HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-10-21, Page 2PAGE TWO �_ THE SEAFORTH NEWS What does it cost you when your horses are not in shape to work? .. when the hogs are not showing the benetits of their feed? when animals and poultry are ridden by vermin? These dead losses are preventable. Farmers who use Pearson's Famous British Specifics have proved that it is possible to keep their stock: in tip top condition. All of Pearson's Specifies are scientifically correct remedies for many animal ailments. Try These FartlauS British Specifics PEARSON'S CONDITION POWDER PEARSON'S HOG TONIC PEARSON'S STOCK -TONIC PEARSON'S POULTRY SPECIFIC PEARSON'S LOUSE KILLER GOOD FOR 15 DAYS ONLY after the appearance of this advertisement This coupon entitles you to 20% reduction on the regular price of any of these lines: PEARSON'S STOCK TONIC ( ) PEARSON'S CONDITION POWDER PEARSON'S HOG TONIC ( ) PEARSON'S POULTRY SPECIFIC PEARSON'S LINIMENT ( ) PEARSON'S LOUSE KILLER Fill inthe auaritap and size purchased in above: brackets Address Address oweiitti Dealer's Name GET THEM FROM YOUR NEAREST DEALER KEATJNGS PHARMACY, Seaforth, Ont. E-1 OFFICIAL FIGURES Clinton :No 't 11)14 W5 1 No. 20.. 80 7 'No 3A 150 I) N,, 311 1841 .31 N,, a 18141 7 \dc once I'•.i!Il , 111 O 149 93 77 99 Sl) 325' 13 4194 444 �,,+, Maj,o•ritg '(oar T:aylur-•-41741. Exeter No J 731 211 545 No. 2A ,,.,,,40 115 84 No, 2B ,,,,,49 1114 83 No. 3A_. 311 24 59 'Noy. 36 SO 2111 611 No 4 Illi Qlh 35 281 41N)16 457 Majority ;for Taylor --206. Goderich Township No. Ill 74 l7 93' No. 2 419 ,174 76 No, 3 6111 4 97' No. 4 38 3 85 No. 'S .... , , , 517' 14 85' N.o. 6 416 6 45 — 322 47 481. Majority for 'I'ayllor--069. Goderich Town No. 1 4.2 7 73 .No. 2 86 1113 Rua No, 3 160 319 116 No, 4 512 7 59 No. '5 9A 7 111(37 No. 6 611 lilt 67 No. 7 525. 112 A'8 tNo, 8 FIR 4 47 No. 9 97. 111 11128 No, 110 11.512 18 12913 No, 11 .. _ , , , , , 1772 2 49 No. Ile .... , , 99 6 '1117 Advance .Poll , 11,3 WINTHROP (Wended Fos 1,ast Week) With deepest regret we learned of the sudden passing of Mrs. George McKee, who passed peacefully away at her home on 'S'aturday. 'Dhe fune- ral, which w,as held from her late re- sidence on Monday to 1:&I'aitland Bank Cemetery, was largely attended. 'He'r pastor, Rev. R. W. Craw, offic- iated. We extend our sincerest sym- pathy to those in loss of a loving wife, mother and gra'nd'ma. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Little spent Sunday in Bolgrave with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Geddes. Mr. Dawson Smith of Toronto spent the holiday with .Mr, and. Mrs. Percy I:ittlle. Mrs. [Robert Campbell and Miss Reta .Campbell spent Sunday with Mr. .and .Mrs, Wm. !Humphries of Walton, and also attended the anni- sary services of Duff's Church, Walton. :Mr. and Mrs. !George .Eaton cele- brated their thirty-1fi.rst wedding :anni- versary on .Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Bennett also celebrated their eighth wedding anniversary the same day, .:.October l'o'th. Those present were Mr. and 'Mrs. ;roster Bennett, :Mona and Billie, and Mr. John Ben- nett, Mr. and Mrs. Peter 'McCowan, and Mr. :John Bullard. HURON NEWS Bayfield's New 'Bridge Work on the quarter -million -dollar bridge proposed to span the river at the village of Bayfield probably will c.ontmence next spring, Jas. ,Ballon- .yne, 3f.P,ll'.1or Huron, told this pa- per during a brief visit to :Goderich this week. Mr. Ballantyne stated that although tentative survey work was }wing conducted this fall 110 actual work would be done this year. The 'bridge proposal has 'been nlx,ted many months now. it has come to be regarded as an .absolute necessity ow- ing to increased speed limits and im- proved roads. 'A.t present a short one- way 'bridge spans the river. and it is reached by driving down a long wind- ing hill ,on either side. (Numerous ac- cidents have occurred these hills. a o on te.e The new, bridge will span the entire river valley.-'4Goderioh Star. Two Drivers ,Appear in Court— . 'Harold Ii44141sino're, of Clinton, and 'Henry iG, Binad'iey, of Goderich, driv- ers of :two'''641:'s which colll•ided on highway No.8.,t'wo miles' from'God- erich on "September 6th, resulting in the death of Mrs. Win Doherty of Goderich were arrested last Friday on charges of ,eriminal.•negli'gence. The AC s, s; lll�Dr�tOAl�;SiMt�K charges .were preferred after a coron- r's jury decided that reckless driv- ing on the part of Livermore and lack of caution on the part of Bradley caused the fatal accident. The young then appeared and each ,was remanded a week on. a 412,0110 ''bond. Mrs. Joseph Ravelle Sr. — Mrs.'Josoph Ravelle died .at the Monte of her son Leonard on the Blue Water Highway after about 4 weeks' illus s ,following a stroke. ,She was in her 77th year and 'is survived by four s'nns, Joseph and Peter. o, Brand Bend; Leonard and Remy, of •tlte Blue Water 1FIighway and one dau- ghter, ,Mrs Harvey Bossenbirry; of Pitcher Creel, Alta., also three bro- thers, Frank and 'Remy Jeffrey, of St. Joseph and •Clifford Jeffrey. 0f Lon- don. and two sisters, Mrs, Leo Jeff- rey, of St. Joseph, and Mrs. Ceiba 1 15 18W '1119 1109.x, Majority dor Taylor -31.. Hay No. 1 67 1112 311 No, 2 69 ,1213 112 No. 3A 11112 4113 34 341. 313 , 1:113 5 36 No. 4 0164 11111 • '58 No, '5 85 i3 4? No, 6 ,,,,,,. 70 2 11134 No. 7 42 9 1217' No. 8. - 111,6 4 33 No,2 40,3. No. 4 No. 5 No 0 N:), 441. 1116 7'1. lt) 80 1111 5O 2? 19 16 349 9 370 3JH4t Majority for B'allanty!ve--43). 42 o 01 o !cis M 0 ui r" F r CO P.1 45• lb' 30 <itk 71) ,)4•;1 l.htl't.rrl. ,.., 494 Exeter 281 (.;v,ferich '1.'p. 322 Goderich .. 1062, Hay , , , , 838 Hensall ,,,, 2'l5 Hullett .,,• 568 •vIdKillop :. 538 Seaforth , , , 583 Stanley ... 459 Stephen ,,, 638 T tt kc rsanitlt 604 C}s•horne , , , 3170 7043 44 632 106 407 47 461 119 10933 85 396 74 132 131 4197 20 2;513 53 327 73 ,45543 67 744) 84 3512 1'0'4 340 942 5662 138 2(16 1,3'9 311 442 83 291 3(36 215(i fi 352 30 102 Plurality ...for Ballantyne -1,41.10 Votes polled -13,9+54 Nantes on •list -118,e08. Votes not polled --4;164, Ballots rejected, cancelled or de- clined -108, '108, TOWN TOPICS TWENTY-FIV'E YEARS AGO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1937 loyable married men now regis 1 and in receipt of relief will be to accept farts og to er It seems to he moving fast e is no contentment. P,e: want rest but few go to find rest, As we sit back look c.tu,a 'Mrs. Pendergast is visiting ;her sis- ter, !Miss IK. I'l'laran, John street.— ;Arthur Scott of Windsor is visiting his :father, John Scott of Roxboro.— Lovens of good anisic 'will the .pleased to hear :that 'Miss 8. Morson intends giving a recital iu the near .future.— Mrs. Tayllor .af Clinton accont•panied the lady howlers on (Friday afternoon and made a most agreeable ,chaper- one.—Rev. Mr, 'Silcox, of Toronto, and one of the ,prime movers in the Temperance ,cause, spoke in the 'First Presbyterian Church Sunday evening, and showed by his earnest words 'that he .had !tate cause Of Temperance very much at heart. --',Mrs. I. V. Feare has sold her 'lovely home "Iarnsc'iffe" to Mr. Couttes. Mrs. Feare and Miss Helen intend leaving For 'Cal'gary in about six peeks.-1'Phe W. T. 13. Club has en'g'aged those two artistic decor- ators, Mrs. Livingston and Miss Ste- phens, to d'ecora'te Case's hall, for the Thanksgiving dance. --On '\'ionday. Ootdber 1'4, the employees .of the furniture .factory called at "Hill Side," Egmondville, and presented Mr, and Mrs. L. E. 'Bristow .with a purse of gold. ---Mr. and Mrs. Folia Govep'lock and daughter of !Edmonton are visit- ing at the house of -31r. J. 'R. Coven - lock, North Main street, Mr. and Mrs. IGovonloek have been leaving an extended trip. •visiting England. Ire- land, S.ciitland an'd the Southern States They intend remaining; in Sea - forth for a .week or wore.—The Sea - forth 'lady bowlers received a chal- lenge from Clinton Blond ty a.m. to play a return match in that taws on Monday afternoon. 'The dnus was waiting to take then, to the bowling green, where the battle royal was fought. And it was :fought, and fought, inch by inch, ,but victory perched on the 'banter of the visiting team. --+Ret•, J. W.. Hodgins of Strat- ford was a welcome visitor to our town this week.—Mr. and \br. Neil, with Mr. and Mrs. :McIntyre, paid St. Mary^s a visit last Sunday. •7liev drove down in 'their new can—Wil- liam Naylor, of near \Vtinghaan, .son of George Naylor, met with a terrible accident. At :tate time 'Coulter Bros.' threshing. utachnrn' was at his ,place, When on top of the separator, ;attend- ing ;to the ,blower, .the hoard on which he was standing either broke :or slip - .ped end etse. •il.is foot event 'through to the revolving :mires of she straw cutter within, and was terribly lacer- ated. it was necessary to armtntate his foot, .Mr. Naylor is a brother of 31r. A A. Naylor of town. Hensall. The new; Grand Trunk station . in Hensel! n111 'he rushed' to completion, A gang is at present 'cutting, &tam. banks, levelling and fi'llin'g ,in, ex- tending switches, etc., after which wort: will go right ahead, on tate con- struction of the new •station. B rn•ceti el.d. The people of Brucelietld are pleas- ed with the a'lteretioos trade In the ditches an the station street, The open ditches have been ,filled in, and the whole has Seen it:veil'lec! off ,with the 'grader. The road has .been treat- ed to a good coat of ,crushed stone. -- The farmers ane busily engaged ,in finishing taking in their 'beams, and most .oF !them are being taken in good condition They are.complaining greatly of the rot ,in the ,potatoes, Ap ,ples are very 'pietitiifanl.-JJames'Ross of t he London :Road had a veru suc- cessful sale on irrnicfay. 'Cattle and horses wont high. Zurich. One-eighth of an inch of ice 'on. the water was the result of the Jiro N.). frost \31(1neslay mornm --,A 1nr•il 111i4,delivery has hcen established on the Base Linc between:Hay : and Stanley, cs,:itt4. one afe; from.'Kip•len• --- frix local eva.mrator is ,laying a) 133318 845 3196 Majority 'for Ballantyne ---141, Hensall ‘Ballantyne ,Moir "Taylor No. 1L\ 70.4 36 71' No. I'B 7141 315 .. _ all '315 714 KV Majority for Ballantyne --:3. Hullett {1311 II5 311 63 41 42 184 3 34) 1105 115 69 No. 1 No. °2 No. ,3 'No. 4 No. 15 No. 6 No. 7 3Lt t 20 :70 11111 45 1713 �12 Ki) 5188 fell 297 Ayotte •o1 Zurich. The Niteroi service 31aj0rir� for Ballantyne - 9)41, was held' on Tuesday from tau. resin- Nrt. encs, with I`ev, Mr. Jones ofhcia itig.;No>\ Interment in Grand Bend cemetery,'. 43 --Zurich :Herald. • No. 3 Late Mrs. Turnbull, Grand Bend- INo. 4 McKillop 111)3 2 183 on ,4 29 • 74 6 4 113.4 2 7:$ 11)21 5 83' Mrs. Marion 'Turnbull, relict of the hate Robert Tnrnbull, passed away as the 'borne of her son,' Mr, Max Turn- bull, on the Blue Water Highway, near Brewster, in her 495th year, De- ceased was highly esteemed .by all wli knew iter and was one of the pioneers 8f the community. 'Th:• fu- neral was largely attended, interment taking place in (Grand Bend cemetery. 538 20 252 \lajurity ,For Ballantyne , --:3;36. Seaforth 11114 18 56 111111 1112 54 0/23 4 844 135; all 44 ' 47 8 63 9111 15 56 No, 1 No. 2. No. .1 No. 4 No N,,, t, 51931 518' 327 John Barr Passes at Brussels—. 1\Ltjr+ritr t +r B:d!antyne-266. There passed away at hi. :tome :1-f Stanley Brussels on Monday. John Barr in !lis iNo, 1 7711, year. Born in 'Norris and raised No. 2 in this ccrmmtutity he was well and No. '3 favourably :known as a fawner and No. 4 drover. He leaves t" mrntrn their boss No. 5 two sisters. Mrs. Fronk Coates, 'Ethel. No, 14 and Mrs. Walter lull(, of Brussels, 'Neo. 7 twirl nephews, Sanmel Barr or tow tt N"i, 13 and John of 1.\'logos Fall., The ,fune- ral was 'held on Thursday afternoon with internment in Brussels Cemetery, Wilson -Russel Wedding— At ` 'Krioa Presbyterian Church 152 4 42 ;iii 14) 16 71. 414; 24 46 '13 11;38 21 4 70 :77 1,4 42 454 11 7 15:7 1:.3 0114 459 713 4153 \Fajority for Ballantyne -3, Stephen No, 1 413 9. N•o. a 311 IlO :Manse. Cranbrook, by Roe_ W', A. No, 4 f39 10 Williams, Miss Kate Russel, second IOL" 1116' daughter of Mrs. F. 'Russel, to Eldoti' No. 5 77: Wilson, eldest son of Mrs. Wilson of •No: '6 B9 60 'Grey townsi ip, at 2 o'clock Wednes- �.. g Clay; October '13th. The .couple were33 No' unattended. They are spending their honeymoon .on a Northern trip, — B•russels ;Post. Engagement Announced— Mr. and Mrs. Herman Saundiereook Wish to anouaice the 'engagement of their niece.. Mary Ellaalbeth (Bessie) 1061 a 13 13 11115 4!5 50 u'2 5111 11531 594 6 1319 838 '67 Majority for Taylor -410.2. Tuckersmith ,No, '1 .,.,. ,, 11109. ' 10. .'621 N o. 2 89 .18 64 No. 3 .. 11110 !10 .119 No. 4 ., 4119 8 39 Crawford, youngest daughter of the yo, . 8i 22 315 late ,\l' r. 'old Mrs.. Chas. Crawford, \ ,. 6 37 d6 , 3)3' r ondes'to1 1 r a ':,1 eldest st sari, .0 \fr. and \fes.: Jarvis M'- .7414 84 052 1 Bride. ide, 14 17 iia•, 'Ontai 1" i;, y for 11 i.l,rt'yni'-i-:3512. o take place tit! latter .1 in 1f this Usborne r eith,--Clinton News -'Record. 1 • 43 . 1. 11110 7'10 47 "•Saekstage" You'll hareanotheropportunity to follow the antics of Woodhouse and Hawkins, the many voiced •comedy duo, when they .appear on "Back - feature to be broad - is useless owing to rat. tion of elite:epee Agostini,' From 'Montreal. ' p.m. "Louisianal•Iayride," M138- CBC international exchange program, 'From Los Angeles. stage," variety e'a• Sunday, October "214 cast ,front 4V'inrt p•eg on llrridag, IOc.t',Drivers." 'Varier J2, iat,9 p.m. EST. In addition the 2 pan. "Sunday y o•,chestra ,under -the direction of ,Isaac program with Fields andnovel- \tanrott wild play special arrange- ty orchestra and Frances Adair. NBC -CBC international exchange pro - eluding current song successes. in - eluding a swim;' version of "Noah's grant, !From !New• York. Ark." George Murray, tenor; Wilfrid 9:30 P.m. "11 t•iendly Music." Ouch- a)nal.viadsomna, lebarreiaortneet; the Girls' Trio withaion!Geoffrey Gff Waddington ,crmce•sprl The Cape •Breton Giant len \\'ilsun, tenor. CPC,M'B•S inter•• A magnificent giant who had the national exchange program. Front complexion Of a baby and shoulders Toronto nearly four feet 'wide is one of Can Monday, 'October 125 ada's !little sung heroes whose ex- 4 p.m. "Club Matinee." Variety pro - Pipits will he recalled) Tor national trot- grant 'with Walter Blaufuss' 'Orclies- work'listener•s of the 'CDC on Thins- tea and soloists. NBC CBC interne., day, !Oct, 21, when 'B. ':K, Sandwell, tional exchange program, :From Chi - editor of Torodto 'Saturday ;Night; cago. will present the next in the series of 9 •P•m• *'"Germany Salutes Canada," 'Canadian Portraits" 'talks at 110:30 p. Rebroadcast of overseas transmission ni, EST. "The Giant of 'Cape Breton" from Germany. !Froin Ottawa. was Angus •Mac'Askill and he was Tuesday, October 26: born in 111835. 'He grew to he seven 8:15 9.11.1. 'Ottawa 'l'entole C'he r. ,feet. nift inches tall and weighed nee •Male choir direction of if. Bramwell hundred pounds. ff-Bis hands measured Bailey, 4Fro'm Ottawa. six inches across and twelve inches 9 30 Pratt. '"iA Special 1Patral," Dr,'t- lung, lie couldn't grow a bemtl, His nratr>a@inn based nit tune experiences eyes were deep blue, his voice '110110754 of 'R{.\t11'. !Proal Toronto.and his strength superb- Wednesday, 'October 27 "Night Shifty" S p.m, {'T aughing With Canada." 'The clanging of 'bells on giant loco- `Tall by B, K. Sandwell. From To - motives; the 'hustle and .bustle of a rump. large round -house; the intricate am, 8:011 p. nt. "Nationa'l Sing Song," fascinating work of a chief dispatch_ Community singing under the direr er; a description of the almost 111.11111111 tion of George You11g. Front St. Johan. Sperry railcar, and the preparation at •"— huge rotary snow plows for the Did Not Have Stroke mountain divisions will be described It was reported in talon that Mr, during the next "Night Shift" 'broad- t". r:1, Robertson, bi,L.A„ had suiFered cast to be presented front Winnipeg to Ole 'CPC national Ak network at 9:,70 a stroke, 3•ir.:Robertson proved this 3 ,n: EST, Friday, 'Oct. 22. Theotic- rumour unfounded by making a visit sop'lion.es of the .CBC's commentatorto town shortly after the rumour was will he .taken into the .round-h0nse started: 1\'ittghaut :\dv^atnce-Titres, and .shops, May Enlarge High ;Scheel— Broadcast Convocation Ceremonies .Hon. Cordell ((full secretary of Ta accommodate all tilts classes nn - state For the •t'iiiterl States will have tier •the 3]{w' rurnicuhnn tar ltftrh an honorary degree conferred upon sc110015 and rollcgiate institutes, it him at a special eon vocation of the may be nccus.ary for the 'High l'ni:en.ity of Toronto on Friday, Oct. School Board to build an addition to 212, The .cerentnnies, this column .the High School..Aithough the !board karttetl at Dyes.: titer, wftl 'he broad- have not tnusfdcrcd matter as elast-nvsr 110' nalimwl netw rl: uF the yet •spun• schools 3n thithiss district are CBC from 3 to 4 pant, EST. Dr. 41. 1, already making plans to enlarge their Cody, president ,)i the ;University, will schools, 'Kincardine Will build an ad introduce Mr. Hull and immediately dition aura the GOderich School Board after the •degree is conferred the sec - modelling obtaining estimates for the re- after of state will address convoca— tion.. Among the distinguished guests 11ew course of study includes ,shop who will he present to honor \f r, work and domestic eine and it is 11711 will all IF -ti. Esc ellenry, the Gov- (r33ing to lack of space for the t h- ernor el1114 r'11 of Ontario, Rt. 'H•ot1 ing of these At1NOCLS that it may fit: W. L. 3)arlceuzie ;King,1'ritne \f Fn_ found necessary to enlarge our high inter of Canada, the ;Premier of On school, These subjects arc not 'being taxi o, and Sir William Musick, i introduced here this year hut will be Corporation Features Day by Day compulsory for the 19130 and 11(3l) A•Il Times Eastern S'taudard. 451111 .--W'in...haut Advance-Times. l'hatrsrlay, October 1211 Dislocated Neck - 8 p,'u, 'Democracy at Work," 'T'a'lk by U';\t.cy (Marsh, of the Hamilton Dr. •\V, A. 'Hall, former Liberal Spectator, ,Front Hamilton. ment'ber of the House of Commons, AU:30 p. in. "Canadian Portraits." Ottawa, for the old riding df :South- i3icgraphical sketch of the Cape ,(ret- is conllnted to itis haute here on Giant ;by F3, 1K. Sandwell. Froth te3fh a rlisIogation, of the neck, sua- Toronto. htiucd in a motor accident, 'when this Torch Friday,r0Ootaber'242 car ran off the road after striking a 9 9:111, "Backstage," 'Variety pres- loose stone on the .pavement near enta'tion with Woodhouse and ,Hawk_ Dundalk the other day. The severe ins, orchestra, vocal ensemble. ' and jdit recei've'd 'by the local 'Physician, soloists, 'From Winnipeg. as tale machine pllavnged.into the ditch, 111 p.m. "13y the Seat," •Orchestra badly .dislocated! his neck near the and ,vocal ensemble. !From Vancouver, too) id 'his spine: --Walkerton IEferalit Saturday', 'October 23 'Times, 6:31) pail, "33'ee'Iay Song Sheet" Two pianos with ;meaty ;group cliret- Yea'ti said the s•ophoniore, "When I came hare 1 was pretty conceited, but they knocked all that out of me- and noir .I'nt perhaps the most popiu tar fellow in .college." Housewife: Just 'becatti:se 'I .gave you a 01111511 the other day, that's no reason why you should' send all your friends' here." Tramp: "Lady, they'<vrerert1t my friends." "I'm asking for more electricity over hire„ do you understand?" "1'0.,. M'aant, more power to you." cents per hunclre'd 'pounds for apples, and at that .price cannot 'handle all that .faruters lbrinlg ,!ii, Apples are piled 119 high, -tl array \Veseloli liar! a nasty fall while u'orlcidrg at the new schoolhouse, when a scaffold gave way,- lhrow!ng hint to the. Floor be- neatl,. A plank -fell,oa1 his ban;; ci rural 111;111 cldhttry sy tern is hung. installed along the Sarhlc lint, tt1C, the distribution 40011t at Dasher+on'. --The potato crap in this, ,ecli,.on 4... eery. :tr e, 'Jut .1'Y.nit i9 I,t:r cent „'it