HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-10-21, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE SEAFORTEI NEWS Snowdon mess Publishers WINTHROP HENSALL id. Hutton tea. (kiting. 11) sittelpit ftes a fee. tho. this week. Rally tto sem ices will be held in 1-nited Church on Sunday. Oct. 1. Spaci.11 music is .heine prenared The I still \\. \1,S. of 1.10 /0CaSi011. moll Circle od t'arntel Pres- Caven Church held their regular meeting m W ednesday term,n. Oct. at the home of Rev. and MX,. R. \V. Cr11. The President Pre- sided and the meeting opened teith singing hymn 3104. This was followed with silent peayer for the missionar- ies in China and the roll call showed a large attendance by .art,..vering with a quotation on Gratitude. Very inter- eIthig reports. +(rough 1 f reit the Presbyterial held at Brueetield, were given hy Mrs, Robt. McClure and Mrs. Ernest Toll. During the busin- ess the ladies decided to hold their aultumn thantkoffering meeting in the church on 'Friday evening, 'Oct, -22nd, Mrs. R. \V. Celan will he the speaker and lunch will be served. A temper- ance program was then conducted +1)3 'Mrs. Ernest captain of Circle 1No. 2. "Yield not to temotatiom" was sung, followed with Mrs. Stanley Homekeepers were entertained to a beterian Church held then -regular meeting at the home of Miss Beryl, Pfaff on Monday eveting; Miss Ma. Workman presiding. Meeting op- ened by singing Psalm 1 13, prayer lie Beryl Pfaff, Seripture . lesson read Hew llogeordt, business 11-1,1 .(1104C11.4,0d, T110 1,0i . kV1 given hy Mabel Workman. Margaret Doatgall gave a very interesting- reading en- titled "My •Passage tone " Meet ing .closed • with singing a and the benedietion. Mr. Walter Fee relebrated his 88.th :birthday at his hon' here on Sun- day. Oct. Web. 'The members .ii' his amily were present and a number of friend'alled on him during the day. 11 r, :Fee reeeived ittenterouS congratu- lations and gifts from his family and - friends. Mr. Fee is in fair god health and his numerous friends hope he will he - able to spend many more happy !birthdays. The W.M.S. of Carmel ,Presbyter- ian 'Churchheld their regular - meet- ing in the School room when the tGarnham leading in prayer. Mrs. H. Alexander gave the Scripture lesson followed with a -temperance reading by Mrs. 'James Hogg,. Mrs. R., W. Craw gave a talk on vh at Dr, lrwin said at the A hymn "How firm a foundation." was stmg. The meeting closed by t1t repeating the Lord's prayer. BLYTH • Woman's Association— The regular monthly meeting oi the Worola.n's 'Association was held on Tuesday. Oct. math with a •geod 1111-31'ex. 'AlTs• iJ. w. Bonthron sang a beautiful solo, "The Church by the attendance. The president, Mrs. J. W. side of the road.' Mrs, B. Edwards Mills, presided. Meeting opened . by read a letter from 'Miss Nellie Dot - singing hymn 301. The Lord's prayer weiler telling of her hospital work in was then repeated in unison. 'During Labrador. After singing a hymn the ineeting closed- with Lord'e prayer. the 'business 'session it was decided to donate $5 to the Deaconess Horne in Toronto. Mrs. Chas. Grasby, conven- er of the "flower enninuttee, reported two boxes, seven bouquets and six small donations sent out during 'the snonth to sick and shut-ins. Commit- tees were appointed for the fowl sup- per to be held in Memorial Hall on !Nov. Illth. Buying comm. for fowl, Mrs. G. D. Leith, Mrs M Col- elo.ugh, !qrs. W. N. Watson. Program eornzn, !Mrs. IH. MOEIroy, Mrs. Thos. Mrs. C. E. Toll. Mrs. R. A. 13,took, Mrs. H. Phillips. Committees to meet for final arrangements. The regular .monthly meeting of the W..M.S, of the 'United 'Church was held on Tuesday, Oct. ,nth. President Mrs. R. A. Brook presided, Meeting " 11`) , )Mrs. Ce`.1-1 (.1'111'11`. opeim ted by singing hy u "See how Guelph. Nirs, 1E. Crawford, uh. fiat 11i( great a flame aspires." Realm (214. was paQt three neeks has .been visitine read by the resident, Hymn 3811 was with 'Mr. and 'Mrs. R. Brialy near tile sung followed by the Lord's prayer repeated in unison. The 'Devotional Nile. has returned. :11r. Peter Brown has takes a trip Leaflet was read 'by Mess Jenkins. Mrs.to Kirkland Lake. Chas, !Grasby gave !the report of Miss Winnie Campbell, of \Vest. 'Christian Stewardship. ''Mary field, •spent last week with MI's. J. law favored with a piano solo. Mrs. Chas. Bell gave a splendid •report of Tarablyn. oo the west sectional meeting held at and Mrs. James Wdhant and other members of the family, Chat- Goderich. Questionnaire on the an - ham, were callers in the village on n,ual report was led by the president. Those liaking part -were Mrs. E.. Pol- Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James 1/1Isley were lard, Mrs. Wm. Laidlaw, Mrs, Brook, taken by surprise recently on the ap- Miss Alice Gillespie. Hymn 225 was proach of their golden wedding flat, sung. The president closed with prayer. Oct. 112;th, when they eery remember-- 'The Mission Band of the United Ohurth held a successful Route made !baking sale and tea on Saturday, 'realizing a nice tidy sum for their allocation. Splendid bales of clothing. quilts, blankets, etc., were Packed by Lon- desboto, Burns Church and Blyth for Western relief. Mrs. James Davis is visiting her sister at London. 11,1 hot sapper. Vhen all had Mine ample jUSIiCe to the good things provided', Mrs. 'a Edwards_ presided for the program. A hymn was sung, Mrs. \V. Douglas led in prayer. Mrs. S. Mc- Queen read the scripture lesson. Mrs. B. Edwards then gave a very fine ad- dress 011 "71.110 Women at the Cross." Re -41 call (vas answered witlt the name of a missionary. The offering Was.cledt- ieated in prayer. The president -then conducted the buainess. Mrs. 5. Mc- Gregor played a very fine instru- mental. The home help -era report was given by 'Mrs. Logan. Which was very encouraging. Mrs Farquhar gave an appropriate reading, "My .Passage talt,11CV." 'MAS. W. N. Bell led in LONDESBORO Miss Slicker of Toronto, will give a talk and demonstration on house ,furnishing, etc., at the home of Mrs. J. P. Manning on 'ine.sday afternoon. Oct, 216.111, from 1 o'clock till 5 p.m. Those who were chosen to :Mewl please be on hand at 1 o'olocid. There will he no preaching service or Sunday School in the Cnit.al Church on Sonclay next owing to the anniversary services at Borns' Church. 'Mrs. H. Lyon spent last week with her daughter and/ family, Mrs Bert Lobb, Goderich Twp. \liss Dorothy Griffiths is visiting McKILLOP +Mr. and Mrs. RObert Duffy left on 'Fridas- Inc their home in Eureka, California, after spending a week with friends here. .It 1 54 years sees Mr. Daffy left aldKillon. hut he has visited here a number 1 time, .inee. Fl many friendare eke to -,pe hint looking hale and hearty. Weeksetel visitors at the home of Itrs. Alex Mune and Mare sere \1 r. and Mrs. Percy Whayinst, end dau- ghters -.Marilyn and Derothy. .if Pirantf,a-d. Mr, William O'Reilly let this week for the, West inhere he will spent the winter with his brothers and sister. 'Miss Mary Maloney, R.N. of nipeg, who has 'been visiting- her many friends here, has rdttstmed to resume her ,duties in St, Boniface Hospital, Winnipeg. Lamle Bt�s. arc .busy threshing buckwheat' •in this vicinity, which proves to be a good sample. Quite a number from here attend- ed the funeral of the late William N inli itt SeiForth on 'Thursday. HULLETT. Mrs. dr. fitorking of the 113th 1011- cc,,ion, has her mother of Goderich. visiting, her, Mr. and Mrs. 1Veeley l'odden had a visit from 111' Finch brthers. Stro ford., recently • ed by the ,villtrer, who presented them with a handsome electric table lamp and a heautifnl wool blanket, a golden color, Owing to the delicate health of Mrs. Elsely the gifts eere presented as quietly as possible with congratulations and galfM1 wishes of the whole village. 'Mr, and Mr., .1.. Kerslake with their family, from near Exeter, visit- ed with Mrs: Kersdake's mother, Mre. H. Lyon. on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. J. D. 'Melville has gone to Blyth for the winter as honackeeper Inc Mr. James Hatnilton, The Thank Offering meeting of the W.M.S. will he held in the church hasement on Wednesday. oet. 27. 1pat Niles McGowan. late of china. will be the astest sneaker. Tbis pro- mises to he a very intere.titte meet- ing. A large attendance is 110)1,1 •...r nTJBLIN Miss Mary 'Murphy has returned to Port Land/ton, after spendiea the week end at her 11.111e, "or. and Mrs. Harry Kratiskete re turned to their :home 111 ,Detroit. after •.(ending the past week it ith Mr. and 'Mr, Joint Krauskoph. Ir, and 71 r. Don 711111')' and .11. Burldie, returned to their lame itt Detroit after spending the eeek end with tilt; latter's. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan,O,Connor, Mrs. Elizabeth Nagle returned to Detroit after • visiting friends in ottr leighbourhood, Mr, and Mre. Miller spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Con- nor. Wedding bells are ringing in 010 ietriet. Mr. and Mrs, F,ddie Byres seent '.1' lit with the formerk( p treats Van' 10+1 For Sale 1 A. THE SEAFORTH NEWS BRODHAGEN WEST .11r, aisl \l t'... Robert Brooks of Mitchell, were Sunday visitors wite 11r. atel 11'harlie Reek ooIt - lay last. The weather is Vt')'t disappointing - this It %tele so that there is a lot not:noes 311.1 10110,1 11, 011 yOt eaithie for better member. 1I r. and Mrs. Heater and family of 11 arrieton. 1101'O W001: 01111 visitors widi Mr. and .11rs, Charlie Eggert. 11r. Arnold In 1)11')' of Earl 1ire3-, Sask., a native of this community some 39 years ago, writies he earned $7/5.00- in harvest last year, ibut this year he did not earn 75 cents and 1111 is wondering how he is going to make praver. Hymn 'My 'a2,1. how 112301.Vasisrillit. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21 1337 1337 omnscorearayassaasil 3. GALLOP'S GARAGE SEAFORTH Chrysler Plymouth and Fargo Dealer Come in and see the nem Plymouth car and. Fargo Tru': \\e also have a Service Truds—ir you have car trouble, phone 17) aml aao will come promptly PHONE 179. All Repair Strictly Cash. SEAFORTH We Aim To Plea, a living this Winter for his +family as there is nothing of any kind around titere. Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Messer- sehmidt and little daughter ,of Detroit, spent Lite week end with Mr. and Mrs, Jerry IDCOCC and it' 11 on sAinday for their home agaim tIdaster 'Morley 'Koehler, sou of Wtts Koehler, had the misfortune to fall from the mow at the thrashinU at Pred Fleuerman's end hurt his wrist whielwill lay him off work .for a (vele. KIPPEN Last Sunday, October 1711t, will be remembered with pleasure for some time :by the large congregations that attended, the services at St. Andrew's Churl -ill, Kippers It was the seventieth anniversary of the erection of tine pre- sent church edifice. 'The Rev. H. V. Workman, of 1Petrolia. well and fav- orably •known in this conummity, who as a boy lived in this parish, OAS the guest speaker, Mr. Workinati;s ser- i:110Th', interesting and .helpfed, were much appreciated .by the large audi- ences that greeted him morning and evening. The choir, with the help of .Mr. !Harrison, baritone soloist of Col- borne Street Church, London, eon- trfbuted their Share to the enrichment of the seriiees. The choir sang alt - the morning "Our Song Shall 'Rise", and in the evening "Break Thou the 11 -read of Life". Mr, diestrison's eolos, sung RO beautifully and apparently Wiehout effort, were a special treats -a delight to the ear and a joy to the hearts of each wor- shipper. In the morning Mr. Har- rison eang "Into Thy Hand" and "Bless This House". His evening numbers tvere: "Thou tArt ily Gad" and "itt'athor in tHeaven", A large number from this distriet attended the plowing match at FCC - 411R and were well pleased with it. Mr. and Mrs. Henry 71onteith of Powassan spent the week end with friends around the village. Bean threshing is the order of the day. Rev, E. F. Chandler preached in Petrolia on Sabbath last. Mr. John Tretneer is improving nicely after his recent accident. 11 r. and Mrs. Wm. Cra w f..rd 51111 Mr. and Mrs. Ora Crawford _el' Rip- ley attended the anniversary on Sab- bitth last and visited with triertrls in the village. CONSTANCE. The W.A. of Constance United Church have decided go 1' 11 their animal fowl sapper this Year. :11.r. and Mrs. h'red Elliott of To- ronto, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. jack Ferguson. 'Mr. and Mrs. Ross MeGeegor Went 10 1.111111011 on Sunday to see Mr. 'Ferguson, Mrs. NfoGregor's :father, who is at present in St. Joseph's hospital, 11r. and Mrs. W. Britton spent the eveck end at Inwood with Rev. and Mrs, 1, C, Britton, Mrs. Britton re- torned 'home after spending two weeks with her daughter, ,Mrs. A. di. Reekie. and -7,1r. Reekie. The 1V.,11.1.S. and 1Vs-S, of Con- stanee Visited Church have received 311 invitation go 111 1,1141 a thankoffer- ing meeting of Mr Berns \\' 71.5. on Iblireday. Oct. .311 Mr. Leo titeplien..,11 and mother, Mes. 1:. Stephen:en and Ilrs. 11 ir t..20 5' ;Acct.. in Isivalon eel Wed- nesday. VARNA The September •tneeting of the W. 1- of St. John's Church met at thm home of ..Mrs, Prank 1Veeldes. Mr. -Albert 'Robinson held an awe- ti171n, sale last AVeduesday. _Nit-. and 11r1s. Robinson intend moving to 1 lespeler 1 the near fantsre, best wishes of their many friends go with them. The fowl supper nf She United Church was a .great success, Mr, and Mrs. 'John Seeley of Lon- don are spending a few days with the former's sister. :Mrs. 'Austin. '11r, 'Fred .Austin o:f ,Flint is spend- ing a ,few days with his mother, Mrs, The J.5. of Varna United -11trreb held their October meeting pal.SLifiage. N'100ting opcned '•11 hymn 20 after whirl( all repeat - 1 s' '1) 1')' of Thaiikstririving from the ro1. airs. Peters 'earl IP. and 1. , wonderful Thou art," was sung and Bertha Diem .gave a Thanksgiving reading. Mts. 7111 Reid read a leaf. let, "The 'Church d the 'Living, God." This was interspersed with several verses from different parts ,i Bible he- several of the members. Mrs. Me- Clymont rendered a pleasing solo, '0 ,Golden Day." Mrs, Alfred Johnskon read a poem and Bertha Diehl and, Mrs. !Geo. 'Johnston gave a report of Brueelieldl Prefabyterial, Eighteen members answered roll call. Text word for Novernber is 'Peace. (An ap- peal for food and clothing for the West was read, The birthday money is to be in next month. The 'W.1A. met at close of meeting and Miss Mabel Rathwell, .who lost her home by .fire was tendered a miseellaneons sho wer. Mr. and .11es. R. S. Reid have mov- ed to Bayfield. Mr, and Mrs, Louis Taylor spent the Nveelc end at Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. R. MdGowan, Mr. and Mrs, 'C. 'Charters of Myth and Mr. H. Hoge of Saskatoon spent Fri-, day evesing at li'red Rehr,s, BRUCEFIELD The- monthly meeting of -the W.M. S. was held in the school of the church on Wednesday, Oct. -113th. Meeting -opened with the president in charge.. The eel to Worship, which was Ps. 84 was read :by iMrs, T. Baird. After hymn 659 was enng and .scripture. reading, Col, prayer was offered by Mrs. 112, Allan. Mrs,. James Thompstm, temperance secret- ary. read a piece entitled "Alcohol and- Aviation." Mrs. A. McQueen read -a piece on Christian Stewardship and Finance. Mrs, SteeellA 11114 the current event. Hymn 11613 Was sung and short prayers were offered by three /if the members. Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. /Roll call and treakirer'a report +were givi. (.11, It was decided to hold the •Thanike e(ffering niesting. with the diamolul Jubilee on Nov. 10th.. Mrs, j. wood. -then took the chair for the study period. The new „ study hook, "A new -Church faces a new World." was introduced The first chapter NMs taken by Mrs. Hazelwood, 7,j r.. Hatigh and Mrs. Stevens, .A.fter sing- ing hymn ,1145), Mts. diazetwood closed the meeting with the benediction. Miss Hazel Haugh of Toronto spent a few days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. •Haugh. Miss Kalthieen 'Elliott who has been tersing in Brantford for the past three monthsbas returned to her home here. Miss 'Houston . of Londesboro spent the week end ,witlt her 'friend. ?Ir. F. Boyce. Rev, and .111re. Bremner spent rhe -first /if the week in Si. Thomas. A ear load of vegetables and fret for the West -will be loaded at Bruce - field station on Tuesday. Oct. 136th. The btts of Clothing Will 'he packed Inc the West. the day after the car is loaded. TUCKERSMITH Mrs Flroadfoot of Bruce:field- spent the week end with her daughter, Mrs. Elmer Townsend Mr.and Mrs. David McLean spent clay recently in -roronto, Mr. and Mrs. George J(ihitston and Gordow.if Varna spent Monday at Mr, Ritssell Colentan's. The many friends of Mrs, Will Black will be- pleased- to know site is improeng nicely after the operation. • tMrs. 7,1, Carinachan. Mies 1R.Grays. ell and Miss 13rankthan Of Eloise, Mich., Spent -a few days last .week at Mr: Russell Coleman's, and- Mrs, Russell Coleman accompanied thee back. HARLOCK Mt. Simon 111c.Vittie visited at ,the home of his .brother, Mr. and Mrs. Albert MoVittie in Hespeler. His lir.- ther is not at present enjoying good health, Burns' Church 'Anniversary Rel'CiCt, will be held this Sunday, Oct. 24th, Morning serine at 111' a.m., evening service 7S50 p.m. Rev. Mr. Cumming of Walton will have charge of the services. A good turn out is hoped for. Mr., Mbert Votisien and 7[r. Win. 41 spe last ,Firidav at the Mints of J. ANDERSON, FLAX MILL OWNER, DIES AT LUCKNOW 1 1! only 3 111011th of an incurable ailment, complicated by a 'heart Con- dition, John George Anderson, 'form- er Liberal. member of the Ontario Legislature fiat. Bruce, -and owner of extensive .flax mills in Ontario, died on Tuesday at his home ie Lucks now. Mr, Anderson was in his -75th year. For a couple of years he rcside•d in Winnipeg. but returned to the vil- lage some twenty wears ago where he had since remained, A short time af- ter Mr. Anderson discontinued the ap- ple business he turned Ids interests 'to the flax mill industry and took his son Wilfred into partnership with him. As be was successful in the apple +export he was equally -successful in the fax venture. As well i'ts owning the 'Luck- ttOW mill the .conspany also owns mills itt Seaforth andt1fitchell which osier - ate on a large • scales Mr. .Andersoti was also actively associated with the United Church in 'Luck -now where he was a member of the board of man- agers. Born in Dungannon one or a •family of ten, of the late Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Anderson, he went 'to Lucknow in 111895. He was twice mar- ried. His first wife •lN'ag formerly Miss Bertha :Pentland of 'Dungannon, -who predeceased him by thirteen years. Surviving are his second NV•ife, ,fornt- orly Miss tMary Seward; his ,only son, Wilfred tAnderson, as Well as two brothers and two sisters, 'Ross, Gorte- rich: Edward iDungannon: Mrs. Mas- sey Berry, San. 'Francisco, and Mrs, J. C. Pentland, Grimsby. The funeral will be held- in Ian:know at 2:30 11,111, Thursday afternoon, interment in the Greenhill cemetery there, Dates to Remember Ottawa Winter FairssiNoe. 9 to 12. Royal Winter ,Fair, Toronto—Now, 16 to .24. International Livestock Exp/etition and Grain Show, Chicago—Nes 37 to Dot. 4, Guelph Wittter Fair --Nov. 30 to Dec. 2nd. Canadian Eggs to Britain :Exports of 'Canadian eggs to Great Britain in the export season whieh started recently are expected to ag- gregate in the neighborhood of one and' one-quarter million cloven. The export season extends from the mid- cile of September 'to the latter ,part of November and at the end of Septem- ber about 9,1991! caees--41,134111000 egg's gone fon/teed. The export trade at this season is made 11p of eggs laid in the spring which are hblcl under refrigeration un- lit shipping date. Saskatchewan, -Man- itoba and Ontario are the chief ex- porting provinces, .with Quebec and Alberta making smaller shinments. Poor Seed Crops As a result .of the extreme dryness in the summer of 111936 and the lack of stsfificient /mow cover last winter, the 1937 clover seed crops in Canada are the poorest in many years. In fact, total failures are reported over large areas of Ontario and Quebec which E61NT THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING WALTER WINCI-IELL BEN BERNIE —in— Wake Up And Live with Alice Faye Patsy Kelly A Story filled with Mirth and Melody Mon, Tues. Wed.. Oct. 25, Z'o, 27 JEAN ARTHUR EDWARD ARNOLD —1114- Easy Living A shop girl Cinderella yarn that has everything AIN 0— The Fight TOMMY FARR vs. JOE LOUIS 'Thurs. Fri. Sat., Oct. 28, 29, 30 The Surprise Picture of the Year . packed vtidh action and loaded with Stars! Exclusive starring Fred MacMurray and Frances Farmer Corning: "MAKE A WISH "THE SINGING MARINE". Matinees Sat, and holidays at 3 p. m. normally produce large quantities isf clover seed. This .is particularly true of alsike in Ontario and. red clover in Quebec, For Canada as a whole, the red clover seed production lit not ex- pected to exceed 11) per cent +if norm- al. 'while alsike will be even dess, Because of its deep rooted charact- er. alfalfa resisted last year's drought much 'better, and considerable seed front the first cutting of the 19017 crop has 'been harvested in Ontario. There 'has 'been little seed, however, from second crop alfalfa. A fair crop of sweet clover seed is also in prospect. Timothy seed pro- duction is about normal and with the substantial carry over front last year there will be no 4iortage of seed of this kind. Fall Fertilizing of Pastures The value of the application of fer- tilizers in the fall pasture. and al, fatia, and particularly to permanent pastimes, is becoming more ecnerallY recognized. The fertilizer. used for this purpose, ibeittz composed of phos- phates and potashes, do not leech .from winter snow, and rains, and the plant food they supply is reads to give the desired results with the first growth in the spring. /Further, the fall application is a saving of time in the spring when so many other farm op- eration,: demand attention. The appli- ration may be made either before or after the 'freeze up. The specially balanced fertilizers for this :purpose recommended 'by the it rovmetal Fertilizer Boards are: 0-121- 6, 04112410, 0412--415- 0-16-16, 0-1164114 and 0-11672, to be applied at the rate of at least 300 pounds per acre. It would 'be wasteful to apply a completk,fertilizer in the fall. that is, one 'containing ni- trogen in addition to the -phosphoric acid and potash, as most of the nitro- gen would be lost by leeching or am- moniation before plant growth had started in the sp.ring. WALTON Mr. and .Mrs. Silas Johnston and Wesley Stevenson and Miss Eileen Stevenson spent the week end at Paris and Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dennison and daughter of Preston, Mrs. Lena Wes. Gavin and son Wilmot, of Kitchener, visited Mr and Mrs Ha 1! 5 11 H. ANDREWS WELL KNOWN Eye Speci4 list 38 Years' Experience as an Optometrist and Optician Will Fie At The COMMERCIAL HOTEL, sEAFORTH FINEST QUALITY LENSES AND FRAMES AT LOWEST PRICES FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22 CONSULTATIONS 9 A.M. TO 10 P.M. ALSO ON SATURDAY OCTOBER 23 th,'ir brother, Mr. Reece Ferrk HAVE FITTED YOUR FRIENDS FOR MANY YEARS— WHY NOT YOU ? 1' a 1 F 11 1 4049A2.1807410.2.591WOMMIMII01111.11 • 11