The Seaforth News, 1937-10-07, Page 4PAGE FOUR 11.1111100.12.1=113a011.191M1M.1041.11.4 .01.01,111, THE SEAFORTH NEWS Snowdon erns.. Publtshora WALTON Death of George 'Nicholson— A highly esteemed resident of \I •- Killoe otssed away in Scott theme.' d'ad Hospital, 'eaforth, nm . ttit ley. October ;i, in the person of \Ir. (George. N;iciuvison in his troth rear. Mr. Nicholson had sheen in Pauline 'hea'lt'h since last Spring, Deceased was the youngest t nt of the lett' \lr. and Mrs. William Nicholson, and be- longed ,to a :family of nine. He nos born on the farm 00 which he lived until the time of his dea't'h, 'Int 34, con. 113, 'Med.; Mine Thirty -four year: ago last Spring he was united in tnac- riege to Miss Mary Storey-. who stir - elves hint together •with : one dant h - ter, Lillian. and 'four sons, Louis, George, John and !Alvin, all at home. He also leave: tee) sieters and one brother, Mrs. McLeod of ;Ethel; Mrs. •\(•dDewell,C+lint.tn, and Daniel, _M e - K iLhthi. The 'funeral took place en `Tuesday afternoon ,from his late residence to Brussels cemetery. Rev, Chas. Cum- ming, of !Duff's United :Church, Wal- ton, .officiated. The pallbearers were Messrs. \t'tn. Somerville, Ijdhn Row- fatid, Joeeplt 'Ayala. 'John Watson, Herbert Manning and. 'Robert Mc- Donald. Among those from a dis- tance were Mfrs. 'Unity of St. Marys. 'and Mrs. Sleek, of Detroit, The 'Wwltoo geottp of W. M. S. of Duff's 'United Chereh held its month- ly meeting 'at Mrs, D. Watson's Mrs. W. Hackw•eli presided. The Scripture was read by Mrs. tV. C. Bennett. ,Hymn, "Breathe on Me, Breath of God" was sung. Mrs. Hackwel gave a short outline' on mis- sion work, A 'dainty lunch was serv- ed by Mrs. Watson and Mrs. 'D. Liv- ingston. The sacrament of the Lord's sup- per was observed in Duff's 'United Charch on Sunday morning. A splen- did sermon was given by the pastor. Rev. Charles Cumming. Special music was given 'by a male 'quartette con- sieting of John McD'anald', George M#Attthu•r, (jahtt Leeming, 'George Ramsay. The anniversary services in (Duff's United Church vein be held on Sun- day. Rev. Mr. 'Cosens of Clinton will .preach at both services and special music will be given by the choir. The Y. P. S. of Duff's 'United Church held the weekly meeting 'Sun- day evening with Miss Isabel '.Ritchie in change. The Scripture was read by Cilthel Shaw. Prayer was offered by Alvin McDonald ,and the topic was given by Stuart Bryan and a ,fine talk Was presented 'by Rev. C. Cumming, Week -end visitors were Mrs, 1Ho- enle and daughters Mildred and Ruth, E. Brown, Heidelberg, Mr. Oster- meye,r, Mil'w'aukee, Miss Forbes and Mr. Braindle, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs, Chances Sellers. Mr. 'Geo. Clark and nephew, Ken- neth S'dhier, Hamilton, railed on friends. 'Mr. James IJahnston has secured a teacher's position in Haliburton. WINTHROP IThe regtrla,r meeting ,of the Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. of Caren Church. Winthrop, will be held at the home of 'Rev, and Mrs. IR. W, Craw, Wed- nesday' afternoon, lOctaber 13. Roil call to be answered with a verse on Gratitude. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Bennett and Mona and Billy of Seatfortb and: Mrs. Eaton and Ken and 'Don and Mrs. Peter M'dCowan spent a few days in Sarnia, CCorunna, Coprtright, and'! Cambria,with friends. NORTH McRILLOP Mr. and Mrs, Henry Thornton and fancily of Becton v.ere visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thornton on Sunday and also called on other relatives. Mr. and Mrs, \Ve le-, Fischer, Viola and Muriel. of 'Ftaltarton. were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Ed. C'. ,R'egete's, Mrs. John Boyd er. spen'a few days last week with Iter n,ctiter. Mrs. \t Flcr of Grey. Mr. and Mrs. 'Lorne Mueller of near Mitchell, were visiting with the latter'; parents, Mr. and \ire. Fleury B'ennewies, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Box anti family aP' Seaford) and M.r, acne: Sirs. Charles Dietz of near I rod.altgett called on 1Ir, taxi M•rs. IEd Regele on Sunday. 'Iefr. and Mrs. J. Chase of Detroit are visiting . their daughter, Mrs. Charles Munn and Mr. Munro. LONDESBORO THE SEAFORTH NEWS Vivaaommenuammeloolowasso liarry\f•nrat \! DON'T WORRY Thee; ttJ. \t t tt mit at n things ra ..‘roltg. a of \Ir, .:.•I 'erest. ,,. dh. Ie. Meet ei'e de. •.. im aroen.1 a tv;. I t .elks ,era sorter •1 t.t n in eau, \1rs. Jettie. eiltistle 'ill the Ales a b tees rev. ' tw \lr,. John I:ty.i.e. ,t- l i'-; nl feu•sak; vole there are Mt. !red Irliohttesoi ,ur,i ❑:,,t.. l l,tt psnu eon.- the suets ,,. \I: ,: ,: e" t to tee core, .uCi \I <. Frani. Teuttblt:t nn Ott icy.' \ i ti.' the -,ittin,;.:;it,ire.. \li,s Polley of Diut.auuon tvise-_4)ot t sere . ne it the 'tome .*f tie. ,{1111 Riley-Hunking— .\ ytuiet tvedl.ing to tk elate at l.ou- eechoro parsonage on Saturday. U tober '2.tel at live p.nt. ellen tear, \largaret, eldest daughter of \Ir. and ll'rs \V. L. Nanking, n.t- united in marriage to John'lfcury Riley. eid-- cet son of t1rs, 'Riley and the late Benjamin Riley. also of Hill:tee 1The et re inonv was performed by Rev. A. \1'. Gardiner, pastor of the Lon- dc'bero i'nited ihtn•ch. Che bride wore' a gown of twine cltitlon velvet with list to match. Their atteuelauts Mere Mica; Mttri,nt 'Htrnking, sister of the b:eiheh end \1r. 'Benjamin Riley, hrother'of the gronnt, atter the cere- mony they returned to the !tome of the bride where a wedding dinner was served to a few intimate relatives, The waitresses were: M.N. Geo. :liana, Jr., Mrs. Percy Riley, Missies Ettie Riley and Phyllis Corbett. 'They will reside on the groom's farm east of Lottdes'baro, SHORTHORN FIELD DAY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12 'Tuesday, October 12111, has been set aside dry the 'Perth -Huron Short- horn a Club to visit a number of herds aF ou•tstansing breeders in 'Henan Co'un'ty, The folowin'g is a schedule of 'thee day's tome. -- C. Oestreidter, C'red- hen, 3sie milt:.wtst of Exeter and ef. utile south. 103115 a:m,-=t1'ut. IIorlook, Credit- on. liL00 a,nt.--R. II. 'Peek, Zurich, 1:2.30 a,nt,—Lunch at the. Dept, o4 A'e ricultnvre, 'Clinton. Bring your lunch. Coffee will the supplied. 1!30 pen.—sEphniam Snell, Clinton. 2.415 p.m.—IFrank Wood, Blyth. 4.00 'p.nt. -- Howard Armstrong, Seaford. Mlle above herds will he on display at or near the barns at the time stat- ed. Herd ,sires will he paraded and progeny exhibited. to class of four animals will be judged at eaclt feral and'plaeings and' criticisms niade. This programme i hnitld provide a most' interesting; and edatcational day fnr all cattle 'breeders, The director - extend an invitation to all who wish to attend, whether Shorthorn Breed- ers or not. 'Fill up your car: 'bring your lunch and enjoy it dry with your neighbour breeders. VARNA The many friends of Mr. Lwow IRathw•ell and sister Mabel externd to there the sympathy of the district, in The log's of the ,citntmodions pontes which was destroyed by fire. ilthetr loss is 'beyond estimate, as among other thins were their most yalntthle 'papers. Miss Lotto Ite'Ash is reuewiutz ac- quaintances in this community. \Ir. (R. 'Elliott, Babylon line. •visited his aster-itt-lacy, who suffered a stroke at Lansing, 'elicit. There twill be no service itt St. John's Church Sunday because of the anniversary in the 'United Church, 'Mr. George Beatty Sr, intend- holding an auction sale of household effects in the near future, 'Further de• tails later. Mrs. M. 11, Renal end \lis E )lossop were in Toronto last week. -1'lte council tart in the nail ,eu Tuesday alterimen, ELIMVILLE Mrs. Jean Jackson sf 'I'.trontu vis- ited recently with relative, hien, Ile. Harold Johns ..nf Hamilton i, visiting at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Wes k'+urs. , \Ir. and Mrs. \Ven, Heed reel asci girl - visited its St. \Marys nn Sunda, CONSTP NCE Mfr, Hettry Athens. 11r. Thomas \'dents. Nees John r.erlants, Mrs. Chas it Dexter, \lrs, 1\m. Jewitt, atten'ie'1 the funeral of the late \li•. Jelin le le,. of Stratford on Thur. lay. ties.t'harles Dexter !tad the mi. fortune to 'fall down the snips Satter. my and break her wrist, Mr, (.;rant Maxwell ui Windsor was the getest at the home of Mr. total Mrs Adams on Sunday last. Mr. ;hetes Medd has gone \Vey'. NiesElizabeth Lyon who spent t lir cattle. This is his third trip this the past wee!: at the home of her son, Tea. Sirs. .clam 1\iclicsisou has returnse tCiti. f,yon. Blyth, has returned'. to her hone after :pending a ice Mr. and Mrs Harvey 1Torris af' weeks with friends in Stratford ;ens 'Terontn spent the week end wnfhl, Mr. ane! Mrs. J P. Manning, Several 'front Mrs. Chari'? Dexter had the here attended the fit- nera'1 b ferttt r to eel and break lk t wr:s't : n n Sunday afternoon of the Satmr kaq naor..,. ,., h,• late Geo. H. Ball of the Base line, ,t111,.11 was largely attended. Barrie!: took j 1,1, e at !Jail ve -' Mrs. 'vVrt. Br .os pt' Zing al Nr -r - v is t \I :nui Pts [ ,et , .!'ars.. 1 l If ti, leave pin. last litchi It anus( have been intended so; Veork ,an and keep your heart aglow. Dome \sorry. 1'1,• :ante old sun is shining. through \nd better luck may come, 'tic tree, For tied is ta.kittg care of you. 1) ttt't worry, 'Che darkest shadows flee sway \\'het dawt). has ushered in the day. Just keep agoing, trust and pray. Don't worry, Don't fret abattt what might hare leen Or what you couldn't.help, just lean And think and live in the unseen. Don't worry. The thiau-gs - we miss, it sometimes 5550,, Lift us beyind the hill: of dreams \\'here '(:sod's eternal sunlight gleams, lion's worry. The hest txf •rife may he altea'd, Don't let your hopes ;be overaped, Laugh on and love until you're dead. Don't worry. 11. ISABEL GRAHAM. MANLEY h pretty itedding was solemnized at St, J'atnes' Church, Seafurth, nit Monday. when Mrs. Bella 'D.eenursey of ,Eget ndt rl1e, became the bride 0f Mr, Fred ,Eckart of Manley. They mere assisted by Mr. and '\Irs. 'Pat- rick'Jordan el 'Dublin. The ceretnory was pert( t•tned by Rev, 'Fr. Hussey. After the ceremony they drove to the home of the bride where a sumptuous weddings breakfast awaited them. They spent their honeymoon in To- ronto and .points east. On their return they will reside in Egmottdville, tl-Itteir matey friends wish them a ltap- ttv''wedrled ,life, The •threshing season is about com- Itieted with fair returns except back wheat. Some report there is a slight rut in the potato crop which is abund- nnt.'I''Ite root crap is also heavy.. HIBBERT Council Meeting— I-Iib'bert Council met in regular seg- : ion au Shttla I'1)onnehiP 'Haall on Monday, all members .present, the Reeve presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and ad- oitted. anti a number of communica- tions dealt with satisfactorily. The Clerk reported receipt of the cheque front the Provincial "Treasurer for one -mill subsidy to ;Municipality of Hibibeet: $10,16:43. 'Resolvtiott,. vi'ere gassed: Allowing 'a 'gran't of $25 to lit. ;Pleasant Blowing Association. Appointing William ,Kay as .Inspector on Camelia Drain Extension :Repair and Themes Scott i r, as Inspector on Walker Drain IRe,pair, 'Instructing the Clerk tn.adv'ertise for tenders for ex- cavating approximately 9716 est. yds. nu Dttblitt portion of Liffe. 'Drain, Road exnenditatre orders: 1$1;35:gen- eral expense, 1$If1)1, and direct relief, 314.2:3. were issued. 'The meeting ad- journed until Monday, INnvetttber-`.lst, at 1 1;•m.--lKath'teen 'Feeney, Mteni':i- pal. Clerk, Dublin, BAYFIELD Mr, and Sirs tV. Genteinhardt of Saginaw, were week -end gttests cif Mfrs ;Ft, 1' Gc'nnsin'hardt, MN. 'Ghrtl'hter and Betty of Lon- don on-d n .meat the week etrd at their home hero. e, They were accompanied by Mr-. le, Moorinans,. and Mary !:rut, \irs, R'u'be \Vi tsort and son, who hare spent tate ''.neater Isere with NIre Watson, parents. lir, and Mos. 1 \, Edwards, returnee to their (mine at .hairli.ght, "tit, \tr, and Mrs. H. Miller ;Me 4111101- ,er of Mount Clemens. \licit,, spent Sunda,!. with Mrs. ITh tt. 11r. and Mrs. J. Jowett s•,ent the week end its Detroit, Mrs. G. •Koehler, Zurich, his been spending the week with her sisters, the Misses 1^owlie, Miss Grant of Toronto is spending t few weeks with Miss 1J. Reid. Many friends of Mrs. W. Jowett are sorry to knots that she is in on H'nwpital, Dr, Chas. Stegdill of Toronto was u the village Saturday and returned n the city the sante day acrompan- ed by Mr,, Stoertill and rhi'ldren. i he have spent the last three months their eitt:wt' on the Terrace. How Brain Power Can 'Be Improved Professor D'tttald \. Laird Dirrc- f Col;.ate TJniverairy's, Psycho- :, al Labor tt„I ,r, explains in an. ar- a iu Tate American Weekly, the .mwkly. tnii4a4ine with till: Sun - 7"7e Detroit 5'utniey /11W u(•,tn.L- )-11 ittti V )ve tivcir • THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1937 . v GA; L !?ate 'GARAGE SEAFORTH Chrysler Plymouth and Fargo Dealer 1 .elte in and see the new Plymouth car and Fargo Truck We also have 11 Service "]'rude—if you have car trouble, !thane 179 and we will conte promptly PHONE 179. All Repiirs Strictly Cash. SEAFORTH We .Aim To Please S.C:I, FIELD •DAY fire fsliowing are the winners at the Seaforth Cnlleeia'te Institute on. Ft'ida_v last: Boys' Junior Events lib) yard: dash, Stewart Wigg (tine 1l112 seconds), flack MlcSpad- dett, 'Al. Rintottl, Broad .3 unite Stuart Wigg 15' 3", D31ntage, Kerr. Shot 'put, Stuart Wigg 37` 4t z" FI. Nott, :Jack •M,cSpaddeti 220 yards dash, Stuart Wigg (?72/5 sec„ R..Dolmage, !J, O'Neil. Pole vault, Stuart Wigg, 7fz', Joe Sntirh, L. Ibbotson. • !Lop, step, jump, Stuart Wigg 30' LI”. Barry, O'Neil. Standing Broad. Stuart 'Wigg 7' lily;" Dolanage, O'Neil. High jump, Stuart 'Wigg 4' 9"; ''G, Barry, E. Doig, +Half anile, J. 'O'Neil, 2 min, 414 sec„ C. Haney, G. Barry. Junior Champion, Stuart \Vigg, Boys' Intermediate Events 1100 yards dash, A. Wigg 11 sec„ IA. Scott, P. 'Nigh. ;Po'le vault, A. Scott 7' 10", P. Nigh, C. lvIdIvor, High jump, 'P. Bannon, E. Mclvor, A. Scott. 220 yards dash, A. \Vi,gg 215 sec„ Bannon, A. Scott. Shot ;put, A. Scott 211 111':". A, Wigg, Drover. Hop, step, jump, A. Scott .32', A. Wigg, C. \t'hitntore. 440 yard. dash, A, ''Wigg, 11 mi). 7 sec., 'A. Stott, Bannon. Broad jump. A. Scott 13' 5V.,", A. Wigg. Bannon. Half mile, Bannon 2 thin; 43 ices; Earle, 1?. McIver. Intermed. Champion, Arnold Scott. Boys' Senior Events 100 yards dash, 1R. ,Ren•nie and !\%. Bell, tried, 110 sec.: J. 'O'Connor and. Senior shot put, R. Rennie, '31.5"21/2", J. O''Connor, It. Stewart. Broad jump, R. Rennie 1117' 5", J. O'Connor. R. Stewart. 2110 yards dash, S. !Rennie 34 4/5 sec•, V. Bell, .1. ('Connor. High .julep, J. ;Dorsey 5' .4:.". R. Rennie, J. O'Connor. •440 yards 'dash. 'R..Retutie (if) sec., V. Bell, J. !O'Connor. iPol'e vault, R. 'Rennie 9' >", J. O'Connor, 'Half nide, R. :Rennie. 2' 28", V. Bell, J. O'Connor. Senior Champion, Ross Rennie. '1'o decide the.girls' championships only the 'follnw'ing events were 'con- sitlered: High 'jump, standing (broad jump. running (broad jump, target throw, baseball! introit•, basketball throw. and the dashes, for which ,5 points are given for dist. 3 for 2nd, 1 for d'rd. Senior ,champi'on, ,Edith Wallace, 1V points; runner-up, ;Unice !Cutting. ,14 points. Intermediate 'champion. Clara Dalmane. 1113 points: runner-up, Lawrence, 44 :points. 'Junior cham- pion, Isobel teeK'e;idar, 119 ,p:oin':s; runners-up, 'Doreen Regier and Thel- ma 'Dalnrtgc. 9 points. Girls' Junior Events 'High jump, B. Matthews, 1, Mr - Kellar, M. Duncan. Ball throw•, 4, McKeilar, IF. 'F.Igue. 0, 'Earle. Running broad i'tunp. ID• 'Regier, I. 31dKell'tar, B. Matthew. Target throw, \d. 'Fortune, 1T'. Mc- iver, B. Matthetts. Standing 'broad 'jump, lt. !Duncan. i McKellar, T. Dohuage, Basketball throw. 1. Nieheller, '1', fedniage 1) Regier. Sack tact G. Earle, I. McKellar, D. Regier and 11, .Anderson, tied. '60 -yard dash, "T, Dolmage, .1), lR'eg- nr. F. Flgie. Pearn race. D. Regier, \{, !tort-. true, 1'. Dalntage. Wheelbarrow race, T. Doltnage and I McKellar, T. McIver and G. Earle, 13, Matthews and M. 'Duncan. ,Bicycle rare, T. M'otteflar, '1M. Dun- can, B, Matthews. Relay race, D. Rester, M. Duncan. L McKellar. T. Dnitnage, rust; B. Matthews, F. Riede, T. Mt'fver, W. Russcil, second; A. McGavnt, FI. An- derson, H. Devereaux. D. 'Gall -p, 3'rd. Shuttle race, Wr. Ross, D. 'Regier, M. Duncan. I. McKellar, 11. Matth- ews T. Dol':mage, T. McIver. F. HI- gte first; G. Earle, 'H. Anderson, Devereaux. D. !Gallop, M. Aitcheson, N. \tet;aviu, W. 11ns,e11, SI. :Fortune. Girls' Intermediate Events Target throw, C. D'alniage, A. Law- te t ', L. R,iler. Seel.- rice C. D•tlmtg,,-; '' Kollars r, b•>t _ at High j,unrp, 1', Forbes, A. Law-- renre, IF, Matthews, N. Walters and E. Rivers, tied. Baseball throw, B. Manicy, Basketball throw, E. ;R'elcart, Best, A. Walters. Standing 'broad .jump, A. Lawrence, C. Kellar, C. 'Do'Inrage; Wheelbarrow- race, B. Best and M. Sclater, L. Ed'ler and C. Kellar, 13, Manley anal IC, Dglanage. 715 -yard dash, \1, Wood, • C. Kellar, C Dolmage. Skates in an interesting drama Peanut race, 1,', .Doimage, M. S'etat- er and it.,Rivers, M. Devereaux. Three-legged race, M. Swa,it and B. . EN'T THEATRE NOW PLAYING A DOUBLE BILL Melvyn Douglas 'Virginia Bruce -in— "WOMEN OF GLAMOUR" ALSO A real western "THE COWBOY STAR" Starring Charles Starrett and Iris Meredith Mon. Tues. Wed., Oct. 11-12-13 Edward Arnold Cary Grant in The Toast of New York with Frances Farmer jack Oaide Rollicking comedy of New York in the 80's when Jim Fisk was trimming Wall Street Boys Thurs. Fri, Sat., Oct. 14-15-16 Sonja Henie Tyrone Power in— Thin ice See again the Queen of the Silver M. Stewart, iA, ;Foster and M. :Hud- son, Z. Dunlop and C. Dolana'ge, C. Holmes and F, !Matthews, tied. Bicycle race, B. 'Best, M. Swan, M. Wood. Relay - race, C. Holmes, +B, Manley, B. Best, C. !Keller; first; M. Sclater, H. Wilson, R. 'McIver, M. •Wood•, se- cond; F. \'llatttliew-c, A. Ilwreuce, ✓-etta Dunlop, C. Dolmage. Shuttle race, M, Sclater, E. Rivers, R. McIver, \'I. '\\turn, IA. Walters, M. Stewart, M. Swan, H. Wilson, ,firet; M. Wood, M. 1-Ludson, L. Ed - ler, IA, Closter, L. .\d'elGavin, 'E, :Eck - art; B. Pryce, H. Moffat, second; Z. Dunlop, A. Lawrence, C. Dalmage, F, Matthews, C. Holmes, B. Manley, B. Best, C. Keller, Girls' Senior Events Softball throw, LT. 'Cutting. J. Mc- Donald, E. 'Wallace. Running broad jump. E. \i'a•Ilace, U. Cutting, .A. Sproule, Target throw, M. Johnston, D. Drover, .1. Devereaux. Basketitalll throw, J. McDonald, D, Drover, U. Cutting. Sack race, Ni. O+Netiill, ''E. Wallace. U. •Cutting, High jump, I Wallace and' J. Mc- Donald, tied for tirst;\i, 'Keating, A. Sproule and U. Cutting, tied for 2nd., Standing broad +jutttp, M. .Keating: 'Years ago, E. Wallace, 11,1 Cutting. Peewit race. E. Wallace, I. Ander- son, M. t itNefil, 75 -yard 'dash, ltd, ;Keating, .E. Wal- lace, U, Cutting. Three -!legged race, U. 'Cutting and F. Wallace, M. Keating and J. Mc- Donald, If. !O'Neill and A. Sproule. Wheelbarrow race, 2T, Cutting and F. Wallace. 1, Anderson and +M, Keating. J. !Anderson and J. Mc- Donald, Bicycle race. I'. Cutting. \i, hent- ing. ' 'Relay race. A. Sproule, E. Wallace, D. IGentmell, U Cutting, first; 1. An- derson, NI. Johnston, 9, McDonald. M. Keating. Shuttle race, Si. Keating, J. Mc- Donald, B. Smith, M. Johnstone, M. Wigg. M. McIver, IJ. Devereaux, 1. Anderson, first; IR, Shiner, A. Sproule E. Wallace, M. °:Weill. D. Gemmell, It, Cutting, g. Anderson, I. McKellar, Coming: WEE WILLIE WINKLE. WAKE UP AND LIVE W.M. HOGGARTH, The funeral of Ilate '\Van, H'aggartlt will make .place (Friday from his hoose, lot 6, con. 111,, H.IR,S., Tucker - smith, to Cromarty Cemetery, Rev. W. A. Young of 'Hensell caudttc!ting the services and 'pallbearers, J'aek Ril- ey, 'Angus M'cKin•noti, Win. Work- man, Jcihn MldGregor, Wnt, (Doig, Wm. 'Davis. Mr. Hoggarth alied at noon Wed- nesday. He had been in Scott Mem- orial Hospital, Seatonth, for three weeks and two 'wedlcs ago returned to home of his daughter, Mrs. Wes. Green, in Hensall. Mr. Hoggarth was in his 7Ilst year, born at lot 24, eon. ;110, Hibhedt, te son of the late Mr. and Mrs. !Jame:; Hoggarth, IHe went to his ,present fartu in Tuckersmitlt after his mar- riage to ;Miss Jean Davis of Staff:(, who died in January. Two daughter and one son survive, Mrs. Wes Greets, Hensali; and Mrs, take Ingram, Hay tp., near .fiens'ali, and one son, Archie Hoggartlt, tett the homestead in 'Tuckersmitit, it'lliree brothers and a sister survive; James and ,Feliraheth 1Httggtrth of Hensali, and !Joseph and Henry Hoggarth of Seaforth. A sister, Mus,. Leichnt'an, died in Algoma about 26 Ontario Honey Crop Ontario 'has one of the sttt:dlesit crops of honey in the last ten years, !Other areas are in exactly the sante pli'gh't, the world markets are lower in honey than for Many year., states Dr. E. J. Dyce, head of the agricul- tural department at the Ontario Agri- cultural College. The extraordinary shortage of Itnn- e,y is due to the shortage of !lover and to the wet weather earn his year. There has been eery little clover av- ailable at any time ,this season. 'The honey shortage is •particularly unusual since almost all other crops are ex'ceptional'ly good, .\lthunxli hon - y ,priers have tint yet risen. there I- no doubt that they will increase, A cow was 'kttled' just west .of Sea- Q'ue sec send ether areas ,oroducing toi'ttt 'by the early train Wednestlay honey have an 'equally slimecrop. morning. TO SEND TWO CARLOADS TO AID WEST Arrangements have been complet- ed to 'collect fruit. vegetables, etc., to be shipped to the 'drought areas of the Canadian west. We i•n this prov- ince have 'been 'blessed with such ab- undance this year and the 'need in the VW'est is so great that the com- mittee !tope to be able to fill two carloads. 1t was decided' the cars would he placed at 'Seafortlt 'for load- ing on 'Wednesday, iOotober 201tIt. The local organization is John, Cl•uff, genetral chairman; W. J. Dun- can, 'Fr. 'Hussey, committee, 1',. C. Boswell, seeretary, Committees, 'Rev. H. C. Feast, Rev. T. A. Carmichael, Reay. Catton LA;p- pleyand, 'Rev. 'Father Hussey, .Rev, R. W. Craw; Ernest Adams, Londeslwro Canvassers, Harry Stewart, J. M. McMillan. J. 9. :Cleary. E. L. Box. ALERT MISSION BAND The Alert Mission Band held its reopening meeting in the Sunday School room sat the North Side Un- ited Church. After the opening hytn.e 438, Miss IFerg+u's•iut led in prayer. The minutes were read lay Winni'fred Russell and conte business was dis- cussed, Mrs. Barber ,read the worship story. I.,ord's firayer was repeated in unison, 'Janie Moffat read the scrip- ture..Allter .the offering had been tak- en 'by Helen 'Ctarmichael and several hrittns had been snntg, the meeting' was closed by repeating the ..t izp:alt benediction, STRUCK ,BY TRAIN Connect ('to woman eBlass): "1 itoupe I have not troubled you with all these 'que tions? Witness: 1Not at al'l—i have a small boy aged six at !tome," Flabby: "`l' have tickets .for tit theater, Wife, Fine. I'd'1 startt dressing a once." 1Ttrhlt Yes, lt. The tickets'at'' for t,,ntorrovv^ night." "Ilear. I saw the sweetest, ,levet_ little hat d,vvntoutt today "Pill it ot,; let's sec h.:vv• yon i11 11." DIED eC'lny, 'let 'Tu'ckersmith, lot 6, concession 1110,' on 'Mond'ay, lOdto'bea' 4th, n19317, Jean Templeton, wife of the late 'D'avid M'cCttyv, in her 96th year. The !funeral. took :pl'at'e i£rotn the !mete ou \'\rednesday; i0et, 6 gat 3 p.m. to H•ens'alt: Union 'Cemetery. DICKSON ELECTED In Perth riding, 'Dickson, Li'berai, was e'1ec.te'd. Others elected include 3fmQttesten, Nixon, 'Hipe'l, Croll, (ox, Co'l, Kidd. Col. iDtew was defeated at Guelph. In ITi,roitte 5 Liberals and 4 Conservatives were :elected.' S:•eel its the name; ?ii ynht eiait;irs,