HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-10-07, Page 1{rf ..licit, (:oil 1 o seed tint& anal the spring, IPot .autuarm aura) the garnering, Tor all the •Raor;ato harvest 'hour, The .;,aldcn tic d;, the sane a:.d HURON COUNTY'S L .DING N E' W S PAPER '!'mals& Gad, nor let a doubt assail. -;e d time asd harvest shall: not fa'i1, ' er 'patient ,love, nor strength, nor 11'raint: IGod t.wlny1'Praise ate*d today} {I tan Fliewett. WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 59, No. 40. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1537 P4hone 814, 6t1 a year; . RING EDWARD PER CWT. FOREST CITY BA.TCING POW DER— with Plate and Sherbert ,,.25c CLARKE SOUP, Tomato or Vegetable 4 tins 25c KIPPERED HERRING— per tin, 15c FRESHLY GROUND COFFEE 30e lb r ROSE BRAND BAKING POWDER 19c TAPIOCA, 3 lbs for 25c MEATY PRUNES, 2 lb 25e HEINTZ MUSHROOM SOUP 3 Tins 25c HEIN'TZ BABY SOUP 2 tins 19c IVORY SOAP, large cake 8c SANI FLUSH, per tin 25c TOILET PAPER, 3 rolls 10c BROOMS, light and handy 25c MOODY LYE, 3 tins 250 NAIL BRUSHES— $c, 10c, 15c each Masters Poultry Concentrate makes egg production $3.35 cwt. RouhIeth8 Phone 166 COAL Q'UALITY-SERVICE �.LBOX 43 Egmondville United Church Rev. A. W, S'hep'herd. l0 osis. Sunday Se:hool. ii tort„ Vrthan'ksg ving Services. 7 pan., kEoe.ning _Service. The First Presbyterian Church Flt Senforth: Harold Coison (Feast, Minister. Services for Sunday, 'Clctob- er Tenth. The Sunday S'choo'l will meet at Ten. Morning Worship at !E'lcvim. Sernle+tt 'by the Minister: 1PThe 1'hurch of 'Today: Sinners 111 - nide and Saints (.)ntside." The Even- ing Service at Seven. Sermon 'by the ilitta,ter. ".1;0n1t.ing Across the Line: Raman Catholi"i-m: The Ku Khix ..',11a11: and +the Church of Christ." Heartiest welrcnne to all services. Si. Thomas' Church Services For Sunday. October 7+Oth=Our Nati( nal 'Thanksgiving 'Day. S.S. and Bible Class 10 o'clock. !lusting prayer, lll. ,iclock. sermon tt plc, "The Nation's Greatness." Evening tprayer, 7 o'eloek, "Oppor- tvnities." All welcome. Canon E. .Appleyard. luster Northside United Church Ree. 1'. •\. C'srmicivae1, Minister. 116 ;t.tn., 'fltank. iving service, 7 p.m., ''\\'inn Christ Cones to 'L's in the l'onnnon Ways of Life." 5.5.. 10 arm. The ('1111 alticrr.ary o1 otic church will .1. ,irld ,.n Smutty, '(letciher 24t1t. when the Moderator. the Rt. Rev. l'cter Bryce vill ,preneh at 711 a.m. and 1h1 Pre-icicnt of the London ,Confer,. ice, the. .Rev. Waldemar Wil- l.iaras, \1.A., of Sarnia, will preach at night. IOu llmtday. , ( htohe•r 35, there will the a to vl supper and entertainment. EATON_SPARLING A unlet wed,ding was solemnized at Mebillot, manse on .Saturday af- ternoon at 2 O'clitck w'ben Rev. 12. W. Craw, pastor of Caven United 'Church, tithed in marriage 1lary 1V11ai de, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aton'o Snarling, to Walter Roy E.•tkt0, son of 31r. and \irs, IGeoro iEhclon, froth of lloKil/op, The bride looked lovely in a 'brown- French crops dress with accessories to match: 11Vfr. and Mfrs, itlliott, sister of the (bride, i,f Waliaceville, were the at- tendant-. ,Auer the ceremony a wed- tlfng dinner was served at the home of the brides parents to immediate ramie( s. The decorations were in pink gond white and the bride's cake centred the table. .timid showers 0,1 confetti and good wishes the bride and groom left ata motor trip to northern ipoints. Huro aillantyne Liberal Majority About 1,204 AGAIN PREMIER Hon. 1I. F. Hepburn Ballantyne Has Clear Majority over Beth Opponents. Taylor Majorities in Stephen, Exeter, Goderich, Clinton, Goderich Tp. Ballantyne Majority in 1934 was 2,281. 500 Fewer Votes Cast in Huron than 1934. Robertson Re-elected in Huron - Bruce. The cote in 1lnron on 'Wednesday is a keen disappnitsttnent to those who hoped this riding would declare itself decisively against bever- age rooms, :\t time o1 writing this iry" ruling appears to have en- dorsed the. 'beverage rooms Ilihis is the tit t test of paldic opinion since t11e. ler a overntnent pot the hesera e rooms n Kitson tt ata ea- ly against the will ni the .euplc. Mr. Ballantyne h;, i,cen 'given 0 clear Majority o:rr his two "dry" op- ponents. The rote in 11roti was: Goderich Twp. ll tllantyne !lair Tat h No. 1 .., ......... 74 7 93 No, 2 45 14 76 No. 3 61 4 97 No. 4 39 2 85 No. 5 57 14 65 NO, 0 46 6 45 Vote in Perth County W. A. Dicies:tn. Dib., 115:5;31: T'.. F. Henry, 'Con., 40,4150. 322 Mai, for Taylor, 130. Hullett Nn. 1 191 15 31 3o. ? 63 4 42 \o. 3 84 3 30 No. 4 135 15 69' No, 5 32 1 20 No, 6 70 11 45 No. 7 73 12 60 — 588 61 297 315j. For 14allantyne 3.91 Hay No. 1 67 12 No. 2 69 25 No. 3 225 20 No. 4 164 11 N,:. 5 85 2 70 2 42 9 47 461 \. , i, No. 7 31 12 70 58 41 134 27 Hepburn Wins Ontario Hepburn Has 5,306 Majority No. 1 116 4 230 838 85 396 \liij. For liallt;type 4»' McKillop No. 1 193 2 16 No, 2 140 11 75 No. 3 . 134 2 78 No. 4 121 5 83 588 20 252 1laj. for Fiallantyne 330 Stephen lo, 1 43 9 105 No. 2 31 10 45 89 10 50 No. 4 112 16 82 o, 5 77 3 51 No. ti 89 2 151 No. 7 60 3 54 Na), 'Z; 32 6 89 No, 9 104 8 113 637 67 740 1f;tj. for 'I'nelc,r 1(1.1 Stanley No. 1 52 4 42 No. '2 86 9 16 No, 3 71 14 24 No. 4 , 46 15 138 No. 5 - 21 4 70 No. ri 77 14 42 No. 7 49 0 7 N,,. 8 57 13 114 459 73 453 \i .1. :or Ilallantyne 6. Tuckersmith N.o. 1 109 10 62 Na. 2 89 18 • 64 N o..i 110 10 19 No. 4 128 8 39 No. '5 81 22 31 No. 6 87 16 33 84 248 604 1,1'*1. dor Ballantyne 33116 S. C. f. Champions Above are the winners .of the Seaforth Collegiate snortsevents -on 'Frid'ay. In the supper .pictire. ,left to right. are Clara Dolnta:ue girl; intermediate tchampion: Tsa- 'be McKe,li•ar, gill's' jimior champ- ion; Edith Wallace, '.girls' senior champion. Tn the lower picture. ,left to right: Stuart \Nigg, boys' junior champion; .Arnold . Scott, 'hays' in- termediate champion: 71,4; Rennie. boys' senior dva.mpi'tn. RE-ELECTED ,lames Ilallantylse No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. No. e, No. 7 Usborne 43 11 47 60 16 25 71 19 15 80 11 30 59 22 63 19 16 60 38 9 79 370 104 320 Maj. for li.rllantyne 50 Clinton NO 1 101 15 141 No. 2A 62 3 93 No. 2B 88 7 77 No .38A 58 9 95 \'e 311 114 7 125 No, 4 ..... 60 3 80 Ad. doll 11 0 13 494 44 632 Maj. for Taylor 138 Exeter 73 21 145 40 15 84 49 14 83 50 24 59 50 21 61 19 11 55 281 106 487 Maj. For 'Taylor 2(fn Hensall No. Il A 104 36 71 No. dB ... ,,111 38 61 — 215 74 132 31nj: i rr Ballantyne tin Seaforth No. 3 ' 114 18 56 No. 2 110 12 54 No, 3 k 127 4 54 No. 4 95 11 44 No, 5 47 8 63 No. 6 90. 5 56 37o, 1L No, 2A No. '13 No. IA No, 313 No. ''4 583 58 327 3faj. for Ballantyne 250 Goderich No. 1 42 7 73 �o. 3 86 I3 133 No. .3 100 19 116 No, .4 52 7 50 Na, .5 97 7 107 No, 6 60 11 57 No. 7 125 12 88 No. S 88 4 47 No. S) - 97 12 128 NO. 110- ... , .. 131 I" - 123 No. 111 72 2 49 \o. 100 6 117 Ad. Poli 13 1 5 1063 119 1093 Maj. for Taylor, Sit • SUMMARY Seaforth 583 Nrelh:llop 588 Tuckersmith- 604 Stanley .. .. , . • 459 Hullett ...,588 Hensall 215 Hay 838 U:s'hnrne 370 Stephen 637 Exeter ...... , 281 caoilerich . 1063 Clintonn. . 494 Goderich cp. 322 58 20 84 73 61 74 85 104 67 106 119 44 47. 7042. 942 Maj. for Rallat>'tyne 1,2.04 327 252 248 453 297 132 396 320 740 487 1093 6,32 461 5538 Summary of the nroclnce 1'JFJ0. 1: Con. 23: The Conservative leader, Mr. Rowe, was defeated. Former Premier ,Henry had 285 nlajot•.ity, Fornher Conservat- ite'ca'binet minister=, Frinlaysnn sops Kennedy were ° elected, Huron -Bruce Vote \l". Ti.'Logan. Con., 5,0716; T. J. McLean, 21P; 'C. '4; Rorbentst,t 8,596 ("elected): PI. T, Thomson, 470. _Announcing , . . Shaeffer Fountain Pens ing up icor custom of providing the best mei chandi e available we have added a,: full line of .the well and favorably known Shaeffer Pen;, alai l'cticils.:Shaeffer Pen; are folly guaranteed t,€rini the Bili priced $2.50 het tit the "1 lie Tiille Shaeffer Pen" at $5:75 and upward. See the Shaeffer Pen, The colors art neaw. The shape is new and yrnt will get a new thrill out ,t5 Shaeffer l'en Pertr,ra,7ant'e, $2.50 to $17.50 GVate.rman and Parker !'ens a15t carried in our regular Mock: 1 I. SHOP AT SAVAUGES IT PAYS Phone 194 Res. 10 Sj ANNOUNCEMENT lir. 'William Pearson of Seaford, announce. the engagement 111 his youngest daughter, Viola. Jean, to Charles Pinder, son of the late 'Vm 1 tnder, the wedding to take ,plate the latter part of O.etdber. ' CAST HER BALLOT One of time oldest voters311 the rid - was .lis, .11aa-g- aret 'Henderson of Winthrop, who i in her 91st year. ;Miss Henderson last her ballot bright and early in Clic morning and has not missed voting .ince women scoured else 'franchise. THANRSGI'VING Monday, Oct. 1ltth, is Tiaanksgiv ht.: Day and will be observed throng:hoot Canada. ANNIVERSARY 1'ihe family of 1fr, and Mrs. John Hartman gathered at the home of their parents in Seaforth 011 Sunday. 0ctoher 3, and surprised therm with useful gifts and a sntnittalops dinner on their wedding anniversary. Wlteit lir. and Mrs. hIrtrtmi n returned hole, from rhtiroh on Sunday morning they were delighted to find all thei' children here, and that a lovely 0111!01- en dimmer had heels .prepared for them. The table was centred with a tlovcly three-story wedding: coke. An address from the children was read:: "We, your losing and devoted' sobs and tn..ahter, feel ae cannot let this-atts- picions occasion pass without saying hove we wish eon. with all our hears, a most happy anniversary. and we NO: vote to 'ale these gifts 1ra11 ns as '1 1 tilt '0:011 of n110 0ntd 'x111, wjshing it was ]1111011 •}tetter. Yon has a,lw.av: done well for :ms and we cannot sac, how- 'much we all appreciate a par- cnts',enerons decotiioh to ua and pair .',•;°are, Signed, Sour 13112Cltild rens' FORM JOINT YOUNG • PEOPLE'S SOCIETY A joint meeting of the L Y.P.0. of lie United Church aiid Y.P.S. of the Presbyterian C:hunch was held in the Northside :Colter' Church on Tues- day evening, Cyte her ;vt1L I0337, After the devotional hart 'led he Mise- 0. Bane, 11r. Sant Scutt, lass-. idcltt .,5 the ('.a'iP:I'., cs,plaincd the purpose of 1111' meeting and asked that a chairmanhe selected. John Mills was ;unpainted, The election of office•r•s, for the new piety resulted as follows: President Join 31i11s; devotional convener. li ss L. Koine; missionary branv�ether. 31i.s 'H. Swan: Cltiz'cn.hin comelier, Hiss '\herhart: social con - e1,11. -s. Miss N.331 int ('r0. Geo. Hays, +;•sir c..nt'rucr, hiss 'i:nth :Smith: secretary, 11i_s {;,tty Smith: treasur- er, Robert Snarler press rrhortvr S;etcart t,ce;des. 11 was decided 1,, meetings '11 l tte.:day e' coin held -every «titer month it ,..011- church, the month of Ortnhcr being in Northside United. The ma't'ey; then closed by singing one verse of 111rst Be the `I'.ie Thai Binds followed by the 3lizpah Bene. ECKART-DE COURSEY A quiet wedding was solemnized in tit. Loves' Catholic Church, Sea- forth, o1 Monday morning' at six o'- clock n hen '1110111l Keegan De Coursey of Fgntonalville was united in marriage to INrederick lEckart of Dublin. Rev. Father T. P. Hussey of- ficiated. 'the bride wore a .010Ibery velvet dress with 'halt to match, The bridal couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs }Patrick Jordan of Dnn'blin. the latter being ,gowned in brown chiffon with hat and' accessories of the same shade. !Following the cere- mony, the wedding brealefast was served at the home Of the 9nlde 'after which Mr. and l\f:rn :Eckert .left on a trip to ITloronto. 'On their return they will reside in .Egnionaivi'ile. SIR,' -LEGGED CARROT A novelty 'carrot consisting of six goon -'sized individual ,carrot's g.oin•etl ' at the 1tOlP WAS 'brough t by Mr. ,Ed. Bunt .of M Kiblop to ,Mr. A. Root - ledge's store the other day. APPLE DAY The ;weekly meeting of the Sea- forth 13oy Scouts was hold ,on Tues- day evening for the purpose of ar- ranging the details of Scout Apple Day, to be held on lOctolber 116. Two committeeswere 'elected to look after the advertisitng and decorating. The decorating committee, ilTtt,rnld Free, David Grieve, Stuart Wigg; Tom \Uillhee and 'Bruce •\tlrri•ght. '1'Ite ad. vertising committee, .D.onald 7rae- Tavis'h, Alistair Wigg, Mac South- gate. Donald Stott, Dick Bos. The decorating onnlntittee are trying. to procure a suitaiie window on Main' street for an ap91e day dis91111. 91f - teen 'bushels of the 'best .No. 3 Mc- Intosh Reds have been ipu'relna,sed from a local ap'pll'e ,gtravver and tine scoots assure their customers of the very best a+pples. AA meeting is Ito be held nest Wednesday night to divide. the tmvn into zones and assign .'&,outs to the various' zones. The houses 'alil be - canvassed .in the morning and groups of ' scouts will patrol the streets all day. Last year almost 1450 was cleared by+ the scouts and this year they are hoping for a 'bigger, better and more successful apple day than ever. EAST HURON CONVENTION East FTttrott Teachers' convention wall be held in Ss'afortlt on Friday. October'2Lhn'd, comnmen'cing at 61) a.m. The conrcntdon twill hold itssessions in First Presbyterian Church: Mr. (?neer, of Toronto, Citief inspector for n, wil.1 he the main .speak- er, .adiire.sin1 the teachers . fill the nr',0 cnanr:.e of stilly. In ;the: 1o'elling fhe•.( will be a h•aartlnet in Nortlisitle United ited Chure'h ''with Mr. Hartley, Clinton, .inspector inc,East hittrod, the sneaker. The annual convention of the West Hnrom 't'eachers Association will 'be held in G'oderith on Thursday and Friday. October 21st and 2>atc1. A fea- ture will an explanation of the ne,w curriculum by a representative of the Department of 'Educaaieuh,