The Seaforth News, 1937-09-30, Page 391I.1U'RiSDA.1r. SEPTEMBER 30, 1937
Hot semen Gets Six Months for
Pepping Up Horse—
Alfred' SeIHfter, Waterloo horse,
man, was found guilty of being in
pr,s'es,ion of drugs and selirtenced ao
six mouths in ,fail and $2410 or addi-
1l e al three months in case o'f non-
payment of 'fine. "I 'moist find Schift-
er ,guilty," said Magistrate j. A. Ma-
klns, after hearing counsel argument
il'1Pd it17n(11in'g up as some length, in
police court at (lndericlt last 'Thurs-
$ray. His worship said 'the concoction
of dnonphin ranine, efe„ was a
"hop,'.... to key up r, hors -.,10 make
hint go faster --not a sedative, as de -
'react tried to make out. The crown
tidied that a sentence of six months
in jail and a fin( of $1.000 be i nlposed.
il,1111, the magistrate made it and
costs and '=1x month's in jail, „ir an
additional three months in defanl,t of
payment of tine.. The 'hearing was a1.
lengthy one in which several wit-
ne,ses-w•e1'e heard. Case w'a's :the ant-
conte crf li.C. NI, 1', investigation at the
Seat„firth race, on '11114' 1, The nar-
cotics 'a ere found ip a trunk. Corp.
\V. Chisholm, Sarnia, Ica. lirSt. Wit -
IR •••• ”\L'e wadched t:he accused until
the third rare," said the „corporal, who
was 'accompanied thy Constable Daw-
a in, 'another momudie, both in (plain
clothes. "We had a complaint Inc was
giving narcotics . to a horse." •1Cin
ahead and searc'h," accused was ere -
dried with -'e, inn. 141 , wooden trunk the race he anaiy,t ,a'id,lh( deal:.
rho nelnn,ties
"mod, acc,rdiu7 1„' tunnel contained cocaine, 1(7737 n,,
Chisholm', e•cirl(77 one olive 'G"ttle'caffeine, al'co'hol and water. '1'111, cri.
rontairting 11 -la. 11 Iraf 1 4: whir']' deuce was corroborated by Dr, '(i, H,
}I. R. 19art. Dominion analyst, said 1V Luce, of tite university of 'i o-
ca,niaine,l cocaine. morphine and oath, row.. Dr. Lucas made a saliva test,
1•r drags. "'Fie said he used it to 'take um' e+f 5O0 h' has made in I'10routo'
the thump out o'f rhe horse's }team," and elseieht're, and reporter' his tiud-
testified the monntir. ilir (levied ,tlrat 111x, to the Hartle', Racing ',socia
ronlpeii''for, in hat•i1(•ss racing 'had :hit. 111 racing cii•c11•'.7 this brown 11-
"sti healed" uu S'chiiaer. "Is it not quid is called "11(471," said 1)r. Lucas,
true asked C. \N. Bell, K,('„ of Ili.' who sai'I the liquid also contained co-
tuildon, "that after the bottle was ra• rine. 'Harry 77yer, estates officer 01
seized `poor old Dobbin.' not with -1 \Valerltto Trust and Savings t'u., pro-
s4ran'ding, wend out and 'finished 12, 2,ld•necd a cash bowl: of the late 1)r.
ill?" "1 don't know:' ('vnstabh, Caw- 11enhoctl'er, V.S., Kitchener. who died
K011 testified that Schiffer had said 11.e .1 pril of this sear,,howing man)
gave June Peters the liquid .'before sale' by 'Dr, H1(ihoeffer t'' aces=ed.
f 1, .
' 1 ' (.II(t'ki•d 11 •c , •.,ti rn.11
'1414, and!,:ink hotttc, irt• S,)tif;er
ern a, to<ed at a liilcll(•ner "tore and
delivering them to 11im at Id; black,
,pith shop. I';1 'rine 9b( xiuu•ss bclx
in hi. n defence, the LVatcrloo
black nuith said he Lot the ".hr'utrtt
medicine" from '1)r, ifleulo,eller .for a
tlntntping heart. 1t 1777, administered
to June 11-1Gterr :idler "shewas ex-
hausted and 7ranted 10 lie down" •iron
roster effects of in'fluenza, "1 dont lie -
lir e you could dour a horse if von
wanted In,obscryea Mr,
tense conr'•el, when accused said lie
(('(cr sot any titre drugged a Ion se.
'19v dare raced three tittle, this last
'ifou i" S t
Yotere Steering,
Vote for UnempI' yment
Premier Hepburn will pass an Unem-
ployment Insurance Law next session
if the Liberals are returned. A vote
fora Liberal candidate is a vote for
Unemployment Insurance.
Vote for Low
Hydro Rates
Ilcphurn brought down Hydro Rates,
saving consumers $4,800,000. Vote
to keep Hydro from being loaded up
with costly power from the Quebec
Powlr Barons.
7', ha.'. •
Vote for the "Treasure
Hunt'' to Continue
Ilcpburn has already uncovered a
treasure of 28 millions hidden away
in inheritance taxes on under -valued
statcs, Vote to continue the hunt.
Vote Your Approval
• of Lower .Auto Fees
l t:pburn has cur 15 off the cost of
mAur license fees Vote Liberal and
vi -ow your approval.
c''...,nurarar.'cac_: x.•nmexbra"
a7'te i'or L wer
Hepburn's desire to help the taxpayer
was shown by the one -mill special
subsidy he made to municipalities to
i"c passed on to the taxpayer. Hep.
urn is the taxpayer's Prayer Friend.
Vote for Debt
Hepburn, by sound financing and
gaud government, reduced Ontario's
Public Debt by 33 million dollars last
year. Vote for further reductions.
Vote for Courageous
Hepburn has not been afraid to stand
up against the Lewis crowd, the Que-
bec Power Barons, the financial ring.
Ontario needs a courageous Premier
in times like these. Vote for lower
interest rates.
Vote for: ?,ore
"Sunshine" Budgets
Hepburn's last budget, with its nine -
million surplus and its tax reduction
accomplishments, has become popu-
lary known as the "Sunshine" Budget.
Vote for a continuation of these "Sun-
shine" Budgets.
all right to let Earl Rowe kid himself that he is
steering and running the Conservatives, but the electors
don't want to let Mr. Rowe kid them into believing that
he is leading a new, clean, thoroughly purged Conservative
party. The same "old Henry gang" is managing the Rowe
boat. The "old Henry gang" think that they were beaten by
"some mistake" in 1934. On Wednesday, October 6th,
show them that it was no mistake, but that you were in
deadly earnest when you voted them out and that you
want them even less today.
Rep urn Social
roves He !ss
Man WithEdea
Y his deeps, Mr. Hepburn has shown
he has the interests of the masses at
heart. His government has assumed the
full cost of Mothers' Allowances. A mother
with one child is note entitled to an allow-
ance, a right denied her by the former Con-
servative government.
Under Mr. Hepburn, the government as-
e burrs
LT EPBURN has shown true friendship
for the workingman, with advanced
labour legislation — Minimum wages for
/nen as well as women, an Industrial Stan-
dards Act providing codes by agreement be-
tween employees and employers and already
improving conditions for 75,000 workers;
wined the municipalities' share of Old Age
It established Pensions for the Blind.
It abolished Students' Examination Fees.
Jt cancelled the Amusement Tax so that
people are no longer penalized for enjoying
themselves at theatres, concerts and games.
.fits Lab
and the creation of the Industry and Labour
Another evidence of Mr. Hepburn's friend-
ship for labour is his promise. if re-elected,
to enact legislation to provide Unemploy-
ment Insurance, and Mr. Hepburn makes
good on his promises.
He burn, Taft
uo r ,f: Ut . f P
T_TEPBURN'S proposed Board of Three
—a Judge, a Liberal, a Conservative_.
is the sanest, soundest, most constructive
plan for removing liquor from politics that
has yet been devised.
In respect to beverage rooms the Hepburn
Government stands for the principle of
local option. It is up to the municipality to
decide f r itself whether it wishes to be
"wet" or "dry". That's British fair play.
Hepburn prevented the sale of liquor in
On its record of successful administration
during its first term in office. the Hepburn
Government deserves to be returned to
power—deserves the support and the vote
of all fair-minded people.
Do your part co assure Ontario a contin-
uance'of good government for another term
by voting for the Hepburn candidate in
your riding.
tissued by the On
ado Liberal Association
1'77 S:sislr,a,�`z';;
777'4 :m; sh,' soon three 1/4110,; Sh
(• is
1".11..,r n a" .vola .Alt'. .` e/liner, *lint
1 alw'al 7rru•d tun, boltif' in ,'ane
the mare "o11 the "tbtnnr„ .1)r.
jnhusr,ll, A',5., AViterloo, said the in-
gredients in She seized brown liquid
could be used to 1(17411 fatigued
1101',W., '"1 have never administered
the mix hire my.s(eif. From my knowl-
edge in ming i't it 'hal, no medicinal
value, lint 1 believed it would
late the hr• at! dug centres ,uxl action
'u3 the heart,'' witness said. Dr,' Lucas,
recalled, 'said the narcotics 'in the
brown mixture, were emonlon'li'
known e 'h,u,, die usually f/acrd
then' in the ,oliva of dosed' horses.
Dr. tk'orge Cairns, \ .1i•
stria the
brown mixture has "absolutely no
xterlical value, but was a concoertion."
it wr,atld stinmlate the centre caf the
ncr ort' system and 'produce excite,
mem, nervousne;'s and make the heart
a -ter. l)r. Alyers, 'Godetic1, gave
similar evidence.
Receives Western Appointment --
7'. S. Stewart, Regina bar'ris'ter and
'(salvo , f 7,4itchell, has been ap-
1 to titc important mist of Reg-
istrar of rite .Regina Lands Titles if-
»ic, sae, ceding AV.. ti, I-1x7111:lin, who
retires after forty years in the civil
/rice. Mr. Steuart is a sun of the
\rr, :,'l Alt.,. ,Ales Stewart who
sided ill the S1.nt11 AVrr•d, Mitchell.
Mr. 'Ste,%art was eihnoted iu ,Nit
before .ludying law and inns been .in
r \\'a'.t formany years, where he
Iatric'! ''1t a law practice, His
hnobe r, ,11:1 11 Stewart, i. note tle-
nntv-sheriff for Perth Comity,
Boggy Demolished—
'''he ir: gg-v in w1,ir:h \V. 1'. (marls
'?raw, his rural mail was total:1)' de-
molished when struck about 2'::30 o' -
,'tuck rn 'Tuesday afternoon ihy a car
driven by 4, Nicholson ,,f Detroit
who ria. been at Ilk 110111• in Logan
r his tether's tun'(ral. Mr. Conde
e scaped any .eriou' injury when
thrown fr'no the buggy but his ear
was hurt and his forehead received
sr,nu' scra'trhes as he 77111 (Ira: tc,l
el011:1" the road in hanging on to •,he
reins. 9d1' Ants on his asataljob the
Following day. It seems that Mr,
('rade, who delivers the maid on R.R.
.1 was jars! crossing Ni, V3 t i,ahway.
west ward. about .one mice north of
777 hill, watt the Nicholson car tra-
(lmh „math struck the rear of the
bntrgy with 1717 ab ,tc result,. -1lit,
,•nerl .1'dvocate,
Celebrate Tenth Anniversary --
4 bt
nniversary—.(111 \10;1(1:77)' (':'('Ming of 1-1,1 wee'k
Mr. and 771rs. ,l1n•k 13thnitnds of \lit-
hel1 en:ent inetl member, of their
'1(11(117 to dinner in observance of
1u(ir e(trlin anniversary. Nlr,
Z d nwnd': mother, of ?'eaforth. w'a's
m(ngst tare 'nests,
Lived in Seaforth and Clinton—
llitc:hell loss +,11e .rf_it', pi,mecr re-
idrnts ml 11ridrty ill the person of
lames Wilson in his i)3th year. born
in 1..m oln.hirc.. England in '18 41, ;the
•un od .1111• }ate \lr. and \Ifs. LL'ii'iam
Lt 13,(nr, he ('anis to Canada from the
Lund ehr,nt ,e my year, :vac.
7.,)104• :in residence - in the \htcltcl:l
ialiiv 'mtlere 1,e had ever ,dice 're -
.1 •'� 7 it11 the eacep71' 7 of a 7417..lrt
Seaf. ell-. and Clinton,
iniecher ivy trade, having
ti a b(7.711)''4'7174('
h, ,• H :lie old 1(1:(, 14, t 411.1(1741.., wa<
„lc.. all 71177• ittarki't svitt:ln•e 17 dere
the \li 771,, 11 ry7,4., ,'}ti('(: now •,471';�•,
a •tall in that •b11111171 for
, 11's. }1, sercd ,+n the \litch-
t 1 a n.' : bo (rd for several ;ears,
C,••r"rat'on Features Day By Day
I All ''isle•.:Eastern Standard)
-.1 d;1j :401:1 CM 311:.
411, 1 iatlIt 1r \iethuselah", by
'Mernard Sltaw. N1i'C-t RSC in-
:' .1;11 (•• change program From
N: e 1 r!;.
"Canadian Concert Hall
1lrehectr( dire:tips
.^;i('1. From M'£ontrea:.
a S1)'ld1er 1:
si.•' n.iu, -'"Pictures in \Music"' \fat-
k.tsite, with soloists: \13at1
ti 7' l+i,l . and the Aea,leln
t,rrhes.t1 , directed ',c 11'rii,rl:
'acne. From I1a'.ifre�.
:110.30 ;,.411. "Village Lice in timid".
"t'r':'s Uy i -f. L. I'ilxleg of St. 90'1:1
i'(d'.egc. A, rr lreli:4..From Montreal.
may lea(tober 2:
:s.iFfi 1-.m. Irene Lantir1. $Sues zine!-
1w11-2ron„ tram. Frani Lund-
' 1,.111. "Reflections". The Lyric
i.,, :714 r and orchestra lirection
11an Alelrer. From \L=ntr,nl.
1;17yd:11, O'rtobor
,411. "The 4on !/!thiol 1'1177
„ tt it \''1'th America \.d as a hear
r:rid 1 '011-tituti011: Diuussirn by The
• tn, '111l1onat Club. 1rront Vancouver.
71,110 p,m. " LL`Ithln 1'91e•se \\'alb"
"1 -,art 'Ho ell. dratua ecritten by
ton lb:. lli. It.oi,insan, produced by Rupert
10.111 µ pan. "Along ..he Danube-.
St -lug orchestra, orale choir and
a,1.. Direction: J)an 'T)csl;mr r i
on; \L'inreal.
\Io,n 1a7, October 4:
Stat - p.m "Canada's [11.ltne.. ".
',Vet kly re iew of trade and industry.
'r0m Ottit w3, ,l1.(11 •1.111 5.011 Slick, Fronr'I3a'lifax.
Tuesday, '7 to -lobes :1:
it/ p.m, "T11is English", ..['alk nn
,'•i ,toi by 1. Campbell 1111+unec.
hood 1'or,mto,
4/j v,.'rt, •✓1.11(; l'atnin;ll '0 Slitti11g
ins a series ie true d'rasn;ts
adar,,tl,1 by }lac-
ar_. , - :.(r�1• r ky kind pertni,sion
• I;:nn s 11,,'I T.1'.13., 7 .N7.7;„
:(•.i.7 <1:'olT 0:
«.nl. "National tiro,/ Sang"
4.1.:11;1ysinging under `enders:tip
o` ;'1ore1 "'o,.t-':. Front lia'lsfax.