The Seaforth News, 1937-09-23, Page 7THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, L937
to,..-�A-�^"`hWt1.. IIS-.-,WY'-alit-. 10 w„• .IA�Io-•- •-ro.IFr--•+NIW�.'wh:li+ MfI & 4
°l ( all y
We eau save you money on Bill ant
Charge Forms, standard sizes to n :
!edgers. white or colors,
It wilt pay you to see 011t .•ampler
Also best quality Metal Binged tie .•
est livt,r; -1tT1
The Seaforth New
Phone 81
ty `---v9n--welt--,--uv-,-,••>Nn---•eau.m-,a.w-omiu-••*eic-m.®n,w•--m.mro.,,....mttii
(Experimental iFarms Note)
The arrival of September and the
advent ,of autumn will 'suggest the
words of William 1A11ing'ham's atttum-
tia'1 sonnet:
"Now autumn's dire burns slowly
along the woods,
And day 1hy day the dead leaves fall.
and melt".
tanada's .autumn !fire of gaily col-
oured leaves is anticipated and en-
joyed by all. From the middle of Sep-
tember until the middle of October
the leaves of many species of trees
and shrubs will change from green to
most of the other colours (in their
various shades) of the spectrum.
The collection and preservation of
leaves, especially 'those of the ,silver,
sugar and red maples is 'becotnin'g in-
creasingly 'popular year by year, so
much so, in 'fact, that' a Canadian rail-
way company has •offered valuable
money prizes for the best collections.
Experiments have been conducted
in the mounting of preserved leaves
in their natural colours, with the re -
cult .that the treated material has re-
tained its original ,colour, for two
years even though exposed continu-
ally to the flight. air and heat.
Leaves should he picked from the
trees, as those that have fallen are
likely to .he damaged. •Collect only
.those that are perfect in shape and
free from damage.
These collections may he 'read'ily
preserved if they are placed quite flat
between two pieces of ordinary news-
paper and this between 'some absorb-
ent material, such as 'blotting -paper;
tli n ws ,a ter and 'Mattis a r
forth the dryers. BF these dryers are
;reseed between two pieces of 'board,
and a weig'h't, 'say, ,bnildhsg ,brills or
large .stones, is placed on top, a crude,
but efficient, plant press is formed.
The leavers ntay be removed from
this press when they are quite dry, in
about twenty-four 'hours for many
speciutens. II f, however, they should
:1.!'111,, ..Il.;an:'ter tri„ fJ 111 1 Il,"rt'".
ewers far drs e1,- (t rI ores, earl
a •<•t ;)o r litette 1 radiator or in
•1. 1.," ,.v'II _ may . ay' lint .1
ars to Hieing,' I:he tie' /spatter,.
'file ileo-. thus pr•t.•rved will ha -vii
lost -their natural el.., ab.i, may be
artitt i ill':- f ,r.,f ', II 'Ln';, ,f wax
or t trni,h. NV ie.1s a latest by 1 mod-
orately heated fiat -iron, the end of
ahtoh is dipped in paraffin wax and
applied with slight pr sure to both
sides of the leave,. Shellac varnish is
appl'ie'd with a Frrush Matic varnish
is the 'best (such a, r. used .for treat-
ing oil-painting.1 'because of its light
colour, but it is mach more expen-
sive than the shellac or Boor -varnish.
'D'elightfully artistic and attractive
effects may he produced by judicial
combinations of the variously colour-
ed •lea•ves. Con'trastin'g colours s'houdid
be ,p'laced near one another in order
to enhance their value,
Wreaths made of staple leaves
are truly beautiful, and. moreover, are
seasonable at Thanksgiving time.
1they are nesse. welcome as Christ-
mas gilts, anti way then be sprinkled
svo h metallic
Bakes to simulate frost -
tug. A1ttallit Bake, are obtainable at
a't;s art store, and 'should '• applied
to he wet t trsish tt w'I6'h they will
here. They ore Made to ,i'ect , gold
old many arher calonr<,
By nrear. cif itarnish or mucilage
lea a
ti.y - 1n •hs
Inas- t I t'` lamp shades
the n hale Atatte shonid be varnished
crier the leaves are stack fast;. The
effeet of the electric light'shining
aha ,i g•h the leaves is reallybe:uituful.
Anther delightful decoration is
produced by wiring the 'treated leaves
on to 'bare 'branches or twigs, using a
very tine floris't's wire.
Very attractive are the 'unmounted
leaver, when arranged upon the din-
ing table. lite varlet of schemes
which may be devised is. infinite: -
E. W. ,Hart. Division of Botany. Ot-
"My dear," said the •husband, "ifs
you ,hadn't taken so long dressing we
shouldn't have missed that train."
"If you hadn't made rite rent all
the way to the station, darling," re-
plied the wife. "we shouldn't ,have
had to wait .so 'long for the next."
Teacher: "Yes. Johnny. Lapland is
rather thinly itopnla'ted."
)Johnny: "How many laps to the
mile, teacher?"
Landlady; "Von seem very hard to
please, Mr. Simpkins."
Lodger; 11I'ow',. that?'
'Well, more than a dozen 'tyoardera
leave used that towel today and
you're the first one to complain
about it."
Want and For Sale Ads., 1 week, 25c.
FRIENDS ! We are combining our newspaper with these two 'great
magazine offers, so that you can realize a remarkable cash saed-
ing on this year's reading. Either offer permits ,a choice of top-
notch magazines with our paper, and, regardless of your selection,
you will say it's a bargain,.
Maclean's (24 issues) -
National Home Monthly
Canadian Magazine -
Pictorial Review
Sliver Screen -
American Boy -
Parents' Magazine
- 1 yr,
- 1 yr.
1 yr,
- 1 v.
1 yr.
- 1 yr.
Opportunity Magazine - - 1 yr
Can. Horticulture and Home
Magazine - - - - 1 yr
h :tier. �AGAZ1NES
❑ Maclean's (24 Issues) - - 1 yr.
❑ National Hone Monthly - 1 yr.,
❑ Canadian Magazine - - 1 yr.
❑ Chatelaine 1 yr.
❑ Pictorial Review - - - 1 yr.
❑ Silver Screen - - - - 1 yr,
❑ Can. Horticulture and Hem
Magazine - - 1 yr.,
❑ Liberty Mag. (52 Issues) - 1 yr.
❑ Judge 1 yr.
❑ Parents' Magazine - - • 1 yr..
❑ True Story - - - - 1 yr,
❑ Smtenland - - - - 1 yr.
0 OFFER NO. 1(tndicate which) COFFER NO. 2. I AM CHECK-
�..sumagrg'3'. MMIES.+.
PAGE ss,_11
Exeter F 11 Fair
al wheatt whore, W. le j11,af
,,:1 1 t -g'a'e. seo •.t,.
111i'n• ly+ler. 1 .' ^+orate,
t I) e,Iger 111 ,.: 1'tattler
Huth I) tat 1;•n.
iVlhitt• tat, -'',`,. P. Doug -all. IFF
Dt joen ie.
Timothy see 1-- H. Trimmer-. Mrs.
i) U' tininghatn.
\\hire Bean., M. P.on-, J Battier.
(I, ; cr seed. W. P. ,D,ntgall, Mrs,
(u1111 'chant,.
'Ensilage rem Harold C'mdnt,:rre.
Large Peas, Ken Woad, Mrs. 'Cun-
ningham. Small (Peas, Milne 'Rader,
Ken Wood,
Judges -'F -f, J. Hunter, Rd. Coates.
Six varieties 'Winter Apples, Nits.
0. Drollest Laithwaite '& Son. '.Pour
varieties Rall apples, 'Laithwaite ide
Son. Tall apples, any 'variety. 'Mrs. 'T.•
Pyne, Laithwaite, Rhode 'Island
It retnilgs, H. Truentner. Nir. Dail-
ey. y Northern -Spies, 'H, Cu,lntore,
Laithwaite. 'Golden 'Rosset,. '11. Cud -
;more. Leith sane Spitzhutgs, 11
t u l'm"rr 1.,tit'hwaits . Balitwins.
1 nil stone \I'rs. Dailey. N\ t tlield
e l to.ii wt. it r, NIr , Dailey,1 1 11
55:lit t`. Snow' app; ., Mr. Dailey,
1.aithwaite. tracer t nest 1 ludtwaite,
21 r , Dailey, Culverts, 'Mrs. 'Dailey.
Fall Pippins. NI r.. i)aih•y. Ring of
l napkin. I. Battler, 21rs Dailey.
1,:amlers. ll r. Dailey, \1r,,
Sims. (,tndian Red. j. Battler,
Laithertite, Ribsbnne 'Pippins. ales,
1)ailey, ,H. C'udtuore. Wagons, NI r,,
1)11ley. 1I. t,',nduwre. 11riules G. ,E'ip-
pin,, dl, I'ruenrner, 'Mrs. Dailey-,
Maiden's Blush. •\Irs. :Dailey. Ren
Davis, 1I. ()Amore. Mrd. Dailey, On-
tario, Laithwaite, 'Mrs. Dailey. Weal-
thy, !Mrs. 1Dai'ley, W, R. IDougadl. Du-
chess of IOltlenbue Lai•thwatte, Mrs.
1)ailey. Blenheim (Pito ' s, 'Laithwaite
C ranhury, Mrs, Dailey. '1'aintan
Swett,,Mrs. (Dailey, IH, 1'1lruemner. St.
Lawrence, Mrs. Dailey. `
l'wo varieties Winter pears, •\Ir
Uiiley, Laithwaite R .Son. Two varie-
ties of Fall pears, Mr., Dailey, Laith-
waite, iPlentislt Beauty, •Mrs. Dailey,
Laithwaite. Duch ess of :An•iouline,
Laithwaite, Cl'ap'p's (Favorite, 'F, Batt-
ler, Laithwaite, Berms. Clairgcau,
NI rs. 'Dailey. Vicar of Wakefield,
NI es. Dailey, 'Fait Lucrative. 'Mrs,
'Dailey, 'Laithwaite, Sheldon, 'Mrs,
D they, I aithwaitr Ea,t Beurrt
Lathwaite. Louise Bonnie 'De 'Jersey.
Nlrs, 1Dailey. Butetu +Anjou, J. Batt-
ler. Mrs. Dailey, Bartlett, 21 rs, Dail-
ey, Laithwaite.
Jefferson Laithwaite & Son. im-
perial (;age. 11. 1t'ruenuter, Dundas
l'•unp!e, Laithwaftr. 1,rrtnhards, Miss
White. llaitlewhite, Any eanvty of
plums. :Mrs. TIa'herer. Mrs. 'Dailey.
Pond's Seedling, Mrs. Dailey. (iranel'
Dukes, Mrs, D'ai'ley. Glass Seedling,
M,rs, Dailey, Bradshaw, 'Laithwaite.
Rein ('lassie, Mrs. (Dailey.
Moores Early, \ors. Dailey. 'Niag-
ara, NI rs. Dailey. Concord, Nlr', 'Dail-
ey, 'j. Grieve. 'Delaware, Mr,. 'Dailey.
Roger's No. 1115, 'Agawau, 'N1rs. Dail-
ey. Roger's 11`sio. 4, Wilder, J Grieve.
Roger's INar, 9. 'Lindley, 21 r.. Dailey.
\\'Arlen, Mrs, 'Dailey. Any other va'r
i,ay, J. Cottle, 'Mrs. Dailey. Best col-
lection o,1 grapes. Mrs, 1I)atlev,
Late Crawford. 10. "l retonner. .11 rs.
Heywood, Any variety. E. '1'rucntner.
H. Des'jartlitte.
Haney, extracted Mrs. ,E. P3,tt,
Maple syrup, 15.1,, 1', Battler, M.
Bread, white, Mfrs. W. 11 i)vtrin„
\Ir•,, W-. Donne. Bread, brown, NIrs.
\\ , TI. 'Dearing, Mrs. W. 'Donne.
lire, W. H. Dearing. Mrs,
'1'ra Biscuits. •Mr,, 0, (:utininghanl,
i\int. Veal. Tarts. maple, \'1 rs. W.
1Donne. W. \'eal, Cookies for after-
noon tea, (carnet 1; 1111, W. N eat.
\'pget cake• 'Mr,. (1• C'unniuuhanl.
)earin:;, Li'gh4 melee,
'Mts. W'. Donne, lits. O. ('unn1ny,-
hant, (Dark cake, W. l0. Dearing, Mir..
H ,Desjardine:
(Apple pie Wm Veal, Mrs. t
Jaques. Pumpkin per' NIrs, 11 Toque
Nits. \V. Doupe. r eau n ,tie, Mrs. E.
Lawson. 'Mrs. IG, Jaques.
'Red currant jelly, apple felly,, and
berry jelly, Airs. J. 'Pack. 'Mrs. H
Stour Pickles. Mrs. O. Cunningham,
Jacob Battler. S'wect 'pickles, Mrs.
McLean, Mrs. 'O.:Cunningham.
'Catsup, IJ, Battler, Mrs. W. Doupe.
Canned cherries..rasplberrte straw
berries, Mrs, 'H. (Desjardine, ebbs, W.
H. IDearttg, 'Canned pears, •plu'm's and
peaches, ,Mrs, Cunningham Sirs. H.
D'es'jard'Ine. Canned apples and
grapes, Mrs. ,Dearing, Mrs. Cunning-
ham. Canned 'corn, peas gird tomat-
oes, Mrs. Dearing, Mrs, Des'jardine,'
Vegetable ma'rma'lade, Mrs. Mc-
Lean, Mrs, 'Dearing.
Canned ,chicken, 'Mrs- Desjardine
ll r.. Cunningham.
Cured meats, Mrs, H. 'cuss.
Vegetable salad, fancy, Mrs.. Cun-
ningham. (Dessert 'diger other 'than
pastry, Mrs. Cunningham. 'Dark fruit
cake, Mrs. Tack.
Judge, Mrs. Wm. Consitt,
11,1! or. IS ,pout ‘.1$, Mrs: Cunning-
ham, Writ, 'Veal: Butter, '14 'pounds,
lel r.. i'tit un turn,, Vint Veal .Pound
ll- -,iitgEarn
'Plate of '>,•t •r for tah'l,
"1 t'yt:
( „
,r:: '5! t'.'vn. I, I-
1 I 1t 1 .I,
il t: t 1511 .'.
1 -, .. art J.
B',,,r,l. beet,. i r ,e. Globe 'b' ts,
'11 Tru n n' r. R. Sis,gar
aer•,- R. Sand :r,
t, tog manR. Sanders.
Early horn carrots, Mr E Par-
sons, R. Sanders. Nantes, R. Sanders,
Mrs. .E. Parson Lan.; orange nr real
carrots, R. . atr.i t S Mrs, E Pv'nt
r M
White ort' yellow field R
Sweet corn. white, R. Sanders,
Wilfrid (Doupe,
Indian cont. J. It.tttler, Mr.: Beav-
er,. Bantam corn, Clark Fisher, R
Watermelons, H. Truetnner, Mr:.
'0. Parson,. Pumpkins, H. Trturnnter.
Mrs. F. Stewart, Squash. J. Battler,
H "I}rttentner. Muskmelon,, Nie.. F,
Stewart, H. Truemner.
Ssse ' taenia,.; t:lark. Fidler. nay
Ips, any other varieties Mtr.s.
or yellow, ration., F Batt; r
\V. 'H. Dearing. Spanish Orton M rs.
E. Heywood. Mrs. H. Desjardl',t
round. 'R- Sanders. Citrons,
long, H. Truemner.
'Parsnips, R. Sender,. I !tattle -
1 I
11 , ld icetal squash, NI rs, H Abbott,
k Sander.. Table squash, R, Sand-
ers. rErnemiter.
Fall cabbage, Ntrr.. E. [ Ir., in..
t'oticed ei vegetable,. 'I'intc..a,Fco-
cate-N, I-Ioekey .special, 'R. Sanders,
1),nuesnit - Floor mat, braided.
bir,. Dearing. G. Jacobi; hooked,
Mr,. ,ti, Jaques, G. Jacobi, Bath mat.
lir, D. S. Widow, Mfrs. D. War-
wick. Men's work shirt, Mrs. War-
wick. Viola 'Jaques. 'Men's hand knit-
ted scsek,, Canadian wheeling yarn.
Mrs, Tack 'Mrs. E. Lawson; 'Scotch
lingering, yarn. Viola 'Jaques, Miss
1.i'ving:ton, t.'0111fortcr, Mrs. J. Ja-
quc.. Mrs. !D. 'Warwick, Quilt, plain,
Mrs, Warwick. wick. \I. Rader: new - de-
sign, '21rs. D, Wa'rwiek, Mrs. D. S.
Hackney; applique, Mrs. D. War-
wick, Miss M, Livingston, Work ap-
ron, Mr.,. 1-. Ville. Mrs. Warwick.
IFou,e .;res., NH,. 1.tviagsttn. firs.
I.,: sa s, 1. 'Niel'', pyjamas. ass, M.w.. •D. 5.
Hacking, Mer,. 'Lawson.
Ladies' \\'ear--iNigbt robe, Mrs. E.
Darling \Irs. 'tack Lingerie set, Vi-
ola la Jatene NIis . I i ing t,,a. (indoor
wrap. Mrs. 1fracknis Mr,. Lawson.
Knitted rlris,:, \Ir . (Earl Parsons,
Nirs. Tack. .Fancy- sweater. Mrs,
Law sou, John 'Grieve.
Children's We u-JInfaut'• ja'krt.
etc., Mr.'Hackney. Mrs. E. Darling,
Carriage corer, Mrs, E. Darling. Mrs.
1'lacd:, JI'lay •dregs, "Viola Jaques, Mrs.
H. 'Fttss. Child'•s wool sweater, 'Mrs.
C. Sinus, Mrs, E. Lawson. 'Knitted
costume Viola 'Jaques.
Dining rKvxttu [ ttthtfl et, filet n•o-
diet, airs. Law sa n. Mrs. E. Darling.
Tray cloth Lass sou, Darling. Break -
fest cloth, NI is, daving,ton, :Mrs. 'E.
Darling: Dinner napkins. ,les. Law-
son, Nlrs. i\' Lira irlc; crochet table
rover, U'r., Jaime,. Mrs. Darling.
Tea cloth, NI. rs 1'[,,,•l:. \Ir., Wartvidk.
Bedroom 'cressories-.Pillow slip..
white on1b.. 'Mr.. Sines. Mrs. 'Earl
['ar .,ns: fancy. NI rs. Hackney, NLrs.
Lilw,tnt, (-illest towel.. Me, 1.alsson,
IL A. 'Fuss. Sheet and pillow sling;
21 r.. Warwick and Sud, Vanity ,et.
Mr,- 'Pack. d3, 'A. :Fuss. Boudoir regi-
am, \'t 01 Imincs, bits Darling.
Needle Work _ !tdicta hemstitch,
Mg. Mr'., L. ['tile, Ni'•, l:rvrng.tou.
Fine gait a,rk. Nli.. 1i,' e:st,tett
11 e.. Lass .nit. 'l ;tna•x ;roein•t, \i r,.
1.3-4.,,n. Nlr,. i'f t'i.. Fames nc
lir.. 1f:grin:v. 'li.s Livingston.
('.,: tit: ,;. lir,. ilr-.1id, Mrs, Tack.
Ne.a .ti. ., \1r., 'Lawson \l,.
Dar;ins. lea t,.vilr .:raft. Mi., 5
So'atil,'ot:, Mi., ids in. -stmt. Sr' ttk.
n'e bit'.. 1•:. 'Darling. Nits. Lawson.
\liscadla len ,.....Set for pier,.terti.:•ld.
31 i., I ttta,to t. Mrs. J. Jaques,
1111u .,.. Mrs. J. jtti:tt•. Miss
{.;:w .nn 1 , t,i,n Mr,.' "rack. Miss
ring ,n. S,, I!o'.t, w,,oL
1'a• k, Mrs. d, Jaques; faitey. 11r.,
Tack. 1'1. r1. Fu 'Afghan, wool, bio,.
hearer., Nits. D. D. Hackney. Needle I
point bit. Warwick. NI its, Betts
Ladies purse. Mrs. Ha,ktty, airs.
Sita [ Ft ,' ru+y ',{01'k bag, N1 ,
lV:rrwi,k. Mr,, .H. Fuss. Andel, ssek.c.
Vio:a !e:aqust,, NI rs. [..1 5,on, - \Vra.ny
in w „oil, .l rs. Beavers. "l'e'a 'to w el,,
Viola Jaques, Mr., P. ilIaacrer. Plaid
col!"'a s1Fps, NH,. L. Nile. Mi., 'Liv-
ingston. 'Piece col,red entit Mir.
Darling, Mrs, W;arwick, Specimen in
eros,. stitch, Mrs. Lawson, Mrs. War
Exhibit by !Exeter Women's .Insti-
tu•te---Pieced' quilts. bur.. ;Darlin.g
Mrs. Lawson. Woodcraft, Miss Liv
ing'ston, Mrs, M. J. Dore, .Rags, Mrs
M. J. (Dore, Mrs. Warw•nck. Wal'ker's
special, Miss S. Southcott, Monrarcl
kni't'ting. Mrs. Earl tParson's..-+J'utlge
Edith IF Zavitz:
Snapdragons, Mrs, E. Heywood
W. H !Dearing: Asters, collection
W. IH. Dearing': Asters, white. W'' H
Dearing, Mrs. 1'. Flab ere r: Asters
mauve, Mrs, H'aherer, W'. •H. Dear
ing: 'Asters. purple. W, alt. Dearing
Ro1ht. Sanders: 'Asters. pink, NG. f"i
Dearing, Mrs 1Hreherer ;Asters, t)s
trick inhale. ,•rill chug, Al es. Hahn
\\ 11 D'iriu
d) riot 11 r-
0,H, Moines
- Massage
Nisn. a'ui T'ltur,. atte:
noels .yt1 5%' .1751 attn atC
by ,-11. ' on-S!rn-ray ersar.
TCab •r. :fiib'r Yeliand: Dahlias,
variety Mrs, Habeter, Gibbs
Dahlias, f'omuont variety,
G. 4 ellau,i: Dianthus or 'Pinks, Mrs,
Heys :id, W, IH. Dearne„ Gladiolus,
heart .1' rfaute& variety. Rabe Sanders,
\1r;, Hey wood: 'Gladiolus, hest '6
spikes. Mrs. Heyywoxd, Gladiolus,
best collection, Mr:., Heywood; Im-
patiens .,r Ra,.anis, W. H. Dearing;
N'tari� t1,1.. .African, Mr,, 14ey-seood',
W. TI Deariug, Marigold. 'French,
W`. h'.etlttg:: Phlox, Th-nnun, nd'i,
Mrs. 0. Parsons, W. H. Dearing;
IItlox teretul l', W'. H. Dearing;
rental'. ;aolw,5. W. E. Dearing;
patois,. 1 NI t,. r,Ir:m 11 aclxan, W.
If. Dearing; r) t,. i',ill cti.ctt, Mrs.
Hi'a,-r..r, \Ir 11e,:,t,rt,d: roses,
m • R 1l', Sanders. NLes Beavers;
salvia. \\, IT. Dearing. \,r,, G. Mac -
, \I r-, Heywood; swee 't
peas. W. '11, 1) trier;{, bir., Beavers;
verbena: W. H, Dearing, Mrs. Mc-
Lean: zinnias, crested or curled. W.
11, ;Dearing and 2toi: zinnias, dahlia
flowered. Mr's. Heywo,td. Mrs. '0,
•Pcut: zinnias, : 'Mrs. 'Heywood, Mss.
E. ,!'anon.: collection of. annuals,
W. H. Dearing, Mrs. 'Heywood;
bride's bouquet, W. H. Dearing; bas-
ket cut ;flowers, 'Mrs. Geo. Jaques,
Mrs, Heywood; hada bouquet. Mrs.
Haherer; novelty in cast 'flowers, W.
H. Dearing.
Judge -4. J. Brown, !Lucan.
Oil `Paintings - Scene, :Mrs. N. J.
Dore, itti,t, Livingston; fruit or vega-
tables: grouped blies Livingston;
flowers from nature, Miss Livingston,
Ken Wood; animals, Mrs. Dore, Miss,
Livingston; marine view, Ken Wood,
Miss Livingston; portrait, Miss
White Miss Livingston.
Water 'Colors - Landscape, Mrs.
Dore Miss !Livingston; seascape,
Mrs. Dore, 'Miss Livingston; fruit or
flowers, Ken Wood, Miss Livingston;
original study 1(grouped), Wm. 'Pen..
hale, Miss .Livingston; ,portrait, Mrs.
Dore, Ken 'W'ood; any sub'jects not
listed above, 'Mrs, !Dore, Miss Liv-
,Miscellaneous -(Paster, any subject,
+Ken Wood, (John Dalrymple; •char-
coal, 'scene or study, Mrs. Dore, Miss
Livingston; pen and 'ink sketch, Win,.
Penhale. Mrs. E. ;Parsons; •pen.cll
drawing, •scene, 'Ken Wood, Miss
'Livingston; sepia scene, John Dal-
rymple, :Miss Livingston; •crawon
study, Miss 'Livingston. (Ken Wood.
;Ant Crafts -Sealing wax exhibit,
Mis'sLivingston, Mrs. H. ,Fuss;
wicker work, -Mrs. D. Warwick, Mrs. .
J, Jaques: painting on glass or wood,
Mrs. H. Fuss, Mrs. ID, S. 'Hackney;
stencil design nn any material, Jahn
Dalrymple, Miss 'Livingston; any new
art, Mrs.' E. !Parsons, 'Capt. Bedford;
wood carving. :Capt. Bedford.
:Photographs-» Calle ction of amat-
eur snaps. 'Mrs. ;Dore, Miss White;
display of 'photographic views. Miss
White. Judge---'.1C:iss ,Adelle 'Hunter
Vegt`tahle,--iC r.een Mountain pota-
toes. IL [Cmuenttter, H. Des'jarii-t';
Iri,ir to'l1Crs, C,unnittgh'tm.
\Ir., 1 tr-'obbrt:er; tEnreka u,tatr,'., H:
0.'-i rine; I(iolelent Bantam core. H.
Desjar,iine, Clark Pi.lter: any otl ter
variety or table c„rte.
1'„hn Grieve: h ,a,i !nat., -bort, Mrs.
rope, '1I, pe. jard'ne': soy other :ar-
lyre of •carrot., Mrs. Canning -hem, J,
Crrieve; yellow onion,. J. {.,tieve, E.
Desjardine: Dutch set., H. :1.- Fuss,
M. 'Rader: swede turadl,., 0 rnetn-
n•.rt iur tt(ns, Mr, W. Do'tu.,. 'cel,
,-y. j .in Grit. tr: tontatoe,. Mrs. IE.
i'3,111. H.. Desj ardittt :, H,'te, J. Grist's s' table beans, E.
De"j ardine. 'H. 'A. Fats.: dry- white.
'1 -'ass, Ni r., O. Cti'n-
e, ,. iarn: man telt, .H. "1'ruenuter,
11.., 11. Cunningham.
Cut (t lowers 1 tors, Mrs. E. Par-
s,•ins. Mrs. Ho y w lad: sweet - peas,
Mrs, E. :Parson.; nastuffrtiunts, Mrs.
E. Parsons, Mar, Fletcher; .pansies,
John ;Grieve, \lrts. Parsons, geranium
in 'not, Mrs. 1fagnts.. Mr.- W. 'Doupe;
t alsant.: .Mr,. 'Heywood: glatl'ioli,
NI es. (Heywood; cull, of weeds, :'Mrs,
W. 'loupe: coll. of leaves, Mrs. W.
Doupe; insect Mrs. W. Doupc:
writing, deer years and under, Shirley
Appleton. Mrs. ;Parsons; drawing
Province of Ontario, over 111) years,
Mrs, W. IDetupe,
Grains -Minter wheat, 'oats, +hariey,
Mrs. W. Dou:p'e.
Dotnes'ti•c Science - Bread, Mrs,
Dottpe, Mrs. 10. Cunningham; school
lunch Mrs, Cunningham H A. buss;
plum Mrs. Cunningham raspber-
ries. Mrs. Cunningham, Mrs. 0, iPytu;
strawberries, Mrs, Cunningham, Mrs.
W. 'Doupe; apple pie, William Bead,
Mrs. W. Dort e: fancy tea apron,
Mrs. E. Parsons; ire, e 1 dal!, Mrs.
\ Donne, '.fl, \, Fn..; .15,t(
dntht Nle,• F, 't.
l: tsar t t, -i: •,1
-251', LP t -.•,1'.s Mfr. Par-
sons. N1.,,`a I - i ait't.
., orgy
at_ Pyr-