HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-10-07, Page 3THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1937
...,..,,.•,Lv:+n'na+,e,n anrrerx,xwtA7
"The Cashel Man -Hunt"
The rase of the young Wyoming
desperado ,Ernest Cashel, wlio for
many months deified all the resonrces
of 'the .Royal Canadian Mounted 'Po-
lice after con1n1itt'ing murder and
rdb'bery. will be presented' in a dram-
atized version over the ,CRC national
iteltwork on 'Tuesday, ,Octolber
9130 ip,m. ESiT, This ,play, "The 'Cash-
el Man -Hunt," adapted by Harwood
Steele from official records and pro-
duced by ,Rupert Lucas, will be the
third of a series of true dramas based
on the history tut the 'force. Cashel
'was nue of the '''bad men" of the early
American west who. fled into Canada
after a scenes of crimes in Wyoming
anti other states. The reckless outlaw
continued Ihis wild career on this side
of the .border try nw'rderin:g .a Canad-
ian rancher, The Scarlet 'Riders :comb-
ed the Prairies for 'hundreds of miles
in .guest. of The elusive Cashel and it
wasn't until months later that 'they
finally 'brought him to the bar of jos-
lice, Five days before the date of his
execution, lir escaped from .a Calgary
guardroom. anther the very shadow of
the tgall'nw, The Wyoming criminal
s'tatrdcd ;mother reign of terror, ,piling_
in'g scores of farm houses and rob -
thing lonely travellers. After one of
th'e insist Thorough searches in the an-
nals of the Mc>nntie,s they tracked
'frim down to •pay his debt to society,
From the Works of 'Three Great
The Tudor String (Quartet will per-
form t'he works of three great com-
:posers during the broadcast on Oc-
tober 114 to be 'presented over The na-
tional network ,id the ,CBC alt 8.410
p:n, 'EST, The quartet will ,play the
'Scherzo and !Andante Cantabile of
Tilachadkowsky's String Quartet in D
major; the delicate and rhy'tluu'i'c ibst.
movement from the Siri'n'g Quartet in
G minor, from the works of 'Edward
cGric+g, anal the first movement from
the Piano Quintet .by the Belgian
composer, Cesar 'Franck, Broadcast
will iw mint Winnipeg.
New Broadcast Series
OR'C's new 'broadcast series, "Ra-
dio Pulpit" which started on !October
3 when Rev. J. IF. Ward. rector cd St.
,Stephen's 'Anglican ,'botch, "1'oron'to,.
addressed national network listeners,
will ;Teatime on O'cto'ber 1111) at 2:445 p.nt.
.EST Rev. !1,'.1. Q'ohnston, noted Rap -
list minister, of Montreal, These spe-
pecial'Sunday afternoon periods are be-
ing devoted to otitstandintg members
Of She clergy whom, it is felt, have a
message 'to deliver to the people.
When You Have A
Phone or write to
"Canada's Business"
The workings of the federal goy -
eminent of Canada, with clesc'ri•p'tive
accounts 'of departmental machinery
in Ottawa is the subject of a new ser-
ies of broadcasts' presented over the
national net work of the CRC every
Monday at 8,00 p,m ]SIT. The "Fast
A Day 'Alh'on't Canada," which was
heard (foilowin'g the Canadian Press
newscasts 'has been absorbed into the
feature "w'hidh entitled "Canald'a's
hnsine.ss" and w'hi'ch is a weekly
Ott -wit -taking and progress account of
the general state of trade and com-
merce throughout (blre country.
Actuality Broadcast from Airport
C13'C's ;publicity man wired this
column today to say ,that the October
S broadcast in 'the new series of
'Night Shift" features is to originate
from the Edmonton, Alberta, airport,
1lerocs of northern (lying, 'rttlorfnl
'figures t'ankin'g Torenuost amnme
world's great airmen, including three
winners of the coveted .\1eI<ee Tro-
phy will be interviewed., The CRC's!
commentator will unfold the story in'-(
hind aviation in northern Canada. He!,
also will tell interesting stories of
ground worse and experiences in 'the
hangers -where niecitau'ies and crew
carry cunt their duties night and day
'to ntain:fain cqutpnren.t. There will be
descriptions :of the :shortwave radio
which ,plays an iinpnrtant part in sup-
plying .pilots with weather informa-
tion so that ,They may fly with com-
parative safety and'assurance. The
C;R'C's,commentator will try to ,effect
a two-way pickup :tram ,an incoming
CBC Studio Gossip
Station O11 A13, Moose jaw, which
broadcasts many CRC Programs, in
'being re -equipped from microphones
to antenna. No expense, we are told,
is to be spared in obtaining the last
word in technical (perfection and not
one piece of its presen't equipment will
remain in general use. H. .Carson
B'uchanau, a pioneer (broadcaster of
western Canada, is the station man-
ager, !There is quite a national .(savor
in the Conp'oration's 'Toronto studios
these days with 'fcnir .personable ad-
ditions to the announce staff. "The
newcomers include 'Raymond' Mack-
ness. of Vancouver; T, 0, 'lVik:lid,
of Hamilton; liyng Whittaker, of
North Bay, and William tJ. (O'Reilly.
who u.sed1 to be on the 'Otta'w'a staff.
You Were Asking , . , ?
R. 'W. E.: Dan 'McCowan, the nat-
uralist; is not broadcasting now. Un-
derstand ;that he •started a lecture
tour Oe'toter 1: We shall be happy to
forward your le'tte.r to him, K. A. 'G.:
Can't give you :detfini'te' information
regarding world's series. C'BC. at pres-
ent is negotiating Inc broadcasting
privileges. Mrs. L. M,:,You will find
a very interesting feature ,ont 'Monclay
at 3.45 p.nt, IEST. fht is in the (Home,"
a series .of talks along the lines you
Corporation Features Day by Day
I All 1 ieu'• tc "e S,t:polar:1
Vulvar da; , (t t, I 1 r 7:
S.f10 p m ''13u,,, t'ra r at 11 ork "
Talk, by 1)'Atcy Marg.: on inns '
of varix t (0:vent 011'11 l d'ep:irtnunt-.
Frtnn Otla'w a.
ut,99 pmt. "(Streamline." Orchestra
direction Percy Faith with the Fash-
innaires, novelty trio. From Toronto.
10.30 itnt. '"Canadian .Portraits," A
biographical .ketch of Amor di (us-
ers. (Front Van:rnnrcr.
Friday, October it:
.41)0 p,m, 'Club Matinee." Variety
show, 'Harry K,tgen and his orchestra,
wit11 soloists. NBC -CBC exchange.
From Chicago,
9,'00 part. -Backstage," Variety Mrres-
entation with Woodhouse and Haw -
Mita, orchestra, vocal ensemble and
soloists. Front 'Winnipeg,
9.30 p.m. "Night Shift." A'ctu,flity
broadcast from threshing activities in
:Alberta, (Front Edmonton
Sa'turd'ay, October 9;
8.30 ,p.nt• Nation (Girl !Guide Day.
Short address by Mrs. H. D. War-
ren, Chief' Commissioner, and guest
speakers. Choral music. (Front 7dont-
real, Ottawa, 'Toronto and Vancouver.
9,30 'p.nt, 11 BC Music Hall. Re-
broadcast of HPC Empire ,Ttraai,nnis-
siou, Front (Ottawa,
Sunday,'October 111):
12.3i(1 pm. "Progress and the Build-
er." Drama by il'sdwin l.ew'is, produc-
ed by •Rtapert Lucas. From Toronto,
2,48 pm, "Radio Pulpit," 'Address
by (les-. I,L .A. Johnston, of .Montreal.
Froth Montreal.
7,310 p.m. "The Constitution." 'I'lte
B. N. t\, .Ari as a Federal Constitu-
tion. Discussion by the Constitutional
Club. From Vancou.vcr,
9,001 .p,m. "(Within 'these \Valls,"
Drama based on Samuel Cunard,
From (Toronto.
Monday, (October 11`:
111,3'0 a.m. '.Thanksgiving 'D'ay Ser-
pies, From Christ 'Church ,Cathedral.
\Josie by Pageant ;Choir of O'tta'wa
under direction of Cyril _i. L. Birk-
w-ood and Godfrey Hewitt, organist.
The Very (Reverend 7i, F. Salmon,
D. 0., will eonchtet the service. From
9.00 p,tu. I:Melodic Strings." Orch-
estra dire'ction 'Alexander C'hnlraid'in.
;Front Toronto,
11(11,00 p,n1. ":Sant Slick," Draina'tiza-
tine based on The 'book ""the Clocks
maker." From Halifax.
!'Tuesday, !October 1L:
5.115 .p.m. "Capital Chores." Male
choir under the direction of 13. Bram-
well Bailey. Front Ottawa.
0.311 .p,nt, "The Cashel 11an_Hunt..
One of a series nf• tree' dramas of the
R. C. Al, 11'. ,From 'Toronto,
\\'ethic day, October 113:
EC/01p.m. "Laughing With Canada."
Talk 'by 13. K, Sandwell. From `1'o.
S,39 11.10. "National Sing Song."
Community singing tinder leadership
of George Young. From Sydney.
"What are you callingyo•ur new
fiaiby, Mrs. Smith.?"
'10h, we thought we'd give him a
Riblicnl nouns, We called hire 'Ar-
a1.d. „
"But 'I -thought you said you gave
taint a Biblical name?"
"We did: "Ark. the 'Aro1d angels
B P+I.
The .aun'ua'i'fal'i fair ,1 Ray'fieid Ag-
ricultural Society war held on Wed-
nesday and l hur.day last. 'I'Mte ex-
hi•bit.s were cxrrllent, most classes
!being well tiller. The 'weather was
flue Thursday uroruing and early af-
ternoon, ., Rend aace. like all other
fairs this year, was ;soniew•hat stmt'll-
cr'than usual..
The following were the judges, a1
the Bayfield Fair.
Horsey --IF. A. E}lerin;rton, 'Exeter.
Cattle, 1H'utgh Hill. 'Goderich,
Sheep and Pigs, Humphrey Snell,
Poultry, L. A. Stephens, Clinton.
Dairy. hats. Connolly, Gerais..
Domestic, Joan Groes, 't;oderieh,
(tad' (Annie Consi:tt, 11ensall,
Grain, L. W. 'Williams and R. F.
Stade, Ziirieht.
Fruit, Amos
J. Andrew, Colborne
Vegetables, E. C. troves, ,Guderich,
and J. E. Gascho, Zurich,
1171.owera, Miss F. R. Cunningham,
Fine Arts, NI r.. \fe teal f, ,13aytielld.
Ladle ' Work, Mrs. E. IEva'ns, 'Mrs,
\,'nt. (;reek, \his. S. N,rh'le, Gorlerich
Wagon Class
Prnod mare, 'I?ch 'Fowl•, Harold
Focal, Ext. (Foster, 11-1. (Pcahale,
'Gelding or ' illy, two years, L. G.
Mutton, „1, I). Steeper •& Son.
iI'eam, '\Vni, 'Decker.
Foal, 3 -Harold d'enhale,
Brood mare, 'Nelson 'Keys & Soil,
Harald! Penhale,
'Foal, Nelson,Keys & Svyn.
Team. (Ned on Xeys & Son, 1lnrray
Heavy Draught
•Geldin;g lir rtildy, 'two years, Merry
(i rainger.
'Gelding or filly, one year, A. D,
Steeper & Sou, Murray Grainger,
Team, 'M'urray 't;re'hrger, 'Elmer
Brood' stare, (Nelson Keys & Son.
Foal, Nelson (Keys & '.Son.
Single carriage horse, IEllgiu 'Porter.
Lady driver, Mrs, 'Percy !Johnston
'Mrs, Elgin IP'orter,
Grade Cattle
1leifer calf, Clifford 'Keys and 2nd.
71(1 ch en w-, 1'lifford 'Ke'ys and 211,1.
(Heifer, two years, Clifford (Las
and ?,111'.
;Heifer, one year, (',litior,l 'Key.
and and.
lleifer calf, R..11. (Peek, C. (Keys,
'Poll calf, Clifford' :Keys and 2nd.
Polled Angus
;Mitch row, Preston Dearing and
i3nd. Heifer cal 1, Preston a)ettriu ,
Hull calf, :Preston Dearing and 211d.
Milch cote, Harold Brandon,
Mitch coli, \Wet. Sparks and. 'end.
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The Seaf
Ileii,r, t,tr, rt.a+rs, iVot.
t year, 1\:'0, ti, 1.1•.
Bali call, 1\rn, Spar( .
R1am, A. 41. )Warner.
.Ram, lamb, C. L4055451, :1Man,,,n
F;we, C. Lawson, A. H. Warner..
Shearlittg ewe, C. Lawson,
Ewe lamb. C. Lawson, A. Warner.
Rum, A. D. Steeper & Scut, Milos.
Shcarlin'g ram. A. 1). Steeper & Son
Ram lamb, A. 1), Steeper R• Ston
anti 2nd.
'La's. A. D. Steeper '& Son, T1ho.,
Shea/ging ewe, 1A, D. Steeper &
Son and and.
Ewe lamb, A. D, Steeper and 211 11.
Ram, Feed 31c("lyntont.
Ewe, Fred 5•IcClym•ont and 2nd,
Ewe lamb, Fred McClvntout,
Ram, W. H. 'Douglas, .1,,D -Steep-
er. Slhearliitg Ram, W. H. Douklas,
(Rata 'lrouib, W.H..,Douglas and 21o1
Piave, \1'; iH, Douglas and 2nd,
Sbc•arlin¢ esus, \V. Dou'gias and 211c1.
Ewe lansh, W. Uonuglas and 211ut,
Wether lam1a, '('sins, Snowden.
Ram, \V, G. Clark.
'Ram laud., P. Dearing, \V. G. Clark
Ewe, 10 Dearing and rind,
%earling ewe, I', Dearing and 2,nd.
Ewe land:, 9, Dearing and and.
Brood sow, '('Moss Sndwdean.
sow, 09)37, Tho.. Snowden and 2n'1.
Yorkshire •
hoar, 1. 1d, Warner and 2nd.
Brood •ow, \. Warner and ,?nus.
Boar, '13t17, A. H. Warner, Fluter
Sow-. :$1)317, A. 1 1. Warner. Enter
Boar, T. . Snowden, Manson Bros.
'Brood .nw '('hos. Snowden, Mao-
snin B'rou.
Boar, 11fa1, T. :Snowiest, ACampo,
Pros, SOW, '1037, 11an'win Bros.
and and.
'Pair 'bacon hogs, any freed, 'N)liner
Bea'hmas, e, L , O'Ilrieu; h, 1..
O'Brien and _''ml.
Cot -hilts, b. J. IC'oelieni.
1.angsban:, c, ckl, p, 1. Ktecheir
and 2nd.
Farren rock,., utility, 0, ckl, li, p,
Fred d \1 e(t1n utont and 21141,
.echo, white, utility, ckl, qt, 0. Bat-
tier; c, Hamid il'etihale, Thos, Snow-
den; 'h, .1, 4(oeheni, 'Tlh,'s, Snowden.
Whitt' W yandn'ltes, ckl, fi, p, 0.
Burl !Orpington. It, !d, ;Kochent,
Silver Grey 'Dorking.., 9, 3. (Koch•
em, 'cid, J. 1Koeheni and 12110; li. 3
Korlteni, 10. Rattler; r, '0. Battler, 1,
Brown Leghorns, ,p, elcl, 0. Ratti-
er; h, 'J, 1Kocheni.
White Meghorns, .p. J. 'Kurhetn: c, 'h
cicl, 3. Kacheni, :\4nrray trraingcr,
,Rhode Island Red., c, 9t, rkl, p, J.
Koncent and 2nd.
\naonas, p, dols ll, (Koshee and 2n1
Campine., h, O. Rattler.
Light :sasses, p. h, ckl. ;1. °Ksidieu.
and 2nd.
Guineas. ,;i. h, ckl, Harold Penha'r
and I_nd; r, Harold IPenitale,
Black Minorca., t', rk1,'0. Rattler'
11, '0. Rattler, 3, Knciu•ut,
A nda'.nsi m:. c, h, ckl, ,p, 4). Rattler.
Silver (-lamb tr c I.. O'Brien; h
O'Brien and 1itl.
Rlic^tc Hamburg,. p, 'h, cid, 1..
O'Rrf, n. and 3rd: c, O. llattler, L.
H,riclans, .p, 1. 10'Brien and Bad:
c, h, 1-, O'Brien.
Bantam., any variety, p, ck(. 'Hans
nld Rraunlnn: c. 1. Korben[, Harold
Brandon: h, L. O'Brien, 1i. i(r nd'on.
Indian runner ducks, old. 0, Bat-
tler, Dr. Grieve; young, 0. Battler
Dr. grieve.
\'husk,,va ducks, old, ,Harold Pen -
halt. Tho,. Snowden; young, (Harold
Penhale, '('hos. Snowden,
(Pekin cluck;, old, 0. Battler, "Thos.
Siac'ttden; voting, A. H. \Varner. (0,
IMo't t ler.
,Kosten ducks, .old, Thos, Snowden.
ITiou'lonse .geese, cold, A. 1-3..WV.arner.
'Fnt'b.cic,i geese, olds A. 1H, (Warner.
\1'. 'G. Claris: vnpng, 'A. 'H, \Varner
and and.
Brtmze iturkeys, c,ld and young, A,
1-I, Warner.
S alt butter, ;Fred 3Mcelymon.t; Ing •
ter in 1' lb. blo'ck.. Fred 1lcC'lymont,
R. Geiger; ce-u,'k hinter, Iiid' Post: -.
0. Battler.
.Cottage cheese, 'W. G. Clark (Herb
'Noob. Ham, R Geiger, If, A, ,(:'ells
L ard, 0. Battler. R. 'Geiger,
Dre.seci ehickcns, Fred Mc Olymont.
T3en's eggs, white. F41 'Foster, O,
I;atilerr brawn shell, 'Ed Foster.
Chirc Snowden.
White 'bread, 'l.ir. t;rieet.
gr" rt; '.ra:u!, 1•:'1 t', ,ter. IV.
I t t"got bread, Ed
orad, 01 r•. 11, ea W.
Marl graham neuters It ted \lc-
' i m .1-',,stert suer cake, light:
t (;,
Clark. \\': R. ;etcytltett uu,
`;cure lid 'Fu ter, 117. G. Clark.
Wart•, Fred 0!'1lymmat, :Elmer
Stcpheu•''n; Scotch -h,r; bread, W.
G. Clarke. Mr.. 'Hs,w vie; layer ,cake,
chocolate, W. C. ('lark, Fred \M'c-
Clymoattl layer cake, spice, 00'ni. R.
Stei,hott.cti, Sirs. Howeie; fruit cake,
Ed Fu<'ter, W. G. Clarice.
};nn.. 1V, G. Clarke; tea hiseuits,
Ed ,Foster, ''Dr. Grieve; 'ginger her-
mits, E,l. Foster, 3L'., Flowage; cook-
ie.. Fred '\i rely man L Mrs. 13aiberer;
plain mniffins, '\V. G. Clark, (Fred Mt-
Clem/nit: meat loaf, Mrs. 1H:aberer,
1W. G. Clark; apple pie, 'El•int-r iitepih-
emon, 'Fred Nicely -mom; lemon pie,
Elmer Stephenson W. G. Clark,
Lunch fur .chc,ol child, (R, 'Geiger,
f1. A. Fuss; fudge, 0. B'aftler, Ed
1• '-ter: h'alsecl beans, R. Geiger, W.
1. 1 -lark;. cold. ;tntrh, 11. .1., grass, R.
(;rig, r: pickles, O, Battler, W. G.
(.'lark; eat:.n'p., and linear .lances, 0.
Battler; canned ,Emits, W. G. Clark;
canned vegetables, H. A. Russ; can-
ned meats', 0. Battler. H,''A. 'Fuss.
Bee 1prochtets, Paul .Cleave.
Strained honey, 3'aul Cleave. •
Maple syrup, (Fred, haC'Mvnurnt,
Paul Cleave.
\\'9ti:te winter wheat, Elgin .Porter,
H. Tnac'nnter; red winter wheat,
Milne Railer, (II. '3, (Fuss; spring
wheat, 'Milne Rader, 11-1. (Tiraemner;
,field 'pea., Milne Rader; 'barley, .Milne.
Rader, 10. Rattler; white oats, H,
Truemiter. 'IH. 1A. (Fuss; red clover
seed 'H.:1, Fuss, Bert !Dunn; timothy
seed, E. 'rrneuuter, 'Thos.,Snowden.
Sweet ,clover seed, O. :Rattler. Thtrs,
Snowden; yellow corn, ears, O. Bat-
tler; dent corn, H. A. (Fuss; sweet
earn, 0, I3a:ttler, Thos. Snowden: ,pop
corn, (0. ,Rattler. pea '.caws, 10. Battl-
er. Milne (Rader; 'buckwheat, ,\Milne
Rader: tallest and heaviest stalk of
earn, 0. Battler, A. H. 'Warner.
:Grapes, O. Battler, C, 13. Middleton
& Son; collection of grapes, Mrs. Ha-
bt•rer, C. 13. Middleton '& Son.
Peaches, James Sterling, Murray
:Grainger, 'Blunts, Mrs.. 1H'aberer, El -
sin Porter, 'Prune,, Mrs, \I, Woods,
Mrs. Haberer, Yellow- 'craibs, !Fred
•McClytuon, (Murray Grainger; red
crabs. C. P. ,Middleton & Son, 'lames
Sterling: Bartlett Fred ,Meelyymont,
0, .Rattler; 'Flemish Beauty, Elgin
Porter, Co'liection of apples, fall and
winter, James Sterling; .winter apples,
;Tames Sterling, C. 13. Middleton,
\MIttltos'lt Reds,, C. B, 'Middleton,
Fred \Middleton; Northern Spies, Jas.
Sterling, Fred :Middleton; Mall ,apples,
,Tastes Sterling, .Fred 71cC'lymoait,
'Tainan Sweets, C. B. Middleton
Jas, Sterling: 'McIntosh Reds, C. B.
Middleton, Jas. Sterling; Baldwins,
James 'Sterling; Mann, 'I=T. Truentner,
jas, Sterling; 'Northern Sipies, Fred
'bfidd'leton, C. 13. ,Middleton; Kang of
Tlhomkin, Jas. Sterling, ,Murray
Grainger; 'Greening,, jas. Sterling,
iElgin'Pnrter; Ribston S,ip,pins, :James
Sterling; \Veadthy, A. H. 'Warner, 'Et -
tin Porter; Wagners, (Fred •Middle-
ton; ;las,ridraln us,
Elgin PorterSte; ,Blg;enheimGal(Pe'ippins,Rsset'C,
B. Middleton, James Sterling; Snows,
Fred Middleton, C. B. Middleton; On-
tarios, James Sterling; Wolf River,
Fred .Middleton, Janes S'.teriin'g.
)iasket of fruit, \Mrs. Halerer. Jas.
Early potatoes. 0. Rattler, Milne
Rader; (late potatoes, Milne Rader.
O. Battler-
Heav'iest mangolds. Chas, Bedcntr,
Murray Grainger: (otg red mangulcls,
Murray 'Grainger, Chas. Redour;
globe man+golds, H. 'l'ruemner, '('hos.
Snowden; inte'rnte/Bate titangolds.
Murray (Graiueer. Milne Rader.
Field carrots. Milne Rader, O. Bat-
tler: 'table carrots, long, airs. M. -
Wood's, F. R,arker; table carrots,
:.bort, O. Battier, T, Barker; table
hent., long. O. Battler; turnip beets.
Mrs, \I, Woods, F. Barker; !parsnips,
0. Rattle, A. 1-I, 'Warner; table turn-
ips, tared ',Middleton, ;Patti Cleave;
heaviest tnri.ps, I-1, Trueninen, 'Thos,
Snowden: .aagar 'beet utangolds, ,AI.
Rader, Th„s, Snowden; winter radish,
Herb 'Ncet,, 0, Battler. salsify, Mrs.
:Metcalf. 'Dr. (Griew; i>ea•d cabbage,
H. A. Fins. 'Ars. ,Roht. Allan; 'Tread
cam'lihtower, 0, 'Battler, -Rert 'Dunn,
\Whi'tc 'celery, H. A, 'Fuss, Dr.
t;rievr:. nuts kmcIon, 111hos, Snowden.
Chas, Redour; watermelon, R. (Geig-
er. 'H, Truennn'er, citron, Ed Foster,
.R Geiger; )rtnitplcin for table use, A.
IT. '\Varnt"r, Fd Foster; squaslu. W.
Clark, F,. Barker; largest pumpkin,
1, "I'rueniner, '\rrs, \'l. 'Woods; larg-
est .clean., T. -Snowalen, O. Battler.
Large English 'pota'to anions, O.
Battler, 1`T. A. Fuss; large white an-
ian.. F, Barker, 0. Battler;-la.nge rear
oniaaas. F. 13,arker, 0. Ra'ttl'er; large
yellow onions, IF, Parker, 0. Battler.
Red tomatoes, 0, •Battler, F, Bark-
er; yellow 'tomatoes, Q. Battler; hire -
est tomato, Ed ;Foster.-
(Continued, on 'Page 7)