HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-10-14, Page 8PAGE EIGk3'T owookomor HEN SALT. &)n Sunday, October 117 a Child- tam'. hilwae u'. Day service will he •held in . t. d nut's Anglican Church at 7 p.m. the .gnesrt speaker will he Rev. /3..1-1. Farr c1 Dorchester, a former rector of 'the 'church. 1'lm. \Vil'liant 11c.\sh, Mrs. - Thos. Mt'\sh and Miss Mary JMeAsh at- tended the funeral of the •fate Alfred iA'ns.tin cif Varna on 31onda'y. Bort---,At the Clinton Hospital on Saturday, flet. 13th, to Reeve and Mrs. Shaddick, a daughter. lir. Ray Paterson of Toronto 'pent Thanksgiving flay here with his par- ents. \ir. and Mrs. Rost Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson Of (hesley spent the holiday here with relatives. ounintnian eryice was ab,{lerved at the Morning service in the .United C']mreh on Snrsday- with very a•)'prop- miate sermons hath morning and ev- ening tba• the pt ter,. Rev. .Ardrtr tial estate..:\t the morning service 'tors. ?Hess sang a heavtidttl =ev1o. Tsai'. and Mrs. Anderton of (oder- lel visited here on 'Monday with Mr, and Sirs, W. O. tinodwin. Airs, :Alar likinson is visiting t'hi. •w.ek at Lakeside, tihe guest of Ur. nod .Lir Jeihn Yam* Miss .Marg- Little of t ontlon 1s ,mndiug a couple Of weeks at her home here. 1Ir. Albert 1'as ml ire of Delhi spent 1:,e holiday here with his parents \1r. met \t . John Passmore. Miss lnfy Lanlutie at Windsor was we 1 end visitor here with her mo- ther. Mrs. \\lilha•nt L.amntie. 3.1 iss 11 at. 31c.Naughtan of Toronto .newt the h,oliday at her home ht -e. ,Messrs.i.\1i Clark, 'Milian'''. Welsh, Thos. Welsh, Royee Welsh and jams .Paterson went lhanks,ititt , at] ileitford on a fishing trip. Among those from a distance who attended the ,fnnertrl of •the late \Vin. !Hogg -al -tit ori -'!friday afternoon wt rt Miss' Elif.abetlt '?Davis of Ottawa, \lr, 13.1 itt Httggartb, Stratford:: 11 r, fas. Litre, dari1,Misses \lar: A. anal trine ,}log` firth, Mr. and 'lir.. Wesley (freest 31r.: ?'rant Peart and \lis. ,Myrtle year:, of 11ensd'l; Mr, and Mrs. lobs (11gr;int. Hay township; '\lr- Lts, lioggl tit 1.1d \lr, anti Mrs. H .; ;fa is oi Se a t t th. tltark..;icing tt es were Observed itt Cannel Presbyterian 111,un1..,v tart, tsith the tats- tar,'Rey, \V. :\. Young, iotding charge t t 1 t y,t, ti -, i. i 11t11sie ya. soh, io1,10wed with prayer by. 'Mrs. L;mot(-. 7!rs. Murray gave a ,most interesting reading'. Meeting- closed wtttt hymn and lltncdiCtntn giv 011 by Mrs. V', \1el)onncll. .\ eery dainty Murch was se.rr'ed at the close and e ,.ficial half' - hour spent. Mrs. Cross tendered a hearty vame of ,thanks to Mrs.\loin for use o` her home.Mrs. t'ie'rce of Blyth is visiting her aunt, Mrs, Andrew Moir. STANLEY 7lr. Rohe. E. Robinson and son Dough 4, of Carlyle. Sask., arrived at Brucc,field this week with their stock and household effects, His :wife and daughtter remained in Toronto for a short visit with friends there. They expect, in a short time., to settle on the farm recently purchased from \lr. \V. J. tDevwson, ,\ highly -respected resident , of Varna, in the person of lir, Alfred Austin, passed away at his home there an 'laniclay, Oct, Rh, in his 73rd year. following a 1 rief illness For about twenty years Mr. .\ustiu had heen the efficient rural moil carrier from 'Varna postodiit•e atm .by his kind and ,sbltgntg manner he made a horst of 'friends. The funeral service was held an Monday ,from Varna ttn- ited tChtmch of which the deceas'3d ivas a faithful member. 'Rev. IR. 3. Peers officiated. tintiiting are itis wife, tour son, and two daughters. -Misses Boxy and \dense Palmer an'd the Misses Davidson of Hamil- ton spent the s'i'te end with friends at Varna, The Misses Palmer assist- ed with the music at the anniversary services Lre4d at Varna 1'nitrd t'hurch 011 S'anday. CARD OF THANKS .lir. 'George McRec and \Ire. Mc- Spadtleu wish to tliatrk all their neigh- bors and friend, for the kindness and sympathy sb„tyu in :heir her t;areitient. also those nh" 1„ao l their cars, and those who . 'it da,trers. fn3 m+ 4e,1 by t r h r. \lr n' Mrs. Leslie Fisher f 1\ in- td .:r seem tit 1 ltd ty her 'with his parents, \1".t3 - Mrs, into 'dilish Marion and leen,, Sangster, daugh- ter a \i r. and Ales. lames Sangster. had their tem.ils renewed :n lar. Steer's office, 1L+. -ion t'irc'e of tete United Church 'het at the hunts of Dorothy tl'ec,ueen on Friday evening, (1'I. a -1, gout' were played for a short time. thea stn9u,n was steai. ti rie,ttire was read by \udlrev 1 vi, eli •i 1111net prat c ere ofTcled t1 \t try Clark, Rept !larvae, d rdie Cross aid Lica \1 t„)nt t Plana : e t c nl a i, tor sending a nth ti 'idly clothimr to the 13'est. The •N,,,emoer 1n.•et -ta will IA: held at the benne •P,ttr',irt She•"iierd, Aless 1)ottg'as then gave ;nit interesting -4mly. The 'Meet - Me cies, ti 'by- singing a hy111) anal the Lord's ,trayer it1 nni., nl. firs, It 'shut Britton and 3lth', of 13, 3 1 tee ~thing a cantle of leetk 1 Mrs. 'Britton:: nu -eller, Mrs, d d tt,.rah lArirkinatt. Miss Olive \\atker, 1t,t\„ 1, nursing a case . at `Ault :,1. Miss Mabel Workman spent Satur- day day in ?.inion. 3!iss Margery; 'P'r'ey, l..N„ of Lariat ei.iteel over the week 'old twill 11':. aml 11r.. Roy )1cl.'o't11. 111 \fee 1)ttga'll of Toronto V it'd )ter the holiday with her par- ents, 3lr. and lir.. 3.\111. Duneall 5r, \!r. and Mrs. H. O. Day man visit- ed over the holiday at North 13ay. \lr. •Harry Wilson of Taranto visit- ed over the week end et the home ai .31 . tt i 11 1.1. Drummond. Mr. 1h. 'Harding,. \1r. and Mrs. 1.\'m. Harling, Kiss Alargaret 'grey, 31r. an', Mrs. Lindsay Brasier i,. o3 Lon - Oen -am; 'lhtwk._i,iug ssith.. \lr. and 11rs. Fred C rbet. .Drysdale is spending. a 1'tt ' in Toronto on 'business, jar, Sermon of l'or.,nto spent the holiday ,lith her ulut'ter, Mt- \. t,r,tto•t and sister, Mi.-, 11 11 - tired Sermon. Mr. ;end \lr.. -Vex. 31e1lurtrie mud daughtee of 1 ronto were e3.111,14 or' -r the with relatives beet. 11a. t.i.1 lire. Leslie Knight aha two civil -het, and Airs. Albert it„•a en i htt'L.oer ;went tilt holiday trite relative, herr. also at ]tea's -n -?fine., Imea.iirtii anti Riyt}t. ids Myrna Hnrsmt '.i London was a 1udiday •:•icor hue with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Colin ,Hudson, Mr, and Mrs. t'aro't Sermon and ;bathe taf 1'''rt Dever were holiday vis- itors. with rel runes herr, 11r. aol 31r., Roy Painter anal daughter of \\ uirlsor visited ho er the 1 'ill's 'iii relatives in teem '1'11 re alar ntont3 3 meeting fihr l.,.- Aid of Carmel :Presbyter- ian dr- ban Church was held in the school 108,111 of the church 'flue dolt vrn111q w1111 'lis. Hannah Alurray :'residing. ,O',pened ,by singing 'Psalm low. The ihu'in..ss was dismissed 11)11 it was decided to entertain the men at the Nowt ltitt•r meeting, Mrs. Ed t aril' took charge eft `the program ':'hies was given b}^ h Or ;roup 1 d'eli'ghtful ti,3, wa- -nng shy "P;ilten 11nnn "Ja- ns u.,shine." :1 piano instru- mental by iii •11elen 11)1t:k, and piano ni-trnnuntal by /Ales. Ed A'Stain. 3' nt r, and a dainty asses closed h,• ring. Bet. 1:. H. Farr and lade friend of Dorchester were visiting friends in tettfl on Tuesday. ' ilr. Neil \-1'cNeil of I'heirldalt -was railing en friends in town 'Tuesday. The 1V.11,S. of the d sited 'Church vier Thursday afternoon last at the home of Mrs. Andrew Moir, 'rhe pre sir' nt •\les. Croat presided. Mrs. \Vtti, Dougall read_ the scripture les- THE SEAFORTH NEWS .EPBjtoy THE ONLY AND MOST MODERN SHAMPOO The Latest Styles in finger - waving, done in comfort B uty Sal 4° n Permanents .nents The Standard of Perfection 1.95 and u Including Shampoo. Haircut and Fingerwave `B' Beauty Salon In Uptown Block P1'IONE 50 or 18 Seaforth AUCTION SALE t)'f. Household Elletts will he 'veld at 3!rs. ,lanes a'tewart'.s, El:utontl- yfllc, on Friday. Oct. 12 at 2 Electric radio, \'\'esting-house; up.. right piano; 12 extension tables; ntnr- ris 'hair; day lied; n dining room eirtir ; large arm ciiairs, 'leather co- atred; writing desk; buffet, mirrors; pictures. hall rack with mirror: rock- ing chair: sewing machine: electric washing machine; touring ear. ('lathe- horse, ironing hoard, Bet :may , nunti r Rock. pullets and ot1t- e 818.13,10' tot. . numerals tit tllt'Iltion. Terms - 1-1, Sam 1 t'h hey, -Pros.. GRE. TIM STORE rr! Now Is the Ti Think ofDressing Men's Leather Coats with Beaver collar 8.73 Men's Fleece lined combin- ations, sizes 34 to 44 $1.00 Men's Doeskin Shirts ..78c Men's Red Back Overalls 94c Penman's All -wool cardig- an sweaters .... ....$1.23 Men's fine socks .09 (2 pairs only to customer) Boys' Fleece lined Combin- ations 78c Boys' Caps e Ladies' House Dresses 48c Ladies' Fall Weight Bloomers 25c Ladies' Flannelette Night Gowns 47c Girls' Flannelette Night Gowns, long sleeves .. 56c Girls' Cotton Hose 2 prs. 25c Child's Sleepers 73c 25c Fleece lined --•sizes .2 1„ 1, Men's Winter Overcoats SILVER -TONES A large assortment of gen- uine English silver -tones in blue, grey, oxford grey and brown. Sizes 36 to 46. Spec- ial Sale Price 10.25 up CAMEL HAIR COATS British pile in browns, ox- ford greys, light and warm. Sizes 36 to 46. Special Sale Price 27 85 MELTONS A fine assortment of tubes, raglans and box styles in blue shades. Sizes 36 to 46. Special Sale Price 1L95 Men's Suits Fine worsteds, exclusively tailored in the very latest of styles, new patterns. Spec- ial Sale Price .97 Better Suits - Imported English serges and tweeds, a fine range to choose from, guaranteed fit. Special Sale Price $14.95 gmouramompansorausav -mi YOuth's 2 -Pant Suits -Fine worsteds and Scotch tweeds, bi-swing backs, a varied assortment to choose from. Special Sale Price $9.45 Rubber Footwear Men's Rubber Boots -Nor- thern Rubber make, a new pair for every pair that does not give satisfaction. Special Sale Price ..:$1.98 Men's Lumbermen's ' Rub- bers -Northern make .1.88 Children's Plain Overs- Special Sale Price, pair 29c Flannelette Blankets ..1.97 l..tirgt- titre wee:t IN MEMORIAM ]n '',ring memory 0,1 a 'dear hush - and and father, William .Craig. who }:,..t't! away .one year ago, October Inth, Mitt One year has pttsetl sine, that Sad day When ,'11 we lova' o-•1,. galled tit ay. that took 11.3M home, ft was His will lint in air hearts ice liveth still. -,Ever remembered ,hy \\Cife and Yeovil:. AUCTION SALE Wiii he held at the Village of Var- na Saturday, Oct. 213, con Ater ing at 3.30 o'clock. Pure bred jersey co:,', 4 years old lo freshen April 30; her heifer calf 0 months tilt]; n)te electric inteulatii,n- al cream separator; I3'eattty electric grain grinder; 2 'kitchen tabes; sever- al stands;'bedroom suite; large oak dining -roost table; '2 rl'oz, kitchen chairs; t! dos. 'dining roost .chairs; wailnut ball ru'c'k; 11 -day dock; 'cherry side +board: brass 'bed stead: single bed • teal bed springs; a gond heat- er stove; chinaware and glassware: 3(2-tach-.gaare Aedar .ills, would stake good ('iul posts; a tpuxnti'ly of cedar rails: other articles, 1f wet .ale will he 11''11 harder cover. Terms cacti. Elliott, Auctioneer; Geor,en Beatty. Sr., 'Proprietor, AUCTION SALE Of 100 Head of Cattle Ott P,r eetieli on 'Tuesday, October 19th, at 3:1(1 p.m.. the following; 100 head ni cattle: 50 stem-, and 511 hei- fers, yearling's and awn -year-olds. A. number of slacker rows and larool saws. Cattle are a breed:'- lot of lhtrbams, l{crcf,tads and !tolled - Angus. Terms('ash. i'. 8 111 fry. \atrit,+mer1. 11, t'. 1.;ardiaet•. Proprietor. APPLES FOR SALE it)3 1111k-)11.11, sl 1'.8,1 S p% .\pules, 55e a 101rhel at farm. 7 stiles tt est alumni.. turn riarlit wet 1111 Hume nil 1, l\ .\, 11e ;Mee. R. R. No. 1, , f tied. 1 hat. STRAYED Se raced from Lot ,ice, ('on. 2, 11e- 133(3', ;than 110. till), red heifer with hams, little white ,'n tail. about I' rs cid. I'indet L•,ysr rte •iii, \lcl)o:teil, phone 231 r 12. THURSDAY, OOTOBER 14, 1937 EGGS WANTED GRADE A LARGE 36c TRADE ONLY AVOW Red Rose Coffee Ib, 39c Red Rose Tea Ib, 55c Old Dutch Cleanser 9c Giliett's Lye 2 Tins 250 Flaked Wheat 5 lb, 23c Kellogg's Corn Flakes 3 pkgs. 25c Kellogg's All Wheat 2 pkgs. 23c Pure Lard 2 lb. 27c Shortening 2 lb. 27c Life Buoy, 3 cakes 23c Lux Soap, 4 cakes 23c Prairie Rose Flour per cwt, 3.75 Pastry Flour 24 Lbs 75c 10 POUNDS SUGAR 57c W. J. Finni ELMER D. BELL. B.A. Successor to John 11. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario AUCTION SALE Of H01188 and Property and Household l3utnrhimg's at the home of Mrs, d Iarn, James and \Milson cis„ lust test of the Hospital, on Saute - day, 'Ot toher 301 at 1 0 813 11. The Hon's':- Slate rof, hot water heisting, all nutters cauVela nee.. Penn. May the arranged' 10 =1111 purchaser, 11 e'. hold Furnishings- - 9 , kitchen chairs fail Meat 'table: roach; 'bed couch; Singer sl'w Mg' - tua.'ltiae; 1 t';{nada MhIYal rail range with hot water attachment; 1 coal ,d1 stove, Quick ?veal, fair hn,rne1' ; P {)gees (deeply range, opts and fent• rte men1'.: 4 aalc rocker's: 4 verandah eliair. tool table; 1 5811111' iron bed, null size, tw'itlt ntettre,s and springs' d ennnM1 to 'bedr'nnn oak -•rite ron- sistinrg of !bed, 'sprints and ntattrt.r's, dresser .0111 s1a111d; 1 mahogany bed- room shite, 8' 'l1t isting sof ,het, springs :Old 111181tress, and dress'r: 1 rout da union dresser ;((1,1 counnodt'; 1 oak s1't•:'ssin':' t'vhle; 1 ,rt drys-tr: I oaf. '(liitill=� ro. 10 snit' nine pieer ; 1 -loth rng and four linoleum rus iranmg •it,r,tril. "Owe iai •- l nl tune n' nf. b u t t ly t•,h hand power; ; 2 111 mit lawn mower aunt l an t roller hall tree: hook ca -rt 3 oak rockers hi leather; I w trrt' t'llair 111 leather with fat rest; 1 lea titer Lt.w chair rocker: 4 .mal1 tint, 1 mein hod hill size, white, with inn. tree nn- tres and springs: 1 thre epic •et•r in•d. v 103111 iron, white. with mattress )81.1 LUMBER FOR SALE second stand !molter and 2\4 3,1:; ane hardwood floor ills;. hit hue, Nisi. ''N 1. 11.11)11,,dtu 52 r 1 'hilt. CIDER MILL tll(tiie t filer u•:td \.t'Ic !hitter rdl 'llu ,day. \\'rola;r.I r. Thtlr.day,. Friday t ' ' It yt rk ,toeing ()moue and Noy'enlitt•r. titer Mi11 krcattd 1 the street leading to the Golf Conr e \Ve'si. \\'arts, 11:itchtll, Fred Rolnick, Proprietor. Terms cash. .prin 1 white iron bed, fall sift. anti diens. Terms en Fu hung: 4;4.101TM 13. Elliott. .\ncnonrer; \]r sr111 31; rg. ct Horn, Proprietress. harry flat GRAIN AND BEANS WANTED amu Inning„train and scam for \l r. Thompson 0t 1len ;all. For )n•iees ca 11 160 r 4. Sam t'hcsm7 S,'afarth. •:r111 `tvr 1'rlmrsyly via oils and FALL CLEARANCE SALE (13 3..cd I/3114 S1703 well-ktus n make, as lleinizmsot, Nurllilifiner. 11atsxit & 1(1'alt, \4rher, and n131-. at reasonable price" and terms, R't'ite Heititz,tt,ul & Co., 241 Dint's• St.: Lond..0. for fllrtiu'r particular,. N nhiigatio's. HOUSE FOR SALE Frame 11811, , rooms, cement fott,l- dation, eleetric light., barn and six Iota, adapted for market .ardennt . Oharles tl Inlbein Estate. Apply h. 3!rs. Richards, opposite Collegiate. FARMS FOR SALE 1Pwo grass farms 75 aeres Sift lot 11), con. '111',-MaKillop1 Midi .t) acres, lot 19, con, 2, Ibibbeet, always plenty of water. The late Charles and Margaret- Hdal'bein Estate :Apply la 'Mrs. Richards. opposite Seaforth (-td htgiate. Farmers Attention "COAL" We have a splendid car of "Al- berta Lump" Coal from the Rosedale Mines in Alberta. Our October prices on Coal are as follows: Alberta Lump $10.20 per ton to farmers Alberta Lump $10.80 delivered in town PENNSYLVANIA ANTHRACITE No. 0 Quality Stove or Nut size $12.20 per ton to Farmers $12.80 Delivered in Town .A11 ;Prices Cash The SEAFORTH FARMERS" CLUB J. H. Scott, Secretary. CLEARING AUCTION SALE 3)1 Farm Stock and Implements at lar. 1, Con 1b. (31•t•t '1',11„ 11'11 1t11'P- north and l•t.t milts east of \Value). Friday, October her 'ltitit :,l :1 o'clock harp, the following: 1 to 'i'vant.good work but -r-, Cattle 1tl 'good' young 1.11W, rl tr t„ it sh' 1 117 '( 1, l) )er, 1)t uwlt'r .t,l tardy Spring; 2 one -year -4d sore".: 111 Spring calve.-. Pigs .. a' boss.. average :abut '1175 db.,: X hog., average about 1541 lbs; sate doe to .pra'''t ( h'1, ;.32Itel: Lf1 yottm Pigs. Implements-- M. H. hinder, 7 f1., in 11 c udnitn: 71eCoru'ick !Uterine mower. ti 'ft.: -11,11. 10 it. steel rake: Frost :nidi Wood hay Mader; 11.11. P1 tooth emltivat„r: M.! 1. (1'3 hoe drill -et 3 -set: drag harrows; Na. 4 71.11. manure spreader: 2 1.tz. gond t;r:lie cmc.; good rat for!;: SLIT, senifier. farm wagon, stall tire hnggy, fanning mill. hay rack-. set double harness, so single harness, hay 'fork, ropes. pn9- ley., 'hogs quantity of barley, fork., (-hales, whilfletree., ueckyokes and other articles ton numerous (8 01e1 - tion, - - I'rrtn rant. 1-leer:Oiling to be stilet :as proprietor is giy 111,g top tanni tg, G. 'II. F.lhntt, \urtionrcr1 Mervin Hedge. Proprietor. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and q'm'plc•mcnta at 1,881 5, 11lne'Water iHigl)way 2a>_ mile, 111(11 of B tylield, on Saturday. day. October 11), at 1! ,p.tn., the follotti,t_: Horses es 'train nt agricultural mares 11 and 18 year. old, 'bout ',nil - posed to ibe in foal. Cattle ---12 extra choice Ileref ird cows '7 and 8 years; 'black heifer ris- ing two }ears, red steer rising two years; '3, spring ,calves. dmpleuteets --- 11, H. hinder, 7 ft. cut: 11. 4-1. 161:. hoe :fertilizer 4'1ri'id; 1)eoring mower, 0 it en); iiain wag- on, hay rack, gravel hox,-w:lgon set diamond .''arrows, 4 see.; Oliter riding plough; waicinl; uiongh' 2 - farrow k.ih.g iron ole ugh; Clinton fanning still with good set ut selves; hag trttek1 .' 1' i4 tooth cultivator; set 'disk kharro , S. roller, hon sleighs. '1,0 ft tt.el rake, set 23011 13, scales; toll buggy; ,,Portland cutter; bean harvester 'vifh sc(idler ttaelimen1 roll none wire ?•adder, blcls, cress cut sa tV, set double hunt181 ra collar et siaale harness; quantity dry wood, quantity household effect:. 3 burner coal rnl stove w:i,th oven: chains, forks, shovels, whitfletrees ant, nunitrnus a0her inc�dr., Everything to be sold it, terapriearo' has disposed ;ref 'its farm. Terms, •cash. Robert ;De War, '1'roprnt,r; ,8.3.. 11, l lliott, Auc'tioncx'r, E. C. Chamberlain. INSURANCE AGENCIES, ANNOUNCES The purchase of the insurance 'busi- ness of Hays and Meir and the ad- dition of their companies to our prev- ious facilities enables us to give you unesceiled services M all lilies, Seaforth, Ont, The Second Division Court County of Huron o y Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth, Office hours: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m, Saturday evening, 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m AUCTION SALE 'yarn), F'artn Stack 'and Implements on Lot i), Concession 3, 'l'urkersmith, 11 mile sup,th of Seaforth, ou AV:ednes- day. Osdolte• 37,1.11, at 1112:311 p.m. James Navin, Proprietor: (Geo. H. oft, :\hrtioneer. FARM FOR SALE 11100 ;acre farm, good land and good loetitinu, good ' buildings, byd'ru in the hawse, 13 ;Lives wlit'a1 w,wtt. 311,4 sty stile. 'fr,nit .N O. 4 highway. Nine tunes mild' and ,-lin )11,311. For fur - thee ;tar:ictfl:as apply to The Sea. n,rt'! News. NoserimaramgrAssiKOMIIMMIMMICNIR,.,..10innanfiggsg...... \ AJtELAY aidar1AT:fny AGE BEFORE Serealatel l6 Beware of m tt m. WASHDAY WEARINESS! Even the best of beauty treat- ments cannot restore the ravages of "washday weariness" Long hours of scrubbing and back -breaking toil wear out your health .. , sap the vigor and vitality of true beauty! Guard your health as well as your beauty. Remember that Westinghouse Cushioned Action takes the work out of washday .. , eliminates hand rubbing . , , gets clothes cleaner .... in less time! Only Westinghouse can offer you the exclusive advantages of "cushion- ed" washing. COME IN FOR A DEMONSTRATION. estinghouse. CUSHIONED ACTION WASHERS JOHN BACH '-lain St:. Phone 17