HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-10-14, Page 1And yet, dear. .he: r1, remembering
.Am I not richer than of old
Sade in :thy immortality.
What chance •can tinar the pearl and
!gold •
Idly love hath 'loft in frost with me?
WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 59, No, 41.
Phone 84.
1` ,ianlln't that Ilion art far,
Since near at need the angels are
''1 When the sunset gate: unbar
Shall d :not see Thee waiting .stand
4 .vhitr against the evening •stair,
Ie welcome of thy beckoning ltandt
—1111 it tier,
$Il a year, .,
10 LB'S
2 for 19c
2 Tins 290
21RW CHEESE 19c ib
bowl 2 for 29c
SALMON, halves' . ,. 2 tins 35c
EOE TEA, one of the choicest
38c half pound
t7a 39c Tin
@ 20c tin
ENAMEL @ 25c bottle
@ 10c tin
3 rolls 1Oc
Loose 10c lb
When you feed Masters Red Head
you are sure of results @ $2.60
C. Routledge
Phone 166
North Side United Church
Rrv. '1'.:\. t'arntiehael, \1 ulster.
111 a.m."Importunate Prayer."
7 t,.nt. Ret. F. J, Fydell of (i,u•rie
will preach. S.1, at 10 am,
1,0111 miniver—al-3 of our ehntich
will be held on Sunday, (* t. L3.1 tvitcn
the Moderator, the Rt. •Rrv. Peter
Dein', tc, tt 11 ,rrr•arb at 111 a,nl. and the
P c :,lin ,i the London Conference,
the Ret Waldemar Williams, MI:A„
of Sarnia,, will preach at night. On
„41otulay^, Or#eober 45, there will he a
Fossil supper and onicrtainment,
,Egmondville United Church
Rev. \. W. Shepherd. \1ini-ter.
1111 aim. Sunday ?school.
411' ?1'1 ant. and 7 pan., the t1inister.
St. Thomas' Church Services
door Sunday, t)ctnber 117, .\ntnia
Children's 'D..y. Sunday School and
Bible Class 110.415. 'Morning Prayer
IP o'clock. Sermon topic, -The Child
in the \lid.t." IEveilin; service 7 p.m.
Topic. ''rhe 'Church and ,lcdicine—
Eve of St. Lttkt s !Day."
All the Sunday School and numb
ere of the bible Class requested to be
present. Came to the parish 'hall or
conte with parents to the church. All
welcome. Canon E. -\p,plevard.
The Ladies-' '(Wild of St. Thomas'
Church held their regular monthly
meeting on 'Tuesday afternoon in the
'Parish Hall. The meeting was open-
ed by the the president Mrs. Holmes
reading: from St. Luke':. gospel, verses
25-32, arid took for the topic, "The
Path of Glory," followed by prayers,
After the various reports were read
and adopted it was decided to have
the Ladies' Guild of St. Paul's
C:hu.rch, Stratford, put on their play.
"The Heart Exchange," on., Nov,o.
Mr', A,ppteyard dosed the meeting
with the ,benediction, •._.
'Among those iron this district
who are attending Stratford normal
school, which opened on "Tuesday,
are: Clarissa I., Dale, Clinton: Dor-
othy Donnelly, Dahlin; Mary 13.
Pear, Plyth; Eleanor A. Hudson,
L onde ),oro: Anna C Love, Sea -
forth; :\, :\Ire Shortreecl, Walton;
'Rolla F. Watson, Londes'hora:cRegin-
ald K*. Pryce, Seaforth,
Huron Plowing Match
\h,ev'c are pictures taken by '1.'1e :News at the 14th annual. -
1lnrou-.1'lotvnlen's Association match at the farm of Mr. Ed
Rowland, $iel\i11 ). Int Friday. Top, are the winners of boys
tinder 16 class, left to right, Gordon Fawcett, 'Para; 'William
Leeming. McK111' p, (stm of Nit-, and Mrs. `Phomas Lem-
ing); Lill jelTery, leeswater. The three boys are 1.4 years of
age. (entre. is George Martin, Brussels, in the single riding
plow class. The train in tate lower picture is. William. .1)ennis',
\lcKillop, finishing rhe day's ploughing,
The 14th aminal p) n thing =tell
of the Huron 111ongttuen's
thin tvas held Friihiy. 11,'1. 8, at trite
farm of lid. Rowlatt,i, t,1111tr,t
\Valton. "De Mat ell was a
although 1ht' weather et:t de/stn
the attendance. lcollu,tint were the
('less 1 -.11 t r rut !dough. h, ;od.
Bertram 'lltiming .10S. 1'lussel.,
('lits. 3 {Inin1
' •11o11:4h in sod
with skimmers, 1.11 bawoo,l h.:twe 1:.
Tara: (2) 'Earl 't clltkr \Idu9iril; (31
Daviel 110311, Wallow 1 hest crown and
finish, Elwood d grit cots
Class 3- !Jointer plough in -oil with
akivluer., residents of 1•latrnn Coun-
ty lobs +((11 .lel \\inlet t \\'in4ham:
(?) Ii inter Utnni . \\'alton; '131 Jim
Feys, Brussels: lac -t morin, Jack
Class 4 --Puy.., 'Illi :nil' ander d19
year.,, ,ploughing .in sod tit ,Norman
Dow, S'taOa; (=2:) Lune drawcett,
Tara; l(3) 'Ross 'Cunningham; ,(4) J.
B. Jeffery, 'reeswa'ter; !best crown,
Norman Dow; bt';1 'finish. 1,arne
Class 5 llny, tinder 1'6, ploughing
in rubble t1:1 alordon l-a•w'cett,
Tara: 4.2) \V. 'l E. Jeffery, 'Teeswater;
(3) \\'ill iron Liaoning, \Valt00; hest
crown 11nd •tin h, 'Girdun 4lt'awcett,
Class ci sin.,.le riding ploughs in
sod: ((11) 'Geroge \lat)in, leu. el,;
(3)' \\'iI'iiam Dennis, Walton: hest
crown and finish, 'George 'Martin.
Class 7.--a l'raclot•' drawing narrow
bottom plough: o',1,) Roy 1' atricle,
Walton; (2.) \\'illiaan 'l'.hanier, Wal-
ton: •(3) '.Ernie Candilf, Atwood; (41
Joe !Ryan, \\'altnn: hest crown, 14031
Patrick;_ ,best finish, \\'m. Timmer.
Class 43—'l'rmctnr drawing wide bot-
tom ploal•gi,: '1'. "1', 1)'lfablcy, Tees -
water, and lid Rowland', Walton:
best crotrn 11,11 Ii1 ), '1', '1)'\)alley
The United Church held their an-
niversary on Sunday last, 'Rev, Mr,
irlare 0f St. Marys was the speeial
speaker. The music supplied by the
Mis-es Palmer of Hamilton was much
•enjoyed lhy
Miss Rachel 'Taylor of Payfield it
spending a few days here.
Misses Mena and May Davidson of
:Hamilton spent ie week mid with
:friends here.
Mr.. Fred 11cC'lymont is spending
a couple of tyeeks in hay 1City, Mich
The annual fowwl-slipper is ,being
held un Thursday evening of this
,week preparations are ,being made tc
handle the largest :Crowd yet.
Mrs. J. i1artntan of town, brought
to The News Office this Teel: a re-
markable pair of twin apples, nil rtic
grotto together like Siamese thins..
The two apples ince one another and
have only one stem. The apples are an
early variety anti a delirious red color.
They were discovered in the orchard
of her son, :11r, Jolie. A, Hartman,
All those interested in forniin,g a
curb for the •purpose of obtaining
outstanding speakers for Seaforth,;-are
invited to an organization meeting to
be held in the Col)egitlta', Tuesday, Lunch Wit; served and a social half
Oct. at 8 p.m. •holir -w-,as spent,
lint.m ,.., 4,14 44 6311 135
Ext ter 241 106 aB7 2:10
;v,dcrich 1'p. 322 47 461 ),i,)
t,o,1erich „ hub. 119 11193 ,;If
1lav 834' tie 3111) 442
11, ii. dl . , . , 2)5 74 132 83
1)01ett .3111 nl 297 2.91
\lchill„p ,, 551 20 253 331,
Sea f:nth 583 58 327 2!6
Sl otiey 450 73 453
Stephen , 1.38 1,7 7.1;) 1112
I'ueker,ntith 004 84 352 362
3711 11)4 ,340 3(1
7042 '142 5862
Plurality for P.allantyn,--1,150
Votes polled ---13,954
Names on list 114,1108,
1 to . n„t polled 4,134
till ,ta rejected, cancelled or
mint I --ill;;.
The .regular October meeting of
Seaforth toren council was held in
the :council chamber on Thursday ev-
ening, :Ont, 112!th. 'Present, \•favor
Umtt, iReevt Scott, Councillors 'Frank
Sins, H. 'E Stnittt, J. E. Keating, M.
A. Reid.
Mayor J. J Chlff presided. Minutes
of last and special meetings were reach
by Clerk 'D. H. Wilson
A communication was read from
the city council of at. Thomas asking
endorsement of a resolution to submit
to the 'Royal Commission. on Trans-
portation re assessment of cost of
highway, to hose using thein; also
re connecting link ,ennt.s to be 'borne
by ntuuicipalddes; also re equitable
distribution of gasoline taxes, etc,. Ai -
ter considerable discussion the letter
was filled and no action taken. C:otm-
etl were of the opinion that St.
Thomas, 'beim; a railway city, .night
be prejudiced, although it was felt
there ryas merit 111 the portion of the
resolution tion aibol t ga. taxes,.
,•\ communication. Incnu the Health
League teas also tiled.
\It Walloon :\.menti town assessor,
was present a011 presented the roll.
lite poi:Illation teas 4 higher than last
Pear, total asetement tigttrt' was
li 'lath' davit,
71a•ssr>. John \l'Renzie and Stan-
ley Do.rran'ce were :, deputation i.rom
the badminton ,'?•\•b, askiu4 for -n- ;f
nett td 0f lease of rooms on same
terms asi1.1 year. which wa- .4r rated.
There W:1, btu•i h eats' ton of the t
,work ,+u Main street, hitt 111 the al,-
.c1.e of chairman C. IIal ne;irf the
streets committee, this ryas taidser. :!
Motions- 11 5atnth that Ow j
11t111ttn illi❑ lie granted the al t of the -
(Continued en Puce Poser)
C. W. L,
11t'',,rts of the Diocesan Com -en-
tire held in Stratford recently, read
',y the delegates, 11rs, F. Doi -ere -awe
and Mrs. C. 1'. Sills, were an inter-
esting feature od the Oraher, meet-
ing 4 the Catholic Women's League
held io Separate School Hall on
1'nesday evening. Mfrs, F, Devea'caus
was re-elected as Councillor for `I -lar
ren on the Diocesan Executive.
Appeals from the -Canadian West
Were responded' to by donatir:s of
cash and clothing. The anlr'uii1 real-
ized front the sale of .home Baking
and autumn lea held on 001. 9th Was
5317.5). Regular bus) -nes -being' at-
tended to, a dainty lunch teas: then
served, bringing a most Successful
meeting to a close.
W. I.
\Ire. 'Goodie presided at the 'lnsti
tole meeting held at the home of
\i.rs, Leonard Strong :it which shout
41) 111eutn13ers and vi>itors were pres-
ent!. The roll call teas answered 'hy
T1ow 1 Can ,\Lake Mly Community a
„tater plane in which -to live. ,1 en-
,cllre and dance is to he .held in the
near future. L-\lI members are invited
to attend the ,short course to he !held
Oct,‚ 21511139th on home ilGhzttdion
nc wool. '1 )1e progrn,in on legislotion
ns under the leadership of Mfrs.
James 1". Scott. After singing 3-ly
1) -Id Kentucky Nome an interesting
tate on 01ly.mnnship was given 1)9
\fls. Chas Eyre, 'Ilse guest speaker
was 1h•. 'J. H. Scott. In Itis topic 011
'Citizenship and Its liicsponsibilitir•s”
he mentioned' the distincliots 0f` citi-
zensltip and civilizalian, :1 -Te stressed
the 1's along the highway of good
citizenship: intelligence,. Tnlustr),
Integrity, Initiative and ladensily.
rnfoufclfg .
Shaeffer Fountain Pens
11,ete;n� ,tp nttr cnst,tnt of providing the
t .,'i merchandiseavailable We have added a
tall line of the bell and fav„rably kni,wn
Shaeffer l e:l,I and, Shaeffer Pelts are
folly gnlar,utteerl-, ar,tn the lot priced $2.50
pen tothe "1t1e.,.*Od' llaeffer:Pen"at$,0.75
and .upward. '14 e el llAiffer Pen,
The colter,• are tietw', The shape is new and
vital will get a new thrill out of Shaeffer Pen
1'erf ornt ante.
$2.50 to $17,50
\Va; errtan and Parker Pens also carried in.
.(tr t -et tllar st„cl:
511 -HOP AT
1. -''.:ane 194
Res. 10
DR. MOIR PROPOSES .._ �..� ,... �..".�.
To Ask Premier Hepburn to. Assist Che ,heath ;•f \ir-. George 'Melee,.
in Establishing Institution for which oceurre4 Saturday "mornin
Rehabilitation Purposes. 'cveral hear, after :1 severe pat•alyttr
stroke, vas learned with keen regret
3•;tl11” l'ltc' Seafor!h \esti. •1Jettr throu;gholit the c.nmanity and by all
Sir,. \ 1101151" f0011111' hl the recc'tt who had 'Ine1 the pleasure of her ac -
election na i)'aigit 1(55 0 fact brought gnaintmee, Airs;. 11eKee had them
out -clearly, til„ that, on '(rtolx•r 1n11'(miming her 011s4onl: ry health IOW'
1037, aj,prnxintately 1)1110 elector' Saturday morning when .hr beentn,
oaihliisfy ek+elared, lly their allot, th::1 ,erioroely "ill a•nd passed atony lint toy
their allegiance to the temperance heiore noon, 71a•s.
raise ca; transcended their atl'ili:ttinn 0n liar, and o'1) months, and iettl,
to nuc political party. it was. evident, lived all Ater lilt' 11) the
too,' that Ilan), ,let -tor. zit1111Qierill;- 1n \VinfhroP. •
,he th,osat l . wc• believe, frit thtpt Forntc•rt, ,lane lid,‘ inn Cannon sin
the ur:,sneet of ehttin:g rht nn -and- was an ,only c;,i) l •4f the late Janie.
out temperance .mm1,ila11' was so mi- (•afllua of )lr131llop. Ever since he,
errt:tin that it wore hrv1101' emce 11011' utarri,agc 11 :\livid f,rtc.live 'yea
0 t itr fur the „1o' party ealtdidate, a u rn 11 r, 11eorgc \4i Kee slit' hatrsi
a nc,a,,P,y that, at the last 111,ment ,h,•en a re�ideut ,rn ale' fa•rm. tcrst o'
some hop •nt unadiuetutco 1- of the \V.ii ttn•o1, where her death occurred.
teur,,cranct. ts.:n, w,ys nlfered• 31ts• McNee was a life member of
'These hart'. huw',•ter, not f, r't Ut'lt the \\'.3t,5. of C'aa•en C'hnrch, \\'ii-
ho,c iter the promise. ut "'.\dt nn eel thrup, curd for many oars, bulb lIr
1'enlperanro Legislation.” got ns 111 lore and 'after her marriage, Ita(l
111,41 foul lire nut lou '0nr4,1111r will charge of a Sunday School elves, in
'•e•vecc to the prounrs for 19'37. the ehnrr)l. 10 recent year's Mrs. 11:
The liut.nr iiiI'Onete, ihi1111 they' ,line was in charge .,•f the Cradle Roll.
bait, again dealt us :mother knncle• l;<•sittrs her husband she i, .rarcivvd
ant :blow' which trill keep to annul l t shy one daughter, '\lrs. \\'illit,i
at least, until auot'hcr (lection, hitt in 31,5,pa4vlen, Winthrop, ;!iso by ttv0
Yhis they reckon wrot),gly f.rr the grandchildren, Earl. and Leslie Mle-
Ttmptranee people +i !fhurnn art Spad den.
reeled a.
"re'.1i" 'it 1 Ike at The funeral took piace from her
the smith), 1,1111011 head ,,t 111‘.t..iftir late re.ideni'e, Lot 2'8, t',nue,:ion 9,
wherever 11m11 head „uhear.• 3)rl�Oh 1t'. ,t, Monday afternoon, Oes.
:1111 this brings :15 1.1 re to `a; a: loiter ills. Rc:v. 1R. \\', Craw, pastor o
with the present immediate Iced. 1i Caren Church. \Vinthrop, condne:y',
we cannot joist now rid ocn'e,mes °1. the ,er\ie , 1ill et•ment balk place ip
the nefarious beverage rooms, we Mit,M(attrl (lank ('cuu•tery. 'I'lie
tat least, protide for the casualties heateritl;t, tyrrc (;ecn,ge \111(0111. 'ITngi1
tvhn are already nundiered h,v 'bund- ,.\lexa•ndr. Joseph I)ohnage, 'Phos.
reds, if n'1 thousands: 'I'11e great 01)- 1)„11 1,Joseph Brown, leobont Sc
standing need is ftsr a government in- eta. Tor lioteer bearers were Joh•,
stitntion, which, without financial lleudrrs,n1, 1.01). Ilrttrberter, 0-It.1
profit •to anyone, toil) provide-ad01lu- (;;1„socr, \\'nt, .\(exander, Stewart
ate treatment and reha'bilitat,ion for ))'Image, Ror Dohna e...Hirairn Shan_
those adtIieted to 'drink,
There are some private iu:<1111101
in Ontario iii ere this w -tale i, under-
taken, bort the cost to the patient is
prohibitive and the distances too
treat. .1.s an appreelat•lon 1 the con-
fidence placed in me by so many of
the .temperance ,'lectors of Timm. 1
Purnose to .take tip this phase -orf the
problem with telle !Premier of the
'Province, 1 shall, if other condition,
do not inlervele, offer to to to New
\ •k and other centres 10 gather
statistics and ' details regarding the
latest and 'best measures to be taken.
and respectfully as•le hiiu to relegate a
sufficient para irf the liquor reeenne
millions to the equipping cif am insli-
tution fon Ole treatuten•t and reltaitili-
talion of the many unfortunates for
whoa the habit has, already, become
a disease, and, .who are of thrlu:elte-
1 hili worth while objective ,mull.
in a measure. express my thanks to
lily TOMO) refers, as well as to the
other thousands aF truly temperance
people, who thought it hest jai 51 now•
to vote otltertv'isc, hitt t who w:i(11 juin
with yrs etthttsiasticall9 in forthering
this present ;great need. in thin mean -
'time to you, Mr, ,Eld'itor, and electors
of Huron,- f remain, your sincerely.
3L!l(714ND!ER 31,0)141.- cry:body,should bury an aonle.
The death. of \Ii„ letibt1 'flier-
burn Watson oceurred at her home
n1t .c;uclerich a.: on Tuesday evening.
Hiss Watson was a daughter of the
late William N. Watson, one of the
early hesine-;Wren of,seaforth, 0here
She was 'born and lived the greater
part of her life. She taught school in
Port Arthur afti) Seaforth and of late
year, had been making 1i r home
with her brother, the late James Wat-
Sniti ho died'in 'larch athis year.
sister,, Mies Marion Watson, Sea-
forth. -.and a brother, Mr. John I,.
Watson of St. Paul, Minn„ survive.
Mor. Arlin L. Watson arrived on
Mouthy, front St. Patel. Miss Watson
and Miss Mary Wat;on o,f Tortinlo
are also here,
The 'funeral 'will take place o1
Thursday afternoon 'Froin her late re-
sidence, Gild t'ich st., to Htarpntrhey
cemetery, Rev. Ii, C. Feast officiat-
ing. The pa+ll!bearers are Messrs. Mer-
ton Rend, G. D. Ferguson,J. G. 71111 -
len, J, \f-aoTavish, Thomas Jackson,
W. G. W$llis.
The marriage took place at the
Ontario Street Parsonage, Clinton, by
the Rev. 'G, '(:. Burton, on Saturday.
0.ot. 9th, of haute, C. M•c'Greg-or, son
of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. \Tn.Grt'ger, m
Banat 31'. 'I'atvnsetrd, 'daughter elf Mr,
and 'Mirs, Saltntel 'Townsenl, of
The many 'friends of Mrs, Robert
Birchen, who underwent a very seri-
n119 operation in Stratfordhospital
awn \leeks ago. returned to her home
on 'Wednesday.
Mr. and \fes. Frank Hatching of
Toronto, 'Al vs. P. 'Ryan, Jack and
Ann Ryan, visited at the home of
Mrs. John Evans, on Sun-
day Blast.
Mldss Mary Catherine Smith of St.
Thomas :called on old tittle friend::
around Dublin on Sunday last. 1 t
was 2i4 years since she left here.
non and ':\blan :('amphel,l. Rtoral trnh- hiss 'Teresa Carpenter of llrant-
ford spent the week end at her ]mute
tile, included the following: 1 E tsba Ohl. here.
'Mu. and \lrs. \Vii. M'eShaIden, Mr.
Mfr. John i:rauslcap.f returned home
;old \less 1da11 h :\Icsa l ler atnd f:un
from Detroit on Svanday after spend_.
fly, ('arta ('hirci Sunday Sehool 1.1 e. ing the .past •two weeks there.
and 111 ,Tpseph Dohnaet, 'Ates and Mtrs. i1rank Smith entertained a
\fes, :\•bleed Ilrown, \fr.. 'Hats- and few friends on 72onlay everting•,
daughters, \Iis;s Edna Jamieson, Mrs, Pvir, Jos. Carpenter of Chatham and
Grace IT,,g:g.arth \firs J, Alt'xander' Miss Theresa Carpenter of Brantford
\liar Margaret Pethick, Attending the visited 0 their iaotne.
funeral front , diutance wire \(r. ana Mlr, and Mrs. 1-lenesse•y of Toronto
10'.. John T.. Brown, Lobo; Mrs..
spent a fete days with = \2r. and .),fess
Tames NI okay, - 'I'acan11); \'ft, .1,005l1 \iichael LNa le.
111%1wn, 'Toronto; Dr. le, iT, Taylor.
Misses Veronica and T)orcrthy Mlol-
Dasitwood; h 1111'10, 1h r. and yneaux spent Thanksgiving in 1Det-
\Irs. Nathaniel Johnston, \Tt•. and reit,
11rs. Leslie 4olmston, 11r. and ;Mrs Miss 'nit .hill ,returned home after
13'm. lohnst01, 1o' r. and 34a•s, Robert
visiting friends in Detroit.
lolinstein, \less .'\"hie Radford; Mfr. lfr. Don Benlhtger and friend of
and 31ess .1 oseph 1ohus(tnt also 11'1. sato, were
1 • � . it 51. lftchacl's Collage, Tarin t
\nett t•w:-.017:,.11ie, .1. ,f y lt, t'1 visitor; in the village over •the hoii-
\\'illininMr. S1ran —, day.
1'ot•tetlt 0 (1` Me. L. 3. Lordly returned home 'ad-
daaghler anel \Ir, and 3)no. Geo, Lind ter spending a fen' weeks
.with h•it
of Tara; 1I r. and ':\ In.. Joseph Somers sons in Ak9jston. ,
end 111, and \Irs. 13'n1. 1-1ogg lir \fr. anct lIrs."W54iati Curtain have
Str:llil,rd: \I r.
and Mrs. Geo. 71.10 moved 1`o .\nn street in the village.
dour. Ilrq,sr)5,'
"Miss .d,cnevteve !Tenney returned.
home from a week's visit in Toronto.
BOYS HOLD APPLE DAT \lis, Ilttrivl L1af t was a giicat of
Saturdthe lily Scouts in' Sea- l.0ndnn feienti. ori S,ittrctay.
forth a 11ay sell apples lair the 0onri 1 The' 0 0011 fowl ,upper will ibe held
the cane. 1t will be Apple Day. l v Sk 1'o-lrlrl.'s Church, Oct. 'Stith. A
large e:',t1c d is expected.