,., feanc�rs: \Vivuifre,l
Lane, Lncknow; \Villiant Draper
Clinton: Violet Sharpe, \[churn: S.
\['Snadden, \\•uIl—: ,Harry Brown,
\\'ingh•tntt. Clarence O vliIgcr, Myth,
and .L -dna \l. .:it -Meson, ('Beton.
A banquet was .served at 'n o'clock
in \„rthairle l.'nit'd Chinch icy
\l:te Lane ,\uxiliary. 4\11 ad•ilrt'.s,s 'by
the guest speanker. J. %A. (irav, 011
"11111• 'Profes'sion," was a feature.
Five Escape Injury—
Five persons escaped injury Sunday
night wizen it motor car crashed into
a \ereeking I ruck dnrines a sno\w-
storm. Both motor ear and \\-seeker
plunged inti; the ditch afternards. :\r.
cording to investigations of '('raflic
wrecker from Seaforth hall been call -
wrecker from eSaforth had been call-
ed to pull a 'car out atf 'trite ditch. on
No. 8 highway, between 1)1111111 and
St. l'oltunhan, 'When This task war
completed, the wrecker stopped on
the sicle of the road temporarily. :\s
a ear driven by Arthur •t riliiih<, i.on-
tlesboro, traveling west came ,along
the machine ;!'rack the 0recker..th•if-
fiths was accompanied by his mother,
father and two sisters,
W, H. Moore, Goderdch—
(One til the ;;roup of first rural mail
carriers in the liodm'ich district, Wil-
liam Henry Moore, died there on
19(1(111'' in hi: Sifth }'earn '12etired
i'•i,lh1 year, after 411 years of service
Ice once carried mail '1' horse- and
buggy, .front rioderich to Ila', niller.
Two months ago to the day, his wife
predeceased frill. Surviving are six
children, \\'idiom and ;john and \h -s.
Con Bissett, Goderich; George, of
:Detroit: \Its, •f. L. Sieber, of Wind-
sor, and a datrgh'ter in 'Florida. The
funeral wast held Wednesday.
Ashfield Youth Killed When Car
Strikes Bridge—
Struck over the heart by an iron
roll when an a•ulmttobile crashed into
c c j never got such heat
f rom my old furnace before
every room in the house
is warm and cosy. HAMCO
is so easy to regulate, too --
gives just the warmth we
want—when we want it. And
it's sure saving me money r"
You too will like HAIYICO —
the dustless, smokeless,
money -saving Coke for the
furnace, range or heater.
Order from your Local
HAMCO dealer—he deserves
your fuel business.
INSIST O];!�l:
a small bridge over the !Nine \l;te
'River in Ashfield 7'own.ship, !)avid
•Nivins, aged 120 years, was fatally in-
jured Alautiay !tight. ;,joins ti:cr'
within 115 minutes of the accident. :.
companion,latch Warks, driver of the
nh,;or ear. escaped injury. The rod
causing' the fatal minty ,vas on' o
three ou the side of the bridge. It
went 'through the wind -Meld, lite s. -
cond went through the door t,i, :.
Nivins, eldest son of \Ir. and 1\1''
William \irims concession fire, Ash
field, and +!carr , a neighbor nn 111'.
Width concession, were 'returning haute
from the northern half of :19sh•tielil
where they had been working on the
'Ritchie farm, '!cite motor car, it was.
believed, struck a 'hole in Ile road
and was thrown against the railing of
the bridge. a 7'5 -foot structure span.;,
ning the .river, on the side road 'he -
Selling CI
Books are Well Made, Carbon is Clean and Copies Readily, All styles,
Carbon Leaf and. Black Back. Prices as Low as You Can Get Anywhere.
Get our Quotation oa Your Neat Order,
The stvtieth cotn•enron of the \\•'i•: t
Hurttit lecher.' .'\;.(lotion cou,ett
c•rl ak 3 44(11•(4 School. (Ioderielt, n
Thursday' morning at 9,30 ,I,,"4
About 112(9 teachers registered. •O+pen•
ing exercises were conducted by RRev.
N. E. \loorhouse and were followed
by an address of welcome by Town
1'1011willur +E. Douglas Brown, wito
conveyed- greetings .from 'the citizen
in- the a:hsence of Mayor H. J,
Mat l watt, llr. Brown entered upon a
hunlarotts address in which he advo-
Bated mare sound spankings and left
the teacher. with at problem f+u' w•hie'
no gnawers were forthcoming. He ad
vocated' more religious instruction it
the schools,
J. Creech of Exeter, president of the
association, addressed the -teachers
and gave worthwhile solutions r,
n'inv-prohl'ms Which confront t1'
In•r• in 0 class room. He emphasized
• ,-,:"e ,f reading classes. in ,vii':4,
• ,:+id. the nuuil. can often gra'
'.1) - •-1991 1100'' of 'cite meaning of ala
,e than wehon they are studying i•
\\'. K. '111onuon, librarian, report
•'.t-'; hook, on the library list.
R. Sinneh,,noe reported a •Malan''
"a.n'1 i'i thetreasurer's ae rot111').
\ tocol duet w14 rendered by the
tittle •\li.s,•, Gliddon of T-Tohne.swille,
,e l"ltipaniell by 1101', Mr. Herbert
"There 1111'00 was it 11111' in the 11 15-
'00y :1 the Department. of Education
.411(1 that Body was ail willing' to
come to theteacherand discuss mat-
ter. and get opinions and criticism.
is t,,rlaq.." declared V. 1.. (Greer,
insnectar of publicand separate
srhrmis in Ontario. addressing the
•orevati,1 in the afternoon. In to
irodueng Mr. .Greer Inspector L, C.
Beacom pointed out that the speaker
'rad been consulted many time's when
the Department nt)ticials were staking
at the new course of steal)', which
f.•'<m'2 the subject of \dr. itirccr's
Mr, Greer pointed mut that the'
term 'course" had been discarded hw
the I)epartment and theword pro-
ram strb.lituted because of the
renter scone afforded by "ase of the
''tier word :rod alo, :hecanse it took
• 'e feeling of .regularity ,front the
" 1'111' ac cell''tncc( of the c+,nrcc
may be great or it may 'be small," the
speaker ;tired. "and the •1)epartment
has the inward feeling that the course
is not a perfected one by any means,"
He 'further pointed out that ouch of
the ma,teirial incorporated in .the pro-
gram has 'hewn included on the 41141-
4100011s of teachers ,throughout the
Province. "The Department hopes a
be able to do that again," Mr. Greer
suggested, "The intention is. 'that it
'shall be put to the test
"The new English' book given to
the 'teachers does not purport,to be a
course of study. It is simply a iboayk
of suggestions, Don't regard the pro-
gram as the 'best piece 'cif work that
could have 'beet} done 'for the teachers,
We have prepared the new program
as more or less an'incidental aid to
the teachers.
"There was a very great need for a
new program. In IB7,1p The courses
were much the same as they were in -
1t93'6,' We ` don't want standard's to
come down.—to 'become loose or inde-
finite as a •result, of ,the new -program
of study. - \Vhilc the old .course was
faulty because en>,pl)asis wail placed
too notch on the learning of ,fact•, the
new course 14111 keep facts at a high
standard 'lint these •facts will be learn-
ed through the experience of the ;tit-
"The old program was too rigid.
The teacher was not trusted by the
pupil. 11 is hoped tha't - the new one
,will :sive anon liberty to the teacher
in knowing what to teach in the
classes rather than having a set course
to •he dollowcd despite the individual
needs of the class." \ir. Greer also
made it dear that there was no par-
ticular reason for a teacher to cover
the whole course in a year's time.
si'he ward (literature has lbeen. el-
iminated from the new' study pro-
gram," the speaker slated. `"The old
college gave the student no great
anlonnt of reading- or insight into lit-
erature. It gave no particular apptrec-
iation of the subject.The number of
subjects to be taught ' has been imater
ially decreased. Linder English are
grammar, literature, writi'n'g .and .com
position (both oral and writ'ten). The
teacher must learn to allot time t the
various parts of the E-ngflisih program.
to ahe hestarli'at1(41e"'i:ccording to
the needs of his of +her particular
"tinder the old systenn there were
fl 1utt'1 promotion exanlinatio•ns.- Now
tp tothe sixth' grades they will be
one away with very largely. It is
till necessary to have tests, 'but more
ban that we want to be sore tltst't the
"ildren :oat participating in the at -
1.‘ itie-
ri\iae-_ of the school. \V'e 11111:51 he
Continued 9n Page 719
14ecn cane.ession- .even and 'nine, d
Investigating the accident were Pro- c
-incial Constable McCoy. (;oderich, t
and Traffic (3 ("11r Lever. of Clinton.
T'r 1\'. (ialloa^, of 'Godert .a,
.^. me oriel the nnpuesl.