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The Seaforth News, 1937-10-28, Page 2
PAG? '..:, Try Salado f range Pekoe t'ren'd sts HURON NEWS Provided. }'octal Inspector \. J. May. of London. testifying in r,,,r-t beer on Str. Georgian Bankrupt— Itte.dav said that iii- tinder the Butk'u;tt'p \et the Se,• it as Karin rine +aero tl triettle way Lines, Lintite,l, of What -air. through the damaging of rur II mad owner nt ttte passenger sIntuitr Cicor- !brces ,by youngster- And others and gian which made tiadcrieh a port Fi that while he didn't ask that the call the hast few years. has made ' an young Wren in quation be severely assignment in favor of 130 et -editor- dealt with on this occasion, yet he did owed approximately $3733SO.45. Four want to impress upon the public in :of the creditors are in .Goderich-ttittt general the seriou, nature of -.neat of- ien•ces, Stating that he didn't want to iniptdse a prison term :on the accused in this case. yet ` Magistrate Walker tet them know- that he didn't in any wise condone or forgive their actions by assessing the trio ai3% each and yard at the iTarapze operated ihy ,torah- granting thein suspended sentence of am Inglis, on 'Kingston street, Wm, tit t years. \\,rlkertou Herold }Tunes. R. Cooke, Toronto traveller, ran into. a gasoline pump and caused consider- able damage. The pn'ntp was com- pletely wrecked, being torn from its tbasc. but no gasoline trot spilled, The accident occurred about 1.l•:30 o'clock '\,'Vedneetlay morning. ---t v denich ttia•r, Marcus Wild, Stephen Twp.— an alleged inttehtedness of '$711(1, 1. hint among the assets is the steamer ;Georgian. She is valued at gt%o,760.07. Wrecks Gasoline Pump— \Viten he -was 'backing out of the Marcus Wild died at his home ore tate +Goshen Line of Stephen Town- ship on Saturday a+iter several mouths illness. He was in his 77th year. lir. Wild was a lifcdott resid- ent of the community. ,He E. survived by his wife. who was fortnerly Miss Diary Ann 'Miller, -three 'daughters, Mrs. A. L. Alitentaterice, London: Mrs,-Adel'hert Sntith, Zurich; Mrs, +Al'hert IRegier, of Stephen 'Township: twt sons. ;Joseph, of the ;Goshen trine. and Clarence. at Boole, and a (brother, (Felix, ait (Dash wood.-Threre are also 37 grandchildren. The funeral was held on Monday morning at alount Carmel Church with 'Rev, lFatlter J.M. Fo- ;_erty oficiatinga, Burial was in Mount Carmel, Engagement Announced— Mr. and Mrs. A. 'J. Walker. \Wing- hant, anonnce the 'engagement of their eldest daughter, Nora Elizabeth t Bet- ty), to Mar, Norman ,Allan iM'uffi't of (Kirkland Lake, son of .\dt•. and Mrs. -Charles E. Moffitt, Coe Hill, Ontario, the marriage to take place -the middle of Nove-tuber, Mira Walker is a granddaughter of Air, \1'm. t of Seaiorth. Fined For Shooting Mail Box— Declaring in Walkerton police court on Tuesday morning that tit!, wilful damaging of a rural mail box is con- strued . as ,nch a serious offence illy the dyept. of justice in Canada that it ttrnt of five scars' imprisonment is provided in the Criminal Code as the maximum penalty that may be im- posed on any uta Con tit t'rl ill t Ca- nadian court such an offence. Nilo gis rt e If. \VWalker reminded three I''ttrt d }gin v iut'n olio pleaded sil- ty to wilfully datuagimt the rare roti! best, of Neil D. \iehinnom ,11111 Janie, A. Case tsf Brite, Township by ,!t toting Mile thron;gh them withr rifle, of the st•riottstt e'-. i f the ,!rust }fire 'yotths, Ah'.`e retnrnin o n a limiting tx tedit u ,11 h 41- - moon a' Saturday, Siipt. had out cif the car in which flies _r• t Int sel, cted tit two tiff 10.0 targets ten. rd tri to riaill; with hal i t.. Their -kill otos ..sit mated be their tont, its mil well: t 'Nay t,•.; .•'.;" this nt et vI, tbar rlrvani.it a, en, their marksmanship I•,, deem r. hailed into court ',ere 'IF•tsd-ty. ;:','1,• the third. w'ih, ?e f, tr, ssiork in N.'o.r:tar, .Ontario 'before lar ,rid i itt' nista. wtis rear, seined 'uy Iris father in court. On their entering a plea of ,ditty the \1 tgistrate prisoaeled to enlighten theta on the eri,e mesa ,;1 lite atl'e it ivy citing that a term .of five tears' ittprisonui,•ut aright he itnpostal forthe infenee they had committed. The mail setair' is ;grant- ed sunt prtnertion in Canada that even the theft ,if a letter iron a pn,t office involves a niurh greater penal- ty upon convection than womb( an or- dinary case ¢f'- theft committed' else- where. ft: ,fa'ct,so inviolate i, His Ma- testyn entail seryire supposed to be tint interference with its :operations in ons- way i, deemed an 'indictable offense for W11init severe penalties are Double Wedding— A rltarntittg double wedding took place at St Marg.,' Church, London. when Rev, Father !Gerald Labelle ,of- ficiated. and \tics Cecile Farwell be- came the 'bride of Lawrence +1I.Aic- Qniilen of Loudon, and - her sister, \lis, Artie. Marie Farwell was united in marriage to William \I. Watson, of Zurich. The brides are daughters of \I r. attd .Airs. ,Pierce Farwell of the Goshen litre, eotith of Zurich. Autumn flowers and ,ferns were seed effective- ly in decorating the church. The brides were attenideti by Mi,, Char- lotte Farwell of ;Detroit and Mr-. -J Koenigne, el sa of Detroit. The groomsmen were Leo A. McQuillan of London, and Louis E. Farwell of Zurich. Both brides wore hltte Miss Cecilee's. gown was of navy blue French wool, strictly tailored, ss itlt accessories in blue and a corsage of rase.. and carried anivory ptntyer book: while Miss Annie 'Marie's g, twit was also of ;French bine navy with matching jacket trimmed in gray I'ers Sian ltnuit at(.1 in•resaories in, hint'. Site worse ;t corsage of 'roles turd earrird an ivory prayer hook: Thoma- (Mem nan acted as usher and t\Iiss Rita! Bet, - ringer, who was at the organ, played softly throughout tate, service. l't.tom•t, S. Me( milieu sang at the offertory and the signing of the register. The tta•dding parties -returned to Zurich for hreakfaa at the home of this bride's parent,., ':\fter the It ,at•ynt,i,nt !which was pleasantly enjoyed r. Stratford. Hamilton. Niagara Fail - and Dunnville. \lr. and Mrs. 1.. \I. McQitiiieu will reside in Lond•m am' Mr. and la :tic \-\ataon still take up residence near Zurich-7,atri'it Herald Men Injured When Hoist Cable in Flour Mill Breaks at Goderich- 1v ht t D ter soil Benjamin njantin utith. f fh ni (i tterth, setts- taken to 11 til there Sliffering Haiti iniitrie,,c• en, ed in an accident at the \\ c t:-ru (3111da Flottr \iiia; lir Sittarii is. 1 he tintttwere engaged tt laadin4 Iii tie. ssator at the still. '(h, c t utk r.nr(nu'In hag. nm the h.1-1 o. Lite tart floor, txrt tt it and tit,, walked '.tit tate, to the arc tn:I t1 .e. ::here :Isar itenped onto the siestai iota, the load of \, Cary --topped ontlii cable"nolo. :mil +ire hitsa d talars tunes fr , to the 8; lieiow, spillingthe men who a i tvttl 11,4t11 to ,•, t1 i• t'...Mid, c I, - 1,110,1 tris' it I t t nth l a• extricat.al 11 Oiler nitst •aft INV, ,tt+ ..t.: more .'rt -i t tv irtjnr' i than hi. cion or,,•, rip -y wtri r mese( t„ tip - h ,here it era- „ . •inl file L):u•r'• skull was ttrctc•hu•e1aril 11% !more!. Air, ,aff;•rr 1 two brtok,•t, !nines and a Ira, - tttre ankle of one , :met rt broken live! o' the other. Their t•stape• 'front death was ntiraenlou- as it is reloortt•:I tits iniad wonlal neigh over 50^ pounds. N.Ir..Daer's condition on Sun- day waa reported seottieyytat int itl. \tr. tintith', runhtiott was gi,t1r1. The hoist iia, it capacity cif ayaprmi- tnately five tons. So severe wet, the jolt caused by it, failing that one Li' the ?tear: y is ire. smutted the 'hate: Ran Into Stray Cattle— Rev. H J. Mahoney. of F rn.st+ls. 'soaped- injury ire \6'et(nesdtey night last week when he crashed into soup - cattle a cord:de of utiles south ,of here lit high wca No. 4 during. a snny.. strut. -His ear was hanged nit -int,•, t,nrrvrt. (i ,tt:r 't ,etsla:hie 1. art, o' Beltr:ne. ,failingrind a,. o.Aiiee forn to',item THE SEAFORTH NEWS S. HURON PLOWING MATCH .t't'. ; .1 ..ociafi,,u - a'I, n-Ict. ail sit, oi, tin. ut, i '. aua- Ballntyne iota rt .rry am cast of Exeter. \\'et .t •hose ;re tse . he attendance and mitriAs. ".,, event. lion tato. n i t ilii ttnrhtrd t e i n, t,ntt .n,•,1 \\. Ue.- The ainl : total, jointer ' ,tot. in sod, :Mustin Nairn, \lun•rei: \\'nt. \litchell, vel; 'H:u•oLf Carter, :St. \tar s: il'Otk .\. Nairn; tini:u, (tehe'tl. For those !Chet hast' never 'won a ',prize in eros incial Wretch except hi 'toy s' clan>, aortal \Villet,, of \\-ing- itam: D n r1 '.tube on,, SI. II'iutl; crown and nuisit, t \\ !hats, }'low men front l ut kerstnitIt, 1ls- b-it'u , S tphut, Haj' and Hibbert, Minter plow, in sod, Anthony ;\Ilea, Cromarty Lorne Passmore. Exeter; crown anti finish, \, Allen. Jointer plat, in, sod, boys, :1t8 and under. Reis Alahaffy. Dublin; +Ernie Harburn. Cromarty; Norman Dow, Cromarty; crown sod finish. R. lluhaf y. I Cys 1'i and. under. in stubble, 1 utkersutith, I:shortie!Hay, Stcplten- en and Hihbert, Edon ;Allen. Crow - arty: eta) \%11 and' boob. l:, :\Ileo. Riding plow` in sod, open, Norman Harburn. Cromarty: Bert \'atter, R'ottdhant: crown and finish: N. T-1 it rbu rn. 'Praetor in sod, open, T. Y. O')dal- ler. Tecswa'tet': Patti Armstrong, St. Marys: George Chambers, Crotarty; crown and hnsh, T. '.P. O'\'ialley. Tractor in sod, '1'itc'lcerstnith, 1`s - borne, Stephen. Hay and Hibbert, R. \\'il!ianls, ' Exeter; ;Kenneth John,. 1'xrter: Ivan Stewart, I\irtcton; crown and finish. R. William's. Best plow teams. Norman t)ow: best team and equipment. J•otuf Al- lison; best plowed land 'hp' S ttth 1111ron plowman, Lorne Passutore: hent °finish in field. AV'ut. Alitchell: beet crown in field. Austin Nairn, The annual banquet of the assncia• Hon will be belt tit the basement Of the Thames (Road Church on Nnvem- her 2 . Dr. t'l t'istie, ivf the 0.:LC.. Gambol!, and 1. .\. Carrel. manager of the provincial match, will he the speakers. The officers of the association are president, R. B. \\'illiauin: vice pros., Asa. Penit;dt t secretary. Gordon {e_ !),meld: treasurer, -E rl Sluattan. CHICAGO AGAIN PLANS FOR HUGE STOCK SHOW Chicago. Oct, 2'5. -- Farmers anti '.t-.eknter, from niauv states, several Canadian provinces, it, well as ifrom .\u,u'alia. South -.1i ,- and South . \merit -a have thus far listed entrie- of livestnrk and erop, for the 11137 Iat- terttttttoual Live Stock If The capi,sitiun will ht• hell in tit new 'init'rnati„uotl .\tnphithe.urc it; the t'liicag;, flock Yards November .i7 t, t)eeettl'ucr -4. kecor,llm_ 1' teeret:try-\I:uurse” II. iL Hy,I . tato early entry is tint heaviest int the hinters ;tC the alma. a. e^nth lends hon .tis p1-01101 that this year's tiro Ail: be -a reeorti oue it number xudtit 'there were* ot,-i• 1431+l'1 ill i l r: list ., of 1. shown ..t the 1'3s expttrm. It wilt +t the itttlt :ones tl rrstewai Of its., largest exposition t.tt rtartn an- itn,lls anti ...torts on the eoittiitCni. t -saes wtit tot:,? over t!)1ltlll,i Nall. dis- trilmeial over conit t: which will 'fel:- tare a!, ! rt ds of htef cattle, draft m i }Coni au t ine. ipt a alt lir h Ctrs will titles place e z. rt cini front the t i enitr_ t o tl,tinest vitt!!•, and dr-, n t rse roil 1ponies in this cottony 't tIati will l -t•en ni :t tt •1. j ic psis' ,''bons i•i the -- events. The w. -id's lore, „ crop rxhi'hit, the Internet! 1a1 .Uro!', .,u i (lav •-;iirtw ecill be 1,11 tier the l'hb time in rnn- tteetinn with the exposition. .Growers front state,, C'anadt, :(nl A,t;tniiia� tool: - part in this contest last y.ettr• TM- management exdicet, ail even w-idt'r anal snore i'xten.irc ,(!!play of exhibits this year heca•tse'oi the :goo'i erip'p yields in utast sections. Arches at Lucknow Blown Down— The strong wind a week ago Sun- da}, unday htety down the six arches that had been erected in the construction of the l,-ucknnw• Arena. This is a seri- ous setback to the lcotrtractors who, are putting nip the arena and will hold up the opening- off this b'u•ild'ing. The arches w'ttieh were being used ,for the I. ttck:tow arena were of wooden cott- struct:ran and they presented a sorry mess after they had crashed. Flax Sent To England \,i I,.r 1:i \irll u a lasted of flax -Pt . rl:tad chi .,ark intonate!!.116 bias, Tie null eery 'bits)" this season . Ali n,.t; THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1937 Start those needed repairs nowt 6, AGE TODAY FOR THAT NEW 6 Months to 5 Years to P y under the HOME 1 PRi'VENIE ' PLAN Don't put in another winter with a faulty heating system, a jittery roof or uninsulated walls that let the heat out and the cold in. Make your home cosier and more livable. Do it with the magic of the Home Improvement Plan and at the same time put men to work. Any contractor, supply firm or architect can help you arrange a Home Improvement Plan loan, or you can apply direct to your banker. NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT COMMISSION UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE DOMINION GOVERNMENT (The cost a this series of advertisements sppensnred by the Nattonat Employment Commtsston, has bcea dafraycd entirely by public-spirited concerns and individuals as a contribution towards that "Nation-wide co-operative effort" envisagedby the Par- liament of Canada in the National Employ- ment Commission Act,) LOCAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Chairman, :Ir, Stewart secretary, D. H. Wilson, Phone Ute W ONTARIO ADVISORY COMMITTEE 71 King St, Easl., TORONTO Ryland Ii, Net,'. Chaitmitn t I. ittnrkut, Sem•etnet•• SATIHliR©OM j3 IlaTCNlm ROOF FURNACE Null information of the Nome Improvement Plan and what it corers may Le obtained from your dotal torturer, your Provincial Chairman, ,your Sank or the National Employment Conmisrtot, Ottawa, Cromarty. Man Wins— R. J. Stott, of Cromarty, taking his team seventy 'miles to the twenty- fourth in'terna'tional plowing thatch held at ,Fergus, came home with the Exeter Man Holds Sweep Ticket— iFrtmtk Taylor, auctioneer: of Ex- eter, holds a ticket on the ,favorite. Epigram. in the 'Irish Hospital, coveted Senator :Frank P. O';Connnr sweepstakes on the running of the trophy for the hest teams amongst Cesart•witrlt which took place on twenty-two pairs- of the finest 'horses Wednesday. Under the name "Jypsy." in Western 'Ontario, he was the only Canadian to draw a favorite. Taylor was in Buffalo early in the week conferring with repre- sentatives of a New York syndicate, who offered him $7,300 for half inter- est in his ticket, which will return ap- proximately $l15l);00i1 is the horse wilt's, Want and For :ale :\d,. d week, 21.5c, subscriber writes to tell us of 1-a talk he has just had with his son "'iii a little town near Johannesburg. South Africa". We heard earh other dis- tinctly", he says, arid adds- - "My son was distraught on account of illness of his wife, and he has since written me to say that nothing could have given him more aid and comfort?' Not everyone needs to call South Africa, but the "aid and comfort" this call brought are ,dust what long distance is bringing to thousands of users every day. M. J. HABKIRK Manager Tto dm i17 0 �1 `o Comtery Seteth African Railways and Harbours. Recent rate reductions saving telephone users $600,000 veaely tne,tit wirier use and; greater valise to each- subscriber. 7..svp.ssulageRmalzenlankmra