The Seaforth News, 1937-10-14, Page 5THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, .1937 THE SEAFORTH NEWS baill••••1111111•111110•110•IN, Our Prices iGood. Till Oct. 21./ HELMET CORNED BEEF 2 TINS 23 c SINGAPORE SLICED PINEAPPLE TIN 9 c 10c EACH HILLCREST LARD 15C is PER LB. ST, WILLIAMS ORANGE MARMALADE 32 oz, PER JAR 23 C AYLMER SPINACH 1:3% oz. tins PALMOLIVE TOILET SOAP 3 CAKES 17 Loose ,Hillcrest Soap Chips . ... 3 Its 25c Fancy Red Cohde Salmon, Unicorn or Gtilden Nett . ,Y,s 16c • • - : • .1 s 27c Crunchie Sweet Pickles, -Mixed 27 oz-, per jar 25c Benson's Corn Starch • per pkg. 12c ileal Silver Polish -. per jar 25c Nonsuch -Liquid Stove Palish - - per btl. 1St Kellogg's Corn Flakes (3 pkgs. with cereal -bowl) 29t Oxydol, large . - ! per pkg24c Lipton's Tea, Black or Mixed, Red Label ..... , .... Xis 33c Row n t ree's -UM; we eten ed Chocolate, Ys „ .. . . . per cak e • 19c Ovaltine, Small each 3$e Medium each 58C Large each 98c Brunswick Sardines in 011 5 tins 25c Old White Cheese per ih. 25c McCormick's Jersey Cream Soda Biscuits 1 lb bag 18c Superior Baking Powder, S oz, each 14e. • 16 oz: each 23c Silva or Pcrassoi Small each 15c Large .......... , .:. ... . .. ..•each 25c Com fort Soap " " 2 cakes Cht Hallowe'en Kisses per lb 15c Choctilate Props per i 19c Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce PHONE 77 PHONE 8 ° Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, bolder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 Medina ,on Tuesday night of this week. I The Mission Circle girls visited thc . Thames Road Mission 'Circle on Sat- urday of 'last week. CONSTANCE Miss Hattie Armstrong of Clinton, spent the •Nweek end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley and Mr.' and Mrs. 'Joseph Riley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Cook of Coderich township. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harburn visited with relatives et Cromarty over the week end. Miss Olive •Grimoldby of Sulfas*, spent the week end holiday with her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs, R, Grimoldby. ELIMVILLE 'Mrs. 'Alice sRhiem of Toronto, spent a few days the .first of the +week With Mrs. Ed. Johns. Miss Margaret ijohns spent last week with Mr, and Mrs, NVm. 'Pyints near iChiselhurst. Miss Florence Bell, nurse -in -train- ing at 'Victoria flospifol„ London, vis- ited at her ;home here (luting the week end. The Voting People presented +their play "Dot, the Miner's Daughter" in KIPPEN Tite previott91.y. postponed Septem- ber meeting ,of the Kippen East Wo- men's 'Institute !was hekl Friday, Oct. Sth at the home .of Mrs. Carl Stone- man. After the business part of the meeting au interesting and instruct- ive 'talk was given by 'Dr. Smillie on the ois1t.ure .of gladioli and dahlias, accompanied' by specimens of the flowers. Or, Smillie 'also sang two solos. IA ,plano solo was given by 'Miss !Ethel Clark, current events 'by Mrs. +Turnbull, a paper on "Fresh Fruit and 'Vegetables in the Diet," by Miss Audrey Dinitin, The prizes for the most ,pleasing dieing table ibon- quet went to Mrs. Turnbull and Mrs, G. 'McLean. The course in bityman- ship which is to he studied this win- ter was briefly introduced by Mrs. Wm Cole and Mrs, G. McLean. bit's. Broadfoot was eliosen a delegate to attend the annual convention to he held •at London in 'November. The anniversary services at St. Andrew's Church, Riopen, will be held next Sunday, +October 1.7th. There will be special music by the choir. assisted by bit'. Harrison, bard - tone soloist of Colborne St, Church, London, The special speaker for the day will bc the ,h V. H. V. Workman of Petrol ia. The m+srning service will he held at lil is'elock, evening service at IN A CASE TRACTOR FOR 1937 LOW. FIRST COST LOWEll T. naive" t31 uPlOr lithiC°5 AND LEI'S PROVE' IT! J. A. Darling AGENT. DUBLIN, Ont. PAGE FIVE sr- TOWT‘1' TOPICS The 'first snow of the season 'fell csti Wednesday Assuming. 1t 'blanketed the +ground to the depth of an inth or more, bot did not stay tong. The first Snow last year felt an the .same date. °etcher latit, and there w ;us plenty of "fine weather later. C•onsiderable buck- wheat is still out in stooks. • iylr. and 'Mrs. John Beattie spent severaldays over the week end in Hamilton, Toronto and London. Mrs. A. Wankel,. Mr.. Greeley- a'nd Mss Irene Wankel returned on Sat- urday after sp•ending, several month in the 'West. Ndr. and Mrs. J. A. Wilson and daughter Gwendolyn of Toronto vis -- Red Mrs, Wil4ors's 'brother, Rev. T. A. Carmichael and Mrs. 'Carmichael over Thanksgiving week end'. • - 'Miss Evelyn Carimichael of ,Alma College, St. Thomas, spent the holi- day -witb.her .parents, Rev, and Mrs, T. A. •Garmiethetell. 'Mr. +and Mrs. John Hothim spent. last week visiting friends at Dela- ware, 'Strathroy, Oil City .and London Mr, and Mrs. Dantean Cooper of. Lansing. Mich., spent Thanksgiving 'with the I•arter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hotham. • Mrs. Chas..Wassman town won a $5 door prize at Mitchell an 'Friday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. LaithWaiter of Goderich spent Sunday at the latter's home with +Mr. and Mrs. john Ho. tham. ' Mrs,' R. S. Evans and .daughter Eleanor left on Wednesday for .TO - rout° where the 'wedding of Miss Evans and Mr. T, R. (Dryden will take place on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. H, Minett df `.1:orons to,spent the holiday week end with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Box. 1144, and Mrs. D. Armstrong were. visitors for a few days last week withtheir daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. 1.11,ohn Willocks, at Ida lAnderson of Toronto was the :guest of Miss Belle Smith for Thanksgivi ng. Miss Grace Kranter of Violet Hill teaching staff spent the holiday at her home here. Miss Lois Morrow •of Calgary, Al- berta, who spent the saintlier in town, has accepted it position in -Orange- ;vine and left for there Tuesday. .Mr. E. W. Hart has been award- ed the contract of •building a new house for Mrs. Flannigan in Dutdin. Mrs. H. W. Hart was 'visiting friends in Stratford this week. Mrs. °Dr.). !Mulligan o+f .Grand +Forks, was a guest at the •Queens froth Friday until Tuesday and renewed aequaintances. Mr. Percy Hoag :nf Hag spent the holiday week end with his mother, Mrs. W. DI Hoag. ick. Evan !Rennie of 'Toronto was a .holiday visitor at his home. Mrs. Robert Scott, Harpurhey, is spending a month with her son and d'aughter-inlaw, /11r. and. Nrs, 1'ed Scott, at Kirkland Lake. Miss Lois Staab, Miss K. Wilson and Clayton and Donald Sloan, of Toronto, were guests oif ,Mrs. 'Maud Sloan and her +brother, IR. F.. Jones. over the holiday. Mrs. Sloan returned with 'them to spend •two weeks in Toronto. 'Mrs. R. C. Voices and two daught- ers., of Detroit spent the +week end intown with Mrs. Volces' parents. Mr, and Mrs. John Sproat. Mrs. Russell Sproat returned from Detroit Saturday where she spent several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. fflugh Sproat and- family: Mr. Ranald IVIdKay, Toronto, was a holiday visitor at -his home. W. 0. Fowler of Winghaan Was a guest last week with the .Misses Creswell. Mr. James 'Stott of Toronto spent the holiday at his home. Mr. and Mrs. 'Glen 'Taman and the latter's Mother, of Toronto, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy MeGeoch. Miss Bessie Grieve, Chatham, was a holiday visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Grieve. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Ferguson, Miss Jean and Russell, of Toronto, spent Thanksgivingwith the Misses IFergnson. 'Mr. 'and ,Mrs. George Hills, Eg- monclville, are spending the week in Toronto. .Miss Mary Jackson, !Acton, and 11 r. Louis JaCkson, Strathroy, were holiday visitors with their mother. Mrs, L C: Jackson. Nit% Arthur EtImu 0 cis, Hamilton, and Dr. Reid • Edmunds. Brantford, were holiday guests at their home. Rev. A. W. Shepherd. isf pew a good sized doe leap across the road in front of. his 'ear just north Of Nrvg,- while motoring to Uondon on Monday. The deer leaped over the fence and loped off acro'' a field. Mrs. W. 1r. Mains and two child- ren Billy and 'Eliza -beth,. of Port Nel- son, spent thc 'Thanksgiving week end with her father and sister; Mr. Edge and Miss Josephine Edge. Miss • Josephine Edge returned with them on Monday for a visit at Part Nelson; DANCE AT STAFFA ON Friday, Oct. 15 ARCHIE MANN AND HIS FIVE - PIECE ORCHESTRA Admission 215c and .35w ansomonmew arommgeortrinr SEVENTIETH Anniversary OF DUFF'S CHURCH, Me. KILLOP, ON SUNDAY, OCT. 17 REV. MR. STEWART OF CEN- TRALIA WILL SPEAK AT 11 A.M. REV. R. W. CRAW WILL SPEAK AT 7:30 P.M. Fowl Supper WILL BE HELD ON TUESDAY EVENING OCTOBER 19TH WITH A GOOD VARIED PROGRAMME Admission 50c a II d121.51e HULLETT. A quiet wedding took place on Saturday at S o'clacic when Clara 'Margaret, eldest (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. William U. 14+unking. was in -cit- ed' in marriage to John Henry Riley, eldest son of Mrs. Riley and the late Benjamin Riley, also of Hutlett. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. \V, IGarclifier, pastor of Lonclesboro United Chur.ch. The bride wore a gown of wine chiffon s•nlvet .and mat- ching accessories. - The attendants were Miss Marion Hunking, sister of the bride, and Benjamin Riley, 'bro- ther of the bridegroom. Following the ceremony they returned to the horse of the bride where a wedding dinner was served to the immediate relatives. The .waitresses were Mrs. George Mann Jr., Mrs, Percy Riley, Misses Ettie Riley and Phyllis Cor- bett. They will reside on the bride. groism's farm east of Londeshoro, • HILLSGREEN Mr. and Mrs, C. Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. W. Davidson visited at the DANCING! AT DUBLIN ON Friday, Oct. 22 LYNN SPENCE AND HIS ORCH- ESTRA OF GUELPH Admission 3t5c RUMMAGE *SALE* Under auspices of the Women's Hospital Aid Saturday, Oa 23 in Mr. Crith's Vacant Store GOOD BARGAINS IN SECOND HAND CLOTHING Help the Hospital and Benefit Yourself DOORS OPEN 9 A.M. home of Mr. and Mrs: joint Dodds itt London. ,Glean \Veitlo spent a few days ,visiting friends near Oushwood. 11,r, and 1.VIrs. L. Schttitz have friends from IGermany at their tome. We wissts thein success in their new country, 'Miss 'Annie Cochrane of Clinton spent Thanksgiving with her sister. :vr.rs. Fuss. 'Mr. and Mrs. J. Richardson were visited on Thanksgiving, with mem- bers of their family. Mr. and Mrs. NV. Forrest visited Mr, a.tict Mrs. T. Lavander in Hensall. Anniversary services are the order on Sunday now. A number attended the Varna .anniversary From this com- munity. Owing to annivorsary iceA scrv- itt 'Kippe it church on Snirday the lervice will ie withdrawn in the Hills - green church on Sunday morning.. BORN lteMurtrie In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Tuesday, II2th, 19317, to Mr, amt 'bit's. .1 lcx:111,1- er licMurtrie, K: .1 :11, a daughter , Carol Margare„ Fain; Norris—+In Scott NI emoria.1 Hospi- tal, ,in October flth, I to 11e, bit's, Harry Norris, '<ippon, a son. Britton--fii Stratford General Hos- pital, on September 21), to lir. and Mrs, Herbert idrittom. Dublin, a laugh ter. Shacklick.-111 Community Hos+pital, to Mr. and Mrs. losepli Sitaddiek, on Oct. 112th, a claw:liter (still -born), ASSIAASHA.ASIAA =CAW To the Electors AlOCZAII:AIMAIMMIACIEMAISIWANUATIALI f Huron: extend my heartfelt thanks to the elec- tors of Huron and particularly to all the Workers in the great campaign for the contin- uance of the Hepburn administration in the Province. of Ontario. JAI ES A mssomaamessomatamEneamamiegannticaseursosootuati, ST..COLUMBAN O'Brien -Duffy.— •• t+ A very pretty formal ,'batter %wedding. was ,sctlemnized its 't ban Church on Monday last 4tA.Ao1. when Mary 'Loretto, eldest afilghter of Mr. and Mrs. \Vas. Duffy, was un- ited in the lit)+1y bonds of matrimony to Eldon Joseph, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Christopltor O'Brien of Clinton. ReV, Father Dantzer performed the ceremony: The bride, who was given away by her father. looked becoming in a plume blue silk chiffon velvet dress and hat with matching access- ories and carried a +bouquet of pink and white carnations and maiden hair feIrn. itis Esther Duffy, teacher of S.S. No, Stanley, sister of the brlde, acted as bridesmaid and svore a 'beau- tiful dress of Rouche 'Nick silk chif- fon velvet with Matching accessories and carried a 1110 VI tiful bouquet of yellow and pink chrysanthemums and maiden hair fern. The groom was at- tended by his Cottrill, Mr. Leo Davis of Stratford. ,Nr,r. Louis Duffy. 'broth- er of the Ihricle, and Mr...George Mac - .111, of 'Toronto, cousin of the grooin. were ushers. After the signing- of the register the newly -married couple accepted many 'hearty greetings for a long. 'happy and prosperous married (life, and then retired, to the bride's home where a sumpttionA repast %%as served to a iarg,e number of guests. Several toasts wore offered, express- ing good luck, joy and happiness to the young couple. After the festivities Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien left on the asf. ternoon train for eastern points, the bride travelling in a brown silk .chif- Eon dress and brown eclat nith seal fur, hat and shoe, to match. On their return they will reside on the grootn's farm in Tuckersmith. Those from a distance who attend- ed the wedding were ' Rev. Fattier Sullivan of Clinton; Mr. and 'Mrs. Robent 'Duffy of Eureka, Calif.; Mrs, John Coyne, I)etroit; Mr. 'Geo. :dm - son anal Misses ilargaret and Rita Manson of Toronto; bit'. Leo Davis, Stratford, and Miss Teresa O'Reilly of London. Louis O'Reilly anti Joseph !Coyne of Si. Columban were guests at the O'Brien -Duffy wedding, MeKillop. on Thanksgiving Day, Every Weekl A Full Page Crossword Puzzle The w-orld's largest, with more than 1.000 words. in. The Detroit Sunday 'Times. It will grip your im- agination, test your knowledge and challenge your ability to obtain in- formation. You'll he wild about this FULL PACE CROSS -WORD PUZZLE. Dr. R. B. John Sta.:lb-Lir:v. ,ec. ot the Can. Phartimeetrtical .1,sndied in Toronto on Tuesday. Born at Bay - 15 d he went to Toronto to :lite is +1 sch col. He conducted it drug busittess For a tinie. Dr. Stanhury resided at ill Cheriton avenue, Surviving are his t:.:ife, Fay Morgan; one son Douglas. mI yew it and one daughter :Freda o= Toronto. and .1ne brother. rmig.: 5 tanbury, of St. Catharines. BRLICEFIELD The Septetnber meeting .of the Un- ited Farm Women was held at the home of and Mrs. tN1. Stack- hoase. After singing and prayer. min - tiles of the !previous meeting were read and adopted, Dining OW IPP,i11- Cm: part Of thr Mreling Irttitr. ',very read from Nil,. 1 find, Prov. Pres., ats'd'Xir. "il. P1. (Iannam, Prow. Sec.. by Miss 'Era Stackhou,e and NIrs. McLachlan. Roll call na.,, answered by "Common .errors in graturna.r." Tlt (•;,:eelleilt ;.apCri, were prepared on the topic, -Ilse Value of 'Friends," by Nlik, M. Nlarks and Nita.. .1)ow. Mrs. C. Clifton read Mrs. 1)o,vv'., paper as she 1.1a4 unable Os be i're'.- Int. Cv,rrent events were 11 rs. Donw,las. Dttring - pro. .irani Mrs. J. Cairn-, rendered a vocal 'oh, and Miss Evit tackhouse rexdings; e, ere much preciated. .1fter by: the liosti•ss and 'friends. liter much lliss Stackhillise enter- tained the club it with several violin se- lection,. The October meeting n Id dos held at the home of NI r. and 11 rs. 11, McLachlan on afternoon of the .30th. :Mr. lVin, lDounlas and Mr, Linn." Manson of Loutlisis spent the past week visiting in Northern 0 ittarha. The following visited their relatives during the holiday: Mr. and N1 rs, Charlie 'E-talstead and ',on of Strat- ford; Mr. and Mrs. J. Mclisto.11 and. daughter and NI:, and Mrs. Isianicke and' ,,it of roronto; hi,. R. Ile - Naughton and Miss 1 . \Vat son of London; !Dr. AV, Swan of Hamilton, Mis, Margaret 11'atson left last week for Toronto n here she ss ill at- tend the ()ntario College 01 Ed- ucation. Mr, Gordon R:chardson ter .11111 Road lias improyo.t an:war:moo o' 111.: farm. 'ry Im,, 1. lar..ti un LANTYNE aunt, Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Hill. Mr. and Mrs. 'Joseph +Fornwall and daughter. Mrs Fred Grovan and Master Freddie of Detroit, spent a few days at the home of bit'. and Mrs. Wnt, 'Hill and Mrs. James Thompson and other friends in ,the vicinity. TUCKERSMITH Mr. and Mrs. Trick of Dorchester. spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Townsend, Mr. Amos Townsend does not 'keep so 'well as his friends 'would wish but hope to see him around soon. Mr. and 'Mrs, Sans Whitmore vis- ited at Mr. II -frank Coleman's in Me. Kilian on Sunday. Mr. !Fletcher Whitmore spent the week end With his parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Whitmore. Mr., Thos. 'Coleman spent the last week at Mr. Frank Coleman's in Me - Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Eigie and .fam- ily spent the week end visiting friends in Kitehener. Mrs. M. 'Riddell and Mrs. 'E. Wall- ace, Mr. and Mrs. John 'Riddell of Manitoba have returned home after spending two weeks with the form- er's sister, Mrs. james.liay. .Mr. Cecil Murray is wearing a broad smile these days. It's a 'baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. Harald Jackson spent the week end visiting friends in Park- hill and Atkona. ..Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McKay and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Alf. Johnston of Varna. Mrs. Angus letirray of 1Exeter is visiting her son, Mt. Cecil Murray. VARNA A,t an early hour. Sat., Oct. ath, Mr. A. Austin passed peacefully away alter suffering for four months, f1rcrin a malignant 'disease of which only death .could relieve him. The late Mr. Austin was a native of Spratton, Northamptonshire, England, w'here he was thorn 73' years ago and was 9 yrs. OM' when he came to Canada. In his youth he was a member of +the Salva. tion Army and enjoyed singing the Army tunes. The late Mr. Austin had had a mail ratite for 20 years and h'utl signed up for another term ever 'hope- ful that bis health might improve. During the 20 years service to the public not one complaint was made, being faithful in every kind of we'a- ther. When the roads became impass- able for a vellicte he went on foot in order ,that the public might be servod. As a neighbor 'he bad 'few equals and was always Obliging and ready to help where help it needed and will be much missed by the cottununity and a large circle of friend's. IHe had been a resident of Varna for over 30 years. He leaves to mourn the loss of a kinsi. husband and loving fatlier, wife, formerly Ni is, Seeley, four sons. Albert of Lon desisoro; +Fred of Flint; AVIlliaiss of Seeforth, Russcll .:1 Isoti ttvo datighters, rloyd tetroii. and Mary 'at the f+sneris" was conducted by Rc., Ole service al the :1 one private. follon ed by sl.r- iee in the Chimers. Two fav- orite ty55t1ts were snisg-. -Abide with 01:' itsd "Ols 10- .1 faith that will not .brink." Those from a distance attending the funeral, in.c ittslt,ei Mr. and Mrs. Jahn tf. Seeley, Mr. and Mr, F. Warder . nt London. Nfr. and Mrs. F. Seele, nif Denficht. Mrs. H. Todd, Detroit; 'Amos Vett'''. Bay 'City. 'Mich.; Mr. and Mr, 'Fred Austin and son, of Flint, •Ntich.; Mr, and Mrs, Albert Austin, Miss Jennie Austin, Loncleshoro:7M,r, and Mrs. At- er t Seeltey. Clin to n ; T r. and Mrs. Austin, Allis 'Jennie Cowan,• Mrs. F. Little, Mrs. S. Cumming, Mrs. T \ V11(1. Myth ; I'. and Mrs. Wm, S'ea forth. This is the third death in the ,family since May, when a .Iirother 'died: IA sister died ,at Jack- son. Florida in Senternber. falt which was held on' Monday to et:meter ..\ a, largely attend- ; e.;. raithearers \\ ere NI John Nfe ksh, 1. i11.,ttnll. Nelson Reid, E. Foster, Goorae 1.7lark and \‘'. 1'Iastori. There were many l%eautietti . is telt tor': bcreo 0+1 family.