HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-10-14, Page 2PAGE TWO. Canada's Favourite ea „SALAD z sol HURON NEWS Presentation to Mrs. Dalton - Mrs. L: t);rihtii tl kingeliridee. mho reuiote.l recently from \\i'nghant. was the recipient of a cabins of silver and an addres- .of appreciati in presented ',v the holies of the t'hatreh of the Sacred 11' rt. \\'in;gham. Mrs. Dalton awas hack at \\'.inghaau for the 'week- end and the lashes nook the opportun- ity of making dee presentation. The address, was read hy- tMrs, J. Lock - ridge. The presentation of the cabinet of silver was made by Mrs. Sproal, and other ladies signing the address were t[re. McGlynn, \'Irs. Benninger and Mrs, Gabble. Electric:Shock- Clair Ruffed viaing son of 110. and Mrs. Charles h tffell, was ktinciced en- conscious and ipainfay hurtled on Sipiclay afternoon when, while at play, he threw a wire over a main tH'Bdro line on .Bridge street. The boy received 'the force of a -heavy shock when the trailing end of the mire wrapped around his leg. ,-le was un- conscious ten minutes. 'The short dr_ .suit resulting front thecontactleft the northeastern section of the Town in 'darkness until 111 p.m;--(G'oderich Sig- na'i. Had Narrow Escape - ‘11 Rtlt motorist had ;t mirrow .. :•a fr,.m. , :th last -Satttr.l`tc rc. ,n,u❑ when Ills ear was st:•nck 'tc t'he \. R. trait. Tian tail light soul cense -elate were takccn „ii ',) the Wain and the motorist ke:1t art ,,in. either oblivious that lie had been struck nr to, .eared to ;uo, --1astotw- el Banner. Injury Fatal - To 'gas gangrene resulting from an inijury to his hand and stnh'sequ'ent amputation ' df the member is attri- buted 'tile death at +Alexandra hospi- tal, IGodenich, of William 'Elliott, fif- ty -four-year-old 'bachelor farmer who lived near Nile. Mr. tFAliott's hand was terribly mangled on Thursday last when it was torn to steeds lby a fan in the iblower df a 'threshing machine. 14r. Elliott was ,brought to Alexandra Hospital and the hand was immedi- ately 'anspiu•tated, but gangrene set in two days 'later and he +died within twenty-fourhours. Coroner Dr. \\', F. Gallow investigated 'but dill not order an inquest. The remains i were 'buried at Dun;anon cemetery.• See Game at Detroit - Sixteen of our baseball tease and ,rani were at Detroit on Sunday where they were ,given a hpass to the Cleve- land vs Detroit game which was the best game played on ;the Detroit 'grounds this year. After trine innings of play the score remained the satiw as at the end of the 'First :inning, 11-0 in favor of the Detroit team, who played their last game of - the season. 'The Cleveland team made only one hit off the fDetresit rookie 'pitcher. Jake Wade, n bile ,Detroit conceited five hits off rAllen. the 'Cilevelandi nt a n. ti.411 _. Ste n leUr. 'pitcher who lost his first game it the I. w t nl.;lst sten„ at Soion, ll ,oi yea a t,, while -\Ir. J illy is ,a native of tic \Vest. They have 'been in the dried int. area with- Ili' t'r:,, sett•:' 11 9. The children have ,been greatly inieres-ed with the trees and the .reermess and freshness of thin;;;: is Ontario. They- had user st'cn ;inn; growing on erees item Jisto.y. era lied '.t as 25411) atiir-, MacMillan -Burt ,=\ pre'tty :eta intet•e,'tin,; eceut took phiev. 'at` the residence of 1 r. and Mrs. Charles. Bert in the township of KM - loss oe Oct. 2nd. 1037, when their el- dest daughter, Mary, 'Helen, 'because the bride of Nit. Cecil ;losc'ph Nine - Milian, only sew of \ir, and Mrs (ieor:te MacMillan, of Alt, Forest. THE SEAFORTH NEWS IMISMONPROMMISIEW to 1 i1i SASKATCHEWAIN DRY tial tt h nut. very tt Naim t .t tit tum if y , t are. emote]: to d' wiri- maily livo91e .i., t ty «get their , :,rtnati(n from la min -paper headlines and from the 'pee 111, H n ,r sa '•1 win re - tor n t,. eski ,N rn a. lie! metra, Prossiii. ic" to Ina :a tt:autrr 11r has takes 0e. ;arming as an .,c•ru- etton, :end has worked near Titan -toe. 1)asit.wo ,I. Exvter, •L'rrtaituu tort) Cen- tralia,. The court was a reeord-breaker for ',re'vity. lasting only tine (Intones. One ease on the docket was adjourn- ed sine die try consent of the priu.cil - als, t'end'ing a settlement. The aotion teas true iii which Addison Taylor and Russel Carrie. Grey township farm- er., executor; of the will of ,the late J. \i. Loewe, of :\1 orris township, s,.n'ght payment of two protttissory nates itis le b\ the defeiuhtttt 'Nesbit 11 ni 1tou, t,f .\twood, in favor of )Jr. James Jones Buried at Mitchell - In the passing of Jaote:s Jones at the hooter of his son. Robert lines. in 'Toronto. \')itched) lost e, former well knnnit resident, The - departed roan was the snit of the late Mr. and 'Mrs. R+dbert banes, pioneers of the Mitchell district, and he was .in his 87th year. 'Mr. ,tones 'received' 'Itis early education at the school known as Junes .School, two utile+, north of \litc'hell, He ('tarried \hiss Jennie dIearce and together they took tap re- sidence in 'Newry where \l r. Jones managed a lttufher httsin'ss for his ,lather for a couple of years, They then moved 'to \'Iicchell where he was employed shy the Thompson tutted Wil- liams foundry as timekeeper until the firm moved -to Stratford. He then 'he - came alt implement agent. Daring his many years as agent 'Mr. Jones also operated 'alt ttttctlnileerill'g ,''usine'.s, and it was .in these two businesses that he 'became so widely known. .\ ,fete years also ttwben his health failed hint, he went to Toronto to live with this son where death occurred. After the death of 'his 'first wife, \I r, Jones married \hss Louise 1Yrhuhille, ort predeceased him 'by a 'few years, He is survive'd by one son Robert Jones, Toronto; 'tot 'brother's, 'Charles Jones of Walla 'Walla, Wash., and 'Richard, '1'7orotutts, •atprt one sister. Miss Susan Jones. Ne'tr Fork. The funeral was held on Saturitay a, `VV'oodland' 'Cem- etery, Mitchell, Comes From the West -- Mr. and \Irs, "I'. t'. ani'.}', Norman and :Iconic, arrived in EN. et. -r lust week front \los i,anl with No i , is o!' 't•tticr'. ^I7<,' , iu- nlht 112 h,tr,e,, t, heat) of cattle, intp4etucuts autd household etl'rct„ I'.Iec have taken 111' tlle'lt' residents. „n the farm of tile late '')icier 11 er- season, having won '116. --Zurich Her- ald. Teachers' Convention Cancelled - The' an'n'ual roneeat'„h, if the tea- chers in this impertnra' whtdt had 'been arranged to be 11,14 t'; dee-'Cata- trrtlt i.aatrier in tits' city : '3tta-.w'a on Friday and Saturday, h rs 57,11 celled. Tin- '1•hi- ..rte teas tel t , ,air- Car Side -Swiped- rtrda.47:7:41-4 the infinti!t ,raly,t ;li nest, w'hti, a a ureculchs \n 'repo a,r, i,leut t „ryes od the 7.771, e, and 1 athh;,°,g, 17akt -i, cabs I if In 1 •ta,l ;a !' slid' s - A 11; ,,,.t Barn Burned- i•:iv to nls, notA Nitson R R. r;.•,,ni• ,n all pit • hlrr. dobe „ t t. 07 777 witcre - "i:: n 'rhea h ctrl: .t e u'id'* the tarn and cross t o t n d a \ny,tt 1)ichs ,ti,„ , iri n :,',t Mr. 1-•".J., \T 1tt1�. „' ,',1'” anti .lKer,,. tf r II Ile ,t •tl , s r- tn•:a 1 it rpi.it :fez', '. n1 z1t!t11 0 net N„nt• to, u:,' t a tt, t :. Mr, Al l•• on .t t .. ,at •+'i-neizh'b.trs turlt 'I ,ui 1, 11,,,,, tine this jaurnt•y. nfite bntlrtiti: an'1 house. Putting Through New Street - :11r. 1)ttks011 \Va.. 1,f,ay r,.m home at the !Mile, anti returned 1 ane to, 1in1 Th, ort, , ,,u'tti t thresh: a the the road .booked fat a .nib iu frnatt nca street from \lain tortitliani Pi his farm by ears Str •et )clan Lside of tilt. ..,ro,rety of Gla hna+t& Stan lrnry and the reed - Tomato Plant 7 Feet High- Mg ioccupied by !1 t, A. al tw'tt.t, Har+iw.arr, t is now ,.pu,lcr vat. "19,r -Iv t ht cathect of use h; e A\'illioafs loitn St., a tomato planq gate' esta Praperu twa nurrht'e1 Groh 1)r ...,t li-i h., It did oat 'pond all it 1- widett,hx. cement t t 'i,•• t:,. rrgy ,m the stack as 11 pro,10,.,‘,1 a twrete w,tl' t e ens Large number of 1111atoe, ,,,f line alum, -thy 'oath irla, yt(a'iity---\•\'in;ghaw Adtancc-'fine(,. i Court Bitting - L;t,rr ?teforr ibis death, It twas stated 811' hail ,heel) received on the claim for v 5451114, principal and interest. in J c.1st ordain( -1 lanntlnn asked for an act. nutting of the dealings of lhimself and thr late \'I r. -Lnw`e as partners in huyina and ',..'shin; cattle, Playing with Matches Caused Fire - Boys 'playing. with matches caused saute Suety excitement last it"rtciay af- ternoon, tt•'Iten a 'blaze started 'beside Nies. John \Veber's barn on Lambert Street. \l'tlrlm:ly. The fire hall is just one block from the scene of the tiro and in a Jew. minutes thelbrlga'de had a stretutt of water playing .on the flames. The ,barn was tilled with hay -=11ilclm'tty (Gazette, John Wiseman, Clinton- Itrlut Wiseman, former business- man and cestotns officer at Clinton, 'lied Sundae night, in his 114th year. He was horn at )ICirkton, in 1'8S'3, He was educated in the grtnbdic school in ')ds native village, and the St. \-tares Collegiate. He trent to Clinton in 01175 at the age of 25 years, and went into partnership with 11. 1_. Milroy in a drygodds and .men's furnishing - store. in '11900- be was appointed cus- toms officer at Clinton, which .posi- tion he held until he retired in 1920, A member of the 'Independent 'Order of 'Odd /Fellows. the served 'Clinton Lodge as financial 'secretary Inc'alt yettrs..1te was also a nu•nnber of the Clinton bowling club and of the Clin- ton tsusinessnten s t.htb. Surviving tire one 'brother, 'James of •C'hioa;o: awe) sons, troll(' C., .manager of the flank of \Itttltrea1 at Fnrt Ilerle; \W, Detroit, an officer of the National Bank of .that .city: three daughters, Mrs. IE, C. \lcCaltutn, .K•Ingstan; 11'., ;1, 4i. R,+hcrtsou, 'Ottawa. and \Irs, Evan ,Prowse, 'Birmingham, Mi- chigan. The funeral twee' held on Tuesday to Clint,m t'cmetta•y. Fire Threatens Bruce Beach- ( )illy the. fact that the wind was cut ofl,leire one, saved a large seethes .,x Benet• (teach sttutnttr re,ort from •dc- structi,tn i'y tire. Starting a: tott,.4 37, on then,.rth end of tate uc•arh, t'ltt Int. t,•ttflit de.tt•.,yeti the ,cottage ;,'tri its contents. t ,N nor of the hnildin0. was \lis. Ilettler,oa,, latektt ntr. The )laze oto. rred elate oar af• :emote] by Sutphen Tout, whose is atop the 11111 tthi,lt overlook, tin beach resort, He hurried to the seen, lint arrive')' too late to remove any 'thy consents. 'l'hc cottage was u•noe- cunied but had not sheen closed for the winter months. The taut , of the blase is uttknowwit, Hector Hays To Retire - \ft.'^ t w u.y-ti: , years its ,hs civil sort :n, at rest ,n,, examiner and int- 'ui,r.at,n lIector (lays .. r rimieeil iirenicte, to hi. ?, t uer. It was in PRAIRIE LAND the heave) t -yawn threat ll '.tray:, that man can \\ here aint, is cold and sunt net hat. 1ht: i. 111t. land that trod forgot. ,),i orrri laud, dry prairie ,aria. 1ni on the 4r1.trnin. sant ,vc -7417117t, And gaze aeros, the plain. Awl FA onder why it )sever rains. \\lien dark clots' gather -ie night - 1 think it will rain br'fore ttiy1ir in. Iiut in Elie morn it will be found The hoped-for vtortu has gone .trowel Our horses are the bronchi, race, St.rrwation stares them in the face: "They are too poor to 'bite or kick; A feed of oats would .make "them sick. ()ur spuds are ail too small to pegl, Our pigs are now too weak to squeal. Our chicken •are ton 'poor to lay; They all dry up and blow away. LEO IfI,a:\NNI:P.\' Ruscrown. Sask. ' t+s -.t .. , ,et' f' ti -,•.t 1,,. n Jarrl i1 • 1 - tit, "t , , r ! 1• 1. )Lyes. O1,11,7'•sae ,i1.1 onliitt ntunielpat b c )lief, am,' , tree, • He tris registrar a't each t, tet, ,11 , or of -t oil rt !t, tnemilie if tilt t t ,s- ntt. arct nrluctcl ',b la t limit of Hays & 1 w, Hr.' 'n Godcriclt tint t late \lr. slay ant Pfector wouldn't think of t sry Ong his nose its ie. , try oftiee, He iteeded the 'cal! at' -herr wntd awl a.,t:,: avid when eighteen years of, age lent .Goeterich with the fate ;taste aeci or,i •tett) sltip'ped tvitli tum '1,.nt l r 1i.arott on the 'tra-herr; '- u'oranln, nhnn;g between -PortHurtat and \\ ash nt \'lit cans'itt• Het sail- ed a w,' nt rt'toin the- Cnl, art” which twaskippered by 'Cant J 0111 i t .1 r. rdt rich, who' to- , w ,;u Ito; tcitibet•ncr o,tt nn*t h h I':tae 'Th'rea`t lln),me rer:uninenlirs,t Adolf 'licit-) - BORN' I•,.t ,ii i. t,1 ''.-en tni+'t, 1 , nt_nt.7.11,7 I. j 1.:17117' lrt 11 n till (I, ht t i.,.i z- 1 '',i I at t.' t Ittl 1 t r_r .1., t t). 11111 17947. i R sensor Isit.n.!, ,r, ;' a 1 Hers. Rut I'nl•.t i , St tit_�, . ... ,a ,.t:. ,•h ,u 1 ( i-Cot,.r, 1 .. 1 1 t ,'n}; I n Sonnei;, i r., '' \i'•. ell:-. 1111 - ONTARIO ELECTION, 1937 Thr resuhs ,vi the election, Oct. 0, ionralter with the candidates. - ''--i\ientlter of last House. .\ddington -.- *Black (C) elected; Campbell (1.1, \4gonta-1'lanito•tttin-'°1lil.ler (1.) elected; INadeau ('F -Lath,); ILtxh,h (C1 Brant 'lytixon (L) niaj. Brantford --"\I, N1. \)'Bride PInd,- I) 5,1.9 11 '\W'. iNlielfailden (.C) ,4/6; 1„ Lear .(COF) 11,4)9, Bnttee--"9J. "\V, Sinclair (L)' elect- ed) ; A. E. ,Robinson '('C). 'Carleton --'t:\, FI. Acres 6,5'5'5; Roy Aselstyne (L1 3.(11); L, A. 'Davis (hid, l.,) 1,1112. Cochran', (North -*Hebei (1.1 elected, - Cochrane. 'South--ttia'liagher (1.1 elected; Church ,(IFann-Lab1: Bartle - man .(C). - tDttfferin-Sintcoe ..-'Duwuer - (C) majority hill; Smith (L). F_9gin-*Hon. 1i. IF. Hepburn 112,- '303; IN. 'R. Martin ,(C) 7,1157; John Tough 1 COF) '355. 'Essex North- -*')'rotifer '(L) tnajnr- ity 3,400; Leblanc (GCF); Poisson (C); •Rayeraft (tFarm-'L.aib.) (Essex South -C, C. !Fletcher ( 1.) 7,730; tjantes 'Armstrong (IC) 4,430, 4rort I-Villiant--Spence '(C) majority 5150; Crawford 'Ind. Ll; 1Imes 1t'OF1; :Murphy 'Cdengan'y-I R. A. 3(aoGilliertty 11.1 6,6,76; Josctult St. Denis 1C1 3,307. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1937 screen v S , • ,•t, h ;,itions give the, effect of aikto swieeili ally she» geed tb facia ws. • ti e' y orn anodised all) important part. train is fitted throughn a system of ventilat Pawl Grenville-Dt.l.ndas *t i. 11, Challies (.1'1 '):."): Percy 11arli o'd ( Lt 'Urey, South-*Fareiltitr ()iter 't C. F.(.1.1 majority- e)51): J tmies,tn (C t. ircy, :North- APattcrt"n 111'1 ma- jority 2,2149; Christie 1CO, 1; Pnrtt•- qus .(C). llal(lima ut-1 tt slk -- Eric Cross L) majority 2,100 Marshall (C). ill:els et-'tIllakelock 'i 1st ele•cterl: Cross 1111,1'): 1)-itrgle 1C): 'Fate COI. 'tlantittoe Centre -MX. F. 'Sehtven- ger (1.) 111311)9; B, \\': tiopk'tns 6C') fiR(IH): (Ret', 11, '1,, ,11eTarish it Lab, - F.11 Stewart \\onds (Soc.-Lab.). Hamilton 'East --J, 'P. Mackay 11A; 9,737; Drente \Wa'lse t (')' 5,0417: *Sant Lawrence ,(CGF) 0, J, Brunton Soc. TTardilton-t\'eulworth--Minn. '1', 11, NIeQatesten .(1,) dI1t;iIL7: III, S. Satyr (•'C) 5,836; Leslie B. Couldrey ,CGF. Hastings, \Vest-+.1rntott (C) 8110 mans: *Dr, Faulkner 114, - Hastings, (East-"b\'ehh (C): )H-tt•ron...--CB'allan'tyne (I.1. Hau'ou Bruce -*)Robertson i( L1, i1enora-*Heenan 1 L) utaj, 1 3011, 'Kent bast -"D. M. Campbell (L.- Prng,l 7,1)(84; !J, Dttff Brien ('PC) 2,941. ,Neat \\Test --".A, S. .Gordon ( 1, 1 11,321-: A. \V. 'Sanderson (C) 3,1711, Kingston -*T, .A, Kidd -Id) 7,6121: Mills (L) 7,426, Lanfhton East-*\lc'Vicar (LI. ma- jority 3700. - Lant1iton West -Al luthrie (1.1, Ianarie---lDoucett '(L') niaj. 92S. Leeds'--IRevnolds (C' i ata) 5511, Lincoln -Haute. 11.) ma), '111150. ,Lottd'ott-')Duncan (L) maj. 8300, Middlesex N,-•-'IFreeborat 'IL). Middlesex South -'1 \i'ac1Fie '(1,1, '\lnstcoka-Ont.-*,heVly {I.), Niagara Falls -•"Houck (L), iN•'t•pissing--1C'hoiette (L). .Northumberland -*Carr (L). Ontario' -Conant (i4, Ottawa (1.). Ottawa S.-Duttuar (C). Oxford-*!Dew:tat 11,1 m:cj. 2,1500, Parry Sound -*Armstrong (1.). Yee)-4keiruc,iy (d) null. 411(1, Perth-ieDicIi tau niaj. 0411)). 1Yetcnboro----Ialint-t 114. Arthur --"Cox (1,t rttaj, 2,161100, Prince Edward ---J, 1). f-le'p!btarn (lC) Rainy 'Diver -t Croons• Renfrew N-'t1a•adley Renfrew S. -*Murray (1,1. Russell -Begirt (1.1. Sault Ste, Mark —M1Meelsiu Sititrnc •P;, -.:Simpson (L) itaj 111111 SiMene \W II inlay -,n CC). Storms nt-''firownrul to 1 L). Sud+httry---Cooper 1 L1, 't't'ntiskanttnt ii\isnn (LA. 'tor, Bearht *it1urlh} i'l'ls Tor. Btadwo els--'"Roebuck 'Tor. Bracou,-Lionel Conacher (-L) ITor, )Dovercourt-*WDuckworth (C). Tor. Eglinton-4birby ((A. Tor, .High Park-4Bttirri 1C). Tor. Parkda•lc-MrBrien (C). Tor, Riverdale -Summerville .(C'), Tar, St, ,Andrew.-"Giass (L). 'Por, St. IDawid's--Lamport (L). Tor, St, George-"Stratchan (L). "for, tit, )Patrick--'tHunter (L). Tor. \\ oodbine-ttElgie Victoria- Frost ,(C). niaj. SitO, Waterloo \ --••Smith (L). Waterloo S--`ttliiael \\'ellaud','t,\uderson (-L), \\'ellington. N.=Sic) w'in (L), 'Wellington S,--*•.I]r. J. H. .King (L), 8,1170; 1G. A. ))rete itd) 1133110; lodes ,Moon 1( CCF). Wentw-nrtle--ABettnuse (1.1. Windsor-\\Tatkerri'lle-*Cr•.)t (L), \Vistdsor-Sandwich.---'tCI irk (L). York East --'tG.:y Henry t (2). York 'North --*Baker Fork South ---*Macaulay (d), York West-*Car!n-else (L), You too will be satisfied with HAMCO, the Coke which de- livers the maximum of clean, steady heat a t minimum cost„ - Easy to regulate—. lighter to handle — longer - lasting. And leaves far less ash. Join the army of happy householders who have changed to dustless, smoke- less. HAMCO Coke. Order from your local HAMCO dealer — he deserves yo u r fuel business. WM. AMENT ERNEST L. BOX SOLD BY N. CLUFF & SONS J. J. SCLATER t51 11 iY C fFT71�:' tz• 1 11