HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1937-09-23, Page 5THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1937 TETE SEAFORTff NEWS '''hese prices good till Sept. 29th P. & G. NAPT•HA SOAP 10 BARS 35 --- 3 TINS 21 AYLMER SOUP, Tomato or Vegetable 10% oz. HILLCREST BULK SOAP CHIPS 3 LBS. 25c St. Williams ORANGE MARMALADE PER JAR 1' 32 oz. BROOMS Rose, 5 String , . . EACH 2' c BROOMS Dandy 5 String, Polished Handle AYLMER TOMATO JUICE, New Pack 10x/2 oz. 5 TINS 2S c EACH "" JUICE, New Pack 1 2 TINS AYLMER TOMATO 25% oz. Green Giant Peas, 17 oz. per tin 15c Ivory Soap, Guest • Each 5c Red River Cereal per pkg. 24c Heinz Catsup, large bottle per btl,.,19c Chase & Sanborn Coffee, is Each 37c Shirriff's Fancy Free Dessert, Butterscotch, Carmel Vanilla 3 pkg. 25c Royal York Tea Orange Pekoe, I/as Each 30c Swansdown Cake Flour per pkg, 35c Fancy Red Cohoe Salmon, Unicorn or Golden Net is s 15c Interlake Toilet .Tissue 3 rolls 25c Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour per pkg. 18c FAIR DAY—FRIDAY ONLY Shaker Salt, plain or iodized per pkg. 5c Pure Black Pepper, in 1 ib bags 19c Beaver Blueberries, new pack 2 tins 29c Connor's Chicken Haddie 2 tins 25c Bulk Cocoa per lb. 15e Chocolate Drops per lb. 19c Castle Wax, is per tin 25c Infant's Delight Toilet Soap per cake 5c Colgate's Tooth Paste per tube 20c Mazda Electric Bulbs, 40, 60 Watt Each 20c Magic White Bleach 3 btl. 25c Aylmer Spinach, 13 oz. per tin 10c McLaren's Jelly Powders, Assorted 5 pkg. 25c Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING EMBALMING Motor or Horse 'Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 The Willys Having driven cars of many kinds -in the 'past twenty -%five years, 'I find the Willys is the Queen of then. all. It is good for %fifty miles per hour ad'1 day long and runs as smooth as velvet. The saving in ',first cost would build you a concrete silo, orinstall hydro do your home. 111he saving in operating per year would pay your yearly hydro bill or lofts wf ot'her things. The Wiilys will make your dollars go ,Farther: See me at the Fair. J. E. HUGILL AGENT Phone 34-616 STANLEY Mr, and 'Mrs. A•rdell 'Grainger and 'little daughter Nancy were guests with Mr. and -Mrs. Russell !Grainger for a few •days last •week. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Westlake spent the week end in .Linton and St. Thomas. PHONE PHONE 77 Good Equipment makes a Good Farmer Better FOR QUALITY & SERVICE BUY McCormick Deering Farm Machinery AND REPAIRS From Your Local Dealer DEAR CUSTOMERS: Farm Machinery has advanced in price, but we are able to fill and take new orders for a few more days at the old prices until our new list ar- rives. We would advise you to place your orders now for any machines you wish to purchase the coming year. Please Note: If you give us an order and found you could not take possession of machine, we would gladly keep same and sell it to some- one else, as the difference in price will make it very interesting. JOHN BACH Main St. Phone 17 WINTHROP The Ladies of Cavell •Ghureh held a very successful home cooking sale last Saturday. Mrs. Reinke of Sea - forth held the lucky ticket for the quilt. We were pleased to see our "bonier teacher, !Mer, (Gordon ,Rennie. He has been engaged as principal of Staid - ridge 'School. Congratulations `".Satn- my.,, Send us the 'names of your visitors, This appeared in The 'News four years ago, in '19313. !when Winthrop won the 'Sltephenson Cup. It was prophetic, for the Cap did re- turn to Walton, and remained 3 years. Walton has won the Cup 19313, I11934 -5-h6. The Cup leaves Walton till's year for St.Col umban, the 19317 H. 'F. A. champions. '1' e •Cupi is saying: "Goodbye, by Wal- ton friend,: ,,r. will we say NU RE- 'WDrRl" 4014100. PGE FEV TOWN TOPICS \I. Mara.ot Mart R.N., of Qttuhenet .pent , •mid :r her home here. 11r. John 11nthain ;sr. \h•. Ernest Sort en,, 11r W. C. B wenn, Mr. Har- old Cummings, and Mr. Charles Pin - der. :;hent Saturday and 'Sunday. in Detroit and Windsor. VII, and Mrs. 'D. It, Taylor and N \allele 'Yenning or Belmont .pent Sunda) with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. iGov' Itecl< of IEgmond•vil1e. The S trlaiity Girls are holding. a dance on Fridey, Oct. i1, in the 1. 0O!0.F. Hall. The one -mill Government subsidy amounting to 1)131.45, was received by the tue'n 00 Monday. lir. and \its. Will Griffin (Jean Morrison) of Eloise, Mich., formerly of Seaforth, Mrs, John dDodd, and her daughter tPl.il ,Kalmar of London were visiting friends in town on Wednesday-. Mr, Jim Sherwood left this week to take_ a one-year course at 'O. A.C., Guelph. Mise es ;Evelyn Carmichael and Prances Bragger left Monday for Alma College St. Thomas. Mr. Murray Fowler and bride of Windsor and Miss !Florence %Fowler, Bluevale. spent the week end with Misses Cresswell, Mr. and Mrs. T. Crich of Clinton spent Friday with Mrs. R. E. Coates, Mrs. Lindsay of !Fdohence is visit- ing. her brother, Mr. Thomas Staples. Harvest Hoene Supper will be held in the parish hall under the auspices of the Ladies' Guild of St, Thomas' Church on Thurs., Sept..Oth, Mr. Edgar Brownlee of Windsor spent a 'few days this week wide his parents,- Mr.. and Mrs. Geo. Brownlee. Mr. John MoPherson of Saskat- oon is visiting this sister. Mrs, Alex. 1 PcNtab and Mr. MCNah. Among those attending the funeral of the late Mrs. %Frank INendick, To- ronto, 'held from the home of her brother, Mr. R. %F. Jones, were: Mr. Frank INendick, Mr, Charles Nen- dick, en-dli k, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Saunders, Lad Mr, 'Herb Saunders, of Toronto; M.r. and Mrs, Louis 'Henn, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs, 'A. J. iSloa•ne, and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. 'Sloane, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, A. IE. Jones and daugh- ter Inez, and son •Robert, Oshawa. \Ir. and Mrs. Sherman Stewart and two sons, of Crystal City, Man., are .pending a mantle with the former'. iparen•ts, Mr. and Mrs, 'Geo. Stewart. Mr. Will Brine spent the week end its Windsor. Mr. Arthur Deeny and !Miss Emily Deem and Mrs. Samuel Deem and her sister, Mrs. Campbell, all of To- ronto. spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. William Deem. A number from town attended the Conservative meeting at %Goderioh on Monday evening addressed by Mr, Denton Massey, ;Misses (Dorothy Reinke and Eliza- beth Broadfoot of Hamilton spent the !week end' at their homes. Mr. and Mrs Charles Westaway of Hamilton were visitors on Sunday with the latters parents, Mr, and Mrs. 'Montgomery Patrick, Tucker - smith. Mr. and Mrs, Bernard lRautenberg of Buffalo were guests during the week end with Canon and Mrs, :A,p- ,pleyard. Mr. 'Rautenberg. who is a nephew of Mrs. Appleyard, thalds an official position in connection with the city council of ,Buffalo. He was once noted as the ,best of Canada's boy Singers and (fated engagements throughout Canada and the States, Mr. Beverly Beaton underwent an operation at London on Wednesday morning. Miss 'tIna (Gray spent a few days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gray of Stratford were visitors with the tat- ter's mother, firs, W. E. McMillan on Tuesday. Mrs. W. Edmunds is spending the week with her son Mr. Jack Ed- munds, in Mitchell. 3Fr, Arthur Edmunds o'f Hamilton spent the week end in town. Canon E. Appleyard is exchanging with Rev. E. L. Roberts of Wingh•am For Harvest ITthanksgiving services next Sunday 'morning. M.r. lGeorge (Jackson arrived- home on Monday from an interesting trip through ;Northern 'Europe, including a visit to Moscow. ST. COLUMBAN ITlhe C.\\f,l, (held their monthly meeting Sept. 112, with •Mrs. O'Reilly in the chair. Minutes were read by Mrs. O'Connor, It was moved and se- conded ;that Mrs. (O'Reilly and Mrs. O'Connor attend the convention leeld in Stratford on Sept. 38, 339 and '3t1. Two dollars are being given to the pupil who got highest. at En- trance. The social in St. Co}umba'a 'an Thursday, Sept. 33, is being postpon- ed •until a tater date. Miss Lucy Burke returned to Lon- don on 'Monday to resume her duties as teacher, Miss .Clara Eckert reopened her school- on 'Monday, Miss Genevieve Atkinson is 'house from Seaforth hospital after her re- cent operation for appendicitis. WINTHROP We were 'sorry to learn of the death of Robert 'Dodds and Samuel Smith. T'hey•were Thoth long residents of 31rKMop. Mr. and Mrs. Peter ;McCowan of Roxboro, 'Mr. and Mrs. (Foster Ben- nett. Mona and B'i17ie and Melvin Merriam of Seaforth spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 'George Eaton. Waking use potatoes and doing the fall ploughing 'and cutting corn is the order of the day.- %P'otatoes are air Al trot,. \le have had smog very heavy •-este, hut the v,' e' • is kle.il apt under. +r- a 'tonsil op= t.tratiort last weak. St. Joseph's Convent Phone 106 PLAN( s. \ 1h)1.1\, .\N1) \(ie'\l i,ESSC,7 'Neils prepared for Tort Int( 1'I,itser%at. try I xatuileatlttns HARVEST HOME SUPPER THURSDAY, SEPT. 30 Ft, )1n. '3:30 b, 7;30 1n the parish hall under the aus- pices of the Ladies Guild of St. Thomas' Church Admission 35e ELIMVILLE Nit.. and Mrs. Wilbur Booted and \tberta of !'Toronto were week -end visitors with 11r. and, Mrs, tWes. Johns. Raliv day .service -was head last Sunday morning in this church. Rev. Mr. Penrose and \ii Alvin Pym were in charge of the p'ro'gram. Elgin TUCKERSIMIITH 'rJ•I 11•111.1ar e VHniil:t .1 ,"slob.•;-nC 111 Al r cul Jan, Iita t,,. ,1 at their '1 -rite .seri iei;ra t'J t'lll w t'ii a . tp, ,rv,:rr. 1r. ;mel lir,. ".ark tittiti is II aul:r%P their plea. ;an' ev•>ni I t:4. nt in PLO J,anle. :0411 '1 'ht'ni0°•I igl•f':I ant' l'T!.: Toric gib, all. HILLSGREEN '.11,thouoh - it rained •on Sunday, large crowd; cause out to hear Rev, R. R. Conner of Entbro 1 the anni- versary- services in the Hdl`;reen Church, when -he gave two -inspiring r,lsenns, The choir gave sneeial an- thems and al the everting ervice a duet. "The Beautiful 't uden," by MTS. Ludt and NIrs. Long, was very fitting tiny the sermon. Mrs. Chas. Stephenson and Miss I:nmwt Me Bride of Make have left for a visit to the West. •Mistses Agnes Lose and'Annie Jar rot. visited Mrs. W. 'Hntxtable at Centralia during the week. Mr.. and Mrs., W. Reichert were visited with relative from Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Richardson spent 'the week end with his, sis-ter at 1 i}dsouiburg. %Rev. R. R. Conger and Mrs. Con- ner and%Elaine were -week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I „! 1 H. Cochrane, 'They also called on other friends. Mr. toed Mrs. B. 4I'.- Cariite of Hurall visited at the home of yLr. W. Jevr•rott. Mr. and Mrs. W. Homey were vis - Skinner and ,Audrey Prance read pas- ited with relatives from (Owen Sound. sages of Scripture and Margaret Johns read a story front the sheet. Rev. Penrose grave the ae'dh•ess A Jame crowd gathered at the 'home of Mrs. Kenneth !johns on Thursday evening das't when Mrs. John De1bridge was given a kitchen shower. IA small evergreen tree was decorated with balloons, containing slips of paper on which were written directions for • ind'ing the various ar- ticles hidden in many different places. A •large number of lovely cream and reel enamelware were among the gifts. Mrs. Delbridge thanked the do- nors for their gifts. Contests were given out, and solved with more or less success. d.uee ie Was served and enjoyed. McKILLOP Among those from a distance at- tending the -funeral of Mr. 'Robert A. Dodds, were Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Smith. Ili. and Mr Stanley Ring. of Stratford Mr. and Mrs. Gold,' Knights, +Mr. and Mrs. John Jordan, and Mrs. Jordan, Sr.. of Esu se.,: Mrs. Minnie Cole. of Clinton. LONDESBORO Mrs. 'John Stephenson of Ethel is visiting with Mrs. E. Crawford. Mrs. \Vnh Lyon' is spending a few days with Toronto friends. - Dr. 1 Whitely and Mrs. Whitely, of Gorrie. Mr. and Mrs, W. Archam- hauit of Auburn were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. k'.ungblutt Satppday. Mrs. Geo. Oliver of 'Sault Ste. Marie and her son, of Brantford, were callers on Mfrs. E. Crawford on Sunday. • This fancily were residents of Londesboro many years ago. • The United Church will hold their anniversary services ton %Nov. 70.11. and probably a fowl supper also. Ar- rangements are not yet complete. Several W.M.S. ladies met with the Constance branch on Wednesday afternoon, Sept,. . Church service and Sunday School stere held as .usual last Sunday. No more cases of infantile paralysis leave been r,lorted itt this _vicinity. Schools held in rhe eharch Sunday *stating L n o,>, red un \'landay. next at 'ten o'clock, -to be sponsored \'tally Dar service \will be held by the Sunday Sehool. Special music in the auditorium of the chlirch on by S.S. choir. Rev. A. W. 'Gardiner, �tnulac morning at ten a'clack. guest speaker. .A .baptismal service \ special rally day service will be also. 'Everyone welcome. ERAL Goderich WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 29th 8 p.m. GARFIELD CASE. K.C. r,f ( )teen Sound Exeter FRIDAY, OCT.1st, 8 p.eei. MR, S. P. SHANTZ, Toronto kaveasamosommaroarumativerammassarasgaguaresamserammirosa Clinton Town Hall THURSDAY, SEPT. 30th 8 p.m. MR. S. P. SHANTZ, Toronto Zurich SATURDAY, OCT. 2nd 8 p.m. J. G. GILLANDERS, K.C. of l.tmdon Mmematemuloanaosamememmrsanrowneameasimarmaa Seaforth CARDNO'S HALL Monday, Oct. 4 8 p.m. R. J. DEACHMAN, M.P. of Witegham James Ballantyne the Candidate will address the meetings, and other local speakers. To the Electors of Huron: After consultation vvitia outstanding temperance men in this Rid- ing, I atn in the field for election to the Legislature as an Independ- ent Temperance Candidate. The eyes of the Province are on this Riding, The Canada Temp- erance Act passed by an overwhelming majority of the people of this County has been pouted by the Hepburn Government, and beer rooms have been established within its bounds in defiance of the will of that majority. The people were not allowed to vote on the ques- tion of establishing these beer rooms in what had been recognized for many years as dry' territory; but novo that they are established the people are told they mist take a vote to get rid of them. And. if a vote should be taken, who will be allowed to vote? Only the people of the Towns in which the beer rooms are situated: The people td the Townships surrounding these Towns, who are affected by them almost as much as if they were residents of the Towns, will have no voice in the decision. - ls this Democracy? 'Is it Fair Play? Do we have to stand for it? In the circumstances forced upon its by the politicians, the only way to secure a clear expression of the will of the, people is by the candidacy of a non-party man placing this question before the elect- ors as the paramount issue. The candidate endorsed by the so-called "Temperance Federa- tion Convention" was upheld by some forty voters at that conven- tion. Where are votes going from the thousands of temperance peo- ple who never even heard of a "temperance convention" being held.? Not all, byanymeans, to either of the party candidates this time. This is an opportunity• perhaps rhps the neatest we will. ever get to taking'liquor curt of party- ►. itics. Voters, do you believe in letting a few men at "Toronto impose their is upon the the usand:s of free anal intelligent electors of this County ? Tile eye; +,f t'hcP treat on Huron. if we do not speak, up for ours Ives, vv1?r% ssill 7 \. `t o,„ d1:.1-1 i'_.A'1