HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-10-14, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE SEAFORTH NEWS THE SEAFORTH NEWS LONDESBORO t Ili Intlli McGee t rte ni - enewden Ben,,, Fnbllahera forttttte ,to cot hit r.i Int < hulk is iter e of 'glass. , vera, ..itches Acte WALTON , Oaeiee to the September United Farm \\'ruetis meeting having been postponed the October 'meeting will be held at the house of 'isles. Leonard Leeming" on Wednesday, Oct. 20th at 2.30 pan. 'Che 'topic to be taken by 'Mrs. 'Gordon MdGaviu and Mrs. 'Will Leveling.'Ro11 call to be answered by "The job 1 dislike doing the most." ,Everyone is invited to attend. Mr. ;Tack Tunibull, 'Guelph, spent Thank sgi viieg with his parents: M r. and \tits, W. Z. Turnbull, Miss Jean G lazier, Stratford, spent the meek end with Misses Helen and Dorothy Tttnt'butl. M.r. Rdhert \•Lowb'r rt 'I'orotiho, spent the 'hcllidays with hi. sister, Miss Mary Movobray. Miss 11 eau 'Drager, Toronto. spent the holidays with her mother. Mrs. C. Drager Mr. Fred Innis is slowly recovering from the 'fall from a tree which ,broke three ribs. Mr. \\'m. Brownlee :spent the week end in Toronto with friends. Mr, Win. Kohlis and'Cosby h nnis. Granton ,spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ennis. Mr, and wars. Win, 'Snaith, :Monk - ton; spend Sunday evith her `brother, Ken 'Ferg. Mr. and 'Mrs. h1. Last. Windsor, spent the week 'end with her sister, Mr. R. Hoy. ;Miss !Annie Love, Toronto, spent the week end with her mother, 'ors. Jos: Love, Sunday :visitors in this :community were Mrs,. lea. Gardiner and 'daugh- ter Vera, of Toro'nto, at Mr. and Mrs. J. Buchanan's. Mr, and Mrs. Peter \'Ic.A•rtitur with Mr. and Mrs, Ed', Bryans. 'Mr. and Mrs. M. IMamiing at Mr. and Mess !H, B. Kirkby's. Freddy Rutledge, Toronto. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. ID. Rut- ledge. Don't forget that the Ladies' 'Guild of St, Georges Church .ere hold'i'ng their annual bazaar and tea on Nor_' 5 in the vacant house of :Mr. Duncan Johnston. The Ladies' :Guild of St. George's Church 'held their .October meeting at. the home •of Mrs. W. H. Anderson Sr. Mrs, Scarlett presided and the chief businessconducted wits that concerning the annual, bazaar. Llhe WaA. held their meeting and further arrangements were planned. Miss (Elizabeth Mills, A.T!C.M., spent a few days in Toronto last week 'attending the Ontario Music Teachers' Association convention held in the .Royal York ,Hotel Anniversary services were, held in Duff's United Church on $tut.; Oct., pq. 'Rev De Witt Cosens of Clinton, brought the message to Ole congre- gation both morning and evening. At the morning senvice •the text chosen was [Rom, 1} 01: "Pn ewerylthintq give thanks." Tao very 'fine anthems were rendered by the ,choir; "I 'heard the voice of [Jesus say" and "He that d'welleth in the secret place of the most High ,slhall renew- their strength."'At the evening service the text was taken from Jas, s41i. Dnaw night Unto God, and He will draw nigh unto you Mr. :amens also brought ° a message 10 song,: "One sweetly solemn thought:" The choir rendered two anthems at the evenin;t service: "Mlardhing on WARM Jesus" and "'The earth is the. Lord's." A well filled .church helped to stake this a very !fine -'Thanksgiving .service as ke11 as anniversary.. Very .onerous offerings were received at berth ser- vices, :, - - Mr. and Mrs. Larter front Montana and Mr. and Mri V. Mustard of Kip- pen visited with lies 1osepli I fire and Mrs. W. Broditi,. For a el t lest week. Mr. and Mrs. S. 'Kerley ane child- ren of Toronto .sputa a fee lags 1a week with \Mrs. Love au,1 11e. a,1,1 Mrs. llroadfnot in Grey. Mrs, I, ;Henderson from McKillop, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. J. Love. Mrs. Thos. Young is visiting her daughter. \irs, \\'m, Dundas in Mc- Killop. to piirecl. ,Mrs. B 1'y erman i' tisitiee with her aunt MTS. 1. Tanrblyn and Ur. and Mrs, Jas. I airservice. lhss Betty Bruusdon is suffering front tonsil trouble and not :able to attend 'ehonl. Mr. and Mie. 3antes Risley are vis- iting at the Incouof their ;daughter. Mrs. and 11r. 11. Flooper, for a few week.. near S t Marys. 'Mr, and lits. R'obt. You i gerin4t motored to London on Sa4'urrlac. Miss Helen Johnston and :\lis.; Helen' \'outegtbltrtt ,returned with them for the holiday. 11iss Mary Jamieson of Toronto spent the holiday, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Jamieson. Mrs, John Cartwright ,,i r enirh visited with n tends here over the week en'd. \4r. Wallace Riley who recently it t- derw est an operation at the (1 0100 H'o pts '1' for appendicitis has returned hoist epd i feeling fine. Thea!Octo'ber meeting of the \Voni- en's destitute was held in Community. Hall on Thursday. Oct 7th. Meeting opened by singing opening od'e and the 'Lovers prayer in '[unison, Mrs, iE.. l\dants, president. was in .the chmiyj., Minutes and ;co.rrespondetitee were read by the secretary, Mrs. 13. Bruns - don. There was some discussion on the short course on the arranging of furniture, etc„ 'for comfort and con- venience, which will take place at the bone of Mrs, 15. P. 'Manning on Oct. 26th •front 1 o'clock till 5. ft being Grandmothers' Day, the programs op- ened by the grandmothers on the stage leading in singing "The Little tlrow'n 'Church,' "SWit nnet• River, and Institute song. Grandma Bruns- don their gave a humorous reading, "Jonathan Brown." Grandma Hall, a splendid ,reading, "dei the Gay 70•'s and 0's"; 'Grandmas Lyon and Moon, dressed in coatuanes fitting the song, sang "Long, '.Long Ago" (comic) which was very amusing. They were encored and re pon'dtel by .singing an- other verse. Mrs. Geo, Moon gave an excellent paper on Mullett township and the village of Lon'desboro from the 'pioneer days when there were forty inns between London and God - es -loll. All was most interesting and instructive. hiss Brigham' gave a short talk on the ,convention held in Marriston, Meeting wais closed by singing )God Save the King. Alt sat down to an excellent lunch server) by the Institute. There were about thirty present. Miss Mains and .Mrs. A, Wells were ,conveners.' BLYTH Miss laizahrth .\.T,C' \1. at- terde I the Ontario \1u tt '(rashers' convention held at tits. Royal York, -',.ronto, last e ce'k. 11te reg'u'lar ntutnthily meeting of the Women's Institute was held est the home of Mrs. H. Young on Thursday. Ott. 7•th• Tha president, iIt . R. Rich m.ud, presided. 'fisc uteeting op - mai tvitit the Gtstitute ;Ode, The Lords prayer was then repeated'. 111 Odeon. Mr.. F. 'Oster -'gave -a eotnp- tcheisive report of the contention held at Rarrieton. The p'ecial grog - am on Peace wa's in charge of Mrs. 1'a . McGill. The naitto, "Little Stur- dy Hands ,Digging 'Preaches in the Sand, never let them trig, 10' God, trenches in the war torn land." was responded to 'b' Nile. A. Fawcett ,by. •eacbing the march o1 the dead, An excellent paper was given ;by lire, r world 'peace, an Franklin Baiirton on w 1 , Ole stream or a possibility. Great truths were brought out in this paper. \Ver is wrong, it destroys wealth a'td it destroys human life, it 'breaks down nal standards it is futile andsuicid- al. \Ye .believe it is the highest wis- dom to turn our awards into plow shares and. our spears into peening hooks. Nies, inc.McGill read extracts from Edgar Guest's paents,"all show - ii g the futility of tear, Our Novem- ber meeting still be held at the home of Mrs, 1, W. Wefts on Wednesday, Nov. Stet]. Note change of date. The national anthems was sting in closing. A ten cent tea tuns ,served, Hostesses. Mrs, Young, Mrs, R. Richmond and Mrs. Lorne S,criitageour. Misses Pearl and Edith C. tdlcy' of Toronto, who spent the pant week here returned to their home on Thurs- day. Miss Alice Rogerson of Torouto visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. 'Rogerson over the holiday. . Mrs. Robt. \\'ightman, who utrder went an operation in the Clinton hos- 101111 is getting along nicely. TESTED RECIPES Grape 'Delicacies In view of the abundance of grapes this season, 'lite ifallawintg recipes pre- pared and testi& by :the 'Fruit Branch, Dominion D'erpartttiient or Agriculture, may rbe' found useful. Spices Grape Jelly'. Wash slightly tender -ripe grapes,. re- move the sheens. ,Putt grapes in a pre- se'rwing kettle, allowing 55 cup vine- gar, l 'teaspoon whole doves. and stick cinnamon , to 4 cups grapes.; McKILLOP The regular j1)hauksgiviug Service of the \V. M. S. and W. IA. of [Duff's Church. 'MeKi410p, was held at the hone of 12rt. Ross ltti'rdie on Thurs- day, Oct. 7th. with a good attendance. Meeting opened with the Lord's. Pray- er in unison. fiynin "0 God Our 'Help Tii: Ages IFttst" was 'sung. 'Pray- er by Mrs. J. H•illlebrecht; Scripture Reading 711)7 in the 1-Tymnary was read alternately. 'Roll call and devotional leaflet by :Mrs. 'J. 'Gordon: poem "Don't .worry" by lire. C. ,I'Iettderson. Mrs. Merton Reid of Seaforth gave ,an •interesting address nn llieeion Work. Reading 'by Miss lisle Dors ranee: duet by It,rs. 'Herald Lawrence and Mrs. John Daley. Report of sec- tional meeting held at Bruee.tieid ou Wednesday. Sept. 20; was ;ayes by 1lrs. Arnold Scott and Mu.. Ross. Murdie. Next meeting, to be held at Mrs. N. R. Dorrancc Tl;rnnt "We Gave Thee But '(thine Oen" was suite. ','L'wing which the offs"in.;' was tak- en. ;Prayer by NIrs. E. 1] t\crcher. Meeting closed •with prayer 1iv Mrs. NV. Shannon. Lunch was served 1; the hostess and lunch t.munittee and met' -sial' 'hour was ,rent. CROMARTY Re.. Mt.. and hl•' Rea if- ere tis - Rine. -need, in Erin this ;reels. Miss Dorotliy (3rtance of lain 'en emelt the holiday with bur neit]ler. 11r. and Mrs. ° ortnan Hitler of ,Gravenhurst visited relatives' here last week. Mr. and ' Irs, ivy Allen of Brant- ford spent the holiday- with relatives here 111 and Mrs,\eel 1 it]c pre See: Meth visited cc ith Mr. and Mrs, Jes. Scott on Stindtiy. \fr. and 11rs, Turner awl lir. and Mrs. Russel Consitt and i mile of Hillsgreen cisiterl at the brume 1'ft Andrea- McLachlan on Sunday. :Miss Pear' Houghton wras iterated nn for appendicitis 1n Seaford' hosm- tel last week. Mr, ;john \fcCitlloch is visiting his sister in Fergus this week. Cook together 15 sminutes.'Strain l': A goodly number -rem this vicin- through doutble cheesecloth :.or flan- sty are a'tlendine: the Prn•iucial pinw- uel Jelly bag. 'Measure Juice. Allow 1 ing match at Fnratts this seek. cine sugar to each cup al juice. Boil Retnember anniversary service in until a little of the juice jellies when tine Presbyterian I'ht reh i,'r S iml c. poured on a could saucer (415.20 min --Oct 31st. H few' stemer :,'t Tees - trees). .Pour +.• - ukes)..Paur into hot sterilized gilas.es. nett, Not-. 31i C'oo'l and seal.. J. GALLOP'S GARAGE SEAFORTH thrySS ler Plymouth and Fargo Dealer Come in and see the new Plymouth car and Fargo Truck V"e also have a Ser\•ice Truck --if YOU have car trouble, phone 179 and \ve will come promptly PHONE 179. Alt Repairs Strictly Cash. • SEAFORT.EI We Aim To Please THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1937 borne Township. Mr. and 'Mrs, 'Richard McWhinney of Crewe visited Mrs. F. Ross. Mrs, J. 'Mcsrien, Gaderlch, is stay- ing with 'Mrs, Wan. Dobie. Mrs, A J. Ferguson and Stewart visited at 'Parkhill for die week end. BAYFIELD Special barvest thanksgiving serv- ices were held in Trinity Anglican Church, Sunday, Oct. lDth. Rec. A. E. \\'ionieglon Ingram, of Midland preached 'both morning turd evening. Miss M. 'Neville and J. Schneider of MANLEY Mr. and Mess Stephen Murray, who are spending their honeymoon in points east and :south, will be back to the homestead shortly and we wish them a long and happy- life in our burg. Mrs. John Coyne front Detroit and lir, and 3]rs. ,Bob Dully :front Calif- ornia, were guests at ,the O'Brien and Duffy wedding on Monday, The young couple will :reside on the '0'- Beier 'hoinettead in 'L'uokersmith ,near (Clinton and the good' wishes fief tli'eh+ runny friends in our burg go tvitit ,then. Miss Helen O'Hara, Who under- went an operation in Scott Memorial Hospital for appendicitis ten 'clays ago, has returned home and her many friends are pleased to see her look so well. Windsor were guests at the Admen on Burlington visited Mrs. 1\r, •Ratten bury over :the holiday. \'Ir. and Mrs. J. B. Mustard and fa- mily `pent the 'week end at Inver hurnn. Mr,'Maurice Hill of Western Unni- yc.i city wase visitor with lIr. and Mr:. W. iHall. \Ir. and. Mrs. Russell 'Keyes and daughter of Mitchell spent Monday with \4r. and Mrs. tJ. Cornish. Mr. L. Smillie and' Miss Alma Shier of Teeswater spent the week end with Mr. and lies, H 'F. Kerry. Mr. :and Mrs. Irvine Schil;be of Lorick spent iktielay with Mr. and Mrs. G, Swan. 1Ir. John Smith of B'lueva•le is vise sting Itis daughter, Mrs. H. Berry. Miss iss Ina Scott of London visited Bo at her home here. Her mother Mrs. ides and \Ins. 1,hieschwa.rd of. Love \ 3. Scott returned to London with don spent the Creek end at their cot her. tage here. They had as their .guest, The October meeting of the A o- e,liss 13, \MacTntnsh, of 1nvertaess, men's Association was held in the S. S. room on Oct. 6th. The 'first 'part of 'S'cotlan'd• the meeting wets spent in sewing af- Miss clean 1Govetiiock of Windsor. ter which arr. Stevens teak the and 'Nora 'G'oveniank and niece, Fay chair for the devotional part. Mrs, Torrance of Ottawa, and \lrarparct Elliott then 'took the chair for the 'Fe '.uson of Tecumseh, spent thebusiness. 1•t was decided' that the :groups continue' to work till the De - week end ,with Mr. and Mrs.\V: 'Fes- cteniber meeting. The meeting; eosecl REGENT THEATRE NOW PLAYING SONJA 'HENIE and TYRONE .POWER present the skating star in the new ice -musical Thin ice with Joan Davis Arthur 'Treacher Morn Tues. Wed., 'Oct. 18, 19, 20 SHIRLEY TEMPLE VICTOR McLAGLEN in Rudyard Kipling's ru'son, der all repeating the '1'lizpah •benedic- sMr, Prior and Mr, Anderson, 'cog- tion. ineers of London, spent 'Tuesday in Bayfield looking over the new work ST. COLUMBAN on the harbor. Murray -Delaney - A very pretty Autumn wedding BRUCEFIELD 'took placc in St. Colum,ban Church on Mrs. Mary ie1tc)Kenzie is attending Saturday, °etcher 9, when 'Agnes the 'funeral of her •brother, Louise, youngest daughter of Mr•,. Wee Mille Winkle An adventure drama with Shirley in India MATINEE WED. 4:15 P.M.' Thurs. Fri. Sat., Oct. 21, 22, 23 LL WALTER WINCHELL BEN BERNIE -in- HARLOCK \lr, Hart, who is engaged working for\1r. Norman 'Shepheneh had 'Late misfortune to lose a part of a finger on Tuesday. lIr. and \Lrs, Syd. Smith of De- troit is at present .visiting at the home of the formers 'cousin, Mrs. and Mfr. %Vit. Bell and other friends: It r, and airs. Wm. Bell and fancily, lir. and .Mrs. Sy0. Smith, Mr, (Reece Ferris spent Tuesday evening for Thanksgiving supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Bewley near Walton. Miss Leah ' Rapson of Stratfcund spent the week end and holiday at the hone of her parents, 'lir. and Mrs Albert Rapson. 11r. Robert Leiper of Toronto, ac- companied by his sister, 14iss Agnes T viper, Mr.. Levine Knox and oth- er,. motored from 'Toronto on Satur- day, returning on Monday eveniig. The Iadies' Aid and W. M. S. meeting for October was held Friday afternoon o tut week at the home of \1 , and \It v. \\. Beacom with a xl atte nclane 11r, and Mrs. Gorse Hadley. spent the week end at He peler. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cele of Toron- to a+isite'I over the tcdek enrl at sev- eral Mimes til this vicinity and near Lo !ttesihoro over the week end and holiday. Mr, and Mrs. Leo Watt and family, Mr. and lies. Nelson Lear and fam- ily and Mr. and Mrs, ljantes. Scott 1 en and Jimmy, of Torontospent \toasty at the home o1 Mr. and Mira. Simon 1McVittie, Mr. Charles Dunlop of the West, who is at present home visiting, call- ed on ;\1r. and firs. Isaac :Rapset on Tuesday. B:roa'dfoat: aMrs.id rs. 1Tahn [Delaney. was ,united in marriage to lir. Stephen Murray, Mr, and Mrs. J. K. Cornish and youngest 'son of 'Mr. and :Mrs, John Carlyle spent the week end in Lon- Murray of Manley. To the strains of clop. 1.ohen tin's wedding march played :Mr. and 'Mfrs. John McIntosh and 'tv :Mrs. 'Phomas 'Murray, .sister of Jean of Toronto, spent •tliankegiving with Mr. and Mrs, C. Haugh. Mr. Lee Kiefer of London, visited his home here. Mr. C. Wilson and daughter, 'Ger- trude, 3iiss ,Dorothy Swan and Mr. and Mrs. Beaufort of Toronto, spent ;the weds en's with Mr. and Mrs, G. 'Swan. Mr. and Mrs, C. McKenzie and fa- mily of London spent Sunday with Mrs. MciKenzie and 'Iles. MdAsh. Misses Audrey .and Ruth Hill and Mr. Carr of Stratford, visited Anna and' Carlyle Cornish on Mmtctay. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. the grooms, the 'bride entered the church on the ; nth o•1 her ifathe•r and was daintily attired in twilight 'blue velvet with silver accessories and car- rying Better 'Times roses. The :bridal ,couple were assisted try \'ir. Raymond Murray and Miss B. Delaney, of '\Val- ilacebu'rg, sister of 'the 'brid'e, w-lro 'wore 'Venetian trine v'e'lvet and car- ried a !bouquet of yellow 'mime, The ceremony was performed 'by 'Rev. Father t),antzer, parish priest, while present in the sanctuary was Rev. Father [Gi'b'bons of 'Stratford, cousin of the •bride, ,During the Offertory and the signing of the register solos were rendered by ;Mrs. Joseph ,Mel ad'y, sister Of the :groom, and Miss Loretto Rolland. The .ushers •for the occasion were Ii7-r. ]Joseph Delaney jr, Wheeler were MG and Mrs, Lowery and •lir, Vincent'Murray. ,After the of Oshawa, and Mr, and 'Mrs, C. Hal- ceremony breakfast was :sowed to about twenty-tfite !guests at the !Royal Hotel, Mitchell ,and later a reception was held''in the bride's home, In the evening the !bridal couple left for a motor trip to western points, the ,(bride travelling in a gray crushed fair coat and green accessories. ;Prior to the •w'ed'ding a miscellaneous shower, sponsored 'by Miss Mary Walsh and er and sisters. Miss Loretto (Holland, was held in Mrs J. Ratten)bury and family of honour of the [bride-to-be, Wake Up And Live Alice Faye Jack Haley Patsy Kelly' A Musical Comedy COMING: "EASY LIVIING" "EXCLUSIVE" Matinees Sat. and holidays at p.m. stead and Floyd of Stratford. Mr, and Mrs. T. Ka•nrcke andson of Toronto visited with Mr, C. Reith Mr. and Ivirs. C. West and daugh- ter of St. Thomas visited with (Rev. and .31rs. ,Bremner. Dr. and Mire. 'Wm. Swan and fam- ily of Hamilton visited' with his fath- Accredited and Supervised Herds The supervised herd plan is a' shingle herd policy applicable to 'grade herds irrespective of the number of pure- bred or ,gnade animals they contain. No compensation is paid for animals ` that i'eaot to the test, !but the owner receives whatever proceeds there may be front the salvage. Owners placing their herds under' this plan must agree to slaughter reactors, to promptly 'cleanse and disinfect their premises, and to keep their cattle from coning in contact with untested an- , hinds 1,1 a herd is not maintained on the premises, 'breeding operation:, nyust ibe •restricted to a tested aaitnai, The resttricted area plan Stas for its o'b'jj.ect the eradication of. the tubercul- osis in definite areas. At least two- thirds of the cattle owners in any de- finite area must sign a petition for the establishment of .such an areas un- der this plan. TOWN COUNCIL (Continued Prom Page 1.) a'uciitoritn for the purpose of playing :badminton on the same terms as last year and that the Mayor and 'Clerk be authorised to sign lease for same. Reid4Keating, that assessor's report 'be received and W -m. I,Ament paint sal- ary $1150.00, ' Scott -Snaith. that this meeting now adjourn to 'melt again at the call of the Mayor." The finance committee's report: 5, V. Ryan, i60; H. Snell •$60: D. H. Wilson $411,66; Thos, Story, $b0; Co. of 'Huron, indigents, $35; Thouipson's Bookstore, $1.35; Can. '.Nati. Rys:, csg .prot., $5.313': County of Huron, $7'9.50; John :Stewart, :$5333; .Sell Telephone Co., t$318; Geo, Lowery, $31 Wm. Mason, 1i;7; Earl Ross $2,313; J. Cur- rie, $4431. Keating's Pharmacy, $113.- 40: R. J. Lovell Co„ $1.11; D. IIs. Wilson, cash relief, $59,60; Board' of Health, relief, 1$34.12; Seaforth IAtgri- cttlttral Soc., grant, $60; Separate School Board, $600; John A. Wilson, '710; Mrs. [James B. 'Reynolds, 'Clerk of the .Election Board, $51670; Thos. Klein, $J1i75; Seaforth Netws, $171,40; E, J, Box, $7:50; Win. Montgomery, $1)6.40. • AUBURN 31rs. Fain es RitIily has returned from a visit 'to Chatham. Mrs. George Sturdy remained ,for a visit with licr brother, fames Ball, who is not well. Miss Evelyn . Miilian attended a Young P'eople's Cotvference at Cha- utast Friday and Saturday. Miss. 'Margaret King has returned itnut a t-isit tvikh leer grandparents in Grtrlerich. Mrs. Russia! 'King is visiting her ,r arest; Mr. and 'Mrs. Ste Want of -Col-I 1 on arra awro[Y�SWF®mR,Aew p1B6@.�PpAp3Rµyd MtY,/ IdstrA s M YRar6�1l4YgN4 .4 YYfi r...1aaavreae 4-m xraa,oamaaaa a rwaarjr m Aaui�a list / tot„ ss,itt as i 1 t S Iaemw a ,AfµW&S dIX�,arlwa a mL, �r� �p N iapl�&. tW[0f .ar fMaMm a few dollars a month transforms your home ��M to6 it a {ire' (The cost of chit xr.•riur chem; wiYipg, aj ndeertises,euts span. t�S V� mea \Cit pY e°t - �� tsrsd ynithe ent NsesstComml 1. sari ,batKasetri i Nei\ riou, flus been do- �� a P pl b �'�O ,� testi, Xtew of M. ataUeifb'. sett^ (rayed sport d Fly en tO an s Plat eXtsa a beatbUd4et . w os 're se's rr ,= i ane- `Ut O 'hat , that be,,, e, f tic to, Lae. : P19' i'Cy ge a ro !tYIb ,iEon to. . sitc. t . a0te • use i tttaaas tit _ to ease'tor, sup °u. at u \eaYt� wards that "No- n •1V u-, Ye is not• o venue arias [bat prtstgonttacn eA4 of ?late You o,nera fi;titrr- �1ote pwaria c tpppettY 02,10to reea : pny .recti caroyeYne,sitect loft" enal•e�t coo' tote°ts a .Ialveri•N1i it b e : secbY e Sen .0eVI yr the Pia, [bat Vibe au tor 'ream er bot 1.0 pv ea ��®� seers ofur<. poda Inam to ages obu apo pi orb o4 ; ocankec' �w. 0 Nat/anal cheat 1q0 usari W t° s b Ov� M£�ItC;RA'S Employment oploert tbeY' as tttve d°Yee nt: uatin s9� �1ERN t.1 .Tea 1 Ys ha':1 odeYri be n't8'd1- LOs;: Aavl5)IItY sC0�oot it TTEsS psi iriG t'ri.t�®vitt+ Clinirrnan,FI. Stewartg,e-fapriptt; att,'el'ctw€ SeererY,7):DI II. Wile n,Phone 1[14 winstlia o�1t'tONTIO AOY!SOIW COMMIT'I'I]•'R ww' OO�w1E. rates Ryland 11, New, •Ckt/.ARON'd'0, Hr usoeg. i. tl i tkue, Secretary t�.