HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-10-14, Page 3THURSDAY, 'OCTOBER 14, 1937 oacnnt........taii.stin.tairggunwiagmtsg....agactimratammattu THE SEAFORTH EWS PAGE THREE, — t, nkn' is a 'baseball fan, He also likes n ii, but claim t. be the world's oro( at the game. \Viten nut roar 13 at 411113 matches, be is .at home lish•,n• ing to Rita radio lard is quilt. thrille;1 ;('hen 1tt h,g a new sto tit m. D'Arcy Marsh, well 4knot4Cu Canadian m \v tp 1perman and essayist. who ('t Levi rte of the new fall tntinnseries in which three dl rin 1 t, .t1 1 non ,rhednlc• of the en,sion Stull s dti1 with prohleu' 1 ii,h;.0 1 r tdr: ung Corporation of ,the Canadian 'constitution. :\notli ''3),'h a•• 111 31114 ,-ffect Septtnther1'r feature, and nae which replaeos with general rever,ion in 4and'artl the "Fart a Day 4Aiteint Candia 1, , 1, the wick variety of features! uli 3313 was br..atleast nightly fnl'loit- wln,h ail'1 he hoard over the nadinnal ing the Canadian '1 rt -s newscnnts, is tint a 1(•k From numerous on:s point, of "Canada's linin' timing which ptndnrtian throltho111 •the conn•try, trade ant( ,level pnu•nt tit otrghout The nett 'r adv 1st season which, 'Ca11(131113 is review ed. "Sport 111 Can- on '03133inr , as, marks. the start ad i '. ,rhedtilc l for \lon rlttysat 10.30 aIf14 twelve hour dolt service and 9.111. '1113(331-3-3'3' series of tanks by no- clnmee L (all let lerof three Cor- ltd player. and ,Port.s ali,thonete:, aid port 11,47.-31 1rred stations. brings . tet "This II•.n3lt.1t'. 11t 3.11)) 1111 mgrs the he,1 l)t,tfnah(e in the feat tires i (a.n,nbell \loin -nes. wide - different forms "i dram, music and ly l 11.. wn t('ttnrer 011 ,perch. 'Another dlrcater t .loin tr of programs programin1p, Hnre is "1 Remstn- w:i:,r'nalir:!, 1'1113'-tl States avid 9933- her", aerie•s which arid)) 103'' from err In , r• 1.1, 1- 01111 fled and, idit:Cere ' cent -et every 1 ncsdsy' at Pe 11 1 ' 1: iration of the 10.30 ,1,1(1 and '\1 13 brings to listen - day 1 11' r : e. t't I roadet 1.111 of tr, '0011311 ,'an - an :w3) relate an- -311-11 n- -311 b a -tate affairs e 3l t1'- 1 1 `31313 haul 1u. cur y and and si.orts ill •I,.- ,'rric,l ant as such .nlrie •:ta, 11. h indwell, oat- en 1.t: tale place. ,1 r Toronto .v(tap Night and 1,H ;c1(, 111 , 3'11" li,un, 3's, i- be- im; r 11 vet ' 1.11'1 con,: n>us o. retire, AV- Lu•s 1 rt e- en• -,t;.' 1i.t; nt'rs. Ss the types 1 {hIt .,,ut, in ii lit ty uro'`''In k14111 rot t3' i>rn�rni 1("t ,•'lurati3 11toad-..a '1.13'3 r,rt. \\ alit atuttla". ()tiler ,yeas t'1s .,.t•id,1 31111 ai113' talk. i nu a,tnrc,1 (weekly are 1 nide.. - tir'n lmials iu 11t(, it:'rtl'1• at . 3t.•• "la'mn••a••t • • • ))11,11, i„ , , 1 rvt tot, ; rtngrnuts •.\t \\'ors" and I h frsdavt at. 111,:311 and 11 r „',et 111:' tt I I t '1 I 1 1:•:• t 11 In 1 (prat .. �'I h,nvr f( ;tare' -,a•„' on .a',.I n ,.f 11u. 33 urian trill 't.t w 1t _ort ,,vWa•„wa1. "I'br creno. i 1 t`a n t,• tu' the tat 1(r.• 1(•,,a 1 fy1 111 } .,„n tt> •\:.t 1..'11'!• .n 3.''11111 n .a;, . ,'1 f'Itl.•tn-otlttr iton 'iv -t' ty. ('11 !rt�'c„ 1 r.-Itr.' 'wen ,h.kln'd b, mat. 3'm_=-'.1,11- t'ra -1 alt 1:111,.• int,.1 1 i," 'i 'T :111 1 per„111- ab,t 3 i 't '111: :mil 'ts tu•nnle 133113 1131 a t ,-an 11133 been N 1t❑ , •'133 1. 1n. ,r .Oram, are r' -'1"r'''”? , . '.)D ill tw"rk ltt.'•.Ut 1- •.. 1(r "'""n; them ,.ins the \-utioital the r- a , t 1 tI I1n throne., 111311) started at Halifax. i I I !t-m•untlilt tlr, n' `•in - a t, l i i h t t, V S .311.1 .‘11i011 113)1 cont nut 1.V 11'1 t t :, n .! rtdl 3 tem ht rt 11 1 'I3311. flu �urla3 til on.h n the 113 urn's Ind Ont,r 1 . "Um -1,-0.'1,31s%3 1111, tt d \ Tri t\. ce1t i ! 1 - 1 110 ikl4 ore,- 1 t 1 it, l 11 \\ Ful 11111.3 1 r r 1111 from \\ 11mn t 33. ltd \i ht \\ t 1(l t vs and Shift", act11ality broadcasts it,1111 elt- tl»' til 11.1"11. \f nd:t> r ant ploy- 01 1t (1 t tr9. 1 1'1 3 n „un t o Halutx urr Features for(alildren at early r honr.. dinner 11111 1• , recitals and o111- 1c 1'14al,�cd frLntr the 1''r broads -t- 3,111)1 1 ..331 a ottl,tslote '11r.e,1, ,'.";1,1 ,. ''tnnaker' by�h'h„mats ('1114111113 1 1 i',nrt„n, "Thr Rrror,l c!i1.4111e. I'hcut inci;tdr t•anadl•1n hl:irti,", trio dramas of the Royal Can 3,31331 \i„nntcd ',dire are hieing •a's,iac, : ' 1910 pan. :170111 Tn- nr,WtY,, Jt ',rrm`f.•ion of 5i1' 'Ialn/',i 1d:.rl'..ri,-1,, 11.1,31,, '1,x1.;3, '1).5:1). ?it :01,1 ,0'1,111, 311)11'10 111,0 01'01 - pie, a 141ac, (n the schedule. imports ant I1n1o3: surly 1(r gr un, hri11• allh„i3' Inti -ill,”' '1ronr Vancouver 5,undcr,1. •et 14,1)3) p.m.: kiting uht 'Da maim” front Montreal 511111lay, at 10.114 ),.1(1.; "\Iclodii• String,” from Tonna.. Alotida3, an 9.3)1) pin.; "Cap- ital t:'h.'ras"from :Ottawa' Cucstlays at&.,114 man.; "'Pan•is \1a Grande Ville" front Maltreat Tin—Mays 1(q 9;01) 31.1(1.; Tudor tring Qnarl'1 from 1Vinnip- cg-\Vednesdays at 111,01) 114111„ and "001131 ion," felon \Inot rtat I 5attrr- days at 8:31 p.m, Many other musi- cal programs are 'being heard (runt various •lroducti(111 points, including done, 11311 sic by IpotalI'ltr orchestra./ recitals and variety 3f3*3tnres, - Tiveause of the appreciation s11n(cn 111 various. 53a„t111. •talks by distin- guished ,peadcers, the Corporation has included at number of interesting discussions on a wide range of top- ics including wgrirnitnre, ,literature, history. current e3t•nts and world ec- onomies. Sunday:. at l6.,i1) 13,01. feature ti review t3f the news by .Dn. H. L. Stewart anti ;George Ferguson: on Sundays at 7.30 p.m. i, "The 1Conntl- Press newscasts, which: also aro he- ing 'heard e-in9'heard nightly over the na.1i13u3 grant.;From New York. - network alt ,1)1.45 13.311, '1 p. 1(t. " 'These \Falls," \it 9011-g 11 1'113' nen chedule wild 1)3';una produced ,by 'Rupert 1 tr13,. remain effective for some tlnw it gra- 'Front Toronto. lnally will he elahorat1' l as the ('or- \lalydag, October 114: )oration ,3,1 i li t: len,, hours increase 0,11(! "\Ichlic Strings", direr. 1" the 11ki-1our ,"vice that t1 is es- ,1inn .13 '.lndar Chnhaldm, '1(31)1 "I'.1- pc•otei eventttrlly will be e t rblishen. hl311(1 weekly over the /1111 1011;11 11 3- w urk of the 33'11( in a series of 'hroad- (,tst, ba,ed u11 functions of gororn- nt3ntal departmun . gamed interna- tional re eognitton as the 'biographer her .111e late Sir Henry 7 hcnittout on, tittle president of the C. tna'1lan Nat- ional R ila ay's, \ir. Marsh is a 11131'13•' of H1nul'ton, 1)ntaria, and has done active 1(t wsl+;tt e r 13, rk in berth Ont- ario and Alherut...,... You Were Asking. , .. ? The new transmitter -he- ing erected at \erolttre , C,In1lne, by the 1.11':', will be 59,1100 31aru,. la ali,13191 he in operatieiii wedl before the end of the year.;1(1.11), 1'. Thank, very tnnch. 'I ;hail 61)33 ',3ncthin0 :Mon( that in (test wcek'a ,rlr11vnn. • Corporation Features Day By Day \p .Tates l a,tertt Stand'ard- '(1-1(1.33113', October 1.4: S p.m. "Ucntu .racy at \\'urk." 1'a11< by IP,\rrw \I:nsb, 'Front 1 1(l. p, 111, "tit reNltlfnc." (.1r,lir-:ra - tli- port...( 1',,'•.•y hait11 slily oloist: hro•n l'orrnttn. . 1'riday, ))ginner 1115: ') p.m. "i1lek t,. \'arii•I) "re:cntation 31'it!1 \Vta1111.1011,e •(1111 1111wdcin,, orchestra tlirecte n 1 saar \l amet t vocal 011 hie art 1 soloist,. 1'1' len n. tit. \,.., P: Shift." - From Mao, jai,. atnrd.q'..(4 tett-titer 1d: 8 p.m. "The 1'nexp9ored North." Talc 'by lid'w:d Sharlleton. 141rotn )31aw•1. 8:;ltt 1.111. "'ke!loctacnl. " The I.yric l rii,, choir toll orchestra a ,lire, trot llan1 NIc•13r33, .root Montreal, 53nlll y 1 )(tuber !137: 3 13133 "EN iry ,1391' \lu,i3.' 11,00. ant I u!ow and Colurnhia Symphony Ond,i r1, featuring compo,ltions cnlnnl ssioned by CIIS Mid written by six outstanding :\merir1n coinpc ors. '314.) 11 C'. hrternationar) exchanat \rraugements ah•cady have been mato. made with the wire communes to IVAl) p.m. "Sant Slick". Froin 1'1:1)- tirovide such a service. Coupled with ifax. - ,10311 pin. 'Talk nit - .'ricket- 9'. IIon. 'IC C. Matthews. Front :Toronto. Tuesday, Oct34ber l9: - 8.3)0 pan. "This iln)tgi,sh". '1'a.1k on correct .poerlt by J, Campbell Me - holes. 'From Toronto. ;8.30 .p.nn. "Symphony .in Rhytltrn". )11arohl S -take, and his orchestra. \1145 3 11c' international exchange program. Front Chicago, ca'go, 9.,34) p.m. "Buried in Scarlet"- -one sof a se333(5 of lite dramas 331 the R.C. \1.1'„ adapted by Hamm id Steele. illy kind permission of Sir James NIae riett, ,34,1 ,)4,, C'.\I,iti,. 4 roto 'Toronto. the increase in time 333111 be the (1p111 - in:' titin year of tw'o 11('11' 10,3)110• '13"114 U; 1s111itlil1g Sill 6011 •ai 111ontby.. C1- tario, 11d \'erchrres,- nuebee, which 41'01 1:01/1%0•41.111 1, the •first 1113 .several high-powered stations to be greeted at %I1•rategie points throughout Can- ada. 'These station, 11033 nearing com- pletion twill he known as CBI, and C'3(9. The call letters of those tnt- poration stations to he changed with the slant of 413)1' new schedule will ire ('1(00 Oita Mt; which 1,3-111 beromc B'01 CiR+C\\', \\'iud.'ttr which will he1onl3 9.11\\1, 'and (:1(013 , Valmont', el., which will !become. C 113R. Otiter changes in 'Corporation call getters will be effected tater in the year. CBC Studios Chatter Frank Dea:villc, .tif the comedy team. of \\'neid'lonsv and Hawkins ("Back rage," Fridays, 9 Amin,) who plays Lord Percy and Major Often.: 'Wednesday, October 3311; ,8.00 33.11). "[angling With Canada". Brakeman llt:oward .Man as of Str11t- Talk"Ihy Pi. K. Sandwell. 0.311'=\1135 ford, suffered a broken left (wrist. international e' 31 1)33 -n g e program. same dal passengers were jostled and -Frons Tofatt'to, :slight damage to roadbed' and equin- TELEPHONE TALKS IN THE. WATSON FAMILY ht here, uT Lelr. ( » «'rhey'g 'right d them' home 11,011 �'�,� send ad's • son love to call on their D Ott and ]'atsy,�at a week goes by when they A Scarcely and cookies. es• Aunt Mort'. for stories > dropin at least twice, are ..tiler than usual She tFvhen doSn't getting anafternoon, it •�no.ther doesn't w srr .Aunt isimplywis till the and then call p simply waits till the deadline Mary. This is just and of the things that makes the telephone indispensable b a ty the Matson househo Yk s dis and such a lot of � ge'enable to It saves -Watson wouldn't t be -without U. that Mrs.. .. u�y 13g 4331'241•143ZMI•cgl'.4".. The rates for residence telephone service are surprisingly low—only a few cents a day. Ypu really cannot ,afford to be without a telephone: 53. J. HABKIRK" Manager 9.1111ilre 'ate.' �.a�a(.rwr► 835 31..11, 1133(t•1111e• .Venni'--unpnlar inn) .11'11, caused in a` railway 1113.ila -in'n'r with Tient 'Pears, pianist. )'I11.- 4'1 Clinton \londsy afternoon 'whet \I Illi intornatatmal exchange pro the M'r ref 111GdSSrat lord pa,siailcanger trai33nosfdt',Werichipeleod t9, Crain. From 1'nrnu4n. !8.33) 33(11. `Radnor. 5111. 5„1(.0 1)133)1 car of a passenger train-bou11, Cunnnaulity:, sin'gini under lradcr.:ltiy, (roan \\r ngham b Loltdain. Prenlat• of George Young, hroul \lnnre,,ln are thr;wing of a wi'Cch i 'hrlievr(; to have been. the Cause of the iccid- C.N.R. TRAINS HAVE MISHAP: ent and that a number of passengersHURON NEWS were not injured was largely rine -u, (Continued from. Page Two) the 'lace the moving train was Kt). Fort Huron; !Aker +has term .with the reeding at a very .slow rate ,,f speed. ColIorado came a succession :of berths The \\'l nghant - Lotuloti train ' as second elate, 'Hee final .hipped on s1 11131mnd. had ..mite into the (11...3,3, the :George N. Orr 'between Depot discharged its passenger, anti thri, Hatibor "\lilwatt'kee--+C1licata3 the,. 1 into the shed track to await ranee a couple of seasons on .the pack-,. the arrival of the passenger train age ,'freighter Haron, t1 tween Buffalo ase -i „utn,l front r;,.deri:h. This ,3313, and Gladstone, Mich., then three sea - tad ,cu11l'', to,l its work 'at.Cldnlou d: 31015 on the Yale out of Sackett's an,! 331= Wallin, 0111 51013ly, '11113. Harbor, a Few trips, on the \Ioiicgan .a_gar4e can- and the froth in the I'ui 'her, trade 'between 11at3ala :1133 maid carr hail passe(I and Ilyng 1(1101,..aird ,finally on the 0,1 1'r the -os ;telt when it wit,: ,91-1111, Slle1,aaxlalah > between- 3331tialn anti. and the rear truck, headed lip ;In Chicago 141 w•as while sailing on the •333,1 track ' ide-sa3lping the standing \"a1e with Capt. lanes :Jackson that train. traketn'an \6nma, who was Second Mate Hoc i-Iay3 Titrticipated king through the ( io' lcrich-S'trat• ill one ,of the most thrilling'reseucs ill ford train was struck a -glancing •1)111110 the history o1 33113 Iireat Lake.. lit elle on t ,e writ 'He. wa 'hrouglit to31)103131'.. ut , rcutten meat of the or Stratford ht pita] atter reren1119 first 1'1 the \\ 1 , Sau'ber, (cinch foulyder i1 'tt 1 about live p.311. t ilei( do' e(1 and 111k faklilg til '(hell' deaihs tram arrived at Seaforth.Captain Morrisand an oiler ,wanted 'l'113• 1\'ingham,London U'ai111141 3313- Rr1'lin,,,nof 3.eaan'srt'gt,:m, T1e 'last in chltrec• (i 'h:n!gineer \lrl.etla.114 quarterr, 4 a century ha atot'been so t'nnr131311 r Ratte, both of Sarnia; and ewcn)11)1 The genial, 911113 el9toO s the Gode•rich-Stratford train in c'harge 043113 i- has spent Itis tiutc pn)fitallllp of Engineer Cardwell and Conductor in. narking friends, and he las a 'host Sire13. also o'i Sarnia. .\u irt,tix iary' aF, t11en1, ,rich a'nld poor, young aiid. 1314,. (1es13atcheI front S'tratfprd aiid old, and' 'every last' one elf (hent had t1, line ;d'ar'd in one hour and knows hint as ''I-Ie.c."').•Tee's s•ticcestsor inrtc minn1es. h sill cars on ba, will be. ,ehrrse:)1 'by .31plicaO of incl .ex - t1,41)1 , and' 11113' p'as,ccnger car o13 3'110ttanlinuIk(n 'nilldet' the Civil 'trier\'ie'e 31ct. t o'lerich-Strafford train were d.tatia'g• Too Trustful— e,1 to the extent of about '111 3') 11'ot'h ;.attic Ja'.! 311 of 9131111ghatl, will trains ware delayed 13ihou't one 3) 011r, he more careful of strangers in fart - and a special train utak passengers ure, tie was uhglnt'ly tipsy and strand- ed near \\'i'n'ghant 11,1119aafiat.tire and n,3 tools, so :haled an ajpti;oacltin'g car. The driver 'kindly 'lentJames a jade and the mcessar'y tools and in an a't- fentpt to repay. the ,killdnese the stra'nde'd motorist pulled a +bottt'le of .leer 'front has 'pocket .and offered it to in 'Good Samaritan. '1 hanks,' take t 1t C\ said that otthy And VIIsee you to the town hall al _ \\Tiog.. 1113111," he added. s11owilig a police badge. Itwas Cnn'niy Constable Jack Ferguson. -iNfr. Jackson parted with $1'0 and costs in police court four his part in the little tableau. of nearly '1110 feet. All the cars re- mained on the tracks. The accidenthappened a'bo'ut S p.m.The .night train, date here .before al 10 ,o'orkuntil, slid not arrive until after midnight. unter' k ook,. • We ?re Selling Quality Books Books are Well Made, Carbon is Clean and Copies Readily. All styles, Carbon Leaf and Black Back. Prices as Low as You Can Get Anywhere. Get our Quotation on Your Next Order. The Seaforth News SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, tram S.;,ratford east, ile elph. 333(3. 113.`\ holiday throng, clustered on the Canadian National Railway statdun platform at 'Guelph 111 Monday night, were cwetv.itit3:,c, 1( 1113 derailment of t'he .-on•3ifte .and tender on 1 passenger train No one 11913 3 n'117re I \ the 0114i111' ,!eared the Allan bridge (ill 4feet above '111' Srpe7'13 river, the holiday throng .air it leave the rails, plow along Ile road heel ;gildtin-ally come to a 'halt with it; froul trucks liurie(1 110 t0 the hubs an dirt 'lie, tore torn ' for a distance i3