HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-09-30, Page 6PAGE SiX.
4 Is i 1t
+,o faun' 1 The uattertitrhon okod1 nu, but did
\V:;°. .it lroa far. mini" Inot ant sic 'Perhaps his t•xperiente
sl tti+rt;..Len • in -brat• diceeiovn w;t�, limited; more
Oat's t1 road there 1 :apposed probably x'
• I n a t t tt i ably , till he imagined that,the
'.1s .t• gangby the cemetery, andstranger was merely etharting. hint,
i,, t„ St. Rnliox' There yon ;ore's -surd 'Ronald offer-
•Lio t. on :ivy herc1' etti him the penny. Fut he made no
rtfort to take it: do -Mule -is by •sur-
(RonaliT looked at the miserable lit- misrd that 'the titin would snatch it
ale wretch: :Ind tried to think what aw-Ly ere he got it: that t.: a 'familiar
kind of an infancy this must 'hc• to iota 'And then at last be mark -1101(1
drag through --in this dismal no- to take ib--woutht ring, apparently,
•m;an's-lantl, with its rain, and mud. that 'the ratan' did not ,eine it again,
.and misty skies, with never a gott.,v- or cuff his eats. or s;onielltin,; tj the
berry hash to plunder, nor a Maack- like; and then, he. looked ,ftp -aspic•
b,i.rd to ^,ante, nor a butterfly to chase ittttsly.
along the hedgerows. He cold( not 'la't a ;arid yin:'
Bela thinking of his own 1103-110(A in 'W.iv. of course it i;, Can't y.11 le11
east 'Lothian --Rhe seeking( for nests a good ninny from a had one:'
in the young larch -trees, the swing- The next moment lac had ;R ;;p-
ing on tin- beechen boughs, the long peared. Ile had sneaked out into the
day's gathering of bl:arkherrfes, the rain, tto doubt fearful that the strang-
6isthin.g with hent pin and worm in er would r;tb hint again of this Kee -
;the meadow pont, where the clear ions thing that he hell fa at ill hi, 1iu-
•brovvn burn ran deep under the ger,, ,:And s t .Ronald resumed his
'grassy ,hank. and the ,art rabbits, blank .,azina read into the muddy and
and 'the squirre!s, and starling-, and misty world,
nests tits young 'lintics'--this Hosie .\; length, the rain. moderating
'little devil knta- no more ni Bleat o01evolt at, he issued, out front this
than he did of apple -laden orchards or •hr her. :and set (forth for the town:
of breezy heather shine. and glen- A 'irainday-car passed hint; hat he
where daring and climbin.z c„yid :get had no mind to be jammed in aim
rat the ripe red 'berries of the ro.tv;.ut. Olt :2,,t a lot of elderly women, all
1Wliat an infancy to ,drag' through ,damp and with dripping umbrellas.
among foundries, and factories, and Nay, he was trying, to Con vinee him-
rcrai,lway-works, grin} -done walks tv- ar!i that the very discomfort of this
erywhere, ITt; air rrp.cgau the tide.. dreary starch homeward - through
of this ntonv'ttanans nie laneh„iy it•tie, mud and drizzle and fig_-.. 114 a
And ars for playthmy wholesome thing. 1.11ee That • limp,e :\c thing 1 bravely 1st ni it's chi. -
`What would ye :my '!d I gayer you of the kind ui country that lay oat - Ye mat nae work or ,play there;
penny. my mane' 'Ronald asked trf side elle town_ -in this direction, ae dl.ni if utile master once
hint, least -there would .he less temptation I 1'in bound ye Matta stay there.
for him to throw down his hooks and
go off tear idle strolls He assurer!
Imn;llf that he ought to he glad that
he fount' no tirtlant - meadow and
Intrling brooks; that. on the contrary,
the aspect of this •>uburban territory
was sufficiently appalling' to drive hint
hack to .his lodgings. All thy sante,
when he slid arrive there, he }vas
somewhat disheartened and titapres-
id; and went up the ,tone staircase
.lowly: and when he entered that
olivary, dntli little room, enol ;sat
down, he felt limp, and damp, and
:tired -tired, after a -few utiles' walk!
And t•heat he took to his hookas again,
with hit month set hard.
Late thatnight he was sitting as
astral alone, anti rather a'bsentiy turn -
in;, over his papers; and already it
lead come to this, that now, when he
chanced to read any of these writings
of his of dormer days, they scented to
hate been written by some one else.
\Vito was this ratan, then, that seemed
to go through the world with a laugh
awl a ;ring, as it t,'ere: rating' this
one, praising that; having Ti all .his
own way; and with never a thought
for the morrow? But there was one
',fere ht particular that -truck home,
1t was a description of the little ,ter-
rife: 'ne hail penciled Ti•on the hack of
an rncrlope ,,tie 'wart smuttier day
when ho tits, lying at -frill length 00
the heather. frith •Harry not half-a-
dort•n ,:o•d, off. Itis nose bet vett his
par; s. 1! at•ry (lid not know that his
picture was being taken.
Auld, gray. and grizzled; ;yellow ern;
uo.r as brown's a (terry';.
A ;vii as sharp as ouy preen :-
That', my wee chieftain Harry.
l,iad :arks;' .-the courage of the ratan!
Piths biggest' barn -yard rat tea,
snip him lay the heck, 1i t'r-bona'
'\s he the chit had ga•tten,
and when his master': work on hand.
'!'here's none mann come auear
The biggest Duke in all Scotland,
\ly Harry's teeth would tear hint,
lint ordinal' wase -tike fowl or .terra,
harmless as a kitten;
.\s soon he'd think u' tton•vitt'
\ .beanie when .he's sittin.
But 'Harry. lad, ye're ,growin- atria;
Your day, are getting fewer;
And maybe 111eaven iia. made a fauld
For such Wee things as yon are.
And when .4 rank ]:intra will that !,
Mud ci ill they fill your caggies?
And whal Ila 41r:utur folk tht•t'e wit:
'fieri's water for the doggies?
Trust AAMC® to heat your
home adequately, safely,
economically. Produces an
abundance of steady,
healthful, easily regulated
heat. toasts so long, too -
is light and clean to handle
- and leaves far less ash,
You'll be mighty pleased,
with this dustless, smokeless,
wasteless Canadian Coke.
f your lraeatP
HAMCC' dealer -he deserves
your fuel business.
Zurich Fall air
\\ bite 'Fall wheat, 1li1ton Traeni-
lie r, (12ov Latium -B. red 'I'M,: wheat, \I.
Rader, 1-i. \. 'Finis!: Spring wheat, •Ml.
Rader, H. Truett -titer,
Six -r;Wed barley, M. ,Railer, Jacob
White oats, early, \1 rs. E. Darling,
H, Desjarehne, white oats, late, 'airs.
Dowling, H. 1)'esjarrdine. - •
Small peas, M, IRader,
Rye. (11, Desjardine, Jacob Battler.
il.ucktvheat, 11. 1)esjardine, Fl, (Red-
er. Red clover seed, MI. IR<adet;elsike
clover seed, 11 r.. E, Darling; sweet
clover seed, 'i'. \I. Snowden. Timothy
seed, 1-i, Trurnrner, T. ,\4. Snowden.
Small white field 'beans, Jacob Bat-
tler, M, (Rader,
Coli. of any kind of apples, ,lantes
Sterling, Mrs, O. Uailey; Fall apples,
1Sterling. Laithtvalte & Son; Winter
rgtpies, Jas, Sterling-, 'Roy Lamont:
King of '1'bin'kins, \Its. Dailey, Game;
Sterling; snow apples, airs. Daley,
'Reay I.attront; (Northern Spivs, al rs.
I)ttilcy, Roy Lamont; R;tldwins, ,1a..
Sterling, (toy Lamont; 'id. I, t.irecn•
Mugs. lantes Sterling, Mrs, J)ai'ley;
NI:ulntosh Reck ,I. Sterling, l.ahit
.waive & Son; tltibsmt Ttittpen, airs.
Dailey. 1 athltivaite R Son; t;Olden
Russiaa. Jas. Sterling, Mrs. Dailey ,
1\ tkners, Mart. Dailey P., 12 estetney..
er; Maims, Laitltiyaitc C Son,
\\'ohs River, Ed Htitterer ; (hr
tanto;, XI rs. 1e, Sterling
Maiden's -Blush. l\' Mous:eauu, ales
Dalley dldtni'heint :Pigpen, Jas. --Sttr1-
ins, Mrs. })piles; Pcwadtkee \l.rs
•Diadcy, Lahti wtyke tG Son; Culverts
lames Sterling, NI tut. Daley hp, -oz
1'!ouen. 1,;uthw;Lite & tion, oars. Dail
cy : 'Tahn:ua Sweet, \11- , Dailey, Ro\
Lamont: \\' catchy, NI ea. 'Dailey, ,11,
'!'raemner; collection of Rosset ap
plea, joules Sterling, \(r,+, Dailey,
t flit ction of Wall p; al's. NI rs. Dail-
tv 1arilhieatt.: -Winter (cars
Iatilt waite, 1-1 rs. Dailey; cul:. pear;
Fall and \\inter, J as. Sterling„ Mrs
Dailey. Bartlett (pear, Dailey. Stetting
Flemish Ileauty, I aithwat le, Mt r,
Dailey; ('tarps Favorite pear, airs
Dailey-, Jacob Battler, • - •
Peaches. 41 De yartline', j. Sterling
1'runes, Susan • 1(1-aberer, 1«uthvvahe
Crab ayt:ple ,. red, 11 i Fla bard, H
Utstardine crab atrples. Peer
\l e t-lymumt H. A. Fuss,
t1 napes, 1 aettb Ilatt.ler, E. Rest, -
'utter coll. grapes, Susan 11aberer
1 ,otlnvaite. (plums, Mrs, O, Dailey
l.aithwaitc 'tX San.
Peautots - \\'orld's \\'ander, M.
latter; i)ocle}s, a1. :Rader, Roy ta-
nnate any variety, late, \f, Rader. 1,
Rattler; any variety. early, 1. !ltttilcr,
\l. •Rader; .Green \lonn4ain, XI. Rad-
er, !acid) Battler'. Irish 1 ohlder, j.
!iattlrr, M. Rader,
.Flitrt earn, .Jacob Ila !INT; dent
tern, airs. hackney( sweet cont, '1'.
21. Snow ole t, yellow baba ti ,w-eet
et cit Jacob Piattler, 91 l)c•sl n•din e,
Large red onions, ,1trob Rattler•
large yellow untnus, !Jacob Prattler, 1.1
N. Fuss; I}ntcit ts, 1. Battler, -11
4)e t o'dine; S'ptani.h cations, 3, Battl-
er, H. 1 esjardine.
1\ bets beta carrot., \i. Rader, ,l
rat,. ler; .rt'd garden carrot, 11 a lax-
Itard W..11ousseau, Swedish to nips,
11, 'I'rnemuet long real marigolds, 11,
I raenme•r: intermediate litmozollfs.
11 Rader, - XI, 1 Stuith: st-at 'bee
ruin olds, ai. Rattler, 1', Ml. snow -den.
harr:1 cah}tage, Ed. 1!therc•r; \\',
MIonise:ut: drnmhei;i c:ihh;tat. \V.
21oa.,e;ut Sns;ot ll:encr,.r; ,A.u• raid,•
as la col, Catttk•r,
Black Spanish radish L il;ttticr, H.
hard: wuife radih, 1-1. 11 jard-
:n ❑•,Turn bean,. •in,. 1 arch Rattler, 1-I.
1. 1 n s; pumpkin. yellow, 11. Trm•tn-
ner, it\'. '(i. Clarke; ntauunnth pump-
kin. 11, 'I'rncnnt r, T. \l, Snowden.
Citron. \\'. G. Clark, ti'. llestemey-
t•r: 11•1iebard smutstiu,'H, 1'rnn•nmer, 1.
1)abt'er; nutnuu,tth s;gnu.h. Jacob 11•at-
t'rr, f. \I. Siltwden,
Blond heats, I}1. ,f)e-iard!ne, H.
•1'rueratie•; tont beef -„ 1. Battler.
\1'atertnt•lnn, 12. Gritt•r, i1. '1'rnenr-
ner: mnskinello:n, '1'. \l. Snowden, J.
Battler: red tomatoes, I. Mattler; Niel
Smith; yellow 1ennaloes, Jacob, Bat-
tle;, 1!t; Smith. l'nllert'nn of garden
t rieta Iles. 1. Battier, .1. P. Iless,
Butter. ,coria, 12, t;tiger. ,1acob Bat-
tler tenser, print., Fred bit 1, itt,
12. t ;tiger r t 't t e, hantrnrula'. Ed.
Ha tree r. 11. '11 'ern.
Hutu y, in ratan. 1•:1. Ha'ht'rrl•: hum
cy, vr,aNed. \Jr.. tial;arcs.
\i aplt ern, 1 Matt r, \I. 12ailer.
1hn - a I Battler. AV'. t; Utn1;.
I r. itxkua., hest 1, Mel Smith,
Pied NIet'ivot,nit. 1o ifeura lc hand
scalp. W. G. Clark. Fred \Ic a"ly'nnatt,
Fritz special, \i. ti,ntita. laird sper-
,fd. \I. ,Rader.
\\'his- .luras, M(I Smith, \\'. (;.
1:lark f\\'ilhmi- specials); nett mead,
W. t 1. ('lark raisin 'nens or rolls Ed.
Haltere r; AI el Smith tea lu. to t:',
fret NIel,limi nt, \\' G. I:lark; roll-
ed sugar co 1 i; . f;uszn flatterer, \V,
G. (lark; rolled ginger t e al:de \V,
c;, t tole. Hi Ilaxbar 1, fried ettl.e s,
\\', IT, Clark, bred Flatterer.
'1 out cake. Irl 11a!berer, \\'. 1;.
Llaik; dark laser rake, (('red Mcl'ly-
moult, \V. G.Clad:: light layer calve,
Ed Ian,rer, \\'. u;. C lark.
farts, Fred alt Clinti rat, (Fred !11aa,b-
ercr cherry pie. Fred IJahe'rer, Fired
\iet litnntrt; 1)utrlt apple pie, H. A.
Fn id! Jltherer; toff(.• calx, 'id!
trial sit Fred Haborer meat loaf,
Susan llabercr tanned rhubarb Sit -
an llalterer \\. canItycl
rasa ne rt its, H He. jzardine, .12. leig-
cr; tarot l :tr.nibatrics, Ml r.. J. hack,
11. Ht jare!int cherries, XI rs. Pack,
}l, lit.)cardia canned ,ears, H. Des-
iardin. AV -G. Clark; vitr0n, •12. (;ei;eer
'firs. R. Title & Sou; canned phut..
\', (, Piaci:: , annrd peaches, H. De.-
:trthn . \V. t t l n9;,
net int (art \\. i;. t:lsrl:. lir..
i'bit & 51,. berry jam. H. X. Fuss,
21r.. 1"hle. Red currant lolly. IT. 'Des-
r-hito. 1\-. G. Clark: mixed vinegar
t,ici Ir-. Fd ittntrer, alt=. I'ti1e; twits-
torte.. uFred M i,l\\'1;.
.1.atl,, Jat:ob ttadynttht'r,t. 11.. 11.
INteb; eatmer1 ,tt,0gtoea„ 11 el Smith,
Susan 11 t'nerer; canned' corn, 11. 1)c.•!
•Hearne, Mrs, • I -(curt Fuss. l nllectinn
canned Intuit, H, 1)t.)ardiate, \V,
Quiit piece, fancy, Susan Illabevcr,
Nies. Hackney; quilt, cotton Susan
H tb;rel', ind I-lahe er <puilt, plain co-
lor, \I. (Rader, Id-Reatenreyer; com-
forter, W. G, Clark, R. Geiger; lied -
spread,. knit or _crochet, -Mrs, Hack-
ney, 1h•s 1F_. Darling; bedspread, fan-
ry 24. Rader, Mrs H. Fuss; house
dress, al-ts..M'I. Livingston; W. G.
Clark; mart's sleeping garment, 21rs.
'Lawson, Mrs. 13. (Piffle & Son.
Clbi,kPs made over dress, 21rs. Lee
91.-nlTrtxan; IH. A. Fuss; bed sheett, Mrs.
i 'Pfile; Mlrs, Henry Russ; kitchen
apron, Ed 'Ilivheret .N1 rs. Darling;
wool sock -s, ,Nina. ,Ed Dawson, X1 rs,
Pack; mitts, XIrs. Marla ey, 21iss M,•
Livingston; chaining sock or stocking,
Mrs, Hackney, H. ,A, IFzuss; crochet
gloves, .Mf, .Railer, 'Mrs. 'Ed Lawson;
knitted, 11. A, Puss„airs, Tack.
Sweater. (:nit or crochot, 'M4, 1..A'-.
ingsaton, Mrs. '.iiia Lawson.
Candle wick spread, \\' G. Clark,
Mr.. fid g; lDafli.man's ±wearer or
pullover, If. A. Fdts's, a!i';, 1Taclutey;
article made from old stockings, T.
21. Snowden, 21 ns, H. Ftus; floor
stat, .1'>.raitled, 2!rs, B. II'fi t, `R. Geiger;
floor mat, cotton, :lid Haberer, Mrs.
11, ('Tile; floor amu. •wool rag., Susan,
l laberer, airs, (1,111e; floor neat, silk,
V'1.-Ratlet XI rs. 'Hackney ney: floor neat,
wool yarn, TI. 1)e jnrtlun•, Mins. Lee
1 Ioff man.
Dining Vroom Fnrni.hinhs.---Ltun;•ii
set, cert work, N1 rs. Ed' Lawson, \ails
Livingston: nt: pinch aftt,. other kind.
Zits d•itingston, airs. Tack; table
Mats, \Ira. ,.Pack \Irs. 11rc•kn•yt
table -cloth and napkins, M issLi,•ing'-
ton, \I rs, •l.afi• son :.venire piece \I iss
1 ivmgstt n airs. La \G•on; buffet set,
\las. Dltrhng, 21 . 1 avi'son; needle
point, NI isa Livingston'. I -l. A. Fn,ss;
Initial; scat embroidered, alts. Pack,
\Its. I):ulmg; card table tovtr, airs
Law tv.itn, \Ira. Dialing; Set cud
icon, Mt s- Livingston, ton, -Mrs.. son; table cloth, large, NI rs.I ash,
21 rs, T)arling; tet cosy, 11rhack-
ncy, Mfrs. Darling tea towel., tial,
Habercr, Ml, Rader.
- Bed loom 'Ft nl: b!ng. I' 11o;v'
slips, embroidered, al, Livingston.
Mrs. •Park; pillow slips, other hand-
work, al Livingston, on, R. Geiger; fat -
vv sheetand iii}Tow slip., airs. (H.
1 ass; \I Livingston; ton; gue't towel,
Nies. 1l'ack Mrs. Lee Hoffman; hath
itwel, rte„ alt,. Tack, M3' Darling;
etin,eafn, alts, Ptilt 21i s Livingston;
vanity set, itis Livingston, ingston, N1rs.
Darling; bortth dr e u,ltiva, ales.
Mrs. Darling; night robe, holies',
\f re, bee Hinman Urs. Talk, collar
and cliff set. 1I r,. 11ta'kney Mrs. 11.
l t .; bed jaiki1, Mrs. w.on, Id!
1lahert•r; ladies' slip, bliss Living
stmt. 11. .1. F i,s, tactics' dressing
own, it, Geiger, airs. 111. Rio.;
lniv ..liter, vert crock, \I., Livingston.
Mrs. I l-okney.
Children's \Near, Runner, jaeket
and bootees, NI rs. Hackney, al, (Rad
t r cribcover. \I rs. :Darling, 2! rs.
11rekney carriage ni:t' ' e t, airs. l i n kntry,
\H•,. Fu.., child's fancy dtt \its.
I -lading. XI rs. Ley- 1!nifntan; piny
dress and Woomera, Mrs, Hoffman
\i r,, lhuliin_; cosunue, knit ar coo
hit alts \\ G. '(!'irk. I -I. 11 Neck,
Living ince Room 1 uutishin .---Centre
pure, \I r-. Lawson, as r.. •U.tniinu
tt'itle muter. Ni.Living:t, 11, alts
Tack: k: snit pillow, embroidered, \Its.
Hackney-, Mrs. Darling; sofa
oilier handwork, I \I. Snrnult n.
Mrs. Loc Hoffman: chesterfield -rt.
airs. I itis. NI rs. Lawson;
\Ir.. 1iac'knev, 12. !Geiger.
\It celldninn. -. Bridge set, Mrs.
Darling, 11 rs. 'Tack applique 11.
Fos-, \V, 1.1. Clark: clout stop, 12. Gei-
ger. II. Fuss; roll of a rtit'le aurae
front tabic oil cloth, \l n. Fins, . airs.
1Iarkney; >!l, garb -a images, Miss
1.i, ine.tnn: kitchen oils cut'tain,.
tar., bI rs. fill,; coll. different .tile..
needlework, Mrs. 1.awatm. Mrs. Dar-
Cartoon, NI rs. Dailey. Miss 1,ii'ing,
stun; ttoster, .1. 1'. ales,. Hy. Pitta -
bard; crepe, etc„ '1I. Fn:,; oil paint-
iug, laaidscaue, XI, l.ivingstott, oil
pointing, marine, \I, l.iv'ingstrnt.
t iaidec; water colors, seem-. al. Liv-
ing -ton. Mr.. Dadlvv: water colors,
flow or, crnnpee!. \l, l:ivitutr ton, 11.
h.uss: rioter volar., animal-. M. 1.1v -
111e -tun, 11. Fuss: pastel, al. 1
st ,n, airs Pass; r, 1 ;'i;tini al' design,
\1 1 ivin t ? 11 I ms:hard ti (toil
carving. „ ai Livingston, Mrs, Ens::
,e n„tenr photo. ,to, 11-T, 1 tt art wort:
not iM-tela .1. T. Hess, \I. l.i%ingstou;
.tial., \I. Ilinr, stun 1.aithveaite k
Stu. NI on it h pert. l H. Ftr: s: Dr.
lPD., er special, Mr::. Fn..; 12.
Simpson as •t al. NIrs. Fuss; \}oits-
.eau Garage special, 12. Geiger; aIil-
tn 11 .rh sin(ial, 11. '1'rnentner:
%tnrii•h Flour Mills special. bred 2;!'-
Ind'gv: \Its. 1). .2. Fowler, 1.)tnt_
Rougmt I rc, Susan llab ter:
\Its. Lee 1loffntan bouquet, .nt,tll,
Sn.,an i1ianttu syaita, Susan 11ah-
ever, airs. Lee liolfutat; dahlias, Sus-
an Balter er; to •ehias, Susan 11 tbercr.
Asters, Susan Ilabcrer; pc tuatara
Susan 11,a'bercr; house plant;, Susan
11abcrer; fallen:. in 'pot,, 12, Geiger,
Nirs. (Pineannuals mit lisited, Ste,an
H tberer, NI ifs. Lee 11off man ;; zinnia..
A. F, 11c.s, liaison !Taborer; verbenas
tin an 1iaherer; gladiolas, NI rs. Law rat, Susan 1lrthere1; .roses, Susan
Coll. annum, leave N. F Hess;
mounted v vials. ':\ I . 1fess; be sI
'tressed doll henry 1 I axhard 11. :\.
1'n. • crochet vprlc, It. .\. Fuss, bird
h, ll'e, 12. Geiger: er: writing, over '111
yea rs tail. 1I (Fla altar('; art, .over 10
wear. illi 41, 1).hard.
Ratti. rt( 21o1111'e111 special, H. •Flas-
hard, .\: F. Iles..
Honor Bride-Elect-
Rin- staff of Cooper's -inti, 1.lin-
ion, drove ,11 in the hnnit• oaf \I r.
11111 21rd. 1 red 1;ilbcrL of ln,Nairlt
Tow usltip ito spend a social cyening
1n honor ai their rl'auglvt•r idem, on
the eve of iter atpprnaebin'tr• marriage.
DR. E..4, Mc MASA E'R---Graduate
of the Faculty of Medicine, Univers-
ity of 'Toronto, and of the New York
Post Graduate School and Hospital,
Member of the College of Physicians
and 'Surgeons of Ontario. Office on
High street. Phone 27, Office fully
equipped for x-ray diagnosis and for
ultra short wave electric treatment,
ultra violet sun lamp treatment and
infra .red electric treatment. Nurse in
Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, Un-
iversity of Western Ontario. Member
of College of Physicians and Surgeons
of Ontario. Office 43 G-oderieh street
west. Phone 37. Hours 2-4e30 p;m„
7.30-9 p.m. Other hours by appoint-
ment, Successor to Dr, Chas. Mackay.
DR, H. HUGH ROSS, Physician
and Surgeon Fate of London Hos-
pital, London, England. Special at-
tention to diseases of the eye, ear,
nose and throat. Office and residence
behind Dominion Bank. Office Phone
No. 5; Residence Phone 103.
DR, F, J. BURROWS, Seaforth,
Office and residence, Goderich street,
east of the United Church, Coroner
for the County of Huron, Telephone
No. 46.
Ear, Nose and Throat. Graduate in
Medicine, University of Toronto 10497,
Late Assistant New York Ophthal-
mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's
Eye, and 'Golden Square throat hospi-
tals, London. At Commercial Hotel,
Seaforth, third Wednesday in each
month from 1.30 p.m, to 5 p.tn.
Physician - Surgeon
Phone 90-W. Office John St. Seaforep
Auctioneer for the County of Huron.
Arrangements can be made for Sale
Date at The Seaforth News, Charges
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed.
F, W. AHRENS, Licensed Auction-
eer for Perth • and Huron Counties.
Sales Solicited. Terms on Application.
Farm Stock, chattels and real estate
property. R. R, No, 4, Mitchell.
Phone 634 r 6. Apply at this office.
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
Mutual Firs insurance Ct
President --Alex, Briatlfoot, Seaforth;
Vice -President. John E. Pepper,
Brucefield; Secretary - Treasurer,
M. A. Reid, Seaforth.
F. McKercher, R.R,1, Dublin; John
E. Pepper, R.R,1, Brucefield; E. R. G.
Jarmouth, Brodhagen; James Watt,
Blyth; C. F. Hewitt, Kincardine;
Wm, Yeo, Holmesville,
Ales. Broadfoot, Seaforth No. 3;
James Sholdice, Walton; \\'rat, Knox,
Londesboro; George Leonhard t,
Bornholm No. 1; John Pepper, Bruce -
field; Janie, Connolly, t;oderich;
Alex. .NIrIdwing, Blyth No. 1; Thong.
as Moylan, Seaforth No. 5; Wm. R.
Archibald, Seaforth No. 4.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
ar transact other business, will be
promptly attended to by applications
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respective post -
Miss Gilltert 'has for the past six
years .been a very ,popular member
of this stair. alis, Gilbert was pre-
sented w•itit a beautiful occasional
chair, trite prest'ntati.on firing made by
NI r. \\', L. .1ohn'sott• The eve.itiu.a;
was sprat in anisic and singing, Miss
Mien t.'.h•u9e.itnrrh rettrkrtng' sever-
al pleasing vocal numbers.
Old Culvert Discovered--
iscovered-During operations in the excavat-
ing work on:Albert street for the
underground conduit wiring' fol' Hy-
dro and telephone transmission,
workmen kbnrovered 'a 'rectae IOU,' cul-
vert. :11 first, saute of the ,bystanders
hought' it might the .part of the old
corduroy road, 'but on further exam-
ination, it was discovered to be a cul-
vert of this road, which was in Ilse,
whom otte hut1th'etl years ago. (Tire
eulwetit was heti, een three aatcf fnttr
'feet below the surface. - Clinton
N evv^s-'Re cord,