HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-10-07, Page 2PAGE TWO. Enjoy tea (111 t its best "SALAD TE $04 HURON NEWS Eye Injured— Salomon Giugeri-ch, of the Gosh- en Liue. south of •Zurich, met with a painful accident while unloading .beans when a chain struck hint in the eye, 'injuring the eye'ba'll. ' Moving to Windsor— Mr. Jack 'Gardiner, who has peen employed by Mr. Sandy '.E 1•liot at the Ford Garage. 'has accepted a .position at Windsor and ie moving with his tate and little .yon to that city. Best wish of many friend. in :Exeter yvil hollow hint, +Exeter Times -Advocate Thrown From Wagon— Mr. Pat iMdGee, Sr., of Whalen, escaped' serious injury when he was thrown 'from the Wagon when• the horse ran away hast week. Mr. Mc- Gee was riding •on a light wagon with a bean Ipudi}er fastened behind. He met a truck when the horse he was •driving 'became ;frightened and jumped for .the ditch. The tongue of the bean ipuller 'struck Mr, McGee knocking him off the wagon and be received a bad shaking up. Farmer Mitchell Girl— Mrs. John P. Rudyk, tite 'former Clara IA. Canfield of Mitchell, is re- turning 00 the Queen Mary. docking at Nee' York on Oct. 4th, after an extended, visit to 'Europe, Besides visiting relatives in 'England. Mrs Rudyk, an operatic soprano. reviewed the scores of outstanding 'Ita'liau and 'French operas tinder the tutorage of the celedwated nperatic coatch, VeoIi, Mrs. Rudyk was raised' by Mr. and Mrs. John Saunders, Mitchell. Her 'brot'her also resided in this vicinity at one time, but Itas since passed away.— Mitchell Advocate. Mark 75th Anniversary— The Myth anniversary of the first Lutheran 'Church building itt Mitch- ell is being observed .duping the pre- sent year by resolution of the voting member; of the congregation. Mlle anniversary- committee. -"consisting of •Messrs. 'George Ronnenhertc, :Edward Kern, E. L. \Valther, and the pastor. Rev, A. C. Hahn, !prepared a program cif activities, which r received the con- grea°atjanal sanction. :October 11)th will be recognized as. ;Anniversary Sunday. 'In the month of October.. 111963,the original Lutheran Churech, built an the site now included in the Lutheran Cemetery, was formerly de- dicated by Rev. C. Gerndt of Logan. In those years, Mitchell Lutherans did not have a residcn't pastor, but looked for pastoral care to the pas- tors of the congregation of Logan. Celebrate 50th Anniversary— !Friends and neighbours gathered at the home of Mr, and Mr.. Fred Ox- toby, ninth concession of Grey,, on Tuesday evening, Sept. 21st. to cele- brate with Them the happy occasion of their •having readied the 5Qth mile- - atone of their matrimonial journey, A delightful- social evening was enjoyed by the one hundred and fifty guest. who paid tribute to the bride and Broom of lifty year. ago in nearlyI etgod wieltes. 1)ttrin the :tour e the evening, Mr. ae I Mrs. Ox rte. fere marle the reciee ef :t haul - .;eine stude, %ouch. Wm. Thuell Severely Injured— Wm. '11huell, resident irf 'Morris township, con. 6, was .. tterely 'burned on :Monday of title s' 'k when test- ieg hie tractor with 11,1 lies. 'r"he gas exploded causing severe 'burns about his lace, arms and one feg before the flames meld be distinguished. :Mr. Thue'l1 is improving as well as can be expected—Brussels lost. Snell -Hunter -- A late September wedding was quietly solemnized in the parentage of .James Street united Church Ex- eter, ,on \Vednestlay afternoon, Sep- tember 29th, when Ylis's ala 'Dorothy, eldest daughter ,y1 Mr. and Mrs. Wnt. 1-Istit r: lbmame the bride of Russell Swan Snell, ;at of Mrs. Annie Shell and the late John C. eStill, all of Ex- efer. THE SEAFORTH NEWS eentettrs. they r present at his u t_re: eh eh v,as eve( 1 from his late I'teem in 1) inganuo He had been in tt ins; health ,islet. early last winter. e 1n ,1 e tainilr of tet sons end dau- eetere if the late 1Rechard Stonehouse nit1 EIiza lett Roth, he was born in East Weweno:h :dearly 72 year; ago, 1'wo brothers, Joseph. East Wawa - 11.411, and R.. ert, Belerace, survive, a: do also three sister, Mrs. Harry Hopper, \\ utgham Mrs, Ellen Wil- kinson and Mrs. Jemima \\ ill insitn Exeter. Itt !11d99 he was married t, Miss Ann 'Jane Glenn. who survives. He went to reside in Dungannon 45 year; ago, and had since then been a continuous resident. Rev. T. R. 'Tur- ner of Dungannon United Church conducted the funeral services. Strang -Wallis— :\ lovely eutuum w•ed.din took place at Lynbur'.t near Vol lhri I es.. o'clock. when Margaret Josephine, daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. W. A. \Vallis, ,became the bride ;ri Harry E. G, Strang, B,S.A., son of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Strang, of Exeter. The ceremony was :performed by Rev. W. Hanna of Toronto, un'cle of the gr torn ae.si.ted by Rev. Mr. 'Roe, of t oadkittdge. ITIo the strains of the wedding 'march 'played by Miss Jean Laurie, of Woodbridge, the bride en- tered the room on the arm of her fa- ther, attired in a white crepe gown made on princess lines. The brides- maid was Mis.; Kathleen Strang, sis- ter of the groom, wearing a wine crape dress with velvet girdle, small brown hat and 'brown accessories and tarried 'Talisman roses. The best man was Mr, 'Gilbert Wallis, brother of the bride. During the signing of the register, Miss Hope :Dutton, get Pari•, 'cousin of the bride, recited. :Immedi- ately following the ceremony a recep- tion was 'held•, the bride and groom being assisted' by the bride's mother. A 'buffet luncheon was served by five gird friends of the bride:Mr. and Mrs. Strang 'left on a motor trip to 'East- ern 'Ontario and Quebec. i'he 'bride ehose for travelling a wine sheer wool dress, black beaver trimmed coat, wine hat and Black accessories, 'On their return they will reside is les- borne, ,sborne, Mr. and Mrs, Henry Striae, Miss Kathleen and Alex Strang. and Mr. and Mrs. •Carmen Cann w•rre among theguests at the wedding. Goderich Butcher Retires— Cow Caused Accident— Drumm m I Island this Fall, ea: h til a romantic e freer. It wa 1 1' d'st blot• in ter oigltteen years the Wing hail carried t cart;, of loge, 31010114h she was in the eukpwood trate er- tweett teiergian Ray and Green L'ay,. \Vis, on tit. for some time. She was built in 1919 at a N'itva Scotia ship- yard for the cod trade, but soon de- :rrtc•dthat far the more thrilling Cita;d of ruin -running, and' `tater, :be- fore coming to the "Great Lakes. was ei ptoyt i in cart -eine mahogany from Africa. The \\ utg is not equipped with auxiliary motor, depending sole- ly on her canvas, 'but has a deck erg ins. .for unhzadin'g. Hand Amputated— During tltreshittg operations on Thursday, 'William 'Ellidtt, bachelor farmer near Nile, suffered injuries to his right hand which necessitated am- putation at Alexandra hospital, It is 'believed Mr.!Elliott thrust his hand into the snout of the blower to 'clear an obstruction and was caught by the fan. His band was 'badly mutilated.-- iGoderiah Star. Engagement— Mr. and Mrs. John iNorry of Ex- eter wish .to announce the engage- ment of their youngest d'augh'ter, !F'loren'ce Isabelle, to :Albert Fleisch - atter, of London, son sof the late Mr. and Mrs. 'Henry IFleisohauer, of Zur- eich, the marriage to take piece :Oct. 9. Painful Accidents— A very painful accident 'heifeli Mr. Hilton Truemner of the Ih1'th conces- sion last Saturday morning. Mr. Truetnner was standing on the back of the 'four-wheel auto 'trailer to which was hitched a rathe high spir- ited' 'team of horses and who unex- pectedly gave a quick jerk with the result that Mr. Truennner lost his balance and fell out of the back of the trailer fracturing his kg very Saturday night a stray 'Caw on the road was the cause of an accident near Wroxeter, when Wilfrid Rud- olph, of Mitchell, all but wrecked his car and himsaif receiving a' bad shak- ing up. The cow, owned' by 'Andrew Douglas, jumped euddenly out of a ditch in the 'darkness. It fared .tnuch better than the automobile. Little Lad Injured- Slipping on the floor and striking his head on 'the pedal of a sewing machine gni Tuesday afternoon of last week, tittle Donald Wightman, two- year-old son of Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Wightman, suffered concussion of the brain. 'The little lad was unconscious needy :twe'l've hour-. but is now .mak- ing a splendid .recovery. fit and Mrs, Wightman were former residents of 5e'lgrave,--Wiftgltann 'Advance -rimes, The !butcher shop which drys been operated ihy..0 .E 1,bi-it t t Gitler-1 ich will lye closed at the end •.1 eft,' month with the retirement t` the proprietor, h..t iia; ;,;,crit 11 Ltiy nRv year's as a butcher and dr er. Mr. Allison, who was 'born near Petetetn, entered the 'butcher trade wheel .oris seventeen years .1 ave, Since then lie ha had shops at ttlianda'le, Stat'ter, Becton, leeton and Itioderieh, and has trained 'three ..it. in the trade. As a drover out of Beeson Mr. •AI1'i.au, sr., recalls .driving live '.stock to tett "leo rottto .market over tiled roads. were the days o; woolen .:i•.Iewalks, flirt roads and 'horse-drawn -.trete car., when Toronto hal a tentul:ai ti of less than 21141,00,11. With tate pass- ing of time Mr. Allison lies noted many and widely varied, ;priee., for livestock an the market. Hogs have fluctuated between .$2.75 and $212 per cwt., beef 'between 52:'50 and elf, Salvaging the Gilly— \Vork is pregresi- ng =mettle on elle salvaging of the eerie) and an•,•keee of the ship •Gilly, which f„brei eel in a .storm ten days ago and we: driver, ashore dwci -miles north of C;..,dnmeh. Ab. Leonard has dtarge of tete r:•- moval -of the ;cargo of ...3,510 cedar pest.., and he already has moved about one-third of the cargo to the :wharf at the harbor. it is tinderseveed the purchaser, Thos. Sandy, intend; eltiplpiug thea! tet :Wallace—here. 'I'h,• Fairbanks - Muse Centipanv, •dormer owner elf the '): illy, has redressed *.1;;• n-tr,n duce! engine. etilnr••1 et and it is 'Iteittg removed 'le: dreek i x.l,n 'fit a. ,'r•rt i 1 ride. S t ii her hetet eng1;4r4 • ,lie-. etd ti engine i, 'heieg: :removedi'(rr, •b-,• r. The il'iesel, which r.•in e:} wreckage the till}v when i.n aihlitti lroke, .with elle result that the em.,encs seized. is entirely eulmierged :in the hold of the ship. which is resting in about nine feet of w+eters Drifting sand clogs .the tnachinery, The dully was 'hardly sntasberl :by the pounding of wa•ve,.. .after she was driven aground, ibitt about six iuchcs of water was pumped' 'from ..her after tentative patching had teen effected. One side wary .split ;away attd :the nerd wits sntasheri to mittchw<ncel end torn away. It is possible the also .purchased by ?vfr. Sandy, 'may be resurrected.--IGsferie'h Signal Director of Hostel— R. Edon 'MclKinney, ex-Blttr"vtt,le 111,1 '\tr ttghani boy, }las been Aimee :-- ed to rapre..ent the '1'eoro•ntei lig trl ,r Trade as o Aires.ter of the letroene Hosed riles is wh.'re e taro .1 eerie nl e )pin• rt r•li •f met. Janes Stor ehotisu. D t Barr .— .rt Former Rum Rutmer— The schooner J. T. Wing which i, bringing logs to ,Goderich from tut end cod-liver oils as etar'.. A, eB La. h' . t f n at tug it .15005 ..os to. nilyren is. It har been amply proven lack of this vitamin 'w he atEectte,- THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1937 a-source read this in your policy.' I I duloue,, you read for the first which the agent 'pa your a ly rets 10 er ei ij e ance comp any liability assumed u "under any oral or written ag ment."' Instead of making ,oxtaei badly. Mcclicall aid was alt once cabled and he was rustled to Clinton hospital Inc a -ray pictures which revealed that the 'leg sustained eight bone fractures o'r the leg. The patient is resting quietly at the 'hospital for a week or so ibefore 'being brought home 'for the long six •weeks of quiet that usually goes with such a ease,—Mr. and Mrs. !John Preeter and Nies. Flora Ba-4w.n of Kitchener were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Siebert on fair day. In the evening Mrs, Preeter had ,the great misfortune of falling down Rite hack outdoor steps at the Siebert home and 'fracturing her hip. -Zurich Herald. "WE WHO ARE ABOUT TO DIE—SALUTE YOUr (Issued by Ont. Dept. of Elighways/ 'That was the greeting the gladiators of old gave to the 'Rotnan emperor before they perished in the arena. But we are not gladiators and we will, by the hundreds. We are the 'people who are agoing to die in fatal motor accidents during the years 1937 and Mils. Most of us have not even a pre- monition of the fate which awaits nes. We •do tto't realize that Death .lurks around the corner, V'e have not seen his shadow nor heard his footstetp's, But Death awaits. Waits 'around the bend in next ear's faltering brakes, in the trail of some chance driver who loves: to "jockey" in a flue of tratffrc or swish past allot -her car an a curve or hill, In the street, on the open highway, what matter where? Death waits and doe; not announce his coming. We are marked down to die, ''Tile great clod called Statistics has written down our names in los big book and by actuarial laws we are doomed! We do not know it, •hitt Death is corning. Some of tt: are little children. Our deaths will he more horrible, marc tragic, than tither;. Bet die we will. are not ,going into 'battle. We have no Parents, teacher; and professional hate for anyone. We are not sick of life-savers with all their earnest life. We do not wish to die. But we warning*: avail .us note 1 Will your name appear in Monday's newspapers? If it does, will you be writhing with pain in the emergency ward of a hospital, will your mangled remains be resting in a funeral parlor—or will you be held by the Police on a charge of manslaughter? If you are a motorist and value life and property, help to stop this slaughter of innocent people. The death toll from car accidents in Ontario must go down! We are justly proud of the Police of this Province—but they cannot be everywhere. Most accidents occur when a policeman is not around. Traffic violators know better than to speed, cut in or crowd other cars with a policeman in sight. Ontario ootorast s wilt o -operate When you see a motorist driving in a manner dangerous to the public, take his number, make a careful note of the actual time and place and when you reach your destination write to the Motor Vehicies Branch, Department of Highways,' Toronto, giving full dstail:s. We do not invite reports of minor infringements of the' teal -fie laws; you are requested to use sound judgment.. We zei,'s dead redegtr•ftely trill, rt/ir,ndr.`rs, oerrsto ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ,%'odor Vehicles Branch els 5 r i da y i e•1p' Oder Ali ti