The Seaforth News, 1937-09-23, Page 6FA3E
qr. elf 404.1NiVAA47
'Bet. :God bless me.' Ronald said, 414N211 t 'Rev('rend luOr1.14 in cr.
1101 20 1)2 themght of that any hn- postal with 14 111141 faeel-1011.112.,s,
1111411, 1/1.111.2' shouId be tortured like '21's a dreadful thing to hear in a
by a 'ram beast. Well. ;here', minister's house,' said the minister's
;mother it..) 0' stilling the 22a1.11 " t'' nth:WI/or, Mrs.
that ..en,21111g thing, You just go aml McLachlan.
iMs a fa:a-shooter- or if one of Ott , ''4\ 1121 1).1--, 1121'
keddies oil! lend :011 'till le, ittrbs 0 Solontofirt' Ronald said, wra-
th:it odi 'lo; then 4o an.1 ,iIlg to her quite good-naturedly.
4'.e141;1'-‘1 ,r(1) ;m121.61120,12: i,i1 he 11 111 instantfy ff. sate that :he
21,12 0, 1 saintose any 1:14121 .2,111.1 ser t. distressed, aad et en more lachry-
-and ;hen tiro 'ff.'. 1.:2-21ozen i111, 11141,0 1112414 et .1.1,1 114 1(11414' 1 11111
the bitekyilnI! 111y 01,1 2112' 11t/10:11g ‘8,1111,1 her that 11,
bantam gentleman 1112, picked no aft. not a child of VI moll and of the
t11I 44 honny-looking ticas. and ,witl- devil; and 1)4 reproached 111111441
lowed them, he'll no for flapping for /laving entered into any 211sctis.
his wings and crowing. thinking; sion of auy kind whateter in this
he'll rather he for singing the tune 1101144e, 11 lier, :Maggie tata, to live --lie
of -f\nnie Laurie." But may 11e yOlerV 11011ed 141 periell Ot''o1'.1 and amity.
not a good shot with a 41411. 1.2101114'r \ s for himself. he wished °My to be
'Wel!, 111 come over and do it for you on: of it. He w 4,4 1102 itt his right ele-
...,01a1 nlinning, 144111 the inedt the vulgar complacency of the
beast's hungry,' rich elder irritated him; the melan-
But it was difficult for any one to choly unreason of his sister-in-law
talk, 021en ill the Most subdued and depressed him. He foresaw that not
modest traywith that harsh and here vta• an) abiding place for 22 2211
atrident voice laying down the law at while he sojoarned hi the great city,
the head of the table. And now the But Moe was Ile to get atiay? They
largeewaisteonted ehkr Was on the lingered anal da tiled over their tea -
subject of the temperatwe 'movement; drinking in a most astonishing iash-
arraigning the government for not ion; his brother being the most in -
suppressing the liquor -traffic altoge- temperate of all of them, and obvious -
then; denouncing the callous selfish- ly accounting thereby for his pallid
ness of those 2010 were inclined to and billow cheeks. Moreover, they
temporize with the Aevil, and laying had returned to that fruitful, topic of
at their door all the misery caused by talk—the capability of this or the oth,
the drunkenness of their fellow-crea- er intianber of the congregation to
tures: and proudly putting in evid- stibscribe to the fund for paying off
ence his own position in the city of the debt on the chureht an11 as this
Glasgow—hi. authority in the rhurch 12(1 221 114 discalesi."1 "1.
--the regard paid 10 his advice—and waYs and means, and of hie
e'411'lI ,1i -
(he solid, substantial slice of the owe, and the manner oi living of
world's gear that he posse,eed—as himself, his aife. his son, are! ;laugh -
entirely due to the fact that he had terse and servants, the Very air seem -
never. not even ee. young men, het_ ed thick with trivial and enithei, 1(2'
.221(1)4411 one drop of alcohol. Now Ron- 11e -tattle, the women -folk, oi course,
and Strang was ordinarily a most a.b- 1
wag more loquaeion, than any.
stemions person—aed no credit to Lord help us,' said Ronald to him-
-him, nor to any one in -the like case;
for 142.4 firm phyeique and his way of
living hitherto had equally rendered
him independent of any such artificial
aid (though a glass of whisky on a
wet day on the hillside did not come
amiss to him, and his hard head could
Steer him safely through a fair
amount of jollification, when those
wild lads came down from Tongue).
But he was irritated by that lou -d and
raucous voice: he resented the man's
arrogance and his domineering over
the placid and phlegmatic Andrew,
who scarcely opened his mouth; and
here and there he began to put in a
sharp saying: or two that betokened
.discontent and also a coming 2.1.arin.
They used to say that cleanliness
was next to godliness; Inn nowadays
ye would put total abstinence half a
mile ahead of -it,' he would say, or
somethin44 of the kind: and in due
course these two were engaged in a
Sattle-royal of discussion. It shall not
14e pm down here: for who was ever
convinced—in morals, or art, nr
attire. or any -thing else ---by an argu,
mein? it needs unly he said that the
older, being rather hard pressed. took
refuge M Scriptural authority. But
alas! this was not of much avail; for
the whole family of the East Lothian
farmer (not merely the ,tfulent one
of them) had been brought tip with
exceeding care, and taught to give
chapter and verse for anything; so
fthat when Mr. McLachlan sought to
crush his antagonist with the 'blud-
geon of quotation he fnund it was
only a battledore lie had got hold of,
- '4Vine which sheered, God and
man," ' the other would retort.
"%Vine that rnaketh glad the heart
of man.". make ye of these "
hath woe? who bath sor-
row? wh,, hath habbling?---they that
tarry long at the wine—they that go
to seek mixed wine." What .better
thorify can we have?'
'Ay, man, the wise king said that;
22712 it 14(1413 his last word. "-Give
strong (Intik unto him that if4 ready
to perish, and wine unto those that
be of 'aeavy hearts. Let him drink,
anal forget his poverty, and remem-ber
nfi•try no more."'
'The devil emoted Serinthre for his
o.y ': w.1,1.2.12.k.. Ip the ecafaing li
t.1.1 !‘,q,.1•,,.2 took no 01..(1.1C2, but
Li( ( „t'.( 1.1( !up— 41-01 oplod
at.. ht ft.2.2 tntraet, his
,... A4, 414,1 tilt
A 4, 1.•1: Art: - 111:111,,
1.12 .1 1 1, .(v,t%41(-.
11 '1.1,1,, ifinitf-
14! 741.2* solente. \ pulsitt.
Ir I1,'01, 41 4214,., 114,1. away
•aafroy, figain 12110021244 41121 21
..o.01412 feret2r; and aloatys it looked
adore strange and jiev,ilderine,
04.0,-c 041 the heavy .glooni of the
buildings and the Melfectual
yellow poiatts of the gas.iamps, t./ -f
citarse renititibered instantly whirl
lois must h—-41411l.dow oi the iron-
orks over then in the sattaln 4111(1
presantly lie Mid Intiled his back on
that sullen radiance, and was inaking
away for the north side of the city.
/hit ellen he efiterged from tht.
,tonmarative 2211121 of the ,onthern
thormighlares into the glare i11111 roar
of Jantaica-strect and .argyll-street,
(1110111121 111111 there seenietl even
more bewilderment than in the dav-
lime. The unceasing di11 of tranovly-
cars avail vans foul .carts <1111 filled the
ah; hut now there was 4'very where a
yellots blaze of gaslight
e4e 111 le 12.2eat ..10t'ke11 11111014..,
.111i1112 out across the 2.r014.211•f1
pa, ements. ;fad shining. on the hag.
4P42..,2 4.1ter, and sorawlhig ad\f.r.-
ti.effients .1 HI(l) I'll'
(441.4 422' 1 conlintioli. ..01,(41.. a, ,,j a
river; the men beef -hued for the most
part, here and there 1420 Or .tbre,
drunk and brawling, the ttomen 4) (1]
'leaner faces, bet most of them bare-
headed, aith Highland shawls wrap -
441 round their shoulder, The sod -
fused crim.,4411 1.1 IOW Of the <ki. 41,41.
Se;Iretly 424441111' 11014 : 22221. hOriZOIllal
2)214414' of gaslight killed it; and
through the yellow glare passed the
dusky pluortasmagoria of a city's life
--the Cart; 14(141 110r.,', the grimy
crowds. Buchanali-street, if is trim.
was less noisy; and he walked quiek-
'y, glad to get out of that terrible din;
and by" ariel by, when he gat away titi
to Port -Dundas !Road, where his lodg
ince was, he found the -weld grown
quiet again, and gloomy and dark,
:are for the solitary gas -lamps and
the faint dull crimson glow sent ac-
ross the southern skies,
He went alp the stone stair, was mi-
n -fitted to du house, and shown into
the apartment that hi, brother had
secured for 111111. II had torillerly been
Osed to 11 sitting-roeni, oith a -bed-
room attached; but 41,4(1 1111.1.4' A ere
•411itr7.1 1(.4. 111,1 a 111',1 was placed at
one end ai the little parlor, which (414-
(1441111)' and futt finfidily furnished,
1Vlien his landlady !cit. he proceeded
impact-. his 11114141-, acitina out firs
nis books, whiell he pikeeti 011
11114110.1.,11elf to be ready for use in
sell, as he sat there in 'silenc,, 'this the (1t'''.1dat4 then he tna"e 51)111e f"r'
house would he a perfect paradise ior 11i" disposition of his 1)elongines;
an Income-tax t'ommissioner.' and then—then somehow he fell
12(710.4421(11, an, e,„etit or tiftli tele a -way from this indoetrious mood, and
pot 41 at, exhausted q4', dast; the min- became more and more absent, and at
ister offered a prolonged thanksgii- last INellt idly to the window, and
ing; and Ron'(ld thought that now he stood looking out there. 'There Iva,
might get a ay, ;0111 011 t Mtn the not roach to be seen- at few lights
freer air. lint that NSW, 1101 10 be as '121411)t Caled"aia"-eallwaY Stati"n'
yet. flie brother observed that it was 42It111e d"ht.). 'heti.' and Ina; jinni red
getting late; that all the members 221 gine' in the sic -Y.
the honsehold were gathered togath, But -I 0.1ter-N1 ndal? 1\'ell, if only he
er; and duty might appropriatd,, nay,. had reflected. Int er-Mudal mast at
:amity worship now. So the tow this moment have been just annut as
vant-garls were sun -intoned to lark as ea, this 2122 eay-stat ion and
the ;able, and, that done, they re- the neighborhood surrounding it-- tm-
mained; the minister brought the fa- le—. i1"1, -'"l, it to be a akar
mite Bible over from the sideboard; flight away up there 111 the
and all sat still and attentive. aorth, with the heavens shining beau -
books in their hand, while he soughl 11110 and over Clehrig. and
out the chapter .he wanted. It was the the'1i.1411') the link intmiet 11(11114
anti he read 21 slowly anti sqatatratet,. 20 ver-Alurlal he 14141 thinking of; it
Eighth of the lipistla to the 22,111101.4; the trees, 1 424)4 no, lin,
bat without any word of comment or was 1 Ile 1 11 er- '4111,114-1 444f a clear sprimit
••22.ponfuling4. Alien he said that the). (133, "ind" ''.414 '141
2112, praise of the 1,.„.11 the moors. and the yellow on
the X(-111. ;psalm _himself 4.11,11,1,, Clebriut; "slopes, and 1.01111 Naver's
off 142121 tbe line old tune of NI art % it. waters all a rippling and litifzling
dont; and this the Y011111 -I 1"'"1, -le sang IMie. nd Mr. .Nlarra) standing at the
very well indeed, though they were a door of the intl. and emoking his pipe,
tittle interfered with by tile uncertain and joking V, ith any one that passed;
treble of the married WOMell and the and the'.114(113' Melly casting- glances
bovine baritone of the elder. among She lad.; and Harry with dark
after the ininiNter offered prayer,,lfrats wherever he. could
2'. 111122 Imiitted refi'eence wilt( 'find a ltrde in the wall of the barn:
made to the brother and sister who and '411a4521111, muler in steeled, in of
had come from the far mountains to Duncan the phill'R'11 Man, driving the
dwell within the gates of the city; two 'h'orses haulieg a harrow neer the
and then all of them rose, and the rough -hrown land; and everywhere
maidservants withdrew. and those re- the hinds silIging 1 and the Young corn
maining who bad to go began to -get -'11144111e; aTeel" and then— i14,1 as the
ready for their departure, +lance might be - -NT eenie coming
'Conte over and see tts soon again,' ainng the enadt 11" .401hien-fir°w" hair
the minister said to him, as they folblown by the ttind, her eyes alann as
lowed him into the lolMy; but the 1111e as l'ach Naver'8 whining eeeit-ee'
minister's Mir did- not repeat that and herself calling, with langhter and
friendly invitation. scolding, to Mag-gic to desist from
tRonalvi,' the little Nlaggie \vhi.per.. that tomboy w'(111111,A1121 where wa. it
cd --and her lips were rather treimi- :di gone now? }Pe seemed to have
Ions, If you bear from Afeenie,"14211his eyes mann that Intantiful.
you let me know?' .lpar, Joyous world: and to have
Tut I ant not likely to hear from 'Ineitt1"1 int° a Indenwt "nd
dream. The roar and yellow glare—
her, lass,' said hie with hi, hand upon
her shonlder. 'Yon must write to her lie black houses—the lurid crimson in
yourself. and .11, will answer. and the sl:y—th,e 4 errible loneliness and
-tem( of this very room—well, he '
'mild not 'quite understanti it yet. Bet
lerhaps it wonld not always Se47111
ieg,ildering; perhaps one might grog
eenil ye the news.'
'Mind ve pass the eniblic-houses oe
tl-te Way gann hame.' said tbe elder, by
:0'111,10111f 13 12 1,14(4 4214.4, 1' oi 1 1611r'441:11111fl411., anti
4o151 !‚411,2 1441 14 1.41.40. , '.(! discoNer s011011 mor,
2 41.2 IA V..0111(3 v2,.1 secinded sylvan i'141i11. tellers, in 'pile
2tny tenor. tat 1 erst, he. ...11 Ile Illight 1(11 hour or
tell :11 110' tddel 112-s :dealt \-it'ee. 1 wit"' arei eis verses .and hi,
tro(rici of the moor- and 122114,
XX', 1. 1,111 1.111- farther out Ile got, 2114-
111-2. .11(1 ed, that first "%Magi 11
tte!oua,te 3111) desolating became
city -life Yid had ,ometlling .
the scene, around 1111n. '1.1 ere 44,1"
1"1'"1 110"11Y; it wai" mither town nor conntry; or rathi.r,
tling down thereafter to the 21411 mon- ,
;iota' wen.' there; and 1122111 a t'rt. (lead.
0111101e- room lalmr, 221 this 1o1I1ly
room, with the molant:Itoly gray 11orI21
of mist surrounding. 411111 and shatfete
112111 in. that 221a1. to test the streill',
Of his result,. The first day was not
so inulf for now and again he oonifl
relieve the slow te(lium of the hour<
by doing it little carpentering .14'11.1
the rtiorn; and 1.11.e silaup sound of
II -mintier and. nail served to brcal( 21
Ilium that hushed, slnimbermrs nntr-
nrur of the t;reat city without ;bal.
,weinvil a nufirrafill, distant, oppres-
sive 'thing. 11111 next 'clay of
..olitary life (for it was not unfit tht
clot of the eel‹. 111 ,A'a, 111 NI'r.
\Vecill,(1 was dreadful. 'rhe (hall sil-
ent, gray )lours wo11111 liot go by.
\Vrest!ing tvith 'Ks ards A grienli ura I
le,istante of Balfour's "l42leinent- oi
1.1011211.. or 221111 teeteeeeing proldents
in land -surveying timberaneastir-
ing, he would 1,1,11114, the time 1112o1 pas-
sed; and then, going to the window,
for ;2 moment's relief to eye and twain.
he .• (Add by the Clock to! the 111141-
22 11) -.dation 111141 harely ;in hour
1111,1 elatised since la..t the had loot:ea
.0 the oialtira te hands. 11,'. he en.
tied the porters. the cab -drivers. the
1111.11 who were loading '44' litibiailing
tlit. oagons; they 1111 -.0 1111,y
.0111 coulentcat they ere geltin(i
1111',110411 With their !work; they 111111
...010,111ine to show for their labor;
they had -companions to talk to am!
joke with; sometimes lie thought he
cottl.1 hear them laughing. 4\1121 1112,
how 11111(11 tinge he envied the traveler
who drove up and trot leisurely oat o'
the cab, and had his ina,gage earned
into the 'station, -himself iolloaing and
disappearing froin viett ! 1\11ither
wae he going, then, a a ay from this
great, melancholy city, with its slow
hours, and wan skies, and dull, com
linnons, somelying minnow? \\Thither,
indeedl—away by the silver link. of
lforth, perhaps, 14i1.11 the Castled rock
of Stirling rising into the aintly
and white; RWIly by the ttooded batiks
of ;Allan Water and the bonny liraes
of Donne; hy Strathyre, and t '22111'
(14211', -and ailenorchy; and past the
tottering peaks of Ben t'imacitan, and
out 'to the far -glancing waters of 1114-
ltestern setg!., indeed. it is a sore pi-te
that Nlis, e'arry lIods,m, in a tit of
temper, had CrIls.11ed togetber 111111
111111191 into the bottom of the hoat the
nett ',paper containing an estimate 1,1
Ronald', little Highland poem; if only
she had handed it 1111 to 11111, 11e would
have learned that the sentimeut
nostaleia is too slender and fallacion•
a thing for uny sensible person to
titer his head about; and, hi -stead ,,f
wasting his time ie gazing. at ehe from
of a railway -station, he 140111,1 have
game re's, fluaely back t,, St ra ritual's
tAgricultural 'rabies' and the measur-
ing anti mapping of the sorface areas.
,1)21 the third day he grew desperate.
'111 12201144 111011e let Irt; see if there's
not it bit oi blue :Icy 112144 14 here!' 112-
-said to himself; and 4111 thing 2224
books aside, and put on his Glengarry
cap, and took a stick in his hand, and
went out.
.112o.! that there were nu light pat
tering 14(ns folio IA 1114 hill/ 1h1 12 11
S1011e stai-r; the faithful ltarry had
had to be left bohind, fouler charge ni
Xl.urrity 221 the inn. \ nfl indeed
Ronald found it, so strange to 0' ate
ing out tt ilium( some companion 22f
'the kind that when lie passed into tht
%tidy, (11111 thorollgitfare, lie looked 10'
and eterywhere See if -he
could not tind some homeless wander.
Mg cur that he cotild 111
to go
with him, But there was no sign 421
dog.fife vieible; for the matter "if that
there 124(44 little sign of any other !dile
of life; there was nothing before him
but the wide, empay, dull -hued street.
apparently fermimeting in a great
wilderness of 111d -rubber works and
oil -works and the like, all of thou
busily engaged' in pouring volumes of
smolae thrvingh ftall chimneys 201(2 the
already Knitioiently 11111 rky eky.
lent when he got fluffier north, In
found 'that there were laneis and alleys
permeating this mass of public works;
and eventually he reached a canal, and
crossed that, deeming that if he izept
Latraight 011 1/11181 reach the open
country somewhere, A's yet -he -could
make out no distance: hloeks of 111 ('1-
141111.1',., sout-begrimed luinses, tim-
ber -yards, and blank stone walls shio
10 in the view on every than 20; moreover
there was a brisk north wind blowing
that was sharply pungent 4212-21 'chem-
ical fumes and al-,eo gritty with dust;
so that he pushed on quickly, anxious
to get some clean air into his
and anxious, if that were possible, to
get a glimpse of the green fields and
blue skies. For, of course he could
tot -always be 81 his .hook,; and 4223.,
a, lie judged, artist he the nearest
vay out into the country; and lo
mild not do better titan gain 501114
DR. E. A. MeMASTER--Graduate
of the Faculty of Medicine, Univers-
ity of Toronto, and of the New York
Post Graduate School and Hospital,
:Member of the College of Physicians
and Surgeons of Ontario, Office on
High street. Phone .37. Office fully
equipped for x-ray diagnosis and for
ultra short wave electric treatment,
ultra violet min lamp treatment and
infra red electric treatment. Nurse in
lit" came npon a hit of h11wthorn-
1,014re; the -.terns were ena1-black, the
hmves begrimed out of all sentlilance
to natural foliage. There were long
slraiglit roads. -005111 1424',. frtulled Isy
11 411110.- 21.1411, and ...ouletilllez: by It
hhiek of -.111e111111g-110u,e4,,
apparently, hut of the most squalid
and tl'ingy description; the windows
opaque with flirt; the 'close,' foul:
the pavements in front unagreal(ahle.
lint the most carious thing 21as the
lifeless aspect of this dreary neigh.
\N'here were the peoplti:
ere or there IAN o or thtee ra12ae0
elliklieen would he playing 311 ti1e gut-
ter; or perhaps, in a dismal little
sliop, an old ttennan ia. .-,11.
ith smite half -withered :topic. am
',utak:wit Ott the 'Counter. 11)11 %%here
Were the people 11.110 at 0112 1i/114 111'
0111411 11111441 1114211, 1111111i/11011 t1em.
great, gaunt, gloomy tenements': Ile
cant,. to a dreadful 'dace sar14-
eel: ros. -44 ifietnre 221 dosoia
tion and misery; 1110 tall 12:112.-12"ack
buildings showing- hardly any sign of
life in their tipper -21151-; 1,,.
10121 Ileing for 1111 most part teitam
ie.., ‚4(111,01.-: rmtely board,
over. It seemed •2)1111, blialit ha,'
fatten , IVer 1111' hold, first obl it era tin
the 'fields, and thee laying its wither
ing hand on lite houses 'that 11411 liven
222131.; on them. 11111 tel these melan-
vitrify -looking buildings w ere not
sminhalfited; here or there a
face was ekilde hut alway, 100111 -
ell or children; and perhaps the men-
folk a ere away at work somewher' in
a factory. !anyhow, under this .11111
gray sky. 142)11 a 'loll gray mist in the
air, and with a strange silence every-
where 20%(1111)1, the plare seemed 2,
City of the 'Dead; he could not 111111er-
-14I1 11i1 110W 11111111111 141-211144 colIld live in
it at elk
'4t last, hotieVer, he earlier to •-•,(1)11
open spaces that still bore .01111'
decipherable marks of the colliery
fine his spirits nisi. a little, ill e et ye
tried to sing '0 say, will you marry
ne, NIntiro?'—to forte
11110 a. kinti ZOI it were
and 1,, prove to himself that (Mau.
were not quite had after all, 1111;
the ward.. <'(411122 121 221.. tbroat. 1-11-
1'011'(' sounded sir:timely in this sile111
and sickly solitude. And at last 41,
aloud stock.d.211, to have a 11.114 ar
0111111 10001 11.2111, ittul to make oil
What kind Of plaee this wa, that le
had entered into.
Well, it teas a very strange 2211121 11
place. -it seemed trs have been forgot-
ten 'hy somebody, when all the other
land llear 41114 being )11011411rd
through by iedlway line, and Iteape.'
op into embankments, .11tedittebtedlt
there: were traces of 411., country stir
remaining and even of agrioniture•
here and there a line of trees, ',Witte,'
and nipped thy the poisonous air; a
hedge or '1141). 11i.thered
mid black; or ,patele of corn, of a pal.
lid and hopeless color; and a mead
ow with cartle feeding in it. Tint ftift
rnad that led thronght flwse
solitudeA quite new and made of
(tinders; in the distance it seemed 1'
lose itself 242 a network of railway
embankments; ohile the lifmketnimid
of this 'strange -dinuleartint of a 1111111-
544-'d3147 -,41 far as that could be seen
through the pall of mist and smoke
seemed to vonsin id further houses
iron works, and tall 'chimney -stack..
Anything more depressing and. dis-
consolate he had never gitite•sed•
nay, he had net idea that any such
('1)14l-f22rsakett neighborhood
anyawilere in the world; inlet he
1 11011011 he 1200.11(1 11111(.11 rather be
hawk at his hooks 011111 wandering
through this dead and spectral -land.
Miw,tover it was beginning to rain -a
thin. 111131112(1,111.1 drizzle 'that 'seem-
ed to han42 in the thick and clammy
air; and ,o he 5112(11214 +May 10 1210
right, in the direction of 'some honses..
guessing That tiliere he would find
ecin144 way of getting hack to the city
othe-r than that ghastly one -he had
come by.
By the time be had readied these
honses—a suburb or village this
seemed fto 'be that led 'in a .sarmiggling
fa.shion op 'to 'the crest of a small
hill —.11 was raining heavily. Now or.
dinarily a ganie.keeper in the II -flath-
eads 4, not only indifferent to rain,
nit ap.parently incapable of perceiv-
ing 'the existence tif it, When was
wet weal -len- at queer-I:Wilda! ever
known to interfere vgith the pursui.t.
or occupation", of ally,botlY?---\V:14Y
the lads there would as :loon have
thought of taking sbelter front tlu
raln as a terrier would. But it js anif
thing to be walking over wet heath.
er ht knicicerl)ocker-stockings 11(14'
shoes, 'the water quite 'clean, and the
exercise keeping legs and feet warn -
enough, land it is entirely anothei
Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, Un-
iversity of Western Ontario. Member
of College of Physicians and Surgeons
of Ontario. Office 43 Goderich street
west. Phone 37. Hours 2.4,30
7.30-9 p.m, Other hours by ap
. Successor 10 Successor to Dr. Chas. Mackay
DR, H. HUGH ROSS, Physician
and Surgeon Late of Lindon Hos-
pital, London, England. Special at-
tention to diseases of the eye, ear,
nose and throat. Office and residence
behind Dominion Bank, Office Phone
No 5; Residence Phone 104,
DR. F. J. BURROWS, Seaforth.
Office and residence, Goderich street,
east of the United Church.- Coroner
for the County of Huron. Telephone
No. 46.
DR. F. J. R. FORSTER — Eye
Ear, Nose and 'chroat. Graduate in
aledieine, University of Toronto 11897.
Late Assistant New York Ophthal-
mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's
Eye, and Golden Square throat hospi-
tals, London. .At Commercial Hotel,
Seaforth, third Wednesday in each
month from 1.30 p,m. to 5 p.m.
Physician - Surgeon
Phone 90-W, Office John St Sealort1'
Auctioneer for the County of Huron.
Arrangements can be .made for Sale
Date at The Seaforth News. Charges
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed.
F. W. AHRENS, Licensed Auetion-
ter for Perth and Huron Counties,
Sales Solicited. Terms on Application.
Farm Stock, chattels and real estate
property. R. R. No, 4, Mitchell,
Phone 634 r 6. Apply apt this office.
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
Mutual Fire Insurance Co
President—Alex, Broadfoot, Seaforth;
Vice -President, John E. Pepper,
Brucefield; Secretary Treasurer,
M. A. Reid, Seaforth.
F. McKercher, R.R.1, Dublin; John
E. Pepper, R.R.1, Brucefield; E. R. G.
Atrmouth, Brodhagen; James Watt,
Blyth; C. F. Hewitt, Kincardine;
Win. Yeo, Holmesville.
Alex, Broadfoot, Seaforth No. 3;
James Sholdice, Walton; Wm. Knox,
Londesboro; George Leonhardt,
Bornholm NO, 1; John Pepper, Bruce -
field; James Connolly, Goderich;
Alex, McEwing, Blyth No. 1; Thom-
as Moylan, Seaforth No, 5; Wm, 12.
Archibald, Sea -forth N. 4,
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, will be
promptly attended to by application
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respective post -
thing to be walking through mud
made -of black tinders, with claineny
trousers 'flapping ,cooly round -ones
ankles. tN,ay, so miserable was 101 't'his
,blesiness that he took refuge in -an en-
try leading into one 'of those lands'
of ;houses; and there he sitood, in the
cold stone passage, with a chill wind
blowing through it, looking .out 011
the 'swimming pavements, and the
black and muddy road, ,and 'the dull
stone walls, and -the mournful skies.
A bare -beaded ragged little boy came
crouching in '2 (74' shelter.
What plaCe is this?' he ,aeleed—be
was n -early prefixing an adjective -to
',place,' ,but regard 'for the innocence
of the youth prevented him.
`Speingleurn,' said the grimy -faced
urchin, looking, ap in amazement.
Illow far ia it from iGlastgolivr
(To Be Continued)