The Seaforth News, 1937-10-21, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
IIENSALL Moderator To Be Here
Mr. Casey IH,n1se i_,istn.,,
spent 5 : flee ':rete with oh h ..-cot
Mr. and \Ir,. '-ia000 Hailson.1
Mr. Jolin €)rum r i and !moo.
ILt t'.vll ;pent ` nn(4oy here with \Ir.t
11rmont t 1 parent... \lr• and \l
ll rr ad 1)tu untat11i
\.. 1',.+e. 'I r o,
accompanied ied `iv h angio et- \,r•
E1.len and Mary ir,loer ants e-
tl'h r •son Franc and I to s•x'tt
Studay hoc 't: the holm. oi Mr. and
-Mrs. George '1Nilson,
91rs. I). F. Timis and. n ter
.Detroit were visiting herd Last a'etIs
with \Irs. Kerup's mother,
George Sparks,
\lis.. force. Scra•tout of Toroat-,
slant the week.: end at her home here,
i-nieral \I is: lana Jessie.
11.•ir :ook place, Friday front the,
1 t.l her brother. \lr. Peter Moir,
L crit 'R1 Mollie st.. co -ad -acted by her
1 i t.'r. hew, A•rtlutr Sinclair. ,ts.istcd
4t.• Rev. \\ . :Y, .Young, I he pallbear-
er 'At re \Villiam. t acro, George Brock,
1 x mt• untie, William tm I Jones, Ro-
b,. Parsons. 1)r. '\lair, \mng those
trout a distance who ;atcnQed the fa_
neralwt re Nil-. and \Ira. Alvin 'Pass -
it: ore and \1 r. and \lrs. Charles Al-
lison in the 'C'h tone; Rosa: and jr,\
aid Mr,. Charles .Trout of Lis:borne.
1 children's day service vas hold
in St. 'Paul's \n hcan Church on
Sunday evening. .\ ;former sector,
:Rev. B. H. 'Farr of 1)ot he stir, was
the guest speaker, who gave a very
4 in:resting and liel'pf:ul address to the
young poo 11 ,. Special musk was tar-
nished by i young peoples choir.
Alt Joseph ;Flynn, vvha • ha's con-
ducted a lharber sloop 'in the 'Davis
block on the south side of King st.
for several years, has purchased from
Ur. -\lolcinitou of "Zurich what is
The Rt,Rev.:Peter Bryce. D.D:,
Moderator of .the Linited Church,epe tl lninister at the Diamond
lugtoleolrvice of North Side Ut-
. . service
ited Church on Solidity morning.
of days in Toronto this week.
The Y.41'.5. of the ;United 'Church
:feted the first meeting for the 4fa11 and
winter on Monday evening inthe
school room of the chuck \lisp Do-
reen d•arquhar presiding. '1lyntn 223
and the 'Lords prayer in -unison, 'flit-
Scrip.ttre lesson was read ty Etta
MdUueen, business was discussed.
known hs the Hardy ;building a sew ',Devotional study 1.% as taken !by 1(,u,dir
doors east- if his present l„'cation, lie,t'ro: . 1'iamn solo, ICiladvs Luker. The
intends fitting 015 the front part of clic took which was ,tot 1David Livingtc t
bnildiu> A, a haulm. shop and a rt ill- las rekcit he \lt>a Jetutie IMut•1•av, :\
euee in the rear. He ;get , ossesston
on the •i'st November, and hones to be
located in In Ins new .shop by that time.
la the Steele Briggs and .Rttrtinie
onion wareh'ouse., gangs of omen are
at work storing away the oitian setts
for the ,vinter,
Mr, and Mr,. fames Mellinchey
and fancily have secured apartments
in the Petty block and will take pus -
en i t an the 1.t of November.
Mr. William LOW) of 1Goderich
township was 11 town ou Tuesday
calling on friends.
lobo Pa -swore & Son rood Charles
iFritz & Son eu Zurich have secured
the agency for the new Dodge and,
IDe Soto ears for this district. The
new 11138 model - of these ears are 00
exhibition in their showrooms at
IN1r. and Mrs Orval Beavers and
two little daughters, of the. Thames
Road, were visiting Hensall relative
on Sunday.
The Mr. 'R n• YVebber \lr, and
Mrs: 1 ems O'Brien and Mrs. Joseph
Hudson were in 'Toronto on Sunday
visiting Mr. l'aseph H•ttdsun, wltn i;
in a .hospital there.
Mr, VVnn. Van diooyet ha; dispos-
ed ' of his produce Moines, ' here to
9lr. Harold Hanom. n. \Ir. 'Haltom has
been assisting Mr. Van Rotive.1 dur-
ing the -mintier months. 'Mr. Van
Ilooyen carte here a couple of years
ago and started in business, working
ug) a good trade with the farriers in
this tlistrict.
Miss Gertrude Martin and \hiss
Mabel Workman spent tete week earl
at the home \11ss Martin's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, \V t , \frartin, in
'I vnc'kersinith.
11r. and Mrs. James Biatthron via.
ited in 'Kitchener en Sunday.
N1,r` and Mr Fred Bot±thron, ac-
companied -by 'Inc. Robert Bonthron,
visited to I3arrie on Sannlay. Mrs. IR.,
•Bonthron remained in Barrie where Wednesday, Nova 3rd, at 1.30 p.m.
she 'will visit with her daughter. Mrs. Gel' ti. l.tlidtt, Auctioneer; E. 11.
James i teMar'tiu for a ;few weeks. o
l Ciaudie, 1 rap.
\Iia Marion Sinclair of Toronto'
spent the week end with her parents
Rev. Arthur and •Mrs. Sinclair.
.Mrs. Alex Hildebrandt and little
daughter are c;siting friends in De-
' troit.
Mks Dorothy Farepibar of Toronto
spen't the ace'': end in town.
Miss Irene Ho.:kins of 11u:blin ,pent
the week end in town.
Mr. •Wm. Van Room has '.gone to
:Sarnia where he ]las .secured a good
positi .tt with the Imperial 1)i' P.
Rev. \\'. A. Voting preached anui-
'cr.ary services at '.Kinloss .,o Suit-
-day. Mrs. Young assisted the choir.
and sang two oios.
Rev. G. 1\I. Young of Kinloss took
the ntorttirtg s•rvi re at Carmel 1'res-
ity't;-r!an Church .in 'S:unday'.morning,
his son. Per. W. A. Young,
;ice at hmtoss. Because of the
anniversary at t -aren Pres'byteaiau
Church. Exeter. the eveaing service
in t'artnl Church was ,therawn.
\\i h the municipal election-. i'i:t a
few becks away inter 1s 1,eing
slaon' in the selections aif candidates
to ;ill the differenit on -Ulm), Al r.
Owen Geiger 1 Ili be in tilt' field a:, 1
for the reev esh p against tate present
Rees NI r. Ernest Sltadclick ,\ua the
name of George rrge I,rork. a icor i',et of
this years L u11nilwill r bally'be
011 the ,lanot .,'r iceeve. !),1,I•1 Robin-
tob)nson is being utew.imierl for 1!,.• 10'3;8
cr.:nt� tt 11,0 ,Arc;tie 11,31shit.
Rev t' . and .\ir. M -ng and
\Ira. 1. . \le._,,n s an) a couple
plane, instrumental by Greta Lanuute.
hymn 95 was ,ung and the meeting,
closed with the 'benediction. Next
)lt-,acl"ay night will he Citizenship.`
(Continued on Pogo Fuar)
By direction of the 2du' istrateir
there will be offered far sale at the
farm of I'eter `Kratskupf, Lot 15.
Concession 4, Township of dlibbert,
the'household furniture and furnish-
ings and ;farm implements in order to
wind up the estate. .\11 chattels will
,e sola: without reserve and for cash
111ere vwill also be sold the lands
described as the South half of 1,o1
fifteen, Concession Six, Hihhert
1',I,t .1 re ttpri tt(i ufty acre;, „u
which are orectetl a trance. home,
hank barn and implement shed lin-
:vitt also he sold withc>,u't reserve ant
Cash terms of Ten per cent at tint,'
of sale and t lance in 30 days.
Sale w'1 r;hitn11'' at 2 pan. shar.
Monday, lay, .Nov. list.
Icor 'farther 'particulars apply to
;11';\V5 & M1111
Solicitors for Administrator.
liar. ,id Dale, ,Vuetioneer.
ltf i'irpl-tis Lire Stock, Iutplc-
m nos and Household 1 II•,rt be-
longing to \ir. 1? 11. -Goodie, at Lot
5, Concession '3, 'I'ttekersntith iknow n
as the Peter Cleary dtarnt, 1tj mile:
east and 11t4 south of or
Eyre --114 lot iog memory 4, a dear
Wife- and Mother, Elizabeth;ovine,
who pa -,411 away one year a..+., Oct.
I r rltr r it alter, 3' IC lron•tle:
vea ry fialid, 'Iced t,trk
Y •u
411 41 not jail to 110 your nest,
nri.erl ,. la, d for those you
fl- ant1t' itft ;alit;: t °i I.!. it end.
V... r' .i i '.hell every one a
You 'wee ,hway, lhenightful. ursine
and bine:,
'What a glorious m,•nu,ry to leave
-Sadly missed by Husband Sons
and Daughter, ;All's. Annie Cole.
The Latest Styles in finger -
waving, done in comfort.
:Two grass farms, 75 acres, St'• lot
10. not, 'lib, \h1Kihiop, and 511 aces.
S?f, lot 1'), con, 2, 1Ti1thert, always
plenty of water. The late Charles and
Margaret 111 Itin Els tate. Apply to
Mrs, Richards, opp44,1te Seaforth Col-
\\t'.i make Cider and Apple Butter
on 'Tuesday, \Vermes lays l'hursi'ay.
Friday n•f each ;reek during Oetobet
and November. Ciller Mill located ,iu
the street leading to the t1o41 Coarse,
West \\?ard. 21itehel'., Fred 1-1 t tb1,
1't-. a•ietor, berets ca.1.
Of I 1,ed :.tan s. Such a•r11_Icno,vr.
Ituntznta t. Norrlh inter.
Mason 0 ltisrlt, Weber, and others.
at tetrntable prices and terms. \\'rite:
:?eintzrien & ('el,. 242 T)ltmdas 5t.,
lamcln, for further particulars. No
Notice Ss hereby given pursttattt to
^hr statutes it that 'behalf that all
t- u having claim: against Cath-
erine i1nansk,lp1. wife of Peter
Kral 1 opf, : f the Township of
Hii „rt, :in the I':amty of Perth.
Farmer. tvlio diet; nu the thirtieth
slat September, 1193o, are re -
(1 1 In .u' 1: to the under l• rl
So'.. ,urs:- for the .Arlministrato r, fu11
sl=at- polars to writh: and verified by
ni(i;iavit, 1, 'their claims an1'tlte mo-
m- of the..., cmties, if any held •hy
them on it before the hilt day of Nu-
cemher 10'37 after which date the
\lrilni,trabit .will nr.r 1 lel di.trih-
lite the asset, „t the said ilec•eased,.
: .-b , regard' „sly to the claim, o
v,hieh he then shell have had notice.
Dated at Seaforth, f, rth, 'Ontario, this
hath day of -Octad it. le)13i7.
& \IEIR,'
Sea=fora:h and Hensall
Solicitor, for the Administrator
Beauty Salon
Per nents
The Standard of Perfection
$1.95 a,4i: d up
Including Shampoo, Haircut and
Beauty Salon
In Uptown Block
PHONE 50 or 18 Seaforth
has not heard of this name or
cried ore or more of these 200 family
necessities? 751) employee -dealers earn
their ]iv ing respectably in this inde-
pendent business. To all epttlilied par-
ties we -grant protection for a reserv-
eserv-ed territory of ,51111' iamilics. l'avxtliat
products, and guaranteed. '.A ttradive
containers, low prices, -l1 you are can-
vassine at present, better your.condi-
titnt, If you arca bard -worker and
serious, stake the stoney your amid -
prompts. We will help you! Cata-
logue and detail. tPrec•, I' he .Fondle‘
Products Company, 5171) St. Clement
Street, \lontreai.
Nin• room 'home ott Victoria Street.
garage, two lots. hen house. :Phone
$30.3 or write P,)). :lot .11112.
?aacres of turnips. Andrew Arch-
ibald. box ScaiortIt. ['hone -Wit-.
Some• wiener feed and stabling 'fear
cattle---lrf4incilctl1 has, and also en-
silage if .n-ail;li1e. \V. \', lrffcrsntt.
Oi Farat, Farm, Stock and Itnple--
tn1.n c on Lot i'. Con, 3 -Tucker-
smith, 1 mile south ref Seaforth, on
1\ dnesdoy, :Ort 317th at 112:00
llor e 11
team corking mares. 10.
and 1)11 years old: I dappled grey geld-
ing 0 years cid,
Cattle -15 grade Darhant cows, all
sutrposed to 'freshen in iNovember and
December; one ,grade Dttrltam cow
with 'ca'if at foot; 2 steers rising •100;
5 heifers rising two; 3 yearling hci•f-
ers: 7 yearling steers; six calves.
. pigs -.One brood sow. Six sheep.
Implements --Deering :binder, 7 fool
cut: McCcrniek mow'er; Deering
seed drill, 13-It'e: stiff toothed culti-
vator with soed 'box disk; four-aec-
ticnt Jtarrnv Merlland roller; .inter-
national single furrow riding plough;
,talking plough: twin plough; man -
tire .spreader; scoffler; International
hay loader; horse rake; Massey 'Har-
ris side delivery rake; wagon; wagon -
rack; slide rack; wagon box; pig box:
gravel box; set sloop sleighs buggy:
trip chain, sling ropes, hay fork; set
double harness; King 'Cream Separat-
nr, Sntcrnatirlttxl: L/. lisp. gasoline en-
gine; Stewart horse clippers; 3 steel
tanks; 5 barrel ; water •trough, grill 'd-
ing stone; emery shone with stand;
Clinton ftulnitt;g mill; set .3.'0011 31
weigh scales with stock rack; chains,
forks. shovels and other articles ton
numerous to mention.
Coal o11 stove; Gerhard Eleintzluan
Small quantity cif elm (umber.
115 tons well salved timothy hay'
poised with alfadlfa; abort 1150 bits.
seed 'bailey; stunt 11150 ,but, feeilrhtrt-
Ivy; about 300 'bus. banner oats I0)
for seed. :\ quantity of Spy apples:
Baldwins anti sweet apple whim( 301.
hags of potatoes.
Fivervthing to be sold without re-
serve as proprietor is giving lop
'I''•ruts on above. ,t'aslt,
'rho Farm At same time and place
the farm will be offered for :ale, snb-
je t 1. a reserve hid. The Baru, lot 0.
entices -hut 3, I'uckersntith. contains
11.1110, acre;, store co loss, of choice
play soil, thoroughly drained, and in
the highest -tate of cultivation, 1.)
't re . Fall wheat. 30 aN'es ploughed
balance seeded to clover and timothy,
Rami -11i x 72, straw shed 316 x 514
large driving shed, modem 'brick
house with dale roux Hydra and wat-
a -er throughout all 'buildings. berms on
farm. half rash 'and balance at 4%.
lames 'Nolan, Proprietor leorge
11. Elliott, .\neti,;necr.
t to 'I'h:.I +iwin; of t; r•noon he-
tAeett facia and 'Paul Dip's via'bottinl-
tl,w lea ween ilibd,ert and l-ttckt•'•-
sntit',t, ;,oral -t.'iI I tuns o: fur.i:er.
an end ii,ttrI ,If a trrlet• with
license N,:. •I'-1116.06 .111-acimd. 1'it±cicr
!a. Iasi• notify or leave at lint or 1'anl.
Dung's. Gilbert \lcCtallntn.
! ti Pius •rhunt six week, .'ld, \\lu.
r• o th :ringham. phone 13'3x4.
Consisting '.f 100' t, -cies „; ,oil
farts land hemi Irl 46, ton. 111, Stan-
ley 'I''n,vnslul .Irarnt i, equipped vii li
gond hank hart,frame hoose and
holier 'bv}ldmgs. Wel: fenced: -ono'
ot:11, water in hoose and 'barn. For
farther partualarsapply to proprie-
tor.•Da-+'id Stephenson 1r.. Varna P.O.
\Short -;td ,orn h t11. frost duvet
t6 haern ootihi. Phone
liras -el:. Roy Bennett, "Walton.
l tilt ' 3ittz grain and beans for
\i r. Thompson of Hensall. For {,rices.
roll plot r 4. Sam l`he.nev St" forth,
t=ent o Pennswlvania ,sits and
$2.50', PER 100
Fartners Attention
We have a splendid' car of "Al-
bei•ta Lump" Coal from the Rosedale
Mines in Alberta.
Our October prices on Coal are
Alberta Lump........ $10.20 per ton
to farmers
Alberta Lump....... $10.80 delivered
in town
No. 1 (Maio,
Stove or Nut size
$12.20 per ton to Farmers
932;80 Delivered in Town
All +Prices Cash
;T. H. Scott, Secretary.
Ibex Blankets -12x4 -
with one 4 -string 47,
broom ,,per pair v15a.,
Coloured Flannelette
Blankets 70/84
with one 4 -string
broom .. per pair tilio
Boys' Wool :Sweaters 5' s
each -
Men's Extra Heavy
All Wool Underwear
per suit - '»
Men's Black Laced Rubbers-
Sizes 6_11 per pair 1.85
Boys' Black Laced Rubbers
per pair 1.49
Get our prices on
Sure Gain Hog Concentrate
and Sure Gain Big .50 Poultry
Oyster Shell
per cwt. 99c
vv. :Finnigan
Of Farm Stock, Implement, an 1
.11oti,clt 'd Vurnitntre at Lot 28, Con-
cession 'i, \icKillon, '5 utile, north "
Seaforth and half mile wes': n i
th „p• on :'borscht. ()et, $ at Il p.nt.
12 choice grade Shorthorn
I1,2 ,11,e it, .fee Ilt•tt in N,tvelltht'r.,
three in 1)ecent,wr and intla ee tow-
ard spring; 1 two -rear -oil heifer to
freshen ,Quo. '.33 1; 3 Iwo -year-old
heifers; 1- two-year-old steer; 4- yearl-
ing steers; 4 yearling heifer's; ti spring
Implement. NIa et- Mato. binder
7 foot cut \I sl v Harris mower rt-
toot cuff Ma se y 'l larris hay loader;
Frost & '3V dell' side delivery rake;
i)teriitlq dump rale; Maxwell mitt
i ttor; 'Ernst & \\nod seed drill :12
hoe; \Ia. sey Harris three horse disc.;
new Fleury plough 'Nn. 31; Goodfson
Plough No. t): t ri:shalt ridltte
plough l furrow; set harrows 3 sec
toot, Baur wagon, 1. stork rtl'k coin'
piety; set 'Cnrihope-Anderson slo,,i,
sleighs; NJeLtntgltlin buggy; \Ir-
Laughlin ratter; set double l ar to ,
bras: )tmnnted: set single harness;
11r in -ford ;:rain grinder 111 in, 'plate
with bagger complete; Kemp manure
spreader; hay rack: root 1t'ulper; ['lin-
o,; fanning mill: 111.1 canal packer:
and other articles found on a farm,
ilnnschold 'Effects NIeClary fine
bee range; ()lichee heater; I coal ell
s:nve with itvett, la- burner) weuhiu
machine; wringer; 2 extension table..,;
2 dresser,: 3 0 ao l Ibedsteads; 3 sets
springs; .2 mattresses; drolilectf table:
o kitchen chairs; 3 cnrtgolenni rugs;
lawn ntowet1 cream separator.
Rs''rythiug offered to r.he so1c1 as
proprietor is giving up active farming.
Terms cash, or (1 months' credit alt
';:i.;1 per annuni on bankable paper.
.George 11 'I?Ili tt, .\ntioneer,
George AIc,isec, Proprietor.
(11 lh,n iitnre and Honseltoltl 1 1-
feet,. ,At the hnnw of :the late Chris -
NI or/ern-lid,
NIcl)erl-id,-Godericlt s1. -west.
Seaforth, on Friday, ()et. 20111 at 1:311
' oak indroom suite, alit; •:;rine
,old mattresses, wash stands, writin
desk, hook ,case, sofa, a nlnlhcr, of
nars, a number 01 tables, carpe;. 1
trunk,!,ls, trays, dishes and kit.
:hen utensil;, tub and -wringer, about
"a ,feet of rubber hose, scales, lawn
:cower, step ladder, sewing ' machine,
12 toilet sets, and other articles.
Terms, cash,
Estate of the late Christena Mc_
Otrutid, Prop.; 'Harold Dale, Auct.
Successor to John H. Best
Seaforth, Ontario
'Lambert Salesyard, S-bratltroy, '400
\l 1Xll'lD•UAITTlJI: