HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-10-21, Page 1Uict,r,Ler. t ul months, ]11 rims it a'blac, As. tll eh -.hc anu:,el acts of '(io(1. 41:rt 111111,11;; 1 their days. An 1 on 1r I 11'ls anti dales -,••••,,,, for ilitir art ,) t::1',•r ail, „ of lean ,,:1 -t': the ,, -,lest heart! he Seaport 1\I� HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER matchless lnwtity spread abroad, 'avish and se fret. even a spot eltle.ss awe and fills heart wi h c t l;asy. ..1eis 1;'(td for th1 st October shays And 'angel] artistry 0, hereby this eotnnnon earth !become- A picture lallrry ± - WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 59, No. 42. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY The Proposed S.C.E. This is a front view of Sea - forth Collegiate Institute with the proposed addition. The pre- sent building with new front windows, is on the right. The new addition is at the left, or north side, 39% feet wide and 82 feet long. Manual training and domestic science classrooms will be in the new structure, with gymnasium and auditor- ium above. U N E S CHOICE AND MEATY 3 LBS. 25c CHOCOLATE MARSHMALLOW CAKE 15c lb. TIP TOP TOMATO JUICE— 10c can .AYLMER SOUP, small tin 5c CRISCO, 3 lb. tin 60c BAKING MOLASSES ,... 10c tin LANTERN GLASSES - 2 for 25c 6 bars P. & G„ 2 cakes KIRK'S CASTILE, all for 32c 1 large OXYDOL. 3 CALAY TOILET SOAP, all for , ,29c IVORY SOAP— Large Cake - 8c SLOE POLISH, per tin 10c SNAP HAND CLEANER— Tin 15c EPSOM SALTS, 6 lbs. 25c SULPHUR, 6 lbs. 25c firMasteri( Poultry Concentrate to mix with your own grain at 3.25 cwt. C. RoutIde A. Phone I66 OAL r. UALITY SERVICE r PHONE ( rBim Lnn X 41, Northside United Church vac+•, '1'..:\. Carmichael, :Minister. Sorvice:, for Snnday, Oct, -24111. ,I)iamon11 •1nhiler Services. ll T(.nl, 1`110 R1 ked, Peter •r 111ce:. ID. 1). Moderator of the 1'nhed ( !mech. will preach. 7 p.m. Sermon by Ree Waldemar tr Vlitdiam 11.,1.. President of the Lon- don 1 ,11krence, Fowl sapper. 11nnday night. See advertisement. St, Thomas' Church Services •inch\. )rt. 24th. Sunday rand i, ble )'lass Irl a.lt. Morn - (0;0 service• 11 a.nt. Sermon topic, C , 1'i and 1 cites: Evening service 7 nut Sermon topie, Create,: \dyer/n.1%2' \11 weleonu Egmondvflle United Church Rev, .\. \V. Shepherd, 11i1(i.lor. ;lEt 11:11.. S,nnday School, 111 a.m., Rev. 11. Mervyn Wright, B.A.. (1f St. Helens, Evening service wititid'ran11 on ac-. rea111,of N'ortliside Anniversary. First Presbyterian Church in Seaforth I3. C. Feast, Minister. Service. .for S'dnnti'ay, Clot,titer 24th. llorrin;g wor- ship at 11. Sermon by tic ntitiistl•r: "Ptt'Acr in Become." The evening ser- vice will qtr on(itted in compliment to anniversary service at the Northside United Church at 7 1'clook ;First Chureb ry service.. Sunday, Novenroh(r(8tlr. i.0(111(10nion Sunday, Nov. 31,•t, Preparatory service, JFriday evening, No, 1911,: YOUNG PEOP.LE'S RALLY ! animal rally of the 1`otmg 'People ,+t Huron 'I reshy-eery will be hell on Monday evening next in the (First Chimeh in Seaford,. The Rev. !Gorden Peddle. Clinton, will give the address, "\Vinci Yontdi ("!an ➢Bring to the Church.- :'\lop}e time a id'I he given to 'the discussion period following lhr address, 1!r. linin 1i111-, President of our local Union Societies, will he at dhe organ. A quartette from mem- bers of our society will sing '1'11e 011 Rtr?.rged Crci.-, Betty Smith. Merle (Keating, Ardath Sproule and`Myr'tle Fraser. Heartiest welcome ite, alts .utaL'ON L. RE'ID BAND PRESIDENT ..flu +luuntl hnn(Inct cif the Sea - fort) i I ,hlandet. Rand was held at the (ntnmercial Plotel on Mon day evening at 7 o'clock. when the hand :•utertained as their guests Il r, \\', 11, (n({!cing, \l,P,, and Mayor J. 1...(hill, P'residcnt \\'il,litln ds err acted as ch a h•nl.an. .-\ ((1Lre, ses w ere givenby haul Leader 'l1'.. I1. ::'dose, ..11r. 4inld- inc and Mr, ChM. the 1/;list to the King w is pro;,,,.;.,( (0 Bandsman Plast! Duncan. .\iter the si11lging of the national anthem the meeting ad- journed to the ccant:il chamber where the elecdou of officers took place as follow Ilan i Fcsidents, AV•. 11. (oldntc, President, Mallon Reid. ice President, .\LIR, ,Ren 1c. tme.- T:rea ,, John Camino, 1'r(tporty (•.otn- 11111( •e, 1)'dh'leau Sills, 'George -Reeves. Ilasil .Duncan, .\srclitnrs, Fred Eugene ,Dollon. Band Leader, {'lose. Reports •W1 1Ise year's ,cork were. given by \lessrs. (:'.:(0100 and Sills, and plans were made ,far next sea- son. The need for more 'benches in Victoria 1]'ark 001(0 HERBERT FOWLER 'rhe death neulrted on Sunday, 00- ,l)er 17th of lir. 1t•r'be t •hnwIer, (gbh rt•apeeted resident of 11s11lrtt nship, at his home on 'the 110,(ran knoel, after an extended (heirs., lir. 12,,w ler was in 1(10 0111) • var. \ -1,n in, 1'.e \1 Francis 1•`oa 1, r he .ats born on the f ,rot where his (learn occurred. '1(0 was married In 1'9(11' 1,1 111 s 1'hrist(na ilrown ,,I ligntnnd;,il', who nowstir- vivo, hint. lie it .:((sired hg one Dan• Prank. ,u ham( I1 hw two do h b ers ,end tw n .1 tat . Joseph and } rl ,11tH(, 1,f 11_ontoh4: Mrs. Cowan (Clara) of Ilinnesot:r, PP:In iro) ,li (\'hcrta, ('he funeral took place from his !ate r('si(Icnee. Huron •Rohl. on \\''cd iesllac afternoon, Oct, 2,0, al 2 ,111 tidos'((, and was hugely attend(d''Rev, H Fl1,1 of First Presbyterian Church, Sea ,nth. ( Ir' - bated. Interment 1o(;5 place in the Maitland 1111(11, C(•nu•t(•ry. The .lull - bearers were. 'John ('Wooer, John Dale, 111(10alm 1!l1)ermid, Jonathan Hugfll. '..lames Jamieson, Bert Train, ?Four nephews acted as flower bear- ers: Raymond Jamieson, Riy Brown. I•at11e• Ilroan, John llchinnon. \nnntg those ir1.11n a distant•,' at- tending' the funeral ,were Mrs. \Inir of Portage Ln Prairie. Wan. (,t(tof Airs. ( \h'1': \f1'gi1d \I1 \,chi IleKinu,nt and lrmi'y \Caik,-rt,n, The llishop 01 firman Rt. 1Rev. 1. L. Tseu, was the speaker at a ser- vice in St. Paul's .\n.glican Church, Clinton. .1111( 114y night, which 1111, largely attended ST. THOMAS' W. A. MEET On Tuesday of ,this tveel St. 'I'honaa' C`.hnrcil \\',:\. celebrated its 1171-11 aunivcreary i,y celebration of Holy Communion in the (1111,0011 at 3. n.01, for 1(101(lnl'rs a'n(! their ,(trend; from other local missionary societies, Afterwards ards more than sixty ladies enjoyed the (birthday tea in the Sl'ar- isir •H:dl. During the Rea- honr 1lnnnr accompanied ,by MLrc, Keating. delighted late ,guests whit a wilt,, Then Mrs. \'anll amonel. on 'behalf of the \\'osier(', Auxiliary; in a very charming 'way presented the Presid- ent, Mrs..\ppleyard, with a pair of silver candlesticks, 00 the eve of her departure from this parish. EGMONDVILLE W. M. S. A eery cubit fid W. 4, Thank Offering meeting teat; ltelil fn the school room of the church with Mrs. Shepherd' in the chair. Mrs, .11, Han- ey read .the Scrill'ture lesson. Mrs. '11, McMillan read the devntional.leaflet. 'Th., Church of the 'Living 'God." Mrs, Robert afoGonigle led in pray- er. The 'west speaker was Mrs. 'Gar- diner who gave a very interesting talk on the different mis.innaries whom she had the privilege of hear - in: 111 the Dominion Board. meeting held in Toronto. :\ closing hymn was Then sung with'Mrs. R. E. lfehenzie s at the pi,uu. The meeting yeas ll(,1ts� (1 with (Payer bo Mrs, Shepherd. WILLIAM NIGH The death of 11r, \\'(Misr Nigh ,:1-, ', en 1 e his home it Seaford, t (lt t ( at 111 t .t r I t Wn Monday morning 'following an ill - (0(10 of some time.. Mr. Nigh was a lifelong resident of this district, har- Mg, been 1g1.1.11 nn the ;2nd concession 0 I'urk(rsnlith 11(1 years ago .\pril 14 last 111 was married to Miss heir( Barry of 1 hhyr '- Years t'1(1 , t 1 (t a� at 111, ut September 311th.. 1:8101. they 11l0001 across 1110 road to the third coneys- sioa and (dyed there until moving to Seaforth whom two 111111eths ager, Ile.idcs his bereaved wife, one &mall ter and 1110(10' '.01110 '.1)0(00, to whom are extended the sincere synl- 'lalhw' of the community in the pass- ing of 0 kindly and loving lm'.iotnd and rather: (1(ary) )Mrs, 3,11111 J. \Milch bur 11 c11:i1 lop ;l oltn 3oseuh, at home, 'Packet -smith; Rev. Wm. V. Nigh, ('.5.11., of Houston, '('egos: and Brother BIlyl4iste, of the i'resentation (bothers, lfontreal: and fourteen grandchildren. Two children prede- ceased him. 'Joseph at 4 years o1 aye, and "Dennis, 711 years pled, in 11019, \I I fide surviving are one n brother. r dr. 1,1150 Nigh 1 Ilse; ion1 elle, and two sisters, \Irs.dete• 11aCtnn and \Irs, C. .Atkinson of Seaforth. tilt 'three surviving members of a family of fif- teen. lir. ,Nigh was 'highly regarded. as ,e ,and neighbor and ,friend, and his passing will he deeply regretted. The tumoral will take place from (coneinuc I nn Page Fire) Mayor and Scouts on Apple Day 1lri;;'ht and early tin Saturday (Horning the Boy Scouts were out on the sweets selling apples. The above picture taken bo' The \e\\•5 shows. 1lavnr J. Chili- making a llnrchase from Senna Donald Scott (left) and Scout George Hildebrandt (right). OCTOBER 21,• 1937 PROPOSE ADDITION TO SEAFORTH COLLEGIATE Plans have been drawn up and have received 1th0 approval of the Depart- ment (1 Education for a 101-310(5 addition k, the' Seaford', Collegiate lnslitnte to ttntkc .roost for Ow 1101V eour..es of study _(which_ will 'he in ef- fect next Sep'tenrher. 7'he proposed addition will be S2 feet by, 39%• It will be adjoined to the north side of the present Wilding. Thy addition will be the sante length as the present ,bttlldin'g, but placed si1 duet it will extend out twelve feet in front, It is expected the work wiI1 . coin- mence nest Dine. '1'he cost is estim- ated at approxiumately ,•k11,0O0, The provincial government will pay half the cost of the ground storey and also of the roof of the new at;ucture. .\'ccarding to the plan, the ,ground floor of the addition will contain a domestic, science room and a :t lanutti training 1,e10111. The domestic science roam, at the front haft of the addition, will '(rave two kitchen units, a home unit, a sew- ing unit, anti a laundry unit, as 18011 as the classroom proper. The rear Trail of the ground floor will be devoted to manual training and will contain among other equip- ment, a paint shop. targe, lathe, wood lathe, band saw, drafting table, elect- ric equipment, etc, .Along the solidi side of the addi- tion, next the old hulloing, there ,till be a corridor and storage room, also a boy S'' ho core.00001. t'.p.oairs the addition' will be ((Mat- t -1, to a spacious combined auditorium (0(Hd 'gymnasium. '\ stage lilatf,q-m will ,be at the east end, also the Shower roanl.. ,One of the greatest changes which !lay take place in the routine of the Main building will be (that the doors Ott the smith side, known to several generations 111 t i( • s boys' �. rate( t uicnt. a. the } (}.' entrance. . N in 1)00,400 the 10111% ent- rance. Tit(. bops' ,'nhance is planned it •he south vest turner of the 11( hntildiug. There will :be a 111,5'.'.' 11111011 ro.,m 111111 a girls' 11111011 room (m "he side of the corridor of the main balildiug. The sired nt teachers" asst( will be divided into reception room. ,.11, : al's office and teacher's roost" with two lavatories. C In curs in the aurin building. the old asse)111)15' ronin will be made smaller, hying partitioned otT at the south end to make a library it is ex- pected. :\ modern heating and ','eifti1'tlitt system 1)111 he installed tlu•o11¢hont: \\'ni (1. 'littrrav, (xf London, is the architect, All in all, the proposed nulditt_1 will provide tea011e1s and stinient- with a thoroughly modern and well equipped collegiate institute, GOLDEN WEDDING Sir 'John and Lady ,Aird, who cele- brated •their golden wedding in 'Fo- ronton on Tuesday, were residents of Seaforth, a few years after their mar- riag,e, where he became a bank man- ager. Sir Joint retired ,from the presi- dency of the Canadian Bank of Com- merce early this year. MAE LANE AUXILIARY At the regular ntectin* of the Mae Lluu: .\nxiliary in Xo otsi to (1110.1 Church on Monday evening, 01':, - prty 1'r-. ity Miss \Vood and \dr.. C 11 0, two excellent reports were given of the Sectional Meeting 1101,1 in Brucefiel4. Mrs. ('lose gave a 0003 clear account of all discussions and Sirs, well told of mission work M Angola as explained by 11t .c Mac- l<1,11ie, a missionary to _-\frica hone or (1(010u•gh ,Hiss Fennell; Mrs_ Bc (hely and lits, Moffat \\ ere ap- pointed the nominating coutnntte( •for the oifi'cers of 1'938. Mrs. Fantle-, captain of Circle Two, took charge 1',i the meeting and led in Brayer. \lis- 10110th Haag read the Scripture mid, accompanied shy Miss Mary (1:1' (01- .hiss Margaret (flitch sang '.11; Taste, Mrs, Barber led i11 the s1 M.. of the topic, "The straggle- , die early Canadian settlers to e0111 'siert- and churches. \\'File 0 .'1•, 0,. their new honer, in Nowa 11a. •omc hf the pinnce ;or:a, 1 foreboding; when a st(00 0 ; Sem- Hsi] em-ti h piper- was hauled out and dancing and singing changed the outlook 0,0111 - *icily. Their first minister: (t1111e• 3.laiclGregnr, came front` Scotland at a salary of £S0 a year and preached hie first sermon (1) a barn. While a\vac (Continued. on Page Five) Phone -54. $,I a year, announcing . . " Shaeffer Fountain Pens 1 :' I •,lir 1 ;i1nroviding the bList, tacrchan'•se ate(' -t" le 0,e :lave '3d(1011 a 1,111 lire •?1 the yell aryl favorahh• known Shaeffer Pens and Pencil, Shaeffer Wen; are fully guaranteed front the low priced $2,511 pen to the "Life Time S1(1101'er Pen" at SS.75 anti upward. See the Shaeffer Pen. The coleus are new. The shape 0 new and }1 .0 will get a new thrill nut of Shaeffer Pen Performance. $2.50 to $17.50 'Waterman and Parker Pens also carried i' in our regular stock SHOP AT SA VA IJ:G E IT PAYS Phone 194 Res. 10 FINANCIAL STATEMENT Financial statement for year end- ing. Sept. 2, 114137, of the \\'rnncu Hospital LA'iil to Scots, Memorial Hos- pital, Receipts Bal. on }land, Sept. ,T/3'n ;;;2.38.20 11,n1'bersllips (J29) '5'5;140 Collection 5,03 Donations nnand Lan Sitxrest 4.11d Bride—e. '3,:itchre4Garden Tea , , 91(153 Relt111d ,,n .\1111tseme111 -Tax „ 2.05 r317'(i,33 Expcnelilnri•s 1.1 11,.-. •••$ 3.01) tan !:,rd Tube Safety shies ... (1:311 )'110 '1'tilities ( \lixmaster) and _' :Electric ,.,... ,. .11.73 R.ntal 'nr iH'all, 1 riles and b o 11, 1 C1' 15.4\ \(',(1', si 1.,,,Yrize,s, Heat, etc (euchre) 3.5) Blankets and stamp 'SS,d}l 1. C. Routledge, fruit for plat(- ts 3.(14 11'. R. Smith, fruit for patients ;541 I'. Phillips, do. and stamp .,'1.43 Flowers, cards and Christmas Lift and stamp .,..,, , 13:78 \dvertis0 ng ,garden tea 1.415 Incidentals ...... 111) SRamps 12 Cash in bank 108.511 $1317623 MRS. 11.1)510, Treas, ENGAGEMENT The eng:agement is announced of Mary Finnie, only daughter of Mrs. \•lune and the late Alexander Munn, 111 \loKillot), An lir. Edward Lloyd Boyce. only son 'of Mr. and firs. Oliver Boyce, of IMotvk'tort, the mar- riage to take place shortly. DRYDEN-E V?;'N:S The Marriage of Eleanor Margaret, slaughter of Mrs., .R, S. 50<tns, Seas forth, to Mr. Thomas Filbert Dry- den, Oshawa, took }dace in .Tornnito Friday ;afternoon,-!Oist. 115, at the home of Rev. =J. R. 'Sanderson, 'Ham -- met -smith avenue. (given away by her mother, the ;bride wore a French mod- el of embroidered brown crepe, with 'Ir tvn art 0;400100. after the cere- moneIl 1 c couple I( kit for a motor trip Lc) New York and the Eastern States, and on their return will reside M •Osl1- awat The (bride is. a graduate of the 'University of Toronto and a former Alpha Delta ani President. ----- ENLARGING OFFICE Mr. Merton .Reid is building a nlod• - era front on his insurance and real estate office, North Main street. The display windows 'have been remov- ed which will give .considortllbde extra space in the interior of the office, and a front of Indiana cut stone is be- ing bniit, with office style windrows, ,11 r.„ f1, Edge has the contract. DIAMONDJUBILEE Northside United Church SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24th MORNING SERVICE 11 A.M. ?vl}nfster The Rt. Rev. PETER BRYCE, D.D. Moderator of the ['rifted Church EVENING SERVICE 7 P.M. Minister: Rev. WALDEMAR WILLIAMS, M.A. (I1 Sarnia, President of the London Conference SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE CHOIR Under the Direction of Mr, and Mrs, Jas. A. Stewart REAL OLD TIME FOWL SUPPER. , MONDAY NE'GHT, 'OCTOBER 25 FOLLOWED BY A .MUSICAL CONCERT Assisted by Mr. Cameron Geddes anti 'a Children's Chorus under the • direction of Miss Mabel. Turnbull ADMISSION 50c. - - Supper served from 5:30 on. REV, T. A. CARMICHAEL, MINISTER •