HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-09-30, Page 2Orange Pekoe THE SEAFORTH NEWS 1•10. Vern! TEA sits HURON NEWS and airs. \ dam Mello...sir, Grinishy, was solemnized quietly at sIt. sosn , Pre shy terian :Manse, ,t ;rims:lig on Saturday, Sga. 25111, Rets I. B. Kahle oilier:glass, They were at ten,se,s Death of Mrs. Alvin G. Woehl- The Fort Erie Times -Review make, the fallais Mg- reference to the death of Mr, (Mein G. \Voehl. farm- erly Miss Olive Rankin, tif Seaforth: A greet los, to ahe community oc- curred in the pasin f passingits. Alvin Woehl in her ..-"8th year ,m Satur- day morning. September 18th. The late Mrs. \Voehl (nee 'Olive Annie Rankin of Sea'forth) came to Bertie eighteen years ago as a. public school teacher. Her fine Christian character and the calm Patience with which she bore her shree years of suffering en- deared her re alt. MSS W a (t an active member of several 'organizations, be- ing oast president '11 the Bowen Road Women', Instittne. a member of the ,Eastern Star and St, john's Ladies. Aid. Surviving her re her husband and three children, tGlenn, Lloyd and Marion, her mother, Mrs. Minnie Hugg,ard of 'Toronto, and 'three 'bro- thers and two sisters. !Edward, Helen and Jack !Rankin, of Toronto, and Frank !Rankin and Mrs. G, licrntosh of Detroit. Eitheral services, conduct- ed ,by Rev. J. S. Henbschman, of Buffalo, were held ,froin the residence on Monday at 2 o'clack. thence to St. John's Evangelical Church, Snyder. Miss Mildred Young sang "Beautiful 1,1e of Somewhere." and at •the re- quest of Mrs. Woehl, Rev. Heubsch- inan sang "Alone." The ;pallbearers were Fred Bown, A. D. -Chapman, Dr. G. •K. :Chapman, iFrerl Miller, Ro- land Spear and, Wilfred iHershey. There were many beautiful -floral tri- butes, Interment was in St. John's Evangelical cemetery. Snyder. Mr. and Mrs William Hand of Grimsby. \ Ir. tool Mr,. NI oGregor aere the guests of the bride's parents in Goderieh on Sunday and after a short motor trip will reside in Grimsby. Residence Sold - HORSES Agricultural nia re. Fred Roney, Thomp- son Bro Alex. Wrielo. Fgal, Thompson Bro,„ kaae, Fred .Roney. Filly or geldine, 4 years. R. :Scott: three years, R. Scatt. Warren Brock ; ran ton) t Iwo years, Warren Be \Vim Dale. Thampsan Bros; alio year, M. lE. 'Hooper & Son (St. Siert Thompson Brass ll-Terh ()ekes (Clinton), Sweopstakes, R. Scott, Heavy Draught Bram' mare, R. Scott, W. Urqu- hart Gordon 'Elliott (Walton). Foal, R. Scott. NV. Urquhart, Wm, Dale. Filly or oglding, 4 years, lames Scott, \V. Urquhart, James Scott; three years, \V. 1.r(1.1111(101 two eArN.. Warren Firck, Wm. Urqu- hart; one year. \V. Urquhart, C. Rowe, R. M urdoch special for Foals. -R. J. Seats Alex Wright and dol. Sweepstakes „lames Scott. R. Bell E. & T. Co., best draft initial on grounds, JailleA Scott. Wagon Horse on Halter -Willy or geldiag, three years, Slog J. Theil; a years. .111.i. J. Rreis( Nlitehell); NI. E. Flinger & Son. Dale Nixon; one year, 1.1ms J. Kreis. Nf. E. Hoop- er, Dale Nixon. Judge: \V. Ridgeto \vit. Rotokter -Broad mare, Dr. 'Ross, H. Oakes, 'gelds Coyne; foal, Dr, Ross, H. •Oakes, Louis Coyne. Carriages -Brood mare, GM. Dale: faat, Geo. Dale, Harness Class -Agricultural team, Russell Scott, Warren Brock; heavy draught team. Jame, Scott. Wm. Urquhart: general p ;Igoe team, Geo. Theilt Roadster horse. •Rev, R. \V. Craw. Cita,. Dale; carriage horse. Pia- Carter. Len Guy; lads !hier. M r, Gears!: Dale. si r. Rass Chapman. CATTLE Shorthorn Caw. \V. Oestrither. \V. E. Timm bull; heifer urn years, \V. Oeatrich- er, \V. E. Turnbull; heifer. one year. Turnbull. \V. 0i:so:Mier, \V. E. Turnbull; heifer calf. \V. Oes- trieher and aid, \V. E. Turnbull; •bull calf. \V. Oestricher and and, \V. E. ltmrimlmti-li hill one year. W. Oes trigher and 211(1 +MN. tuft years. W Oessricher, W. li, Turnbull. !Herd. 'O'Neill Br.), W, Oestrich- ea Howard 'Wright. Grades -Beef Cow. 9. NI. Scott and 2nd, Orval NI c Laren 3,-,1; ,heifer, two years. \V. Turiihnll; heifer, one year, Orval McLaren; heifer calf. W. E. 'Turn - I,011, Andrew Park. J. M, Scott: steer ealf, O,'011 Bros., Andrew 'Park. Butcher's Cattle Steer or heifer, Orral Baby beef. Bross Andrew Park, land and 3rd; W. 1E. Turnbull 4th, Ayrshires Bull. James .N1dI ntosh e.O.a , W IR Beirnes and '2tul, James McIntosh, heifer, two years. NV. IF. Beirnes; heifer, one year, W. E. Beirnes, !Jas. Metatosh laid and 3rd; 'heifer calf, James MeIntosh, W F. Beirnes, and end 3rd: bull calf, W. iF, Beirnes Jersey Z. Barnett; cow, IE. Barnett and 3rd: Geo. Timmins ;(St Marys) 3rd; heifer, two years, Gem Timmins, E. Barnett; heifer, one year, Geo. Timmins, 'Barnett: heifer calf, G. rimming IE. Barnett; bull calf, Geo. Timmins and and. Holsteins -Bull, E. IL Vine & Sons (Listotrel); cow 'E. M. Vine & Sons; heifer two years. heifer one s ear, and heifer calf, E. M. Vine & Son and and; 'bull calf, E. M. Vine & Sons. Dairy cattle -herd prize, IE, M. Vine & Sons Creo. Timmins. Dairy cow, any breed, G. Timmins, Polled Angins-Bull, Lorne Carter; cow, Lorne 'Canter and atd; heifer, one year, Lorne Carter: heifer calf, Lorne Carter; -bull calf, L. Carter. 'Herefords - Btil1, O'Neill Bros., Howard' Wright; cow, 'Howard \Vright, 101Neill Bros.; heifer, two years, heifer one year, heifer calf and hull calf, 'O'Neill Bros. Howard Wright. Best animal any age, W. Oesteicher T. Eaton Co. special for grotrp of 1 dairy Cows, one mature e5w, nue 2 -year-old heifer and one yearling, E. IT. Vine • & Sons, Children's calf competition, best calf of any ;beef breed, Percy Wright, Lorne Carter. Judge -Lincoln White, St Marys. SHEEP Shropshiredowns 'Ram, two years, H. M. lGibson, 0, MelGewan; ram, one year, a M. Gibson and and, 0. McGowan 3rd; ram lamb, 0. McGowan, H. M. Gibs son and 3rd'; ewe, la al, !Gibson and Send.0 MdGo wan 3rds shearling lre, H. M. Gibson and and; (.Me- 1owan 3rd; ewe lamb, H. M. 'Gibson and :2ad, 0. McGowan 3rd. Southdowns--Ram, two years and ram one year, J. B. Kennedy and _hid; ram 'lamb, J. B. :Kennedy -and Ephriam Snell 3rd; ewe, slicerling ewe and ewe lands, T. B. .nnedy and ;aid. in. -alas -Rain two yearsrain one • a- led ram lainh, R. and J. Gosi- 1 11.1: ‘,1, 0, -R. and J. Gccil- - etre 12. allti 5. God- ' Mrs.: d -Olin Snell has sow Inc gam. ence sitm Jolla street, ;Exeter, to Mr. William Broek. ,if ;L'shorne. who gets pas 5CS Sian the middle ,sf October. Mrs. Snell intends holdins an atm - tion sale of her lionseh,dd effects, following ,ihich she intend, leaving for \Vindsar 10 make her (attire home with her daughters. Mrs. Mc- Donald and Mr,. Smith. Mrs. Snell, who is now in her middle eighties, itits been an esteemed resident of Ex- t•ter for the past 214 years. She is ex- captionally smart and active for one of her age. or the past number of winters she had made her home with her daughters, anti has :meat the summers in Exeter. --Exeter Titus: - Ad vocate. McGregorBlack- ITIbe of Miss Evelyn T1.111 i Black, daughter olf Mr. and Mrs. Harry IF. Black, Godertch, to Mrs. W. Brownlee, Clinton - death occurred last .,,,eek ;1.1 her home in Clinton of Matilaa Per- rin. wife of 'William H. Brownlee. in her ilith year. Mrs. Brownlee was barn in Clinton in 1801. only (laugh- ter of the late William H. !Perrin, a former Clinton merchant, Oct Nor - ember Vs '1903, Ale was united in marriage to Mr. Brownlee in Dallas. Texas. After residing f or Ao111e. years In the United 'Mattes they returned to Clinton. The funeral was held last Donald Edgar McGregor, son of Mr, Thursday to Clinton cemetery. mismosmai To the Electors of Huron: In again seeking the support of my fellow -electors election day, October 6th, I am remindful and grateful for the splendid vote that was given me in the last election, and I also appreciate the confidence again placed in me at the Liberal Convention. During my term as Member, I have ever been mindful of the interests of the taxpayers of Huron County and have sup- ported Mr. Hepburn with his program of tax reductions. Much has been accomplished in the matter of Highways, Roads and Bridges for Huron. Under Premier Hepburn the Provincial Government has assumed the total cost of all high- ways and has increased by ten per cent. the grant on all town- ship roads. The Government has assumed the entire cost of Mothers' Allowances arid of Old Age Pensions, The amuse- ment tax -a source of annoyance -has been lifted. A subsidy of one mill on the local assessment has been given to each municipality. The reduction of Hydro rates has meant dollars to the consumers and is enabling the extension of this utility to the farmers of this County. The latest saving, which ben- efits all motorists, is a 0.00 reduction in automobile license fees. Regardless of political affiliations, every citizen must ad- mit, if he is sincere with himself, that the administration of Premier Hepburn has relieved the drain and strain of the tax- payerspocketbooks in many ways. On October 6th you will have the opportunity of showing how rnuch you appreciate the handling of the finances of this Province. The savings that have been effected for the people of the County of Huron since the Hepburn Administration took of- fice amount to the amazing sum of $336,175.55, and are made up as follows: SAVINGS EFFECTED FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE COUNTY OF HURON SINCE THE HEPBURN AD- MINISTRATION TOOK OFFICE: 20 per cent. cost of Provincial Highways, now assumed by Government to March 31, 1937 .8 78.529.99 Highways assumed by Government since spent by Government, less 50%..,.... .......... . Increased Grants Township Roads, 40 to 50 per cent. -10% equals Two years' savings Registry Offices, munici- pality refunded Old Age Pensions assumed by Government Mothers' Allowance One Mill Subsidy on $ 17,153.50 17,7.57.50 40,100.00 $ 75,011.00 Less former County levy 1,321.61 20% refund to County by Liquor Board since October 31, 1935, to March 31, 1937.... Urban Hydro reduction in rates to consumers due principally to reduction in cost of power to Municipality (years 1935, 1936 1937 and 1938) 42,589.00 Savings to rural consumer by reduction in service charges, hamlet and summer cottage rate Reduction of 25% cotnmercial vehicle fees based on 1936 actual (including city) Amusement Tax (based on year 1936 actual). Education examination fees eliminated (3 years) Grants to IHospitals revoked by Henry, rein. stated by Hepburn Administration, Additional percentage relief cost assumed Province in 1936, as against 1933 Total Savings for County of Huron $5.00 Passenger car license reduction Yours faithfully James Ballantyne M.L A FOR HURON by 19.875.00 34,199.94 15,660.011 5,131,46 73,389.39 2,681.01 62.464.00 6,820,00 8,841.95 7,803.00 722.84 - 1,221.97 $297,463 55 $ 38,710.00 A Vote for BALLANTYNE is a Vote for HEPBURN ffa.(ttttmorterzteromancemst.ntrottlemalesasstatexmormstrartotontstm SralnleamerlassiusIsi THURSDAY, SEPTEMB.ER 31,1937 Vable married men now to accent farm and in recetpt of relief will be ,..,„„ ng to regigi through tteonattstmstomountem mageoasarazaremolsweffarmammeamearamemorsimarseargela Leicester -- Rant, Ephriam Snell, tlity Ihnrance; ram. one year, EPII- Snelt; ram Iamb, Ephriani Snell and and; erre, 'Epirrialn .511.211 and 1/orrance dial; shearling e we. I.:1,116am Snell and '2nd ; ewe lamb, -Kph. Snell and s'ad and 3ol. Oxfords Rags -tv' y e '1 Stet; 11 an. Fred NleClyino10; ram, one year, Wm. Henry, and 2nd and 3rd ; run lamb, 'Wm. 'Henry and '3rd. O. NI c - Gowan 2nd; ewe, \\lin, dietary slitt 2nd. 'Fred MeClymont '3o1; shearling Inc, \Viii. Itienry; ewe lam's, \\.m. Henry and 3rd, 0. McGowan -ind. Dorset Horned Rant, 'two years, O. NI oCroa an,14 E. Dearing. Chas. Danbrook (At- wood); ram, one year, 0, McGowan, P. E. Dearing. Chas. Danbrook; ram brook, 0. McGowan; ewe, 0. Mc - Iambi IP. Dearing, Chas. Dan - Gowan, P. 'E. Dearing and 3rd; shear - ewe, IP. E. Dearing, D. NI el io w - am! and 3rd; ewe lamb, P. 'Es Dear. jitg, (), Nigalattan, Danbrook. Wether kings long wool, any breed, IlSpliriam Snell, R. and J. God- dard and .ltd. \ 'ether 'lamb. short wool, a ay breed-, J. IL Kennedy and ,2nd. O. tI cGow-in 3rd. Special, hest sheep, ff. NI, Gibson. PIGS 1 orkshires-lloar, over one year, A. 14. Warner g Son:, \\ 'Turnbull, Janie, S. 1',,,Natv, lioar'under year. .k. \\'c11 ram, S, 81141 cird. J am es S. Cots an 2nd ; sow one year, A. I I. Warner and 2ntl. J. S. Cowan 3rd; sow under one year, . \. II. Warner and .ind, ,J. S. Cowan 3rd. Berkshire - 111 classes Thoniscm, 1st. 211,1 3 -rd. Tanta orths-lioar, .iver one year. [Sonatas Bros, I Mitchell), Chas •Dan - brook, R. Nlanson; 'mar, under one year. Douglas a 11. t '211(1, 12. ../tIatv.011; 0110 year, Douglas Bros. !old 211,1, Danbrook: soa ander olio year. Douglas Bros. and 3rd, Chas. 1)anibroak Paean Hogs - Four bacon type hugs, Wilber Turnball, l/onula., Bros. ludge..-11)avid II. Kelly, New ,Ilam - burg. POULTRY Brahma,. e. ckl. p, 'NI. Eraser; II, NI. IA. 'Fraser, Chas. Daahrook. Barred Rocks. e, M. \.• Eraser, Fred tleclyniont: 11, ckl, NI. .\. Fras- er and 'aid. White Rocks, e, k I, I iouglas Bros.; b. P, Douglas Bros. and and. ButT Rocks, c, it, ckl, p, 'Thorpe ISii ert. and 2n!, Ctiebilis Is Al. A. Fraser. Durkings, Ni. A. Eraser and 2nd, A.O.V. Hamburg,. c, II, rI(I. A. Eraser. Tangs/tans, ts It, ckl, Ni, ,A. Fraser; P. NI. A. lEraser and ,2ittl. Orpington,. c, IL p, M. A. Eraser. Minoreas, c, ckl, Douglas tiros. and I2nd. Wyandottes, c, T. C. Shane. Douglas Bross; Is p, Douglas Brosa T. C. Shane; clel, Douglas Bros. A0 \1 Wyandottes. r. ckl. p, M. A. "Fraser, Anemias, ,c, ekl. p, .1'. Shane and and. Rhode Island Reds, c, ckl, Douglas Bros., M. A. ;Fraser; h, M. A. Eraser, Dottglas Elros.; p, Douglas Bros, and and, White Leghorns, c. ckl, is Doug- las Gros. and and. Leghorns, c, ckl, p, M. Aiir.019F.raser. jersey Giants, h, ckl. p. Douglas A.O.V. Bantams, c, !Dauglas grass M. 'A. Fraser; II, Douglas Bras., C. Danbrook; ckl, p, .Douglas Bros. 20,dp.ekin ;Ducks, Douglas Bros. and :Rouen Duoks, e, h, Douglas Gros., M. A. iFraser; ckl, .p, Douglas Bros. Chas, Danbrook, Ailsbury Ducks, c, ckl, p, ISongs las Bros. 'radian Runner Ducks, c, h, David Grieve; cka, p, C. Shane. Toulouse geese, c, ckl, p, Douglas Bros. 'Emden Geese, c, h. ckl, Douglas Bro., M. A. Fraser. A.O.V. ITIurkeys, c, ckl, Douglas Bros.; p, Douglas Bras. and 2tad. H.G. Meir special -Gest •cock in &how. Dottglas Bros.: ,hest hen in show, Douglas Bros. Utility Pens Wyandotte, a.v., Douglas Bros., "1", C. Shane. ;Plymouth Rock, .a.v.. !Douglas Bros., 'Fred 1\4,001ymont. Leghorns, a,v., T. C. Shane and Rhode .Island Reds, Q.V.. IDouglas Bros., M. IA. Fraser. Anconas, ELY., T. 'C. Shane and, 2nd. Minoltas, a.v., Douglas Bros. Judge -Wm. Carter. ROOTS AND VEGETABLES Red tomatoes, 'Lloyd L. Skillings (St ,George, lOnt.), Mrs, LA. L. IPort- eons; pink tomatoes. Mrs. W. 45. son, Lloyd !Skirting's; yellow !toma- toes, Mrs. 'Dickson, Skillings; cones- tinn tomatoes, Skillings, N. L. Carter. Spanish -onions from seed, Skill- ings, David IGrieve; onions from Dutch sots, Nits. \\'. J. Dickson. IN, L. Canter; onion sets. Thorpe Rivers Mrs. Dickson. IPic kl is ell cum bers, Mrs. 'Dickson, JIM Butter beans. N. Carter, Mrs. Dickson; w'lmiiml beans. Bea trice I -Tat -burn :Staff:IL Mrs. Diskson. 'fable eareats Isas, Mrs. Diskon. N. L. rartor. g Os ding 901/t g(\(00%00/0/Jita;i/c /00.744‘ N cea. er t seems to be moving fast, e is no contentment. Pe has want rest but few go to find extending it rests As we sit back look can Table carrots, stump rooted, J. 4,4, ' Lloyd Skillings; . green 'Turnip blood betas, David Gre. grapes, collectio\V. E. Keys, Lloyd SlcHtin.gs; n of grapes , Mrs. Daily, - Scott, 'David ;Grieve. - N. LI- Carter. . Cucumbers. ripe'.evor Skilliogs. gets, I.. Skillings,. -David Grieve; eol- Table -parsnips. IN. L. Carter. Pep - Quilt, applique, Mrs. I i. Dale tWal- DOMESTIC NEEDLE CRAFT 1.;:,.dgJe7J, NI. Canino to: green, bloYd 11, lestiou of peppers, David .Grieves NI. Scott. Bedspread. tufted, Sweet table corn, Thorpe Rivers Mrs. 0.. Daily (Forest I. Ethel Bear - Lloyd Skillings. Field • corn, C. Dale, tie. Beat quilting. Mrs, 0. •Daily, Mrs. L. Skillings, Hester. ,Pieced cotton quilt. Mrs. O. gsatego,,n of garden. herhs, Mrs, Daily, Mrs O. Matthews (Kitchen - W. 'J. !Dickson. Novelty in vege- er). "Poverty quilt, M. Livingston (Myth). Bedsprea,l, w bite'. Mrs. tables. L'.. Dale, ,Joint Hillehrecht. Daily, Mrs.- T. Constable (St. Claulillaiver, IN., L. Carter. Red cabbage, 1. L. -Carter; Savoy Marys). Bedspread. colored. Nfris. 0. cabbage,' Carter: Fall cabbage, Car- Matthews. Crochet or knit .% fghan, ter; Winter cabbage. IN. L. Carter, Mrs. 'Constable, Mrs. Daily. Apron, it:, Reys. • Mrs. T. '01Flynn, Reta Campbell, Red onion.s, N. I,. Carter. L. Skill. Nleres pyjamas, Mrs. Crinstable, Livinirston. -House-, dress, M. Living - Mos: whin. or yellow /111, mc stoil, Mrs,. Constable. . \V. J. Diekson, N. -L. Caner. Flain mat, braideshrags. Mrs. - O. muskmelon. j. Hugill, MN, 1:10,,r mat. hooked, Ethel Sloan Smith; eitron, :gritted, NIrs, Dickson, IN. L. Carter; citron, Cali- Ileastie. Mrs. Daily.. Crochet tn-rt, Mrs. , Dale (Walton). Mat, giral Dicks:oil, N. Carter: Cal. • citron, NI rs, Dickson, water -Melons,- Mrs, .Dickson. scene,' Mrs. \A'. I. Dickson. __artiste wool sock, etc.. Mrs. 1.7`.pn- Skilthig,t egetable marrow, NI rs. Dickson, pie loundassns, stable, Mrs. Daily. Darnin-g. linen or cetton, Mrs. Dickson, Beatriee Har - Thorpe :Rivers, Mrs. Dickson; hub. Mac - marc! squash. Skillings, Mrs Dik. burn (Staff:14. Patch on cotton. Mrs. son; largest pumpkin, John ,Hille- Constable, Mrs. O. Daily. LADIES' WORK- brecht, NIrs: Dickson, Specimen applique. Mrs. Constable, Swede turnips. table, James 'T. Scott nRoxborol !Jou IR tura- 7.1 rs. • G. Dale \ Val ton a ('mit work, Nirs. Cons tattle, rs. 'Eyelet, ins, feed.. J. T. Scott !Roxboro.), Jas F. Sego; sugar mato:olds, Jam, Mrs Constable NI. Livintoton. Satin Scott; long red mangolds, Janie, stitch, NI. -Livingstan, \I ti. Cans stable. Cross stitch, Colts:able. 'Dale. Scott, J. NI. Seott; intermediate num- gaa,, -jou Magill. liapestry, NI. Liyingstgli, Mrs, Con- stable. craellet, Nix,. Constable, Celery. allite, L. Skillings. al. Indian dist tvn wa,r1c; tri•li Cobbler thstatoes, L. (lin- NNI'lrs.11'id\ilnilge',t'Nfrs. Constable. (ratting, ter, Jon Hagill: nes other variety M rs. T. 0.Elynn, M. Livingston. early -potatoes. N. T., Carter. Thong Rivers; Green ontiltain mita t..es. '1`: flitting. cotton NI to. Dale, Mrs. Rain ,Hillian.yeht. N. L. garter; guy Constable. Filet croehet. Mrs, T. 01Flynn. Mrs, Constable. Specimen -other variety lase patataes, Jon Hu - gill, :N. 1.. Carter. n44;43(.1111117 work. Mrs. Constable, Mrs. Fodder corn. 1..itnies R.. Scott. Judges-siernes Rivers.'• Dining 'Raoul Furnishings --Lund:l- c-on set, embroidered, Mrs. Caustable, HORTBOULTU'Apples PRODUCTS (..).1Flyttit. 'Luncheon set other Colleetiou of apples. 1.2 varieties. hand Mrs. SlOall S1111(11 Baytiv1(11.- faith- SanIliwork NI, Diviiisst:iii. Evelyn l•wrl• 'Tea • clash. embroidered, 'Evelyn Sandford. wane (3: Son, N1rs. 0, Daily, 'Forest; MnI.• Winser apples. Mrs. O. 'Daily, Litialt- Tea clotis Miter hand work. -Living- es Dale, tlentrepiece. 'Livingston, aite & Sons; , Ea II apples, Daily, Dale. lTray !sloth, IDale, Livingston. Laithwaite & Sots Centrepiece, etubroidered in cotton, Baldw ins, NIrs, Daily, I aith wake. 1:Sing tif Thompkins. Lloyd Skill -1, rxs.1 IrDs.aloe.TBI;niting.e.Bsuert, _ ings, Mrs. :Daily; Northern Spies, L. Laithwaite; IFallawater, fet set, ,colored. M. Livingston,• Mrs. Skillings; -Golden Russett, Nfrs. 0. Daily. Buffet set. nhite 7.1. Living - Daily. Laithwaites Westfield Seek -no 511011, Mrs. Dale.' Luncheon set. croch- 4iiirther. Lloyd. Skillings; Wealthy, et M. Livingston. fiedrooni !Furnishings. - Pillow L. Skillings, Mrs. Moan Smith. Pewmon ankee. TreIl MeClyt, Mrs. slips, whiie, embroidered, M. Living - Daily; Ontario, Laithwaite & Son, ston, 'Mrs. Constable. /Pillow slips, colored, embroidered. M. Livingston, Lloyd Skillings; Wagner, -M-r. Mrs. Conaltable, sl i 1)5, any Mrs. Sloan Smith; ,Romboro !Russets, Mrs. Sloan Smith, Lloyd Skillings. other, Reta Campbell, Mrs. Con- digivenstein, Laithwaite '& go,. F. stable. Towels, embroidered, Mrs. • McClymont; Cayuga Red Streak or Dale, Mrs. Constable. Towels. croch- et. Mrs. Constable, Mrs. Dale. Tows Twenty -ounce, Lloyd Skillings. els, other hand work, Mrs'. Dale, Spitzeribueg. Laithwaite. Fanieuse .or Snow apple. Mrs. O. Guest towels. M. Livingston. Mrs. 0.Flyan. Bath ,towei, Mrs. Constable, Islosal Skillingsg. Mann, Skill - Dale. Fancy towel', Livingston, Com- ings, Mrs. Sloan Smith; BlenheimDalc. Orange, Mrs. D-aily, Laithwaite & stable. !Fancy sheet. etc., LiVingston, . L. Constable. Vanity set, M. Ligingston, Son; Maiden Mush. Mrs Daily, •Mrs, ,O'Flynn. !Dresser runner, ,Con - Red crab apples, Lloyd Skillings, stable, Dale, Jonathan Hugill; yellow crab •ftigoless'Ladies and Children's Wear -Step - Fred NfcClymont. ins or bloomers, M. 'Livingston, Mrs. Rhode Island Greening, - goo. Conatable. Bed Jacket Mrs. 101Flynsi, Constable. Slip, M. Livingston, Con - Moan :Smith, Mrs. Daily; Ribston pippins. Mrs. Daily, Mrs. Sloan stable. Sweater, knit, :01Menn. Violet Piper. S-wealter, crochet. Mrs Dale. Smith; 131enheim Mrs. Sloan Smith, -Lloyd Skillings: Fall pippin, Mrs. 0. Dailey. Mrs, Sloan Smith; Cranberry 'pippin, Mrs. Sloan Smith, St. Lawreuce, Lloyd' Skillings. Mrs. Daily; Canadian Red, Mrs. Sloan Smith; 'McIntosh Red, Lloyd Skillings, Lalthwaite & Son; ITahrtan Street, L. Skillings. Mrs, Sloan Santis Pears Winter pears, L., Skillings. Mrs, Daily;iFal! pears. 7.loyd Skillings, Mrs. Daily; 'Flentish Beanty, Mrs, Skillings; Duchess of Agotil- Isaithwaite & Son, Mrs. Beurre Clairgeatt, Laithwaite, L. 'Clapp's .Favorite, Mrs. Sloan Smith, Lloyd Skillings; Belle 'Lucrative. Lloyd Skillings, Laith- wane & Son; iSheldon, Mrs, !Daily; Louis Bonne de 'jersey, Skill- ings; Bartlett. 'Lwilthavaite & Soa, Mrs. Daily ; Seckel, Isaith wake &' Son, LloysI Skillings: Boure ,d'Anjou, Lloyd SkiNings, Mrs, O. Daily. Plums Wlashington, Lloyd Nfrs, 0. 'Daily; Green Gage, L. Skilling„, Mrs. Daily; Duane's 'Purple. Ly lor Skilling,s; Lombards, Mrs. Daily, L. 'Gloves, Mrs, Wm. Deem, Mrs. Dale. Mitts, Constable, 'Livingston. Crib quilt. O'Flynn. Mrs. 'Daily. Scarf and beret set, Mrs. iDeem, Mrs. Dale - Baby's set, Mrs. ;Daily, Mrs. ,01Flyan. Child's dress, Violet iPiper. knit 'suit, Mrs. O'Flynn. dress, ,sorocked, Mrs. Daily. Stuffed animal, toy, :Mrs. Constable. Living 'Room -Runner, -M. Living- ston, O.:Flynn. Centrepiece, ;Con- stable, 01Flynn. -Sofa' 'pillow, Mrs. Conetable, Mrs. Deem. Card table cover, Mrs. Constable, Nits. O'Flynn. Sampler, 'Livingston, Constable. M isc ellaneous -Article made from table cloth, ;Mrs. Daily, Mrs. Dale Needlework over 150 years old, Con- stable, ,O'Flyn-n. Article made from flour sacks, Mrs. Dale, Mrs. IDielcson. Article suitable for Christmas, Mrs, Deem, :Mrs, R. Simpson. 'Needlework by ,vont-an 70 years of age, Mrs. Dale. article 'from old 'stockings, Mrs. A. 'Porteous, -Mrs. !Hester. ISIsin's wool mitts, dvirs, .Dickson. Mrs, Jas. 'Casa- er. Fine knit Aotc-M'rs. Dickson, Mrs, Jas. ,Carter. 'Purse or hand bag, Mrs. 0"Flynn, Mrs. Coastable. Kitchen collection, Evelyn Sandford M:rs l()'- skaings;, Pond's .Seedling, yrs Flynn. Men's sweater, Mrs. Con - table, Mrs. 10 \Flynn. Daily, !Lloyd SkHlings; Burbank. FINE AND DECORATIVE ARTS Laithsvaite & S011; .Bradshaw, Lloyd Rene Claude, Skillings, °it Painting* Nr• UvirIO"Itml• Water cotongstonBatrice Ha , e',rburts :Mrs. ,O. Daily; German P lie. r, Livi Laith wage & Son, Mrs. Daily; anyiCraY°11' Livingston, Rayburn. Pencil, other variety. zam.,, Livingston, 'Her burn. Sketels sten T-tatiburn. Harr& Otrinted, C 11 .1 M. Livingston. (Sister, B. 'Rayburn. Grapes - Rod. (Continued .111 Page Seven! Mrs. Daily ltlu ,„trtp o: •