HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-09-30, Page 5TIIURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30. 1937 flamalliSMIONImassuraiser THE SEAFORTH NEWS west Specials, gt oil till (Jct. 6th inclusk c ARCTIC PASTRY ,FLOUR 7 7s -23e. 24s GRANULATED SUGAR e 10 LBS, 57 c 5s 35c I3EE HIVE CORN S2s—lfic. YRUP Manning's CHOCOLATE MALLO BISCUITS PER LB. P 2TINS 19c 2 TINS 19c 2 tits, ,27e PORK AND BEANS Aylmer or Libby's, 21 oz POLLY PRIM PEAS 17 oz tins Hillcrest Shortening, 1s Sugar Crisp Corn I lakes. 3 pkgs. with one- - Mickey Mouse Magazine 25c P & G. White Naptht Soap 6 cakes 25c with 2 Cakes I irk's Hardwater Soap Inc , All for 29c FTappyvale lVlince 11/feat Cleaners, Big 5 or Classic Singapore Pineapple, sliced' or crushed Cowan's Cocoa, Vrs-15c, Hawes Floor Wax, Is (Hawes Floor Gloss—,Pints Castle Floor Wax—is Hawes Lemon 'Oil, 12 oz. 2 it,:: 25c 3 tins 14c 2 tins 21c is 25c each 43c each 59c each 25c each 23c IPure Jams, all kinds, Pure Black Pepper Chase & Sanborn D 32 oz. jar per jar 25c 1 ib hags 19c Dated Coffee 1 iii 35c Aylmer Choice Pumpkin 2Is 'Keta Rose Salmon. is Shaker Salt, Plain or Iodized Blue Rose Rice Derby Cheese is spreads or slices Pitted Dates White Embossed !Serviettes 2 tins 21c 2 tins 19c 2 pkgs. 10c 2 lbs. 17c pkg. 15c 2 lbs. 23c t pkg. 13c Fly Coils, Aeroxon 5 Coils 10c Catsup, Libby's 12 oz. Bottle 14c Electric Bulbs, Mazda, 40 and 60 Watt each 20c Aylmer Crabapple Jelly, 32 oz. Jar each 29c 4110- Jelly Beans per ib. 15c Wrapped Molasses Kisses per lb. 15c Ross J. Sproat Miss N Pryce PHONE 8 PHONE 77 Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING and—EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 The Willys Having driven cars of many kinds in the vast twenty -(five years, 1 find the Willys is •tlse Queen: of then aril. It is good for ifiity miles per hoar all day 'long and runs as smooth as velvet. The saving in first cost would ;build you a .concrete silo, or install hydro in your home. 1TIhe saving in operating per year would pay your yearly hydro 'bill or lots sof other things. The Willys will make your dollars go farther. 'See 'pie 'at the glair. J. L. HUGILL AGENT Phone 34-616 .1111,11111/12110/ Stock Breeders Optimistic• •With "Regal and Dm!penial Year' as motto 'and' keynote of a (joyous round- ing -off of public .Coronaition celebra- tions in Canada, the (Royal Winter 'hair m'an'agement, after a survey of the pure=bred live stock indttstry, re- ports more optimism among Canada's stock 'breeders than for a decade witch, in consequence, :the rosiest ou'tloo'k for years for the tforthcaming Nov- ember IF•air, All classes of husbandry ,Iil anticipations, share in 'Nhe• 'cheerfi Beef cattle, thow•ever, stand out strik- ingly. Brisk .markets 'for the past twelve-month have removed all sur- pluses from farms and heavy restock- ing isas taken place, especiallyy •in On- tario. some farmers being now bti'sy in the unprecedented record of hand- ling their third 'lot of feeder cattle within a year. 'This has reflected fav- orably ,through extensive 'purchasing From breeders of pure `bred stock who constitute the 'bulk of exhibitors at the Winter Pair. Dairy cattle breed- ers also are 'bene'fiting by direct and allied activity and are improving their herds 'by timely sale's. There is every- where a distinct trend to a'higher lev- el of excellence ob'serva'ble, with bit- ter quality for show purposes. \Vint and For Sale ads, 3 arks, 510c IN A CASE TRACT OR FOR 1937 AND LET'S PROVE IT1 AGENT. DUBLIN, Ont. TOWN TOPICS' 11sss Je"'tie li•'th,It,il' •a'r,ve1 .1'.'m• Monday after spending some tnosrtha with her sister.'Mrs. J1. T. Matrix, at Vermin, B.C. i1i. an'd• •Mrs. F. berry of 'I'.rwit: ;were „stria, daring the week and with •Idisces •Cresswell. NM.r. and Mr., Chas. plays. \,Vitali• sor, spent the week en:<.f with the for- mer'; •mother: Mrs. R: S. Hay •11 r. and Sirs, Thomas 'Asians 4t. 11arys were visitors Sunday avid!. .friends in town, 1'Ir. and Mrs. Ryan of Liman were seats Sunday with the latter par - ems, Al r. and Mrs. 1 .rss. Ramis. Mrs. F. Devereaux and Mrs. C. Ir. Silts are in Stratford -delegates to the Diocesan Ccm•ventiott of the Catis- olic Women's League. The banquet held on \Vednesday evening was wrll attenrlarl by ntenibers front. the Sea - forth sub -division, Please remember the 'Nati ostt Tea aril Sate of Home Baiting and 'Myst- ery Boxes iia the 1. O.O. F. Hall on Saturday; October 9. Mr. and Mrs. E, Mantle, Edwin. and :Edna of `Lonclns were griests over Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. R. :Parsons. Dr. and Mrs. Harburn were at Ni- agara .Falls, ;Bun'das, -Cayuga and Brantford for the week end, ,visiting' reiatiees and fri'end's, Mr. and iNkrs. 'Spencer Chcckley and d'aug'hter Vino. and 'Nir, Cheek- iey's niece, 'Mrs, Vino 'Setters .of Los ,Angeles, !California, Who is -returning 'home from the Corpmstion as well as sip -ending some time on the 'Contin- ent, spent a few clays of this 'week with 'th'eir !daughter, Mrs. Joseph Broome. • Mrs. Eleanor 'Ritchie .of town, is slatting her son, Mr. Melvin Ritchie and Mrs; Ritchie at Zurich: • Mr'. William Hackett and dough ter of •Blyth were visitors on Tues- day with ,Mrs. IR. Wallace, tSeaforth. Mr. tjoe 'Eckert from .Markd'aie ited at his home in IEgnianclville on Sunday. He is engaged with the King Construction .Co. The road bulrl'ing is almost •complete its that vicinity, lir. and Mrs.T. .Swan Smith are returning to their home which .is be- ing vacated Iby Mr. E. C. Boswell, who is taking the Bechely residence, 'Goderich st„ vacated !by 'Mr. and .Mrs. Dunn who 'have moved to the apartments over Smith's Shoe store, Miss Margaret +OIDa>'wd of Hamil- ton spent the week end with Mr, and -Mrs. 'Ros.s Sproat. 'Mr. and .Mrs, 'Jack 'Currie have moved into Mrs, Laird's house, John street. Mr. and Mrs. Wim Elliott of Mit- chell and nephew, 'Gordon Hart of Saskatchewan, were visitors Sunday with Mr. IJ. M. Robertson and Miss Robertson. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs, (Gordon Carts of 'i'heddord spent Sunday at the home of the tatters sister, Mrs. Ed. Yting- blu•tt. • Mrs. 'Eph. Brown ,spent Sunday with her daughter. Mrs. ;Ed Yun'g- blutt. The W.M.S. of Constance United Church were guests of Northside Un- ited CChun& in Seaforth on Tuesday afternoon when they presented their play "The 'Two Masters". Mr. and Mrs. W. Logan 'and Mr. and Mrs. Laidlaw of Blyth, Dr. and Mrs. Gorwill of Seaforth were guests to tea at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Leo Stephenson on Sunday. Born, on Thursday, Sept. 33, in St. Joseph's hospital, London, to Mr. and Mrs, 'Andrew Reekie (nee Mildred at ittonl a daughter, 'Patricia Ann. Mrs. George'Wheatley of Clinton spout .a week visiting friends in the n�icin'ity. Mr. and istrs. William Britton visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. 'Reekie in London on Sunday. Mrs. Reekie is at present in St. Joseph's hospital. Mr. J. .Hoggarth o 'f Cromarty. Misses Helen and 'Edith Britton and Wm. Jewitt were •guests to tea Sun- day at the home of Miss Luella John- ston of Auburn. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. David Cooper have returned to their home in Colorado after a very pleasant visit with ,their many friends in these . parts. Dr. and Mrs. Lawson of Listowel spent the week end with friends in the village. •Silo 'filling is the order of the day and corn is a good •crop. 'Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ,Daynsan of Detroit spent the week end at the home of Mr. R. J. iDaytnan. Mrs. Chesney ,continues very poor- ly under the doctor's care. Mr. and Mrs. Walter .Fairbairn call- ed on friends in Wing -ham over the week end. Miss Edna'Daynsan is visiting •with friends in :Detroit for a, couple of weeks. Mr. 'Clarence 'McLean of London spent the week end with 'friends in the village. Mrs. W. Dalrymple, and Mrs.' Al- bert 'Hay of Cromarty are the .guests of 141.r. and 'Ma's- 'J. D. Stewart and Miss Winnie. Miss !Etta Bell of London visited her 'parents during the week. '?'Taster !Kennet's McClellan of Gtg- tnondviile is visiting with }ti's grand- r,a,retsts. 'Mr. avid Mrs. 'Hugh Mc- Gregor, o-Gretior, lir. Bernard -McLean was in Lon" lar one day recently combining bus- iness with pleasure Id r. and 'Mrs. gran. ;'tarps a,, are rise.„oites.t, of Mr. and Mra, Rribert li.teiCtregor an:i fancily At the Fair PAGE FIVE There is snore in the above picture than meets the eve at first glance. for it is really one picture super -imposed on another. In the foreground is a prize If'slstein shown by \'V..1 b'eirnes of Listoarel. In the upper background is the fair bulidini1 and if one Chili's closely' in the centre the midway tent can be seers, also some of the ci' ,wd, and a trana- port truck, led `she al 'd S. C. I. Athletic Frida�]', c't.1 y 1:30 P.M. AT FAIR GROUNDS Booth on Grounds. Special Attrac- tions EVERYBODY WELCOME Admission 109 The W. M. S. of Duff's Church, Mo- Killop, will hold a Horne Cooking Sale IN VACANT STORE NEXT TO ROUITLEDGE'S GROCERY, SEA - FORTH, ON Saturday, Oct.2 Doors Open 3 P.M. Quilt sold with candy St. Joseph's Convent Phone 106 PIANO, VIOLIN, AND VOCAL LESSONS Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory Examinations HARVEST HOME SUPPER THURSDAY, SEPT. 30 From '5 :30 to 7 :30 in the parish hall ander the atts- pices of the Ladies Guild of St Thomas' Church Admission 35c Anniversary Services I;gmondville United Church SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3RD at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. 'Tlhe Rev. John McLeod, DD., of Toronto, will .pre chs Special nmsic by the choir and others. ,DR. TAYLOR (Continued from Page t) think it is no secret," Mr, Trewavrtha said, "that 'patronage was :withdrawn from the North Huron Liberal mem- ber for that reason." 'Ot'hers on the 'platform were Mr. R. G. Parke, Mr. 'Middleton (Clint- on), 'Mr. :H. Glenn .Hays, Mr. George NI'EEGee, Mr. E. R. Dennis (London). DIED IN 'DFJ'DROIT The remains of. James. O'Leary, a former well (chow n resident of this .district, which 'were ibrous'ht to "Sea - forth from Detroit, were interred in St. James' Catholic cemetery Monday morning ,the funeral taking place from St, ',Paine,' Catholic Church, Seaforth Requiem Mass was sung by Rev. '1'. P.:Hussey, The departed than wisp was 7�5 years of age had been inpourhealth for a 'poral many tear's. Before that he had been in the hotel 'h,sioess in Brussels, li'e.trolia and 'Winnipeg,' rensnvin4 tater to De- troit. His wife, -formerly Miss Mary 1. I>onovan, died in d193l4, Hs is stir- , by .an oruly (lau,tihter, Miss Katherine O"Leary. The ,pal•i-bearers J Devereaux, D. Shanaltan. i it Devereaux, 1. Dorsey. I. >.t I Reynolds 5 DUBLIN Price-Krauskopf.— A very .pretty wedding. was solemn- ized in S't. 'Patrick's Church, Dublin. on Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock when Marie Antoinette second dan- tAster of 11 r, and 11re, Albert Kraus- kspf, was united its marriage to Al- fred 'Price of !Kinkora, son of Mrs. and the late Mr, Charles Price of London, !England. (Rev. Dr. J. 13. Ffoul es sang the nuptial Hass and performed the ceremony. The bride, given in marriage by her father, w'a- attired in a floor length ;gown of white lace aver satin with net, and fashion- ed on princess line.. She wore a ell of real silk net with a slight train, and caught with a coronet of orange blossoms and lilies. She carried a bouquet of ttalisnsen roses and lily of the valley with fern, tIllse bride was attended by her sister Cecilia. who wore a floor -length gown of pale blue taffeta with rhinestone clips and a lace jacket. She wore a :halo of pink cut velvet roses and silver shippers, and carried a bouquet of pink roses. • t he'bridegroom wt,.attended by Mr, Jcastsplt \Vhite of Stratford. During the shilling of the register iNliss :Mary Beale organist of the church. rend- ered Ate;Marie beautifully. IFollowissg the wedding a sumptuous dinner was :erred ,to thirty guests in the Queens Hotel; Seaforth. The young couple then left •for a short honeymoon trip to London and other points east. For travelling` the bride chose a navy blue suit with blue accessories. They 'will reside in binkora. Guests were pres- ent frown London, Kitchener, Sarni• ford, Men khan and Kinkora, Miss 'Annie Delaney of Windsor with her parents, •M1r. and Iles. jas. Delaney. • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith and son Bili of Dunnville attended !the wedd- ing anniversary at Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sisith an Sunday. We are pleased to report that Mr. Ed. Stapleton is improving and his many friends will he ;pleased to see Bins 'around soon. 11r t'harlie 11eDairl of Bridgport w•a- e.s led to the 'bedside of his ,eau - A ter, 11.nra:trct then she was olper- tted on for appendicitis ou Sunday in Scott Alemorial Hospital in Seaforth. We to ids 11:weasel a speeds recovery. 111-, .-'unit 'Scott of W.ardsville with friends in the village. Mrs. E. iffianagan is starting !to fix up things after the ,big fire and' will soon be ready to build. Mir:. Ellen Burns visited in Sea - forth on Monday and spent some time with her .gra ndekurghter, Margaret Nle Dahl who was operated on. On Saturday afternoon at 2 p.m. the Sodality iselrl a meeting in the lsie'h school, the usual number of members present. This meeting was .under the. direction of thesewing committee, consisting of the 'Misses Marie Krauskopf. Irene Donnelly and .\Mary Cessnouto. '1'san ''hours were .spent in sewing, then 'a delicious 'lunch ts a, served by the hostess, as- sisted by Iliss 1Fary MoGrath and Miss Dorothy Donnelly. - The meet- ing was then adjourned for another week. 'Quite a number from here attended! the show rr held ins Wednesday night. in minim of Nits, Mat le hrapskap'f, daughter of 'NI r. and 1L . Albert Frauskopf. Miss l' sattskopf was the recipient rdf ninny lovely aril useful presents. _ I. Mrs. Matthew. Hendricks and her two children from Detroit arsvisit- iteg her parents, 'Mr. and Nirs. John K'nauskapf. Miss Rose Krauskopf.of Detroit. i, 'spending, ,two weeks visiting her par- ent,. \Ir. and Mrs. lobo Ks•au,ks's',+. Miss Gertrude Sian:et s s ;uti irienci of r411-011, sl,,,,,st Ns,• , .,i,', -I iter. na .li:r. Ni- r._ ;mole anti. Misr, Alice Flannery spent the week end with Mss C.-Srhumnuer, Dublin. %1i'iss Celia Feeney, London, spent Sunday with Cher mother, Mgrs. K. Feeney, Mr. Bill Ryan and Mrs. Reg. Hughes,' of London, spent Sunday with the former':s 'parents, Mr. ,and Mrs: Peter 'Ryan. 'Miss 'Anna Dlelaneys, Windsor, is spending a week at the 'tome of her parents, Ntr. and Mrs. James Delaney. AUBURN Leonard - Yttn.blu't is home from Waterdown. Mr. and, Mrs. Storach and fatting who came Isere recently from the West, shave moved to Blyth where' Mr. Storach will take sip work as a tinsmith. Victor Yungblut. who has been confined to bed, is improving slowly. Murray Taylor, 'Godee'ioh, visited Mrs, J. Ferguson.• Mrs. Moore, who is spending the summer with Miss S. Blair, received word on IFriday cif the death of her - brother, 'john IP. 'McCrea, of 'Bruce mi, Sneseverel from 'here' attended the Ev- angelistic senvlces in tIse Wingham Baptist Church this week, ,Mrs, W. IRsfbesitson 'has returned from a visit to her daughter in Crom- arty. • .Mr. and Mrs, Douglas ,Clam'p'helL Toronto, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Sheppard. LIBERAL RALLIES Goderich WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 29th 8 p.m. GARFIELD CASE, K.C. of ()wen Sound Exeter FRIDAY, OCT. 1st, 8 p.m. MR. S. P. SHANTZ, Toronto Clinton Town Hall THURSDAY, SEPT. 30th 8 p.tn. - MR. S. P, SHANTZ, Toronto Zurich SATURDAY, OCT. 2nd 8 p.m. J. G. GILLANDERS, K.C. of London Seaforth CARDNO'S HALL Monday, Oct. 4 8 R. J. DEACHIVIAN, Ni.?. of W. ing'hant Ja'iBes BaaIaityrae the Candidate will address the a:ieetings and other local speakers. °ev.:xaaveus/Ranremera