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The Seaforth News, 1937-10-07, Page 8
PAGE: EIGHT HENSALL 'Mr. ibuie. 11.10: t t \''s. ' o, a. (1'; t t y. Mt's. Yin!. ri .6 :It :: t sr" Sur tl e ttl.. 1 t He;•;:t '....1, ipy 1,„.: !;1 •t' 11:, C. 1',:ty a: r t l e from t\v r.;ncx o- Satuldly vvc1II tatter ,1 VA, air s ;'sit xitil retstiyes and friends in 'canonto and Hamilton for a couplc of days this Ontario Plowing Match 1 i car, 1, the agricultural worts', "•ail roads lead 1,, 1to us,".and a glance at any good road map will dar.elner whorr sides •there, l<tniclsll l:0r ]pant to this claim, tl rcld' Callas, who has sport. lrtrgn , from Oct, IQ to 1'S w'il'l several weeks i tri vkitnt with her an<it1,e- Urs. 1111 1 itn d ale le't t 1 Wednesday for Ior Inane in i• nt t Barbar] tart, SI s was accompanted by 11er sister, ll Fred Simmons, • Wins with her sou ,lack Simmons. will spent the winter m t elle rn'ia, 13 r, t arnt: Cast- s putting a larger weigh scales at the railway station yards. Mr. and: :qrs. William Davidson and !\1rt. J 1111,‘ Siulpson Vic re recent oath \Vin hanl.friends Mr. i Holman of t e deritdi. was visiting friends itt town on Thursday, aiao at the houte of Aft Janes Petty, of rhe ,rel concession of Hay. • Mr and Mr Thos Han'is, Mr, and airs, 'I'ercy Harris and son. •Bev- erley and \Ir. and Mrs. \lilh4tt Lavery alyd -int. ;onion, •cert• Sunday v'isit- ra•'s with Mr. and Mrc. 'Carl Passmore Hensap 111ltlic and continuation schools 'arra re -opened -.'l=ain 00 mtaid y morning after tieing closed for 11; day : on account of 0 110w case 01- infantile paralysis basing rl01 a 0' - cd in :110 cl'la41', This nits )n't a mild rase a21d'Icing taken in film, the pa- tient 1as soon int of danger, I•lle lets stn ider:uble e It t1gal of homes :n the 1ilioge last week. \dr, a'i'l Mr.. Otto Stephan :ld family, who have resided in the house en .:\1- loert St, belonging to the Nathan Peck estate, for .-.ecerail years. ictoved out to the house on the Stelk farm Clear Hillst reen. On Thursday \Ir. William l.(c:\.sh and his sister, 11i...:11101 .\11- ksh, who 11111 id herr several months ago .r, 11 Saskatchewan and occupied the home on .South Richmond St„ 'he- loncging to Harvey Jacobi. iiiove'd into the Peck home; their sister, ,Sirs. Mc- Donald of London, moved up to Hen-. sal, the .same ,lay and will Make her ]tome 'with them, Their sister-in-law, 'Mrs. 1'tos. .11. Aa of London. orm- crly of Varna, has tooted into tite 1101110 vacated by them on Smith Rich- mond St. Miss Mae Simpson of (Detroit. spent the week end here with relatives. She was accompanied home to Detroit by her mother, 1L•,, 1„ Simpson. After a visit i11 'Detroit \Irs. Simpson will go to .Arizona for a tl'r,e an the inter- ests of tier health, 14r . Colin H113'. 11 attended 3te funeral of the late Mrs. Atluie I-lud- 01111 at Seaforth on `und-ay. Messrs. Robe. Passitter,. Norman Sinclair, 'Alec 11lshic. James b1.c- F2kv n and Iliss 11ary Hemphill left on Monday for Toronto where they will a:tend the 'university. Regular meeting' 0 the yiilagr council was held' on Monday rten- ing at 4' p.01. in the council chatul•r with all member. present. Minutes o£ the previous meeting were read and adopted. tiro, Walker repotted as needing ',1 our! for hall. Correspond - once was read as follows: 1'niversity of Western 'Ontario,, re school for municipal officers. department of 1111- 010111al .affairs, Dept. of Relief, 3). E. IHolme , Clerk of the Peace re jurors, ,same filed, 'Twitchell -Brock; That '(he Clerk 'be authorized to attend the school for mnm.ioipal officers. Rills and account', read: IF'. 0, Bnnithron, clerk's nos-mtge.'. 83; ]Pen. Waelkel., part salary 8.16^': W. R. Davidson, coal, hall and cartage. 0413016; Hydro, ball etc., /13,34; Comity of Huron, spreading road oil, ;WISP,: 'O. 'Ro'wcliffe, relief' milk. 412; T. 'E. Drummond, relief ,.neat 312 S'tott's grocery. relief groc- eries, $13.410. 'total $207,48. Brock - Jones: That accounts as read hy,paid. Brock -'Twitchell, That we adjourn. James A. Paaterson, Clerk. . While returning to Toronto Sunday evening after spending the week and at their hanies here. Mervyn Rych- m'an, Harold Sherritt anti Miss Mar- ion Sinclair met with a nasty accid- ent on the highway, :an miles out of 'Guelph. Air. Sherritt, ;cho was driv- ing. to avoid a collision o'.:It another car. turned into the ditch ;nut the car turned over twice, Miss Sinclair had her head h;t,hly cut, requiring several stitches and several teeth were knock- ed out and she was h'adly shaken' up. "NIT. Sherritt had his 'head and one eye le:.d'y rut and other M)11rles wtide kr' Ry'.ckntan tat badly bruised. .N.1 - receiving medical attention the t.111,1 3)10010 Mere able tovin to '1'., -ionto. Rec. \Ir. 'ittel'air , and Ins, aco,m psinge.1 their ' n Nor- uiao to "Por,nto 011 Ai,,nlav where he 10 :wending the 11111er ilv and did not hear of the accident to their daoo li- ler 1111 after they arrived in Toronto. Mr, and 11rs, Tim.. Wren nmeed into at cr:nn•uts ;u the Petty Ideak on IA•ednesday. 11r Harold Sherritt ( Toronto .101111 the -a eek -end here with his par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. 'Th ':, Sherritt. 1i:s. Marian Sinclair ,.f Toronto spent theweek end here with her 1,arl,,t-, Rev. Arthus and Mrs. Sin - t:40 in 11r. and Mrs,John kaiser of De- troit w'ho recently rented the hoose an A2uert street belontring te, the john 'glean estate, 'hat .,laved here frau 1)1'1 t wart have am nicely set- (Teel' in their 11111' home. Mr. Harald Hii•liard bas rented the house 011 the: corner of \:Miert street 'fnr,neriy owned -by the late Mrs. H. Harman and will move in abont Nov. !fart. Mr.. Victor Fee ha: 'neer itaser1 the h rise Mt. Hilliard now ncrapies.. Mr i lis. Hudson, accompanied by lei > 1u -tis -taw and dangh(00 Mr. and Mrs. Ilam lfitchell of Idshorne, at- tended ttendde 1 the funeral of his sister-in-law, the late dr.. \elude Hud on, at Sea - foe, h Snnd;y, Mr. ]lines.silm-ism, accompanied by '1 - unthcr,ldr, 'rhos. Simpson Sr,. r iN]n Y'lo1n, were 1 i siting rela- tives and friends 1n town over the ayeelc end. horn. --111n St, Joseph's Hospital,. London, ort Saturday, Oct. 2113; to Mr. and 'Mors. Scott Welsh, a son. Mr. John IPars:more was visiting ramp it; population pis. tm approxitn- te'4 ;OW to over 101t,(100. during the r,th annual Iltterotationat i'lc tine \iateh and Farm Machinery Demon - station. held' each year inunder the auls- nice itt* t'he Ontario 1lovi111011. .As- sociation. Daring thefour-day meet, over ..- 060 motor cars will .pour into drergns from every point o' the compass Hs - ten i e and complete lrra(t:gentents ark .wing mads- by , long list of local and (121 incial contirit4e1'l to e111llree that every facility is Being 'properly organized to talk complete care of this tremendous influx of rnitnr,. Those fid- charge of the annaal n mairha ate,yiot^dmg to Mr. J. :\. Carrow, -ecretart. tuanager of the Ontario l'10wsmen's Association, have taway, been shroud oi the tact that the spec" tators ;of whom more titan 100,0110 are expected this year) c,uur to ,'t•e expert plow and arc never (lister - pointed. "Nor, have '.t t to resort to games of chattel, :;ambling; and bally- hoo. The contestants ;mine irrmi far and wide to show their expertness al ,plowing, and the spectators eosin from farther and wider to .see theme do it, and 'then to view the exhibits of farm tnarhiarrry and Modern equip- ment st [dell is always al'. importall'ta feature of the meet as the plowing match itself." :\lr. Carroll pointed to a .statement ntacle last year by Eric i', fotvldeu of the \<,0a Scotia department of agt'i- cultnre. in which he said: "Our plow- lng uuttches an.. designed primarily to create :tll' .' lit a'l't"t in this impleme17t. and: itt the art of the operation of plowing, 'bit; they have 0 far gr.•attr field Of importance. ths,1 plrrwnien are usually good farmers an+! the 'has- of our whole program of cultivation r. Maid on the foundation of good nlowinti, That our Boy• and young then are taking a keen interest 10 these competitions is a healthy and hopeful sign of agriculttired progress for the future," Tht Fruit and Vegetable Prospects 'File commercial a]dile crop in On- tario is 11011' estimated at 750,t410 bar- rel.. as compared with 7113,500 barrel. i11 100,, or an increase of :4 per ce.n1. An 11100011".',' of 21, per cent. in the lei• tion 0f the 130nlit(10 aest of Toronto, 111,10e th'ol offsets a redrietion of 116 per cent, i11 orchards east of "-'--roma, ]cadres are ',f5 ,per cent. great in vol - roue, being placed at 50103(10 Bushels this season, as against 402,300 bushels last year; and 1,111(11,, (011111 a decided- ly light creel, are estimated at 52.7011 bushels, a gain of 12:8 per cent. aver the eMretftely -.mail yield of '11,311(1 bushels in 1036. ,Pear production avow' a decline of 22 per cent.. alt 1'53,5110 hu its:: as cont,pared with !116(300 bushels a year ago, Apples are sizing partienlariy and colouring hats improved greatly with the cooler weather p1'' 11 lht_ .411rin. the .past•tw., ;t1'l'ks. Re ear winds have caused some loss in h::)•t- t.•nt Ontario. and several lova ',o,•'1 11'' vas in \\';stent Ontario. especially in Georgian Bay and lliddlt•se-o districts. Infestation. of \pple \fagg .t is h c'r this season, and ]milk\' Core is practically absent in most district,. Side -worm iidttry is variable and there is considerable scab showing. particularly in 1?astern 1)11(0011,. -Picking of Mein holt i, now 1111.1e- 11 ay in:1'e"war in many orcharri,. Export move•. )nen: Oa. been libel .o fart but larger s[l'a]'ms will be forwarded 111 the near few day., in deaf and Lyel1.. sprayed orchards buyers are pal lag a hi,;": ars 83+10 per :barrel fur \fcrtt- tc h n-.1 the tree., :1;2.50 for Sntotas and 52.00 1.e.r other varieties. "Truck move- me•.t lues not reached 'heavy 'propor- tion. t cuts d'htlns sized good, Intl unfavourable ty,ather conditions causing decay ad- versely affected the ,prodilction of t'he'y and mid-season varieties. Nate crieties are in ;good condition, The sizing 111 peaittes lea. been excellent, 'batt somewhat ntf,.et by Brow ii -rot condition., The t ]Menta crop now be - in'' harvested .1tows very li'ttie less l''te a cather Itas been it favor able for ah,• do.2et ptnent of all varieties of o,10., 'hut worst injury is quite pre- valent in 111 un Pert]' tt orchards. The vrq,e crop is sizing and col - .„.„.11. with generally compact Boum he.. T ht Hopper rl utlage is mare .nah Iiy this season ason than usual. and in sons' rinryarrs (utile. -we're iniisrt has 00carrecl. Otherwise heats are well 1111100 control :Mr. 'Newlywed Why .have ycni hese fashion plates out in addition to t'he rook hook, clear?" Sirs. tiNewlywed: a7 'thought I'll need both to make flannel cake.," Want and For Sale ads, -3 wks, 5-0e THE SEAFORTH NEWS 'nj©y :THE ONLY AND MOST MODERN SHAMPOO The Latest Styles in finger - waving, done in comfort 7Q" eauty ;t1n Per l i „onts The Standard of Perfection $1.95 itsifl [ up Including Shampoo, Haircut and Fingerwave eauly Salon In Uptown Block PHONE 50 or 18 Seaforth CARD OP THANKS. 1111ss "Vera 11rl'.ln' uul Mrs. Scott �Iahk,rl; ,lsh 1,, eX'I rl'F4 their 11 • 1. c 21:,.1,0!, d l il,rtit, athy nd 1C111,,- 1,,.. 11 1'-'1e1;1 - 11) their re el,.t illi• r. ;11 1 1 .1 ,,:)r, loaned .cars, WANTED To hear from anyone having a small. comfortable house for rent, A( - l') to Mrs. Tho. 0'I0114hl,n, Isut 1\'il110111 street, Seaforth, GRAIN AND BEANS WANTED 1 to ' u}111$ grain) and beans for Mr. Thompson 111 lien -all, For prices t ill 160 r 4. San) Chesney, ney Seaforth, agent for 1'cnn ylvtoda, oils and .�. rt•a.1s.. FALL CLEARANCE SALE Oi 1.1sed 'IPta'nos. Such well-known makes af, fleinizman, 'Nordheimer, Mason ,Cr Rosch, Weber, and others. at real+linable prices and terms: Write tlleintzutan & C)o„ M Dundas St., L'nndc'n, for 'further particulars. No obligations. meeceamrsmatsmoseramemyromeamomameatatmur LUMBER FOR SALE rn,nd 'Ban(] lumber and 2x4 scant- ling 1,1111 hardw'nod flooring, Harry kirhne. R.R. No..1, Bornholm, Ont. Phone 52 r 23, Dublin. The Canada I Have Seen BY AN IMMIGRANT (:\ Idt ter read to 0 W. 1. meeting.) P,e11,re 1\e get down to real facts, lel your thoughts take you for a jour- ney to the C11d t'otlntry, to some, big city st, e,a. 'Walking along the street id a Bur of about :115 or dib years of age. 1on: alg dejected and really 1111 - happy. lie ha, every reason to be un- happy, Darin:,.; 'his few years at High School. he promised himself he would repay his utother for all -he had done fen' hitt (urll}; his 111(11 - hood, lint Madame 1,11010 was not be- stowing- any of her gilt, 1tp011 hint. Here ha was, had to leave 'Tligh School owing to financial difficulties, and non• walking the streets in all kinds ,ti . weather, )mostly rainy and 11111rly disagreeahlet looking Pur ,,it\ kind '1 a job, but .110,17- uu•rtin, with. the '0'1111 answer, "Sorry, 1113 young man, we .have 110 tae'ane'!es,„ Feeling absolutely discouraged he stops at 0 busy cornor waiting to cross when he happens to lank to and the first thing that catches his rye is a 'ho_r• coloured poster with these word.: -Come to Canada Vowing Man.,' At 0000 hi- intoe is are aroused. his ironer sell keeps saying, "-At last here is 0 :Lame, take it. take it," He .Tossed the Busy street regardless of Om '[,nary run o • traffic, and stations himself directly below this poster altt reads and re -l'e'ads those irw' words, which .cerise to smell his destiny, "l a u 401110 to try it,' n hc, 011d with a final summons of all his courage he renters the huge huiiilin:.. After en- tering she „flier, his courage frit hitt 111'l just as he was ah,nit to 'o hack outside, a big benevolent -10 ,king mein called him over and inquired what he wanted: .\ iter 0 moment's hesitation the youmr ulan explains himself, and right away action is taken to enable ;his ;voting ratan to go to Canada. 1Ve11, after passing many doctors and signing- forms and lnswtrin hlntl• reds of quetions, and spending a 'en weeks "u 0 farm the day c ane w 1111 ,1 ith 111 '111' worldly ,sessions in two vase. and his mother', last kis- sti11 on his dip. mut her sound advice still repeating itself through 'his mina, Ill` is a pit 5,011340r 011 0 Big imodern '111r0 that 1. gnht;g to carry 11310 to by adopted land. After several day. •,f excited suspense. land is aghtr.i et,,l I . ',ills many otter.. L1 -lies to I i,(et ', a first glimpse .f the new 'country.hut in all the height of his vseitcnictit, that dreadful ntalmly. "which even the strongest 111011 or w.'111011 emmat mea d, Svert:akes hien," ill „,'ono•, "1 Tonle"ick," if it ever In -come. y 0110 part to - meet with <otrchodc who 1s homesick, don't ,n,ll . monk them, but sympathize 1•ih tlivil1 to aitse homesickness in t' la is . e y di -agreeable thing. hat daring tt. bustleand bustle in the racess c3 landing be 1 ,0art. it -dor a ,1l,ilr and conten'i., himself with innk- ine aroilnd at the 1arions ibings. lie sees 01111100 11 tie•,'', •;l\1 before, ala) some of Them like the 1,m -city, 1114' •tt 'r, the team on one wagon. the democrat -rapt o arouse hos sense of hu- mour that he laugh. „tit aloud, •utnlch to the alill00nce o tnue nearby Canadians, who remark.` "'Listen, 'the 1l'inglisliman," hat what a sari mistake, That last remark rut right through the little En bshmtut's heart, and rltiht away he terms a dislike for that un- sympathetic phrase \Vtell, lie leaves tit' ,lun;y clock -side and. boards 'a •11010 bound for h: he tidgiulrtero, inning the long journ- ey he gets into run ova11on 01.111 a number i 'eli„w passengers who tan- itrstanl hos ,clings and talk to film. Allow, 'him 11,0 wonderful sights and make no ) lo, about his speech, Well. ihe young man thinks to, himself what :1 tine type of people 'these Canad- ians are.. and nittsing with .himself,. say,,, "1 dont think those other pen - ;de tu'atl't what ahoy said, so 1ro111 1111' on 4 will think first 0011 mak, •nneression•s afterward..," After a while he 'Begins his Britt 011' on the farm, nil ,my, everything - Is so terribly strange and she is 'filled vith wonder at. 'lots of things he ,sees lone around the average farm. hut with the aid of that wonderful pat. POTATOES FOR SALE Iri-It Cobbler potatoes, Oracle 1, de- livered 75c per hat-, 1311 Dcirrance, (lune 244 .r f;, PULLETS FOR SALE 25 Barred 'Rock pullets ready to lay. Jack Strong, Seaforth. 'THURSDAY, OCTOBER_ 7, 1937 6GS WANTED GRADE A LARGE 36c TRADE ONLY Red Rose Coffee lb, 39c Red Rose Tea lb.' 55c Old Dutch Cleanser 9c Gillett's Lye 2 Tins 25c Flaked Wheat 5 lb. 23c Kellogg's Corn Flakes Prairie Rose Flour 3 pkgs. 25c per cwt. 3.75 Kellogg's All Wheat Pastry Flour 2 pkgs. 23c 24 lbs, 75c 10 POUNDS SUGAR 57c W. ® Finni ''lir an Parc Lard 2 lb, 27c Shortening 2 lb. 27c Life Buoy, 3 cakes 23c Lux Soap, 4 cakes ..,... , , 23c i Once some - farmers dhave-, he begins to handl,. ()dugs, do things and mate himself useful. 1:\t night after' the day', work, Ile 1,, shown how to play those confusing games t}t elltiltl•e. eroekinule. 110 learns to skate, tohni- 0011, and last but not least he 'learns to love this wonderful country of Canada, lint •('Boni does he 0-01' alt tIrk to, \Vfiy. hi lira 11, 01dtm1 buss ant! mistress. It's they and all they have done for him, and say, that's nuc thy,au the average H1nglf.hman. appreciates and and that is the C'ln'istian.. fri•zild.hip and smirif pt he average far- mer and his wife bestow upon may 0onatg immigrant. Siam -times Be 'goes for a visit to the nearest town, and i- sarpt'sed in the tray in which he can in and 11111 ccf any 'bar ittess (11001• in town and .it around and talk to any new made argnaintance, without the owner telling him to 'Get 0111," ''Pili, is :mother thing lie apprt'riatt'- is the freedom, which seems ; to f111 the wl„lr of (':Mails. \mother ap- preciation is the manner 111 ltltit•11 he is atllowcd 10 work, he able 'to take a little re.ponsilttlity, and '11(11111 he is keeping things _:;fling. .Also in Canada the young people have a hi1ver and- -better chanes of letting along, ,tdl'ges, V01111); 1100. ple', Society ty and hundreds dred of various other club., which the average immi- grant did not have 1110 chance t3 at- tenling in his ,\£ether Country. Now. as far as the dislikes are con- cerned, 1 thunk the average y011114' int migrant 'has not any, unless it might jtlst he some 1111101 little chore he may have est do, or some1thin> that may Heid jlist suit hint. Well, to crnl- elmle this letter, if we stun every thing stip 1,11('se are the things the 40' erauo in ell igen 1111111igrant ap- preciates: 1. '010 1110111iful 'Friendship fir iin,1' around hint. 2, '1' he 1•eerlom he enjoy., 3. Equality. By this word •f-qua'ifty 1 111111111 that in the immigrant's home- land he is the 'hired titan and the hos. is Sir, 1ft't'e hus!ness men will talk rapt a, freely with him as tht'y trill with a Moines, associate. lint in Can- ada lie is 't ;telt and 110' boss is 11,a1, Now. tele :he dislike.. None, '1'o ro11chtde, my reason for :gibs_ yon the philtre 'of the boy ill the Old Country wasto give yon abetter idea of 1ti>. ntitlook nn thing. in Canada \iso if ever you take in an itnnai- graMt, be he Trial English, Sc,vtcli or \\lets[, the be,t war to his heart awl appreciation: is by his stomach. R. Newton, t English and proud of it) iA foreman itt a certain factory is in the' habit of getting an <q'ptentice. 1,, heat his -lunch for him, The other 'las be called n new apprentice. "Go downstairs and. 'eat tip 1113 lunch for lie;' 'he ordered. The h'oy obeyed with alacrity. "1'en minutes later the foreman ranee down. IHe was hungry. "Where's my lunch??" he demanded. 'Th•e boy .gazed at bin) in alnare- ntent. "Yalu told ute in eat it alp, and I ate ill." "1 didn't tell 30411 to heat it up, - roared the irate foreman. "1 told yon to, 'cat. it 11p," "Well. 1 didn't heat it tt:p," main- tained the youngster, stqtly; "1 ate it cold." The pompous Jnd•ge glared stern1. over his spectacles a'f , the tattered prisgncr,-'who ,hart been dragger] ht.. fore the 'bar of 111Stire on a .chartrc of vagrancy. "Have you ever earned a dollar it your life?" he asked in scorn, `'Yes. Your Honor," was t'he re- sponse. "I voted for you at the las; election,". ELMER D. BELL. B.A Successor to John H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario CLEARIiNG AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and :Implements at Lot 'S, Con. 111 Grey 011p., 11;.4 nates north and 3 s,11.male east of Walton. Friday, October 1115th at 11 o'clock chane, 'the following: 11'x0(1".' -'(leant 'good work horses, Cattle -310 'good young cows slue to freshen 111 October, :t)ccentber anal early Sping: 2 map-cent-i'dd [tufo.; 1(1 Spring calces. I'i ti 'hogs, average tubottt 11)75 lbs.; 5 floxa, average about 150 lb;.; snow due to prntit 'Oct, _3l 113; .1111 young S1igs. Implements-- Al. H. 'binder, 7 ft., in Al condition; NIcCormick 'Deerin'g 'Trucks to deliver. 'Terms cash. mower, ti 'ft,: ADT 10 ft. .steel rake: .A..13. ,\lr'Alpine, ::Auctioneer. Frost and \\'o it lugs'loader;:,\f I(, 10 E. Cie Chamberlain INSURANCE AGENCIES ANNOUNCES The purchase of the insurance 'b'usi- ness of Hays and Meir and the ad- dition of their companies to our prev- ious facilities enables us to give you unexcelled services in all lines. Seaforth, Ont. The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth, Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 1:30 ppm, to 5 ppm, Saturday evening, 7:30 ppm. to 9 ppm BIG AUCTION SALE 500 \llxa D U\_'I'TIJE, at Lam- berts S<uleyatds, S'trathlroy, Saturday, 10'et. 931, 275 51ix,etl Steers, including some Choice Mops; 17t5 'Mixed Fleshy 'Beller,, balance Stock 'Cows and Calve.. 1'snal run of Mixed figs. tooth cultivator; 11,H. 1113 hoe tlrit1, set 3 -,tic. drag harrow's; No, 4 '11.11, manure spreader; 2 doz. goocl :grain bags; Stiod •root cork: M.H. ',ctl>fler. farm wagon, steel tire ,Buggy,. fanning mill, hay rack, set double harness, set single harness, hazy Ifnrk, ropes, p11.1 - ley.;, slings, quantity of Barley, forks. chains, whiffletrees, neckyokes and other articles too• numerous to num- Everything tcti- llve ythin'g to be sold as prc+prictnr• is giving 11:11 farming, G. 13, itlliott, L'ttetioneer; Mervin Hodge,.Proprietor. AUCTION SALE - 1)1 Farm Stock and Implements at Lot 5', 1 iii'. •\\':rttr I1-1:1ghway, .1' unless south of hayfield, on Saturday October lb; at 0( ,pain„ bhe following: llur'es "1'eant ,,f agrifttltura: mares 1) and "8 }lead's, old, both sup posed to he in foal, ('atilt•' -.12 extra choice 1-Iereford taws, 7 and 4 years; ,black heifer rix. big two years; :eel steer rising two, year'; .3 spring calves. Implement's --- 11, 1I. binder, 7, ft. ont: M. 11. 163 hoe Ien(341.100 drill Dt'erutg Mtn) 00, 6 ft cut: Rain 001(0 011, 11117 raik, gravel Box, wagon ins set diantunlharrc1W5. 4 ser,: (11iv1: r1,Iinu nlon'4h; w;rlklllg ;ploipi10 1101•ow' kangaroo plough; ('linen, fanning 1ni11 with gond seat of .eive. bag • truck; spring tooth cut tilalor- set disk harrow', roller, bob sleighs :1(1 ft steel rake, set 2000 lb: scales top buggy:. Portland' cutter: heat harvester with -cnl%ler at'tauhment• roll :fence wire, ladder, hatrtls, eros curt set duhhno:ra collar.,aw set 011(11ir0 'lehanlesa;alttagnanext'tity dry wood, quantity household efferds• 3 burner coal oil stove with 010011' chains, 'fhrks, shovels, whifTletrees and numerous obiter arttcles, •i,vtrwhinyg •t, he sold as prOprietn' has disposed of his farm, 'Perm;, cash. • hobert Dewar, Proprietor; ‘Geo, dI l 113,'11.11001211 c•er. ROUSE FOR SALE Frame house, 4 roonis, egnlent foun- dation. electric lights, barn and si• lots, adapted for market, gardening, Charles ,Holhe,in Estate, Ripply 1 Mrs. Richards, opposite 'Collegiate. CIDER MILL l\'ill make Cider and Apple Butte, on 'Tuesday, Wednesday, 'lhnrsday. Friday ai each week during 'October and Not ember. Cider Mill located rnp the street leading to tite ''coif Coins,. West \Vard, 71itchell Fred I3elmick Proprietor. 'Perm. cash... MEN! Why suffer with prostate trowble- getting uta at ni'g'hts, For information write Box 1\T, The S'eafcnrth News. Farmers Attention "FERTILIZERS" We still can supply Fertilizer it needed for the Fall Wheat. "COAL" We have a load of good duality "Lump Size" Alberta Coal on the way. Get it off the car by placing order, 810.20 to the Farmers. 010.80 delivered in Town. PENNSYLVANIA ANTHRACITE Stove or Nut size 011.$0 to the Farmers $12.40 delivered in Town. All prices cash The SEAFORTH FARMERS" CLUB J. H. Scott, Secretary. FARMS 'FOR SALE !Two grass farms, 715 acres, Sls lot 10, con, 111, 3lc'Kill'u.n; anit :50 acres, &15 lot 19, can, 2, Hibbert, ahhayas plenty of water. The late Charles and Margaret , I'oibein Estate. Apply to llrs. Richards, opposite Seaforth Col- legiate. Beware of ...' �ASfUTAY WEARINESS! Evan the best of beauty treat- ments cannot restore the ravages v "washday weariness" Long hours of scrubbing. and back -breaking toil wear out your health . . sap the vigor and vitality of true beauty) Guard your health as well as your beauty. Remember that Westinghouse Cushioned Action takes the work out of washday . . eliminates Land rubbing . ., gets clothes cleaner ... in less time! Only Westinghouse can offer you the exclusive advantages of "cushion- ed" washing. COME IN FOR A DEMONSTRATION. Westinghou CUSHIONED ACTION WASHERS JOHN BACn Main St. Phone 17