HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-10-07, Page 5THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1937 THE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE FIVE Our prices gaud till Oet, 13th GEM LYE 100% 2 TINS 19c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 2 TINS 19c RINSO, LGE, PKG, HILLCREST SHORTENING 2 LBS. 25c 1s AYLMER TOMATOES 2 sqt, ROLLED OATS PKG.. 20,c 2 TINS 5 LBS. 2 LBS, 21,45 2 TINS Manning's Chocolate Marshmallow Biscuits PER LB, Campbell's Tomato Soup 2 Tins 19c Monarch Flour, , 7s -31c; 24c 87c Crunchie Sweet Pickles, 27 oz. Jar 25c Fry's Cocoa, /s Tin 23c Happyvale Mincemeat Cascade Fancy Pink Salmon, /s-2 tins 17c; Matches, Large Family Box Aylmer Infants Food Toddy, one 25c tin and ,one 39c tin Molasses Kisses Red Pitted Cherries, Choice 2s sqt. Hillcrest Toilet Paper Marshmallow Candy Jello, assorted flavors Muffets, pkg. Libby's Prepared Mustard, 9 oz. Richard's Carbolic Soap Shelled Walnuts, quarters Vanilla Extract Ellmar 8 oz. Catsup, Aylmer 12 oz. Clothes Pins SULTANA RAISINS New Crop PUMPKIN, AYLMER CHOICE+ 19c 25c 2 3 cc 21c 15c 2 lbs. 25c ls-2 tin 25c 3 boxes 25c 2 tins 19c All For 40c lb. 15c tin 15c 3 rolls 25c pkg. 10c 2 pkgs. 15c 10c btl. 10c cake 05c ib. 20c btl. 150 btl. 15c 3 doz. 10c Ross L Sproat Miss N. ryce Mt alit PHONE 8 PHONE 77 continue his studies at Toronto Una - 9 .versity. er- s 'Miss jean Tuffin, Exeter, s'pen't the F UNDE UNDERTAKING --and-- EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. 3. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 STAFFA The United Church anniversary is 'bein'g held on Sunday et ail' o'clock with Rev. tJ. .F, il2eycraft, Stratford, the minister, and: in the evening at 7:30 with ,Rev. L. Hussey, Mitchell, in change. Rev. `T..Drawnt and family spent Sunday in Stratford 'nvith her sister. Mr. !Alvin Barbour wears a smile. Lt's a girl. Mrs, H. Harburn and babe ,have re- turned after spending a week at her home in Het sal). Miss J. and Mr. 'E. 'Treffry have re- turned from visiting their !brother in Iaondlan. Mr, Norval Norris has returned to week end with her mother, Mrs. J. !Patterson, Stratford, is vis- iting with her daughter, Mrs, T. Drown, Mr. and Mrs, R. J. Bowman, Hag- ersvilie, ,were recent guests with their son. Mrs. H. Willson, 'Fart (Erie, is spending a 'few days ,with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Norman. Mrs. Riddell and son and daughter of the West visited with her niece Mrs. C. 'Gil fid'1an. TOWN TOPICS Mr.. Howard 1,. Purdy o•f Toronto i.+ s'pendin'g the w'eek with iter par- ents, M:r. and Mrs. W. E. Kerslake_ yrs. Reginald ICe lake is tisitin friends ill RaClhrt er and Oswego. New 'Lurk state. ,1r. A. C. Routledge „pent Tuesday. to Toronto. Mrs. J. B. l'yerman of I.eamin'gton has been a .guest of Mr. and ‘Mrs. N. Carter. Huron Road. ;among those from a distance who attended the funeral of the late ,Mus, William E. Bru'a'd'faot •on Friday last were Mr, and Mrs. Edward' Craw- ford, Londesboro, and Mr. and Mrs. James ,Crawford, YIr- and Mrs. Thos. Walker, Mrs. Jas. .Ballantyne, Betts - eels; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Broadfoot, London; Mr. and 'Mrs. Geo. Robert- on, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Connell, Varna. The pailbearens were Messrs. John Miclintosii, Kenneth Dickson, Thos. Walker, Geo. !Robert- on, Ross Broadloot, Sam. Scott. The young ladies' Sodality of St. James' Church held an enjoyable and largely attended •dance on Friday evening in the I.:O, 0.1F. hall. Music was supplied by Lynne Spence .of Guelph. The story hotte 'wid4 .commence at 2 o'clock Satt'urd'ay, Oct. 0 at the Sea - forth P•utbiic Library. . Mr. Lieo Flannery of Rosetown, Sas'ka'bdhewan, is visiting his uncles, aunts and cousins, of the ;Flannery and Matthews families in Seaforth and 'Vi'cinity. This .is Leo's first visit since he left here twenty-eight years ago with his 'family, His ,faither is Mr. (Dan Flannery. He reports' this is the first year of a complete crop fail- ure in the Rbsetow'n els'trict. Mr. and Mrs. Harold) Henderson and Mrs. 'E. Graham, Buffalo N. Y„ spent a few days last week with the Foriner's another, Mins. ,Keen, who had the misfortune to slip off a cement step at her home in IE;gmondville, and fracture a bone in her foot - :Mr. and Mrs, Louis ,P. Maloney and s.on John, of Detroit, spent the week end ,with his .mother, Mrs. John Mhboihey, Miss A. Hartman returned to Wal- J.acrburg on Tuesday after s'pend'ing a few days with her 'parentis, Mr. and Mrs. J'o'hn Hartman. Annon'g those from a 'distance who attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Annie Hudson were Mr. 'Wm Corri- gan and family, Alliston; Mr. and 'Mrs, ;John Corrigan and family, of Cookstown; Mr. and Mrs. .Lloyd Hudson. Chesley; Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Hudson, Stratford; Mr. and Ml's. W. Hogg, Stratfond; .Me. and Mrs. Aiisn Stone, lNorw,idh; 'Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Hudson and ,family, Mrs. Colin Hud- son, Mrs. Logan, Mrs. Harvey, Mrs. Oarlisle, :of Hen'sald; Mr. Thomas Hudson, 'Marlette, Mich. .Mrs. Edward Mole and daughters visited friends in Walston on Sunday. HILLSGREEN Mr. and Mrs, E. 'Stelck of '114th con. of Hay and ,Mr. and Mrs. S. Hey of Blake ,pent an evening with friends in this vicinity. Miss !,Annie Cochrane has returned M her home at .Olinton after spending a few days with her sister. Mr. and .Mrs. W. Weida were vis- ited with fniends from Stratford. 'The Aulhrinn Thank -offering of the W. M. S. will 'be 'held at the Hills - green Church on the corning Sunday., October 1110, at 95415 a.m. Want and For Sale ads, 1 week. 35c N t.' cC .A S IE T IR /A 1C T O IR `'tom F(C81R '937 WW1 oft umER trrupitssr COME IN b LET AGENT, A. irig E 9VI DUBLIN, Ont. St. 'Joseph's Convent Phone 106 PIANO, VIOLIN, AND VOCAL LESSONS Pupils prepared for Toronto C'onsetvatory Examinations316MICHIMPIPOMMIMIUSIS MOW BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. B. 'Raiser of Detroit. and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Consitt and family of T'uckersmith, spent Sim. day with Mr. and Mrs H. Zapfe. Mr. and Mrs. j, iK. Cornish and fa- mily and. Mr. James Hill of Strat- ford, spent Sunday a,t C'hiselhuret. 1Mrs. Lottie MdAsh spent a few days with friends in Varna. Mr. R. Dalrymple and family of Tuekcrsmith, spent Sunday with M,e, H. ID'alrym'pie and ,Grace. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Doan and F.rati- ces and Mr. R. Wilcox and Mr. S. Burr of Aivinston, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. (Dawson. Mr. and Mrs. W. So'benek and Mr. and' Mrs. O. Schenck of Detroit, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs, E. Zapfe. Mts. Margaret McKenzie sipen,t"the week end. with her daughter, Mrs. J. 1Richardson .Of Stanley. Miss Margaret 'M{dKay of Toronto, spent the week end with her sister, Mrs, Walker. Ronnie Paterson is visiting .his grandparents, Me. and Mrs. B. Shaul dice.. 'The sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per will be observed in the United. Church, ,Brueelfield, on Sunday next, Oct, )lath, at the morning service. Preparatory service will be held on Friday, evening of this week at 8 o'clock. The Rev. J. 4R. IPeters of Vienna w•ibI ,be the preacher for Friday evening. KIPPEN The evening service on Sunday next will be a Thanksgiving service a: the day of National Thanksgiving is set for Monday the day following. The Rev. W. A. 'Bremner preached at the Young Peop'le's auniveasagy at 'Bethel Church on the Ful•larton change tart Sunday evening. The sixty,first aatuiversary of Brtrcefield congregation will she cele- brated oe Sunday, (Oct, 3,lst, with the Rev, 'W. P. Lane of IGunderieb as 'the special ipreac:her, Don't ;forget that a lucky ticket is being ,given far every dollar ,paid' an account and also for every dollar spent in cash purchases at 'D. E. Ky:le's, 'Kip!pen, for which ten vertu - able prizes on display at this store will be 'given. 40 Mrs. John 'Dietz of the .village is not enjoying goad health, A meeting of the ladies. ,was held on Wednesday afternoon• at the church to make arrangements for the fowl stepper. Mt. and Mrs. Dan Bell of Boston are visiting relatives in and ' tround 'Kippen. Mr. and its. Paul Doig and Jun- ior .visited with Mrs. 'Doig and Miss Janet diming the week. Mr. and .Mrs. (Joe Cayman of Pont- iac, ontiac, 'Mich.. visited with Mr. and b(rs. Robt. Dayman, .Miss .Etina Dayman accompanying 'then) 'hack. +Tihe many friends of 'Mrs. Wm. Chapman will be sorry to know that she is not enjoying her, stinal good health but a speedy -recovery is look- ed for, ,At the seventieth ,anniversary ser- vices of 5t. ;Andrew's Church, Kippen, to :be held on October ;117th. the spe- cial s,p'ealcer for the day will he the Rev. H. V. Workman, of .Petroiia. The choir will he assisted at •both services by Mr. Stanley :Harrison, baritone soloist of COLbo'rue Street Church. London. MRS, ANINIE HUDSON The dealth occurred on !Friday, Oct. dt of Annie Arden. 'Corrigan, widow of lGeonge ,Hudson. She twas 'born near Alliston in 1870, !being a daughter .of the late John Corrigan, and was mar- ried 36 years ago :to IGeorge I•Iudson who predeceased her by 24 years. sAif- ter their marriage they settled in Eg- mondvnlle and in .100 'Mrs, 'Hudson moved with her ,fancily to Seaforth where she had since resided. She suf- fered a severe stroke of !paralysis more than two years ago 'an'd had been confined to !bed ever since. She was a faithful member of the 'Fag- mondville United Church and'' was held in high esteem 'by the commun- ity ,because of her cheerful .disposition and Christian fortitude. She is ser- aiived by two daughters, ,Mrs, Scott IHa'bkirk and Miss Vera Hudson, also two 'brothers, William J. Corrigan, T'verett, (Ontario, and John Corrigan, Cookstown. Also two grandchitclren, Leslie and Jacqueline Ha'bkirk. The }funeral kook .place Sunday .af- ternoon from the residence of her son-iu-law. 'Scott 'Habkirk. ,Rev. W. .Shepherd of the 'Egmoud:vi'lie Un- ited Church, Officiated and interment was made in 'Maitland Batik Cemet- ery. Pa'll'bearers were Messrs R. G. Parke. two nephews. Aubert ;Hudson. Hgniondville, and 'William Hudson, Stratford, Charles M'dKay, Robert Strong and 1John iFindayson. The flower bearers were ,Messrs. Robert Grieve, Sterling Habkirk, A. e. re (Dunlop, M. 'McLeod, (John ;Pull- man, ,!Harold Dale. W.I. The Junior W..I. wi1,1 hold their monthly meeting on Wednesday Oct. 113, at the hofie o'f Mins. Leonard Strong. An ad'd'ress 'will be given by We. IJ. 'H. Scott on "'Citizenship and its Responsibilities." The roll call will. be 'How 1 can snake my com- munity it. Netter place to dive in." Conte and bring a blend. Among speakers in furtherance of Vire LProve ndon Week C ui}nai,,n, tl loll nwill LT speakers will he )heard eer the rtdui m Ontariothis wick. Th trsrlan (Id. 7. 'Toronto. l leCT, 'I . 1'l :' i. Sell, 1x:415 'to 7' p.nt. .4 rd Oct. t1. at:tw e, b'R!C'.I, 11. 14. Tory. 1101;dlp 1u '10:5. STANLEY Mcelinchey-Robinson— The home of Mr. .awl Mr.. Tho., , Rdbinson, Stanley Pp., wt. the of a !pretty autumn wedding nt Sat- urday. October Ztul, at high noon when their second iaugltter ;Agtnie 'Grace, betaine the •briils of Bruce C. E. MrClineiu•y, y;uti1:;er son of 14r. Robt. M:cClinchcy and the. late Mrs. binCiinchey, or Stanley. The cere- mony was 'performed by Rev. R. J. Peters of Varna. (Elle bride entered the diving room un the aria of her father to the strains of "Wedding Bells" march played by Mr,. George Anderson. The 'bride wore a graceful long gown of bsfariana blue and silver net .over .satin ,fashioned 00 princess style. Site carried a banquet of yeflaw• Token roses and pl•untosa fern. bliss Lsabe.I Robinson, sister of bride, wore tea -reuse triplees'hear over figured satin and ,carried a sheaf of yellow chrysan- themums and ipilumosa fern. (The groats was supported by.. his brother, Mr, Frank Mc'Olindhey. Jong. ,Robin- son ached as ring bearer and Leona Anderson .and 'Maly MdD'd itlitg4ere flower girls .During the sigd11stg+'df'`Yhe register Mrs. 'Elmore Stephenson, sis- ter of the bride sang "'1 love you Truly," and "The Stweetest story ever told." FoLlow•ing the ceremony and congratulations the wedding dinner wa3 served, when four of the hride;s cousins .Mises Ogee 'Erratt, 74 ore ne Robinson, Gertrude 'Reid and Jean Reid, acted as waitresses, The bride was the recipient of neany useful and beautiful presents. The •groom's gifts were: Co the bride silverware, to the bridesmaid .silver candle holders, to the groomsman and ring -bearer, tie - bars, to the Rower girls bracelets, ;to the pianist 'and soloist, .silver butter dishes. Mr. and Mrs. McClin'chey 'left by motor ,for Chatham, Detroit, Flint and' Marlette. The bride travelled in a suit of green English wool with darker green accessories. Ota their return they will reside an the groom's farm, ,Goshen Line, Stanley, with the best wishes of their many friends. Mr. and Mrs. T. Westlake and son Keith of the 'Bine Water Highway have returned home after 'a visit to walsomemseuereogi Autumn Tea and Sale oRoane Baking and Mystery Boxes ,Linder !Auspices of Catholic Women's League IN LO,O.F. HALL, SEAFORTH Sat °., Oct. 9 3 P.M. L SU PE WILL BE HELD IN CHURCH SHED OF VARNA UNITED CHURCH ON Th r ., Oct.. 14 SUPPER SERVED FROM 5:30 1.dogise. i,}u: (`h'id'Iren L5" : 1 I•nitt h0 MIXED PROGRAM TO FOLLOW SUPPER St. ICathariires. Hami'1ton, R'oronto Miss Jennie Mannan of Bayfield is at ,present visiting at the home of Mrs. J. A. Manson • of the 'Goshen Line. Relay Race A feature of the S,C.1, spores was the girls' relay race. Pictured above is one of the girls carrying stick to a winning finish. DUBLIN MrSam Murray. 1;5., has puroh- asci from Mrs. Jame, Redmond a lot on Ann St.. just 'hack of Michael Darling's gas station on Highway sips, and has started to build a new home, office and garage. With his usual in dustry he hopes to have his ;Family and 'himself in their new ,premises ere Christmas season. Miss Florence Smith is supplying in the ,public school. Miss Aileen Klein, farmer teacher, has secured a position on ,the teaching staff .of Mit- chell public school. Miss Ella Clarke of Barrie and Mrs. Nellie Wye were entertained to dinner at elle home of Mrs. 1Frank Smith prior to leaving for their home In Barrie, Ont. Mee. 'Elizabeth 'Nagle of Dearborn, Mich.. spent the week end Waith her old neighbors on Laurier ave. east and west She left on 'Monday for her home in Michigan. TUCKERSMITH Council Meeting— 'lite Council )net in the Town Hal%1, Seaforth, on Saturday, ;Sept. 95, members all present. The minutes of last ,meeting were read and adapted.' .A grant of .t95 1V111.5 ,given to the Sea - forth Well 'fair. The Clerk n'as itt- stru'cted to prepare a supplementary bylaw, to include all extra expendi- ture on the Sinclair Drain and notify. each 'party on the drain that cash payments will be accepted sup to No- vember 27, '119;317. Two tenders wore received ,for ,the construction of the Adams 'Drain, viz.: T. Curtin and Ed Prendergast. The Cottncol accepted the tender of IP. Curtin at $1SiS9, he to start work immediately and work continuously until completion, weath- er 'conditions being favorable. Bylaw No. 7 to fix the different rates of tax- ation was passed, .signed and sealed. and the Clerk authorized to forward a copy to Bureau of 14'unicipal !Af- fairs. The tender of Thos. !Huddle -,stone for the construction of th Sholdice 'Drain for $195was accepted, the work to the completed to 'the sat- isfyaetion of the Road Supt. The fol- lowing accounts were passed: •biro.. A. Kerr, grant Fell ,Fait, $215.; Stew- art Bros., clothing far relief, l5.4i6; W. 5. !Finnigan, supplies for relief, $4.46; McDonald Bakery, bread for relief, $4(1D; C. :E. Smith, shoes for relief. $2: E. 'B 'Coudie, milk for re- lief, $8n; 'Ontario Municipal Board, law .staneps, $21115; IR, Kennedy, weed inspecting. ' .715; •Beacon. - -Herald, alt. 'Sinclair Dr., 115,76; R. Dal- rymple. :al-r mple. 'pay lists 1'3 and 14, $8R12.7l; 5. T. Holmes 8t Son, expenses fune- ral. 5211. Council adjourned to meet on Oct, enth, 191317.-1). F. 14,eGregar. Clerk. Funeral of Mrs. David McCloy— 'rhe funeral of the late Mrs. David 1fcCloy, which was private. was held Wednesday afternoon from her date home, Lot b, Concession 10. Tucker - smith, to Hensall Cemetery. 'Rev. W. A. Young officiating. The pall bear- ers were John McC1oy, John Riley, John McGregor. Wn1. Workman An gus McKinnon Joseph 'Nicholson. Among those 'from a •distance attend- ing the funeral were Misses .MeCloy 'and Mr. (John Mo'Clog, Egntonc(villel Misses Ethel and F'torence Beattie, Seaforth, Mrs. Willie Hay and Mss McLean, Seaforth, and friends from :Toronto and Brantford bIt's. Mr - Cloy w'as r.,rmerly Jean Tenvpleton, only chi',( of l e lttc 'John Temple- ton of lOth r,ivu :;inns Tuckersnlitli. Mfr. XIeClot, c1i''1 in '1u';u:t, ld3h• Qua' soli and tR.i ,1wi:;hters survive, Tolle 1'. M -Cloy ar Immo,Mr.. (Vin. 111.e1 t I1' -'k r i ttr ik )9;nand Mr- 1.. i r•: tin, u 1 it 11 one. and Mrs. Rotarius and' her mother, 'Mrs. Patrick Matthews, Detroit, are the guests of Mr, and lvtrs. Michael Nagle, Highway 8. Mrs. Wafter •Carpenter Sr. is able to .attend to her -household duties again. The lady was recently a suffer- er from a badly fractured wrist. Mr,. Graff, Los Angeles', Calif„ is speeding two weeks •with her cousin, Mr. ;Andrew Dantzer. Mr. Flannery of Saskatchewan is the guest Of his cousin, Mrs. Meagh- er, I-raurier ave. west. Rev. Mr. .Rabarts, now of +Petrolia, graced the pulpit .of St. Marys Ang- lican Church in our village on Sun- day. lIt is 'twelve years since he made many improvements on the church here. Eckart-DeCourcy— Mr, Frederick' Eckart of ` Mc(Ki lop was married to Mrs. Bella ,DeCoulcy in St. James' Church, Seaforth, on Monday morning. Rev, IF'ather Huss- ey officiated. Mr.. and Mrs. Patrick Jordan of Dublin were the witnesses to the ceremony. The honeymoon will be spent in Toronto and' M.r. and Mrs. Eckart will 'be at home to 'their friends in November. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Curtin have purchased the house of ;tir. Jahn Redmond who now live: in London. DANCE AT STAFFA ON Wed., Oct. 13 ARC2 'IE MANN A±iD HIS FIVE-, PIECE ORCHESTRA • Admission 25c and 05e The To;.i at School of Dancing IS RE -OPENING CLASSES IN CARDiNG''S HALL, SEA - . FORTH ON 0 to 1 ay c Under the Direction of RAYS MacKENZ'1E Ail types of dancing. including TAP. TOE AND BALLET; SPANISH and "ACROBATIC, also MODERN DANCING.. 'a 'so: from kinder un n 11 to 4 *any; ladies :Ind 4""1L1C nl:.n Registration 3:30 to 4:3J' p.m. Classes comment a- 4:31 r "ass In rurdotu 2115, Pr a t,.ur ln,tructi,to i}